Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1934)
G ATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., OCTOBER 11, 1934 Lodge Ladies Start Fund For New Building To start a fund for a new lodge hall, Rebekah lodge of Nyssa gave a benefit bridge luncheon of nine tables at the spacious country home o f Mrs. Merle Johnson on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Pierson was joint hostess. Following a lovely 3-course luncheon, guests played bridge at five tables and bunco at four tables. Mrs. Ethel Crawford received first prize, Mis. Ray Emmott. consola tion at bridge; Mrs. J. R. Hunter, first 'Rt bunco; Mrs. Jess Lawrence, consola tion. • • • • dinner Monday evening honoring Mrs. Ben Cook o f Portand, formerly of Owy hee dam. While here Mi s. Cook was en tertained In the Earl Harman, Dick Adams, Robt. Peck and Malcolm Craw ford homes, all being former residents at Owyhee dam. She spent the week end with Mrs. C. Mlddlekauf of Cald well and Mrs. Percy Pruett o f Nampa. • * • • A N N IV E R S A R Y D INN ER Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Peck entertained at dinner Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler, M r and Mrs. Dick Young, Miss Beverly Guy and Miss Margaret Young in celebration of their third wedding anniversary. A wedding cake with miniature bride and groom was used as a centerpiece, with tapers for effective lighting. Bridge followed, Miss Young and Mr. Vinsonhaler ach ieving high scores, Miss Guy and Mr. Young, low. • • • • FO R MRS. COOK Mr. and Mrs. Farnham Sills gave a M cK E E -P IN K ST O N Miss Violet Pinkston, oldest daughter M ALHEUR C OUNTY BUDGET FOR 1935 NOTICE The Budget Committee of Malheur Ccunty, Oregon, has fixed upon Thursday, the 1st day of November ,1934, at 10:00 o’clock A. M „ as the time, and the County Court Room in Vale, Orego” nr- the place where the estimate of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the enduing year 1935 may be discussed with, the County Levying Board, also when and where any taxpayer, subject to said levy when made, shall be heard for or against any proposed tax levy. Itemized estimates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by tax ation for the ensuing year, 1935, for Malheur County, Oregon, are as follows to-wlt: of Mr. and Mr.s Walter Pinkston of the JO RDAN V A L L E Y Owyhee, and Wesley M cKee of Likely, Calif., were the principals of a quiet HORSEM AN H U R T wedding which was solemnized Satur day in Caldwell. A fter a visit at the Jordan Valley— Sabino Madriagia Pinkston home, the young couple will return to California where they will was kicked by a horse Thursday, so is carrying his arm in a sling. No bones reside. were broken but his arm was badly bruised and cut to the bone. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Young left last TU E SD AY B RID G E week fo r James Cathcart's ranch near Mrs. Howard J. Larsen entertained McDermitt where they will be employ the Tuesday bridge club this week with ed. Sidney Cook has returned to Danner the usual three tables in play. Mrs. Ethel Crawford won first prize, Mrs. after spending a week here. Frank Hall, second. Mrs. Farnham Sills Ike Loveland and David Castro de and Miss Eva Boydell were guests. livered a carload of horses at Murphy. Sam Ross is having several truck loads of lambs delivered In CaldwelL Sterling Sinclair returned Wednesday JO L L Y JANES from Caldwell. Miss Alta Bradley entertained the John Twitchell left for Nampa Tues Jolly Janes bridge club at her home on day after spending a week here on the Owryhee Monday night. Miss Mae business. Keizer won first prize, Miss Sue K eiz B om to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zatica a er, consolation. son October 7. Dr. Jones was called to Cliffs Tues day to see Joe Lessman. He is much B IR T H D A Y F O R FOUR improved. A severe wind visited Jordan early Mrs. A. V. Cook and Rebekah ladies gave a jolly) surprise birthday party Sunday, accompanied by a heavy rain. Saturday night in compliment to Mr. The rain lasted several hours and was Cook and son Jimmy, Mrs. N. H. Pink a great help to dry pastures. erton and Mrs. Pierson whose birthdays occur this month. Guests gave the honorées a handkerchief shower and a noodle supper was enjoyed. Mrs. Robt. Bums won first prize at bunco, Mrs. Mark Robertson, low. About 40 guests attended. C O U N TY C OURT: . MR. AND MRS. CLUB County Judge, salary ..............................................