Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1934)
CATE CTIV JOURNAL. THURS., Nom iseli i t . 1931 at the Dr. C. A. Abbott brated their 10th birthday anniversary Dinners Honor and home Mrs. Sunday In Nyssa. with ten classmates. Sarah Whipple and her sister Little friends made merry at a birth A. R. ClUpmand of Provo,, Utah day party Tuedsay for Ella Mae Al O lder Matrons Mrs. who visited heie until Sunday, w«te berts aged six. at a reunion at the home of W. C T. U. another sister Mrs. Albert Olsen at Next W.C.T.U. meeting on Tuesday Who Visit Here honored Caldwell last week. Their sister Mrs. at the home of Mrs. C. A. Abbott. Com- m. Mrs. Harriet Childers, mother of Mrs. W. W. Poster, left Thursday for Port land after several weeks visit here. After spending a time with her sister In Portland she will go on to Olympia, Wash., to spend the winter with her son Paul. During her visit here, Mrs. Cliildars was honored at a dinner at the Albert Lawrence home In Fruitland Harrington of Sweet could not attend ' pletion of the State Convention report owing to Illness but the reunion In will be given. Committees will be ap cluded Mrs. Joseph of Emmett. The pointed for Hot Tamale Sale. sisters were together for the first time FOR MRS. FELTON In many years. Rebekah ladies surprised Mrs. Mary BIRTHDAY PARTIES Felton on Monday evening, bringing Mrs. Andrew McGinnis gave a jolly her a gift and refreshments for a lunch birthday party Sunday for the twins at the close of the party. Mrs. Felton Viola and Rose McGinnis who cele- recently fractured her arm and is re maining at home for a time. SURPRISE OFFICERS To surprise Mrs. Manuel Brown and Mrs. Hendriks In appreciation of their helpful work In the L. D. S. Relief BULBS and PEONIES Society, members gathered at the home For Sale Now of Mrs. Alta Lamb Tuesday. About 25 guests were present and enjoyed a soc ial afternoon with refreshments at the close. Ontario NOW Is The Time To Plant Special Sale on Peonies Now! BOYER FLORAL COMPANY OWYHEE FOLK ARE SURPRISED Oregon It’* Important to Have Your Car— GREASED Before the Muddy, Snowy Season as grease keeps out the mud and dirt that is hard on your car. For a Thorough Job, the Checkchart POWELL’ S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Phone 1 NYSSA Owyhee—A surprise party in the form of a house warming was given by Ar nold Slippy for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wal ters and family In the new Walters home Saturday night. A large crowd enjoyed a buffet supper brought by ladies of the community. Claud Smith is seriously ill in a Cald well hospital from ruptured appendix. 1 An operation was performed Friday. Dale Glen is back in school after visiting his parents at] the dam. Miss Alta Bradley was called home from Boise by the death of her grand mother Mrs. C. W. Aldridge of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dtmmick and family were dinner guests In the John Lowe home Sunday. The Albert Rust family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Hite. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boersma and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Whitaker of Yak ima were looking over the project last week with a view to buying land. Robert Cox of Wapato, Wn„ is visit ing In the Dlmmick home while look ing at the land. He expects to locate here. Mrs. Chas. Bradley Is ill. Mrs. A. L. Garret of Middleton has come for an indefinite stay at the Hot Springs. T. M. Lowe Is clearing and fencing a large tract of new land on his Mitchell Butte ranch for spring planting. Junior Davis Is at home from the Nampa hospital after a severe illness. Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White attended a meeting of the ministerial associa tion conducted by Rev. Aiker of Vale on Tuesday. E at More - Use More SUNSHINE BUTTER A MALHEUR COUNTY OREGON PRODUCT SUNSHINE BUTTER Is manufactured from Malheur County butterfat—a product of Mal heur County farms. Our last a n n u a l report shows a return to farm-members of more than 15 per cent above the average cash price paid in the Snake river valley territory. Sunshine Butter Brings Sunshine Into the Homes of Buyers and Farmer- Producers. " '''» • J a u nder th e S w ift label of quality. O ur p a y ro ll in Oregon is Si,000,000 per year, expended n producing the following quality items: Premium Ham Brookfield Buttor Premium Bacon Brookfield Eggs ewel Shortening Brookfield Cheese ilver Leaf