COMING— OWYHEE CANYON DAYS IN NYSSA M A Y 1Î, 12, FUN SHOW OF NYSSA COMMERCIAL CLUB—COMING? NYSSA. OREGON OATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXVIII. NO. 31. Nyssa TWIN FALLS BOY TRIMS RAFFERTY IN THRILLER HERE THREE EXTRA GOOD BOUTS PUT FANS ON THEIR TOES AT THE EAGLES SHOW T H U R S D A Y NIGHT; YOUNG PARRISH MAKES HIT. NYSSA, OREGON BUSIEST AND FASTEST OROWINQ TOWN IN OREGON INVESTIGATE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1934. Nine Finds THOMAS’ PURCHASE NYSSA JOURNAL AND HOUSES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas of Oakland, Cal., have purchasd the interest of H. F. Brown In the Gate City Journal and other property in Nyssa, thereby securing full ownership. The Journal will con­ tinue to be operated by the present lessee W. F. McLing, publisher of The Journal the past three years. The sale was made Tuesday and yesterday Mr. Thomas started re­ pairs on the small dwelling houses on main street. One room is being added to one of the houses. The Thomas’ think this a fine section and if present plans mater­ ialize they may change their resi­ dence from Oakland to Nyssa. They are also Interested in the Malheur Enterprise at Vale. EAGLES NEW OFFICERS; AUXILIARY MEETS Berth $1.50 PER YEAR On Big League TOTTEN’S ARM O f “ Tame” Bull IS Fenn LOCATE Escapes F ie r c e Attack Another supposedly tame bull went on a rampage Sunday when the Jersey owned by Rollo Fenn attacked him with head and hoofs. The bull first knocked BERNARD FROST IS UNOPPOSED Fenn down. Jumping at*him from the ELBOW IS SLASHED OFF WHEN j FOR PRESIDENT TO SUCCEED rear without warning. With hoofs he CARS COLLIDE N E A R NAMPA cracked several ribs and bruised Fenn’s R O C K SHELTON; AUXILIARY leg. Fenn was near the house and was FRIDAY; TOTTEN IS TF.RTELING able to crawl to the door. He believes ADVANCES OFFICERS. EMPLOYE this fact is all that saved his life. ENTERTAINERS ARE WANTED FOR EAGLES VAUDEVILLE SERIES Can you play a harmonica just a little better than the average? Can you make music on a saw? Can you clog, sing, speak or clown? If you can entertain, you are the boy or girl, man or woman who Is wanted to take part in the Amateur Vaudeville nights sponsored by the Eagles lodge. The series will open next Friday night, April 27. at the Nyssa Liberty theatre. Thereafter amateur vaudeville wll be given on Thursday night for a six weeks period. Prizes will be given the win­ ners each night and the winner of first place may compete in the grand finals at the close of the ser­ ies. All entrants must make applica­ tion to Tom Burton or Warren Mc­ Hargue at Nyssa. Entrants are In­ vited from all of the surrounding country, Big Bend. Apple Valley. Parma. Ontario, Vale and Arcadia. GUTE CITY BOYS WILL PLAY WITH 8-TEAM GROUP COMMITTEE IRONS OUT TIONS WITH OJBEC- PROMISE TO IM­ PROVE FIELD AND KEEP TAB ON FAN TALK. The Eagles lodge held nomination of Harry, Totten, 26, operator of a cat­ LABORER IS HURT A large delegation of baseball fans officers last night. Bernard Frost was erpillar for the Terteling company, suf­ Another full house greeted the Eagles went to Caldwell Tuesday night to nominated for president to succeed fered a badly crushed left arm In an While at work for John Klug. Joe boxing card Thursday night when secure a berth for the Nyssa nine on Rock Shelton who has served the past Forrester sustained a badly bruised leg auto accident near Nampa Friday ••Smiling" Fat Rafferty of Wilder met the Idaho-Oregon baseball league. It morning. His elbow was severed when a year. Warren McHargue was nominated when he was struck by a metal head- his Waterloo in Guy Nelson, visitor appears that certain clubs objected to for vice-president; Jake Fischer for gate Sunday. Forrester was taken to large truck side-swiped his car. from Twin Falls, who was too handy Nyssa on the ground that fans as well chaplain. Two more nominations were j Holy Rosary hospital by Dr. J. J. Sar- Totten, driving toward Nampa, had with his mits. Nelson landed some as players occupied the diamond and made for several of the remaining of azin after first aid treitment here. his arm resting on the window frame wicked Jabs on Rafferty’s face in the on occasions rooters were too vocifer­ fices which will assure contests at the of his car. The truck approaching from first two rounds, hitting him more