GATE CITY JÜÜK1J-LL, THÜRS., NOVEMBER 2S; m a «M I­ rat Mr. and Mrs. Rush McHargue were THREE TEAMS SHARE DR. MEAD IN PO R TLA N D here from Vale yesterday. HIT BALL HONORS Joe Jay Smith has been ill of flu Dr. Elwood Mead, commissioner of the past week. The six volley ball teams of the city i reclamation, arrived in Portland Tues- Mrs. Lee Lingle, 63, mother of I«I ts got o ff to a flying atari on the new day, accompanied by B E Hayden of Chris Flifeky o i Payette was In Nyssa Tne Kclony surprise club met last schedule Tuesday night Don Oraham. I Klam ath Falls, well known In recia- yesterday an business. ¡Thur.iaay ut thr home of Mis. H. E O ra:e Rusk died at her home In New i r . i . i the following re-.ulu: ' muiion circles In Malheur county. The Plymouth November 12. The Ru^k. ar.. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Hunter spent Sun- Williams, Teams w L property owners here. Í H . | two were entertained by Portland busi­ day at the Westerhelm home in Mer- Mr. and Mis. if. L. Stout of New Piy- .1000 ness men. They left yesterday for Seat­ Postoflice ...... ............ 1 0 Art Boydell, Jess Thompson and ldian. ¡mouth were guests Sunday of Mr. and ....... „..1 0 .1000 tle . They will make a loop trip to visit Marion Klinkenberg attended a mer­ Faculty ............ Jess Melton, who has been visiting ut Mrs. Fred Marshall, 0 ............ 1 .1000 here and to attend the national recla­ chant's meeting at the Hotel Boise U. S. R. S. ....... the Hugh Glasgow homo lor the p ast! Frank Morgan went to Council, Ida., Monday evening. Eagles ............................ ............ .0 0 1 .0000 mation association In Boise November few weeks, left Saturday for his home yesterday on appraisal work. Monday M. E.................................0 0 1 .0000 27. Ontario Floral company furnished In Rawlins. Wyoming. [evening he attended an appraiser's .......... 0 1 .0000 t lovely chrysanthemums for the Junior- Fireman Next F O R M RS. D U N C A N Week's Schodule M r and Mrs. Chas. Garrlscm and meeting in Boise. Senior banquet Saturday night... While 7:30—M. E. vs. Firemen daughter Vera and Mrs. Dale Garrison | Misses Harriet Ray and Adalee Jas- here the Boyers also visited friends 8:00—Postoffice vs. U. S. R. S, went to Boise Friday where they pur- mer spent Monday In La Grande ^ p daughter of Judge David W h m Mrs. Emma Duncan came 8:30—Eagles vs. Faculty chased a new Plymouth sedan. ; where they took the Oregon examina- p Graham has been made a member hem t frem church last S u n d a y she fo i nd a find dinner and a housefull of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jungquist were tion in cosmetic therapy. ¡Qf ^ trained nursing staff at Doern- ccmp.'".y awaiting her return. Her guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley COUNTY P.-T. A. WILL Juan Egurola takes the new short becker hospital in Portland, nephew J. L. Rush and fam ily of at their farm home on the Owyhee cut from Frultiand to make frequent | Robt. Gilchrist and family moved HOLD THRIFT SALE I Rupert, Ida., and nere Mrs. Elsie Han- j Sunday. visits in Nyssa for supplies. He is pas- back to their home near Parma Satur- Miss Harriet Ahearn, publicity chair­ cock and son Charles of Nampa were | | day The Gilchrists stayed at the Klaas Ted Newell of the Nyssa Grain com­ turng sheep at F’ruiUand. pany shipped ten tons o f corn to John Mrs W. A. McNall left Saturday for J Tensen ranch during the lettuce har- man for the Parent-Teacher county her guests. A fter dinner, they visited i council, stated yesterday that the I Owyhee dam. They found it a beautiful Day last week. Twenty tons will be Montana where she will spend several I vest. shipped this week. weeks with her daughters Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hutton and fam ­ ways and means committee with Mrs. [structure, well worth the trip from ily of Vale were guests Sunday of Mr. J. B. Smith, chairman, will hold the 1 Idaho. In honor of the birthday ot ner hus­ Parr and Mrs. Lester