Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, T H U R S D A Y , JUNE 28,1934 THE GATE COY JOURNAL W. r. ticipation fo r another old-lim e and glorious Fourth. .Sl.aO __ 79c Entered at the Poet Office at Nyssa, O regon, as Second Class Matter IN D E PE N D E N C E D A Y Independence Day, July 4, stands out preeminently for every loyal Am erican as the one great national holiday pmnppr pll the hoidavs o f the year. It is observed by every state and every village. Since the signing o f the Declara tion it nas become tiie great picnic day o f th nation, nor has it wanted in popularity with people in all walks o f life, from the farm er and his fam ily to the business man and his fam ily o f the city. Some people say the old-fashioned Fourth has disap peared but tnose folk do not reside in Malheur county. For many years V ale has staged a real celebration on the Fourth and B ig Bend has sponsored a fam ily picnic par ty, both o f which are exceedingly popular and exceedingly w ell patronized. Other folks go to the mountains fo r their own little celebrations. W ith the Fourth less than a week away, all now is an- N yssa Funeral Home LO T T D. B R O W N E P IS C O P A L c h u r c h L A C K INTER EST Attorney at Law 9:30 Church Services. PR IC E -F IX IN G GOES A N D A L M A M c L IN O , Publisher* Subscription, Y e a r ______ Subscrpluon, 6 Months celebration o f the grand M A L H E U R V O T E R S 10:30 Sunday School. SUghtly more than half of the reg istered voters of the state cast their ballots in the M ay primaries, accord ing to the secretary of state in canvas sing the results of the election. Out of a total of 461,914 persons privileged to vote, 238,423 went to the polls, indicat ing that only 51.6 per cent exercised their perogatlves as citizens. Wheeler was the banner county of the rT tc, with 78 per cent of Its voters casting their ballots. Next in line were Nyssa, Oregon Rev. Stanley Moore. The recent decision o f the President to abandon price fix in g features o f some m ajor industrial codes is o f excep tional importance. Th e cautious business man will not It stems from the grow in g b e lief that p rice-fixing is in accept a deed, mortgage or contract on imical to the consumer and the small business man. The real estate, unless accompanied by an Darrow report, which was tremendously publicized, con abstract showing clear tiUe. Should you centrated attention on that. be any less careful? adv. There may be much to be said fo r price-fixing, used as a weapon to eliminate destructive and wasteful competi- „ r f h - " t o t a T n Z ^ 'm Z i T a t - ' tion. But there is grave doubt i f the Am erican people cou ld ! cd thrir preferences on measures and ever be brought to stand fo r it. Free competition, with each candidates, When In Nampa .Visit— unit within an industry striving to give better seiwice at a 34 T n ^ ^ n d % ^ t u i f e a ^ m « more reasonable price, is part o f the Am erican business tra-1 were tha countles where least ,nterest The G R E Y S T O N E H O T E L dition. When the President started the attempt to fix prices was shown m the outcome of the pn- and Coffee Shop he intimated tha'j it was purely experim ental— he is to be marles- Multnomah county, with its center of population, had a voting Mrs. Bessie Blackman, Proprietor congratulated on making a change when he saw that it strength of 56 per cent, which was equalled also by Baker and Benton. would not work as hoped. A poll made by Fortune among executives o f principal industries, produces the fact that 85 per cent o f them be C H R IS T IA N IT Y O R H E A T H E N IS M Dr. E. D. Norcott lieve that the main benficial results o f the N R A codes lie in M any people believe in religon but D E N T IS T their wage and working provisions— and great gains in this are not particular about the brand- Nyssa, Jregon direction have been made, and that they should not be lost. