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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1934)
! f ! T Sfcr- r= ** r C. J. BRIER & CJ »MPANY ONTARIO S TORE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMEN ANDREWS SEED CO. ¿M Centrally Located In Ontario the C J. Brrier & Co. Store is the Hom< Quality Merchandise at Moderate P: ce s—Now Under the New Manafemeni Mr. L. R. LeMert. The C. J. Breier and Co. of Onta: o which is now under the management it Mr. L. R. LeMert represents the last word in modern merchandising. This is a leading store which brings trade a< t- ivity to this community on account of their modem policies. No matter whtt may be your needs in their line, you rannot do better than to visit this poo- ular store and see their stock. They are in the business of selling dry goods, ladies’ ready-to-wear, furnishings, wc k clothes and shoes. > * The success of C. J. Brier and Com pany’s service is due to two elements in the organization and conduct of thi3 modem store—the fact that it is con ducted along the most modem lines of organization and collective buying and the service in this establishment Is of the highest order. The idea of collective buying and tile conduct of a number of stores from one large buying establishment, where buy- ing is done on a large scale, is t ! creation of the hour, and the fact tl it has met with success proves that has taken its place in latter day me • chandislng. This gives the advantage of a buyer who understands materials an l prices as makes a continual study an l comes iii contact with world trade. The appointments of this store are of the very latest, all the display arrant ■ ments being of; the latest type. Spec l attention is paid to seeing that t! • stock is kept in perfect order and goo 1 condition. The service in the Ontario store of C. J. Breier and Company is the very be . The sales people are all specialists in their departments, thus being able to offer valuable suggestions as well as t i answer all questions with that kno . - ledge of experience which relieves ths purchaser of all doubt and uncertainty. They are very courteous and no matter what the size of the purchase, you will find it entirely satisfactory. CABLES CHEVROLET CO, In visiting the show rooms of 1 e Cable Chevrolet Company, in Ontaria, popular dealer In Chevrolet automo biles, we are reminded that the day s recalled when a big man in the auto mobile industry made this statement, “The time will come when one-half million automobiles will be manufi.e- tured and sold in this country every year,” and George W. Perkins, famous banker of the times, stamped out of the room disgusted, called the man a dreamer and ended by growling, "If he has any sense he’ll keep those crazy notions to himself If he ever tries to borrow money.” This man was organizer of General Motors, the first units being Bulci;,, Cadillac, Oldsmoblla and Oakland. Today General Motors is the largest manufacturer of autmobiles In the world. The new 1934 models of tl* Chevrolet, a leading General Motors product, is on display at the Cable's Chevrolet Company, In Ontario. Pay this firm a visit and get more informa CONCRETE PIPE COMPANY -» i ' The Concrete Pipe Company, in On tario, Is an establishment that is truly a home concern that manufactures cement pipe, blocks and bricks at d concrete products, and In these pro ducts you are assured of a permanency that does not exist in inferior mater ials—as there is nothing to rust, noth ing to rot, and nothing to decay. There is probably no other commun ity of this size that is better equipped in this respect, for this well known and popular concern has provided modi si and scientific equipment for the pro duction of cement products. As the world’s greatest authorities have approved the recent inventions in all kinds of equipment, they have been immediately adopted by this company, and this fact, coupled with the main tenance here of one of the most mod em and up-to-date plants in the stale. Is responsible for the very satisfactory service being rendered by this firm to patrons all over the country, and for HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL The Holy Rosary Hospital located in Ontario is an institution that Is of great aid to the sick and is aiding many to speedily recover from what, without the mins tc ring aid of this institution, might prove to be long and serious ill ness. The Holy Rosary Hospital Is com pletely equipped and they install any thing and everything they can to hi !p their patients. They specialise In medical, matem ty and surgical cases and all that is nec essary when one is taken ill is to o i l the ambulance and be taken there where one will be placed under the care of specialists and able nurses. The Andrew* Seed Company, In On tario, is one of the largest and most re liable institutions of its kind in this section