GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., DECEMBER 14, 1933 patently thousands of feet long and McDERMITT TEACHER has convinced the officers of the com pany that there is an enormous ton ESCAPES INJURY IN nage on a large scale. The result of this sampling was the WRECK NEAR NYSSA building of a large mill, the first unit of which is now in operation. When in full operation, upwards of 1000 tons a McDermitt—Lowell Cox. teacher at day will be treated. Oregon Canyon school, was thankful The ball mill grinds the ore 30 mesh he could resume work, among Thanks and after passing through the classifer giving blessings. When en route to his it goes over amalgamating plates. home near Ontai for the holidays, he There are six of these and below each wrecked his car near Nyss». Rosio is a Hoyt riffle amalgam trap. Mr. Wile Echave was with him and both escaped stated that from the first amalgam be unhurt. gan building up on the plates and they R. L. Challenge has been transferred have been taking off balls of amalgam from Portland to McDermitt by the every day. The Hoyt riffles are also highway department. He is resident showing good results. The plant is fully ¡engineer on the construction of the 14 electrified by the Idaho Power com 'miles of the I-O-N from this point to pany. Jackson creek. Mr. and Mrs. Challenge An early problem was securing a are living in the bank building. water supply for milling. This is be Warner Wilson and Fred Curley of lieved solved by the pumping from the Denio were business visitors in Mc shaft of the Humboldt mine 5000 feet Dermitt last week. distant to a large concrete tank holding Cleto Achabal made a trip to Wlnne- 100,000 gallons. Up to the present water pumped from the shaft has not lower mucca on Tuesday. John Zatlca was in town this week. ed it in the shaft to any extent. Leonard Simpson drove to Opalite Mr. Wile stated! that two new trucks for hauling will be put on the Job soon. Mine Wednesday. Martin and John Echave returned At present one truck is used to haul ore from the shovel to the mill. Other home last week after spending the trucks have been used to haul mach Thanksgiving holidays in Wlnnemucca. lining for Gold Is Now Under W ay In [Mormon Basin, 18 Miles from Brogan Mormon basin, which produced a fortune In gold Is again the scene of much activity as Condor Gold Mines, ore at the rate of about 400 tons a day, Inc., are millng full time and treating according to Raymond 8, Wile presi dent. The mill has been In operation the past week. I Production will be speeded up by the installation of the large gyratory crusher which is being delivered from the railroad station at Brogan, 18 miles from the mine. The largest piece of the crusher weighs 12 tons and the machine when in place will weigh 30 tons. The crusher will replace the pres ent method of running the ore through hammers. The Condor mines are an unique op eration, according to Mr. Wile. The ore is mined in open cuts on the surface, the digging being done by a large power shovel, capable of excavating and loading on trucks 1000 tons of the material for the mill tn six hours Months were spent in sampling the ore which is a large granoaiorrde dike hundreds of feet wide and the length of which is yet undetermined. It is ap- Processed Milk Made the Perfect Food for Babies and Invalids inery from the nearest railroad point at Brogan. by our new equipment ASK US ABOUT IT OREGON TRAIL PLANS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM CARD OF THANKS Shelton Dairy W e Deliver Twice Daily NYSSA OREGON ; i ROBT. D. LYTLE Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Ì Every Day Is . . . . Phone 66 Vale WASH Oregon Dr. E. D. Norcott DENTIST Nyssa, Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 at the Jregon X-RAY EXAMINATIONS THE UNITED LAUNDRY ! u in U iii:tii;iiiii!i;n¡iii!in!iiiiiii!iii;iii!iiiii!iitiiiiiU!raiRi!i NYSSA, OREGON {Dr. J. A. M e Fall We are well equipped to do your Laundry nice Eyesight Specialist ly and cheaply, whether you wish it all finished, Our Low Prices Will Please l I Specializing on the care o f Children’s Eyes. Mrs. Margaret Pashley, Prop. Phone 83F2 4 I Ontario, Oregon ii i : i i in ni i ; i n ri h mi u n ni h in iiim.iiiiiii iiiiiii iinitiiiiiiir LOOK HERE FBI liT illE D B ? MAKE UP YOUR OWN CLUB! ALL4 ONLY--- 00 CHOOSE 1 Magazine From Group “A" 2 Magazines From Group “B” And THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Year) □ Q □ □ □ □ □ 1 Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr GROUP B Better Homes A Oardent 1 Yr. Woman’s World___ ...