GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,1934 Supt. Leo Hollenberg And family re- last night from a week’s outing LITTLE N E W S OF N YSSA I at turned Payette lake. NEWCOMER BUYS TOBY’S TENT SHOWS STATE FAIR LISTS PRIZES FOR 1934 LINCOLN FARM OPEN IN ONTARIO a ss the exhibits. Any of these may be had for the asking at the county agent’s office. All state fair premiums are payable in cash during fair week, immediately after Judging Is finished. Those send­ ing in exhibits may find a check wait­ ing for them when they attend the Fair, perhaps sufficient to cover the day's expenses. J. R. Blackaby of Ontario was here on Tuesday. Ida Margart Wilcox of Vale is spend­ Premium Lists for the Oregon State Merrit Greeting has been transferred ing the week with her sister Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Geo. McKee Is entertaining her from Fair have been received by Ray O. Starting next Monday night at On­ Naches, Wash., to the Standard Stacey. Lincoln—Mr. Huemaker and son ar- primary Sunday School class at a OU office at Yakima. Larson, County Agent, from Max Geh- for seven days, Toby’s Comedians lhar. These birthday party today for her grand­ Rev. White attended the Jason Lee rived from Nebraska Teusday to take tario pitch lists __ are available to Mal- their big tent theatre for the I daughter Patty Jean 8chwetzer, 12 Miss Rose Worley left Monday to Centennial at Payette Tuesday even­ possession of the ranch they purchased will presentation of comedy, drama, music. % u r county farmer des rlng torn, from Johit Nichols. spend a few weeks with her mother in months today. ing. vodvll and laughter. This company of This.year t e M m l W t Issued Miss Ruth Nielson is leaving soon for Baker. A baby son weighing 914 pounds was Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Latture of Cald­ Miss Maxine Duncan who was here a Spokane college. Friends gave her a plaiyers needs no introduction to the m th0 f0 y leaflets booklet as well as in separate bom to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton July well with her parents from Havre, Mont., surprise party. people of this section as they have were guests Monday of their for those Interested only in a part of 26, at the Parma maternity home with daughter Mrs. Leslie McClure. was a guest Tuesday of Miss Vera Mrs. Nichols gave a party Saturday played here for several seasons in the Dr Sarazln In attendance. A number of j Garrison. past. Ladles will be admitted free with in honor of Katherine and Mild­ flrends have called to see Mrs. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Rush McHargue and Misses Tiena and Louise Tensen re­ night who are leaving for the coast soon. each paid adult ticket on Monday family of Vale spent Sunday with their turned home last week after visits with red Geo. and the new baby this week. Markham took his calf club to night .opening night, when Toby will and family. the 4-H picnic at Butler’s Grove last present “Come Up and See Me Some The A. H. Boydell family , Mr. and son The Warren friends in Ontario and Boise. Eagles lodge made plans for an time.“ Change of program nightly.— Mrs. Ted Newell, Dr. and E. D. Nor- early membership drive at the regular Emory Baird is recovering from an Wednesday. Harold and James Cannon of Em­ Adv. cott and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. meeting on Wednesday night. appendix operation. He was able to Dick Adams and Joe Robertson spent Attorney Ldtt D. Brown returned leave the Ontario hospital last week. mett have been helping their uncle W S. Rogers thru haying. the week end on an outing on Elk - - USE - - .and Mrs. Joe Harris of Adrian l last night from a visit of two days in Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lamb left yes­ Miss Opal Ivers was here from Rig­ are Mr rejoicing creek. over the arrival of a son Boise on legal business. terday for the coast where they plan to gins Saturday, visiting in the Robt. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray and child­ Jess Swan brought his mother Mrs. reside. Lamb has been working for Davis home. on July 28, at the Caldwell sanitarium. VELTEX Gasoline, And Motor Oil ren returned Monday from a vacation I | Geo. Mrs. Ed. DuPre went to Nyssa to Ex-Govemor H. C. Baldridge came R. Swan from Boise Sunday. She Terteling. trip to Belknap Springs and Portland. ! was the guest of her sister in Boise for Miss Thelma Cook returned last spend Monday with her daughter Mrs. over from Parma to help with work in They fished at the former camp with Garrison. THE FLETCHER OIL COMPANY the Nyssa Store this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emmott who went ! several days. night from two weeks visit with her Dale Ralph Winslow is recovering from Mr. and Mrs. Felix Gamboa of the on to Seattle after their outing in the 1 Miss Daana Smith has been clerking sister Mrs. Walter Davis at Union. C. B. Short, Agent Nyssa at the Johnson Variety Store since its George Stevens of El Monte, Cal,, Is an operation for appendicitis. timber. Deseret ranch left Saturday for a few Saturday. The Johnsons