Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1934)
\ THE GATE CITY JOURNAL W. F. AND ALUA McLINO. Pubhshen Subscription. Year------ • SI AO TV SubscrplUon. 6 Month* Btercd at tbs Post Office at Nyna, Oregon, as Second Claas Mattar UNSUNG HEROES Washing and Greasing It Pay« to Keep your Kar Klean We do greasing via the Standard Check- Chart system which assures a tiptop job. Open Day and Night POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Phone 1 NYSSA : GTT D. BROWN When road hogs meet they usually scrape an acquaint ance. We hear that when the code-makers tried to work one out for the glue factories they ran up against a sticker. Their own old-age pensions are paid by the thrifty. Take it from a Cardinal fan that the world series re solved itself into four ball games and three accidents. We have no patience with any new-calender scheme that fails to abolish the first of the month. NTSBA LIBRARY Opt-n Saturday Town patrons. 2:30 to 5:30 .put of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 All patrons welcome. Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Office in Residence Three Blocks South M. E. Church PHONE 25 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NON-HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bl'DGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a Budget Committee, oi the Non-high ROBT. D. LYTLE School held District State prepared of Oregon, a meeting in of detail said of Com mittee on of the Malheur 8th day County. of October, an at estimate the amount proposed to be school expended said Non-high District for all June pur 1. poses during the fiscal year by beginning June 1. School 1934. and ending Attorney and Counselor at Law 1935. and an estimate in detail of the probable receipts of said Non-high School District from all sources for the school year 1934-35 The Board of said Non- high District has in fixed 2nd day as of the November the hour of 10:30 said A. Furt National Bank Building M at School the Court House Vale. the Oregon, time and at place at which estimates may be discussed with the Board of said Non-high School District, Phons 86 at which time and place any and all persons interested will be heard for or Oiegoo Va* against said tax levy, or any part thereof That said estimates and attached or- I tginal estimate sheets are on file in the office of the Countv School Superin tendent open to made the inspection of all persons interested therein, and the and same are are there by reference a part thereof. RECEIPTS i i II. I. Cash on hand at beginning of the year .................................................. for which this budget is made None None Amount received from other sources TOTAL RECEIPTS..............................................................None EXPENDITURES *23.118.58 1 1. T uition________ H. D. Holmes 11.066 00 n . Transportation _ III. Election and Incidentals 175.00 200.00 IV. Travel Expense of Board Members TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE 1200.00 Man’s Heart Stopped, V VTI Interest on Outstanding Warrants 7291 97 Delinquent Taxes ......................... »43.685.55 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Stomach Ga* Cause | Osteopathy and Electrotherapy All Kinds of Hauling la Dated this 8th day of October. 1934. City Limito PHONE 201 W. L. Adams was bloated so with gas Chairman of Board that his heart often missed beats after J. D. Fairman Rex Marquis eating. Adlerlka rid him of all gas, and j Kathryn Caypool Ray Duncan PHONE • NYSSA OR. Vale. Oregon. now be eats anything and feels fine Secretary of Board The Budget Committee Nyssa Pharmacy-—dAv. Oct. 18-25_ IRONSIDE NEWS Shop, Smoke Shop. Al Thompson. W. C. Jeas Seavey, hop grower Iran Spring- Jackson. Lawrence Service Station. Dr. E. D. Norcott field. and his wife visited last week with Dwight Smith Olympic Club. Jas Lang their cousins Mrs. H. C. Elms and ton. Mrs. Geo. Schweizer. Mrs. Helen Nys*a Aerie