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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1934)
\ »to G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , T H U R S ., E E B K U A R Y 15, 1934 •m m* THE GATE CITY JOURNAL W. r A N D A L U A M cLINO . Pu bllih en . $! DO _75c Subscription, Y e a r _____ SubscrplUon. 6 Months Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, as Second Class Mattar UNDER THE SURFACE R ay Gill, master o f the state grange^ who is opposed to the sales tax principally on the ground that it w ill tax everything we eat and wear, the bear necessities o f life, brings out some other interesting points that are under the surface, so to speak. He fears that these doubtful provisions may make it possible fo r the tax commission to exercise authority which would make the sales tax very oppressive on the VALE HOT SPRINGS W ork SANITARIUM W YCKOFF J E W E L R Y STORE Official Time Inspector for Dr. D. A. Sexton, Prop. Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paralysis Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral W ater 212 Deg. Fr. Union Pacific R OOM S A N D B O A R D At Reasonable Rates Oregon Ontario CW A SCANDALS turiiiuifniiiM iiniiiiiriiiim i'irairiiiniii! Nyssa Funeral Home Phone 76F3 tion opposing a liquor store in that city, the first in the state to take this step. Benton county, in which Corvallis is lo cated. voted dry two to one on the A n derson act. Journal A ds A re Your ShoDDing Guide LINCOLN’S MASTERPIECE Jewelry - Repairing An d a N ew Shine, Our Specialty Expert Watch Service W e Do Our W ork to Please FIFER JEWELRY SHOP OREGON NYSSA W e Are— In The Market For Your Spuds Highest Market Prices W ill Be Paid Senator Charles E. M. Blodgett Attorney and Counselor at Law Practice in ail Courts NYSSA. OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Office in Residence Three Blocks South M. E. Church P H O N E 25 ROBT. D. LYTLE Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Phene 66 Oregon Vale Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. On the Old Job H. D. Holmes TRANSFER AND BAG GAGE Osteopathy and Electrotherapy All Kinds of Hauling ln P H O N E 201 City lim its Vale, Oregon. PHONE 5 N YSSA, OR. City Transfer D. F. BROWN M c N A R Y G E T S B O O ST Ambulance Service f L. M D K McNary. Repub of Oregon, has been the Senate M onday marked another brithday o f Abraham Lincoln, lican. minority leader since last March. Born the great Emancipator. One by one, in unending sequence, June 12, 1874, on the 640-acre farm the years march by but Lincoln remains with us, an ideal. which his grandfather staked out and His life is known like a book we have m em orized and which is now in his possession. Senator almost as fam iliar is his Gettysburg address which is now j Adonic classed among the literary masterpieces o f the world. So best dressed man in the senate, a b rief and beautiful it is, we are again repeating it in com- graduate of stanford university, an ex- memoration ot Lincoll. b l l t h d a j . ber of the Senate since 1918 with a Fourscore and seven years ago our lathers brought reputation for conciliation, h is pro- forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in lib- gressiveness. strong at times, is limited : by party orthodox. Some believe “hls erty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are Is the best political mind since Henry I created equal.” Cabot Lodge."— Literay Digest. N ow we are engaged in a great civil war, testing wheth er that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicat MISS STEIWER TO WED ed can long endure. W e are met on a great battlefield o f ____ that war. W e have come to dedicate a portion o f it as a 1 Steiwer final resting place fo r those who died here that the nation of“ ^ have^o^c“ engage- | might live. It is altogether fittin g and piopei that ment of their daughter Miss Elizabeth* should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate— to Ralph McEivanney of sait Lake, an I w e cannot c o n s e c ra te -w e cannot hallow this ground. T h e SSS’Æ S brave men, livin g and dead, wTho struggled here have hal- ln June lowed it fa r above our poor