G A T E W A Y T O TH E O W YHEE AND B LACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXVIII. NO. 36. NYSSA, OREGON BUSIEST AND FASTEST G R O W ING TO W N IN OREGON INVESTIGATE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, M AY 31, 1934. LOCATE SI.50 PER YEAR Owyhee Hay Share In Huge Homestead Set-up SLUGGERS PLAY EMMETT I TO 0 HERE ON SUNDAY ID AH O BOYS W IN CLOSE GAM E; FANS SEE M A N Y IM PROVEM ENTS IN F IE LD ; BOISE HOLDS LEAD B Y W IN FROM O N TA R IO . Season Standing Club— Won Lost Pet. B o is e ...... ......................... 4 1.000 0 Emmett .. ............. 3 1 .750 .500 Caldwell .. ........................... 2 2 Nyssa .... ...... ........... 2 2 .250 Ontario .. ........................... 2 .500 2 Parma ........................... 2 2 .500 Nampa ................ .........1 3 .250 Middleton ........................ 0 4 .000 F * THIS COUNTRY LOOKS GOOD TO RFC APPRAISER P. C. Meredith, appraiser for the Ro;onstruc|ion Finance corpora­ tion, was here from Buhl most of last week and he was greatly im ­ pressed with the opportunities for growth which “ are assured the Owyhee." “This Is the ideal project for the government's subsistence home- r ' ad program,” said Meredith. "A garden, a few cows, a little orchard —a little tract on which every Inch Is farmed— will provide a good liv ­ ing and happiness for many an un­ fortunate fam ily.” Mr. Meredith stated it is the government’s plan to finance such homesteads. W ith much Interest the Owyhee district is awaiting the outcome of the P W A conference in Washing­ ton. Directors believe there Is ample acreage on the Owyhee for many subsistence homesteads and many other settlers who are able to purchase and develop larger tracts. Fans saw some fancy baseball here Sunday which would compare favor­ ably with big league sport— but the Em­ mett nine nosed out Nyssa 1 to 0. The only run of the game came in the sec­ ond inning when Wilson scored after three straight hits. Nyssa's big moment came in the seventh when Henry walk­ ed to fiist base and stole second and third. He almost stole heme. The in­ M ISS C LAR IC E JOHNSON A N D ning ended without the coveted score D IC K YOUNG, BASEBALL STAR, after George Johnston flew out to shortstop, Servoss to first base and WED IN D AYTO N , WASH. John Young grounded out. The same luck hounded the local boys In the 8th when Rambaud walked to first and stole second, despite Hoxie's Miss CIarice Johnson, commercial single. G uff in of Emmett proved hard toucher in Nyssa liigh school the past to hit, Nyssa earning but 3 bingles to *our y®®1-3- anc* T'ir - Dick Young, mem 7 for Emmett. ic>er o f the Owyhee project staff located Nyssa lost but fans saw a fine game. were ">nited in marriage at the In the absence of Dick Young, Charlie : h °me th. bride’s parents In Dayton, Newbill managed the team. Art Servoss W ash-> on Tuesday, according to in- lorm ation given friends here. The was back In his old stand on first base. Some marked improvements had young couple left for Dayton Sunday been made In the field. Dugouts had morning, accompanied by Miss M argar­ been built for both teams and a fence et Young, sister o f the groom, also a Miss erected on ca - h side ol the grandstand member o f the Nyssa faculty.. which helped materially in keeping cars Young will go on to her home at M ad­ ras while the bridal couple will return o ff the field. to Nyssa by way of Wallowa lake where BOISE 12. O N TA R IO 6 Boise held undisputed lead of the they will spend several days. Young has resided here the past four Idaho-Oregon league by repulsing On­ tario Sunday 12 to 6. It was a free hlt- years, gaining prominence as pitcher ting game with 12 for Ontario and 14 iand player the Nyssa baseball nine for Boise. Nightengale and Soper pitch­ fo r several seasons. This season he re linquished his place in the box to Dean ed for Ontario, Phillippl for Boise. Johnston but is a valuable player In the P A R M A 8, N A M P A 7 Parma came back with vengeance field. He is also manager of the team. A wedding g ift was presented the Sunday and defeated thE strong Nampa team 8 to 7 In an 11-innlng battle. young couple by the faculty and friends Greenback, 17 year old Parma boy, was at a bridge dinner* given in their honor the hitting sensation of the game. He Friday evening at the Russell Vinson- haler home where the teachers spent collected three runs In 5 trips to bat. the school year. Dainty cards carried C A LD W E LL 9, M ID D LE TO N 6 Caldwell defeated Middleton 9 to 6 clever verses composed