DENTIST _>r«foc Elizabeth Whitmore. Sunday they mot Clement, Don Graham. A L. Barker, Ny»sa. ored to Jamieson to visit at the Morg Robt Freeman. Rosebud. John Thomp Office Phone J5F2 F. O. E. No. 2134 son Frank Pompeii. Orville Glenn. Reeidence Phon« J5F3 Carlile home. Coy Wise went to Burnt River last Mary Roberson Wm. Schireman, Joe TRUCKING Hardin and Earl Danley of Nyssa. week to purchase hay. X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Locey Bros, had a crew of men busy ana Meets Wed. Night at Eagles Hall RALLY DAY POSTPONED last Sunday and Monday skinning 200 Visiting Eagles Welcome old ewes which the government had TRANSFERRING Owing to the death of the late J. B. purchased. John Mothan. Wayne and Richard Smith, the Rally Day basket dinner was Phone 15 and Phone 28 Bernard Frost. President ! Lofton spent last week end at home. postponed from Sunday until October Guarantee Work Their teacher Mr. Dearborn was a 21. at the Nyssa Community Church. A ‘ Don M. Graham, Secretary C. KUNKENBERG guest at the Lofton home and hunted feature of the meeting will be talks by pioneer Sunday School teachers of this deer. ... WYCKOFF Quint Laurence visited here last city. Everyon is invited to bring a bas ket dinner and join in the event. week. Friday his daughter Mrs. S. Rose JEWELRY STORE and children accompanied him to H I I ■ ! H UHNI I l f s »'■ I'lOXtBCESEHEHa Unity to spend the week end. Official Time Inspecter for Mrs. Zetta Locey of Weiser visited relatives here last week. VALE HOT SPRINGS Union Pacific HI-SHEEN Pay Tague came from Silver City to spend several days at the C. P. Wise Eyesight Specialist SANITARIUM DRY CLEANING home. Saturday he left for Sawyers Oregon Ontario Bar. Calif, where he has employment Dr. D. A. Sexton, Prop. Mrs. Orville Nichols was hostess to Rheumatism. Diabetes, Paralysis the Lsdies club Wednesday with good Influenza, successfully treated. attendance. Mrs H C Ems and Mrs. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. Bruce Lofton gave a very interesting program pertaining to Columbus Day. - Specializing on the care ROOM8 AND BOARD Mrs. Arthur Simpson was elected presi At Reasonable Rates of Children’s Eyes. dent. Mrs. Arthur Nichols, vice presi Ontario, Oregon* dent and Dottle Howard, secretary- treasurer. Delicious refreshments were ;r iT m tiiitiiu ;i nm i Mitu nnm H ca«9 1 III B3 I HI Mi l'll ■ M M W tm M M M M M M served. E ll THANK YOU! Mrs Zens Rami aud has been a paid- Combination Mixing up subscriber for 16 years—almost as long as Phin Warren. This week she Sink Faucets renewed for herself and daughter Mrs. Makes old clothes look like new. Neal Ford at Tacoma. Wash. Chromium Plated feeds the fabric, odorless- The Journal say THANKS to the fol safe, true quality cleaning. lowing: Joe Carta. Jordan Valley: Net Insure In SURE Insurance $4.50 Installed tie Medesker. 8 D. Ooshert. Sally Den Try Mr new HI-Sheen Dry nis. L. K. Stephens. Wm. Coleman. Geo Cleaning —wi.h— R. Swan. W. A Fox of Sebum Auto Park. Howard Laraen. Dr. E. DNor- ONTARIO PRESSARY Very New Very Handy cott. Nyssa Elevator. N E. Hath New Nyssa Agent: Jess Thompson. Phin Warren. Mal Very Attractive Mrs. Margaret Pashley Reasonable Rates on Hay and Grain colm Crawford . Sid Burbidge. Nick Rudilck, Lou Ruddy. Fisher Apparel Beef > * O n th e O ld J o b •V J * City Transfer ■ Ju ic y X Attorney at Law Nyssa, Oiegoo deer edetur: 3 Ir. and Mrs. Duyn and family spent 1 heer that theare is to be a brand i r day in Vale. nue mayer and counsel elected fer nysa n coin’s basket ball team consisting next election; 1 spose they wil be put tin o' both boys and girls defeated Valley o' er sum new things fer the peepul; L i f boys 38-1. The girls made quite don gram is to be the mayer: 1 thing a acord for themi elves. a:xxx it i bet ole don wil keap things Oregon Trail defeated Valley View h imin i hope the counsel wil hum sum 23-3 Oregon Trail girls also won t w; i bleve 1 hev a gud slogan fer the 