NYSSA. OREGON GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE VOLUME XXVIII. NO. 39. E PREPARES FOR ANOTHER JULY 4TH AUTO POLO AND BASEBALL TOUR NAMENT NYSSA, BETWEEN EMMETT ONTARIO. AND PARMA HEADLINERS. With auto polo, a big rodeo and free barbecue as the main features, Vale Is getting ready to observe July 4th with Its 16th annual celebration. Festivities will start this year on the afternoon of July 3rd witf< a double header baseball game, the Ontario, Nyssa, Emmett and Parma teams of the Idaho-Oregon league participating. That night there will be dancing on the maple floor of the new community hall to the music of Nettrowers orchestra. Vale’s famous old time magic city El Dorado will throw its gates wide open. Beano, roulette. "21’ and other games will give the throng a taste of the west of 50 years ago. The parade on the morning of July 4th will be followed by the annual water fight of the Vale fire department. At noon the big free barbecue will be served in shady Riverside park. Ater a picnic lunch, the crowd will adjourn to the arena for a play-off baseball game, the rodeo and the thril ling headliner, auto polo, Auto polo, say those who have seen it, is as full of spills and surprises as an automobile race. In the evening there will be dancing, El Dcrado attractions and a large num ber of carnival features. JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON BUSIEST AND FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN OREGON INVESTIGATE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 NEW SETTLER IS HURT IN WRECK NEAR THE DALLES A. L. West, rancher of the Owy hee community, is confined to The Dalles hospital with serious Injuries sustained in a recent automoble wreck which occured near The Dalles when West and his wife were en route to their former home near Portland. They recently purchased a ranch from Mrs. Oral Hite and were en route to Portland after some of their household goods when the accident occured. Mrs. West has written friends that her husband Is recovering but will not b? able to leave the hospital for some time. JORDAN VALLEY PREPARES FOR I-O-N JUBILEE GOVERNORS OF THREE ARE INVITED TO I N STATES PARTICIPATE CELEBRATION BOOSTING NEW SHORT CUT HIGHWAY. Crops Here Are Best i i West, Iowa^ Declares Wih early com six feet high, with grain ripening for an early harvest, with potatoes and other crops showing a verdant growth, Mias Mary Steuter- vllle of Sioux City, Iowa, finds this val- ley the most beautiful she has seen on a trip which has taken her through several states. She is the guest of Prof. Clyde Walker. >d«> Is here from Oregon State College for the purpose of conducting a wheat survey, and his family. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison Thursday and Fri day. The visitors found great pleasure In this Irrigated land after viewing the drouth stricken valleys of less fortunate regions. At this season of the year, bountiful crops never fall to make a lasting im pression with many visitors. SI.50 PER YEAR FANS 00 WILD WREN GATE CITY TRIMS BOISE 0 j LOCALS HAND MOUNTAINEERS FIRST DEFEAT OF IDAHO-ORE- GON SEASON; OPENS SUNDAY. LOCATE SECOND HALF RABBIT DRIVE WILL BE HELD TUESDAY NIGHT All sportsmen of the city, young and old, will be given the opportun ity to do their bit for the Meth odist Community church by turn ing out for the rabbit drive next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock hi Lock ett gulch. Men and boys who can wield a wicked club are wanted but guns and dogs will not be permitt ed. A fence will be built and the round-up will be conducted along the usual lines. A truck will leave from the church at 6:45. Ears will be collected from the bunnies and they will be turned into the courthouse at Vale for the 2 !i- cent bounty which Is now being paid. All proceeds will be used for church benefit. Over 10,000 rabbits were killed in the county last week on which a fourth of the $1000 set aside for bounty was paid . EWELL SEEKS JULY 12th WILL BRING OPENINO QF BIDS ON DITCH WHICH WILL DELIVER FIRST WATER ON OWYHEE. The governors of three states. Ore' STANDINGS Engineer R. J. Newell of the Owyhee Club gon, Idaho and Nevada, have been In W. L. Pet project will receive bids on Thursday AT EAGLES CONVENTION 1 .857 Boise vited to attend Jordan Valley’s open 6 morning, July 12, for the construction Don Graham, treasurer of Eagles house celebration Friday and Saturday Emmett ................ ................. 5 2 .714 of approximately ten miles of the state lodge, and Bernard Frost, Nyssa ....... ........... ................ 5 In honor of the start of work on the 2 .714 Kingman Kolony lateral and between president of the Nyssa Aerie, left I-O-N highway In both Malheur county Ontario ................ ................. 6 2 .714 four and five miles of small laterals Tuesday for the state convention In Parma .............. and Idaho. Governor C. Ben Ross of .............. 3 4 .429 lying cast of the railroad near Adrian. Marshfield. Mrs. Carl Jungquist 2 5 .286 Caldwell .............. Idaho has already accepted and will de Completion of this work this year will and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow were elect Middleton ........... ............... i liver the principal address on Satur 6 .143 assure the delivery of gravity water on ed AugiUary delegates but could not Nampa ................ ............... i day afternoon. 6 .143 the old Kingman Kolony district under attend. Dr. W. W. Jones is general chairman the Owyhee project. Nyssa defeated Boise? and will preside at the brief business For a period of about four years, con These words rang around town Sun session Saturday when progress on the struction has been under way for the day evening after the snappy Nyssa I-O-N highway project will be explain irrigation of around 100,000 acres of nine trimmed the Mountaineers 6 to 4 ed. Governor Ross and other dignitaries land under the Owyhee. The storage to hand them their first defeat of the from towns along the rout« will speak. dam was completed two years ago. div Idaho-Oregon league season. Dean This program will start at 4 o'clock. ersion tunnels and siphons have been Johnston pitched a nice game for Nys Saturday night ^ boxing contest will built. Huge canals are being built. All sa and found excellent support in the CITY’S GRAND OLD MAN DIES AT of this activity points to the delivery of feature Kid Weston of Nampa and Les NYSSA RANCHER WILL SUCCEED 8. field. Berry of Emmett. Floyd Accaragul of AGE OF 77 YEARS; PARALYSIS water early next spring which will D. GOSHERT ON BOARD; PARA' Four hits and two runs gave Nyssa a MALHEUR REPUBLICANS ELECT Jordan Valley will meet fast Bert Tip- mark a turning point on the Owyhee— FATAL. four to two lead in the second. McCul DIS IS REELECTED. REX MARQUIS CHAIRMAN FOR ton of Huston tn tha semi-finals. Four the completion of much construction loch, new player on second, stemmed preliminaries are being arranged. The NOVEMBER CAMPAIGN. and the start of farm development. Wiggin’s long drive in the 6th. King Sunday program will include horse rac At present several hundred men are "Dad” Powell’s liappy smile will be ing, bucking and a baseball game be- By the narrow margin of two votes, and Henry snared long drives when at work on the the project, the newest, they came their way. Another feature seen no more, nor will he tell glowing Garire Stam edged out Sid Burbidge for Girding for the battle of ballots in twaan JoTrdan VaIle* and ™ lder’ f .. was the double play in the seventh tales of the fishing or hunting trip he crew being that employed by Bernard- November the Malheur County Repub- C l« s Laurensoh. secretary of the the office of director of the Nyssa when Dean Johnston threw to George enjoyed so thoroughly, for Nyssa s Curtfs Company of Mlnnuapo«!