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucanism, Office Phone 35F2 That is certainly a progressive attitude, and now that price or Mohammedanism? One is about as Residence Phone 35F3 fix in g is to be ended, the labor features are again preemin good as the other. It is good to believe ll X -R A Y E X A M IN A T IO N S in something but it matters little what ent. The Am erican people, as always, want labor to be it is Just as long as the spiritual side amply paid and protected— but they do not want revolu of the life is satisfied. tionary changes made in our time-honored governmental The inspired word of God does not agree with this. In speaking of Christ or industrial scheme o f things. it says, "There is none other name under Heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Act4:12. There is some good in most any relig ion, but Christianity is the only one that offers salvation. “For God so S U M M E R FOODS D. F. B R O W N W hen the thermometer climbs to the 80 mark and re- mains there with high humidity fo r days and weeks, mak- loved thejvorid that He gave his only Son. that whosoever believeth ing frequent efforts to break the high temperature record begotten ~ in Him shall not perish but have ever among the 90’s and 100’s, one’s enthusiasm fo r everything lasting life.” It does not say that God Ambulance Service gave Buddha or Mohammed, and that melts away— likewise one’s appetite. whosoever believes in him receives ever M ilk is one o f our most valuable protein foods and this lasting life. could w ell be used even more extensively in the summer Sincerity in what we believe is not time, safely replacing meat as a chief source o f protein. always sufficient as is shown by the ISI l l « W ith our m odem methods o f keeping food always w ell Scriptures. Saul of Tarsur was very sincere when he set out for Damascus iced, and the wise law which requires milk served in public j to persecute the ™ a£ r i 1 ° Timothy Z X Christians. placed to be tightly capped until serving time, milk is not 1:13. O f the Jews in general it was said, B U Y SILVER N O W !— SP E C IA L OFFER “For I bear them record that they have only a refreshing drink but an invaluable food. a ezal of God, but not according to Those who planted a garden take pride in their garden knowledge.” Romans 10:2. products; at the same time they establish a habit which w ill W h at this means to me Is that we F or a short time we are o ffe rin g a beautiful should get our dust-covered Bibles S IL V E R P L A T T E R FRE E with each 24 or 36- yield rich dividends in health. down from the shelves and begin, ona Green lea fy vegetables are rich in vitamins and should ____ _ piece set o f Community Silver. L ife time guar a time, with each of our pet beliefs be cultivated more extensively. Green vegetables, spinach, ! about religion, and find out if our re- antee. chard, lettuce, and string beans are also a rich source o f u*»°us zeal has always been according G IN Z E L J E W E L R Y STORE to knowledge. W e might believe with all iron,— one o f the health essentials which is apt to be too sincerity that the earth Is flat, but that Ontario Oregon low unless the diet contains plenty o f vegetables. would not make it so— it would not be N Y S S A L IB R A R Y Opcn Satúrela,y Town patrons, 2:30 to 5:30 Out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 A ll patrons welcome. Mrs. Fred Marshal!, Librarían DR. C. A . A B B O T T Chiropractic Physician Office in Residence Three Blocks South M. E. Church P H O N E 25 ROBT. D. L Y T L E Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Phone 66 Oregon Vale On the Old Job H. D. Holmes Phone 76F3 E D IT O R IA L C O M M E N T S B Y C L A R K W O O D Most folks shy from legal notices, but the countiy editor esn’t i f they’re fo r publication in his newspaper. doesn C r is p and Carpenter and Are Your Shirts, Dresses, Linens when they are All Kinds of nanllng is and little Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. ana Osteopathy and Electrotherapy P H O N E 201 Mrs. M