Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., OCTOBER 11, 1934 OUTH SEI 1 LLilS • m ARE COMING WEST New people are coming to Oregon om the drouth stricken states. To i' e them a proper welcome into thi f te and to locate them suitably and j their best advantage, the Oregon S tite Chamber of Commerce is map ping out a statewide program to be put into action by the Settler's Advisory Committee. Plans were made at a meeting in Portland October 2. Ralph S. Hamilton, president, has advised the Nyssa Commercial club that in each county a committee will be set up to cooperate with the state executive committee. Phone 76F3 Ambulance Service NOTICE Guaranteed Treatment For Tender Stomach The Budget Committee of the Town of Nyssa, Malheur County, State of upon Monday, November 5, 1934, at 8 o’clock P. M. a > the Oregon, has fixed ' time, and the City Hall at Nvssa, Oregon, as the place, wh'n and where the estimate of money propo. ed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year of Dr. Emil's Adla Tablets bring quick 1935, may be discussed with the levying board of said Town of Nyssa, and at which time and place any taxpayer sublect to said levy, when m de, shall b; relief from stomach pains between teals due to acidity, indlg'«‘ion and heard for or against any proposed tax levy. ' rartburn. If not your money is r - Itemized estimates of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxa itdt d. The Nyssa Pharmacy. tion for the ensuing fiscal year for the Town of Nyssa are as follows: BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1935 Expenditures Avoid Fahe Teeth Dropping or Slipping Personal Services .. $1.500 00 .... GOOCH) .... 150.00 1,080.00 Material and Supplies ;ing < Office Suppl’'* Fire Department You needn’t fear false teeth dropping i cr slipping if you’ll sprinkle a little Fasteeth on your plates each morning Gives all day comfort and teeth hold $3330 00 tight. Deodorizes. No gummy, pasty. ---------- taste, or feeling. Get Fasteeth from The Nyssa Pharmacy. Three sizes. 60 00 7r-00 350.00 Power and Water Power ....................... ...................................... Repairs and Supplies.................................................. Improvements ............................................................ Miscellaneous Street Lights ..................... Emergency Fund ................................................ 8treet Fund ............. Sinking Fund for Bonded Indebtedness Interest for bonded Indebtedness............... Total 1 800 00 500 00 1,000.00 Attorney-at-Law 275.00 Nyssa Oregon m 3300.00 Shampoo . . . M arrow Oil 1.900.00 1.980.00 1 , 000.00 1 , 000.00 1,450.00 7,330.00 ..............................................$14,720.00 Receipts Water rents ......................................... $5,200.00 Licenses ........................................................................... 450 00 Fines . 75 00 Rond Fund ................................................ ..... 250 00 Delinquent Taxes ............... 500.00 Deposit boxes....................................................... 75.00 By the Bottle .......................... 75c Shampoo and Treatment $1 We give Marrow Oil treatment with our $3.50 Permanent Wave 6,550.80 Total ................................................................... $6,550.00 Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the y e a r .................. ............. $14 720 00 ) Total estimated receipts for the year ....................................................... 6,550.00 Amount to be raised by t a x .................................................... Statement of Indebtedness on June 30, 1934 $ 8,170.00 Water bonds out* landing .......................$19.000 00 street Improvement, bonds outstanding ................ 4,000 00 Registered warrants outstanding ......... 4,441.75 Marrow Oil Reconditions the hair—gives it new life and beauty. Sold At— RUBYE LOU BEAUTY SHOPPE Nyssa Phone 16 Oregon Total ..................................................................$27,441.75 CITY OF NYSSA BUDGET FOR 1935 Estimated expenditures, together with the expenditures for the years 1931, 1932, 1933 and the first half of 1934 Expenditures 1931 Police ......... Recorder Librarian Street and Water Supt..... $ 1 . 800.00 600 00 ....... 150.00 1.200 00 Printing and Advertising ............ Office Supplies ................................ Fire Department ............................... Fuel ....................................... ............. Rent ................................................. City Hall ..................... ................... 66 45 49 82 253.07 109 20 300.00 Power ......................... Repairs and Supplies Improvements............ 1,793.55 225.54 35.48 Street Lights ................... Emergency Fund Street Fund Sinking Fund for Bonded Indebtedness ............. Interest 1,762.15 509.28 570 98 1.000 00 1,627 30 Totals 12.052 82 Water rents __ Licenses ............ Fines ........._... Road Fund Delinquent Taxes Deposit Boxes ..... 5.248.82 849 00 256 00 . 