^ on lican Central committee was organised ^ ldweU Ch, af " bcr , Commerce, is school district while Charles M. Paradis on third and George to McCulloch. To "grand old man” has crossed the divide. siphon work. Morrison-Knudsen of was re-elected clerk for another year Boise Is making good progress on Owy Monday with Rex Marquis, rancher of Chalrman ° f the celebration. at the annual election on Monday. Mr. end a thrllier from start to finish. Dean He died in a coma at four o'clock this hee river siphon and others. General Vale, chairman; I. W. Hope of Vale,/ fanned three men straight tn the morning after a three days illness Stam will succeed S. D. Goshert who Construction Company of Seattle is secretary-treasurer; E. C. Van Petten; BIG BEND PLANS served for many years. Fred Koopman ninth. He struck out 11 to Boise's 3 which began with a stroke of paralysis making rapid progress on ‘the lining of of Ontario, state committeman; and C and walked but one man. on Monday evening. A host of flrends automatically becomes chairman and C. Mitchell butte tunnel, John Klug of I.. McCoy of Nyssa, congressional com FOR BIG FOURTH L. Nyssa journeys to Boise Sunday for will miss him. McCoy is the third member of the Ellensburg, Wash., on a siphon Job and mitteeman. Occupying the Important RAY GARRISON the opener of the second half of the Apparently in his usual good health, board. seats on the executive committee which Big Bend—The park committee is season. Dad Powell was Irrigating Monday at long line of main canal running from IS MAKING GOOD will aid in con Jucting the local cam making big plans for another jolly 4th Ontario defeated Parma 14 to 7 while h(s home.. Children playing nearby the Terteling Company of Boise on a paign, arc Don Graham of Nyssa, of July picnic at Big Bend park. N. S. Emmett trounced Caldwell 4 to 1 to re saw him fall and becoming alarmed Owyhee river siphon to the Malheur Ray Garrison Is another Nyssa stud DR. MEAD TELLS chairman; F. W. Canfield of Ontario Phelan says there will be sports, base main in a three-way tie with Nyssa for they ran to the Powell home. He was siphon which will be one of tire big jobs ent who is making good. Due to his ef ball. speaking, dancing afternoon and and W. W. Scott of Jamieson. second place. Middleton downed Nampa conscious for a few hours but near mid to be let this fall. ficiency he has been assisting Prof. OF PUMPING PLAN Activity is also brewing among the evening. 13 to 8 In a. surprise tilt. night suffered a second stroke from Gilmore, instructor In the school of ranks of the Democratic central com- Mrs. Frank Johns underwent a major ! Nyssa Box Score AB H R which he failed to revive. agricultural engineering, with the To safeguard the water supply of tnllee. It Is said a meeting will be held operation In Caldwell Friday. King, cf ..................... ............ 3 0 0 Fred Powell was bom 77 years ago, on BLODGETT HURT wheat survey being conducted in the vi soon for the purpose of organizing for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Powell and the Owyhee project In the driest years. McCulioch. 2b 4 1 March 23, 1857, at Camden, New Jersey. 0 cinity of The Dalles the p» -t few weeks. the fall campaign. Two Malheur county nephew Lawrence Welsh came from Dr. Elwood Mead discussed a pumping IN AUTO CRASH 2 0 1 Ill 1909 lib came to Nyssa from Ham- Henry, rf Ray was also elected piehdent of the ’’plums” are left for vying Democrats, Austin Friday for a visit in the Welsh wou*d draw water from G. Johnston, 3b ............ 3 1 1 tnoiid. 111., to ooerate a livery stable and Ag Engineering Club Inst month. He Is the postmasterships at Ontario and home. Snake river when In the county Friday Lawrence Blodgett Is recovering from Young, c ..................... .............3 0 2 he has since resided here. For many a junior at Or. ¡suite. Vale. The Nyssa office was among the Miss Francis Miller was a guest in and Saturday on his annual inspection Servoss, lb .............. ..........3 1 0 years he was a member of the Meth- painful cuts and bruises about the head first to be filled, S. D. Goshert having the Brumbach home Wednesday. Irene of the Owyhee and Vale projects. The Schweizer, ss ........... .............1 0 0 odist church. Surviving him are his and shoulders, sustained in an automo AT SUMMER SCHOOL received the temporary appointment Brumbach accompanied her to Juntura plan calls for three pumping plants, at Price, ss ...... ........... 