Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1934 Japtha Wade, Jr., of Burmingham, nlte visit with his aunt Mrs. H. R. Girl Scouts will give their benefit Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Elliott of the On leave from West Point military program a t the Parish hall tonight. Kolony had as guests Sunday their school, Mac LaMoyne has been visiting Cal., arrived here Friday for an lndefl- Sherwood and family. Otis Crocker is here from Idaho ntphew Marvin Blakely and family of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. La Falls. Boise. Moyne and wtih friends In Boise the The ladle* aid is holding a social Mrs. Guy Bailey arrived from Seattle Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton spent Sat Malcolm Crawford went to Logan, past week. His brother Charles, Jr., has meeting at the home of Mrs. Green Monday for an indefinite visit here. urday in Nampa with their daughter Utah, Saturday to Join his wife who has also been here from Boulder dam. Campbell today. I Miss Lucille Wtxon visited friends a’ Mrs. Moore and family. been visiting relatives there the past Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Larsen mot-1 Fill th e . Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson and Mr. month. They will return home about ored to Payette lake Sunday and their f Win. Rusk, owner of the Rosebud i Owyhee dam Sunday. and Mrs. Bert Barker were dinner July 1st. son Warren returned with them after a Wm. Peulz made a trip to Baker Poolhall, left Friday for Portland where guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. he will spend some time under medical Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peutz and sons pleasant outing at the Butler camp. Long In Arcadia. care. of Payette and Mrs. Tatie Teague of The Larsens also enjoyed a visit with Mrs Sarah Robertson has been very Mrs. Leslie McClure and baby daugh Oakland, Cal., were guests Thursday their niece from Twin Falls who Is va Earl Powell came from Orland, Cal., ill the past week. ter returned home Saturday from the of Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Peutz at their cationing at the Girl Reserves camp. to attend the funeral services for his Parma golfers have been Invited to Parma maternity home. Joe Robertson returned from Payette ranch on the Owyhee. father. He left on Tuesday. Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. attend open house on the Nyssa course lake with the McConnells on Saturday. With Goody-Goodies from the Bakery. An ever = Mrs. Joanle McNelr of Coquille was Elliott, under went a tonsil operation The Conrad Martin family were Sunday. tempting array of cakes and pastries baked g the guest this week of her sister Mrs. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott and Mr. Friday. Young Jimmy Cook cut his foot sev J. S. Weddle. On Monday evening Mrs. Notice to Dairy Patrons daily. Otis. and Mrs. Farnham Sills were dinner Earl Danley gave a family dinner in Mrs. Ruby Rust Joined old friends guests Sunday at the A. H. Boydell erely Monday night while wading in her honor. mud. The Oregon Milk Control Board Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Monteith of Chic j home. Mrs. Ernest McClure was home the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McConnell were I ago in Boise Friday for a gala reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Pud Long were In from in from Long Valley from Saturday un forepart of the week from Caldwell created by an act of the last legislature = has set the following minimum retail S Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Hall return I their camp at the Holdout yesterday. til Monday. where she and her husband are visiting prices on milk and cream In Malheur ed Monday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Long's sisters Mary and Cora Car Mrs. H. T. Francis went to Boise while Ernest is helping with work In A Spicy Variety in Sandwich Bread Mrs. O. O. Koenig In Baker. Mrs. Jess ter accompanied them and went on to Monday to spend this week with Mrs. I. his uncle’s bakery. They plan to return County effective July 1st, 1934. MILK Ward of Ontario accompanied them their home at Boise after a week’s out N. Nelson. in several days NYSSA OREGON | 4 per cent milk, quarts 10c, pints 6c ing. home for an Indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs. Annie E. Caldwell of Boise, aunt Ted Newell and Norvllle Leuck re Mr. and Mrs. Ole Servoss enjoyed the Paul Ayre spent Tuesday with Mr. and of Sid Bubridge, with Mrs. G. W. Clev 5 per cent milk, quarts 11c, pints 6!4c S iuiuii mu in m i in u mm hi m iiintmii m itauM ii» a u mm M H a m a i M * N a i N i N H H H * W N M * * k '' 6 per cent milk, quarts 12c, pints 7c turned Thursday night from a week's visit of her sister Mrs. Hawley and Mrs. Wm. Bailey at Brcgan. enger and Mrs. Pearl Hill of Vale were Processed milk, lc more per quart fishing on the Deschutes. While Ted family from Portland last week. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman of g-uests at the Burbidge home on Mon Gallons, In cans 35c I MLillllilillllil Ml . mi l . l l l l l l l l l l Mil in wiiinuimiHtiiiilHiHliiilillllil.llllHI'lll limili N É M B M O M I was fishing Mrs. Newell spent a week Servoss is slowly recovering from a re Caldwell were guests Sunday at the ; day. Whipping cream, 33 to 36 per cent cent Injury. with her parents at Walla Walla. Shelton home. Ray Garrison arrived home Friday *4 pints 16c, pints 28c, quarts 50c [ Miss Doris Smith spent the week end after spending several weeks at The Table cream, 20 to 22 per cent B. F. j If You A re. with Vera Garrison. Mrs. Chas. New- Dalles where he helped with a wheat ’4 pint 13c, pints 21c, quarts 35c | ■wm— i w N i l lit t l.U H .H N i n m m M I N N N i l llllU l III MiMlil l:l III W U M I I I I IJf bill and daughter were also guests at S Buttermilk, Bulgarian or culture j survey. Ray has completed another 5 the Garrison home Sunday. Quarts 10c, Gallons 35c successful year at Oregon State. Mrs. Paul Wilson and children ar- j We are putting these prices into ef rived Tuesday from Pondosa for a visit j Supt. Leo Hollenberg and family re fect on that date. turned Monday from a week's visit in at the W. B. Hoxle home. SHELTON DAIRY Mr. and Mrs.. Don Shephard and i Portland, Newport and Corvallis. While H. F. EMBREE STAR DAIRY j the Fourth family of Huntington spent Monday j Mr. Hollenberg transacted business in Portland. Mrs. Hollenberg and children STAPLES JERSEY DAIRY here. and her mother vacationed on the CARMAN JERSEY FARM Mrs. Ed. Kemp spent last week in beach at Newport. O. K. DAIRY LaGrande with relatives. Mrs. O. R. Hite is recovering from a painful accident. She almost severed her finger with a butcher knife. Dewey Hoxie came from Pendleton Monday on a business trip. He spent Tuesday In Boise. Glenn Pounds of Caldwell is working at McHargue barber shop this week and next. Mrs. Cordelia Seburn and little grandson arrived Monday from Calif ornia. Her little grandson is here for an McCORMICK DEERING Indefinite stay. Chas. E. Peck, secretary of Big Bend Irrigation district, was here Monday on district business. “We're inviting all of All Kindt—For a Gay 4th! the country around to our annual Fourth of July at Big Bend park,” said FIRECRACKERS, SPARKLERS, CAP GUNS, Mr. Peck who never misses one himself. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing were PINWHEELS AND SET PIECES guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tldd in Everything for a Good Old-Fashioned 4th Boise last week end. They also visited Every ball is absolutely guaranteed. Any de with Mr. McLIng's sister and family ICE CREAM AND SODAS near Boise and his mother who is there fective ball will be replaced or money refunded. g from Salt Lake City. SEE CALDWELL’S FIRST ST! Fountain Service Day and Night While In Salt Lake for the medical 3 STS convention. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazln “The BIG BALL is the Best Buy” Make Your Headquarters at— Swanky Shirts, Light Flannels, New Ties, Belts, ; -i and daughters Harriet and Isobel en and Sox for the Particular Man. joyed a pleasant visit last week with relatives, the Dr. F. A. Goeltz family Treated against destruction by insects; smooth, who resided here some years ago. The Misses’ White Shoes on Sale at $1.98 and $2.98 uniform and non-tangling Sarazins returned Sunday. Organdie Blouses ..................................... 98c Dr. W. F. Dean and wife and daugh ter of Osceola, Iowa, have been vaca Rexall Store Cute Chicken Blouses, rayon plaids or plain with A COMPLETE STOCK OF tioning with relatives In Nyssa, Payette and Emmett. Dr. Dean is a brother of knit neck, o n ly ....................................