GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., MARCH 22.1934 Spring Brings Social Rush; Parties Many FOR MRS. LANE fill surprise show c given at her home ------- Friday by Mrs. Archie Moses, Mrs. Ladle« of Kingman Kolony brought Bruce Hare and Mrs. Mary Nichols. A gifts for Mrs. James Lane at a delight- | large number enjoyed the afternoon. THEATRE ONTARIO The AT PAYETTE PARTY John A. Forbes celebrated his birth­ day last Tuesday by attending the big celebratiion for Wm. Coughnour, aged 84. of Payette which was sponsored by the Payette Oddfellows lodge. The oc­ casion was Mr. Forbes 69th birthday. Mrs. Forbes and daughter Mrs. Mildred McKinney, who is here from San Francisco, accompanied him to the ; party. They report a most enjoyable affair, in which the entire Payette community took • part. • • • W. C. T. U. Members of W. C. T. U. met Tuesday with Mrs. George Toombs for a regular meeting. Mrs. Hazel Glldea announced that the first county convention will be held in Ontario on the evening of i March 29, when Nyssa will take part 1A report disclosed that the St. Patick’s tea Saturday was • • well • attended. • BIRTHDAY PARTY With young friends, Dickie Schire- man celebrated his fifth birthday with a party Saturday. • • * • BIRTHDAY SURPRISE C. L. McCoy was “surprised” Monday evening by twenty friends, the occasion being his birthday. After the surprise, the birthday cake was lighted and someone said she counted forty can­ dies on the cake. Cards and a supper which was brought by friends were en­ joyed. Among the guests were Mr. Mc­ Coy's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Orue- lick of La Grande and E. Otis Smith of Ontario. * * * * MR. AND MRS. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell enter­ tained the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge club Tuesday evening. Prize winners were Dr. E. D. Norcott and Mrs. Famham Sills. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mr. and Mis. Wm, Schireman played with members. • • * • JOLLY JANES Misses Alta Bradley and Lois Sch- weizer entertained the Jolly Janes club on Monday evening at the Bradlev home on the Owyhee. Honor guests iwore the several girls who are home from college for spring vacation. Mias Margaret Pinkerton won first prize, Sue Keizer, second. MONDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Eddie Powell was hostess for Monday bridge club this week entav taining members and Mrs. Aden Wilson and Mrs. Stanley Sills. Mrs. Famham Sills won first prize, Mrs. Ray Emmott, low. Mrs. Powell used early spring flowers from her garden for decora­ tions. SUNSHINE LADIES MEET Rebekah Sunshine club met Friday with Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton with a large attendance. Mrs. Lon S. Root and Mrs. Frank Wilson were joint hostesses. At the close of the afternoon a dainty ' luncheon was served. A pink and green color scheme was used. Among guests J from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. | Dallas Duncan of Balsa. Mrs. Faulkner anl Mrs. Asal Richardson of Ontario. KOLONY BOOK CLUB Mrs. M. M. Greeling entertained Kingman Kolony book club last Sat­ urday with Mrs. J. Edwin Johnson of Vale, Mrs C. C. Hunt, Mrs. C. C. Cot­ ton, Mrs. D. C. Duvall and Mrs. Car- j lvle attending as guests. Mrs. H. R. Otis gave a very Interesting book re- | vl wing this decade which provoked ¡much discussion. m MOI TUE. Man's Code: K iss a n d Forge?! The Woman's Code: Love and Remember! Your firit chance »0 see the screen's big new star, Margaret Sullavan, under the direction of the man who produced "Back Street." . . . and r.ever hes that a g s - old, ever-new th o n ie b e e n •o dramatical* ly prssentsd as it is in this epic of human emotion 1 " , it With Margaret Sullivan John Boles and 93 others! FRIDA Y-SATURDAY, March 23, 24 * * SON OF KONG IS COMING HOW MARGE WON Jlfv\ VYHATS WMONG ? , N O TH IN G MAR.GP- ------- W H Y 7 ------------ * YOU DQK7 TO CARE. ANY M O R E , YOU NEVES, W A N T T O K-155 ^ * * * * * DOT. W H A T CO Y O U * * N O N S&N 5g/ W E LL — \r fA A R G & .Y O u v e e e g N / l— . I PARLINO, "WHAT.S neo - lectin G- YO or skin / it I COM E OVER YO U ? USED TO BE SO LO VELY. TRY I l> OUTDOOR G IR L B E A U T Y l w r o n g ? ---------------— - | A [PREPARATI ONS. . ^ = ^ 7 O li ve oi l ‘**1 [ I /) in merv\ wowt, send die coupon below for the Beau*y K m . SEND N O TH IN G J IM . W HY ? OUTDOOR GIRL C H iv E (jd L B E A U T Y C ß fo P R O D U C T S CRYSTAL CORPORATION. 130 Willis A VMM, New Yorft D apt. H i I enclose » Oc to covar moiling l Please tend mo liberal trlol sitae of yovr five famous olds to iovohnats. co AnntM CITY_____________________ « tat « to Nyssa, the Gate City * ¿ cod - ( s i I w- elcome Visiting Members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles’ who will convene in Nyssa__ Sunday, iTarch 25th I or Eastern Oiegon Convention F, O. E. We bid you welcome and hope your stay in Nyssa will be most happy and that you will return again. We also wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the Eagles lodge of Nyssa Aerie No. 2134 upon its accomplishments which have been many. A convenient lodge hall has been purchased and improved. The lodge has aided civic endeavors and has become a leading factor in the social and fraternal life of our city. May 1934 bring continued progress and success. Schweizer Cafe Nyssa Realty Co. Lawrence Service Station Nyssa Funeral Home Wilson Brothers Store Olympic Club Nyssa Pharmacy Powell Service Station Baldridge Implement Co. Pruyn Garage