741.73 Total* ____ .... 6.895 55 Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts for the year . . Amount to be raised by tax STATE OF ORDOON ) County of Malheur I 1st half 1934 Budget 1934 1932 1933 Personal Services 1.660.00 1.320 00 600 00 600 00 150.00 150.00 1.130.00 1.080.00 660.00 300.00 7500 540.00 1 320.00 600.00 150.00 1,080.00 Material and Supplies 69.75 183.67 57.05 94.44 97.89 32.50 36.34 58.80 200.00 75.00 500.00 28.50 150.00 174.20 220.00 Keep Out Weather Thieves AIR Eder Hardware Co. Studio Couches They’re MRS. WILLETTE TELLS HOW SHE Budget 1935 1.500.00 600.00 150.00 1.080.00 LOST 30 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS i No More Headache No More Backache No More Dlzry Spells attractive—if you want to possess a healthy figure with slender feminine curves—take half a level teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water first thing every morning. Krus chen Is the safe, healthy way to re duce—approved by physicians—a jar costs but a few cents and lasts 4 weeks. Sold at Nyssa Pharmacy, or any dug- store thm out the world. 777.40 238.35 372.82 1.900.00 1.500.00 500.00 1,900 00 1,980.00 1,000.00 737 16 1.000 00 1.500.00 1,000.00 1.450.00 New . . . . Fresh 5.038.94 13.995.00 14,720.00 GOODRICH 4.423 45 630 00 2500 174.93 2.628.27 60.00 40 00 183 18 47.55 5,200.00 450.00 75.00 250 00 500 00 75.00 Rubber Goods 64 50 4.700.00 500.00 50.00 100 00 400.00 75.00 5,317.88 2,959.00 5.825.00 6.550.00 C 0 M I N G— Our largest shipment o f new LAMPS, Bridge lamps, table lamps, all Alladin quality made. Watch for them. Nordale Furniture Store I NYSSA OREGON CLEAN CLOTHES At Low Prices Guaranteed Hot Water B o ttle......................................... 79c up $8,170.00 .i \ alues | 3 fuschen âHs Fountain Syringes, Combinations, all Kinds Of Rubber Goods For Dirty Ones Rubbing, scrubbing, bending over a tub takes years from your youth. It’s more economical to to have your laundry done at the laundrv— be cause our charges are so reasonable. Men’s Individual Laundries Carefully Done. " Bui We. the undersigned Budget Committee of the Town of Nvsss. Oregon, hereby certify that the above and fore- going 1* the estimate of this Budget Committee of the probable expenditure.* for the year 1935; toge 'ther with budget allowances and detailed expenditure* of said Town for the first six months of the vear 1934, ami detailed < expendi- turn* for the years 1931. 1932 and 1933. ATTEST: A. R Millar, Recorder. pMNT 1,800.00 500.00 1,000.00 $14 720 00 8,550 00 NEW WOOL SUITS NEW DRESSES Willamlna—(To the Nyssa Journal) | Oakland, Cal.,—(To Frank Morgan, —In behalf of the candidacy oi Walter j secretary Vale-Owyhee land settlement Arriving every week for Pierce lor United States Representative 1 association)—This is to thank you for Home of I am interested to see him re-elected, i the literature concerning the Owyhee your favor. Pretty for- GEM and PURINA I am registered a s a republican,! and Vale projects, i can say from ex- mals, silks and woolens, but parties don’t mean anything to me perience that it is not exaggerated, priced right at— I certainly don’t want to Jap Upton having farmed there for 25 years, repr ent this state or any part of it. I My principal crop was alfalfa with Quality Feeds FISHER APPAREL I hard age st Oleo some small grains and hogs. And I did SHOP bill and many other bills that would raise a little corn. At one harvest time, E. R Phone 53, Ontario NYSSA, ORE. COME IN! have helped the farmer. As chairman ; a neighboring sheepman came to buy it of the Farmers’ Union Dairy Commit- i for ensilage. He had It chopped and tee and appointed by a large group of measured find found It cropped 23 tons da, r men of the slate I lobbied both to the acre, believe it or not. As for s ': ions of the Oregon Legislature. I alf.i’f i T had 100 acres which brought haven’t any use for Jay Upton. If I me more than 600 tons of hay each FI X UP t-.uld afford it, I would co m into your year. Hay was in good demand those district personally and carry on the days and brought a big price. fight. I believe your lands will be settled up Yours truly. E b'n Ray, Willamina, quickly. Many city people would return Oregon. to farms but they do not have the money to make the start. If some way In comparison with Mr. Upton’s rec can be provided for them to make the ord on this particular subject, Con- start, they are sure to return to the giessman Piece-> fhtroduced Into the lanl. Yours truly. A. D. Morey. Oregon senate in 1919 Oregon's first ■:> orr.arger ne act. He fought it to NY - A COMMUNITY CHURCH passage. It was defeated by the oleo Sunday School 10 o'clock. f interests, through referendum, at the Morning Worship 11:16. Sermon su b -! next general election. Every dairyman I ;-i Oregon knows Pierce’s helpful stand. Ject: Faith Conquers Obstacles. Junior League 6 o’clock. This includes | At the last session of congress, Mr. Pierce introduced- the oleo bill which children! from the fourth to the eighth Get ready for those