fre­ ous. The Nyssa delegation promised election next month. the opposite direction, caused him to quently than has any other fighter who good sportsmanship on the part of fans Advancing principal officers one step, swerve to the extreme edge of the has appeared on a Nyssa card with the and Improvements ln the field, so dif­ the Auxiliary made the foilwing nom­ highway where the wheels struck loose popular Pat. ficulties were Ironed out and the league inations: Mrs. Howard Larsen for gravel, pulling the machine back onto Rafferty fans took exception to Nel- was organized. president to succeed Mrs. Ernest Wil- the highway. It came so close to the so's rough break In the third which In the league arc eight teams, On­ FLOYD ROSS COMMITS SUICIDE son who will become past president truck that its sharp body struck Tot­ landed the Wilder fighter on the mat. tario, Nyssa, Parma, Emmett, Boise, ten's projecting elbow, severing about WHILE SHERIFF WAITS FOR HIM Biter the election in May; Mrs. Bert Rafferty came back with enough fight Nampa. Caldwell, Middleton. The Lienkaemper, lor vice-president; Mrs. three inches of it and wrecking his car. TO GET HIS COAT. to give Nelson a black eye but time opener comes on May 6. Fourteen Frank Lathen, chaplain; Mrs. Glenn BEST BOYS ARE RE-MATCHED FOR Totten was rushed to a Nampa hos­ after time he failed to connect. Referee games wlll be played. A general admis­ Frizzell, secretary. Mrs. Ernest McClure pital where examination revealed that BOOSTERS GROW BEARDS T O sion price of 35 cents was adopted. A Grover Francis gave the honors to Nel* CLOSING CARD 0 9 SEASON ON and Mrs. Jake Fisher were re-nominat- his arm was broken in two places and ADVERTISE COMING OWYHEE son at the close. change was made ln regard to selection People of the Parma community were ed for trustees, Mrs. Elmer Stradley for APRIL 26th. the flesh badly lacerated. To avoid am­ CANYON DAYS. What some called a better fight than stunned Thursday evening when Floyd of umpire, the league voting that the treasurer, Mrs Ed. Warern and Mrs. putation. a plastic operation was per­ the main go was the six-round semi­ Ross. 36, truckman, killed himself at president shall assign an out-of-town Warren McHargue for guards. The formed in the hope that Totten will umpire to serve at each game. This was final featuring Kid Weston, the fight­ hU home after he was threatened with auxiliary passed a resolution whereby At the request of many fans, Pat have the use of hand and finger's. His gl\cn unanimous approval. Entrance ing parson from Nampa and a slugging arrest on a statutory charge involving a By the whiskers of their “chinny chin meetings will be changed from Wed­ Rafferty of Wilder will be given the aria will probably be stiff, however, the stranger called Jimmy Deuzy of Hazel- 13-year old Parma school girl. chins' boosters for Owyhee Canyon fee Is $25. nesday to Friday if It carries at the chance to regain lost laurels. He will doctor stated. ton, Idaho. As usual fans were thrilled Nyssa has material for an excellent Days are advertising the coming cele­ Ross ended his life on the back porch May meeting. Word was sent to Nyssa and Mrs. be given the opportunity to box “like by Weston’s fast uppercut and tricky of his home after Sheriff Frank Pier­ bration of the Nyssa Commercial club team so fans are counting on a good he never boxed before” In a return bout Totten left Friday afternoon for Nam­ boxing but he had a fine match in the sail of Caldwell had Informed him that on May 11-12. Mustaches and beards season. To secure finances for .equip­ with Guy Neslon o f Twin Falls In the pa. broad-shouldered Deuzy who a l s o he must accompany him to Caldwell CHILDREN MAKE show various stages of growth—some ment and necessary field improve­ Eagles closing card of the season to be knows the ropes. Fans cheered loudly Ross acquiesced and asked that he quite surprising. By the time the show ments, season tickets go on sale this Thursday night, April 26. VALE SLUGGERS POPPY POSTER staged when their bout ended In a draw. rolls around the boosters wlll look like week at $2 each. "Pop" Bden says buy might go Into the house after his coat. The Eagles are re-matching several Next In importance from approval The shooting followed. members of the House of David but Art one for every baseball fin in the fam­ WIN GAME