Brand Vigoro Pure Lard I tory—to learn first-hand that Oregon Quality has no superior and that it can be purchased economically. Spread on this page are a few of Oregon’s famous Quality manufactured articles and services. Your re tailer, no matter what you wish to buy, will gladly serve you with Oregon Production. T ry it! Test it! Become proud of it! "L E T ’S SELL OREGON TO OURSELVES 1" Swift Portland & Company • O f t l O O N CHI EF • Under this brand we pack ham, bacon, sausage, delicious lunch meat«, and offer them to you through your dealer. •M ille d s t A sto ria w ith th e same care that has surrounded its manufacture at Minneapolis for 70 years — Pillsbury’s Best Flour is offered you as a Qual ity product. The secret of really perfect baking, "balanced" flour and "balanced" recipes, comes packed in each sack under the Pillsbury label. • We believe sincerely in the Value of Q uality. We are as sincere in making It possible for Oregon people to purchase this quality, easily. Your dealer is fea turing Montag ranges and c irc u la to r heaters. He has a plan to bring one to your home. There it a M ontag Furnace end O il Burner for every heating requirement. The many employees of our institution *d **ts °®er*n* you Quality PHhbury Portland Flour Mills Co. • For Quality cereals, flour and feed — look for the Triangle trade mark. Ask for Triangle products. Triangle Portland Milling Co. Montag RAN GES— CIRCULATOR HEATERS O IL BURNERS — FURNACES Portland • W e e all y ou r a tte n tio n to th e growth and stabil ity of the pioneer mutual life insurance company west of the Rockies. It was founded in 1906 for service to the people. Todsy — it is so maintained. Oregon Mutual Life Home Office, Portland • A new 15-os. tin, a new label, s new K n ig h t’s a £ \ tomato juice fla- vorl Ask for it I Knight Pscking Co. Nu Bora Soap G ranules fo r ls u n d s r l n g fine fabrics, dishes and laundry. F ast 4 — Creamy sudst • Beauty lor your bedroom and com fort for you. Wool O ’ T he W e st, i 100% pure virgin I wool blankets. The 1 perfect sleep coy- ' ering. The Artisans Life Assn. 20$ Artisans B ldg., Portland Portland Portland Woolen Mills I • Serving th e g arm en t I trade with quality cords, tassels and fringes, drap- ery and upholstery trim- mings through the Ore- on dealers. Special or erà of all kinds. f i Sines 1900 — Best- ver brand, the stand ard for Quality. Mac a r o n i — fre sh egg noodles. 5 Martin Krausa Oregon Macaroni Mfg. Co. Portland Fringe Co. • Fruits, syrups, flavors, st your favorite fountain, are quality Gray ft Com pany products. Store fixtures, mechanical refrigeration, beer equip- t ment, bakery supplies. Cray Gr Co. OREGON-IDAHO Clossct fir Devers Portland — Since 1882 • In W A D H A M ’S D R IP Grind Coffee, you will find the high est possible quality. A true payroll builder. ^ Sperry Flour Co. FL O U R — SEED — CEREALS Portland m • For 77 years we • F or m any y e a rs wd have stated, "W hat Ore gon makes, makes Ore gon” — and what Oregon g ro w s m akes O regon grjyw. We present Crown B est Patent Flour as the perfect example of Ore gon production and Ore gon industry. have taken Oregon’a matc hless water, the cream of Oregon’s hop crops, combined it with experience and fair dealing— so that today, B lits-W einhard beer is a quality product, sold through ths bettor dealers evtryw hert. Crown Mills Portland Blits-Weinhard Co. Portland • E x p s rtly b al anced to comple m ent th e m ost d e lic io u s meal. K n ig h t’s Rogue River CATSUP. Portland— Medford W h e re th e r e j in d u s t ry y o l/ H fin d QRFGON Bayly-Alls • • r a n # Soap G ranules m ak es w h ite c lo th es w h ite r, ^colored c lo th e s f brighter. "A snowy T line in half the tim e.” Mt. Hood Soap Co. Portland • V ir g in w ool p ro d u c ts . B ed blankets, In d ia n k d esig n blankets, I auto robes, mack- li n a w i, c r u i s e r ' co ats, lo un g ing robes. Pendleton Woolen Mills Portland • W e a r-re sis tin g and shrink-proof — Bayly-AU ia a product which is your pro tection againat inferior m aterials and workmanship. W ork clothes, Cossack coats— corduroys — overalls. Bayly-Undarhill Mfg. Co. I Portland • Comfort, good I looks and long w ear r ara built in B ergm m ann shoes. For drei sport wear. /¡P - "¿Sr i Theo. Bcrgmann Shoe Mfg. Cft Portland • FU LLER — manu facturara and jobbers — painta, glass, sash, doors. Dealers evary- where in the W est. • When you desire a better