( j ATE c i t y j o u r n a l , T h u r s d a y , a p r ï l 12,1934 voter even if hi» year tax cost him j Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Rng 43; price $30 Tr. No. 705—City of Ontario. River­ and £0 of Block 31 In the origina! I other costs as may accrue. 130. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, Tr. No. 664—8EK SWK SEK. Sec 18 side Add. Lots 54-55-56-57-58, Block 4; townsite of Ontario, Malheur County Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 5th day If the present school tax cannot be | to tho highest and best bidder therefor price $40.00. Oregon, to satisfy a judgment In favor Of March, 1934. BOOGEY IN TAX Twp 41 Rng 43, price $10.00. borne by the power companies, rail­ the lands hereinafter described, for not Tr. No. 665—NWK & NEKNEK, Sec C. W. GLENN, Tr. No. 706—City of Ontario. River­ ¡of the above named plaintiff In the roads, stocks, bonds and banks—why less than the price fixed by said order 24 Twp 16 Rng 45; NW!4 NEK, Sec 24 side Add. L o ts 16-17-18-19-20-21, Block sum of $1010.65, and the further sum Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. are the utilities so opposed to selling for each tract or parcel, the coet of Twp 16 Rng 45; price $120.00. of $100.00, attorney fees, and the fur­ Date of first publication, March 8, 1934 8; price $30.00. Owyhee Dam, April 7—(To the Jour­ out to Uncle Sam. publication to be added to each lot or Tr. No. 666—EH NWK, Sec 8 Twp 18 Tr. No. 707—City of Ontario River­ ther sum of $20.00, costs and for such Date of last publication, April 5, 1934. n al)—Let’» take the “T" out oi the Rng 45; price $150.00. Yours In the Interest of good schools tract so sold. side Add., IMS 45 Ss 46, Block 6; price Date of sale, April 7, 1934 at 11:00 A. M. sale» tax. Said lands will be offered for sale as Tr. No. 667—NEK, Sec 16 Twp 28, $ 10 . 00 . and just legislation. follows: All tracts priced at $200.00 or Rng 45; Lot No. 4. Sec 19 Twp 28 Rng Tr. No. 70S—City of Ontario, River­ All Malheur county business men Deaver K. Mendenhall, may rest assured that a large percent­ Candidate for State Representative. less to the highest and best bidder for 46;NHNWK, NWKNEK, Sec 30, Twp side Add. Lots 19 Sc 20, Block 7; price cash; all tracts priced at more than 28. Rng 46; price $160.00. $ 10 . 00 . age of their business will go to Idaho if $200.00 and not more than $500.00 to Tr. No. 668—EH SEK, Sec 24 Twp 28 Tr. No. 709—City of Ontario, River­ Guarantee Work it became a law. Then, again, let’s see EARL SNELL the highest and best bidder for cash Rng 45; NWK SWK, Sec 19 Twp 28 side Add., Lots 39 Si 40 Block 8; price what It will cost a family per annum. or for not less than 20 per cent cash Rng 46: price $60.00. $ 20 . 00 . It would be lawful to add 1 per cent per Arlington man who Is candidate for and the remainder to be paid under Tr. No. 669—NWK NEK, SHNEK, WYCKOFF Tr. No. 710—City of Vale. Altschul quart of milk alone. If a family con­ Secretary of State. Was Speaker of Eyesight Specialist written agreement In equal install­ Sec 9 Twp 30 Rng 45; NWK Si SH Sec Add.. Lots 9-10-11-12, Block 6; price sumed 2 quarts per day, the tax might House 1933 Leglsature. ments over a period not exceeding five JEWELRY STORE 9 Twp 30 Rng 45; price $150. $ 20 . 00 . 