of the state, doing an extensive business in the buying and distributing of field seeds, clover and alfalfa. This concern’s service also Includes complete cleaning and large storage. Thousands of dollars are brought in to Ontario each year through the trade channels presided over by this well known house and a number of people are also given employment 6y them. The fact that their trade extends all over the surrounding sections, their special field brings new faces, new business and add to the prosperity of the city in whjch they are located. A feature of the very satisfactory service of this popular concern is the courtesy and accommodation which marks their dealings with their many patrons. The establishment is under the direction of competent business men VALE SUPPLY COMPANY who have associated with them only The Vale Supply Company, conven such assistants as (an be depended up iently located in Vale, Is one of the very on to render the most courteous and modern stores in this section that is magnanimous service. meeting the demands of the day and will in the future see great strides in its The Andrews Seed Company has a business. This store is one of the lead host of friends as well as patrons ing mercantile stores of this part of the throughout the community and has country and has a very high class of always been courteous, ready and will goods at prices that are very reason ing to give the best service possible. able. The management are very able buyers and have the intuitiion to know We are very pleased to compliment what the people of this section desire. the Andrews Seed Company and in this As a consequence the goods are all sold edition wish to direct our reader’s at out very rapidly and there is always a tention to this firm as among the im new stock there. portant business places of the home They feature Ladies’ ready-to-wear, community and to its management as among our best citizens. They are pub dry goods, ladies’ and gent's furnish lic spirited and have always enjoyed an ings, shoes, men’s work clothes and a complete line of hardware, farm imple enviable reputation. ments and machinery, a n d allied We wish to refer our readers to the lines. They stock o n l y nationally Andrews Seed Company as one of the known merchandise! of the highest distinctive features of the commerical quality and in the latest styles. The drygoods department is one of the most efficiency of this part of the state. complete and is purchased by a buyer of very discriminating taste. As for the other departments, know matter what may be your needs in their lines, you should drop in and look over their MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY The history of man’s communication with distant! places dates far back into the past ages. It is a history that tells of great human endurance and suffer ing undergone in order that messages might be carried. The first messages were carried by authorities upon matters pertainin t runners, and then by riders. Everyone their lines. knows the history of the pony express. The D. T. Sleep Packing Plant er. ploys a number of people in their p! ■> Once it took days, weeks and months many of whom are most highly sk ! I to deliver a message to a distant point, workmen, and thus the trade has t . ; but today it is only a matters of min advantage of the work;' of people v, > utes and seconds. What a world this would be without have spent the better part of their li . at this business. This concern has pre ' ! a telephone. Your telephone will put you in touch with any part of the world en to be one of the most valued ad, in a few minutes. Why waste time and tions to the industrial organization money traveling miles to make that the community and has become one business deal when it can be put over our leading and most substantial e by telephone so quicky and easily? terprises. When you travel you can keep in touch An attitude of progress and coop with home folks by telephone. tion has been shown toward matters To the inventor of the telephone, a civic nature and Ontario and t Alexander Graham Bell, should be vicinity’sfuture looms brighter bee; of the fact that the D. T. Sleep Pc ing Plant through their executives a employees, may be counted upon > bear their share of civic responsib. and take an active part in all move ments that tend toward the growth and development of this entire district. Since the dawn of civilization man has required shelter. Travel in the days of our forefathers was an arduous and painful process, mainly because of the fact that accommodations for tlie weary traveler were few and far be tween, and where they did exist were tion as there are many things to con - usually very unsatisfactory. Consider sider in buying a new automobile. the ancient Roman. • When he went No matter whether you happen to traveling servants were sent on ahead a business