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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1934)
I GATE CITY JOURNAL, THUftS., OCTOBER 11, 1934 OREGON TRAIL OPENS BASKET BALL PLAY Oregon Trail—The school basket ball team has organized with Gilbert Hol mes captain, Harold Grisham, assist ant. The following boys have answered the call: Gilbert Holmes, Harold Gris ham, Bill Wilson, Prank Wilson, Olen Nichols, Hollis DeGroft, Raymond Mor- flt, Dewey Thomason, Ira Stein, How ard Wickander Fred and Leonard Low. The girls have decided they will also have a team this season. They have or ganized and elected Verda Rae Gris ham captain and Juanita Franklin assistant. Mrs. Hopkins Is working with the girls. The following answered the call: Verda Rae Grisham, Juanita Franklin, Rosie Keck, Helen Peaslee, Ileta Franklin, Elsie Keck, Mildred Adams, lone Benson and Doris Stein. A number of boys are wearing new sweat shirts with the Oregon Trail stencil. Oregon Trail P.-T.A. has voted to feature a contest between the commit tees. At the end of the school term every member will be asked to vote, selecting the committee which most nearly performs its duties. A gift will be awarded to each member of the winning committee by the unit. A Chinese family, wishing to name their second child after Lindbergh, called him One Long Hop. VALLEY VIEW HUNTERS LUCKY Valley View—Knox Alexander killed a black bear and George Stewart a deer when the two were hunting last week. Miss Catrina Van Egmond is coming to Valley View school next week as her parents plan to be in Portland at th at time. Miss Margaret Dowell of Follyfarm is visiting Pauline Keith. A girls’ glee club was organized under the direction of Mrs. Millups (Wilma Long). Nine upper grade girls Joined. Arthur ■ Brown left Thursday for Portland with F. F. A. boys stock judg ing team. Miss Walter organized a girls’ sewing club. Officers are: president, Bethel Brown; vice president, Nadine Callo way; secretary and treasurer, Wanda Keith. Darrela Pickering and Doris Brown are on the program committee. TEXACO FIRE-CHIEF GASOLINE PRUYN GARAGE Nyssa Oregon formity with the provisions of law gov erning the election of irrigaton district officers. By order of the Board of Directors of NOTICE the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation District I will not be responsible for any bills Da{ed this 11th day of October, 1934. or obligations Incurred by my son, S. J. REID, Secretary. Basil Newton. Dated this October 4, Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation District 1934. First Publication October 11, 1934. Oct. 4-11 CORA NEWTON Last Publication November 8, 1934. Legal Advertisement SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Helen Brown, Plaintiff, vs. Ray Brown, Defendant. To Ray Brown, the above named de fendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You eie hereby required to appear in th “ above entitled Court and cause within four weeks from the first pub lication of this summons, which date of first publication is October 11th, 1934, then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed herein and if you fall so to do, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint on file herein, to-wit: For an order and de cree of said Court that the bonds of mat. imony now existing between said plaintiff and said defendant be for ever dissolved, and th at an absolute decree of divorce be granted said plain tiff, and that the Court may make such other and further order and decree as may seem Just and equitable in the premises. You will take notice that this sum mons is served upon you under and by virtue of an order pursuant to an order of the Hon. W. W. Wood, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on October 6th, 1934, and directing that the summons herein be published foil four successive and consecutive weeks and five publications thereof, in the Gate City Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion, published at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, the date of the first publication hereof is October 11th, 1934, and the date of the last publiaction is November 8th, 1934. LOTT D. BROWN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residing at Nyssa, Oregon NOTICE OF ELECTION ONTARIO-N Y S S A IRRIGATION District Notice Is hereby given that the an nual election will be held on the sec ond Tuesday in November, on Novem ber 13, 1934, at the residence of J. T. Long, within the Ontario-Nyssa Irriga tion District, in Malheur County, Ore gon. One member to be elected