13 10 Friday. a. k -nU.dates. Instead of sayln a bustlin tewn. or a boomin town, or sumthln 111 e that, here is 1 thay kan use. "nys sa, the privyless town." we be sure S « 6 > , M red din a nue sewer, so we can burn up a lot :a the littul houses In nyssa bak Our Men’», Women’» yards, so the slogan abov shad be a gud 1. no charge boys, fer usin it. the STYLE BOOK s ogan i mene. 1 heer that mak the barbur. who Is 1 Fashion Frocks $2.98 to »10. of the nue kounciiman, jined a new Made to measure, new style book ledge tother nite; he ses he Ukt the »very two weeks, you can see the inishashun fine, awl except the treat samples. ment. Suits—Kahn and don gram belongs to a lotta loges Men's Tailored Lines. Two good ranges his sun vuz teliin a boy friend, and he Pioneer sez, ses he “my dad Is a elk. a legionar. in price. See them at— a k.p. and a eagle." "my*' his frend WE SPECIALIZE IN sea. sea he. "gee. what doze it koatto CLEANING AND PRESSING. see him?” tother day dock marshal was in a NYSSA entario stoar. and tels the good lookin f snail klerk that he «ranted to bie a TAILOR SHOP a presun t fer his wife, the klerk sez sez she kould 1 interust you in a sun bathln sute?" “shure." sea. dock, sea he. “you shure kud. but lets us fiz up the present furst." art kook, the good lukin marshal, sez that the death rate of storks in the Anna B. Pritchett D. O. virgin islands is sumthln terruble. yores trulie. Farmer Brown. EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD There is something fine and reassuring about the little touch of relief which good crops and good prices have brought to the farmers of this locality. Out of it are com ing experiences which revive one’s faith in the fundamen tal goodness of human nature. Those who have been hard pressed for years are taking prompt advantage of their favorable turn of fortune to settle the old accounts that they could not take care of until now. Take the case of a plain man well past middle age who walks in and asks in an apologetic tone, “How much do I owe here? It goes back three or four years, I guess, but it wouldn’t do any good to try to collect it before because I didn’t have the money. I’ve got it now and I wish to settle up.” He pays, with a buoyant feeling of pride and relief. That kind of frank, straightforward honesty hits you where you live. You know you are dealing with a man the We’re in the Market for— GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., OCTOBER 18, 1934 VAI IE JEW NEWS kind of a man who forms the backbone of the world. You r. ?.nd Mrs. I H. Brewer went deer know that if all men possessed his sei se of obligation, Former Brown’s ting Tuesday, honesty and fair dealing, his willingness to labor faith eorga irgrah: n and Eugene Hpai' fully for a living there wouldn’t be any crazy booms or - Observations I r.tirned with their deer. tragic panics because there wouldn’t be any gamblers or The O. K. Clothing club met Friday and discussed work for the coming cheaters to bring them about. Nyssa, Oregon. Oct. 18. 1934 year. 4 wm f Dr. J. A. McFall Is Always on Deck at Our Shop... it’s more wel come than ever owing to H. H. P. (high hog prices, but let’s not forget they are a real break for the farmer. “Meat Makes the Meal” See Us For Ice Nyssa Packing Co. PHONE 6 NYSSA, ORE. SPECIAL ! Protect What You Have Frank T. Morgan Lettuce WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID See Us Before You Sell Your Produce Geo. J. Kinzer Plumb«* T H U tru D II tl;| : M B I mill 1.1 IMI m u l l IQ l,l 11 U H D ll h Phone 134-J-I -».i A - ctiKiniiuumnui u I 12 12 | | | | | | NYSSA SHOE SHOP Inrites you to bring in your old shoes. What may seem beyond re- pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. \ DRINK MORE—USE MORE Rich, Wholesome Jersey Milk And Cream We Are Always Glad to Supply You With fixtra Deliveries Expert Leather Work F. H. HOGUE PHONE 17 NYSSA, ORE. NYSSA SHOE SHOP B um Shelter Dairy NYSSA OREGON U IBIU ,