f G A TE C IT Y JO U R N AL, T H U R S D A Y , JUNE 28,1934 Miss Posey Is Bride At Pretty June Wedding JOHNSON-POSEY A romance which began in the Cald­ well high school was culminated In the marriage of Miss Grace Posey and J. W e'ter Johnson which took place Sat­ urday night at 8:30 o’clock at the Delta Ensi’on sorority house In Caldwell with Rev. James Millar officiating. The v o u n w daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Posey of Nyssa. the bride was eiven in marrie.es by her father. Miss Rutheda Johnson, sister of the groom, was maid of honor and R. 8. Clore best man. The bride was lovely in a dress of white Benberg silk, floor length with four rows c f ruffles on the skirt and cape effected ruffled sleeves. She carried pink roses. Miss Johnson wore pastel green silk organdie, trim ­ med with yellow, and carried yellow roses. 1 Harry Jensen played “ I Love You Truly” on the violin and Miss Reby Reullng played Mendlessohn’s Wedding March. The vows were taken as the couple stood before the fireplace which was banked with roses and with tall candelebra standing from the floor at elthre side. Only Intimate friends and relatives attended the ceremony. A re­ ception followed. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Caldwell high school The bride Is a graduate of the College of Idaho and a member of Delta Epsilon sorority. The groom Is a member of Delta Kappa Phy. He is a native son of Caldwell where the young couple will reside. For their wedding trip they motored to Bend where they are guests of Mr. Johnson's brother. • • • • B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Glenn Ayers had a big birthday party on Monday which celebrated his fifth birthday. Games, lunch and gifts were all enjoyed, the lunch most of all. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pennington and children came from Star for the event, Mrs. Thorwald Jensen and son from On­ tario. ♦ * * * Imagine the best product In the world for the money. Thats’ F IR E ­ STONE TIR E S. En route to Los Angeles to to visit relatives, Thos. 8. Crosswhite of Mitch­ ell was a guest of his sister Mrs. Doug­ las McDonald Tuesday. With him was Dwight Wilson of Apple Valley, his nephew who will accompany him to California. Suitable “ H ALF A W ith Joel McCrea, Sallie Blane, and Berton Churchill Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, July 3-4-5 Fredric March in “DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY’ resa M USICIANS— W e carry the best o f strings and reeds for musical instruments. Filer Jewelry Store OREGON - Add to your Earnings = 5 = -- WIN FAIR PREMIUMS AND DEMONSTRATE WHAT THIS REGION CAN PRODUCE. . . W ith the premium awards twice what they have been, and with the exceptionally attractive special prizes offered by the business men it is well worth while to start now to raise prize win­ ning grain, fruit, vegetables, or whatever is your specialty. THE PREMIMUM LIST WILL SOON BE READY—STUDY IT AND PICK THE PRIZES YOU WANT AND THEN GO AFTER THEM— NORCOTT SERVICE Oregon U u p tiu M th d S U M A FIRESTONE HIGHSHEDTIRIS * F o r fifte e n consecu tive y e a n hare been o n th e w in n in g c a r t in th e 5 0 0 - m ile In d ia n a p o lis R ace. THIS M S4HS » l O h j U l P E O T tC ilO H je f o r eet-en e o n fe c u tiv 'e y e a n hara been o n th e „ in n in s c a n in I h e d o rm * Pikes Peak c lim b where « s lip m e a n t death. ViiiS M M N i H O N -1X10 S A flT lf E N S '.S U C TIO N * F o r t h r e e e o n e e c u tie e years h e re been o n th e I I I buses o i th e W ashington (D . C.) K o i l w o j r a n d E l e c t r i c Co- c o e a r i n g 1 1,557.810 h u e m i l e » w it h o u t o n e m in u le 'e delay due to tire trou ble. THIS M U .M D I « N 0 M I U T Y E N D ECONOM Y * JTere o n t h e (Veim on M o to r »’ Ford M T ru c k th a t m ade a n ow eooet- t o . c o a s t r e c o r d o f 67 h o u r » . 4S m in u te s . 30 seconds e c tu ol ru n n in g tin t«. THIS M IE N S I N 0 U S E N C I Weather conditions for the past few weeks in other sections of our country indicate sharp re­ ductions in many commodities. Here in this ir­ rigated section the prospects are for a normal crop. This should result incomparable earnings, which you on your ranch may increase and fur- nish a demonstration o f your ability as a farmer, the » productivity o f your ranch, and the capacity o f this region to produce high quality products, by entering exhibits at the Malheur County Fair in Ontario August 28-29-30. ! itv * The Fair H An Educational Effort Worthy of Our Support LET US ALL DO OUR PART A g e : Up to 12 Years Make Appointment No Ontario National Bank Crawford Moore, President Ontario Rubbnr hss advanced 441X1 Cotton 190%1 V«t you tan buy this amoilnq nnw nres’o.T High ip—d Tiro of our prt t nnt low prit«* anil ta v monpy. HE New Firestone High Speed Tire fo r 1934 was built to give you the 9an>e dependable service it provided fo r the 33 driver* who started in the torturous 500>mile grind at Indianapolis May 30. This new tire has a wider tread o f flatter Contour, deeper non-skid, more