23 cost them $7.30 on milk alone. years, and all tracts priced at more Tr. No. 670—Lots 1-2-3-4, Sec 2 Twp Tr. No. 711—City of Vale Original This tax will have to be added to the WITH LAND BANK than $500.00 to the highest and bestj30 Rng 45; 8EK NWK Si SHNEK, Sec Townsite, Lots 5-6, Block 1; price $400. Official Time Inspector for consumer cost or deducted from the bidder for cash or for not less than 20 ¡2, Twp 30 Rng 45; NWK 6EK, Sec 2, Tr. No. 712—City of Vale, Hadley’s Arden A. Reed, well known orchardist per cent cash and the remainder to be Twp 30 Rng 45; Price $1000.00 producer. It will be added to the light Union Pacific 1st Add. Lots 5-6-7-8, Block 3; price bill and so on down the line. When ful­ of Brogan, has left that community to paid under written agreement In equal Tr. No. 671—WH NEK Sec 9 Twp 19 $750.00. ly traced I believe this tax money reside on a farm near Ontario. Mr. i installments over a period not exceed- Rng 44; price $1000.00. I Specializing on the care Tr. No. 713—City of Nyssa, Original Ontario Oregon would go to Wall street to pay interest Reed has a position with the Federal ing 10 years, all deferred payments to Tr. No. 672—SEK, Sec 18, Twp 18 Townsite, South 65 feet of Lot 6, Block of Children’s Eyes. on school bonds. Land Bank. He has been one of the draw Interest at 6 per cent payable Rng 46; price $1500.00. Ontario, Oregon 12; price $50.00. s? We want our teachers paid a fair sal­ leaders In the effort to secure an ad­ annually and such agreements to be Tr. No. 673—SHNWK, Sec 8 Twp 18 Tr. No. 714—Town of Adrian, Lots ary, we want good schools but we do ditional water supply for the lands In subject to all terms and conditions of Rng 46; price $200.00. 1-2-3-4-5-6.7.8. Block 11; price $20.00 Seotlons 69-813 and 69-836 Oregon Tr. No. 674—WHNWK NEK & not want class legislation In the form the Brogan vicinity. Dated at Vale Oregon, this 12th day Code, as amended by Session Laws of NEK NWK, Sec 1 Twp 21 Rng 46; Pt. of March, 1934. of exempting the very wealthy owning ORE SAMPLES LOOK GOOD 1931 and 1933. bank and government stocks and bonds of SEK NWK, Sec 1 Twp 21 Rng 46; C. W. GLENN, and adding a sales tax to the farmer, All lands within the boundaries of ir­ price $50.00. Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. Lloyd Wareham of Sebum Auto Park laborer and near Indigent. ' We must rigation or drainage districts will be Tr. No. 675—SWK NEK Si SEK Date of first publication, March 15 1934 defeat the sales tax and place a tax on brought In some samples of antimony sold subject to any valid assessments NWK, Sec 11 Twp 29 Rng 46; EH Date of last publication, April 12, 1934 ore from a big claim at Cow V alley ____ _____________ stocks and bonds. made _______ or to be ________ made by said districts SWK Si SWK SWK, Sec 11 Twp 29 Date of sale, April 14, 1934, at 10:00 A. M. Shall we have the dog wag the tail Friday. The ore has been assayed and since the date said lands were acquir­ Rng 46; price $100.00. Tr. No. 676—NEK & SWK & SEK. or the tail wag the dog? In other words j Is worth $12 per ton. Ore nearby shows ed by the County, and all lands within is a member of our legislature the ser­ gold and silver. A deposit resembling the boundaries of the Warmsprings Ir­ Sec 15 Twp 30 Rng 46; EH SWK, Sec Summons for Publication vant of the sovreign people or master? crystal was also found. The ore will be rigation District and which have been 16 Twp 30 Rng 46; price $280.00. If we of Oregon have a government of, sent to the Bonneville commission classified as In Classes 5 and 6, and as Tr. No. 677—SEK NWK & SWK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Phone 76F3 which Is seeking data concerning min­ to which said County has heretofore NEK, Sec 36 Twp 31 Rng 46; NWK by and for the people Instead of for the STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL­ wealthy then this