HERE fighters who have put on some of the of fans was the nip and tuck surprise Norcott, advertising chairman says you ily. Ross’ widow was almost prostrated by Nearly all of the children of the up­ Among the Improvements that wlll be staged by Ab. Parrish, younger broth­ the tragedy. She and three children per grades of the Nyssa school made best fights seen here. Ready to go with Playing good baseball, Vale high nine must wear whiskers to be ln style. each counting on a win are Jimmy made ln the park will be a fence to er of Cliff, and Toughie Burke, well and his parents, who also reside In posters for the annual Poppy Day con- trounced Nyssa Tuesday 7 to 5. Spon- Deucy of Hazelton, Ida., and Kid Wes- keep fans and their cars from the trained little fighter from Caldwell. Parma, survive. test conducted by the American Legion ton* of N arrw *~Youn* ■ Nelson «rill mLx ceE pltched a *ood same tor the locals diamond between home plate and third NEW SETTLER BUYS Just kids, but they put on a splendid Auxiliary throughout the state. The|wlth Red Balrd of Nyssa wh0 put Up but lncked “upport ln the lnfle,d whUp where much difficulty was encountered show, fighting every minute of their postern were Judged by Mrs. Betty La- a g ^ s^rap som Tteeks A1 Ke" yH b' ™ e ftT ? OWYHEE ACREAGE last year. The grandstand will be mov­ four rounds. Parrish was the aggressor BUY OREGON GOODS Frenz, Mrs 8. D. Goshert and Mrs. C. C. Parrlsh wlll glve Toughie Burke of er and H? lly 1.e a d the. hitting with three and landed more hard blows than APRIL 20-28 WEEK Hunt. Local winners who wlll submit Caldwell a return number. Two addi­ and two bingles to their credit. A L. wlse of Columbla county pur- ed back so players cannot hear even Toughie so he took the honors. Nyssa boys plan some hard training cha£ed 40 acres of land near TerteUng the hisses which come from the crowd. their posters in the state contest, were: tional bouts are being planned. To Marvin Williams of Boise went “What Oregon Makes—Makes Ore- to get ln shape for the game wi’ h On- camp from Anna Hite Mon- It seems that the objectors do not ob­ Sixth grade—Marian Harris, first; Bernard Frost, manager, say3 this ject to rooting but they mentioned— the only knockout of the! evening, Wil­ gon.” Ethel Munsterman, second; June Marie will be thq last and best fight of the tarto here next week. day, reported prank t . Morgan, .secre­ “too much talk.” Right or wrong, the liams ending his bout with lanky Dean Under a slogan which is true of any Wilson, third. tary of the Owyhee Irrigation district. local club says Nyssa was on the carpet season—so come. Starr of Caldwell in the third round. town, as it is of the state, the Oregon Fifth—Marjorie Groot, first; Lila Day AGED FARMER IS Wise’ choice Is a level, rich stretch of and it seeks the cooperation of local Nelson triumphed over young Wick- Chamber of Commerce Is urging the second; Grant Fenn, third. SUICIDE VICTIM land over which he Is very enthusiastic. fans in promoting good feeing and ander who appeared In the ring for the observance of a build-Oregon week Fourth—Marian Boden, first; Margie WINNING SPEAKERS ______ ¡He falls to see what can prevent this clean baseball. first time. Nelson landed blow after from April 20—28. "Ask for Oregon pro­ Howell, second; Nellane Mazac, third. ENTERTAIN CLUB Chas. W. Merritt, 71, who had been from becoming a second Yakima val- Artie Robertson, O. G. Boden, Mayor blow but Wlcklander stayed with him ducts when you go to a store. Oregon Third—Frances Mullen, first: Keith making his home with Mr. and Mrs. ley. Wise plans a poultry farm on a big Howard Larsen, John and Dick Young. throughout the four rounds. goods have as high a standard as any Gilmore, second; C a r o l Robertson, scale. Chas. Newbll, 8 1 d Burbidge, Jess Several winners ln the county decla­ Emmett McCarty on their farm near Bearcat Newton and Kenneth Van- that can be found. The distressing un­ third. Ontario, took poison to end his life Thompson and Dean Smith attended matory contest, Marian Boden, Delma deipoo appeared well matched at the employment situation here at home can Mrs. A. V. Cook Is Poppy chairman the Caldwell meeting. opening of their four round special but be greatly relieved if we buy and use here. The posters were made os a part Ward and Ludla Leuck, gave their Saturday. A note