__ .lY r. Household Magazine.---- 1 Yr. Needlecraft -------------1 Yr. Good Stories----------------- 1 Yr. Country Home —...... 2Yrt.| Successful Farming------ 1 Yr. t h r e e in a l l THREE IN ALL o r r e r is Q uanjO /m iiá\ There are no strings attached to this offer! Every magazine subscription will be filled exactly as represented. If any of your subscriptions are re AN ORDINANCE for the purchase by the Town of Nyssa, Oregon, of nec = Expert Leather W ork g essary and proper apparatus for the prevention and extinguishment of fires. WHEREAS, the Howe Fire Appara tus Company, a corporation, has offer ed to sell and deliver to the Town, one Model Oakland triple combination I NYSSA SHOE SHOP pumping, chemical and h 0 6 e fire fight Ross Parkinson, Prop. ing equipment mounted on Oakland 3-4 ton standard truck chassis, under Nyssa, Oregon the terms and specifications herein ^i n i n iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iii:iiiiiiiir iii:iii,iii:iii;iii;iii;iilin iilin iilililiiiiii after set out; and WHEREAS, THE TOWN COUNCIL deems the purchase of said fire ap paratus upon such terms to be nec essary, proper and convenient for cor porate uses NOW THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE Town of Nyssa, A Policy to Meet Eadh Need Oregon, as follows: SECTION 1. That public interests, welfare and convenience requires the J. R. HUNTER purchase of necessary and proper ap paratus for the prevention and extin Underwriter Mutual Life of guishment of fires. New York SECTION 2. That the Howe Fire Ap paratus Company, of Anderson, In Oregon Nyssa diana, has offered to sell and deliver to the Town, one Model Oakland triple If it’s a turkey, a fat hen or a R o u t . We Will Give You Prompt Service i§ FLETCHER OIL COMPANY C. B. Short, Agent iWBWBBWHHMIMIMIBIMBill W ■ IIIIW IIM m BUSINESS DIRECTORY It’» Time to Start Thinking About— CHRISTMAS GIFTS A suggestion for the family g i f t , 26-piece set Community Silverware, 35 year guarantee, in choice patterns, at the record low price of $9.95. While Our Stock Lasts Harold Ginzel ONTARIO, OREGON Watch and Jewelry Repairing— Our Specialty HEATER’S STUDIO Portraits of Quality Kodak Finishing IT’S DELICIOUS Ontario, Oregon When it comes from the sanitary, up-to-date market at Nyssa Packing Company. VYTTYTYYYYYf Say It With Flowers - - Gentlemen No more expressive gift I enclose t________ Please send me the three megaainee checked with a year's subscription to your newspaper. Name Nyssa Packing Co. BOYER FLORAL COMPANY Everything in Meat« WE WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE TOO Street or R.P.D------ newals the time will be properly ex tended. Gasoline and Motor Oils Complete line of diamonds, watches, rings, gifts — make your selection early. MORE? And Your Choice of Any One Magazine in Group A TH IS VELTEX pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to g economy. W HY PAY And Your Choice o f Any Two %f¡qasincs in Group B, . I Your Choice of Any Two Magazines in This Group Your Choice of Any One Magazine in This Group GROUP a McCall's Magazine ... Woman's Home Comp. Pictorial Review......... Screen Play .......... Hollywood Movie Mag. Open Road (Boys)....... Pathfinder (Wkly.) ... Legal Advertisement | | | | Life Insurance By Special Arrangements with t h e Leading Magazines of the Country We Bring You the Biggest Bargain of All Time . . . . Subscriptions To 3 Famous Magazines with A New or Renewal Order for This Newspaper. □ □ j □ □ □ | □ □ HOWARD, J, LARSEN, Mayor of the Town of Nyssa, State g of Oregon. p ATTEST: At the well attended meeting of Ore gon Trail P.