to the Board for a term of three years and one for a term of one year. Stockhold ers in the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Company only, eligible to vote. The polls shall be opened at 8:00 o'clock in the morning of day of the election and kept open until 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon when the same must be closed. Said election shall be held and the results thereof determined in all re spects as nearly as practicable in con- held by the county as a lien upon the property treated by the person or per sons appointed by the County Court. DAVID F. GRAHAM, County Judge. R. G. LARSON, County Agricultural Agent Oct 4-18. NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL Dated October 1, 1934 . NOTICE OF GOPHER CONTROL Nyssa School District No. 26, Mal DISTRICT heur County, Oregon, is calling all reg FIRST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV istered warrants to and, including No. EN: By the County Court of Malheur 665, payable at the Ontario National County that all land owners within Bank, Ontario, Ore. Interest stops on the above date. the following district to-wit: Chas. M. Paradis, Clerk. KINGMAN KOLONY GOPHER Oct. 4-18. CONTROL DISTRICT described as follows: Beginning at the Junction of the Owyhee and Snake Rivers, then running west to the west NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY BID IN FOR TAXES AND section line of section three (3) Town OWNED BY MALHEUR COUNTY, ship 21 Range 46 East of the Willam ette Meridian then south on the above OREGON. said section line to the south line of Pursuant to an order of the County section 22 then east to Snake river, then down the River to the place of be Court of Malheur County, Oregon, dat ginning within Malheur County, ed September 5th, 1934, I will on the Oregon shall begin in good faith to 3rd day of November, 1934, at the north eradicate or destroy pocket gophers, main entrance door of the County within thirty days of publication of this Court House at Vale, Malheur County, notice, by the following or any other Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, offer for sale at effective method: public auction to the highest bidder Poisoning Pocket Gophers in Mal therefor, the following described tracts heur County of land, said tracts being numbered as Mixing the Bait Mix one ounce strychinne alkaloid hereinafter set out, and each tract will with one-eighth ounce saccharine. be offered for not less than the prices Dust over 16 quarts of sweet pota fixed by said order as hereinafter set toes, carrots or parsnips. These baits forth together with the proportionate are peeled and cut into 1-2 inch by cost of publication for each tract so 2 inches pieces and thoroly dusted sold: T»\ No. 716—SE’1,NWVi, Sec 12 Twp with the above mixture. 25 log 39; Price $20. Placing the Bait In placing the bait the runway of Tr. No. 717—All, Sec 4 Twp 27 Rg 40; the gopher may be opened by means All, See 5 Twp 27 Rg 40; All, Sec 8 of a shovel or garden trowel, dig Twp 27 Rg 40; WViSEVi, Sec 10 Twp 27 ging from the mound into main Rg 40; W'$NEV4, Sec 15 Twp 27 Rg 40; runway of the gopher, there plac NWV, S E 'i, N>4 SWVi, SWViSWVi, Sec ing one piece of this bait. In heav 15 Twp 27 Rg 40; W*$, Sec 21 Twp 27 ier soils and in irrigated sections, Rg40; EVi. Sec 28 Twp 27 Rg 40; NH these baits may be placed by means & SEV,, Sec 33 Twp 27 Rg 40; SWVi, of a probe. When the probe is used Sec 34 Twp 27 Rg 40; Price $600.00. do not probe closer than six inches Tr. No. 718—84$, Sec 1« Twp 17 Rg to the mound so that the main run way will be located. After the run 42; Price $80.00. Tr. No. 719—SV4 SWVi, Sec 14 Twp 25 way is located, remove the probe, placing one piece of bait in the run Rg 42; SWy»SEV4, Sec 14 Twp 25 Rg 42; way. Place a covering over the holes NEVi NEVi, Sec 23 Twp 25 Rg 42; NwVi, to shut out the light. Care should be Sec 23 Twp 25 Rg 42; WV4 NEVi, NEVi taken not to let any loose dirt fall SWVi, NWV4SE44, Sec 23, Twp 25 Rg on the bait; cover with clod or grass 42; WVi NWVi, Sec 24 Twp 25 Rg 42; to prevent this. Effective poisoning NWVi SWVi, Sec 24 Twp 25 Rg 42; cannot be obtained if any light Price $150.00. penetrates the gopher runway. If Tr. No. 720—All, Sec 12 Twp 15 Rg the ground is thoroughly poisoned 41; Price $160.00. three times, with intervals of about Tr. No 721—All, Sec 14 Twp 15 Rg 41; ten days between poisoning, better Price $160.00. than ninety per cent kills should be Tr. No. 722—WV4 & SV4 SEVi, Sec 15 obtained. Twp 14 Rg 41; SVi, Sec 19 Twp 14 Rg Caution 41; SWVi SEVi, Sec 20 Twp 14 Rg 41; All unclean utensils used in prep SWVi &NWVi NW',4 & S'/iNW1», Sec aration of poisons and all poison 20 Twp 14 Rg 41; SVi, Sec 21 Twp 14 Rg containers should be kept plainly 41; NV$, WV4 S E 'i & SW 'i, Sec 22 Twp labeled and out of reach of children. 