was found in the JUDGE CANDIDATES Newton made his best fight of several Oregon products. Buying Oregon pro­ of art work taught In the Nyssa school readings for the April meeting of Nys­ man's pocket saying life had become PAY VISIT HERE sa civic club yesterday. Barbara Browne too burdensome. Merritt was a pioneer with sorry results for the Arcadia boy ducts will stimulate production.” These by Miss Eva Boydell. STARS ENTERTAIN played a piano solo and Blllia Louise of this county. who left the ring with what appeared and a dozen more good reasons are C. H. Leonard of Burns, candidate Glasgow gave a song. Mrs. Ernest Wil­ to be a broken nose at the end of the given for joining in the campaign. FOR PAST PATRONS for circuit judge, spent most of the son’s division had charge with Mis. NEW BEAUTY SHOP second round. The state chamber sent a number of BIG BEND LADIES week in Nyssa, Ontario and Vale cam- „ __, _ _ . Dean Smith serving as hostess. Early “Buy Oregon” posters which have been IS OPENING HERE 1 aligning. He is a Harney county HonorUg , Prablc “ i,lRr bf ° nt? rk5’ HONOR MRS. ROBERTS snapdragons from the Wilson yard dec­ distributed about town by the Nyssa pioneer and has served as mayor, dis- l « a* 2 f £ ancla * ? » ? * * • „ Johb JORDAN VALLEY GETS Commercial Club. Merchants are Invit­ orated the tea table. In the attractive office location next trict attorney and commercial club KakebeRkR w id F ra n k D . Hall, allpast Everyone was invited to attend the door to Baldridge Implement Com­ ed to display Oregon products the week Big Bend—A double shower ln honor president at Bums. He make a good patro’,s of, '<***■ ,tbe Ef 8tar* FINE APRIL RAIN of April 20-28. Numerous clubs In the ot Mrs- Varner Hopkins of Roswell and library benefit tea at the Community gave a pleasant social entertainment pany, Rubye Lou Hemenway of Weiser appearance. Church next Wednesday. state are sponsoring an Oregon pro- Mrs. Wesley Roberts of Nyssa. sponsor- is opening a new beauty shop. The From Judge W. W. Wood, who Is on ^Ionday evening for Masons and Jordan Valley ranchers welcomed a ducts dinner. «d by P.-T. A. ladles, was held on the room has been redecorated ln shades of seeking re-election for a second term, Stars. The meeting was conducted by heavy April shower Monday while this Brumbach lawn Thursday afternoon. DEADLINE NEAR rose and tan by Ole Servoss and Lon also came an announcement this week! K " Earl Wftrd’ ™at™ of ,the locality had to be satisfied with little NEW DRUGGIST Mrs. C. E. Peck lead the games, after Root has done extensive remodeling. Judge Wood Is very popular with voters Lunch was served at the close. ON CROP LOANS more than a sprinkle which was erased Bill Affleck of Portland is druggist | which the brides were presented an as- Much new equipment Is being installed In his home county. by a wind in the afternoon. Jordan and clerk In the Nyssa Pharmacy sue- sortment of gifts. 4-H LEADER COMINO The final date fer accepting appli­ for the opening of the shop on Satur­ The County Council of P.-T. A. will Valley had1 such a heavy rain, County ceeding Omer Adkinson who has re­ Miss Helen CowgUl, assistant state cations for emergency crop loans to be day. Club Leader Ernest Hauser and H. C. turned to his home at Pendleton owing meet ln Ontario May 8. Mrs. William ZONE SPELLING club leader, Is coming from Corvallis made by the government this year Is Seymour, state leader from Corvallis.; rather poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Af- Kletzer, state president, en route to April 30 to spend two days with 4-H May 1st. This means that these appli­ TRAIL BOYS ALMOST CONTEST FRIDAY found it necessary to put chains on : fleck arrived from Portland on Friday national congress at Des Moines, will be clubs of Malheur county. Meetings will cations must be approved by the county their car. The two met with Mrs. Jen- > f >mer ¡eft yesterday after spending the j the principal speaker. All are Invited OUTSHINE BABE RUTH Spellers who won ln tryouts in the be arranged by Ernest M. Hauser, committee and the field inspector and nle Connors and M rs Arnold M ount,! p ^ t f|Ve years here. He wlll be missed to attend. county leader. be ln the district office at Salt Lake Oregon Trail baseball team won Its Nyssa school will drive to Oregon Trail leaders of girls clubs at Jordan. The cast