-T. A. Friday arrangements were made for the Christmas program. The following committees were named NOTICE TO CREDITORS by Albert B. Hopkins, president: Buying committee: Mrs. George Mc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Kee, Mrs. Glen Holmes and Mrs. Albert COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Hopkins: decorating: Mrs. J. C. Gray, Mrs. Felix Gambca, and Mrs. Rolland IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ETTA L. FOGLE, Deceased. Holmes; tree: Franklin Fry; lighting The undersigned, having been ap for stage and tree: George McKee; making treat sacks: Mrs. Lucille John pointed by the Judge of the County ston and Aunt Matt Thomason; decor Court of Malheur County, Oregon, ad ating tree: Mrs. Franklin Fry and Mrs. ministrator of the estate of Etta L. J. B. Smith; soliciting, Albert Hopkins Fogle, deceased, and having qualified, and Lloyd Adams; Christmas program; notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims teachers. After the regular business session the against the estate of said deceased, to program committee, Mrs. Fry and Mrs. present them duly verified as required Byers assisted by Mrs. Hopkins gave a ! by law, within six (6) months after the very interesting Christmas seal play. first publication of this notice, at the The following pupils took part: Juan- [ office of E. M. Blodgett in Nyssa, Mal ita Franklin, radio announcer; Dewey heur County, Oregon, said office being Thomason, Uncle Sam; Ileta Franklin, I the place designated where said ad- Denmark; Audrey Gray, Christmas Seal; Junior Holmes, Jack the sick i boy. A song was given by M ildred, ä 11 in in in i l l i m i i i l n n r,m in i iii iii iiiiiiiiiirm iu iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiE - Adams. Vivian Gray, Bonna Rea i I I Franklin and Mary Lou Thomason ac- i eompanied by Annie Holmes. Mrs. Joe I NYSSA SHOE SHOP | Stam sang accompanied by Dwight = Johnston. The P.-T. A. is planning a member ship and attendance drive to begin January 1. The special committee to | Invites you to bring in g work out this plan consists of Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Fry and Mr. Hopkins. The | your old shoes. What 1 Oregon Trail unit has a wide-awake § may seem beyond re- association. ORDINANCE NO. 215 rough dry or float'ironed. I JOHN R. HUNTER, Clerk of the City of Nyssa, State of Oregon. — Sold Exclusively in Nyssa by Words fail us in expressing our grat itude for the assistance, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended to us during our bereavement and sorrow. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and trust the Lord will bless each of you. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Holady, Wayne, Jean and Marjorie. --T— „-7TT- combination pumping, chemical and nunistrator will receive said claims. NYSSA LIBRARY Date of First Publication November h 0 6 e truck equipment, mounted on the Open Saturday Oakland 3-4 ton standard truck chassis Mb. 1933. Town patrons. 2:30 to 5:30 Dkta of Last Publication December which said offer is annexed hereto and l7ih, 1933. marked exhibit “A". Out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:So J. W. FOGLE. SECTION 3. Said offer is hereby ac All patrons welcome. cepted. approved and ratified and upon Administrator of the Estate of Etta Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian the delivery of said fire apparatus to L. Fogle, Deceased. the Town in order to pay the purchase price of said apparatus, the Treasurer of the Town shall Issue Four warrants on the following dates and in the fol lowing amounts: Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. Guarantee Work One typewriter »50 value, covering cash payment to be issued on the date when the said Oakland fire engine is WYCKOFF delivered and accepted by the Town Council. JEWELRY STORE One warrant for $200 to be issued cn Osteopathy and Electrotherapy December, 1934. Official Time Inspector for One warrant for $200 to be Issued on PHONE 201 December 1935. Union Pacific One warrant for $200 to be Issued on December, 1936. Vale, Oregon. Ontario Oregon One warrant for $150 to be Issued on December, 1937. Said warrants are to be delivered to said Howe Fire Apparatus Co. at An derson, Indiana. Immediately after Is suance on the dates set forth and shall jpl — «..■ '■ «■ ■ I— ■ n in „1 m ,n linn | II, 111.11.1:11,11.11 operate as payment on said fire engine. Passed this 13th. day of November, Phone 79 Nyssa for . . . 1933. Town end State.. PHONE 6 NYSSA, ORE. ONTARIO. OREOON