GATE CITY JOURNAL. THÜRS., OCTOBER 11, 1934 LITTLE N EW S OF NY SS A Wendell Pogue Is driving a new Ford Mr and Mrs Hunt hsr* bren doing splendid work to r The Journal In delivery truck for WUeon Brothers securing subscriptions and renewals Grocery to the paper It takes m.-. y subscrip Ed Warren and Claud Wilson an- tions and MUCH news to crake a newsy , nounce a dance at the Eagles lodge hall p<per Bo, first subscribe, then give us | Saturday night. The public is invited the news. ticket« 50 cents Carl Pielstlck s orches tra trill play. 'WNMMM Mr and Mrs. C L McCoy returned today from a visit In LaGrande and Union where Mr McCoy officiated as Our district commander at installation cer Special emonies On Monday Mr McCoy re Medicated turned from a Legion meeting In Port- Hot Oil TREATM ENT Recondition* the hair, will add life and tastre. —Try O s r— SPARKLING WAVE OIL Lovely Permanents 11.75 and sp Miss Doris Elizabetn Bensen left yes terday for Chicago where she will at tend the Century of Progress and visit relatives. She will also visit In Ohio and other eastern states before her return Miss Bensen has spent the past few weeks with her mother Mrs. Elia Ben son. first grade teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones from 8an Francisco to attend the fun eral sendees far J. B Smith Sunday, as Leonard was a close friend of the well known Nysaa rancher Leonard Is with the General Construction company in San Francisco. He and his wife are guests of his parents Mr and Mrs. S. A. Jones. Miss Lois Schweizer Is among fresh man students enrolled at Oregon State College. Miss Irene Richey has been transfer red to the relief office in Clatsop coun ty after spending the past year here. Mr Peters has been assigned to Mal heur. J. A. Davenport of the telephone company was here today on business. He was among lucky deer hunters of Ontario. A very fine venison dinner was en joyed by the Legion and Auxiliary at the Parish hall last Thursday night. Covers were arranged for 34 New of ficers of the Legion were Installed. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure spent __ Sunday In Boise where their baby CAIRO RANCHER HURT IN FALL Cairo—Joe Ws tana be sustained In jury when he fail off a wagon and broke two ribs. Claude Derrick was injured when his horse fell with him while he was rid ing in the hills recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Storeman and Mr and Mrs. John Maynuson are deer hunting in the Unity vicinity. Cairo played Lincoln basket ball team Friday. The score was 1C to 1 in favor o f Lincoln girls while the score was 8 to 0 in favor of the Cairo boys. Mary Pairmaq and Helen Davis of Lincoln have transferred to Cairo school. Mr and Mrs. Lester Derrick were visitors at the Douglas McGinnis home at Weiser last week. LAND LEVELING A SPECIALTY Years of experience in leveling new land, well equipped Charges reason - able. A. E. HAWKINS. Rt. 2. Ontario, >£s \ ”■* « “ *-«« <** « « ^ HALLOWEEN Just In! § Evelyn’s Beauty Shop JOHNSON VARIETY ■ n NYSSA Nysaa, Oregon — at— BULBS and PEONIES For Sale Now NOW Is The Time To Plant Special Sale on Peonies Now! BOYER FLORAL COMPANY Oregon Ontario were guests last week of her cousin at a Boise hospital. Mr. McClure's| novipa. Mrs. C. W. Farmer and husband Mr grandmother accompanied them from and Mrs. Blddlck of Nampa also join Caldwell for a week's visit here. W ANT ADS ed them Sunday last. Hubert Jones left Tuesday for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and Mr FOR SALE—600 tons of hay with lamb and Mrs. John Owens of Boise are wlth relatives at Topeka. Kansas, ing sheds. A. E. Rust, Nyssa. Novlj spending this week with the Hugh 1 w L Turner will give driver’s exam- inations at the city hall next Thursday, Glasgow family. LIBRARY TABLE for sale. Mrs. W. A. Mr and Mrs Bryant Reager spent October 18, from 1 until 5 o’clock. Austin, City. Sunday with relatives at New Ply- | Juan Egurola was over from Vale on mouth. business today. His sheep are pastured LOST—Near Lang to ns comer an octa V. O. Fahroey has been transferred near Vale. gon shaped, quilted pillow. Reward. from the Ontario office of the reclama W, C. Joslin and daughter Cleo will Mrs. John Hite. Rt. 1 tion bureau to the Stanfield project. arrive today from Spokane for a visit Mr. Fahmey was employed In the Nys with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson at STRAYED—To Louis Recla farm Jer sey cow. Owner