NYSSA. OREGON GATE CITY JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXVIII. NO. 40. LOCALS WIN IN BOISE SUNDAY, SCORE IS II TO 6 ONTARIO, EMMETT MIDDLETON AND NYSSA SHAKE OPENER OF SECOND WINS IN HALF OF SERIES. Outplaying the Boise champions of the first half of the Idaho-Oregon baseball league, the snappy Nyssa nine took the Mountaineers Into camp Sun­ day to the tune of 11 to 6 In the open­ er of the second half. Nyssa outplayed Boise at every turn. Our boys collected 13 hits while Boise connected but six times. On his toes throughout the game, Dean Johnston added more laurels to Ills growing fame by pitching like a trojan. He whiffed 10 men while Foster and Phillippi of Boise found it impos­ sible to hold the Nyssa boys in check. Boise’s only redeeming feature was a double play in the seventh when three BUSIE8T AND FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN OREGON INVESTIGATE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1934. NEWELL SEEKS BIDS ON SMALL DITCH CONTRACT In order to enable small con­ tractors, as well |is the large com­ panies, to bid on lateral work on the Owyhee Irrigation project, a number of small contracts will be let this summer and fall, as rapidly as specifications are prepared. Bids will be received on the first of these on Tune 30, at 10 o'clock by Engin­ eer R. J. Newell. The work Involved Is two miles of minor lateral on the Kingman Kolony lateral system. On July 12, bids will be received on 10 miles of Kingman lateral and the sub-laterals lying east of the railroad near Adrian. C. C. Ketchum of the Vale project will receive bids July 1, for the Wil­ low creek canal extending about 20 miles between Vale and Jam­ ieson. GRAIN CO-OP NAMES CHIEF ,men °n Young ! BEAUMONT SAYS GRAIN GROW- clcuted a short single. The play was ER WILL FUNCTION AGAIN THIS Martin to Hollenbeck to Benedict. SEASON; RETURNS GOOD. Nyssa box score follows— AB R H King, cf ................... ............. 5 3 3 McCullough. 2b .......... ..............4 1 3 D. Yeung, If ............... ............. 5 1 1 G. Johnson, 3b ...... ........... 4 0 0 Henry, rf ................... ............. 5 2 3 Servos, lb ................. ............. 4 2 1 J. Young, c ................. ............. 5 0 1 Price, ss ..................... ............. 5 2 1 D. Johnston, p ............ ............. 5 1 0 Emmett with a 12 to 1 win over Cald­ well, Middleton with a 5 to 2 win over Nampa and Ontario with a 12 to 8 win over Parma, share first place honors with Nyssa at the top of the second half of the series. Middleton will play Nyssa here Sun­ day. NYSSA, OREGON With H. E. Meyers of Nampa new manager of the Snake river valley grain growers association for this year, the cooperative is preparing for a busy seuson which will mean the best returns for* grain growers who are members, C. M. Beaumont director for Malheur county, told The Journal Monday. A meeting was held in Weiser Saturday when financing was discussed. Mr. Beaumont states that the cooperative paid from 3 to 8 cents per bushel more than other groin buyers last season. He anticipates even better returns this year. The cooperative is planning to make Nyssa a central point for deliveries. He believes business men as well as farm­ ers should get behind the plan. JORDAN VALLEY HOLDS JUBILEE FOR I-O-N ROAD SNAKE RIVER VALLEY CELEBRA­ TES START OF WORK OFF URGED 20 ON CUT­ YEARS AGO; THOUSANDS TAKE IN FETE. Where a shorter route to California through Malheur county was seen in hope 20 years ago, faithful backers of the Idaho-Oregon-Nevada cut-off saw the "beginning of the end” at a well at­ tended celebration in Jordan Valley on Saturday and Sunday. From three states they gathered to celebrate the start of work on the I-O-N in both Idaho and Oregon. Governor C. Ben Ross of Idaho open­ ed the program with a talk on the ad­ vantages of the cut-off as an outlet for surplus farm crops of the Snake river valley. After the program he rode