14 Rg 41; NV4, Sec 28 Twp 14Rg41; All Irresponsible persons and livestock. Sec 29 Twp 14 Rg 41; Price $720.00. Any unused bait should be burned. Tr. No. 723—W >4 N E 'i & SE 'i N E 'i, The land owners failing to '■omply with the above order shall be entered Sec 36 Twp 26 Rg 43; Price $30.00. T r No 724—SEVi SW 'i S E 'i, Sec 18 upon by person or persons appointed by the County Court to eradicate and Twp 41 Rg 43; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 725—All land south and west destroy pocket gophers on any such lands within the above described dis of Malheur River in NEW SW 'i, Sec 6 Twp 19 Rg 44; Price $15.00. tricts. Tr. No. 726—NE’i NEVi, Sec 28 Twp The cost of such work consisting of 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. poison bait material and labor shall be Tr. No. 727—SEVi NE14, Sec 28 Twp Notice Of School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 26. VI. Auxiliary Agencies Malheur County. State of Oregon, th at a school meeting of the said district will 3. Transportation ........... ......................... .... 741.00 be held at the City Hall on the 22nd day of October, 1934, at Two o’clock in the TOTAL AUXILIARY AGENCIES ............... 741.00 afternoon, for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year, begin ning June 18, 1934, and ending June 17, 1935, herein set forth, and to vote on VII. Fixed Charges the proposition of levying a district tax. 1. Insurance .................................................... 150.00 2. Rent ............................................................. 200.00 TOTAL FIXED CHARGES ............................... 350.00 BUDGET Estimated Receipts 1. Balance on hand at the beginning of the fiscal school year (third Monday in June) for which this budget is m a d e........................... $ 4,871.92 2. To be received from the County School F u n d ...............„....................... 4,500.00 3. To be received from the Elementary School Fund ..........._.................... 2,500.00 4. To be received from the State Irreducible School Fund ........................ 500.00 6. To be received from the Non-High School District for: Tuition ....................... 6,500.00 Transportation ............................................................. 2,850.00 7. To be received from tuition for pupils below high school.................... 50.00 8. To be received from interest on deposits and sinking f u n d ................. 200.00 9. Other sources ........................................ .................. ............................... 8,424.96 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS ........................................................$30,396.88 Estimated Expenditures I. General Control 1. Clerk ____ Elementary -------- 62.50 map. _______ 10.00 3. Legal Services (Clerk’s Bond) ___ ............ 75.00 TOTAL GENERAL CONTROL ............ _____ 147.50 •III. Instruction—Teaching 1. Principal ..._...................................... ... 500.00 2. Teachers ........................................... 9,315.00 Telephone ......................................... 3. Supplies ....................................... _.. .... 400.00 .... 800.00 4. Textbooks ....................... .................. TOTAL INSTRUCTION—TEACHING $11,015.00 TV. Operation of Plant 1. Janitor’s Salary ....................... .................... 500.00 2. Janitor's Supplies ................................... .... 40.00 3. Fuel ............................................................._... 400.00 4. Light and Power ...................................... ......80.00 5. Water ..... ......... ........................................... 35.00 TOTAL EXPENSE OF OPERATION .........$1.055 00 V. Maintenance and Repair 1. Furniture and Equipment --------------------- 150.00 3. Buildings and O rounds_______________ 75.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND R E PA IR ____ 225.00 r High Total 62.50 125.00 17250 175.00 320.00 10.00 100.00 2 , 000.00 6,645.00 50.00 800.00 9.495.00 20.00 IX. Debt Service 1. Principal on Bonds ___ ______ _______ 900 00 2. Principal on W arrants .......................... 6.786.00 3. Interest on Bonds ............................. 1,012.50 4. Interest on Warrants .................................. 400.