$ 2,400 00 2 Commissioners, compensation ............................. 700.00 Traveling expenses .................................. 200 00 O ffice expense (stationery, printing, legal blanks, stamps, e t c . ) ...... ...... 200.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 SH E R IFF’S OFFICE: S V rry, Sheriff .................... ...................................$ balary, I deputy, tax dept.......................................... Salary, 1 deputy ..................................................... Salary, 1 tax clerk ....................... ............................ Traveling expenses ................................................. County jail and board, prisoners ............................. O ffice supplies and collection of taxes ..._............. 2,100.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 1,750.00 2,000.00 Salary of Assessor ..................... 8alary of deputy ....................... Salary of assistant ...................... Field deputies ............ Stationery, records, etc., stamps $ 12,050.00 2.000 00 1.500.00 2.400.00 800 00 l.oOJ.oO 900.00 800.00 $ 6 , 200.00 $ 6 , 200.00 TR EA SU R E R ’S O FFICE: » 1,500.00 SCHOOL SU PERINTEND ENT'S OFFICE: » 2,100.00 » 2,100.00 EXPENSES INCURRED B Y LE G IS LA T IV E E NACTM ENT S IX M O NTH S’ BUDGET ALLOW ANCE 1933 6 mos. 1934 ■934 H. E. Noah For County Comissioner as an Old Home in the South “ A New Deal In County Administration” OWYHEE General Election Nov. 6,1934 Suitable . . . . GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE Rings, Watches, Jewelry for the nicest of Gifts M USICIANS— W e carry the best o f strings and reeds for musical instruments. Filer Jewelry Store NYSSA OREGON 2,400.00 667,06 200.00 149.70 1,200.00 284.10 29.80 49.25 $ 3,416.76 $ 1.563.15 2,271.80 1,346.35 1,346.35 1,076.34 1,048.19 748.19 748 19 598.19 1,423.52 1,142.12 695.13 6 mos. Budget $ 1,750100 MINCE PIES Yes, the good old Mince Pie Season has arrived and we are baking delicious mince pies every day. 1,51396 1,728.16 $11,647.10 $10,865.26 $ 6,493,97 2.197.67 1,350.00 2,050.90 873.68 107.75 1,000.02 750.00 1,226.80 546.31 2.00 $ 6,580.00 $ 3,525.13 1,905.94 2,430.00 1,131.00 576.00 750.00 1,350.00 869.50 536.79 $ 7,057.30 $ 6,042.94 $ 3,506.29 $ 1,523.98 1,200.00 442.33 $ 1,642.33 Clerk ................................................. .......... Deputy ...................................................... Deputy Clerks ............................................. Supplies .................................................. .... O ffice equipment ................. ..................... $ 7,324.06 $ 7,707.70 Assessor.................................................... . O ffice deputies............................................. Field deputies ......................................... Supplies ....................................................... $ 7,549.64 $ 6,400.00 The Swan Bakery See Our Fine Fresh Pastries Daily Nyssa $ 600.00 108.13 708.13 Salary of Superintendent ......................... — Traveling expense ..................................... Assistant........................................ .'............ Supplies ...................................................... T o t a l....... 1,500.00 178.35 ____ » 2,587.84 $ 2,065.85 50 year quality Community Silver, Patrician Pat tern, 26-piece service $14.85 while they last. $ 775.00 750.00 160.58 510.05 323.65 $ 2,188 40 $ 1,234.23 H A L F PRICE $ 3,175.00 C O U N T Y SCHOOL SU PERINTEND EN T: $ 1,050.00 SPE C IAL V A L U E IN DIAM ONDS 1-4 ct. perfect stone mounted in 18k gold $45, weight and quality guaranteed. If you are buy ing that engagement ring we invite you to shop with us and compare values. EXPENSES INCURRED B Y L E G IS L A T IV E ENACTM ENT High School Tuition Fund ........................ Truant O fficer ............................................. Sealer of Weights Sc Measures State Industrial Acc. Comm. (Included In current expenses ..... ............................. County Veterinarian ................................. Dependent Mothers .................. ................. O fficial Advertising ................................... Watermaster and deputies ........................ Insane, examination of ............................... School Institute & Examinations .............. Circuit Court, 3 te rm s ................................. Justice Court ............................................... Juvenile Court ............................................. Coroner ................................... .................. County Physician ........................................ Tuberculosis Indemnity .............................. Apprn. insane in State Instns...................... State Library T a x ........................................ Tax Rebates ................................................ Audit County B ook s.................................... O fficer’s Indemnity Bpnds ........................ Bee Inspector ........................................ Stock Inspector ........................................... State Tax Estimated ................................. Oeneral School Tax. estimated ................ Market Road.s estimated .......... .......... Election ...................... _.......... Sinking F’und, road bonds ......................... Interest on $111,000.00 road bonds............... $165,525.00 227.11 $ 94,110 00 Total Expenses..... ........................ ......... $259,63500 I ..... 4,712.00 1 982.10 4,646.96 15.00 ..... 211.73 5,474.18 ..... 1,103.63 ..... Z I ..... ..... ..... ..... $ 58.850.00 S TATE O F OREGON ) County of Malheur f 161.15 300.00 44.00 2,505.00 462.19 350.00 394.00 190.22 300.00 464.00 50.00 399.96 399.96 .....32,651.18 ..... We, the undersigned, Budget Committee of going is the estimate of the Budget Committee of County, Oregon, for the year 1935. together with months of the year 1934, the detailed expenditures years 1931 and 1932. 4,055.00 1,949.23 3,349.67 68.45 86.00 4786 09 588.50 40435 275.00 7.50 District Attorney's office ................................. ---- 123.36 Court House (office furniture, Improvements, insurance, etc.) ......................................... Current expenses (fuel, water, telephone, Janl or. etc., also accident insurance....................... .... 4.233.71 Care o f P o o r ............................................. ......... Library Contract (.3 mills estimated) ............. 3.240.00 Agricultural A d visor........ ......... ....................... . 3,400 06 Emergency Fund .................................. ............. .... 1,13263 Miscellaneous ................. ............ ........................ .... 1,646 98 Destruction of Predatory animals ...................... .... 1,000.00 Insurance on County Fair Bldgs.................. .... 110.00 County Fair Appropriations ........................ .... 1,040 00 Roads Sc Highways ............ ......................... 37,161 90 Advertising County Lands .......................... 1,518 98 Appropriation for Indgt. V eteran s_________ Old Age Penlsons ......................................... Rabbit Bounty ______ _____ ________________ $200,785.00 H ARO LD E. GINZEL, Jeweler 49.05 186.69 23.08 95.34 25.00 125,00 Watch Repair Guaranteed Ontario R W H ICH LESS ESTIM ATE D RECEIPTS FOR YEAR lty Clerk’s fees County 7.200.00 Sheriff’s Fees 500.00 Interest on County M o n e y ....................... 400.00 Circuit Sc Justice Court fees Sc fines....... . 2.000 00 Penalty and interest on delinquent taxes 8 , 000.00 Motor License fund ................................. 12 000 00 Inspection fees ......................................... 750.00 County lands, rent ... ........... ................. 500.00 Sale of County land .............-................................ 10 , 000.00 Funds on hands ($15.000 00 in General Road Fund 17,500.00 $2,500.00 in Market Road Fund) ............... Oregon $ 3,675.00 C O U N T Y TR EASURER; 8alary of T reasu rer.............................. ...... Supplies ...................................................... Total ................................................. ......... $ 1,439.24 District Attorney’s office ....................................... $ 250.00 Court House (office furniture, improvements, Insurance. etc.) ................................................................... 600.00 Current expenses (fuel, water, telephone, janitor, etc. including accident Insurance ........................... 4.000.00 Care of Poor ............................................................ 24,000 00 Appropriation for veterans organization for Indgts................................................................. 500.00 Library Contract, .3 mills estim ated....................... 3.500.00 Agricultural Advisor .................................................. 2,900.00 Emergency Fund ............... ..................................... 