a horse in true cowboy style to take in the rodeo. Judge David F. Graham and County Commissioner E. H„ Brumbach of Big Bend, who have been friendly toward the I-O-N, made Interesting talks as did Mayor J. b .. McCain of Jordan Val­ ley, Mayor E. W. Rising of Nampa Walter Griffiths of Caldwell, who was a member of the original I-O -N Cut­ off committee organized 20 years ago. Engineer J. Loloth of Nevada, O. O. Haga of Boise and Otto Blackaby of Homedale, Boxing bouts climaxed sports. In the main event Boyd Accaregui, 146, of Jor­ dan Valley, slugged his way to an easy decision over Jack Hanna, 146, of On­ tario. Wilder won a baseball game with Jordan Valley 11 to 4 to avenge a de­ feat o f several weeks ago. The rodeo program was climaxed by a free-for-all In which Bill Buffington's Starlight, a Jordan Valley horse .galloped to victory over Starlet owned by Chuck Davis of Horseshoe Bend. Maxine, owned by Bob Rintroul of Jordan Valley, streak­ ed across the finish line In third place. Dancing was enjoyed both nights. Jordan Valley people estimated their crowd at about 3000 people, the largest gathering ever held In the liistory of their little city which Is the half way point on the I-O -N highway. Driving Storm Brings Heaviest Rain In Weeks A driving wind, accompanied by beat­ ing rain and lightening, swept over Malheur county and Idaho early Tues­ day to leave an undetermined amount of damage and value to crops and range in its wake. Grain and com were beat­ en down in various parts of the coun­ try but most farmers report no serious loss and no little benefits to the country In general. A regular cloudburst showered East Cow Hollow where trench excavations and forms for a siphon just started by Bernard-Curtls Company were wiped out or damaged. Sections of the Mitch­ ell butte lateral were washed out and a big culvert at Chalk butte. In town the wind whipped a slice of roof off the grandstand and uprooted several trees, at the Blodgett, Eddie Powell and Felton homes. The chim­ ney on the old frame schoolhouse was tom down. Power and telephone crews were kept busy Tuesday repairing the damage to lines. . COMMENCEMENT HELD FRIDAY FIVE RURAL SCHOOLS TAKE PART IN PROGRAM FRIDAY NIGHT IN KOLONY. $1.50 PER YEAR GATE CITY BOYS WILL PLAY BALL AT VALE BOISE AUTOS WILL FOR NEW LOCATE PLAY FEATURE AT POLO BIG CELEBRATION IN COUNTY SEAT; FREE BARBECUE, DEMOCRATS NAME LEES CAMPAIGN LEADER TUESDAY The Malheur County Democratic Central committee has organized with the following officers: Robert E. Lees of Ontario, chairman; W. W. Turner of Ontario, secretary- treasurer; Chas. Leavitt of Vale, state committeeman: W. B. Hoxie of Nyssa. congressional committee­ man; John Dunphy of Ontario, Mrs. Zella Smith, Dave Laurance of Vale, Ethel Parks of Jordan Valley and Thos. McElroy of Vale, execu­ tive committee. Precinct committeemen, aside from the above list, were named as follows: Fred Koopman, Arcadia; E. E. Bush, Bonita; J. A. Coleman, Brogan; Chas. Hoffman, Cairo; E. Locey, Ironside; R. M. Carlisle, Jamieson; P. A. Mahan. Jones; A. N. Andrews, Ontario No. 1; Frank Davis, Watson. Officers were elected at a meet­ ing in Vale Tuesday. Nyssa baseball nine will be one of four teams to play a double header on the opening day of Vale’s sixteenth an­ nual Fourth of July celebration. Festi­ vities will start in the afternoon of the third with Ontario, Caldwell, Nyssa, and Parma crossing bats for the right to enter the playoff on the fourth. Thrills cram the schedule for the county seat’s celebration, with the com­ ing o f W. T. Lyle’s polo-playing autos from Boise, and one of the finest rodeo outfits in the northwest from Horseshoe A J) I? Bend under the guidance of Ed. Moody, i Highlights among events for the fourth will be a death-defying dash of one of Lyle’s polo cars through a flam­ ing building. The traditional w'ater fight of the Vale fire department will follow a civic parade on the morning of July 4, and