re­ days outing at Payette lake. Mrs. A. E. Robinson arrived from opening making his annual visit with his cousin Reed Tucker left Tuesday for his a very successful opening. Portland Sunday for a visit with her port A. .V. Cook. He arrived here Sat­ home in Blackfoot after several weeks Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis, Mr. and James Graham spent Sunday with parents Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McDonald his father Judge David F. Graham and Mrs. Mrs. P. M. Binkley and Mrs Mary Fel­ urday. of Apple Valley. The McDonalds and friends in Vale.. visit with his brothers here. ton visited friends In Nampa Sunday. Mrs. Jas Lane of Kingman Kolony Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall met her In H. R. Otis and family of Adrian are Willard Lynch has changed the ad­ has been ill. She was taken to Ontario Ontario. Tuesday evening Mrs. Robin­ Mr. and Mrs. Pud Long and daughter Monday. leaving tomorrow for a week's vaca­ dress of his Journal from San Leandro, son visited with Mrs. Thos. B. Nordale Evelyn were In from their camp on the STOCK F A R M FOP Lewiston. Idaho. Cal., to Boise where he is now residing. Holdout near Ironlsde last week end. When S. D. Bigelow returned Tues- | tion Mr. at and and other friends. Mrs. Chester Sager spent day from Deadwood dam he brought a with the Thos. Sager family in dozen trout and reported good fishing Sunday Oregon Trail. at Deadwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and ONTARIO—7 DAYS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker and daughter Janice joined friends In children and Gene Tucker were visitors Caldwell Sunday for a picnic dinner. 40 Acres alt in cultivation. Starts Monday, Aug. 6 in Boise last week. Frank Reberger has been transferred 2 Room house, 14x26, plenty shade. Stanfield to Echo on the Stan­ Barn for 4 head. Eddie Powell and John Ward came from Cov| Barn for 13 head. in from their mine near Prairie City field project. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Wilson and Cream house 10x10. Saturday for a week's visit at home. enjoyed a pleasant outing in Boise Hen house 12x24. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper and sons Blacksmith shop 12x12. COMEDIANS, TENT Mrs. Jackie Carl spent Friday in Bro­ Sunday. Other out buildings. gan with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey. SHOW Electric lights and pumping plant. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson and Mr. 1 good team, 7 year old. POLICEMAN LOSES and Mrs. Glenn Frizzell returned Sun­ 25 People, 6-Piece Band 4 good cows to freshen this fall, day night from their fishing trip on 62 POUNDS OF FAT 3 calves, 2 hogs. the Deschutes river. Change of Plays 50 chickens. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Holly arrived Mr. J. W. Frost writes: “I’ve used 7 Every Night 1 heavy set harness. yesterday from Illinois to visit with bottles of Kruschen and reduced from 1 wagon and box. the Frank Miller family in Big Bend 272 to 210 lbs. with no ill effects what­ Opening Play: 1 low wagon and rack. liiiii i l i:i:nmiiiii:i!i(iiiiiii ni liMii in limi m i ri m:i M i n i Him u n rim a u and with the Holly at Adrian. ever. In fact 1 feel much better than I 1 mower, 1 rake, 1 fresno. Lawrence Blodgett started work have for some years. As a police officer “COME UP AND SEE 1 slip scraper. Monday at the Olympic Club Poolliall I recommend Kruschen to brother of- j ME SOMETIME” 1 14-inch plow. operated by Henry Fields and Nick fleers to keep in regulation weight and 1 20-foot jointer. Rudlick. health.” 1 Disc harrow. C. L. McCoy and Don Graham plan Kruschen Is the safe, healthy, sen­ Feature Friday Nite 1 2-horse cultivator. to attend the American Legion 40 and sible way to lose unhealthy surplus fat Popsickles and Cones 1 orchard cultivator. 8 “wreck” in Baker tonight. Initiation —simply take a half teaspoonful every “SHEPHERD OF THE 2 push cultivators. We are ready to serve you with a tasty lunch or will be held. morning in a glass of warm water— HILLS” 1 Rose Bros. Corragator. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Farmer pic­ you'll feel so good—so energetic. You’ll meal any hour of the day. Drop in. 1 Hay Derick complete. nicked at the Payette park Sunday gain In strength and ambition—you feel Ladies FREE MON. 1 Hand Seeder. with Engineer and Mrs. R. J. Newell years younger and look it. By reducing 1 Corn drill, 1 grindstone. NITE from Ontario. excess fat and you’ l l be apt to live years Try our Special Sunday Dinners 1 New 4'*i Butterfly Cream Separator. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Klinkenberg longer. 2 5-gallon Cream churn. kenberg and Mrs. S. D. Goshert left One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You can get With Each Adult Ticket Set Blacksmith tools. and his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Kiln- Kruschen Salts at The Nyssa Phar­ Prices ........25c and 10c 1 Single Shovel plow. last week to spend their vacation at macy.