by ‘ Miss Har­ with Campbell of Caldwell scoring a riet Aheam. Guests made up four homer with one man on base In the tables for dinner and cards. A complete account of the wedding third. appears in the society column on Page 3. NYSSA TEACHER WEDS TUESDAY GOADS DECEIVE SPECIAL AWARDS AT COMMENCEMENT EARL SAGER W IN S T R O P H Y FOR BEST A TH LE TE ; BALL; S E I T S FORBES F O O T ­ B A SK E T B A LL; GRADUATES NUM BER 21. Twenty-one graduates of Nyssa high school received their diplomas at well attended commencement exercises Thursday evening at the gymnasium. Voices carried well from the remodeled stage and guests were comfortably seated in the 300 new chairs which were purchased recently by the school. “ A fter 12 years of progress we have finally come to the last step of the lad­ der and are looking forward to a higher education and a higher place in life. Some o f us may meet again in college but never again will the same group mingle in the halls of our dear old high. As we look forward, we must face the fact that we must shoulder greater responsibilities." These words sum up an enjoyable valedictory address given by Miss Doris Smith. Delmer Keck gave a well delivered salutatory. Other numbers were proces­ sional, high school orchestra directed by Chas. Waddingam; invocation, Rev. Floyd W hite; talk by class president, Oswald Forbes; history, Daisy Whipple; solo, Claudena Crawford; prophecy, , Ethel Graham; solo, Ella Martin; will, Meredith Seits; presentation of dip­ lomas, S. D. Goshert, chairman of the school board. Awards Are Made Supt. Leo D. Hollcnberg presented a numt>cr of special awards at the close of the evening. Earl Sager, son o f Mr. and Mrs. T. Sager, won the cup fo r all around athlete, and also the trophy In baseball. Oswald Forbes won the football trophy, Meredith Seits, the basketball honors. Seits also won the American Legion award based on scholarship, service to school and courage. The g irl’s American Legion award fell to Ethel Graham, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham of this city. Claudena Crawford, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Crawford, won the girl's service cup. QUIET MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED Offices closed here yesterday and workmen observed a holiday in honor of Memorial day. Patriotic services honoring the nat­ ion’s war dead were conducted by the Eagles lodge at 11 o’clock. Rev. Floyd E. W hite delivered an excellent sermon. Throughout the day, families decorated the graves o f loved ones at the* ceme­ gHÒWER FOLLOWS tery. SEVERE DUSTSTORM A number o f people took advantage of the holiday by chasing the elusive One o f the most severe dust storms of trout in mountain streams. They found the season raged Monday afternoon, the day extremely cool In the higher bringing clouds of dust into town and regions. drying up plants and crops. Three pow­ er poles near the Ward ranch were thrown across the highway and limbs were broken from many trees. No ser­ ious damage was reported. Tuesday was cooler and Wednesday morning brought a brief shower wliich was sufficient only to settle the dust. SPIDER VICTIM SERIOUSLY ILL Dr. Wm. Erkenbeck of Grandview Ida., has been paralyzed and seriously ill from the bite of a black widow spid­ er. He is in a Boise hospital. These spiders are numerous around Nyssa. Several weeks ago C. J. Ashcraft be­ came quite ill for a few days after being bitten. Only the bite of the female is Poisonous. GENERAL HOLES THROUGH TUNNEL The General Construction company has holed through the 2000-foot M E M O R IA L D A Y T A L K Mitchell butte tunnel and Guy Bailey's In the absence of the state comman­ crew has commenced the Job of lining der c f the American Legion of Idaho, the tunnel with concrete. W hen com­ Don Graham was called upon to give pleted this tunnel will be about 12 feet the main address at a join t meeting of in diameter. It will form an important the Payette and Ontario Kiwanis clubs link in the Owyhee project distribution on Monday. Don addressed the gather- system. I ing Monday. J Coach Young Awards 1934 Letters To Athletes at Close of School The close of school here Friday n. ss .268 56 15 brought the annual award of letters In 50 .280 14 p athletics by Coach John Young. .280 Bela Sager, cf .... .......... 