power to add or detract. The world w ill little note, or long remember, what w e say here; but it can never forget what they did here. Get that Hat, Suit and ; li It is rather fo r us, the living, to be dedicated here to the Dress— unfinished work they have thus fa r so nobly carried on. It is rather fo r us, to be here dedicated to the great task CAPITALIZED remaining before us that from these honored dead we take Not Just Cleaned increased devotion to that cause fo r which they here gave the last full measure o f devotion ; that we here highly re solve these dead shall not have died in vain ; that this na tion, under God, shall have a new birth o f freedom and government o f the people, by the people and fo r the peo ple shall not perish from the earth. j TRUCKING Carpenter and ana Contractor Let me figure on your job, big TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 and little Nyssa Oregon C. KLINKENBERG Nyssa Aerie To Please You is F. O. E. No. 2134 Our Purpose Meets Wed. Night at Eagles Hail Visiting Eagles Welcome R. C. Shelton, President Don M. Graham , Secretary M A C K ’ S BARBER SHOP A gen t fo r Ontario Laundiy 11111 * *® itiui b i f n 11 i i i i tin n 11 i i n 11 in 1111111 i i i; in i i i u u n in m m n 11 n m m i n m m m m m i Lunch - and - Eat I — --------------------- -------------------------- At Any Hour of the Day or Night A n appetizing dinner is served from noon until night. Short orders and lunches at all hours. Chili and H ot Tamales, also Chinese dishes, always ready. FEEDS AND SEEDS Nyssa Grain Co. T ed New ell, Mgr. N Y S S A , ORE. Quality Meats The breakfast table is going liquid. For years the pro ponents o f fruit in the morning were satisfied to spoon their juice from the half orange or grapefruit even at the Joe A yre, Prop. discomfort o f an occasional shot in the eye. But o f late the Nyssa, Oregon popular desire fo r economy in time has brought a demand ?mi rum ■ hi hi ■ m a un n a a hi ni ri antimi 11 m a hi n n ii hi hi hi i.i a hi hi i mi i u h i hi i iti » 111 iJ Leave your cleaning at the Unit that the juice be extracted*and served in liquid form. ed Laundry Nyssa. Mrs. M argaret The result has been the developm ent o f a juice industry which appears to have almost unlimited possibilités. Be Pashley is our local agent. ginning with the orange and grapefruit, the activities o f C A P IT A L CLEANERS this new industry has brought forth many and surprising B O IS E ID A H O juices. The old tomato came along and has been acclaim ed the j peer o f juice-producing fr u it Then came the pineapple, ' cranberry, the humble prune and even the strawberry to i demand its share o f recognition. But stranger things yet began to happen. Som ebody got 5 NYSSA SHOE SHOP 5 ! the idea that cabbage was a fruit— the result was sauer- kraut juice, with a list o f its healthful benefits. The latest J news tells o f a company which w ill manufacture “ carrot juice.” It is clear the end is not yet here. I f it comes to Invites you to bring in § There’s no better food for— “ bacon and e g g ” juice, we can take our breakfast stand ing. your old shoes. W h at § The Nyssa Cafe i Steaks, Roasts, Chops Poultry When You Wish It FRESH FISH For Friday and the W eek End You w ill find our meets the best the market can supply. E D IT O R IA L C O M M E N T S B Y C L A R K W O O D The wheels o f recovery roll when payrolled. The sphere o f the next war is likely to be the atmos phere. Nyssa Packing Co. Everything in Meats PHONE 6 = I AFTER CARROTS— W H A T? See us fo r P H O N E 26 gthen hls position by appointing some man of statewide political prestige who could have helped him in the primary and general election contests? Since the appointment appears non- political it is probably based on fitness, which Is encouraging. The Job Is an exacting one and the best man avail able is none too good. The new secre tary is presumably a personal friend of the governor. Hence. Rufus Holman, From some parts o f the country are com ing complaints that C W A committees have been exploiting human misery in their administration o f the federal emergency and re covery programs. They have been charged with using the