Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1934 HAYSTACK BURNS IN ARCADIA TUESDAY BHÜ pollcuae shows that peepul like him I pees? better than ever except the bankers. sez Art norkot to his bride, sez he, they be votin agin him. that shure be | “huney, did you malk them biscuit with crazie, bekuz If It hadn’t been for rose- ' your own Uttul hands?” "yes, dearie” velt most of them bankers wud be out I sez his bride, sez she, "wel,” sez Art sez hoein kom or pickin pees or sumthin. he “then wholnel lifted them off speakln about pickin peese, what is the stove for you?” rite name for that Job? 1 kno that a lotta peepul be gettin marriud now. Nyssa, Oregon, June 27, 1934 the wurkln in hay feedls Is kalled hayin, wunder why they don't wate til winter dere edetur: wurkln in tire woods is kalled log- time. the Uturary dlgets poll on roeevelt’s and gin, but whatinel do you kail pickin speakln a boot weddins, that alius meen a okkashunal divorze. there i orter be a law past by the legislashure I to attach divorse cupons rite to the | weddin licunse to be torn off when nec- : esary. when grandma wuz a Uttul gurl and sutch a charmin miss, awl the ladles big and small, wore a skirt like this. but now the modern gurl, Insure In SURE Insurance the jazzy Uttul miss, when she goze out on the street —with— she wares her skirt like this. bert hoxie sez he voted for a repub- j likan 1 time and he wuz sick at his Reasonable Rates on Hay and Grain i stumack fer a hole week, he sez he I hitnt been botherud tho laiteiy. frank morgan contest to me tother day that he voted fer huver at the last election, wel, i bin lookin a long time fer that feUer. wonder who the other 1 wuz? yores trulie, Parmer Brown Farmer Brown’s - - - Observations Protect What You Have Frank T. Morgan « 1 4 KAM PKOOK W m oving into the kitchen. yariotu moJeh: titlo - and three-burner. Th t tonly Ilout of it* hind having removable fuel nuevoir (a patented fea ture). < /' P OR years Kampkook tuu bean the most wide ly used touring,’ camp- - ing and picnicking stove in the generating required; produces a country. Today it is becoming clear-blue, smokeless and practi 'just as popular as • cooking ap- cally odorless flame; and is as ipUance for the kitchen. It’s so safe as any wood, coal or city-gas handy. So compact. So econom- (Approved by Underwrit IteaL And the amount of heat it stove. produces for cooking or baking if ers’ Laboratories.) amazing. A suggestion: Use a Kampkook Kampkook makes its own gas— In place of your regular kitchen from gasoline which is one of range thia summer and save a lot ¡today’s cheapest fuels. It ia easy of fuel money. You’ll be surprised igg operate; lights instantly—no ' how little a Kampkook costs. Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA PHONE 113 OREGON 4 CELEBRATE JULY 4th at Big Bend Park SPEAKING, SPORTS, BALL GAME AND DANCING AGED RESIDENT OF JORDAN VALLEY DIES L BRING YOUR FAMILY AND MAKE A DAY OF IT!—MEET YOUR OLD FRIENDS AT BIG BEND! LINCOLN CLUB HAS WEINER ROAST Lincoln—Geo. Markham gave a weln- cr roast Friday night on the Malheur river for Clover calf club members and their parents. Games, singing and the campfire supper -were much enjoyed. The Markham, DuPre and W. S. Rogers families, Opal Stelnhaus and Linette Bronson attended. Miss Bronson Is a guest at the Mark ham home. Miss Margaret Redsull has returned after spending two weeks at the Dale Garrison home near Nyssa. Word has been received that Miss Opal Ivers will attend summer school tit Monmouth. The Rogers family had dinner Sun day with the Donald Payton family of Oregon Slope. Mrs. Edna Cooper left for California Monday after a visit with her sister Mrs. Jack Stump. Prank DuPre Is playing baseball with the Ontario juniors. Jordan Valley—The aged father of Prank and Charles Steams passed away suddenly last week. He was 83 years of age and had lived In the valley the past 12 years. A host of friends mourn his death. Born to Mr. and Mrs. OUver Young a son last Tuesday who was named Shelton Walter. His grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stults are rejoicing over HERBERT WALTERS’ his arrival. Ambrose Maher and family had a WIFE SUCCUMBS narrow escape Monday when their