$1.19 OREGON NYSSA GENUINE I. H. C. REPAIRS Mrs. J. B. Smith, Earl Dean of Payette White Skirts and New Cotton Frocks, just the iiiiiiittiitiiiiiirii'UiiiiifiHiMiiittiii.iiriiniiTniiiiiiJiinirriiriiiiriiiiiiiiniiu n n rm u in 1 i.iiiiinimmurn m im mm in . i and Emil Dean of Emmett. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Lucile Johnston accompanied thing for the Fourth. them to the coast last week, returning Always look for the International Harvester Sunday in time for the Boise ball game. The visitors are returning to Iowa this trade mark because Genuine parts fit better and week end after a very pleasant visit here. last longer. LITTLE NEWS OF NYSSA Picnic Basket The Swan Bakery j Stepping Out Fireworks I The Big Ball M E D TWINE Nyssa Pharmacy Caldwell’s Store Specials WANT ADS C. M. CALDWELL I FOR SALE—Spotted Poland China Shoats. Chas. Garrison, Phone 78F2. NYSSA Eder Hardware Co. LOST—Keys in case presumably on j Nyssa streets. Please leave at Journal. | WILL TRADE Hudson "26 truck In good condition for cows. Inquire of H. J. Holmes first house north of old Owy hee bridge. July 5pd. NYSSA, OREGON OREGON Itiinim rriimimn am 11 h a n mmmmmm mm nwiMamwrw rwmi'wiwaai.i minium n i mmv PHONE 46 A Friday, Saturday, Monday, June 29-30, July 2 COFFEE, MJB, 1 lb. can ............................... 33c COFFEE, MJB, 2 lb. can ...............................65c PEARS, No, 2 1-2 can, fancy........................19c PEACHES, 2 1-2 cans, fancy Del Monte........19c TOMATO JUICE, 15 oz. can, Del Monte, 3 fo r .........................................................25c WASHING POWDERS, White King, large size package ...................................................27c WESSON OIL, pint cans with Mayonnaise Mixer .......................................................49c WESSON OIL, quart cans with Mayonnaise Bowls ...................................................49c CRACKERS, 3 lb. b ox ................................... 33c CRACKERS, 2 lb. box, salad wafers........... 29c GRAHAM CRACKERS, 2 *b, boxes............. 29c COOKIES, fancy, in celophane b ags........... 27c COOKIES, mixed in celophane bags............19c WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS, 2 lbs............25c MAYONNAISE, Best Foods or Durkees, Quart jar ............................................... 32c Pint jar ................................................... 19c —At— WILSON GROCERY Everything in Fresh Vegtables and Fruits ^ " " " ^ '" ^ b lohitd^^independent PHONE 21 j NYSSA, ORE. AVE ONEY! You 11 Save Enough at Our Summer Sale with which to ce'ebrate on the 4th— if you take advantage of these real bargains! Extra Special for Saturday Bit Miss RAG RUG, 18x36, 49c Value—ONLY 19c While They Last! Men’s Stripe Dress Pants........$1.50 Men’s White F'annel Pants ... $4.95 Men’s White Dress C a p s......... 39c Men’s Dress S h irts................... 89c Men’s Sleeveless Sw eaters....... 98c Men’s Dress O xfo rd s............$2.49 Work Clothes Red Ball O veral's................. $1.29 Boys Red Ball O veral's............98c Men’s Liberty Stripe Overalls ..98c Men’s Gaunt'et and wrist leather faced gloves ......................... 39c Work Shoes, composition soles ........................................$1.98 Men’s Cashmerette White Sox, 2 pairs ..............................25c Ladies Rayon Bloomers........... 29c Misses Rayon Bloomers............25c Ladies Brassiers ....................... 25c Rayon Munsingwear Hose ..... 39c Silk Fu'l Fashion Hose ............69c White Purses ........................... 69c Children’s Voile dresses........... 69c Ladies G irdles........................... 50c Ladies Blouses........................... 98c Ladies Rayon White Slips....... 98c Chi'dren’s White Purses........... 35c Ladies White Rayon Sweaters 69c SHOES Our stock is complete. You will find White and Black Shoes for the v hole fam- i'y. Our prices are reasonable. Give us a call. Wilson Drygoods OREGON I D ivini # ' reading the many reasons listed A FTER . above, your own good judgment will tell you to get your Kelvinator now. <L See these beautiful low priced Kelvinators.The down payment is so small you’ll never miss it. And you can actually save enough to cover the monthly payments. G. Get it N O W -w ith the extra features at no extra cost and enjoy it this summer—and many summers to come af ter it has paid for itself many times over. <L D on’t miss this opportunity! Get your Kelvinator NOW. 17 MODELS—A Type and Site for Every Home and Every Pi £ PETERSON FURNITURE CO. ONTARIO, OREGON