4 non no Miscellaneous .......................................................... 1,000.00 Destruction of Predatory animals ........................ 750.00 Insurance on County Fair Buildings ............. 110.00 Roads (27,000.00 to be levied. $15,000 on hand) 42,000.00 Advertising County Lands ...................................... 2,000.0 Weed Control Revolving Fund .............................. 500.00 Old Age Pension s............. 8,000 00 $ 111 , 000.00 W e wish to thank our friends who contributed so greatly to our consola tion during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father, and to acknowledge the floral offerings and other expressions of, sympathy. Mrs. J. B. Smith and family. 1,672.74 $13,612.67 Total ................ ................................ EXPENSES INCURRED OVER W H IC H THE C O U N T Y COURT HAS CONTROL INDEBTEDNESS ay ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: Delinquencies in High School Tuition Sc Transportation Fund ........................................................... .....$ 3,600.00 Truant officer 50.00 District Sealer of Weights and Measures 250.00 Dependent Mothers 4,500.00 O fficial Advertising ................................................ 2,000 00 Insan.e examination and care o f ............................ 100.00 School Institute and exam inations........................ 100.00 Circuit Court, 3 terms ............................................ 4,500 00 Justice Court ................................................. 450.00 Coroner ........................ 150.00 County Health O fficer and County Physician ...... 300.00 Appropriation for Insane In State Institutions .... 5.000.00 Tuberculosis In d e m n ity ........................................... 100 00 Vital Statistics ........................................................ 75.00 Audit County Books ..... jwnno Officers Indemnity Bonds ................... 550.00 Bee Inspector ......................................................... 50.00 Stock Inspector ....................................................... 400.00 State Tax Estimated ............................................... 50,000.00 General School Tax estimated ............................... 40,000.00 Market Roads (N o levy to be made. $2500.00 on hand) ............................................. 2,500.00 Sinking Fund, road bonds ...................................... 10,000.00 Interest on $111,000.00 road bonds ........................ 6,100.00 Election ...... 2,250.00 D ELIN Q UENT T A X . M ALHEUR C O U N T Y Year 1925 ____________________ - _____ $ 20,384.19 Year 1926 __________________________ 22,173.10 Year 1927 _______ _____ __________ ___ 25.667.53 46.358.74 Year 1928 68.332.22 Year 1929 139,784.57 Year 1930 ________ 172,382 62 Year 1931 ...... —... 164.466.84 Y ear 1932 ............. 322.927.61 Years 1933 6c 1934 $ 3,505.6 Salary, Sheriff ........................................ Salary, 1 deputy ....................................... Salary, 1 deputy ....................................... Salary, 1 tax clerk ............................... Special deputy hire ................................. Traveling expenses .................................. County jail and ...................................... Board of prisoners ................................... O ffice supplies ........................................... Collection of taxes .................................... Total .......... ............ .... ..................... Salary o f Superintendent ....................................... $ 1,500.00 Traveling expenses ...................................................... 300.00 Supplies and office expenses....................................... 300.00 $ 58,850 00 - CARD OF T H A N K S C O U N TY CLERK: $ 1,500.00 Roads bonds $ 3,284 ! T otal - ..................... ............. ........... Salary of Treasurer ............................................ $ l 200 00 Supplies for office .................................................. 250 00 Office furniture ....................................................... 