GATE CITY 41 ■_ JOURNAL, THURSDAY, M AY 3, ''■'■ 1934, tm ' ■' 1 ' ■—— a ~ ■ ■ >- 1 1 1 fi t N Y S S A H IG H N O M IN A T E S BOXING TANS ¡IRONSIDE R A N CH E R S FOR N YS SA SCHOOL N E W S Nominations for next year’s student body officers were made at the regular student body meeting May 1. Students nominated were: president, Fred Spen­ cer, Harriet Sarazln; vice-president, Ross Johnston, Tiena Tensen; secre­ tary, Leonard Nichols, Raymond Holly, Rose Worley. Election will be by ballot Friday, M ay 11. Plan Now To Attend The Grand Opening of the American Legion’s Great Idaho-Oregon Championship Amateur Boxing Tournament, C A V A L R Y B A R N S— C A L D W E L L Next Monday Night W ill Del Smith knock out Howard Boor? Tell Your Friends— Don’t Miss t h e Grand Opening Monday night— It’ll B e a W ow ! Knockdowns! Knockouts! Action! Thrills! Liberty Theatre BESTS IN F IN A LS years of age under the direction of r*r. Manville of the county Red w. J. Weese, starting in May. En­ | Cross reports that free first aid lessons rollment mav be made with Dr. Weese _________ ' will be given all applicants over 16 or Mr. Manville. Gerry FIRST AID LESSONS C O M IN G V O T E (B y Harriet Sarazln) Support Eastern Oregon’s Favorite Fighting Men as they make a valiant attempt to carry the Oregon colors to victory over the ring prides of Idaho! R U R A L SPELLERS W E L C O M E G O O D R A IN '•> '- g a .n 1* d P L A Y D AY ENJOYED High school was dismissed Friday, April 27 because of grade school play | day in Vale. High school students who I attended to act as captains were How- I ard Boor, Sidney Boren, Raymond | Holly, Ross Johnston, Oather Lankford, j Fred Spencer, Alma Hendrcks, Flora Mae Wimp, Isabelle Sarazin, Nellie Jean Schweizer, Tiena Tensen, Harriet Sarazln. About 90 attended from Nyssa. Most of the students took their own lunch and dined in the park. HE HAS STAKED HIS C LA IM (In memory of Andy Hansen, miner) Across the river and over the hill, Where the sun from the west Is shin­ ing. He's gone away on that last long trek To the mine with the golden lining. Ironside—This section received a ! Like they did In the zone contest wonderful rain Tuesday, the first one here, rural schools sent the best spell - for a couple of months. Crop6 are look- ers to the finals In the county contest lng a lot better. j at Vale last Thursday. John Medlin o f Harper was here Winners were as follows: fifth grade Monday en route to the Hold Out with first, Nona Lockett, Jamieson; second, supplies for his sheep camps. He has Miss Margie Perry, Ontario; sixth 3 bands in that locality. grade, first, Betty Stephens, Pioneer Kenneth Boyer of Hereford was at school; second, Lenna Buchert, Harper; the C. F. Wise ranch on Friday look- 1 s grade, first, Afton Grout, Bully lng at pasture. j creek; second, Evaline Karst, Park Mrs. Q. H. Laurence was laid to rest c h o c ! eighth grade, first, Violet Tay- ! in the Ironside cemetery Wednesday. 1 lor. Ontario, second, Lucille Hucker, Jackson Perry conducted a beautiful H P - . Contestants spelled orally for half service at the home of Mrs. S. Rose. Those still standing were Many relatives and friends from dis­ an hour. given a maximum of three lists of tant parts o f the country attended. A large crowd from here attended words to write. the ball game at Harper Sunday be­ CARD OF TH AN K S tween Ironside and WestfalL Westfall won 10 to 0. Floyd White, Orval Nichols, Carrol We wish to thank our kind friends Locey and W alter Duncan are serving and neighbors for their assistance dur­ on the Jury. ing the illness and death of our brother Ed Oakes returned from Portland Andrew Hansen; and for their lovely after marketing a carload of fat beef floral offerings. cattle. Mr. and Mrs. J.. N. Thomason. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tureman and and Laurence Carlile arrived W ed­ nesday from Spokane to attend the funeral for Mrs. Laurence. Billl Woodcock fam ily visited at Unity Sunday. Raleigh Van Buren Is shearing sheep at Unity for the Phipps brothers. Miracle Laboratories, 2700 Park Boulevard Oakland, Calif. You claim there Is no more r'-'i'jjn to suffer P IL E S than from a toothache. You absolutely g- M IR A C LE PII E A B SO R B E N T will give Immediate Relief to Itching, Bleeding, Protruding PILE S or it doesn’t cost me one penny. I enclose One Dollar or Trial Package (money back If not sat­ isfied) to be sent Postpaid inPlain Wrapper. Print Name..... ...................................................................... . Street ........ ..........................................- .....................- ........... City, State ............ .................. ....................... - ..... ............. - New Dishes O REGO N T R A IL P-T-A SPONSORS PICNIC Friday-Saturday, May 4, 5 Buck Jones in “T H E T H R IL L H U N T E R ’’ With Dorothy Revier. Also 3rd Chapter o f “ Pirate Treasure.” Sunday-Monday, May 6, 7 Big Double Feature Program Never a word to harm a soul, In a life that was free from oppres­ sor Oregon Trail school closed the term I f he staked his claim and found his Friday with a jolly picnic for students gold. and parents at the schoolhouse. School That was his only obscession. work and 4-H sewing were exhibited. In the place beyond he’ll find his niche, Boys and their dads played baseball while others attended a Parent-Teach­ And It makes us stop and ponder, er meeting in the afternoon. Nominat­ I f the good God knows him as we do, ed by Mrs. Glen Holmes and Mrs. Wm. He’ll strike It rich over yonder. DeGroft, Albert Hopkins was re-elect­ —Ruby Ellis Rust. ed president; Mrs. Lloyd Adams, vice- president; Mrs. J. B. Smith, secretary- FOR SALE— Kitchen chairs and cup­ treasurer; and Mrs. DeGroft, pianist. board. Mrs. Zena Rambaud. M10* Having been elected to teach at Oregon Trail Ore ceming year, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins plan to spend most of the summer here. FREE AIR “SHE M A D E HER BED” With Richard Arlen, Sally Eilers and Robert Armstrong. Feature No. 2 “ Bitter Sweet.” Also Short Subjects Howdy Folks: One of the nice things about-being a grandparent Is when the children start crying, you can go home. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 8, 9, 10 And one of the nice things about buying Firestone Tires Is they will get you home. Lew Ayres in “L E T ’S BE R IT Z Y ” A RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT... A PLEDGE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT • Uniform and staunch support of President Roosevelt's recovery program. • Greater development of Columbia River and Bonneville dam. • $5,103,000 in federal money for Oregon . bridges. • A general, frank, candid and above-board ad­ ministration of Oregon affairs, dishes. Add to it from our open stock as you wish. Prices surprisingly low. 15-Piece Luncheon Sets And • Reduce taxes by rigid economy. Fruit Sets in New Patterns VOTE! X i MARTIN chablis IN U TA H COLLEGE P L A Y U U Adv„ ¿larda Cgmm.) Miss Irene Gilchrist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist, will take part in a college oratorio “The Passion’’ on | May 31 at Utah State college In Logan where she is attending school. The j chorus will consist of 110 male and | female voices. ; Tumblers, 6 f o r .....................................25c Rose Glass, 6 f o r ................................... 