LESLIE SCOTT ANNOUNCES $167,006 at noon a big free barbecue will be ALLOCATION FOR I-O -N AND C-O served in shady Riverside park. COMPLETION, Memory-laden El Dorado, featuring the gayer lifo of old mining towns, ana dancing will entertain the crowds on Leslie M. Scott, chairman of the both evenings. Nettrower’s orchestra of Oregon highway commission, announc­ Weiser will furnish the dance music. Admission to the afternoon program ed Monday that the I-O -N cut-off In is only 50 cents each day, students 25 Malheur county will share In the fed­ eral grant of $3,100,000 made to Ore­ cents and small children free. gon by the federal government. He has listed aproxlmately $167,000 fdf the continuance of construction on the JUDGE WOOD HEARS I-O -N and Central Oregon highways NYSSA WATER CASE (The latter is practically completed). Mr. Scott also stated that the appro­ priation for the state will be used on network of The case of F. G. Holmes vs. George completing the existing W. Adams, involving the distribution of roads and not on new construction waste water from Greens’ Gulch. Is be­ which Is not needed. “ Relative needs ing tried before Judge W W. Wood In will determine the distribution,” said Vale this week and Is attracting wide Scott. The I-O-N allocation will be wel­ interest because of the large number of witnesses who are taking part. Many of comed in Malheur county and the en­ the old timers of the Nyssa and Oregon tire Snake river valley as completion Trail communities have appeared on of this road is hailed as a boon to mar­ the stand. Both parties claim rights to keting surplus crops of this growing t the waste waters of Green’s Gulch and region. both claim damages. The case is still In progress today. COURT MEETS ON 5th 111 \1AMI7V 10 ifUJllEi ITiUlvIjl IlJ ASSURED I-O-N TWO-YEAR OLD GIRL DROWNS IN DARLYEEN BAKER T R O U G H DROWNS; SU PS UNNOTICED FUNERAL INTO AND SERVICES SUNDAY. Friends in Nyssa and Apple Valley were shocked Thursday evening when they learned that Darlyeen, 2-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Aldebert Baker of Apple Valley, had drowned In a water­ ing trough on the Baker farm Into which she had slipped unnoticed. About 30 minutes elapsed before she was found so efforts to revive her proved futile. Funeral services for the little girl were held Sunday morning at the chapel of the Nyssa Funeral Home at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Ray Kendler sang a sel­ ection and Miss Bernice Vorhles, who taught In Apple Valley last year, played a violin number. Services were also held In Weiser where Mrs. Baker formerly resided. Interment was made In Mann's creek cemetery. Surviving are her par­ ents, a sister Laura Lee and a brother Merle. Before moving to Apple Valley, the Baker family lived at the Coward or­ chard near town. HOGUE OPENS EARLY Five rural schools, Owyhee, Kingman POTATO HARVEST Kolony, Big Bend, Wade and Oregon Trail took part in 8th grade commence­ ment exercises held Friday evening in the Kolony. The schoolhouse was beau­ F. H. Hogue has rented the Holady tifully decorated with flowers for the warehouse and has had the building re­ occasion. roofed and repaired for use throughout Rev. W. O. Benthin of Parma gave a the summer shipping! season. Today ho fine address on “The Hoodoos of Life.” Is starting the harvest of the early Mrs. Carl Jungquist. William DeGroft potato crop which has been grown oil and Agnes Nichols played piano num­ lands leased in the Nyssa vicinity. The bers, Mrs. Denham of Big Bend, an ac­ local potato crop Is not as large ar ,t cordion solo, June Eachus gave a read­ of last year but excellent quality re- MANY FANS TAKE ing. Mrs. Kathryn Claypool presented ported. diplomas to the 21 graduates. On the IN BOISE GAME committee were Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mrs. STATE EAGLES Victoria Schweizer and Mrs. John Hol­ McLEOD CASE IS Sunday was Nyssa day In Boise for ly. the Nyssa baseball