50 14 250 .......... ...4 1 Eleven boys received letters in base­ Nichols, rf .243 33 8 ball. Earl and Bela Sager. Seits, Keck, Slippy, rf 55 218 12 Spencer. Calvin Wilson, Johnston, Cook, Spencer, p 9 43 .209 Anderson. Slippy and Holly. They play­ Seits. r f ... i 206 ed 14 games and won 9. This year’s Wilson, 2b ___ _______ 34 27 5 .181 team was composed of many new play­ 3b 20 3 .150 ers. Next season all but two of this Holly, lb 25 » .120 year's squad will return. Nine boys received letters In basket ball, Belts. Sager, Forbes, seniors; Spen­ JUNIOR LEAGUERS cer, Lankford, Montgomery, Juniors; PRACTICE MONDAY Bela Sager, Johnston, Holly, soph­ omores. Out o f 22 games, the boys won i 16. Champions o f Malheur county, they ' Nyssa will have an American Legion made a good showing at the eastern baseball team which will play a series Oregon tournament in Union. The sec­ with Ontario for the county champion­ ond team exam posed largely o f soph­ ship. The first call to practice will be omores lost only 2 games this year. Issued next Monday night when all Batting Average for Season— eligible boys are Invited to turn out. On Avg. the roll to date are Spencer. Ross John­ AB Hits Avg 500 ston. Holly. Cook, Anderson. Paul John­ Holmes. If .._........... ..... 2 1 2 .400 son, Arnold and Gerald Slippy, Lathen. P. Johnston, 2b ___ 533 Nichols. Howard and Warren Larsen. Oroot. If .................. . .% 2 Lathen, l i ------------- 2 533 Hendriks. Pierson, Bill Spencer, Lloyd 527 , »ad Robert VQteuu. Raymond Cock. « — ____________39 U M other L oses Race With Death; Illn ess Fatal Mrs. U. G. Seburn lost a race with death Tuesday when her daughter Mrs. Nellie McLaughlin died at her home in Los Angeles before Mrs. Seburn could reach her bedside. Mrs. Seburn received word Monday o f the critical Illness of her daughter and she and her son Cecil left at once, Cecil to drive her to Lakevierw. Mrs. McLaughlin had been ill only a few weeks of tuberculosis. Che is surviv­ ed by her husband, three children, one o f whom Is a baby five weeks old, three brothers, John, Carl and Cecil of Nyssa and one sister Mrs. Goldie Roper of Lakeview. Before her marriage, Mrs. McLaugh­ lin lived In Nyssa where the Sebum fam ily established the Sebum Auto Park several years ago. PEA PICKERS AT WORK ON LARGE CROP F IR S T CROP IN NYSSA REG IO N IS P R O D U C I N G CREWS A T AB U N D A N T L Y ; W O R K HERE AND IN APPLE V ALLE Y. WILSONS WILL GIVE RECITAL ON JUNE 8th Mr. and Mrs. Charled L. Wilson will present their piano and violin students in a joint recital next F ri­ day evening, June 8, at the Parish Hall. They will be assisted by Miss Floy Lackey, soprano of Fruitland. The program will begin at 8:15. Students who will take part are Lloyd Wilson. Warren Larsen, N el­ lie Jean Schweizer. Marlon Boden, Jean Harman, Margaret Sarazln, Robert and Barbara Jean Browne, Howard Lai sen, Gayle McCoy, Cur­ tis Foster, Colleen Townc, Doris Qrnham, Delma Ward and Helen Boydell. LATEST MOVE RELIEF PROGRAM G O VERNM ENT WOULD A ID SET­ TLERS ON SUBSISTENCE HOME- TEAD TR A C T S ; LARGE ACREAGE AV A ILA B LE HERE IS INC E NTIV E Close to 400 people are picking peas When Marshall N. Dana of Portland, in this vicinity, around 200 on tnis side regional dilector of the P W A reaches of the river where F. H. Hogue has an JOINS N A V Y ¡Washington this week he will ask that early crop oi 100 acres and approximat­ Kenneth Williams, son of Mr. the Owyhee project share in a huge ely the same number on the Idaho side and Mrs. H. B. Williams of King- ! program of socal planning under w hich where the San Diego F’ruit and Produce man Kolony. has enlisted in the U. jthe removal of unemployed city work- company has a large acreage contract­ S. navy and for the present is stat­ ers and struggling farmers on sub-mar­ ed. ioned at San Diego. ginal lands to such productive areas Matured several weeks earlier than as the Owyhee will play an Important usual, the pea crop is said to be better | part. Mr. Dana made this promise to than last year. Good ciops aid workers | the Owyhee district when he and Major as well as growers as they are paid by j R. F. Bessey, regional planning engln- the hamper. In spite of the large num­ 17/ A n i r 4 n A m f A \ T ! eer' were here Sunday. They were cn ber aiready employed, it is said more can be used. Hogue alone expects to I Mr. Dana stated that depression- ship 50 cars from his Fruitland packing -------- | stranded people will be given small house where the peas from all this ter­ homes on good lands. They will be ritory are packed. MRS. BENSON GOES TO LOS A N ­ helped to subsistence opportunities. ID AH O LODGE W IL L SEND O F F I­ The raising of green peas is new to GELES; MEN TEACHERS FIND Candidates for