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ............................... 9,098.50 X EMERGENCY ..................................................1,00000 3591.00 3.591.00 250.00 50.00 300.00 400.00 250.00 650.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1 . 100.00 2 . 000.00 6,73601 1,237.50 400.00 9523.51 13.572.01 2.250.00 800.00 18.622.01 1,000 00 2 , 000.00 Summary of Expenditures Total General Control ............ ....................... _................................. . 320.00 Total Instruction—Teaching ............................................................ 20,510.00 Total Expense of Operation ............................................................ 2,575.00 Total Maintenance and Repair ............................................................ 450.00 Total Auxiliary Agencies ........ .................. 3,591.00 Total Fixed Charges ............... ......................... 650.00 Total Capital Outlay ............... ......................... 300.00 Total Debt Service ................... ....... lM ttjO l Emergency .............. ................... ..................... .................... 2 , 000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDTIURES FOR YEAR ........................$49,018.01 $49.01801 . 30596.88 $18,62113 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICT 800.00 1. Bonded Debt, including negotiable warrants ........................... 2. Amount of Endorsed Warrants Oustandlng ..... ........ ............. 20510.00 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICT .................... $33,100.00 ..... 13572.01 $46,672.01 2.500.00 15.960 00 50.00 1 . 200.00 1500.00 100.00 1 , 000.00 40.00 1.520.00 75.00 2,575.00 150.00 75.00 225.00 300.00 150.00 460.00 200.00 HI-SHEEN DRY CLEANING Dated this September 27. 1934. Signed: Fred Koopman Chas. M. Paradis District Clerk Chairman. Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee September 27, 1934. Signed: S. Burbldge E. O. Wilson Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee October 4-11. 69-836, Oregon Code, as amended by Session Laws of 1931 and 1933. All lands within the boundaries of ir rigation or draiange districts will be ( sold subject to any valid assessments made or to be made by said district * since the date said lands were acquired by the County, and all lands within the boundaries of the Warmsprings Irri gation District and which have been classified as in Classes 5 and 6, and as to which said County has heretofore by resolution dated September 3, 1930, . uthorized a transfer to said district of the water rights appurtenant to said lands will be sold without water right. Dated a i Vale, Oregon this 28th day of September, 1934. O. W. GLENN, Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. Date of first publication, Oct. 4, 1931. Date of last publication, Nov. 1, 1934. Date of sale Nov. 3, 1934, at 10:00 A. M. I _________ See « • .* Our Men’», Women*» STYLE BOOK Fashion Flocks $2.98 to $10. Made to measure, new style book every two weeks, you can see the samples. Men's Tailored Suits—Kahn and Pioneer Lines. Two good ranges In price. See them at— WE SPECIALIZE IN CLEANING AND PRESSING. NYSSA TAILOR SHOP I Juicy Beef Is Always on Deck at Our S h o p . . . it's more wel come than ever owing to H. H. P. (high hog prices, but let’s not forget they are a real break for the farmer. “Meat Make» the Meal’’ See U» For Ice Nyssa Packing NYSSA, Co. ORE. PHONE 6 We’re in the Market for— > Washing and Greasing It Pay» to Keep your Kar Klean We do greasing via the Standard Check- Chart system which assures a tiptop job. Open Day and Night POWELL’S SERVICE STATION NYSSA Phone 1 WEi Everijlwc Minutes ANOTHER HOME BURNS' / F you are underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you wert uninsured or underinsuredf. Recapitulation Total Estimated Expenditures for the y e a r ..... ............... Less Total Estimated Receipts for the Year ................... AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY DISTRICT TAX 700.00 60.00 600 00 120.00 VIII. Capital Outlay 4. New Furniture and Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,850.00 2,850.00 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 728—SW *4 SWV4, Sec 35 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 729—SE 14 SW1». Sec 35 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. T r No. 730—SWVi SE ' i , Sec 35 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 731—SE Vi S E 'i, Sec 35 Twp 17 Rg 44; Pride $100.00. Tr. No. 732—SWV S W 'i, Sec 4 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 