argaret Pashley, Prop. P H O N E 83F2 N Y S S A , ORE. Vale, Oregon. ' i:i:i:i:m iii;Liiiiii.i:uiciiiiiaiiii;iii:!:Liii!Ki!iii;im in))m iM :ri:i i^ V A L E H O T SPRINGS S Dr. D. A. Sexton, Prop. Meets Wed. Night at Eagles H all Visiting Eagles Welcome R. C. Shelton, President Blackman Building Don M. Graham , Secretary Guarantee e Small, nifty, easy to heat Cabinet models, all W YCKOFF O N T A R IO J E W E L R Y STORE GARAGE And General Mch. Shop Brazing, Welding, ar J Lathe W ork up to 21 inches Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon N ow that the good old Summertime has return ed, picnics and outings are in the offing. Don’t miss seeing our beautiful The Place to Buy Furniture cold O N T A R IO G R A IN CO. Expert Harness, Leather, Shoe 5 C AB LE S C H E V R O L E T CO. Fine Shoe Repairing s ■MM OREGON Repairing PHONE 6 N Y S S A , ORE. Ontario, Oregon SH O E H O S P IT A L I f You Can’t Bring ’Em M ail ’Em M oore H otel B ldg Ontario, Oregon Dr. J. A. McFall Eyesight Specialist Nyssa Packing Co. — Used Cars— W ith an O. K. That Counts cold meats, pickles, relishes. Come in and look us over NYSSA See B. H. L A R K IN Ontario, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan BOYER FLO R AL C O M P A N Y “Say It W ith Flowers” Special Orders Given Every Attention Specializing on the care o f Children’s Eyes. Ontario, Oregon j I IliiUUnQBUHDBCUUUUBBBBSHi I a Thos. T. Ennor, Ontario | Phone 54K— Res. 257M § Phone 53, Ontario Dressmaking. Alterations 3 Bicycles, Accessories Ontario, Oregon Management meats on The ice man is also at your service Nordale Furniture Store Dealer fo r D odge and Plymouth Cars Now Open Under New hand fo r just those occasions. See us fo r cheese, C om fy Chairs, N ew Tables— M ore Coming in. Automotive Service Home o f GEM and P U R IN A Quality Feeds Nyssa Tailor Shop Proprietors W e keep a nice assortment o f PO R CH F U R N IT U R E Philco Radio Dry Cleaning Carefully Done enamel or semi-enamel in pretty colors to match your kitchen— $55 Up. ROOM S AND BOARD A t Reasonable Rates Ontario Directory W ork ----- — Lunch Meats 212 ^ !’iil lii:iiU !l,i.i.i!i:ii i:niiii¡M t¡iiiiaiii!ii¡i:iii The Newest In . . . M ontag Ranges Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paralysis Influenza, successfully treated. M ineral W ater Deg. Fr. Oregon candidate must depend --------------------------------- Aerie S A N IT A R IU M It is claimed the Grange is not in politics, but we suspect there are politicians in the Grange. — C. KLINKENBERG F. O. E. No. 2134 Attorney-at-Law The Beaver-Ducks are teaching a baseball school, which we assume to be in the nature o f a kindegarten. T R A N S F E R R IN G Phone 15 and Phone 28 Nyssa In driving his $7600 car, Jack G am er no doubt derived relie f from driving the senate. The “ complete continent’’ discovered beneath the w aters; o f the North Pacific offers a significant reminder that our : own was nearly sunk. *------------’ W e can remember the time when the meals were open -1 ed with prayer instead o f a can opener. City Transfer T R U C K IN G Our Low Prices W ill Please THE UNITED LAUNDRY PHONE 5 N YSSA. OR. w ith T e ^ ^ 1 d° £ A. L. FLETCH ER H ere’s hoping N R A doesn’t do anything about the re ported 24-hour-a-day operation o f the federal mint in j Philadelphia. Oregon good to check up with the Bible. “He that seeketh findeth."— By U. B. Wise. Mae W est wants ex-K ing A lfon so to be her leading man. There’s a chance he might be crowned again. Nevertheless, an independent upon the voters. City lim its Nyssa according to knowledge. There is a consistant live truth rim ing through the Bible from cover to cover. I may have been wrong about j seme of my beliefs of the past, or may- Nyssa laundered here. TRANSFER AND BAO O A G E Let me figure on your job, big Science note says that all blondes w ill have disappeared in a hundred years or so, but w e ’d regard this prediction as chemically unsound. C le a n Contractor O. L. Boyer, Ontario 1