job programs to build their own prestige, with misappro priation o f funds and in some instances with downright who auo was elevated to the boaid of graft. I f such charges are found true, the administrators control by gubernatorial appointment deserve no sympathy. They should get sw ift removal from ;but later became the enemy of his erst- o ffic e and ail o f the punishment their offense carries. Buf Holman ^ ^ “ uk^to^aTui In one instance, Secretary Ickes found that a certain dis- suence. There wiii probably be fire- trict asked for only the1 30 per cent grant under P W A ap- ! orc the Fourth 01 plications and never for loans. Investigating, he learnedj * " era ______ that persons o f political influence had represented that the s t a n f i e l d s e e k a p p o i n t m e n t grants would be given only i f they were permitted to han- ; ----- die the loan features o f the projects. ! t i î t S Ü ' Homë^an^n Charges o f irregularity in the C W A program have been tion and for several sessions presented made in Idaho but none on this side o f the border, w e are !the bm uP°n whlch the Roosevelt glad to say. H ow ever, in some instances, the accusations c ^ d fd a ^ ‘thTiaÎT^'u^eu may be prompted by jealously and may be untrue. Hawkins on the home loan bank board. W e believe the wrongs should be aired and if real evils If a Roosevelt republican u sought, it are exposed, the guilty should be driven out of further ^ or^ m ^ 'i participation. Activities, which exploit the people at such record, than is Oregon's able ex-sen time and in such a program, are nothing short o f sabotage, ator—Oregon voter. j1 n n o t 11 u turn umurn asm urns bmb i w Guarantee Voice of the Press Around the Country poorest o f our people, and render it otherwise hateful in a manner perhaps not intended by the legislature or its sponsors. The Oregonian, in commenting on this feature, said, “ if it were common practice to reject laws because o f Editli Harrison. 12, Portland nst W IL L M E IE R RUN? their possible maladministration, a large number o f statu Is held In Boise as a m atcrl-i wi.:. ■ tes would have no place in the code.” W e believe there is P. J. Stadelman of The Dalles be in the inquiry into the hit and run ¡till secretary of state by appoint ing of Joy Elliott, formerly of Nyssa. in no better time than the present to urge that all such laws comes ment of Governor Meier. He Is a fruit Baise two years ago. The grand Jury is ' be rejected. broker. Ice and fuel dealer. He was for- . investigating the case. H ow ever, that is beside the point at stake. Mr. G ill says merly mayor and councUman hls home town. The turn cf a card obtain d for the that under the proposed sales tax bill, the tax commission The selection is Interesting as indi is given authority to eliminate the less-than-one-cent tax cating the governor s state of mind. He Home D ru g Store of Burns the state liquor agency. Three drugstores applied that would apply to the purchase— o f a spool o f thread, phased over the most talked of candl- and the city council aproved all three a pint o f milk, a loa f o f bread or other very small sales. O r ^ p o ^ n d ^ l S ' m ^ name so O. J. Runte. administrator for this the commission can impose a full one-cent tax on these a man who is unknown to the state at district, brought out a deck of cards. The Home Drug won with a king of and other triflin g transactions. He believes the commis large. This seems to us to indicate that spades. ihe go/eraor does not intend to seek sion w ill add the tax to the w id ow ’s mite and that o f the re-election. H ad he been planning to • • • « unemployed. W e want no such tax. run would he not have sought to stren Corvallis city council passed a reolu- N Y S S A , ORE. may seem beyond re- | pair might be made into g a good understanding B and add a fe w steps to economy. Expert Leather W ork The Senate probe exposed the craft in aircraft. The memory o f Hal Hoss w ill be cherished by O regon’s newspaper people. N Y S S A SH O E SH O P N y m . Oregon STUDENTS AND CHILDREN than good, wholesome Jersey milk. Low priced in Nyssa, it is the best and cheapest food you can buy. Use M ore Milk. Shelton Dairy