and tougher rubber, giving y o n m o r e th a n 5 0 % lo n g e r non-skid mileage. Besides being Safety Protected on the outside it ia Safety Protected on the inside. Eight additional pounds o f pure rubber are absorbed by every one hundred pounds o t cords. This additional rubber ia so placed that it surround* every cotton fiber inside every cord in every ply. This ia accomplished by soaking the cords in liquid rubber by a Firestone patented process. This patented process, Gum -Dipping, is not used in any other tire built. Heat caused by internal friction o f cotton fiber* destroys tire* - causes separation and blowout*. G u m -D ip p in g c o u n te ra c ts friction and heat— provide* greater adhesion and binds the cotton and rubber together into one cohesive unit o f greater strength, assuring car owner* o f the greatest Safety, Protection and Economy that it ia possible fo r human ingenuity to build into a tire. The most amazing proof o f thi* extra strength, safety and dependability is the fact that every one o f the 33 driver* at Indianapolis chose and bought Firestone High Speed Tire*. Race driver* K NO W tire construction — they will not risk their Uvea or chance o f victory on any other than Fireatone. At terrific speeds the ear* plunge into the trracherona turns — tires are braced against the scorching brick track— so hot the tires fairly smoke at timet— they give — yield and stretch — every conceivable force works to tear the tire to pieces, yet Firestone High Speed Tire* “ come back” on tha straightaways. Not once daring the entire race did a tire fail. Sorely this is the moat amazing p r o o f e v e r k n o w n o f E x tr a Strength. SAFETY and dependability. Call on the Firestone Service Dealer or Service Store nearest you TO D AY. Eouip yonr ear with New Firestone High Speed Tires fo r 1934. See Firestone A ir B ai'non T ire i made at the Firestone Far U ri Exh ibition Building if arid's Fuir, Chicago I Litten to the Folce o f FlroeUme Monday Nl¿ht over N. B. C.— WEAF Hi Joe F. Dyer, Cashier Oregon • Ml V 1 1 Announcing 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE AGAINST ALL ROAD HAZARDS Rings, Watches, Jewelry for the nicest of Gifts NYSSA July 1-2 SINNER” Sunday-Monday, GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE Farmers - - Attention! I getcha professor. Regular $3.50 Oil Permanent Not Harmful to Hair ONLY $2.50 Friday and Saturday Only With Ruth Hal! and Harold Goodwin WORLD RECORDS FOR SMASHED a Children’s Permanents Friday-Saiurday, June 29-30 Ken Maynard in “STRAWBERRY ROAN” ßfoei-, STIM M THGIR FORTUNE? = Nyssa ertyTheatre Shop Says L O T T A GASS, "Things might be better If adults didn't act so childish and children didn't act so like grown ups. It used to be that one half of the world didn’t know how the other half lived. Now it isn't so sure it gets by Itself. And times are so tough that women are hitch-hiking to Reno. Ì .* * * a Owyhee Beauty Barbara and Martha Browne are spending the week with their grand­ mother In Weiser. Howdy Folks— Imagine being dis­ turbed by the door bell and find­ ing that it is a friend calling in­ stead of a Fuller brush salesman. bo made about July 1, the state corpor-! lion dollars, operated in eight wc3tem r.tion department here announced: states. Oregon s t o t a l of SPi ' Thursday, following authority for sue!, amounted to abort 710 thousr. en­ action by the Multnomah circuit court !lais. The company went into the nanas Wednesday. (o f the Utah state banking department The company, capitalized et 15 mil- several months ego. GRANGE SPONSORS NEW SCHOOL LAW FO R BEND V IS ITO R Complimenting Mrs. Garce Reberger who is here from Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warren gave a pinochle party of two tables on Saturday night. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Sheriff C. W. Glenn was here on Mrs. Reberger Is a guest In the home o f her parents Mr. and Mrs. Phln W ar­ business yesterday. ren. Ray Emmott and Dick Tensen pur­ chased 32 head o f fat beeves from Oliver Sandy of Bonita Monday. They will be shipped today. FREE AIR WESTERN LOAN OREGON TO CARLOS LOFTON HURT AT IRONSIDE RANCH W ILLIA M 8-R O O D DAD POWELL ASSETS A marriage license was Issued to Miss TR A N SFE R Orah Belle Rood, who lives near On­ Dead? Yes, Dust thou art to dust re- tario, and Floyd N. Williams of Vale In Salem, Ore.