Bachman. Coach John Young and Omer Ad- and Mrs. Don Graham. Mrs. John K il­ annual thrift sale in conjunction with band Lon Root, Mrs. Root gave a fam ­ O VERSTREET BUYS HOME Ontario circles Saturday in the First ily dinner Thursday. His parents Mr. kinson attended the football game be­ patrick was also over for the day. Dallas Duncan was over from Em­ National Bank building In Ontario. I t and Mrs. Wm. Root were over from tween Boise and The Dalles In Boise Chas. P. Overstreet purchased the | Friday in which the Oregon team had mett yesterday. He was on return from will be an all day event. Handwork and Caldwell for the event. Boise where he has had charge of a farm produce will be on sale. Mrs. E. H. [small residence near the schoolhouse Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe returned ; a walk away, from Mrs. Mona Smock in a deal closed from Boise Saturday after a visit at Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson made Gem oounty fruit exhibit at the nat­ Brumbach. county president, has also called a special meeting of the board yesterday at Succor creek. He Is moving the national grange convention. Sixth a trip to Frultiand Sunday after new ional grange. J his fam ily into town from the ranch he Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton are ex­ of managers for the same day. degree grangers for 22 years, both of shrubbery for their yard. Dr. J. J. Sar- lented last year from the Federal Land them took the opportunity to become azin was another caller at the nurs- pecting their daughter Mrs. N. A. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wilson have re­ I Bank. Mr. Overstreet is thinking of em­ to arrive this evening from Kimberly, ery. 7th degree members. Oregon Trail P.-T. A. gave a card | Idaho. She Is coming for Thanksgiving turned from the Powell-Ward mine barking in the sheep business. A fine baby son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Taylor Saturday at the party last night at the schoolhouse. nd her husband will join her next week. near Prairie City where they spent the The Nyssa Pharmacy has added a It may be early but A. B. Cain, summer. Development of the mine will home of Mrs. Taylor’s parents Mr. and Pinochle and bridge were In play. line of sheet music to its stock. Mrs. Jess Thompson. They are cele- | Franklin Fry, Mrs. L. L. Gray and Mrs. hatchery man, was taking orders lor be resumed in the spring. biatlng their good fortune in becoming Geo. McKee planned the event while baby chicks in this community today. grandparents. The baby has been nam- Mrs. Lucile Johnston and Mrs. Albert Mr. Cain Is also handling nursery stock. ed Victor Eugene. ¡Hopkins had charge of lunch. Marvin Penrod and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall were dinner guests last Sun­ day at the Erick Peterson home in Apple Valley. John Ernest, Bill Keizer and Frank | Lawrence took in the home coming ! game in Caldwell Friday between the LAMP | College of Idaho and Whitman. They N T O need now for a n y * * < S ( saw a good game with the score tied at i s home to be without plenty o f modem white light of the highest 7 to 7. quality, when this astonishing new Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, parents of Aiaddin in clear sparkling crystal Mrs. Aubrey Fleming, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 can be secured for only $4.75,with a D. W. Turnbull came form Merrill, Or., r beautiful glass or Whip-o-lite shade P I « and caktt y o u 'll w«n( lo bale# for the national grange convention in and tripod for but slightly more. I f — puddings and stuffings yo u'ra Boise. They visited with the Flemings r you prefer color, choose an Aladdin in going to make . . . N o w 's the time colored crystal for an even $5.00, choice ! and left Tuesday for Merrill. Mr. and to prepare all the "trimmings I " o f tw o colors, green or amber, r- | Mrs. Fleming were with them in Boise Take advantage o f these I. G . A , W hy struggle along in the semi-darkness o f the old style kerosene from Friday until Monday. 