team took all honors HONOR GRAHAM Friday aftemon Mrs. Cotton gave a NEAR SETTLEMENT in the game with the Mountaineers party for Sand Lily Girl Scouts in and a large crowd of fans from here en­ Don Graham was re-elected treas­ honor of Pearl Williams and Dorothy joyed the fun. urer of the state order of the Eagles Holly who recently returned from col­ A hearing relative to the final set­ Attending the game from here were: fraternity at the annual convention In CHANCES SLIGHT lege. Other guests were Jeanette Mar­ tlement of the Donald McLeod estate Mrs. Lucille Johnston and family, Marshfield last week. He attended with tin, Agnes Nichols and her guest Mar­ will be held in Vale this week before “Pop" Boden, the Barney Wilson fam­ Bernard Frost, president of the Nyssa FOR SCHOOL LOAN garet Pollard of Portland. After games As the regular day of meeting falls Judge W. W. Wood, At the time of Mr. GIRL SCOUTS GIVE ily, the Roy, Pounds, Dean Smiths, Aerie. The local lodge was again cited on the 4th, the July term of Malheur McLeod’s death the nearest relative and singing, the girls toasted marsh­ Dewey Rays, Les Ernest, Sid Burbidge for its activitiy. Eoth delegates report a county court will convene on Thursday, mallows and enjoyed refreshments FESTIVAL TONIGHT Julf 5th, of the coming week. Judge was an aunt who has since passed At several meetings of the school family Pete Boydell John Andrews, C. seccessful meeting. around the outdoor fireplace. away. All remaining relatives are board during the past week, plans of L. McCoy family, C. B. Shorts, Halley David F. Graham made the announce­ cousins of the deceased, seven of whom various architects for a suitable build­ Wilson, Watson Ketchen, Sylvester ment to The Journal today. are represented by Attorney Lott D. Leroy Toombs is Improved but will ing have been considered but to date Turley, Dan Applegate, Frank Reberg- To raise funds for their smmer trip BIG BEND READY Brown of Nyssa. Attorneys C. M. Cran­ er, Geo. Schweizers. M.r and Mrs. Vic not be able to leave the hospital for no selection has been made. Just how to Payette lake, Nyssa Girl Scouts will dall of Vale, Pat Gallagher of Portland RABBIT DRIVE FRIDAY Marshall, Mrs. Earl Ward, Mr. and several days. to finance the building Is another give an Ice cream social and program FOR BIG FOURTH and Hugh Caldwell of Caldwell repre­ problem that confronts the board as Mrs. Jess Thompson, L. E. Stephens. tonight at the Parish hall. The pro­ J. A. Davenport was here Tuesday re­ It seems Impossible to secure a fed­ sent other heirs. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Root, George Gavert, gram will be given at Intervals In order Rev. Floyd E. White Is sponsoring a Grant Rinehart, Mr. and Mrs. Bunny pairing damage to telephone lines. He eral appropriation wilthouft consider­ Big Bend—Committees are hard at that patrons may attend at convenient rabbit drive which will be held Friday Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing reported the heaviest damage from the able delay and red tape. night in Lockett gulch. Ears will be YOUNG’S JUNIORS work preparing for the big celebration hours. storm in the Ontario-Payette section I and the wives of the several married In the meantime Dewey Alexander’s The program follows: 9 a. m. opening saved for the bounty for church benefit. at Big Bend Park July 4th. A good where a tree took down a transcontin­ players on the ball team. Several fam­ crew Is cleaning the bricks which are exercises of Scout ceremony; 9:10 pan­ The drive was postponed from Tuesday TRIM ONTARIO ilies made picnics of the occasion and ental telephone line. about all that remain of the old school program of races, ball games and tomime entitled Wild Nell, by six scout owing to the severe rain. dancing will provide amusement f o r ! building. spent most of the day In Boise. John Walters, son of Assistant Sec­ both young and old. I actreses; 9 20 First aid, bandaging and retary