35c SPR IN G SPECIAL giitii.ii:ii!i!i'i!ii:ii¡i:|iii¡iiiinii:ii!i!iii:i;ii[iiii«i:iiii:H;im^ I Let us make you up a 32 or 42-piece set of See Our Many New Dishes Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA PHONE 113 OREGON Ë i NYSSA § | Invites you to bring in your old shoes. What may seem beyond re- pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. SH O E SH O P I Clem McCoy wonders If the reason we quiet down more whan we grow old Is because we have more to be quiet about. A small boy was asked In Howard Foster’s Sunday School class who the first man was. “ George Wash­ ington,” was the reply. When In­ formed that It was Adam he said "Oh, well, if It’s foreigners you are talkng about, maybe It was.” THE NEW 1934 “ I t ’s no use talking,” said the fat woman as she gave up all hope of getting into the phone booth. I6ERAT0R NOW S e e the new N o rg e . Sec the n ew N o r g e conveniences. interior. See the new adjust­ Shampoo and Dry Fin- fer W ave f o r ......75c 3 Expert Leather W ork & 1 nyssa shoe shop W et W a v e .............. 35c Our Permanents Have Lovely Ringlette Ends 1 Ross Parkinson, Prop. A doctor says that more than 5,000,000 dangerous germs lurk on the average dollar bill. See its spacious, waist-high ON DISPLAY | = During t h e s p r i n g months we will offer— Nyssa, Oregon 1 Owyhee Beauty Shop Oregon 3 * WW H I MTH1 III H H HI III III H H I I IMI I I HI M flllS ! able s\\e\ves...easy to see with And we can’t hold one long enough automatic e le c tr ic lighting. See the easy sliding ice trays. WITH MANY to count more than ten. See the handy deep tray for frozen desserts. See the but­ NEW basket...the H ydrovoir, the new vegetable freshener. W * CONVENIENCES F----... „HU« N O R C O T T SERVICE ter and cheese rack...the egg Nyssa Oregon i 4r g ii»» want you to see these and th» $fi #1 !< ?' % s y .. many other N o r g e features, standard in leading models, before you buy any refriger­ ator. See the new Norge today. NORGE BIGGEST VALUE FOR AS LITTLE AS $139.50 ASY TERMS Why Hospitals Use a Liquid laxative 1 .1 Fresh color for jaded rooms 1/ you want to pep up your home a bit, come and pick out some of the cheery color scliemes on our Color Harmony Selector. They’ll show up just by Make kitchen hours cheery hours Hospitals and doctors have always isea liquid laxatives. And the public a fast returning to laxatives in liquid form. Do you know the reasons? F o r w o o d w o r k , fu rn itu re , to y s a nd w h a t nots decorative It is easier to work surrounded Here's that a is brilliant especially good for by g»y colored walls. And there finish and bathroom wain­ is no reason why they shouldn't kitchen scoting—for breakfast room sets be is sanitary and easy to wash And smartly modern occasional as white. Just pick theright paint. pieces. Its colors are as lovely Satin Eggshell Finish as a rainbow. The dose of a liquid laxative can be measured. The artion can thus be regulnted to suit individual need. It forms no habit; you need not take a “ double dose" a day or two later. QUART—#5c GALLON—$3 15 Nor will a mild liquid laxative irritate the kidney*. Lústrela Wi, Enamel of a The right dose liquid laxative brings a perfect movement, and there no discomfort at the time, after is or The wrong cathartic may often do more harm in an good. Eder Hardware Co. Nyssa, Oregon A properly prepared liquid laxative like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin brings relief It safe from constipation gently help# the average person'« bowels back to regularity. Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin is an approved liquid laxative which all druggist« keep ready for use. It makes aa ideal family laxative; affective foi all ages, and may be given tlx youngest child. Member N. R. A. LUSTRE LAC ENAMEL—Pint 70o penny more. Powell Service Station H If Pint 40c FREE B O O K LE T ! New informative booklet for home owners “ It’s Time to Paint— What to Do and How It’s Done.” Ask for a copy. EDER HARDWARE CO. NYSSA Since 1898 Seiberling hat led the tire industry— has made more contributions to tire safety, tire mileage, than any other man. Today he announces the Vapor Cure— an exclusive process by which Seiberling tire« are vulcanized by soaking in steam— the first perfect curing process— a single unit o f live rubber and live cotton— safer, longer-wearing— N O W EAK SPOTS. And for Seiberling Vapor Cured tires you pay not a OREGON N YSSA, O R E G O N SEIBERlinrG I