may have same by sa office for several years. the Ward ranch. paying for ad and feed bill. OUpd Mrs. H. Snyder left Saturday for her Miss Harriet Aheam of Ontario was home In Twin Falls after a visit with a guest last week end of Mrs. Clarice ANNOUNCEMENT her sisters Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Fam - I Young. Mrs. Neil Dimmick Is taking over the ham Sills. Mr. and Mrs. Potter and son Leo of G. F. Foster Products formerly sold by Nyssa friends will be sorry to learn Eagles spent Sunday at the J. R. Hunt Clifford La then. Mall us your order. It that Eugene Quackenbush, father-in- er home. will be given prompt attention. law of Mrs. Carl Quackenbush 'Marian Mrs. Neil Dimmick A baby girl was bom Friday to Mr. Lowe) was killed In a car wreck near and Mrs. Henry Kindle at the G. H. Route 1, Nyssa 025p Spokane recently. His son took the Ragsdale home. Mrs. Kindle i s a body to Tracy, Minn., for interment. FOR SALE—Heavy duty V i -horse pow daughter of M. Jensen. Lem Wilson will return home tomor er Century electric motor or will W. W. Foster and Gilbert Klinken row from a trip to Long Valley. berg brought wood from the mountains, trade for smaller motor. Malcolm Jack Short returned to Payette last Oct 4-llpd. but no deer, on their return Monday Crawford. week and accompanied a party of from a trip to Portland and a little FOR SALE OR TRADE—Five foot friends on a deer hunt In Idaho moun hunting. They delivered a load of white enamel bathtub. W. B Hoxie tains. honey In Portland. city. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beam and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long were dinner guests FOR BALE—One 80A in government Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson. IRONSIDE MISS project. A few choice residence and Miss Mae Keizer Is home from Pay BRIDE THURSDAY business lots. Well located. W. B. Hoxie. ette after completing a course at the Nyssa. Ore. beauty school. Ironside—Katherine, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Oordon MacLafferty and Mrs. G. H. Dickson, and Kenneth FOR SALE—Apple cider 25 cents per I have moved from Ontario to make their gallon and WLnesap apples 50 cents ) Taylor of Richland were married in | home with Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- | Vale the 4th. They returned the same per bushel. Bring your own container. ; Lafferty who reside near town. I evening to the Dickson home where H. R. Sherwood, Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wright of a large crowd of friends gave them a | Kelso. Wash, left last week for their PIANO INSTRUCTION 75 cents per . .. .. ... „ . „ rousing charivari. On Friday they left hour. 50 cents half hour. Write for home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. , 3 3 Richland where they will reside. w Reberger, parents of Mrs. 'Ruth) appointment. Mrs Robert Gilchrist, Jr., Mr. Taylor has charge of the creamery Ontario, Oregon. O ct.ll Pd. Wright. there. Mrs. W F. Wade of La Orande and Miss Betty Walker of Weiser were in li i in i.i 111 h 11 ; Li mirn.nnii et ti i pt guests of Mrs. Zena Rambaud several days last week. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Parrott of Cald THEATRE well were visitors at the parsonage Monday. Also Rev. and Mrs. Eaker of ONTARIO Vale were visitors at the parsonage one day last week. Chas. M. Caldwell returned Friday from a visit In Boise and Caldwell where he has property Interests. He own.4 the Ford Oarage building In Caldwell and had the building re-roof- ed Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes accom- I panted their daughter from Portland | on a trip to Salt Lake City. They were called to Utah by the death of a rela tive. To announce that he Is equipped to level land on a large scale. A. E. Haw kins. new settler from California, was here yesterday. EXTRA-REFINED V eltex GASOLINE For economy and top-notch motor performance. It’s colorless. BUY : VE nr. i ! FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY CHAS. M. CRANDALL SUGAR, 10 lb. b a g s.........................................57c SYRUP, 10 lb. cans, w h ite.............................. 63c SYRUP, 10 lb. can, g old en .............................. 59c FRIDAY— ONLY Franchot Tone in “ THE WORLD MOVES ON” COCOA, Hersheys, 1-2 lb. c a n ..........................8c Republican Candidate for the Office of District Attorney of SOAP, La Paloma, 10 b a rs.............................. 23c Malheur County, Oregon. SOAP, Toilet, Fairy, 5 bars.............................17c Your Support Respectfully Solicited. 