—Adv. coast points. INQUIRE AT THE GATE CITY Doors Open 7:30 Mrs. Leonard Newgen of Apple Val­ FOR SALE—Household iumlture. Mrs.1 JOURNAL Show Starts 8:30 ley was rushed to the Holy Rosary Frank Lathen, city, near schoolhouse. hospital Monday, seriously ill of WORK HORSE for sale, or Nyssa Mrs. Ruth Ay re, Prop. typhoid fever. She was taken to On­ GOOD trade for good corrugator or young j tario In the Llenkaemper Ambulance. cattle. S. D. Bigelow. Nyssa. Aug. 2. <« m n m in in mninii m in m u ti in n m m inni in m in in m in in in in m in him in 1111111:11111 win in 11111111111:111:1 n ? The Dwight and Dean Smith faim- llles. Miss Vera Garrison and Carroll Tucker picnicked at the Pud Long oamp in the timber above Ironside Sunday. ... Here's an Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blodgett AM AIING OPPORTUNITY drove to Baker Satuiday to sepnd Sun­ day with Mrs. Henry Fields who is ‘This sm4yptpocket convalescing from a major operation at a Baker hospital. CIGARETTE LIGHTER Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing and Mrs. H. B. Earp of Emmett returned Sun­ day evening from a short visit in Rig­ by, Ida., where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Briggs and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tice and. son —To make way for fall merchandise we are closing out a number of summer Walter and his family from Topeka, COMPACT ETTI CK NT. ATTRACT WE lines at very attractive bargain prices. We are mentioning a few of the many Kansas, were guests last week of Mrs. Chas. Garrison, sister of Mrs. Tice, specials—look them over on our counters. A full size tube < > 7 and family. They were en route to S quibb S having C ream Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Percy MacFarlane and SALE PRICE daughter Frances of Nampa, Miss Vir­ AT LOWER PRICES LADIES VOILE DRESSES, $1.95 value ............................................ $1.49 ginia Cancelmo of Emmett and Mr. and Mrs. Halsinger of Boise were din­ LADIES PRINT DRESSES 98c value............................................................ 69c ner guests Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. C. Special« for Fri., Sat., Mon., August 3, 4 and 6 A. Abbott. MISSES DRESSES AND PAJAMAS, some of these dresses would be fine Dr. Bartlett came from Ontario NYSSA PHARMACY Sunday to take a boat ride with Henry for school, your choice.......................................... 39c SA V E w it h S A F E T Y at McNee to his rabbit island in Snake SUGAR, 10 lb. cloth bags...............................53c river. Dr. Bartlett is certain the river 7he% *ccJl DRUG STORE offers recreational advantages that few MISSES PAJAMAS, regular 98c......... ........................... g9c SYRUP, Amaizo, Golden, 10 lb. cans..........57c appreciate. He says he Is going in for boating. Nyssa Oregon LADIES SUMMER BLOUSES, reg. 98c.......................................................... 89c 100,000 Can’t Be Wrong! 5 A L E TOBY NORD’ S Ice Cream The Nyssa I BUY Where I tan Get The BEST UMMER «MRS « M u r « U H N M l l M t ßoth pi 3 9 c SYRUP, Amaizo, Golden, 5 lb. can ..............32c WEINERS, Nice & fresh, Boise Butcher, lb 11c MINCED HAM, 2 lbs. fo r ............................ 25c PORK & BEANS, Van Camps, Medium size cans, 4 for........................ 25c Large size cans, 2 fo r ............................... 25c COCOANUT, Celophane pkgs........................19c SALMON, 1 lb. tall cans, pink, 2 fo r............25c STARCH, Amaizo, corn or gloss, 2 pkgs. for 15c COFFEE, Yellow Bag, 1 lb...............................16c PUREX, quart bottle, each..............................15c SOAP CHIPS, 20 Mule Borax, large pkg....25c WILSON CROCERY PHONE 21 NYSSA, ORE. Liberty Theatre Friday-Saturday, August 3-4 Tim McCoy in “SPEED WINGS’’ With Evalyn Knapp and William Bakewell Sunday-Monday, August 5—6 “LET’S TALK IT OVER” With Mae Clark, Frank Craven and Andy Devine Tuesday*Wednesday, August 7-8 Sylvia Sidney in “ THIRTY-DAY PRINCESS” With Cary Grant Thursday, August 9 • Jack Holt in “WHIRLPOOL” With Jean Arthur, Donald Cook, and Lila Lee MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS, fancy and plain colors, regular 98c, N OW ....... 79c MEN’S BLUE CHAMBRAY SHIRTS............................................................. 49c BOYS’ BLUE CHAMBRAY SHIRTS............................................................ 29c MEN’S FANCY SOX, 2 pairs................................... 25c MEN’S ROCKFORD SOX, pair.................................................................. 10c MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS, each..................................................................... «. LADIES SUMMER HATS......................................... HALF PRICE Lot LADIES WHITE SHOES, Oxfords, Straps, Ties, reg. $2.85...... $1.98 1 Lot White Canvas Shoes, reg .$1.98 ................................ $1.39 Ladies Mesh Hose value, special................................. 9c PURE SILK HOSE, pair .................................................... 59c 5 1 ,$ 1 5 RAG RUGS, 18x36, a real buy at 19c These bargains will make your dollars do double duty Wilson Drygoods PHONE 32 The Friendly Store NYSSA, ORE.