3 1 1 widow, three sons Harry of Griffith bile accident 3unday morning which and taken office. and Beulah where new library stations Nyssa, Ontario and Homedale, -power Rarbaud, lf ............. 4 0 0 Ind„ Earl of Orlando, Cal., and Eddie occured near the K. S. and D. ranch. Misses Crete Marie Foster and Dor t.o be derived from the Black Canyon. will be established. D. Johnston, p ............3 1 1 J. Powell of Nyssa, two daughters Mrs. While driving alone, his car turned othy Gilmore have enrolled for the six Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck. Mrs. Eva It met with approval of all districts un M. F. Solomon of Calumet City, 111, turtle and is said to have rolled over weeks summer session at La Grande BANKS HAS BIG JOB der the Owyhee. With Dr. Mead were Hamlin, Mrs. Lester French, Mr. and and Mrs. Aden Wilson of Nyssa, seven several times as it was almost de Normal school. Mrs. Jim Gilmore took AT GRAND COULEE Mrs. R. L. Haworth and daughters, Mr. Enginer R. F. Walter and B. E. Stoute- JUNIOR LEAGUERS grandchildren and one great grand molished. It was a new Ford V-8 pur them to LaGrande last week after they chased the previous week. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach and sons and meyer. Frank Morgan, Dr. J. J. Sar- PLAY ON FRIDAY child. spent a few days at home. Frances Fos Frank A. Banks has a big job at Jlmmlc Miller attended the Book club i aztn’ M Judd and C. C. Hunt vepre- While driving to work shortly after Funeral services will be held Satur ter accompanied Crete to La Grande Almira, Wash., where he is chief engin- picnic Father’s Day at the T. M. Lowe sented the Owyhee district. Opening the junior baseball seríes day at 2 o'clock at the Methodist Com- the accident, Wesley Roberts took to planning to remain with her during i eer In charge of the Grand Coulee dam. ranch. y sponsored by the American Legion, munlty church. Interment will be made the borrow pit with a government car the summer session. Mrs. Gilmore and Monday Silas H. Mason Company of Mrs. Elmer Prosser and children took GIRL SCOUTS GIVE Nyssa Juniors will meet Ontario at here. Arrangements are In charge of to avoid hitting the Blodgett car. Rob younger daughter Kathryn are expected New York bid $29,339,301.50 for build erts' car was damaged but he escaped Grandma Prosser to Star Saturday. Nyssa Friday night at 7 o ’clock. This the Nyssa Funeral Home. ed to return home today after a few ing the huge power dam in the Colum PROGRAM JUNE 28 unhurt. Harry Russell is recovering from will be the first of five games for the days visit with Mrs. Gilmore's mother bia river. General Construction Com blood poisoning. PIERCE RETURNS HOME at Union. In the hopes of attending Girl Scout ! championship of Malheur county. The pany of Seattle was among the seven Elmer Sparks had his foot set in a Congress adjourned Monday and Companies, Inc., that offered a bid of cast again last week. He was hurt at M. Camp at Payette Lake with their reg winner goes to La Grande. Coach John ADRIAN DISTRICT DRIVERS EXAMS JUNE 2* $34,555,582, five million more than the K. works early this spring. ional director, Mrs. Littlefield of San I Young reports the following line-up: Oregon’s delegation is returning home Slippy rf, Nichols rf, Wesley Lathen ci, Tor the summer. First to leave were New York firm.. Orand Coulee dam will TALKS HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. Wm. Ashcraft accompanied Mr. Francisco, the Nyssa Girl Scouts spon Anderson 3b, Ross Johnston ss, Paul Congressman and Mrs. Walter M. W. L. Turner will give auto drivers’ cost about five times the cost of Owy- and Mrs. Lowell Ashcraft to La Grande sored by the Rebekahs are giving an ice Johnston 2b, Holly lb, Spencer p, Cook Pierce. The latter will visit friends hi examinations at the city hall In Nyssa hee dam built under the supervision of last week. cream social at the Parish hall Thurs- At a well