these rural homes will CERS AND D R IL L TE A M TO LN- Nyssa proper although they have been be interviewed to make sure they are W O R K ON OW YHEE. raised successfully for several years in S T A L L A T IO N HERE ¿UNE 6th. adaptable. < adjacent communities. From 150 to 175 hampers to the acre is considered a Mr. Dana said these people should Following the close of school in Nys­ not be confused with commercial fan n ­ Eagles Aerie No. 2134 and the Aux­ good yield although an especially good They are among the dependent iliary will hold a joint Installation of stand will yield as high as 200 hampers. sa, a number of teachers have left the ers. officers on Wednesday night, June 6, A fter the peas are harvested the land city for the summer months. O f the class which has increased from 10 per with the Nampa Eagles and drill team goes Into head lettuce and other crops,1 school faculty, Mrs. Elta Benson, pri- cent to 33 per cent during the las*i few officiating. Both lodges are counting on thus getting two ciops each year from mary teacher, lias gone to Los Angeles years. ‘Self-subsistence Is their restor- the same land. where she will spend vacation with rel- ation ot happiness and self respect. large attendance for this occasion. Local paas will be canned at the Pay atives and friends. I They will not increase surpluses, they The Eagles Auxiliary has changed Its I Mrs. Nettie Medesker and daughter'will increase human contentment. Such meeting night from Wednesday to the ette cannery. Miss Hetty have gone to Joseph for a a program will lighten the heavy relief first and third Friday of each month. short visit after which they will return burden which now rests on taxpayers The next regular meeting falls on June to their home In Portland for the sum­ and givers." 15. The change was made to avoid fur­ KOLONY GIRL WEDS Mr. Dana said details of the program mer. ther conflict with the Eagles meeting FOCATELLO DENTIST Miss Harriet Aheam will return to had not been completed, hence the con- on Wednesday night. Milton, Miss Margaret Young to her ¡ ference with President Roosevelt In Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schafer of K ing- home in Madras. Miss Eva Boydell Washington. M ajor Bessey declared ADRIAN BABY IS man Kolony announce the marriage , will spend the summer here aside from planning was not a “ frill or fad " but KICKED BY HORSE Monday of their daughter Eulalia to a short vacation while Mrs. R. L. Ha- would bo shaped by our Americanism and the geography of our country. Dr. Philip C. Call o f Pocatello. The worth is with her fam ily at Big Bend, The visitors had lunch In Ontario Kicked in the face by a horse, 2-year bride lived in this locality a number of i O f the high school faculty Miss Stel- old Jackie Atkins of Adrian was badly ycars, having graduated from the Itos- la Fishbum Is remaining In Portland with Engineer R. J. Newell, Dr. J. J. Injured Tuesday. He was taken to St. well high school, after which she ob- where she Is recovering from a long 111- Sarazin and Frank Morgan of the Luke’s hospital In Boise for treatment tained her B.A. degree from the College |ness. Her substitute Miss Grace Posey Owyhee board, P. C. Meredith, RFC and was able to return home that even­ o f Idaho at Caldwell and then attended is at home. Miss Clarice Johnon de- appraiser from Buhl. E. C. Van Petten, ing. The child was injured a t the E. G. a term at the University of Southern cllnend a contract for the coming year H. C. Boyer o f the land settlement as­ Roberts farm in Big Bend where his California at Los Angeles. For the past as she and Dick Young of this city sociation and Mayor Geo. K. Aiken. Engineer Newell took the visitors to m othei had gone to pick berries. Ills four years she has been dramatics were married on Tuesday, father Is an employe of Morrison- teacher at Pocatello high school. | Owen Price, Grant Rinehart and Boise where they met Monday with tho Knudsen company on the Owyhee pro­ The groom, a resident of Idaho and Coach John Young have work for the Idaho planning board. ject. Utah, Is a graduate o f the Chicago Col­ summer months with Engineer O. G. lege of Dental Surgery and for the past Boden’s crew on the Owyhee project. HENRY SHARE DIES four years has been practicing dentistry W. C. T. U. HONORS AT BURNS HOSPITAL In Pocatello. MRS. ADA JOLLY The couple are now on a trip MONEY AMPLE FOR Mrs. Vic Marshall and her brother through Utah and Arizona, where they NYSSA SEWAGE JOB Charles “ A wide field for good work is open will visit Bryce, Grand