1 lamp, when this Aladdin will fill it with radiance and cheer, save at m oney-saving values to meke the least one-half on oil, in tact it actual pays for itself in a short time. Mrs. Eddie Powell returned Monday Simple, safe, sanitary — smokeless, odorless and troubleless. Get yours now at this lowest o f all low prices from Weiser where she spent the week A end with her mother Mrs. M ary Mor­ * BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS Substantial savings now on all Aladdins— metal table, bracket, haaf • ris, who Is recovering from a brief ill­ J >ng and floor lamp« and on new colorful vase lamps. Beautiful new ness. Mr. Powell was also out of town . . . . . . Whip-o-lite . . . . . . .K . .... d shades i . u u v , B also IJ V U at l t reduced v u u u u p prices. u v c u , r<~ * ^Corr»ft in and see an Aladdin in operation-— it w ill am aze you! the forepart o f the week as he made a last trip to his mine which is being closed for the winter. :'--s V: Nyssa Commercial club sent a sup­ ply of Vale-Owyhee advertising book­ lets to Boise for distribution at the national grange. I f taken to all the states represented at the convention, the books will be assured almost nation wide distribution. * à U e im i L IT T L E N E W S O F N Y S S A GET READY fOR 'THANKSGIVING NOW! PUMPKIN! 16 » This piquant delicacy— to •»- lantial for a real Thenltagivlnf Dinner— Ji healthful and tooth- C a n tome too. A taite treat Indeed. i 1 Drop In Any Time TABER SAYS FIGHT ■ ■ • f" n A FEW OF OUR EXTRA SPECIALS NOVEMBER 25 to 29, INCLUSIVE Watch for Our Thanksgiving Posters COCOANUTS, Fresh, each 1 MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 1 Pint ...................................................... A Quart $ 1 .5 9 MINCE MEAT, Gallon Jar ........... This Makes a Good Cookie Jar RIPE OLIVES, 9 oz. can GREEN OLIVES, Quart Jar ................ Pint Jar ........................................... FRUITS-FOR-SALAD, NO. 2 1-2, can large, ....................... NO. 2 Can ....................................... Louis J. Taber of Columbus, Ohio, ¡was re-elected master of the national [grange Monday. This is his sixth term. [ Among changes In the staff was the election o f Ray W. Gill, Oregon master, to the executive committee succeeding A. S. Goss of Seattle. Connecticut was chosen for the next national conven­ tion. | Declaring “ the grange will battle as never before in history to protect and promote the interests of the American farmer,” Master Taber stated “our [ troubles will not be cured until we do Justice to the farmer and until agri culture receives its fair share of the national income, sufficient to enable the farmer to pay his debts and taxes and to again purchase the products of industry.” Malheur Grangers Assist Joining Canyon county, Ida., at a dinner meeting for officers of the nat- [ tonal grange at the Dairymen’s cream- ¡ery In Caldwell Tuesday night, were grange officials of Malheur county. For this occasion a song was written by J. | Edwin Johnson. On the program ar­ ranged by Mrs. Karl Norvall, lecturer, iWm. Stradley gave an entertainment ! with the tuba. j Big Bend grangers attending were j Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck, Joe King. H. R. Hatch. Misses Elsie Walter and W il- I ma Long. Joe Brumbach. R. 8. Grant and Mr. Stradley. I LINCOLN BOYS DEFEAT CAIRO SWAN’S DOWN CAKE FLOUR ..... PIKE’S PEAK CAKE FLOUR ............ BISQUICK FLOUR ............................... NAPKINS, 80 assorted, pkg................... When you patronize an IG A store you are buy­ ing from a home-town store, owned and oper­ ated by neighbors and friends. IG A stores are clean and attractive. Their foods are o f the highest quality a n d reasonably priced. IG A stores are known as COMMUNITY BUILDERS Eder Grocery PHONE 58 NYSSA, ORE. | Licoln— Lincoln basket ball boys de- I fented Cairo Friday at Cairo 21 to 2. Oregon Trail is the only school which hns defeated our team this year. ' j In the tootli-brushlng contest Alice Rogers' side lost to Dorothy Nielson's [ side. The losers entertained the winners at a hard-time party Saturday. First j a toothpick and glass of water were j served. Later beans and sandwiches ¡were more gladly received. Lorraine Blanton Mrs. Whit Redsull. Harold and Helen Trenkle, John. Don, and Lucile Ross are all o n the sick* list this week. Mrs. Dale Oarrlson of Nyssa was a , vie tor at the DuPre home Sunday. M r and Mrs. George Robinson were In Payette Saturday. I M r and Mrs. George Markham were at the Robert Davis home Sunday. [ M r and Mrs. Jack Fairman and Helen and M ary visited Owyhee Dam Sundry. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed celebrat­ ed at the Rogers home Sunday, the event being1 Mrs. Reed's birthday. Others observing birthdays were Mildred Nichols. Agnes Redsull and Keith Markham. Happy Birthday, folks! §a!e Feasting time is near, so we are offering you seven days of food saving prices. Visit our store and see what a splendid array of good things to eat that we can supply you. Buy all you want— NO LIMIT. In addition to the items advertised in this space, you will find many other bargains at our store. 7 DAYS — NOVEMBER 25 to DECEMBER^ 1 27 FLOUR, Pride of the Valley, 49 lb. bags..-«-* BISQUICK FLOUR, Gold Medal, pkg.....3 3 C SUGAR, 10 lbs.............................. ........ 5 3 C 4 7 c SNOWDRIFT, 3 lb. cans ..................... ^ 4 ^ 7 WESSON OIL, Half gallon cans............ 1 CAMPBELL’S SOUP, all flavors, 3 c a n s 2 5 C PICNIC HAMS, small size, lb................. QQ c LARD, 4 lb. pkg..................................... COCOANUT, fresh shred, 1 lb. celo- 1 Qp OUR MOTHERS COCOA, 2 lb. cans.....1 8 C CHEESE, mild or old, 5 lbs..................... 6 3 C MILK, all kinds, 4 tall cans for ... 2 3 c RAISINS, 4 lb. pkg................................. * WEDDING CRYSTAL OATS, large pkg. 1 7 C WEDDING BREAKFAST SYRUP, dark r o . gallon can ........................................t lO U OATS, Sun Ripe, 9 lb. bags..... Phone 113 N YSSA IS ON FOR FARMER 3 3 c W HITE KING W ASHING POWDER, o r large size ....................................... •- ^ 4 ' ! _________ Baldridge Implement Co. Thanksgiving Going Back To Work SUNNY M ONDAY SOAP, 10 bars for. .. 1 9 c TELLO, New quick setting, pkg..... ......... 5 c CHOCOLATE, Farmington, very nice, 1 Hn 1 lb. pkg......................................... A I C GWEET POTATOES, 7 lbs. f o r .... ...... 2 5 c Dozens of men are humming these words again — and they sound good. W e rejoice with others in the good fortune of the Owyhee and this vicinity. CELERY, fancy, bunch ....... 5 c LETTUCE, crisp heads ....................... .’... 2 c The WORKING MAN will always find Depend­ able Merchandise awaiting his approval at W il­ son Brothers Drygoods. W’e carry the following No. 1 lines: EASTERN CRANBERRIES, lb..... STAR BRAND SHOES— Men’s W ork Shoes, 16-inch high tops, $3.95 to $8.45. MINCED MEAT, Morrell's Yorkshire A ~ Farm, 9 oz. "k g ............................... A U C MUNSINGWEAR WINTER UNDERWEAR BALL BAND OVERSHOES and RUBBERS ..1 5 c PUMPKIN, 2 1-2, Preferred Stock, 2 cans 2 5 c MINCED MEAT, 9 lb. glass jars .. $ 1 .4 9 CRACKERS, Supreme, 3 lb. boxes . .... 3 3 c Men’s Underwear Med. Weight 69c COFFEE, Golden West, glass jars, 1 lb... 2 9 c Extra Heavy 98c COFFEE, Yellow Bag, 1 lb........ .............1 5 c 50 Pet. W ool $2.95 PEANUTS, fresh salted, lb....... ........... 1 0 c 100 Pet. W ool $3.45 W ALNUTS, New Oregon, lb....... ...........1 8 c W ool Sox 25c Rayon, 2 Pair 25c Cotton, pair 10c Suede Jacket Elastic Bottom $1.98 ALL W ool . BLAZERS Melton Zipper $3.95 Boys’ Sizes $2.95 Wishing You All a Happy Thanksgiving Wilson Drygoods The Friendly Store NYSSA OREGON ALMONDS, new crop, lb........................ 1 7 C PEANUTS, fresh roasted, lb...... 10c POWDERED SUGAR, 4 lbs....... .............2 5 c pM " " M ^'^bIoIu teI^ln dependent*""~^""*M | t WILSON GROCERY Trade Here— W e Can Save You Money PHONE 21 NYSSA, ORE.