attended meeting In the c, Robert and Lloyd Wilson, Gerald Salem for a short time while the active from 1 untl 5 p. m. on Thursday, June i Mr. Banks who resided here before his F. A. Miller. N. S. Phelan, Charles day evenin*- Jnue 28 The proceeds will Slippy, Raymond Graham. Season congressman will plunge Into his cam- Kingman Kolony district Monday 28. I transfer to Grand Coulee. go towards the camping fund. Powell, Bob Welsh and Elmer Prosser ! paign at once. General Martin Is also night, patrons discussed the feasibility Entertainment will be varied and will tickets are on sa^e for 50 cents, made a trip to their sheep camp above j planning his campaign for governor of operating a high school. At present appeal to all ages. Come and bring the Cascade Saturday returning Tuesday. “ ! and yesterday came word that the two most of the Kolony, Big Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee were in On- family. There will be a grab box, auc WILSON RECITAL will visit Malheur county shortly after Adrian students attend high school tion sale, fortune telling, and a pro taio Sunday. In Nyssa. They are a very welcome ad FRIDAY EVENING I July s'. The Hatch and Stark families at gram at Intervals as follows: dition here. The principal business of Opening eexrcises of Scout ceremony, tended Adventist meetings in Caldwell the evening was the reelec ton of Mau Mr. and Mrs. Clias. L. Wilson wlll CHIROPRACTOR RULING MADE skit, Upsetting Excerclses. Grade School last week. Dr. C. A. Abbott announces that a rice Judd as director and R. R. Over- Scodts; first aid, bandaging and arti ¡présent thelr piano and violin stud- street as clerk. Roseburg, June 16—A complete new sales tax, favor state power transmis- flcial respiration, High Sctool Scouts; I m t* in a recital Friday evening, June licensed chiropractor has authority to refinancing setup to aid property own sion and state-owned and operated TRAIL P.-T.-A. WILL dancing and acrobatic stunts, Betty ¡ a^ ^he Methodist Community Issue a medical certificate to an appli Mrs. Ross Parkinson and son Lonnie ers. involving the Issuance of “ guar banks. Cook, Tiena Tensen. Nellie Jean Sch- Aureli.^Margaret Sarazin, Jean^Har- cant for marriage license. Attorney CONTINUE MEETINGS weizer, anteed currency,” was one of the major Favored a state bill providing that Lila Day and Peggy Sills, read- man, Robert Browne, Curtis Foster, j General Van Winkle made the ruling were in Boise yesterday. Mrs. Geo. Schweizer and daughter proposals of the Oregon state grange, foreclosure of a mortgage cancels the ing, Luella D uck, piano selections, Colleen Towne, Delma Ward, Gayle | this month at the request of the state At tire regular meeting of the Ore Nellie Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Max Sch which concluded Its annual convention entire debt. June Marie Wilson, semaphoring dem McCoy, Doris Graham. Howard L a r -! board of chiropractic examiners. weizer, Verl Hoover and Mrs. Helen here early Saturday. Favored repeal of the Oregon law re gon Trail P.-T. A. on Friday, it was onstration, Louise Tense’i and Marjorie sen, Marion Boden, Nellie Jean Sch- 1 --------------------------- Barbara Jean Browne and Mrs. Robt. Long has been 111. She Clement of Ontario, mother of Mrs. Federal guarantee of bank deposits quiring a $1 fee for automobile drivers’ i Z t reg“ IarH m r llT Oroot, Plano selection. Margaret Plnk- welzer. every third ^Idliy evening during the e pantomime ..Wlld eir 81x Miss Floy Lackey, soprano, will take was Improved when she accompsntoij i Bchweizer, spent Monday at the Holden regardless of amount, approval of the license renewable every two years. Wlld *N Nell” part. The public is Invited. j her husband on return to thelr summer, Clement ranch at Council. Mrs. Clem- Favored a graduated income tax on summer months but to make these Scout Actresses, group sinking. proposed state banking bill, adoption ent remained for the summer. camp near Ironside Monday. of the recommendation of the state wealth to relieve homes, farms and evenings