of the Interior T. A. Walters of Bert LaRue and little son and Mr. i artificial respiraton, by high school Opening the American Legion Junior Caldwell, was married to Miss Alice and Mrs. Arch Parker spent the week scouts; 9:30 dancing and acrobatic Oscar Shafer of Kingman Kolony baseball series for the championship of GYPSIES WANT AIR Taylor of Boise Friday. Young Walters BASS-HUETER PAINT stunts by Betty Cook, Tiena Tensen, and Miss Hazel Lenaghen of near Cald­ end at John Day. Malheur county, Ontario Juniors played WATER— NO GAS worked in Nyssa several years ago MEN GIVE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Joe King returned Nellie Je ' dchweizer. Lila Day, Peggy well were married at the bride’s home a good game with the Nyssa lads In the Thursday from a trip to the State | Sills; 9 :40 reading by Leulla Leuck; last Saturday. opener here Friday night. Nyssa won 7 St. Paul's Sunday School has discon­ “The wise property owner has learned Grange and other points of interest on 9:50 piano selections by June Marie Ed. Pruyn, local garage man, had tinued meetings for t h e summer to 5. Freddie Spencer’s three-bagger In Charlie Toombs sprayed for the elm Wilson; 10 Semaphoring demonstra­ It saves him money to use quality some customers Friday, a caravan of months. Rev. Stanley Moore will con­ the coast. the sixth drove In two men and cinched beetle at several homes In the city dur­ paints and employ a good painter,” tion, Louise Tensen, Marjorie Groot; five cars well loaded with dark-skinned tinue to ocnduct the Sunday morning A number from the Bend attended the game for Nyssa. Spencer pitched a ing the week. said H. L. Pickett at a dinner given by 10:10, Upsetting Exercises, skit by grade folk. With flashing smiles, they re­ church service at 9:30 o’clock. Commencement exercises at Kingman fine game but his support was wobbly school scouts; 10:20, reading, Jeanette the National Lead Company Monday Tuesday evening. quested air and water. Pruyn surmised Mr. and Mrs. Jody Proffitt were at times. Mrs. S. Solomon and daughters La In Ontario for representatives from they would get their gas at night. Mrs. Alva Watt of Parma is a guest Gilmore; 10;30 group singing. though here today en route from Boise The score stood 3 to 3 when darkness Tisha, Hazel and Elizabeth of Sioux Eder Hardware and other dealers In in the Haworth hom e. to Harper where they will spend the ended a second game here last night. Andy Whyte of Salem Mrs. Laura Jones of the children's City. Iowa, and Mrs. Ole Solomon and this section. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Roberts of Nys­ Dick Sterling of Stanfield Is a new summer. A five game series Is being played home In Portland, operated by the Vol­ son Wayne of Boise were visitors at the was toastmaster. sa are guests In the B. G. Roberts home. employe on the Owyhee project. between Ontario and Nyssa Juniors for "Many propetry owners have tried Attorney A. L. Fletcher Is having the unteers of America, made collections Chas. Bradley home last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Chet Purdy arrived entranoe in the district series at La John Holly, Adrian scoutmaster, was smell dwelling north of Norcott Ser­ to save money by buying “cheap” paint Sunday from Boulder dam to visit In and Thursday. for the home in Nyssa yesterday. Grande. in town Tuesday. He plans to take j but the result cost the owners many the C. R. Purdy and Phin Case homes. vice station painted and Improved for six boys to the scout camp at Warm times what they saved on their first his office and living quarters. He will Mrs. N. S. Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. cost,” said Pickett. Brumbach, Mr. and Mrs. Orover Lee, Lake Sunday. Raymond Holly, Clarence 1 move to the new location the 1st. W. D. Herman gave demonstrations Mr. and Mrs. Dennan attended the Enos. Leonard Nichols, Oerald Slippy, Miss Geraldine Cockrell of Portland which showed the adaptability of Dutch I-O -N celebration at Jordan Valley Fred Gibson and Arthur Cartwright are is a guest in the C. W. Reberger home. Boy paints in producing interior dec­ Saturday. Mr. Brumbach spoke In the planning to attend. orative effects and protective coatings afternoon. The Dennan orchestra fur­ Judge David F. Graham made a re­ Oeorge Schweizer and Oeorge Gavert on exterior surfaces. nished music for dancing. cent visit with his family In Eugene. have purchased new Ford V-8s. Young Howard Boor of Nyssa, who bout he knocked out Bob Alcorn of Mr. and Mrs. Myrul Long, Mr. and His daughters Mary and Jean accom­ now weighs in at 246 pounds, added Nampa In less than a minute. Then fol­ Hugh Glasgow's orchestra featuring Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Whyman and Fred panied him on return to spend the NEW LAW GIVES more laurels to his growing reputation lowed a less successful fight, his bout Bruce Meyers, saxaphone player from HUNDREDS ATTEND F U N E R A L Nightengale of Ontario were guests In summer In Vale. as a fighter by winning the heavy­ with the college boxer Young Powers of Caldwell, will play at the dance In Vale ROADS MILLIONS; the Brumbach home Sunday. SERVICES HERE SATURDAY FOR A birthday party was given Sunday Saturday night. weight championship of the Idaho Caldwell who made up in technique OLD TIMER. E. M. Hauser, assistant county agent, evening In honor of Mrs. F. S. Byers. amateur boxing show in Boise last what he lacked in weight. He won from Probable good news for the was here Tuesday. Rebekah Sunshine club met Friday Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. week He returned home with a beauti­ Boor on a technical fowl—but he de­ I-O-N highway is gleaned between Harry Looney and his daughter Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Holmes, with Mrs. Pierson for an afternoon of ful trophy in gold and bronze and the clined to meet Boor again. Bud Dennan and children are guests the lines of the report that Oregon With the church filled to capacity, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes, the F. O. quilting. A covered dish luncheon was ambition to make the higher rungs In While In Boise last week. Boor train­ will receive approximately $3,600.- of relatives In Portland. Impressive funeral sendees were held enjoyed. This week the Rebekah* are Holmes family and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. the fight game. The trophy may be ed with his cousin Frank Boor. Clayton Wall of Creston and Everett 000 under the Cartwright bill signed selling chances on a quilt for lodge here last Saturday afternoon for “Dad” Holmes of Modesto, Cal. seen at Don Graham’s office. "Boor has a lot to learn,” said Les Huffman of Owyhee were calling In the j by President Roosevelt which ap­ Fred Powell, aged 77, who passed away benefit. Chas. P.. Flegel of Ontario accom­ In the finals, it took him less than Showers, manager of the amateur meet, propriates a total of two hundred Ber.d Saturday. last Thursday morning after a short panied Dr. J. C. Bartlett of Baker on one minute to polish off the Just-as- "but so did Jack Dempsey who was one million for federal aid highways. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hare and their Illness. A beautiful display of flowers heavy Jack Thomas, called the Cald­ of the country’s most cumbersome State highway officials received a little nephew Laurence Welsh return­ an airplane trip from Baker to Port­ guest Florence Plfer of Portland enjoy­ were the gifts of relatives and friends. giants when he started up the puglistlc land Thursday. The two conducted an ed a sightseeing trip to Jordan Valley Rev. Floyd E. White paid a tribute to well blacksmith. After a tittle furious telegram Tuesday, announcing the ed to Austin Thursday. milling along the ropes, Boor squared highway. Boor is the timber from aerial membership roundup for the and Silver City Sunday. Oregon allocation. the helpful