Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1934 : a r runs a w a y IN APPLE VA LLEY K Apple Valley—After a chat with W. B. Adams, Levi Stephens was startled to Tave his car run away last Tuesday, cranked It and It started a cross ountry jaunt, striking one of the Adams cows. The car jumped two k 11 w » in h i;i l i i:m i ill iiiiiiiii:iiin u iu in K NYSSA SHOE SHOP Invites you to bring in your old shoes. What Kp may seem beyond re- I ; pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. j Expert Leather W ork g NYSSA SHOE SHOP Ross Parkinson, Prop. Nyssa, Oregon H iiniiii li min iiniiMiiiiii i!ii:iiii;iii miiiiirmum nr ditehfci and went through two fences stopping at the Stout garden. The cow was badly hurt so had to be killed. While playing baseball at Homedale last Sunday, Jack Reed was struck In the eye by a ball. Three stitches were required to close the cut. Jack was at home for the week end from the CCC camp. W. S. Adams with his daughter and family attended a reunion In Parma honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rich of Medesto, Cal., who were guests of the Powers. Hickman and Adams families. Mrs. Leonard Newgen and Mrs Hlg gins entertained the ladies aid Thurs day at the home of the latter. Mrs. Glen Van Landingham came from Pocatello to visit relatives here Indefinitely. Dewey Ray of Nyssa purchased some fat beef in this community last week. Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell’s sister Mrs. Grace Alley and children came from Moorland, Okla., to visit with the Cald well family. Crews have completed apple thin ning in this district. Rheumatic Pain Stopped by Lemon Juice Recipe T y this. If it doesn’t relieve you, make you feel better and younger and happier, your druggist will refund your money. Get a pack age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice o f 4 lemons and take a tablespoonful two times a day. In 48 hours, usually, the pain is gone, joints limber up, wonderful glorious relief is felt. Equally good for rheumatism, or neuritis pain. Costa only a few cents a day. For sale, recommended and guaranteed by all leading druggists. Any druggist will get the REV PRESCRIPTION if you ask him to do so. Miracle Laboratories, 2700 Park Boulevard Oakland, Calif. You claim there Is no more reasan to suffer PILES than from toothache. You absolutely guaran;ee a M IRACLE PILE ABSORBENT arlll give Immediate Relief to Itching, Bleeding, Protruding PILES or it doesn't cost me one penny. I enclose One Dollar or Trial Package (money back If not sat isfied) to be sent Postpaid InPlain Wrapper. Print Name....... ............... Street ___ _____________ City, State ...................... „ FIRE LOSS HEAVY A T M cD E R M in Rural Schools and City Schools— Summer Work and School Year Positions CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. “ Thanks for sending me so many good posi tions to apply for, over 30 during the first five days I was enrolled.” — An Illinois Teacher SCH OOL OFFICIALS— W e can put you in touch with the very finest teachers. Our service is free to you. I wouldn’t wonder there’ll be a little comer, Where old men swap their tales of fish ing lore,. Or they’ll sit in the shade of the tree of life and ponder, Over things they never understood be fore. And Dad will tell, perhaps, of the home down yonder Where a loved one sits and waits so patiently. For the one-way ticket that means they’ll be united, Means they’ll be together for all eter nity. When cared and worries came to make life heavy His presence soothed my mind like a dampened towel It will make no difference how over crowded Heaven is There! be a great big place up there for Daddy Powell. —Ruby Ellis Rust CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our kind neighbors and friends for their floral offerings and the kindnesses extended at the time of the death of our beloved little daughter Daryleen. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Baker and family. W DON M. GRAHAM Administrator of the Estate of Patrick Gallagher, Deceased. BY VIRTUE of an execution In fore closure, duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, dated the 2nd day of June, 1934, and to me dir ected upon an order and decree of sale rendered in said Court on the 28th day of May, 1934, in a certain suit in said Court wherein Winifred Brown Thomas was plaintiff and Mary E. Lyells, Angie E. Cook and A. V. Cook, and each thereof, were defendants, and wherein the plaintiff Winifred Brown Thomas recovered judgment against the de fendants, and each thereof, In the sum of $1,000.00, with interest thereon from the 20th day of December, 1932; for the further sum of $26.57, and for the further sum of $100.00 attorney fees and further sum of $19.90, costs and disbursements, which judgment was en rolled and docketed in the Clerk's of fice In said County on the 2nd day of June, 1934. THEREFORE, By virtue of said exe cution, judgment, order and order of sale, and in compliance with the com mands of said writ, I will, on the 7th day of July, 1934, at the hour of 10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION o ’clock in the forenoon of said day, at SERIAL NO. 028843 the North Main