man, farmer, livestock gre to arrange for quarters in distant er, or manufacturer, the motor cor.' cities. This was very Inconvenient and pany' sponsoring this historical storv expensive. Next came the old Inns, with ready to take care of your wants wi their bamllke lofts, and unsanitary a car suitable for the purpose you d - sleeping conditions. What a far cry to sire it. the modern hotel system. In this review we are glad to cor > • Today one needs only to step to the phone and make reservations at such liment this concern and the cars th good hotels as the Moore Hotel in On handle and assure you that you will i celve a courteous reception a t thi.; tario. which is one of the most metro politan hotels in this section, contain place. ing clean and modem rooms at rea One of the most important improve sonable rates and very best dining room ments of these new cars is a new fro or Coffee Shop service. In this compre wheel assembly which abolishes the hensive review of progress we deem it Beam axle and the old front sprin- This improvement is called Kntc Action Wheels. The difference in cor fort produced by Knee-Action Whee specially on the back seat, is imagination. Call on this popular auto mobile dealer and ask for a demons1 1 ; - Gilley’s Women's Wear Shop In On tion of the car-glide. tario, is one of the most complete ladles' ready-to-wcar stores of this sec tion of the state. Individuality and distinctiveness of design are noted in specialties and ready-to-wear from this establishment, the fact that every patron of the cc i - and this is In a large degree responsible cern is also a loyal supporter and a for the extensive trade of this store. First, they insist that their service consistent booster for it. be dependable. You know that you are This is a local concern manufactur ng going to get value and courteous treat the best concrete products. It has f he | ment when you trade here, because best equipment, and expert workr r. past experience has taught you that What we wish to call to our reaci ; they are personally Interested In you attention Is, however, that It Is t r - and your trade. Next, they leave noth duty to demand this firm’s produc - ing undone In their efforts to provide not only because they are superior, l i you with the very best that can be had It Is a local concern and merits your for the money. In the Gilley’s Shop is found not only support. the styles and materials In most popu In conclusion, wc wish to state tl- ; lar vogues today, but the most conser the manager and assistants have tr i vative of modiste garments that have a commendable int"rest In all proj ; > met with universal approval. As regards that furthered public improvem;. , prices, you will find that these gar and that they have been willing 1 1 ments, which hang In graceful and be anxious to aid in growth and expar. >» coming lines, are offered at most rea- of not only Ontario, but the ent ; country, at all times. Therefore, ,u firm has merited the popularity . 1 liberal support that it receives and vs predict for it the continuance of U steady and prosperous growth. There Is no concern in this section that is conducted on a more modem They maintain a high standard basis than the Ontario Grain Co.. In have been very successful In carin'" Ontario, which has become a regular the afflicted and have placed mar. headquarters for the lines handled. the rapid road to recovery. This section is indeed fortunate to have such a progressive firm to serve The air of this institution Is Uu cf it in feeds of ail kinds, for it adds in tender gentleness and one Is our no little way to the progress and pros meet with the most careful and pe s- perity of the community. taklng service. The medical staff is There is great economy in using composed of medical men of experli. . feeds that are scientifically balanced, as there is no waste. The obsolete Idea The doctors are well qualified and j of having Just anything ground up for the latest and most sc.ent if 1c meth feed has been replaced by the modem The nurses arc well trained and tl. unselfish devotion to the cause of h - idea of securing sSlentlfically balanced manlty has inspired them to pre i rations foi* both animal and fowl. This themselves for the handling of all c i new idea is putting money into the pockets of the producer. that come under their direction. This concern’s poultry and stock feed It Is with pleasure that we detail la Is of high quality. Producers have this review the advantages of the li- > learned from actual experience that the Rosary Hospital and we wish to rei r best results can be obtained thru the use of Quality Gem Feeds made by this It to all of our readers. D. T. SLEEP PACKING CO With plant located in Ontario, the D. T. Sleep Packing Plant is operating one of the most important Industries of tl is section of the country. Radiating pro gress and industry, this