and Zion Can­ Share and wife of Apple Valley to the W. C. T . U.,” said Mrs. Ada Jolly yon, andl other places of interest. were called to Bums Saturday by the “There will be ample money for such of Portland, state president, who at­ death of their father Henry Share, who They will make their home in Poca­ worthy P W A projects as the Nyssa sew­ succumbed to injuries received In an tended an all day Institute here Thurs­ tello. age Job,” said Mr. Campbell of Port- day. “ Its field includes all kinds of automobile accident. Mr. Share pas» ■ 1 j lend, field agent from the office of away at a Burns hospital. He was wr'l civic endeavors in addition to curbing P W A Engineer C. C. Hockley who dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Duncan o f Boise of the liquor traffic.” She expressed the known In Nyssa as he resided h e n belief that the present liquor control and tha Robert Madden family of On­ cussed the project with City Attorney some years ago. Interment was mad a "¿urns system is worse than the old saloon tario sprnt Memorial Day with Mrs. Lott D. Brown, Mayor H. J. Larsen and system. Musical numbers added to the Emma Duncan. Mrs. M ary Felton was A. R. Millar, city recorder, Friday. I f enjoyment o f the afternoon program. A also a dinner guest at the Duncan the government approves the project, the city must vote bonds for the re­ AUXILIARY SELLS home. covered luncheon was served at noon. payment of 70 per cent of the cost RED POPPY QUOTA while 30 per cent Is a direct grant. Nyssa Legion Auxiliary went over the top in Its annual sale of popples for the EAGLES HAVE P A R T Y benefit of disabled veterans Saturday. I a crowd of young folks made merry f7ve hundred popples were sold durir.■: at the M ay social meeting of the Eagles day an<* evening. Mrs. C. L. McO' lodge last evening. Earl Danley had was chairman and her son Robert lead charge o f the program which was fo l­ In sales with Joe Robertson, secoin.. lowed by dancing. The program fo l­ Boy Scouts helped with the sale. lows: reading, Luella Leuck; song, Carol Robertson; harmonica solo, Wld- ner boy; song, Bllilo Louise Olasgow; and group singing. NAMPA EAGLES WILL INSTALL TEACHERS LEAVE rim VAtAilUJNiroutetoWashlngton L IG H T E N IN G B O L T K IL L S IDAHO AWARDS I-O-N CONTRACT Winnemucca, Nev, M ay 30—Hllario Lecumberry, well known Northern Nev­ ada sheepman, was killed by a bolt of U TAH F IR M W IL L B U ILD 8.8 MILES O F RO AD IN R O l'G II SECTION. lightening early Monday near his OREGON SECTOR PROGRESSES. ranch, 80 miles northwest o f here, the sheriff’s office reported today. His charred body was found beneath his dead horse by a searching party late The Idaho bureau o f highways has yesterday. Lecumberry was buried here awarded a contract to Utah Construc­ today. tion company o f Ogden for building 8.8 miles of the Idaho-Oregon-Nevada cut­ M O TH HAS R IG N IG H T o ff In Squaw Creek canyon In Owyhee county about 50 miles southwest of A collector o f moths captured a large Nampa. The work to be done Is new specimen In the postoffice Monday road over the most difficult section of night which has a wing spread of over the highway which eventually will pro­ 5 inches. He presented the moth to Don vide a road approximately 300 miles Graham who pinned It fast to a blotter. shorter between this section and Los The next morning Mrs. Moth presented Angeles. The bid was <186,294. Den with no less than 60 pale green | Idaho w i l l build a connection eggs. They were as large as small beads , with the Oregon section of the I-O -N and may be seen at the Ny& Realty at Jordan Valley. The Oregon section office. Is being constructed from McDermitt north. I t to unofficially reported by W. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noble and daugh­ S. Bruce of Arock that the Oregon ter Evalyn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank highway commission Is planning to Steams of Jordan Valley made Owyhee call for bids on another 11 miles of ths dam the mecca of a Sunday outing. I-O -N In tho near future. Like other visitors, they were impress­ ed with the world’s highest dam and Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Frizzell hod as the pretty camp at Its base where guests for commencement Mr. and Mrs. workmen a r f still quartered. The Jor­ Bud Mattingly of Watson and Mrs Ed­ dan Valley visitors came to Nyiea for a die Kitchen o f Boulder, Colorado. Mr. brief visit before their drive home over and Mrs. Kitchen have been trending the I-O -N . their vacation In Vale.