Entrance of the Coun United States Land Office, ty Court House, in Vale, Malheur Coun The Dalles, Oregon, June 8, 1934. ty, Oregon, sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all the To Whom It May Concern: right, title, and Interest of the above Notice Is hereby given that the State named defendants, and each of them. of Oregon has filed in this office the following list of lands, to-wit: WM j NEK, SE14, S e c t i o n 30; NW Vi NE *4, Lot 1, Section 31; Twp. Get that Hat, Suit and 30 S„ Range 45 E.W.M. SE'aSW'/i, Dress— SW4SE14, Section 22; SEt4SE’4, Section 24; NHSW14, N H S E 'i, CAPITALIZED Section 26; SEliNEK, Section 28; Twp 30-S.. Range 44 E.W.M. NV4- Not Just Cleaned SW14, SE!4SWti, S E 'i, Section 7; N14NEt4, NE’ iNW K, NHSW14, Section 8; NE14, Lot 4, N ‘,4SE!4, Section 18; Lot 1, Section 19; Twp. 31 S., Range 43 E.W.M. N14NEV4, SW ‘/4, WHSEV4, SB 14BE 14, Section 34, Twp. 30, S., Range 42 E.W.M. W H, WHE14. Lot 1, SE'4SEy4 Sec tion 2; NE14NE14, Section 10; NW14SW14, SE%, Section 11; N14, WV4SW14, SE14SWV4, Section 12; NW14, NHSW14, SE14SW14, SEW, Section 13; EWNEH, NEWSEW, Section 14; NWNEW, SEWNEW, Section 24, Twp. 31 8„ Range 42, E M , and has applied for a patent for said lands under the acts of August 18, 1894, Leave your cleaning at the Unit (Stat., 372-422), June 11, 1896, (29 Stat. 434), and March 3, 1901, (31 Stat., 1133- ed Laundry Nyssa. Mrs. Margaret 1188), relating to the granting of not to Pashley Is our local agent. exceed a million acres of arid lands to each of certain states; and that the said list, with Its accompanying proofs, CA PITA L CLEANERS is open for the inspection of all persons BOISE - IDAHO Interested, and the public generally. Within thq next sixty days following IT’S T1MÈSTO CHANGE LUBRICANTS per Cord Delivered on the Cars at Nyssa Each car contains 16 cords— go in with your It is the cheapest fuel on the market and the most satisfactory for a quick hot fire— just the thing for the kitchen range and there are also large slabs in every cord for the fireplace. Dwight Smith, Mgr. PHONE 15 NYSSA Oregon Nyssa * You will find it an easy and pleasant task if you use one o f our Cold Pack Canners. 9-Pint, 7 Quart or 4 1-2 Gallon. Adjustable size. Saves fuel, time and tem per......... see them today. What could be more appetizing after a hot day than a freezer o f ice cream? Freezes Cream Easily and Quickly 2 QUART F R E E Z E R ............ $1.19 Drop In Any Time Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA PHONE 113 OREGON .................................................................................... . Ice C ream Popsickles and Cones W e are ready to serve you with a tasty lunch or meal any hour of the day. Drop in. Try our Special Sunday Dinners The Nyssa Cafe Nyssa Mrs. Ruth Ayre, Prop. ■an EvertjTwo Minutes F you are underinsured, or if you let Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. Y ou owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. H ow could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Sink Faucets Let ui help you obtain an ap praisal, mahs suggestions, and furnish adtquatt insurants■ $4.50 Installed Light grade oil in the crankcase and light grade grease in differenntial and transmission does not offer proper lubrication for warm weather. CARS OILED AND GREASED Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Welding loss. Combination Mixing Very Attractive Battery Service your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to SPECIAL ! Very New Very Handy For Auto Repairing ANOTHER H O M E BURNS Chromium Plated neighbor and buy a car. ED. W . PRUYN Easier This Summer / Green Slab Wood $3.49 See CANNING! LOTT D. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Journal Atl3 Are Your ShooDing Guide im r 1850 Dowing St., Denver Colo. Covers the ENTIRE United States I do not think that Heaven' will be too splendid For ordinary folk like you and me, And I hope they’ll find a sunny place for Daddy Where the waters of life run crystal and free. the date of thl3 notice, protests or con 1 ubjeot to their statutory right of re tests against the claim of the State to demption in and to the following de- any tract describid in the list, on t! ■ -rlSed real property, to-wtt: ground of failure to comply with the Lots One (1) and Two (2) In Block law, on the ground of the non-desert I One Hundred Seventy-three (173) character of the land, on tire ground of In the City of Ontario, County of Malheur, State of Oregon. a prior adverse right, or on the ground that the same is more valuable fer Taken and levied upon as the property mineral than for agricultural purpose , c f the above named defendants, and will be received and poted for repon each of them, or so much thereof as 1 may be necessary to satisfy said judg- to the Genera! Land Office at Wash , ment and decree In favor of the above ington, D. C. named defendants, and each of them, j together with all costa that have or W. F. JACKSON, Register. may accrue. June 14-Aug 6 Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 7th day :c f June, 1934. C. W. GLENN, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Sheriff of Malheur County, Ore. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lott D. Brown, the undersigned, administrator of the i Attorney for Plaintiff. estate of Patrick Gallagher, deceased, Date of First Publication June 7th, 1934 has filed his final account, In said mat Date of Last Publication July 5th, 1931. ter with the County Court of Malheur Date of Sale, July 7th, 1934. County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 7th day of July, 1934, at 10 o’clock A, M. at the County Court Room, In the County Court House, in Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court as the time and place for hear Make . . . . ing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 7th, 1934. m uirn ni!i;i;:i You still have time to secure a good posi tion. for the coming school year.. Good positions are available in every state. Complete informa tion will be mailed on receipt o f a three cent stamp. Send for it today. Misses Dorothy Austin, Kathryn Oil- more and Mary LeMoyne returned Sat urday from Cove where they attended the annual two weeks session of sum mer school of the Episcopal church. Miss Dorothy received a certificate for five years attendance and credits which make her an accredited Sunday School teacher. Isobel Sarazin attend ed the Cove institute the first week but returned early In order to accom pany her parents to Salt Lake. McDermitt—Three fires occured In the McDermitt vicinity last week, one of the most costly being In the village of McDermitt. There the recently ln- ! stalled modern Ice plant and ice house ! of the Commercial Hotel owned by Louis Bllboa burned to the ground. A grass fire on McDermitt creek de stroyed a number of cottonwood trees and considerable range feed. A brush fire at Mitchell Cobeagas destroyed the corrals and a field of wheat. Legal Advertisement Mrs. Joe Gruell and son with Mrs. Wm. Aubrey of Opallte were luncheon NOTICE OF CONSTABLE’S SALE guests of Mrs. L. M Simpson Tuesday. John Holbrook and Ed. Oakes of By virtue of a certified copy of the Boise were here Tuesday en route to notice of lien, which lien was filed In Reno. the office of the County Clerk of Mal Mrs. George Bodle and Mrs. Harrison heur County on June 20th, 1934, where Wilson of Opallte visited In Paradise in A. C. McFarlane, claimant gave notice of his Intention to hold a lien Valley last week. Joe Gruell and family left Wednes upon the personal property herein day for their home at Hawthorne. Nev after described, for claimant's services ada, where Gruell is employed at the In caring for, safely keeping and stor naval base. They have been visiting ing said personal property, which said Mrs. Gruell’s mother Mrs. Wm. Aubrey certified copy of said notice of lien, at Opalite and sister Mrs. Chester Wil bears the request endorsed thereon, for the foreclosure of such lien, and re kinson at McDermitt. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reynolds moved to quiring me the undersigned Constable Marslng, Idaho. Mrs. Ike Crosby ac of Malheur County, Oregon to take the companied them to Jordan Valley to personal property described In such notice of lien into my possession and visit there a week. hold the same, and to advertise the Ben Reynolds, who has been operat same for sale and to sell the same, ac ing a fleet of trucks on the I. O. N. cording to law to satisfy said lien and highway for the Utah Constructior ^ accrued interest, and the costs of tak company In Nevada, will begin work on ing, holding and selling the same: the new contract awarded his company Notice is hereby given that I will on on the Idaho side. Saturday the 14th day of July 1934, at Herb Whiting spent the week end at the hour of 11:00 o'clock In the fore Burns. noon of the said day, at the McFarlane A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. place, being the last place on the north Ross Harden at the McDermitt Indian side of the highway leading from Nys reservation June 17. On Tuesday Mrs. sa to Parma, In Malheur County and Harden was taken to Winnemucca hos being near the bank of the Snake river pital for medical treatment. In said Malheur County, to the high Ed Lempkl had the misfortune to est bidder for cash, the following per break his nose while operating a cater sonal property to-wit: One Ford Roadster, year built pillar on the I. O. N. Shirley Scroggins 1929, motor number A 743434, ser took him to Winnemucca for treatment. ial number same, now bearing Nev The many friends of R. E.. Montgom ada License Number 9359 ery were glad to welcome him home at To satisfy said lien In the amount of the Orevada hotel on Tuesday last. $25.00 and accrued Interest and Wm. Young, concrete contractor on the cost of taking possession of and the I. O. N. has returned to Fallon. Mr. and Mrs. Al Kinney, Vernon holding and selling said personal pro Sharp and Howard Harney enjoyed a perty. pleasant picnic Sunday at Hinkey Dated ai Nyssa, Oregon, June 22, 1934. Summit. H. D HOLMES, Mrs. Wayman of Elko, mother of Willis Wayman, went to Reno and Car- Constable of Nyssa Precinct son City to visit relatives, accompan ied by Mrs. Willis Wayman. The latter 1st publication June 28, 1934 2nd publication July 5, 1934. returned with her husband Sunday. IN MEMORI AM T cacKers SUMMER SCHOOL CLOSES