GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1934. u tilili l:l.ll.l!ll¡IIIUil:l,l¡l!ll:ill|||,||!|lÍI;||;il I III H M r M It 111 |1 ¡¡mu ¡ j ¡ .¡ j m t — M M » . ip g r i Filli the . • . . . Fill . Picnic Basket i With Goody-Goodies from the Bakery. An ever tempting array of cakes and pastries baked daily. = g The Swan Bakery | | Miss C am pbell n ^ W ed , at Pretty Ceremony Sunday A Spicy Variety in Sandwich Bread NYSSA OREGON E<>WBWBMWiiiiiBiMiiiiiii>iiiwiiBiiiiiii,Biiiniiii!i;m,ni,i riiiii:i;riiiiiiiiiiiii mu n m hi him 11 ¡11 ¡;i m i 11111 n iii'in 1 i n Suitable . . . . GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE Rings, Watches, Jewelry for the nicest of Gifts MUSICIANS—We cany the best of strings and reeds for musical instruments. Fifcr Jewelry Store NYSSA OREGON § A rose covered trellis formed the background for the pretty wedding at the W G. Campbell home Sunday after noon when Miss Gladys Campbell be came the bride of Chester Sager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sager of Nyssa. The ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Floyd E. White. Charmingly gowned in sky blue geor gette, the bride carried a shower bou quet of Cecil Bruner roses and Madon na lilies. Her only attendant was her sister Miss Alta Campbell who wore pink organdie and carried pink carna tions. Earl Sager was best man. Miss Dorothy Compton of Boise, cousin of the bride, played Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus. Misses Pauline and Ruth Wolfe sang “I love You Truly.” and "Bells of St. Maries.” Refreshments were servod at the close for the fifty guests attend ing. The groom was graduated from Nys- sa high school in 1931 and in 1933 at tended the Nazarene College at Nam pa. For the present the young couple will reside at the Campbell home. Guests from out of town were sisters of Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Nora Compton and family of Boise and Mrs. Pearl Stanley and daughter Fern of Nampa, Claud Keisler of Boise, Misses Edna, Mamie and Nina Mahan of Parma. Mrs. Stanley and daughter remained for the week. Flowers for the trellis were from the J. T. Long and J. C. Beam gardens. Mrs. Bernard Frost as sisted Mrs. Campbell in decorating. * ' ' ' Splurge with color on the furnishings that make your porch so livable in summer. If you’re in doubt about colors to use see our Color Harmony Selec tors. They suggest the gayest combinations! Wipe out wear’n’tear 6-H Quick-Drying Porch and Floor Paint Fresh charm for furniture A pint or two of colorful fresh paint will do wonders for wood and wicker chairs and tables. And it costs so little. The finish to use is B-HLustreiacEnaipe! WIICK-MYIM 'IV . Quart—95c * j. .ww Pint—70c Quart—$1.10 FREE BOOKLET! New informative booklet for home owners “It’s Time to Paint—What to Do and How It‘s Done.” Ask for a copy. F* EDER HARDWARE C o.| NYSSA OREGONj . --------- S „ „W B - e r a n w r n » « --- --- --- ---------— . —« A re Your Tires Safe for Su mmer : The danger of blow outs increases as roads g e t h o tte r — b e tte r replace thin tires now. See the greater value we offer in new G oodyears b eca u se Goodyear Dealers sell th e m o st tir e s —by millions! G OOD/TEAR T be Gr e a t e s t Na m e in R u b b e r H IC H Q U A L IT Y GOODYEAR PATHFINDER \ S ttp m tw U t C ar* Tlraa ví* iv Nfcl , i . > 4 1 % M o n Miles of Real Non-Skid S a f e t y — a t no extra coat U what you get in tha SEN SA TIO N A L M.W “ G - 3 ” GOODYEAR A U - W E A T H IR \ v ll/ * * Jordan Valley—Marlon Wroten Is building a new residence on his ranch southwest of Jordan. Joe Gluck was brought In from South M ountain last week quite 