is one of the very important factors in the commer cial and agricultural life of the district. Any firm (' at is made up of business men who aie interested in the growth of the entire community as well as their own business, will attain the greatest measure of progress and pros perity. This is the case with this con cern. It is with a feeling of pride that ;e can point to this well known firm .s being responsible in no little degree for the position that this district has gained as one of the foremost in this section of the United States. The manager and assistants know the business and appreciate the desir ability of real magnanimous service. They are prominent in the business 1 fe of the community and are consider’ d GÂTE C rrY JOURNAL, THUKS., OCTOBER 18, 19¿4 MOORE HOTEL The Smith Coffee Shop, convenient ly located in Vale, has attained a great popularity among the people from the surrounding territory as it offers the best of food and is clean and sanitary throughout. In traveling over the country you I will find nothing in greater profusion than poor restaurants. That is why it is Indeed refreshing to go to such an up-to-date establishment as the Smith Coffee Shop. It is unsurpassed in qual ity of food and accommodation of ser vice. When thd management went into Unobtrusively, quietly, and consider business, it was with the idea that a ately, you are served year in and year good modem restaurant would be ap out by a family of capable employees preciated by the local and traveling and executives working harmoniously public, that this principle was well together with Just one object in mind— founded is proven by the success al the good will and satisfaction of the ready attained. Here you will find g“ ests. everything pure, wholesome and delic iously appetizing. The service is equal ly satisfactory whether your order be large or small and you are made to feel that your trade Is desired and appre ciated by the management. That is one GILLEY’S WOMEN’S WEAR SHOP ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY concern. The Ontario Grain Company 1 s known as one of the most valuable commercial assets of the community, for it brings thousands of dollars Into this section each year, which would go to some other trade center were this progressive, complete, up-to-date con cern not serving the people in such a satisfactory manner. There is nothing that adds more greatly to the progress and prosperity of the community than progressive business men who appreciate the nec essity of keeping up with the times In the manner of operating their business. The management of the Ontario Grain Company is always courteous and seek to render the beat of service to their customers and help them In every way possible, such as answering questions and giving advice and infor mation on any and all subjects allied to their business. In this review we are glad to compli ment the Vale Supply Company upon their successful career in the business world of this section and to say that they have always kept abreast of the times. This accounts for the ever in creasing business of the Vale Supply Company. The Vale Supply Co., succeed the Vale Trading Co, and is under the same management who for the past 29 years has tried to serve the community so as to merit their patronage. They have just added a full and complete line of Variety store merchandise pric ed from 5 to 49 eents. save much each week on meat bills, and If properly put away, It will net them a handsome sum over a period of time. The prices are a result of lower over head, closer buying, doing a large busi ness and making small profits on each sale. In this review we are glad to compli ment them as people who make a con tinual study of the meat problems of the day and as conducting a market that is In advance of the times. We would advise anyone having trouble with the meat problem in any way to visit the Vale Meat Co. and make all of the family happy by furnishing them with pure meats and a balanced meal. The service of the Vale Meat Com pany is very pleasant and efficient. They will assist you in making up your orders and if you drive up here in the car they will see that all packages are placed in the automobile for you. SMITH COFFEE SHOP Both the local and transient trade have learned that this is a place where the demand for excellent food and rooms is more than satisfied. You and your family will be more than pleased if you will stop at the Moore the next time you are in Ontario. sonable figures, for while this store em Joys the patronage of the community, it is the most popular store within many miles among people of every walk of life. No sooner has any style been accept ed by the nation, than it at once makes its appearance in this store, and is presented in a variety of materials for the choice of people of this district. These are some of the secrets of