envelope, insist on M ail-W ell. Note their beauty, strength and utility. W. P. Fuller & Co. Mail-Well Envelope Co. Portland Q U A L IT Y O N L Y T H IS MESSAGE TO OREGONIANS, W IT H ITS TH EM E O F "L E T ’S SELL OREGON TO O U R SELV ES”. HAS B EEN MADE PO SSIBLE THROU GH CO-OPERA TIO N OP T H E O UTSTANDING FIRM S L IST ED ON T H IS PAGE. Western Tool & Die Works, inc. Rose City Label Co. Tools, Dies, Metal Stampings, Models Labels for packages and other purposes Portland Casket Co. Portland Chemical Co. This is advantageous to every family in the state and ws srs glad to do our part consistently, for the industrial development of Oregon. " Oldest N ational Bank W est of Roc tie a* Now rendering State-wide banking Service w ith 17 branch offices. P o rtltU Rasmussen fir Co. THE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Haley Canning Co. Oregon Division of General P aint Corp. Meat Loaf and Canned Chicken products Port Investment Co. E. Berkheimer Mfg. Co. Oregon M utual Fire Insurance Co. • Epco Neon illum ina J. Roofing and Roof Coating tion m a k e s b u s in e s s Pittsburg Plate Clast Co. The brighter in Oregon. At Brass Works Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers ft Enamels te n tio n - co m p ellin g — Oregon Bronze, Copper, A lum inum , for all United States sales-producingt Multnomah Battery Mfg. Co. purposes. "M ultnomah-Quality B atteries" National Bank Electrical Products Portland Ceneral Electric Co. Power and Light Corp. Headquarters! Portland Portland, Oregon Chas. H. Day Co. King-Fisher Mattress Co. Conveyors, Trucks, Castsrs, Wheels, High Grade M attresses Pilers, Scales Portland Branches: CHROM IUM and N ICKEL PLATING Iron Fireman Mfg. Co. 8. E. Grand Ave. at Alder Iron Firem an Automatic Coal 8toktrs • All kinds of metal plating, finishing, George L. Baker, Florist, Inc. Philadelphia and Jersey St. polishing and lacquering. Prompt atten "Flow srs for all Occasions." Bradley Pies Restaurants and Stores. Union Ave. and Killingsworth tion given out-of-town orders. Milwaukie Ave. and Powell B ird. Pies at good Columbiaknit Swimming Suits, Knitted Outerwear Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co. Oregon Brsnches: and Dresses American Hecolite Corp. Outdoor Sport and W ork Clothing Albany Oregon City St. Helens 536 S.E. 6th Aye., Portland McMinnville Salem Pendleton Mt. Angel The Dalles Airy DEVELOPING INDUSTRIAL OREGON Z j ALL TH IS • Low cost electric power has helped make it possible for many Oregon Industries to manufacture products which are sold successfully in competition with those The First National Bank W EEK W ATCH from other states. Successful manufacturing companies mean steady payrolls and economic stab ility ^ OF PORTLAND 1305 N W. D aris Street, Portland PesdatdX FOR TH IS SIGN OF QUALITY i!=RS • RETAI! Northwestern Electric Company Pacific Power & Light Company ERS FARIM í OBRS • LO C£E£J)£> • M A N U F A C T U R E R S • C O N O SU M IR S urselves OREGON PRODUCT DAYS And Every Day in the Year Farmers - Cooperative - - Creamery J • Favorites for over 25 years Sperry Flour, Pancake and W affle Flour. Ask our dealer — $2,100.00 cash prises in /b est H earts limerick contest. Easson’a Soap, Inc. • For forty years s provider of sound life insurance to Oregonians. A 100% home product w ith nearly 100% of its investm ents in Oregon. f7///y ■ J / s y • Coffee e x p e rts agree th a t Ore- ion’s atmosphere s ideal for coffee roasting. Add to this, the finest cof fee roasting pro cess, T herm a lo , plus a flavorful blend of the world's finest green coffees. Real reasons why GOLD EN W EST CO FFEE ia such s favorite with Oregon retailers and consumers. Wadhamt fir Co. Portland Portland Provision Co. EAT MORE—USE MORE SUNSHINE BUTTER % W EEK Oregon takes inventory of her pres ent and her future. Manufacturers, retailers, and T tion HIS consumers are asked to test, critically, the produc of Oregon—whether from forest, farm or fac section of reeon sends us « to Every its finest produce be p ro cessed Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA . OREGON —Carrie«— MONTAG STOVES Range« and Heaters Made in Oregon Buy Oregon Goods—Build Oregon Buy At Home—Build Nyssa Larsen Motor Company Features MT. HOOD BATTERY, Oregon Made A real battery at low prices Mt. Hood Battery, 6 mos. guarantee........... $4.95 Mt. Hood Battery, year guarantee............. 5.95 Mt. Hood Battery, 18 mos, guarantee......... 6.95 PHONE 43 Nyssa, Oregon