sales tax ghost when eral deposits in all counties of the by Resolution dated September 3, 1930, NEK, Sec. 36 Twp 31 Rng 46; price $60. HEUR COUNTY. authorized a transfer to said district of Tr. No. 678—SEK SEK, Sec 33 Twp Ambulance Service burled once by popular vote would have state. the water rights appurtenant to said 16 Rng 46; SH SWK, Sec 34 Twp 16 RUTH AYRE, Plaintiff vs. Joe Tay­ remained dead. lands will be sold without water rights. Rng 46; SWK, Sec 1 Twp 17 Rng 46; lor Ayre Defendant. Legal Advertisement There is this about the sales tax—It To Joe Taylor Ayre, the above nam­ Said lands numbered as to tracts and NEK NEK, Sec 4 Twp 17 Rng 46; price might do something toward t h e ed defendant: with the minimum prices set opposite $160.00 establishment of “self respect of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tr. No. 679—NWK Si WH NEK, Sec each tract are as follows to-wit: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF poor through their share in mainten­ ance of government” but Mr. Sales In the matter of the Estate of E. M. Tr. No. 654, SH Sec. 16 Twp 16 Rng 21 Twp 15 Rng 46; Lot No. 1 & 2, Sec OREGON, You are hereby required to ijiiii!iiri!iiiii!i!Kiii!iii 11 rim t'i iii i!riii i.i i:i iii i!i ni in in n ii iit iii.i!! 1:1 tun |i| i:i ti niM n iiMii ri iirri'ri iititiriii 1:1 hiiiiti'i i ti1) Blodgett deceased. 21 Twp 15 Rng 46: WH DEK, Sec 21 appear and answer the complaint filed Taxpayer would not be a fullfledged 37; Price $80.00. Twp 15 Rng 46; $200.00. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That herein against you, in the aibove entit­ Tr. No. 655, All Sec. 13 Twp 15 Rng the undersigned has been duly and 41; NH, Sec 23 Twp 15 Rng 41; price Tr. No. 680—SEK NWK S i NEKSEK led suit, within four (4) weeks from Sec 36 Twp 15 Rng 46; SWK NEK, Sec March 15th, 1934, the date of first pub­ regularly appointed administratrix of $480. 36 Twp 15 Rng 46; SWK SWK, Sec 31 lication of this Summons, and the time the above entitle^ estate; all persons Get that Hat, Suit and having claims against the above said Tr. No. 656 All, Sec 19 Twp 15 Rng Twp 15 Rng 47; WH NWK, Sec 6 Twp prescribed in the order for Publication 3 16 Rng 47; price $120.00. estate are hereby notified to present 42; price $160. thereof, made by the Hon. W. W. Dress— Tr. No. 657, EHSEK, Sec 24 Twp 26 Tr. No. 681—SEK NWK, Sec 31 Twp Wood, Judge of the Circuit Court of the same, verified as by law required, Rng 42; NEKNEK, Sec 25 Twp 26 Rng 15 Rng 47; price $50.00, to the undersigned administratrix at said Malheur County, Oregon, said ss: CAPITALIZED Nyssa, Oregon, or her attorneys, Biggs 42; price $30. Tr. No. 682—A. T. No. 1, Sec 33 Twp order for Publication being dated § Tr. No. 658, NWKNWK, Sec 13 Twp 15 Rng 47; price $30.00. Not Just Cleaned and Biggs, at Ontario, Oregon, within March 12th, 1934. six months from the date of the first 30 Rng 42; price $40.00. Tr. No. 683—A. T. No. 7, Sec 33 Twp This suit is for divorce and a suc­ THE FLETCHER OIL COMPANY Tr. No. 659—NWK, NH SWK, Sec 29 15 Rng 47; price $10 publication hereof. cinct statement of the relief demanded First publication, March 15, 1934. Twp 24 Rng 43; SEK SWK, Sec 2S Tr. No. 684—SH SWK SWK, Sec 31 is as follows, to-wit: That the bonds of C. B. Short, Agent Nyssa Twp 24 Rng 43; WH SEK S i WHNEK, Twp Last Publication, April 12, 1934. matrimony, now existing between the 15 Rng 47; price $20.00. E EMMA H. BLODGETT, Sec 29 Twp 24 Rng 43; WH SEK, EH plaintiff and defendant be dissolved Tr. No. 685—So. 55 acres of NH NEK T. l 111111111 I I 11I I IU I 11I I ! l M IM I t