winter weather thieves who steal property was favored by dairy organizations. I grades. In the basement. Silent hour, 6 o’clock. In the auditor values! Good paint ia a lock on the door to keep them out. It Next session all these bills will come forms a tenacious film that protects valiantly. Put this strong before a sub-comittee of the committee i ium. Epworth League 7 o'clock. guard on your home. We can suggest ways to do it that are on agriculture of which Mr. Pierce is a Evening Worship 8 o'clock. member. It Is Important to dairy in- money-saving. Official Board meeting Monday te rests th at Mr. Pierce bo returned to evening. October 15. In the church, For Wood Exteriors — House, Garage Fences congress. Wednesday evening, Prayer Meeting, 7:30. OUR FATE All too frequently we are reminded, as the flower-laden coffin Is gently lowered to its resting place, that “death Here’s a ready mixed paint that covers passed upon all men.” “He cometh well, wears well and lasts for years. Its forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth modem colors are designed to combine not.” Howdy Folks: There’s lots of wor in effective color harmonies— practical, The picture is dark and dismal with rying now days about what’s hap likeable, livable. out God. As far as our natural course pening in the American home, but is concerned, a man goes out of exist- nobody seems to stay home long ance when he dies—he disintegrates In Gallon—$3.30 Quart—$1.00 — enough to find out. to the simple elements of which our physical world is composed. Job says, ‘"There Is hope for a tree, If It be cut Stop worrying about your bat down, and that the tender branch FREE BOOKLET! tery and tire troubles and come thereof will not cease .. . but man dieth in and get prices on our Fire and wasteth away: yea, man glveth up Crammed with the “how and when” of stone products. the ghost, and where is he?” He an swers his own question by stating, house repairs and painting. Suggestions “Man lieth down, apd riseth not: till in color. Every homeowner should have the heaven be no more, they shall not Dwight Smith says his girl friend a copy. Come and ask for yours. awake, nor be raised out of their refused to lend him a popular sleep.’ novel because she said he was a But in the face of entering into death book keeper. himself. Job expresses his willingness, and even desire, for rest in the grave. “O that thou wouldst hide me in the Artie Robertson spends so grave, that thou wouldst keep me NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 46 much time tinkering with his < crct, until thy wrath be past, that car. the boys refer to him as a thou wouldst appoint me a set time, caropractor. and remember me!’’ “I will wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee.” See Job 14; 1-15. Job looked forward to the time when And you will have less tinkering to he, with the rets of the sleeping saints, do on your car if you will let us New, Good-Looking . . . will hear the call of the Lord at His service it regularly with our Shell second coming, as Is described in I Certified System of Lubrication. Thoss. 4:16. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout . . . and the dead In Christ shall rise first.” He hoped to be kept secret “until thy wrath be past.” The wrath of God Is said to be in the seven last plagues, and they culminate In the second coming of NORCOTT SERVICE Christ. See Rev. 15, and 16. Only $32 50 to $46 “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” Rev. 14:13.—U. B. Wise. Nyssa Oregon1 = 62235 226.72 117.80 Miscellaneous 1,872.21 1 869 91 1.251 56 827.17 531.73 620.56 3.000 00 1.468.53 1.38500 18.284 38 12.639.48 5,774.85 PRAISES COUNTRY Mrs. Arthur Wiilette of Ferndale, 60.00 Mich., writes: “Just started my 4th jar 75.00 350.00 of Kruschen First I want to tell you I lost 30 lbs. In 3 months. I weighed 184 —now I weigh 154 and still want to lose 25 more lbs. I feel better than I have 125.00 for 10 years. I us'd to have healaches, 150.00 backaches, dizzy spells, heartburn, but don’t any more. I have 3 friends taking I It and it's helping them too.” 1,800 00 If you want to get rid of ugly, un- A T ALL DRUCCISTS 500.00 healthly fat which saps vitality, short 1,000.00 ens life, makes you look old and un- ' -I»-, tho u r r à daily dose that Do» i r Maintenance and Repairs 97.45 174.00 275.00 500.00 197.75 Power and Water 1,803.75 1,890.75 817.36 457.69 1,690.45 Receipt* 4.909 35 400 00 30 00 435 50 WORD FOR PIERCE FREE Maitrnance and Repair 125.00 150.00 FORMER RESIDENT / i / û J BASS-HUETER MIXED PAINT A. L. FLETCHER 485.00 Puel .... . city Hall i - U ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Nyssa Funeral Home Police..... ....... .......... ..... Recorder .......... ............ Librarian Street and Water Supt. l rFSvS e THOMPSON ERNEST C WILSON SID BURBIDOE DEAN SMITH HOWARD J LARSEN DICK TENSEN E. J POWELL E. D NORCOTT — AT— Nyssa Pharmacy THE UNITED LAUNDRY Mrs. Margaret Pashley, Prop. The Rexall Store Nyssa Phone 83F2 Oregon PHONE 83F2 NYSSA, ORE.