14c GOLD DUST POWDER, large pkg.............. 19c 23c as* HIGHEST PRICES WALNUTS, new 1934 crop, Diamonds, No. 1 P ou n d ...................................................... 23c SATURDAY— ONLY— 2nd Show Plus Midnite COFFEE, Yellow bag, 1 lb. pkg...................... 16c “ MADAME SPY” With Fay Wray, Nils Asther, Edward Arnold Noah Beery Saturday, October 13 Beans OPENS MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 Clover, For 30 Days Shooting Alfalfa See Us For Remington and Peters Ammunition Al Thompson All Kinds of Household Hardware Phone 26 Matinee and Night Hoot Gibson in ‘THE COWBOY COUNSELLOR” Matinee Starts 2 o’clock Sunday-Monday, October 14, 15 “ HERE COMES THE NAVY” With James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, Gloria Stuart and Frank McHugh .......... Tuesday, Wednesday, October 16, 17 “ THE PARTY’S OVER” With Stuart Erwin, Ann Southern Arline Judge, Chick Chandler and Patsy Kelly Thursday, October 18 “ WOMAN’S MAN” With John Halliday, Wallace Ford, Kitty Kelly Also Vaudeville— Admission 10c-30c - A le x a n d e r ’s NEW FALL AND WINTER O’Coats Soft fabrics— Hard weave fabrics, bold or con servative patterns. In all styles and all sizes. YOUR CHOICE IS UNLIMITED AT THE LOW PRICE OF $1050 $< 50 Every Suit and Coat in these price ranges is guaranteed to be pure wool materials and tailor ed in the newest and most up-to-date models. SEEING IS BELIEVING | T- To describe here the neat number of new crea tions in these garments would be impossible. They are all here—Smart Sport Backs, New Drapes, Single and Double Breasted—in all the new colors and fabrics. Rain Coats Light Weight in Raglans and plan set in sleeves. Belt back or belts around. Comfortable, Service able, Dressy. Attractive materials and colors. “The Farmer’* Own Co-Op" NYSSA. ORE Pheasant Season Seed. A full lina of School Supplies WILSON GROCERY 11 m 11 ii n m in in 11 in in n in m i ; i tin hi mm it ii in mi mi 11 ini it 11 in K M i M a n m n a a s M i h u m For Grain, SHRIMP, 2 ca n s...............................................25c PHONE 21 Friday, October 12 ALSO— Father Bernards “ ANIAKCHAK” “ SMARTY” MATCHES, carton o f 6 ............................... Liberty Theatre a 1 : Show 25c Joan Blondell and Warren Willistm in VALE, OREGON COCOA, Hersheys, 1 lb. c a n .......................... 15c CLEANSER, Gold Dust, large can, 3 for ' ver songs. The 20-mill tax law KINGMAN KOLONY NEWS ussed, most members opposing Mr and Mrs. M M Grce dent Mrs. C. C. Cotton appolnt- turned home after a vri * nding committees for the year or. Merrlt and wife In W E M. Hauser was looking a lto t-H . . . i a Halloween party was planned. Mrs tru ce Hare and Mrs. Mary Nich club Interests In Kingman this weak Special numbers T.cre given In Sun- j ols read articles on child welfare. Mrs Beckley and her attorney from day School Sunday, a song by Ellen California were here this week, visiting Judd, also a solo by Mrs. Toombe. Elmo Brumbaugh, nephew of Mr and Oscar Zeslker who farms the Beckley ! Mrs. Lee Thrasher, arrived from Mls- ranch. 1 sisslppi this week to spend the winter, j Ed. Littoy was also here from San P.-T. A. met Friday at the school Francisco on business In connection house. Pupils in Miss Johnson’s room with Kolony land. j GOODS g Rev Floyd White and Rev Oair Barker attended a ministerial meeting at New Plymouth Monday Mr and Mrs. Russell Vlnsosihaler and Miss Margaret Young were Boise visit ors Saturday. Mrs. John Mull's brother and his wife Mr and Mrs. John McClellan are here from Pueblo. Colo., for a week's visit at the Mull home. Ladles aid is meeting today In the church basement W C. Jackson is having his lumber yard painted. C Klinkenberg Is driving a new Ford V-8 city transfer. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Klinkenberg and Mrs. C. Klnkenberg spent last Sunday at the John Lewellen home at Bonita. They took a new Maytag wash ing machine to the Lewellen home. Mrs. Orin Boyer of the Ontario Floral Company was In Nytsa Tuesday on a business and pleasure visit. She says this Is the season for planting bulbs and peonies and she has them for sale. Nyssa Baldridge Implement Co. PHONE 113 NYSSA, ORE. Tweeds, Homespuns, Gabardines, Plain Colors Plaids, Checks. 50 i50 A le x a n d e r ’s “ Where Good Clothes Cost Less” Ontano Oregon