social gatherings. An Interesting musical program was ACCIDENTS IN APPLE VALLEY grange master regarding the abolish small business of the existing heavy tax Miss Claudena Crawford Is serving given under the direction of Mi’s. Dr. J. J. Sarazin was called to Ap ment of the lower house of the state i load. I as apprentice in Rubye Lou Beauty Franklin Fry and Mrs. Wm. DeOroft ple Valley last week to attend George legislature, of an amusemnt tax to r e - : Shop. Farm Service Cut Opposed last Friday. After the regular business j Bailey’s son who received a broken leg place the property tax to raise revenue Opposed any unwarranted cut or meeting conducted by Albert Hopkins, i in a runaway. Miss Hazel Stagner suf for old-age penlsons, approval of a ; elimination in appropriation for next DO MALHEUR TAX fered a severe cut on the head when a workmen’s employment tax to provide year's budget for agricultural activities president, the following numbers were presented. Piano solo by Hollis De- ladder fell with her. old-age Insurance and indorsement of PAYERS WANT A federal Groft; vocal solos by Mrs. Joe Stam ac the state milk control law were among rovernmerri*'00 WOrk by 016 SCHOOL NURSE? Leroy, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Five Oregon counties have been added Stockmen In general will welcome the issues adopted by the convention Approved a Iaw a , tax exem_ companied by Mrs. Wm. DeOroft, and vocal solos by Charles Jones accompan Chas. Toombs, has been very 111 of to the secondary list of the 732 counties assistance in maintaining sources of during the night-long sessum. pUon on household furniture up to Does Malheur county want a ied by Dwight Johnston. Group singing pneumonia and complications the past included In the officially recognized water in the arid Interior, however, The plan to refinance home loans, as $1000 only, school nurse? was enjoyed. week. Sunday he was taken to the Holy drouth areas as of June 15. These which Is one of the main objectives of provided in the Frazier bill, which the Opposed present transportation code, This was the question brought to Rosary hospital and today was report counties are Jefferson, Crook, Harney. the drouth relief program. grange approved, would require revalu Nyssa Civic Club yesterday by the Malheur and Wheeler. Following the ed much better. ation of all bonds affecting homes. The racTca!riers.m endlIlent * Pe" nU CO"‘ COLEMAN OPENS Malheur county child welfare com appointment of W. A. Schoenfeld, dean Supt. a id Mrs. Leo Hollenberg and resolution further proposed that loans Proposed a law making a second of- NEW LUNCH STAND mittee of which Mrs. Dick Tensen ramlly left Friday for Portland and of agriculture at O.8.C.. as drouth re YOUNG MATRON be granted up to 75 per cent of ap | fense of drunken driving punishable by and Mayor Howard Larsen are the DIES IN OAKLAND Corvallis. They wlll visit friends and lief administrator In Oregon, tha latter praised value for a term of 40 years at permanent revocation of driver’s lic Wm. Coleman has opened a new Nyssa representatives. Mrs. Tensen designated P. M. Brandt and E. R. Mr. Hollenberg will discuss school not to exceed 3 per cent interest and ense. hamburger stand on Main street, near reported that the proposal was fav Mrs. Nellie McLauchlln, aged 29, building plans with officials at Oregon Jacltman of the station and extension principal payment. Favored p issage of a constitutional the Powell garage. He has thoroughly ored at a meeting of the committee staff to proceed at once to the regions youngest daughter of Mrs. Cordelia Se State college. In another resolution directed to the | amendment that no law enacted by the painted It inside and out and It pre Saturday, called by Mrs. M. C. Im- affected and determine which if any bum of Nyssa, passed away Wednesday Mrs. Chas. M. Paradis and children federal government, the grange urges j people shall be amended or repealed sents a very neat appearance. Coleman ler of Dead Ox Flat who is chair of the proposed federal methods of as June 