l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l>l I I I I Li li l;l 111 Li lli IHM1IIM III 11IH I IM I I lll l tM I I IM I IM1I IM UM)- Administratrix of the estate of SWK, Sec 20 Twp 24 Rng 43; SWK and an absolute divorce be granted to SWK, Sec 20 Twp 24 Rng 43; NEK Sec 15 Twp 16 Rng 47; price $50.00. E. M. Blodgett, deceased. Tr. No. 686—NEK NWK less A. T. the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff be NWK. WHNEK, Sec20 Twp25 R ng42; given and be decreed to be the owner SEKNEK St NHSEK, Sec. 20 Twp 25 No. 1 Sec 15 Twp 16 Rng 47; WH NWK of all equity and property rights in the NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP­ Rng 42; EHSWK, Sec 17 Twp 25 Rng Sec 15 Twp 16 Rng 47; price $120.00. restaurant property, equipment and Tr. No. 687—WH SEK NWK, Sec 26 fixtures now In and used In connection ERTY BID IN FOR TAXES AND 42; price $240.00. Drive to Powell’s for the New . . . . Twp 16 Rng 47; price $50.00. Tr. No. 660—SH NEK, Sec 25 Twp 16 OWNED BY MALHEUR COUNTY, with the Nyssa Cafe In the City of Nys­ Tr. No. 688—So. 8 acres of NWK sa, Oregon, free and clear of any claim Rng 42; price $40.00. OREGON. Tr. No. 661—NH NEK & EHNWK SWK Sec 26 Twp 16 Rng 47; SWK to the same th at might otherwise be Public notice is hereby given that 8ec 21 Twp 16 Rng 43; SEK Sec 21 SWK Sec 26 Twp 16 Rng 47; price $100. assorted to you, and for such other re. pursuant to an order of the County T ap 16 Rng 43; WH SWK Sec 27 Twp Tr. No. 689—All west of P.O.S. ditch lief as may be just and equitable, in Court dated March 7, 1934, to me dir­ 16 Rng 43; EH, SEK NWK, Sec 28 Twp in EH SWK, Sec 24 Twp 16 Rng 47; eluding suit money, attorney fees, al ected in the matter of the sale of lands 16 Rng 43; SWK. Sec 28 Twp 16 Rng price $23.00. lowance for support from said business Leave your cleaning at the Unit­ Tr. No. 690—SWK NWK, Sec 2 Twp or otherwise, with her costs in the bid in by said County for taxes and 43; EH SEK, Sec 29 Twp 16, Rng 43; commanding me to sell the real prop­ NEK NEK, Sec 32 Twp 18 Rng 43; NH 17 Rng 47; price $40.00. event that the defendant appeal’s and ed Laundry Nyssa. Mrs. Margaret NO HIGHER IN PRICE Tr. No. 691—SWK SWK, Sec 2 Twp contests this suit. erty belonging to said County and NH, Sec. 33 Twp 16 Rng 43; NH NEK 17 Rng 47; price $200.00. Pashley is our local agent. Sc NHNWK, Sec 34 Twp 16 Rng 43; thereinafter described; I shall In com- That should you fail to so appear Quicker Starting Tr. No. 692—SEK NEK, Sec 3 Twp ! pllance with the commands of said price $365.00. and answer on or before the last day 17 Rng 47; price $40.00. CAPITAL CLEANERS | order and on the 14th day of . April, Tr. No. 662—EHSWK Si SWK NEK, of the time as above prescribed and as Tr. No. 393—SWK NEK, Sec 10 Twp stated in this summons, and if you do 1934, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock In Sec 8 Twp 16 Rng 43; NH SEK Sec 8 BOISE IDAHO 17 Rng 47; price $200.00. the forenoon of said day, at the north Twp 16 Rng 43; price $50.00. not appear within such time, judgment Tr. No. 663—SWK , Sec 33 Twp 14 Tr. No. 694—WH NWK, Sec 10 Twp and decree will be taken against you, main entrance door of the County 17 Rng 47; SEK NEK, Sec 9 Twp 17 for want thereof, and plaintiff will ap­ Rng 47; price $1000.00. ply to the court for the relief demand­ Tr. No. 695—SH NEK NWK, Sec 17 ed in the complaint filed In this suit. Twp 17 Rng 47; price $20.00. Tr. No. 696—WH NWK NEK, Sec 10 Open Day and Night A. L. FLETCHER. % T.vp 17 Rng 47; price $100.00. Attorney for Plaintiff Tr. No. 697—City of Ontario Lots 1, Residence, Vale, Oregon. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 81; price $48.00. Tr. No. 698—Lots 11-12 and 16, Block 89, City of Ontario; price $30.00. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Tr. 4Jo. 699—Lots 14 S i 15, Block 235, By virtue of an execution In fore­ of Ontario; $60.00. Tr. No. 700—Lota 19 & 20, Block 239, closure duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the City of Ontario; price $10.00. Tr. No. 701—City of Ontario, Villa County of Malheur on the 5th day of NYSSA PHONE 43 Park Add., Lot$ 23 to 28 lncl., Block 4; March, 1934, pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court on the 2nd day Lots 31 S i 32, Block 6; Lots 59 Si 60, Block 7; Lots 5 and 6, Block 8; Lots 9 ¡of March, 1934, in a suit wherein Wm. W henever y o u s e e to 16 lncl.. Block 8; Lots 61 to 68 lncl., E Lees is plaintiff and Blanche C. bright-eyed, active young­ Block 8; Lots 37 Si 38, Block 9; Lots 75 Venable and Thomas B. Venable, are sters brimming over with Si 76, Block 9; Lots 1 S i 2, Block 10; defendants, said writ being directed to health and vitality it is Lots 15-16-17, Block 10; Lots 37 Si 38, me and comanding me to s e l l t h e r e a l property hereinafter certain they are receiving Block 10; price $156.00. described, I will on the 7th day of a plentiful supply of prop­ Tr. No. 702—City of Ontario, River­ April, 1934, at the hour of 11:00 o’clock er nourishment. Milk it side Add., Lots 1-2-3-4-5, Block 2; price in the forenoon of said day a t the the only single food prod­ $25 00. north main entrance door of the Coun­ uct which contains all the Tr. No. 703—City of Ontario, River­ ty Court House at Vale, Malheur Coun­ nutritive elements neces­ side Add., Lots 28-29-30-31-32, Block 2; ty, Oregon, sell, subject to the statutory price $25.00. sary to promote health right of redemption, all of the right, DIAMONDS and growth. A liberal use Tr. No. 704—City of Ontario, River­ title and Interest of the above named side Add., Lots 16-17-18, Block 4; price defendants In and to the following de­ of it strengthens the mus­ $15.00. scribed real property, to-wit: Lots 19 cles and vitalizes the MENDENHALL SEES Dr. J. A. McFali | Nyssa Funeral Home try - VELTEX Gasoline, And M o to r Oil Ethyl Gas TRY IT! Holstein Milk ij Health •• Uiqor POWELL'S SERVICE STATION «» Uitalihj BUSINESS DIRECTORY blood. There is no waste to it, and it is a very eco­ nomical article of diet for the whole family, It Makes the Youngsters Grow Kiddies thrive on Holstein milk because it comes from large, vigorous, healthy cows and contains an abundance of nature’s vitalizing and growth-producing elements. Its fat content is such as not to cause digestive disorders. It contains lime for strengthen­ ing the bones and teeth, its proteins build muscle and its vitamines produces growth. Holstein milk is produced for this city under strict sanitary inspection standards. It comes from healthy Holstein cattle and it reaches you through dependable distributing channels. Ask Your Dealer for. Holstein Milk A large selection in fine diamond rings, high quality, plus style and wonderful values. WASHING Mounted in white, yellow or two-tone gold. Priced at $15.00 and up. W edding rings to match. Beautiful selection of diamond mount­ ings always in stock. For You and Yours Expert diamond setting while you wait. Is Our Specialty HAROLD E. GINZEL We are equipped to do your laundry nicely and reasonably, whether you wish it finished, rough dry or float ironed. Our Low Prices Will Please AGENT: For CAPITAL CLEANERS Guaranteed watch repairing Ontario, Ore.