111. Mrs. Wm. C. Noble and daughter Evelyn visited friends In Boise and Nys sa last week Miss Angela Maher of Horseshoe Bend is visiting her sister Mrs. Jacalyn I Haines. | Mrs. Oliver Young of Sheavllle has been visiting her mother Mrs. Clyde Stulls. Jordan Valley friends were sorry to learn of the death of Hon. Will R. King, 70, at W ashington D. C. last week. He was born and reared in Jor dan Valley and practiced law in O n tario a number of years before receiving his appointment as chief counsel for the reclamation bureau at W ashington. Virginia Overton Is recovering from a fracture of th e elbow, suffered when she fell from a Irrge rock while visiting her aunt at Sweet. Idaho. Wm. Johnston and wife are staying at the Remsen place. Miss Ruth Lessman, daughter of Joseph Lessman of the Cliffs, will grad uate June 3 from Good Sam aritan hos pital In Portland where she has been in training several years. W hile In the valley Courtland Horn of Greenleaf was bitten by a tick and contracted fever. He is under a doctor’s contracted spotted fever. He Is under a doctor’s care in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Pud Long and daughter Evelyn came in from their camp Tues day. Gayle McCoy returned home with them after a two weeks visit at camp. COLLEGE FRIENDS HERE Miss Grace Posey entertained Col lege of Idaho friends at two tables of bridge on Thursday. Mrs. Kirby Rob erts of Rosweli won first prize, Mrs. Wilbur Roberts of Adrian, consolation. COLOR for summer porches Maybe ypur porch floor only needs a coat or two of fresh paint to give it new life. You get a tough durable surface for wood or concrete with * R a n c h e r b u il d s AT JORDAN VALLEY TAKES 6 INCHES OFF HIPS AND BUST MONDAY BRIDGE The SAFE ' Vay 10 Reduce Mrs. Ted Newell entertained Monday | “For three mouths I’ve used Krushen bridge club at a chicken luncheon and ^alts — I’ve lost 45 lbs. — taken 6 inches cards the forepart of the week. Tables ’ bust— 3 bottles gave me splendid re- were centered with roses. Mrs. Bernard j suits.." Mrs. Carl Wilson. Frost won first prize, Mrs. Farnhem j A half teaspoonful of Kruschen In Sills, low. Guests were Mrs. Frost, Mrs. I 8 glass of hot water every morning is the secret how overweight folks can re Dean Smith. * * * * duce SAFELY and at the same time gain physical attractiveness. One bot- WEDDING DINNER I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long gave a din- j le lasts 4 weeks. You can get Kruschen ner Thursday night in honor of Mi-, Salts at any dru& store in the world.— and Mrs. A. L. Barker who were recent Adv. ly married in Caldwell. The bride Is their granddaughter and has been a frequent visitor in their home. Guests •v illin i i : ì in linn in 1:11:11:111111 ii.iiri i¡n rn ¡i m i l included Miss Helen Lackey of Ontario and the Dr. John Long family who are B NYSSA SHOE SHOP = here from Salem. * * * * FOR MRS. LAWRENCE Members of the younger set enjoyed a shower in honor of Mrs. Ralph Law | rence, recent bride, at the Dean Smith = Invites you to bring in — home Thursday afternoon which was given by Miss Doris Smith and Miss 1 your old shoes. What | Claudena Crawford. At the end of a | may seem beyond re- § treasure hunt the bride found many delightful gifts. Clever little prizes were | pair might be made into I given at the close of games and lunch 2 a good understanding | eon was served. Miss Darlene Dunaway of Portland was the only out of town | and add a few steps to 2 guest. | economy. • • • * SUPPER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harman gave a de lightful dinner party for the supper club on Sunday evening. Mrs. Wm. Schireman held high score, Mr. Har man second. E rr H E E ~ S E ^ Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa, Oregon IN APPLE VALLEY Apple Valley—Hogue company will complete the harvest of a bumper crop of early peas In Apple Valley the fore- a ri of next week. During the harvest which opened several weeks ago Tom Clendening has served as field boss, Bernard W am tjnes as pocking house foreman In Parma. A large number of the pickers will be transferred to the strawberry harvest at New Meadows by the Hogue company. There will be work fo.