— Transfer of full man­ tum eth! T h e eye is closed, the voice Boise Saturday. The bride taught in silent, the form still, the battery dead, agement and authority of the Western Vale last year and was a frequent guest Ironside— Carlos Lofton got a piece the current off. No more smiles and Loan and Building company oi Sr.lt of Miss Jeanette Martin of Nyssa who Dad at the Lake to the shareholders is expected to also taught In the Vale schools. The of steel In his eye and was taken to pleasant greetings from bride is the younger sister of Mrs. Joe Ontario for treatment. He is recover­ corner station. Brain, blood, bone, body, ing. all back to dust. Terteling o f Boise. Lawrence Lamberson and son R ay­ Gray, soliloquizing in the country mond of Westfall were here Thursday churchyard, says: from their sheep camp on the M al­ For them no more the blazing hearth heur. shall burn, Mrs. A. R. Van Buren spent the past Nor busy housewife ply her evening week at Fruitland with her daughter care. Mrs. Joe Llngle. Nor children run to lisp their sire’s re­ The state grange Is sponsoring a Mrs. Gordon Dickson entertained turn, county school equalization measure the ladies club last week, assisted by Nor climb his knee the envied kiss to which will be presented to the next leg­ her daughter Katherine. share. islature for Its consideration. The Ed Rose from his mine near Mormon Many were the flowers and friends at mrasure Is the Grange’s substitute for Basin and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rose the funeral. Many firends took a last the county unit which has been In e f­ o f Vale were at the Elmer Rose home­ look at your face but they saw only fect In Oregon since 1921 and to which stead Saturday. the house in which you dwelt. Your the Grange is opposed, although Its Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boor, Verla personality, your self had left the clay. adoption will have no effect on opera­ Prescott, Bill Ford and sisters attended Dead? No! A thousand times no. “ Dust tion of the county unit law In those the dance at Bridgeport Saturday. thou art to dust retumeth was not counties which have already adopted It Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beam visited spoken of the soul.” Your true self will nor will It prevent any county from last week at the Ralph Beam home at live forevermore! Says Longfellow: adopting the county unit law. Unity. There is no death, what seems so is Now is the time to have that per­ The essential difference between the Several families motored to Harper transition. manent for the hot summer two measures, as analyzed by C. A. Sunday to see the ball game between This life o f mortal bliss Is but a suburb months. You will be pleased Howard, state superintendent o f public Ironside and Harper. Ironside won 17 of the life elusion, with our lovely ringlette perm­ Instruction, Is found In the fact that to 6. Whose portal we call death. anents. tire Grange proposal is confined to an Mints Lawrence and son Joe of Vale Yes. friend, we miss you, your smile, attempt to equalize the cost of public spent last week with his sister Mrs. S. your happy greeting— but you are liv ­ school education between the various Rose. Get Our Prices ing on the other shore where real life districts 1 r a county while the county John Medlln o f Harper was here exists evermore. — A Friend. unit law, In addition to this feature also Saturday. He will truck his lambs to seeks to Introduce greater efficiency Brogan for shipment. and economy Into school administra­ Robert Martin came from Ontario The W ill Medley fam ily from Vale tion by centering authority In a single spent last week end with their daugh­ Saturday to attend the funeral services county board with jurisdiction over all ter Mrs. Elmer Rose. for the late Fred Powell. Mr. Martin schools In the county except those In Mrs. Elmer Molthan left Thursday and his fam ily returned recently from districts o f the first class. I t Is this for Prairie City where she will visit a pleasant visit with relatives in K an ­ centralization o f control to which the her parents. sas. Oregon Nvssa Grange takes exception, in the county Virgil Holady, son of Mr. and Mr.s Cecil Hill, who has been employed unit law, Insisting, rather, that dir­ near Fruitland since the closing of Wm. E. Holady of Dead Ox Flat, form ­ ection of school affairs such as the hir­ school has returned to the parental erly of Nyssa, is home from the San Diego Naval base. He has a 30 day ing of teachers, be left in the hands of A. R. Van Buren home. district boards. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White and leave. Last Sunday the fam ily visited MEM While the new proposal Is distinctly daughter Norma took Chas. Sherman friends here. Rush McHargue of Vale, younger to Beulah Thursday where is haying a Grange creation administrative fea­ brother of Warren McHargue of this tures of the measure were worked out on the Walters ranch. Bobble Beam of Unity spent the city, was married to Miss Emily Maupm in co-cpcratlon with officials of the at Payette on June 16. state department of education who re­ week end here. gard the program as a step In the right direction even If It does not go as far as the county unit law. 1 T MILES PEI »OLLAR* Effective today Fire­ sto n e g u a r a n te e s their complete line of tires against all road hazards for twelve months. In addition, Firestone gives in­ dustry lifetim e war­ ranty against defects in workmanship and materials. When used in com ­ m ercial service, these tires are guaranteed fo r six months. T h e following Fire­ stone dealer is pre­ pared to serve you well: E NYSSA, OREGON FIRESTONES Cost as Little A s: Size 4.40-21...... $4.45 Size 4.75-19...... $5.20 Others Priced Accordingly Buy Now and Save!