in the grange play “Every- r u ; T . by numerous friends. tomorrow to take part ln the zone con­ body’s Getting Married” has ¿ n Z c - * * * ‘/ T , T th*re 7th victory by| defeating Big Bend Fri­ day 18 to 5. Babe Ruth has nothing on test which wll be conducted by Albert tlcing steadily and everyone who at- foreI * ‘ t1ta* tbe ,br for eight schoos of this dlv tends Is promised an enjoyable evening. “ PP*n ^ Z T , y L 'Z the Trail huskies as they accounted for I H°Pklpa ;, , * , I-, n f l A f t - n n r i r i i D i n D a h / ì Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parker and ,25 ^ a p p lic a tio n s must be in the o f- flve home runs during the game. Flovd lslon. From Owyhee, Arcadia. Big Bend, took two Kingman and 0wyhee dam other spell­ daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Young of fce bf heuboun tyJaKent on that * * * ln Wicklander, Trail catcher, — - *» acted upon I homers ln the third and fourth stanza. ers will come. Wilder were Sunday guests ln the E. order Local entrants follow: Barbara E. Parker home. This totals seven homers for Wickland- JUSTICE OF PEACE er during the season. Barclay Wilson, Browne, Lester Keizer, 5th grade; June A large crowd attended the grange W. J. Williams was appointed Mon­ 1st baseman, took two homers in the Marie Wilson, Jack Doolittle, sixth; meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Meier as Justice of the .same Innings and pitcher Gilbert Ruth Flannary, Luella Leuck, seventh; 440-yard run—Spencer, Nyssa, first; C. C. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. day by Oovemor Nyssa track stars piled up 3714 points . _ ___, RAY DUNCAN MAKES FINAL RE­ at the Snake river valley track meet ln Rigby, Ontario, second; Howard, Weis­ Greeting and Mrs. Conrad Martin of peace at Nyssa to succeed J. R. Hunter; HoImes took one ln the 4th. Other Trail Ted Morgan, Velma Funk, eighth. PORT FOR MALHEUR COUNTY Winners ln the zone contest partici­ who resigned on account of poor lu a ftli lboy, ( wllson Keck Bm Wllg0n Jack Weiser Saturday to win second place er, third. Time 59.4. the Kolony were re-instated. pate in the finals at Vale. FOR DECEMBER-MAY PROGRAM. High Jump—Beam. Vale, first; Holly, much to the pleasure of Coach Owen Mrs. Kester and baby of Emmett are . . . . _ _ _ McKee, Louis Syria, Hollis DeGroft and Price and the entrants. Weiser high Nyssa, and Maxwell, Weiser, tied for visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. N WATER IS RUNNING Harold Orishman, made hits. won first place with 44, Emmett third second. Height, 5 feet 314 inches, Thomason. IN DITCHES FOR OregonTYal> lower room base ball JOHN HARDWICK with 28. Payette fourth with 18, Ontario f Broad Jump—Beam, Vale, first; Cof- team took their first game by defeating Owing to a break In the government CWA projects ln Malheur county DIES AT VALE provided $46,000 for laborers and their flfth with 1514, Vale sixth with 15. |fey, Emmett, second; Lankford, Nyssa ditch the high school truck was late EARLY IRRIGATION Big Bend Juniors 19 to 2. Calvin Morfltt Highest honors to one entrant went third. Distance. 19 feet 914 inches, Thursday. ------- j Trail short stop, made a homer. Frank families from December until April, ac­ Word came front Vale yesterday that cording to the final report Just an­ to Lankford of Nyssa who counted 1714 | Relay—Payette, first; Emmett, sec- Weeks earlier than usual, water Religious services are being held at Wilson shut the Bend boys out for only points. Louis Bean of Vale was second ond: Nyssa, (Boren. Hendriks, Spencer, the school house ln District No. 47. Last Is flowing ln the bg irrgation canals a few hits. Johnny Herron did the re­ John Hardwick, Jeweler and realtor nounced by Ray Duncan, manager for there for many years, died suddenly the county CWA committee. Material with 15. Lankford took first ln 100 yard Lankford) third. Time 1.39. which supply the farms of this fer­ ceiving. Sunday an all day meeting was held, yesterday morning. He had been ln purchased cost $8000. The maximum dash. 220 yard dash, 220 low hurdles.! --------------------------- tile region. With the season far ln members enjoying ai picnic dinner be­ poor health for many years. Hardwick number employed was 263. advance of other years owing to tween services. third in broad jump and third ln relay. EARLY SPUDS ROUT 4-H LEADERS