car was crowded off the road in Succor creek canyon by a large truck. The two Funeral services were conducted Sun youngest children were cut about tho at Riggns, Ida., for Mrs. Herbert face by flying glass. The car was dam day Walters, 35, who passed away Friday aged. The Mahers were en route to after an illness of several years. She Boise when the accident occured. was born February 26, 1899, at Broken Mrs. Chas. Loveland and sons came Bowl, She was married to from Gooding to spend the summer at Herbert Nebraska. Walters in 1930. Walters Is a their ranch at Juniper mountain. of Hub Walters and formerly re Clyde Bethel of Watson has the con son sided here. The services were conducted tract for carrying the mall from Rock by the Nyssa Funeral Home. ville to Watson this year. Purl Hardlsty and B. Deary have THANK YOU been grading the road between the Cliffs and Jordan Valley. The Journal welcomed renewals this DOCTOR TOLD THIS LADY week from George McKee, C. M. Beau HOW TO SAFELY mont, Gordon Cherry, Aubrey Fleming. REDUCE F A T Mrs. Helen Greene writes: “A phy sician advised my mother to take Kru schen Salts for overweight so I imme diately started taking it myself. I weighed 192 and after taking 3 bottles I now weigh 165 and never felt so well. It’s a tonic as well as reducer.” Reduce safely and sensibly by taking a half teaspoonful of Kruschen In hot water every morning—you’ll be over joyed with your improved health and slender, stylish figure. One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You can get Kruschen Salts at any drug store In the world.—Adv. Roxy Theatre Ontario, Oregon SUNDAY-MONDAY- TUESDAY H e H ad N o R igh t to L ove H er... but he SPECIALS for “Over tho Fourth" These next two months you’ll drive farther, faster; than at any other season. Roads will be hotter, too— more dangerous for thin weak tires. To go places safely; to avoid trouble and loss of time, equip now with husky new sure - gripping Goodyears — every ply blowout* protected with patented Supertwist Cord. Get today’s low prices and the greater value we offer because Goodyear Dealers sell the most tires—by millions t See us right away! All types—all prices—In guaranteed Goodyears. JA lY Mora Miles W o f REAL Non-Skid Protec tio n —cost YOU nothing extra In the grant NEW //# % GO O D YEAR HIGH OVALITY GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY PATHFINDER D SPEND ABI F. Ride on the Big Super-Soft Tires the New Can are Wearing— GOODYEAR A LL-W EA T H ER Get our GOODYEAR A I R WH E E L Atk for our Changeover Offer Tht Public's MUST ■ Choice — for 19 Years Price« subject to c h a n t* w ith o u t notice and to any State ealee tax. Lawrence Service Station Nyssa, Oregon V ale ! Thrills and Gayety 16th Annual Célébration couldn’t resist ! . . . Neither can you when she casts her spell .. the witch o f Bottom Hollow! She PfiUftN stole fire from h ea ven , to p la y this hell c a l r o le l A U TO PO Ï O I VJ r U L U p l y o U n L / F L O i U c B o U n C t K e ,N s G t O t U ROBERT YOUNO RALPH B E LLA M Y MAR T HA S U E P E R from the novel " Trigger" by Luts Afternoon and Evening Are Planned for Your Enjoyment During a heavy rainstorm Tuesday, a haystack caught fire on the K. 8. and D. ranch In Arcadia. Over forty tons of hay was a total loss as the company carried no Insurance. Renters on the ranch beUeve some tramp must have dropped a cigarette In the hay to start the blaze. A grass fire which started on the Charles Marshall ranch recently spread to the Deseret ranch where It burned about 15 tons of hay, two straw stacks and over quite a tract of pasture. G e t Set fo r a Safety Fourth Vo/mer. .. DiretnS 6 Y Jo h n C ro m w ill. . , . M i r tan C. Cooper, e n c u tiv e p r o d u c t . ‘A P m d ro S. Birm an production, ¡ 1 * 0 . RADI© /ifEtt'f. Also Selected Short Subjects FRI.-SAT., JUNE 29-30 A great story of Fires in the Oil Fields “FLAMING GOLD” Watch for Frank Bucks’ “WILD CARGO” Soon DACLDAI 1 DA u LDALL and ctn u Death Defying Dash Of Car thru F|aming Building FREE BARBECUE DOUBLE-HEADER ON JULY 3 PLAYOFF ON JULY 4 Admission 5oc - 25c KIDS FREE IDAHO-OREGON LEAGUE TEAMS Old - Time El Dorado VALE INVITES YOU Shady Picnic Grove Dancing Both Evenings