7, In Oakland. Cal., after brief and Miss Margaret Pinkerton drove to that the federal guarantee of bank de- j without being referred to a vote and will sell lunches throughout the day man. sistance are applicable In this state. Illness of spinal meningitis. She war Baker Sunday after Mr.s Jam's, moth posits be made permanent and be ex- j that a bill once referred and defeated and evening, making a speciality of Mrs. O. O. Boden reported on a Cattle purchasing la beng carried out critically 111 for two weeks. Interment er of Mrs. Chas. Toombs, who was tended to amounts above $2500. I cannot be re-tnacted by the legislature hamburgers and hot dogs. check-up of club dishes which In the primary drouth countries, but re was made at Oakland. Surviving are called here by the Illness of her grand With debate limited to five minutes, | without i gain being referred to a vote shows some shortage. Mrs. Wm. du ced rates for shipping feed and cat- her husband Lucien McLauehln. an in son Leroy. the convention aced upon nearly 80 of the people. PICNIC AT HOT SPRINGS Schlreman was requested to make H tie, credit for feed, and assistance In fant daughter and two sons of Oakland, resolulon during the night. Action on Favored elimination of competitive Members of Kingman Kolony book further Investigations relative to Bud An:’ rson left Monday for the maintaining water supplies are the three brothers, Carl, Cecil and John of the more important issues follows: celling among farmer» and their organ- club gave their annual picnic for their Ward Sheep camp at Summit Prairie chtof proposals for the secondary coun- Nyssa and one sister Mrs. Ooldle Roper securing a curtain for the gym where he has resumed work for George j Ue8 Approved the proposed state bank tzatlons and the organizing of the buy- husbands Sunday at the Tom Lowe stage. of Lakevlew. Mrs. McLauchlln had re bill. Ing power of the grange ranch at Mitchell butte hot springs A Mrs. Glenn Frizzell presented Ward. Bud has recovered from Injuries j Reports as to drouth conditions In sided In Oakland since her marriage six Favored Immediate federal relief for Favored a change In co-operative very happy time was enjoyed with en- Miss Donna Cook who sang two received when thrown from a horse. He Malheur county are somewhat confllct- years ago. drouth-strlken areas In eastern Oregon, laws to provide that whenever 75 per tertalnment as follows: song by Big selections accompanied by Mrs. haa been at home the past month. | mg but they all effect the range sec- For the present Mrs. Sebum Is re Favored congressional act to place cent of the grower» «hall sign up a pro- Bend minstrels Mrs C. E. Peck and Dick Tensen and Mri. Bert Llen- Mlases Mary and Cora Carter of tlona and not the Irrigated valleys. maining with the McLauchlln family In minimum price on all farm products duct to be sold through any association Mrs R L. Haworth; guessing game kaemper who played a piano num Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Long and M r.; Some stockmen say the water holes on Oakland. commensurate with the coat of produe- the minority of the growers shall be conducted by John Holly and R. R. ber. Mrs. Agnes Wilson and Mrs. and Mrs. A1 Thompson were dinner 1 tha range are drying up and livestock ton. plus a fair profit to producers. compelled to market their product Overstreet of the Kolony; reading. Mrs Ray Kendler served tea. Mrs. C. C. guests Sunday at the J. T. Long j la endangered, while others say the Ralph Boden left Thursday for Port Urged grangers to support candidates J through such co-operative and not Lowe: paper on the book dub. Mr*, Cotton tnvtted the club to her home home. Tha Misses Carter are spending range Is about like It Is In other dry land and Tacoma where he has work at the November elccUoo who opposed otherwise. Frank Morgan. >11 G. 0. P. GIRDS FOR BATTLE SCHOOL VOTERS ELECT STAM DEATH CLAIMS “DAD” POWELL State Grange Holds Important Session In Roseburg; Would Abolish House Committee on Drouth Relief Will Open W ater Holes on Malheur Range