MEET Results by Events mild weather in winter and early Sponsors of 4-H clubs motored to was an old timer of the county and was The major project ln Nyssa was the /~vi p i c p i i n P D l f P C k*rs' y I*** l°r 1^* Angeles 100-yard dash—Lankford, Nyssa, first 3 r u u r R I L L o Saturday to visit her mother Mrs Liz- | spring, the water was turned Into Ontario Saturday to attend the first well known particularly ln the Vale extensive Improvement that has been and Juntura country. Hughes. Emmett, second; Coffey, Em­ the canals at the request of fanners | club leaders conference of the year. j zie Holly who has been quite 111 for made, but not entirely completed, on mett, third. Time 10.8. With early spuds coming ln from some time. In every district. State leader H. C. Seymour d'.'cussed _____ the school grounds. Walks were built 230-yard low hurdle—Lankford, Nys- Texas at the rate of 100 cars a day, the Kenneth Parker, who was working Water came rushing down the I the work and Mrs. Kathryn Claypool \ ADRIAN SCOUTS ENTERTAIN along with playground equipment. sa first; Embree. Ontario, second; price on old potatoes took a sudden for Andy Little, returned home 8un- John Holly’s Boy Scout troop of Grounds were prepared for lawn and Shoestring ditch Sunday at mid­ | gave a short talk. Mrs. Ed. Pruyn, Mrs Bradem, Weiser, third. Time, 292. drop last week which almost touched day. Henry Truelson, Mrs. Victoria Schweiz- Adrian wlll give an entertainment trees have been planted. Equipment night and on Thursday was turned er. Mrs. C. Elliott. Miss Helen Winters, Thursday night. April 28. at the Kolony was lnsUUed for a water system which 880-yard run—Beam. Vale, first; Mil- bottom. Before the big tumble, Wm. Mr. Lee of Payette spent Sunday1 into the Kingman Kolony ditch. Mrs. Joe SUm and Mrs Albert Hopkins »choolhouse to raise funds for the will be completed by the purchase of a Ugan. Payette, second; Hay, Weiser, Peutz sold around 300 sacks. Wylie j exiting Mr. and Mrs. Orover Lee. Their supply Is pumped from Snake attended from here. troop. The show will be repeated Friday pump by the school board. third. Time, 2:17.4. river. Water from Owyhee dam was Prakes and son Maurice a car and j E. H. Brumbach and Joe transacted _________________ night at tha Big Bend park hail. 220-yard dash—Lankford. Nyssa, first prank McCarty another large delivery business in Vale Monday. turned Into the Owyhee ditch last In addition streets ware extensively Coffey. Emmett, second; Boren. Nyaaa. Most of the recent sales were made to I Donald Olbson, who was a patient In Tuesday. KERR RESIGNS Improved here. third. Time, 34.4. | L. E. Stephens of Sewell Produce com- the Peterson home In Parma, was able It Is predicted that the spring Dr. W J. Kerr resigned as chancellor j ORR OE8 PROMOTION In Vale a community hall was made Mile run—Mays. Weiser. first; Jones, pany. to return Sunday. run-off In streams which are sup­ of higher education Monday, his resig- J. D. O n at Twin Falls has beep ap- ln a former bank location and the park Weiser. second; Lathen. Nyssa, third. plied by mountain snows will be : nation to Uke effect when a succeaaor pointed assistant manager of the Idaho was Improved. Ontario built a new air- Mlse Mae Kclser was home from Time. 5 20.8. leas than average owing to the lack j la named. For ov^r 25 years Dr. Kerr Power Company. Mr. and Mrs. L. K Bullock o f Vale He has served the ! port and made alteration« ln the city Shotput—Boor. Nyssa. first; Stover. Payette for the week end and the Jolly were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn of snow tn the watersheds This, was president of Oregon St ite college company 24 yean starting at Emmett hall. Weiser. second: Smith. Ontario, third. Janes bridge party on Monday evening Friaell Thursday evening and with section is fortunate ln being able to He served as chancellor the past two | in 1910 as local manager. Friends here Vale had 7 projects, Ontario 9. Ny*- at the Crawford home. pump from Snake r i m this season them attended the Eagles fight card. years. 'are glad to see his advancement. Isa 1 Adrian I PARMA TRUCKMAN TAKES OWN LIFE FIGHTERS DUE FOR FINALE WHISKERS TELL OF COMING SHOW C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J CWA PROJECTS COST $45,000 Lankford Wins First Place at Snake River Valley Track; Nyssa Hi Second J