the success of the Gilley's Women’s Wear Shop. These are some of the reasons why the experienced management finds that trade Increases each season. These are but a few of the reasons that we wish, in this historical review, to direct to the special attention of our readers, that have made this establishment one of the essential factors In the life of the community. The service at this store Is individ ual. The salespeople are 1 tudents of the types of people, correct styles of the day and of e x cllm t judgment, thus being able to aid the selection of gar ments that are becoming. Because of this and their policy of being satisfied with a reasonable profit on each sale. It is possible for them to offer remarkable prices on all of their goods. YALE MEAT COMPANY given tribute for the most useful of modem Inventions. By telephone We can swiftly apprehend criminals, stop The Vale Meat Company of Vale, is fires before they are hardly started and the place where quality, service and in many other instances save loss of satisfaction meet and where people time that may mean life or death. from the surrounding territory go to The cost of owning a telehpone is so find the perfect provision center. They sm ; 11 end the advantage so great that are gaining in patronage every day and you cannot afford to be without one. now are so busy that all goods are It is a fact beyond question, that \ turned quickly which makes both for ad qu; ‘ communication facilities are lower prices and for a new and fresh er entiil to the progress and expansion stock. c: any community. Therefore, in de Few, If any meat dealers, in this sec tailing the prospects for a Greater C. mmun’ ty it is with a feeling of sat tion have attained a prominence equal isfaction that we direct your attention to that of the Vale Meat Company for the accomodation of the public. They tc th's ccmponv. If you da not have a telephone, get in have an enviable reputation for clean touch with the Malheur Home Tele liness, insisting that everything about phone Company. At a very nominal their place be in accordance with the cost they will install one in your home most scientific Ideas regarding sanita or office immediately. No home or busi tion. Thus, they have assured the pub ness should be without this greatest of lic that fish and meat coming from their market are fresh, pure and whole modern inventions. some. Those who trade at the Vale Meat Company will find that they are able to quite appropriate to mention th i Moore as the pride of the home people, for it strives to infuse its services with the comforts of home and the comforts and conveniences that the traveling public must have. It has a reputation of be ing particular in its appearance and appointments, an d the guest a n d stranger possesses an advantage in re ferring to this hotel. stock. When a store is able to satisfy the most exacting demands of all classes of people, then it must be acknowledged that it has reached an enviable position in its trade. Such is the case with the Vale Supply Co. | BOYER FLORAL VALE NEWS STAND “Meet you at the Vale News Stand" is a common expression. This 1* an indi cation of the great popularity of this place. Since being establiahed it has gained in .favor until today, It occupies the position of being among the leading businesses in Vale. The mangement has appointed the place with ail the latest fixtures to make it attractive to the public, while the latest equipment has been provided at the counter for the) expeditious handling of the trade, and the conven ience of service. Here amid comfortable surroundings you are served with the choicest of dainties, lunches, sand wiches and beer. This is the place to secure your choice periodical. In addition to the service at the fountain they serve much Ice cream and candy In bulk. The manager Is among the live wire business meri and the place truly gives the town a metropolitan air. We are very glad In this edition to compliment Mr Hunt upon the high standing of the Vale News Stand In the social and business world of this section of the country, and to ask everyone to visit this modem place, not because they are lonesome, but because they love com pany. The large patronage that this con cern enjoys enables It to carry out the policy of “ Large sales and small pro fits.” New Way to. Hold False Teeth in Place Do false teeth annoy you by dropping or slipping? Just sprinkle a little Fas- teeth on your plates. This new fine powder holds teeth firm and comfort able. No gummy, pasty taste or feeling. Sweetens breath. Get Fastecth from The Nyssa Pharmacy or your druggist. Three sizes. —Advertisement. WANT ADS FOR SALE—600 tons of hay with lamb ing sheds. A. E. Rust, Nyssa. NovlJ ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Nell Dlmmlck is taking over the G. F. Foster Products formerly sold by Clifford Lathpn. Mall us your order, It