- 400 pickers at New Meadows. Jess Albertson has been spraying for the potato beetle which is quite preva lent tills season. Mrs. Jim Perkins sister Ina Mac Rae has gone to Portland owing to their mother's illness. The Wesley G auntlet fam ily of Gold I Beach. Ore. have been visiting her par- 1 an te Me nnrl »fee D C ITnTnttrea ents Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McIntyre. G len Van Landinghams have gone to Pocatello where Glen has work. Mrs. Ray Danforth and Mrs. Wm. Matzen entertained the ladles aid Thursday at the Danforth home. Mr. Bayliss and a crew of m en from Caldwell have been working on the highway connection Into Nyssa. A. F. Sm ith of the Boise mattress factory was here on business Monday. Walter Gerloch of New Plymouth called at the Rev. W hite home Mon day. Children's Permanents See 9:30 Church Service». 10:30 Sunday 8chool. Rev. Stanley Moore. PROTECT WHAT YOU HAVE INSURE WITH SURE ED. W. PRUYN For Auto Repairing Battery Service Welding Oregon N yssa INSURANCE With FRANK T. MORGAN Nyssa Oregon Make CANNING! You will find it an easy and pleasant task if you use one of our Cold Pack Canners. 9-Pint, 7 Quart or 4 1-2 Gallon. Adjustable size. Saves fuel, time and tem p er......... see them today. Regular $3.50 Oil Permanent Not Harmful to Hair ONLY $2.50 Friday and Saturday Only Age: Up to 12 Years Make Appointment Now! What could be more appetizing after a hot day than a freezer of ice cream? Freezes Cream Easily and Quickly 2 QUART FR EEZER...........$1.19 Drop In Any Time Rubye Lou Beauty Shop Phone Renewals come from J. B. Sm ith, Merle Johnson. Nyssa; R. R. Richard son. Hill City, Idaho. A new subscriber Is Watson K etchen of the reclamation staff. Wm. Holady has changed the address of his Journal from Nyssa to Dead Ox Flat where the Holadys have rented a potato acreage this season. Easier This Summer Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA 16 PHONE 113 OREGON Farmers’ Co-operative S in mi HiMJ'iimnw Mm mu 111 in in inn mot in m S BOXY ’o Z Z SI ill. TUE. Continuous Performance Sunday 2 P. M.-10 P. M Creamery INVITES THE DAIRYMEN of this community to investigate and make comparison with other creameries S T O R M IN G THE W O N D ER A N D of the northwest and determine for yourself the advan- tages to be had by being a member of this organization. A report of 1933 shows a return to the members of more than 15 per cent above the average cash price paid in this territory. 5 Big Shows In This Wonder Show! Added for Fun—Mickey Mouse, Comedy, Latest News FRIDAY-SATURDAY, JUNE 15-16 Victor McLaglen, Boris Karloff in “THE LOST PATR ' " A Powerful Story by John Ford 1 Lawrence Service Station | Ross Parkinson, Prop. H pe a h a r v e s t ends EPISCOPAL CHURCH Expert Leather Work ^ | NYSSA SHOE SHOP Journal Ads Are Your Shopping Guide. HE THANK YOU WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, JUNE 20-21 The “Lady Killer” is back—James Cangey in “JIMMY THE GENT’ His Code—Ladies Foist—When a Gent Ain’t in No Hurry. Has established and maintained a higher price level for butterfat. For Further Information W rite Farmers’ Co-operative Creamery Payette, Idaho