733—SE Vi N W 'i, Sec 24 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 734—SW 'i NW 'i, Sec 24 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No 735—NEVi SWVi, Sec 24 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr No. 736—NW'» SW 'i, Sec 24 Twp 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 737—N E'i N E 'i, Sec 3 Twp 18 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 738—N E'i NWVi, Sec 21 Twp 18 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 739—NW 'i NWVi, Sec 21 Twp 18 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 740—SE Vi, Sec 11 Twp 17 Rg 45; SWy»SHNW'», SWVi NEVi. Sec 12 Twp 17 Rg 45; NWViSEVi, SV4 SEVi, Sec 12 Twp 17 Rg 45; E>i EV4 & NWVi N E 'i, Sec 13 Twp 17 Rg 45; NV4 NWVi Sec 13 Twp 17 Rg 45; NV4 NEVi, Sec 14 Twp 17 Rg 45; N E 'i, Sec 24 Twp 17 Rg 45; S E 'i S E 'i, Sec 25 Twp 17 Rg 45; SWVi, NV4 S E 'i, W 'i NWVi, Sec 18 Twp 17 Rg 46; S E 'i NW'», Sec 18 Twp 17 Rg 46; NW Vi, EVi S E 'i, Sec 19 Twp 17 Rg 46; SWVi, Sec 20 Twp 17 Rg 46; WV4, Sec 29 Twp 17 Rg 46; NV4 & NE'i SW'» Sec 30 Twp 17 Rg 46; Price $256.00. Tr. No 741—EVi SEVi, Sec 22 Twp 17 Rg 45; SV4 SWVi & SV4 SEVi, Sec 23 Twp 17 Rg 45; All, Sec 17 Twp 17 Rg 45 Price $440.00. Tr. No. 742—All, Sec 11 Twp 30 Rg 45; Price $160.00. Tr. No. 743—West 17 acres lying be tween County road and Malheur River in thè EV4 WV4 S E 'i & WVi EV4 SEVi, Sec 2 Twp 18 Kg 46; Price $20.00. Tr. No. 744—SE'» SEVi, Sec 16 Twp 28 Rg 46; Price $20.00. Tr. No. 745— 1 acre lying in the SE comer of SE 'i SWVi, Sec 17 Twp 18 Rg 46; Price $250. Tr. No. 746-All, Sec 23 Twp 30 Rg 46; W 'iN E 'i, NW 'i, Sec 25 Twp 30 Rg 46; NV4 SW'/i, NWW SEy», Sec 25 Twp 30 Rg 46; Price $250.00. Tr. No. 747—Lot 4. SEVi SWVi, Sec 13 Twp 21 Rg 46; Price $30.00. Tr. No. 748—NWVi. Sec 16 Twp 30 Rg 45; All, Sec 17 Twp 30 Rg 45; SE'i N E'i Sec 35 Twp 31 Rg 46; S Vi NWVi & WVi NEVi, Sec 36 Twp 31 Rg 46; Price $500. Tr No. 749—All lands south of south meander line of Jwyhee River in the SE'», Sec 25 T vp 20 Rg 48; Price $115. Tr. No. 750—NWVi NWVi, SVi NEVi NW'/», Sec 17 Twp 17 Rg 47; Price $60. Tr. No. 751—All west of railroad track in N E 'i, Sec 20 Twp 19 Rg 47; Price $50.00. Tr. No. 752—Jamieson Acreage Tracts No. 154, 155, 156, 157, 158; Price $50.00. Tr. No. 755—Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 31 Hope-Holland Add. to Vale; Price $15.00. Tr. No. 754—Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. Block 3, Hadley’s 1st Add. to Vale; Price $450. Tr. No. 755—Lots 1 2, 3, Block 2, Had ley’s 1st Add. to Vale; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 756—Tracts 1 & 4, Block G Barton Add. to Ontario; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 757—Lots 9 & 10, Block 172, City of Ontario; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 758—Lot.1 34 & 35, Block 1, Lots 18, 19, 20, Block 2 Riverside Add. to Ontario; Price $25.00. Tr. No. 759—Lots 36 & 37 Block 1, Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 2, Riverside Add. to Ontario; Price $25.00. Tr. No. 760—Lots 20 & 21, Block 3, Riverside Add. to Ontario; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 761—Lots 24 & 25, Block 3, Lots 9, 10. 11, 12, Block 9 Riverside Add to Ontario; Price $30.00. Tr. No. 762—Lots 15 & 16, Block 260, City of Ontario; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 763—Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, Block 11, Town of Adrian; Price $10.00. Said lands will be offered for sale as follows: All tracts priced at $200.00 or less to the highest bidder for cash; all tracts priced at more than $200.00 and not more than $500.00, to the highest bidder for cash or for not less than 20 per cent cash and the remainder to be paid under written agreement in equal installments over a period not exceed ing 5 years; and all tracts priced at more than $500.00 to the highest bidder for cash or for not less than 20 per cent cash and the remainder to be paid un der written agreement in equal install ments over a period not exceeding 10 years,, all deferred payments to draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable annually, and such agreements shall be subject to all terms and conditions of Sections 69-813 and Let us help you obtain an ap praisal. make suggestions, and L fpmish adequate insurance. Don M. Graham t Makes old clothes look like new, safe, feeds the fabric, odorless- true quality cleaning. Try oar new HI-Sheen Dry Cleaning ONTARIO PRESSARY New Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pash ley Fire Insurance Bonds NYSSA Notary Public OREGON