will be given prompt attention. Mrs. Nell Dimmlok Route 1, Nyssa G26p FOR SALE—One 80A In government project. A few choice residence and business lots. Well located. W. B. Hoxle, Nyssa, Ore. FOR SALE—Apple elder 25 cents per gallon and Wlnesap apples 50 cents per bushel. Bring your own container. H. R. Sherwood, Nyssa. of the reasons for the great popularity of the Smith Coffee Shop. In this review we are pleased to com pliment them upon the much needed and highly appreciated service the Smith Coffee Shop is rendering to the public and to say that a hearty wel come always awaits you here. We refer this place to all of our readers as a good place to eat while In Vale. Many ladles express delight In dining at this place, not only because they are re lieved of the cares in serving a meal, but also because the food Is prepared In a manner exactly fitting In their own home. Nothing has been left undone to satisfy the most exacting guest. VOTE 36X H.E. Noah For County Comusioner “ A New Deal In County Administration” Mr. Smith the manager of the Smith Coffee Shop has made a special study of this business and consequently Is striving to give the people Just a little better service all of the time. He has arranged the place so that It la very attractive and insists that the service be kept prompt and courteous. RICHARDSON COMPANY FUNERAL HOME For many hundred of years the culti Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Phoe vation of flowers has been in progress. nicians and Persians all used the stone Flowers, shrubs and plants were being coffin called sarcophagus. Most of these grown in the gardens of Eurasia thous were cut from limestone, granite or ala ands of years ago. baster and were elaborately decorated Botany was first taught in the time and Inscribed. Much that we know to of King Solomon, and in the fourth day of these ancient peoples was re century B. C. the first work on botany corded upon their coffins and the walla was produced by a student of Aristotle. of their tombs. Theophratus. Piny the Elder spoke of Burial In royal and wealthy fam some 1,000 plant species. ilies have usually been Impressive af In the United States floriculture has fairs. The Egyptalns often prepared been a business for only about one huge pyramids of enduring stone in hundred years. Its growth during the which the bodies were sealed. tremendous. In times when loved ones must be last few decades, however, has been placed to rest there Is nothing more And out of this growth there have consoling than knowing that the fun emerged no more prominent florists eral has been placed under direction than the Boyer Floral Company in On of a competent and trustworthy fun tario. There is no florist who enjoys a eral director. Tha Richardson Funeral wider reputation for giving the cus Home In Ontario. Is experienced In tomers the most lovely and beauUful of directing funerals. There Is always that flowers. friendly, sympathetic feeling that As designers of floral emblems for means so much at such times. There Is funeral or for social occasions these every care and tenderness exercised In florists are artists of unsurpassed abil these last rites. You feel that every ity. They know how to blend flower* thing possible for human hands to do and colors so as to give harmonious has been done. combinations of remarkable beauty. We wish to avail ourselves of this The floral business is distinct from opportunity of expressing our admira ordinary business in that it is more tion for the Richardson Funeral Home. than a mere business and more than a They have earned the gratitude and re science—it is an art. Working with spect of all whom they have served. flowers requires knowledge of all the | laws of plant life. . You will find that the Boyer Floral j Company possesses all these necessary j qualifications. F your kidney* function badly and you hare a lame, aching back, with attacks of dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles, rheumatiq One doae of ADLERIKA quirk- pains . . . use Doan't PUli. 0 ly relieves gss bloating, clem* out BOTH upper and lowel Doan'i are especially for poorly bowels, allow* you to eat and functioning kidney*. Million* of deep good. Quick, thorough no boxes are used every year. They tion yet gentle and entirely safe. are recommended the country over. A i k your neighbor! HELP ¡(1 SUETS I S t o m a c h Gas General Election Nov. 6, 1934 " G - 3 " y ou r w h a d s Cor SAFE GRIP, time* more a cd - blowouta, accordlng icordsl And 8,4M testa showt smooth tir«* *kid TT% farther, other new tira* *feM 14tol9% farthsr, thannow fC -1 ” Goodyear All-Wcathara. TM * “ Goodyoar Margln o f flafa- ty” Costa you nothing extra— lot na quota on your alza “ G - J” l I t'a Doubly G u a ra n to o d I L Against road hasarda. X Against dot sets for Ufo. U W U E SERVICE • ADLERIKA NYSSA PHARMACY DOAN’S PILLS Nytta Oregon