50.00 Total V O TE 36X S H E R IFF ’S O FFICE: $ 6,900.00 1,200 00 $94,110.00 There is a measure on the November ballot which alms to reduce the tax on property in Oregon to half or less than Its present figure. The measure pro vides a maximum of 20 mills on prop erty exclusive of levies necessary to ser vice existing debts, with a gradual re duction so that after 1940 the maxi mum levy would be 15 mills. It also provide» for assessment on a basis of 50 per cent of actual value. T h e present ratio is higher.. The bill Is undesstood to have been devised by real estate In terests in Portland who seem to have become convinced after getting it on the ballot that the measure is too dras tic. No organized campaign is being made In its behalf but because the measure seems aimed at tax reduction many who do not understand it will vote for It and there is some danger of it passing. Let it be understood that there is only one way ultimately to reduce tax ation—spend l e s s money. The 2 0 mill bill does not propose this; mere ly It slashes the amount that can be raised from the property tax. It will not affect the amount spent. I f It is passed the property tax revenues will be cut o ff sharply In 1936 and budgets of every school district, city and county will be thrown out of balance. This will pro duce a crisis.—Ex. C ARD OF TH AN K S N O TICE IS H EREBY G IV EN that Wo v ish to thank our friends School Warrants Number 24 to 81, in clusive, issued by School District No. 47 their kindness during the sickness of Malheur County, Oregon, are being ileath of our little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lowe. called and are payable at the Bank of Malheur, Vale. Oregon. Interest will cease October 10, 1934. Sep27-Ot4. Marjorie Looney, Clerk. C O U N T Y C OURT; T otal ....................... .............. ......... ...» 1,800.00 $165,525.00 1932 Judge ................................ ........................ Commissioners ........................................... Traveling expense ................................... Supplies ..................................................... 2000.00 .... B ILL TO O D RASTIC SCHOOL W A R R A N T CALL FOR 1935 $ 0,900.00 ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: Dan Teters .superintendent foir Ber- nard-Curtis Company, on an Owyhee project contract, and Florence L. Pal mer of Seattle were the principals of a quiet wedding solemnized, in Boise on Saturday. Mr. Teters has resided In Nyssa the past few months during which time work has been under way on the Bemard-Curtis contract. He and his bride are residing here. 1931 C O U N TY C LE R K ’S OFFICE: $ W ED SATURD AY EXPE N D ITU R E S FOB 1931, 1932, 1933, and SIX MONTH S of 1934, and $12,050.00 Salary, Clerk ................................ Salary, 1 deputy .............. ............. Salary, deputy-clerks ................... Stippliies (record, stationery, etc.) O ffice equipment Mr. and Mrs. Sills were hosts fo r the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge club last Tuesday evening. A. H. Boydell won first prize, Mrs. E. D. Norcott, second. Mrs. H. Snyder of Twin Falls, sister of Mrs. Sills was a guest. DAN TETERS IS T W E N T Y M IL L T A X 9,785.69 4.581.81 10,000.00 6,600.00 4,345.00 1,225.15 2,052.57 102.50 69.00 6,462 59 429.45 72.25 74.40 307.50 37.50 4,210.00 1,790.00 272.24 15.00 5.00 22.11 2,223.27 133.26 2,250.00 1,000.00 65.00 150.00 80.49 1,000.00 50.00 150.00 12.50 3,500.00 250.00 505.00 150.00 265.00 50.00 199.98 125.00 125.00 350.00 25.00 200.00 399 96 1,711.75 2,059.42 9,000.00 6,105.00 56.50 2.301.71 Oregon 50.00 100.00 2.250.00 300.00 /fr 1,000.00 2,250.00 5,000.00 3,300.00 THE C O U N T Y C O U R T HAS CO NTRO L 299 56 451.84 147.28 592.28 4,154.36 17.741.41 2,610.15 1,900.00 1,095 19 2,148 10 750.00 11000 2,200 00 28.403 75 1 293 45 382 00 3,854 12 24.060.01 1,822.32 2.300.00 2,258.70 1.646 26 110.00 660 00 24.392 42 804 25 21253 191.63 125.00 200.00 1,992.30 11,101.92 1,997.43 650.00 784,25 115 20 250.00 1,750.00 9,375.00 1,250 00 1,300.00 2,500.00 500 00 250 00 55.00 100.00 14.506.34 504.20 9,375.00 750.00 2,060.00 983.29 3,725.00 The first chilly days tell the world it’s time to Fuel U p! W e carry the best coal on the market— it burns longer, there is less waste. Phone 21 v Malheur County, Oregon, hereby certify that the above and fore Malheur County. Oregon, of the probable expenditures o f Malheur the Budget allowance and detailed expenditures for the first six for the year 1933, and the unit cost of expenditures during the Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 3rd day of October, 1934. D A V ID F. G RAH AM , Chairman C. C HUNT, Secretary E. M. O R E IO GEORGE W M cK N IO H T O R A E. C L A R K E. H. BRUM BACH Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplies Nysia, Oregon