and happy life lead by Dad American Legion. Other pilots covered Thomas off In the comer and with • which a great fighter can be made and In addition to the two hundred Powell which will make his memory a NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH all he needs is a little polishing up, so The Jack Perry children of Ontario other regions of the state. single blow ended the battle. million which Is a federal grant to cherished treasure in the hearts of are spending this week at -he Louis In a more difficult fight with a more to speak, to begin moving toward the states, congress appropriated $250,- many friends. Burial was made In the Jim Boor visited relatives In Boise Reels home. experienced fighter Wally Maglll of topmost round." 000,000 for federal aid to be match­ Sunday School 10 o'clock. Nyssa cemetery. last week while taking in the four- Boise. Boor took a hard blow which ed by states on a 50-50 basis. "The Morning Worship 11:15. Theme: The night boxing exhibition in which his A quartet consisting of Mayor and Mrs. C. C. Coats, music teacher of POSTOFFICE EXAMS SOON sent him to the mat in the first round Hayden-Cartwright act seeks to Tears of Jesus of 1934. Following the son Howard took part. Mr. Boor and Vale, has been appointed organist for Mrs. Howard Larsen. Mrs. C. L. Mc­ but he got his man In the second with The civil service commission an­ stabilise highway building by Insur­ Church service there will be the e le c -1 Howard returned home Thursday night the coming grand lodge at the Eastern Coy and C. C. Hunt, accompanied by another of the short, hard Jabs that nounces open competitive examination ing work for the coming three tlon of the Lay Delegate to the^Con- after the championship bout. Star. At last year * meeting Mrs. Earl Mrs. Hunt, sang a hymn. Mrs. McCoy have a mountain of strength behind to fill the position of postmaster at years of far-reaching proportions fcrence at Boise In September. W W sang a solo. Pall bearers were A. V. Ward was page at grand chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson and son them. Nyssa. Applications close st Washing­ and benefits,” the President an­ Foster, will be the Judge. Cook. Ernest C. Wilson, Nick Rudlick, Bert and Charlie Helm of the Ooners! Young Boor, who Is 19 yean old and ton D. C- July 6. Aspirants who have nounced. A. L. West la recovering from lnjurlea W. F. McLing. J en Thompson and Junior League 7 o'clock. a football player on the Nyssa high resided In the city st least one year Notice waa also given states that Joint meeting of the Epworth Leag- Construction tunnel camp were vaca­ received In an automobile accident at Thos. B. Nor dale. tioning In Boise a few days last week. school team, won his first laurels as a may take the examination along with The Dalles. Mrs. West wrote this week unemployed emergency grants are uee at Apple Valley at eight o’clock. Relatives attending the service from heavy weight In his first fight In Nam­ S. D. Ooshert. who has received the to be abandoned unless plana are OREGON TRAIL Mr. and Mrs. Jas F. Fee of Payette that he la doing nicely but It will be two out of town were Earl Powell of Orland. pa boxing show some two months ago temporary appointment. If they so de­ made to meet the federal govern­ Sunday School 10:30. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tenor of Wen­ weeks before the cast can ba removed C a l, Mrs. Mary Morris and Mrs. Her­ when he knocked out Big BUI WUlard sire. The permanent appointee Is sel­ ment half way In paying for new Worship service 2:30. Subject: The dell, Ida. were Sunday dinner guests of from hla back. West la a new aetUer on J man Towne of Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. at Nampa In 30 «econrta la hla asst ected trxm U m three high die Owyhee. Mind o f Christ. Ba m ho use of Meridian. Rev. and Mrs. White. Young Boor W ins Heavyweight Championship of Boise Boxing Show FRIENDS HONOR “DAD” POWELL