G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL, THURS., NOVEM BER 2 3 ,19¿8 Voice of the Press I heavy rain clouds when the “ sunny” south is jammed with ¡visitors attending some convention. To satisfy our curiosity as to just how many sunny days j we have in a year, we would like the weather man at Ad- w. p. a n d a l m a m c l i n o , Publisher. ! rian, H. R. Otis, to give us the statistics on Malheur county — -------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡sunshine. W e have« been told that the sun shines 365 days subscription. Y e a r -------------- $1 no ' jn the year except on Leap Year when it shines 366. subscrpmon, e M onth»---------------- 76 c This may be exaggerating a bit, but we do know this, Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, as Second Class M atUr sunshine is One of OUI' most important resources. SUNSHINE— THE YEAR AROUND I^ate November sees bleak winter in less fortunate places but here November weather is like summer. At night and morning, the air may be a bit frosty but day after day has remained waini and comfortable. W e can safely say that sunshine will continue, if not every day at frequent intervals throughout the winter months. W e don’t often speak of our sunshine. They do that in California and Florida, where they place values of mil­ lions of dollars upon the friendliness of Old Sol. And at that, he has a mischievous trick o f hiding his face behind Jordan Machine Shop And Garage Now Completely Equipped to do all kinds of Machine Work and Automotive Repair. My future policy the highest grade workmanship and use only nationally advertised automotiv parts. Near the Schoolhouse You W ill Like Our Noon Day Meal AMELIA'S PLAN TO END W AR Amelia Earhart, the falcon of her sex, said a few words about war the other day. She believes that women, too, should be conscripted, that they may have a real taste of carnage, “ in­ stead of dressing up and parading down the streets.’’ T h e young men and women ought to be left, she said, until the last. Her suggestion Is that the old­ ONIONS AND RECLAM ATION est p-ople be drafted first, for “ they W e wonder if a more convincing argument in favor of are the ones that start wars." Amelia the federal reclamation program was advanced at the nat­ believes these to be practical ideas, and not mere notions. Put the older women ional convention of the grange in Boise than the huge and the men In the front ranks, so she Malheur county onion which found its way to the desk of thinks, and there won’t be any war. the national master. Grangers from all states marveled at Something of the sort has previously been suggested. Amelia—but you ought that big onion— it i weighed more than a pound, it was to stick to your flying. Not that you round and white and juicy, a tempting onion. It came from have failed to advance a sure cure for land next door to desert land in Malheur county which will war, but because nobody is going to give your advice the serious attention It be reclaimed. really deserves. In effect, you mean to The prejudice against the irrigation o f the arid west show that war is absurd and inglorious, comes from the east which opposes the expenditure of j and that it is sheer folly to slaughter money on this form o f development. The east forgets that the young at the behest of the old.— Oregonian. reclamation funds came from resources o f the west while the west contends that it is right that these revenues should be expended in the west. There is another angle to be considered. The west is ¡coming into its own. Great power developments will bring ¡new industries, manufacturing of all kinds. As the west develops, the west will consume more and more of its crop ! production. There is no justification in the contention that i the west must remain undeveloped in order that produce j from the middle states can be freighted over the Rocky : mountains and into the west. An example of this is the [fact that 70 per cent of the pork consumed on the coast now comes from the farms of the middle states. No, we must be awake to all angles. Growth of the west must be based upon vision and un­ derstanding, in the light o f what the future will bring. Reclamation o f rich, desert lands will play a tremendous I part. Our Specialty for Cool Nights The Nyssa Cafe Joe Ayre, Prop. Nyssa * • * • M A C K ’ S BARBER SHOP Agent for Ontario Laundry Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 E. M. Blodgett Attorney and Counselor at Law Practice in ail Courts Meets Wed. N ight at Eagles Hall N Y SSA , OREGON Visiting Eagles Welcome R. C. Shelton, President Don M. Graham, Secretary Dr. E. D. Norcott D ENTIST Nyssa, Jregon Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 X -R A Y City Transfer E X A M IN A TIO N S TRUCKING ana Dr. C. A. Abbott, D. C. • TRANSFERRING Chiropractic Brooke L. Hart, 22, wealthy young man of San Jose, Cal., was killed by kidnappers before $40,000 ransom was demanded from his parents. Two men, members of respected San Jose families, are charged with the crime. Phone 15 and Phone 28 Phone 29— Res. 25 C. KLINKENBERG NYSSA, OREGON • Oregon State college defeated Ford- ham at New York Saturday 9 to 6, while Oregon lost to Southern Califor­ nia in Los Angles, 26 to 0. DOLLARS A N D DINNER PAILS HOME MADE CHILI « Our Purpose A 12-month license may be purchas­ ed for $5 for private passenger cars to be registered for the year 1934, the new rate being the lowest enjoyed by car owners for many yars. A return to the earlier plan of registering motor vehicles on a calendar-year basis brings a renewal season twice within the twelve months, as well as restoring Oregon to a schedule similar with other states. A drawing for low license numbers will be held on November 27. Who wants No. 17 Taking the place of his famous fath­ er Dr. Robt. C. C offey of Portland, who was killed in a recent airplane crash, Dr. Wm. Coffey performed a serious operation Wednesday upon Miss Valeta Stabler of Butte, Mont, whom the father had promised to serve without charge. The operation was reported very successful. • To Please You is FEE IS O NLY $5 Around the Country M ERCHANT’S LUNCH at 35c Delicious Home Cooking NEW CAR LICENSE Strangely enough, there’s no economic subject the aver- ... - I age citizen knows less about than money. He uses it daily, English and French statesmen are worrying some in regard to President 1 but the tokens with which he barters aren’t really money Roosevelt’s manipulation of the value of [at all. Their only value lies in t hecredit o f the government the gold dollar. The reason for this ap­ issuing them. Real money is seldom seen— it is gold and is prehension is that they fear that under the plan invoked this country will make jealously hoarded by treasuries. inroads on British and French trade. A3 a result ,the average citizen was pretty well puzzled Heretofore, the English and French when the U. S. Government announced that it had start -1 have booted the dollar about at pleas­ ed a world buying campaign in an effort to raise commod-! ure. Now the situation has been rever­ ' ity prices. He couldn’t see the connection. As a matter of sed. fact, the connection is simple enough if simply explained — it’s very much like an auction. The more people you get to bid for an object, the more valuable it becomes. That’s N O W IS THE TIMe true of gold. When the United States went into the market FOR C O O L IN G SYSTEM SERVICE there was another important bidder for the yellow metal, D o n ' t run a chance of ruining our motor when one supply o f and its price rose accordingly. A t the same time, the value ¡veready Prestone, put m a o f the dollar, which has a definite gold backing, declined, clean, tight cooling system, w ill safeguard your car through tha and commodity prices went up. Briefly described, the dol­ longest, hardest winter. This lar has been cheapened, and it is worth less wheat, cloth­ perfect anti-freeze provides alU aeason protection with a one­ ing and gasoline than it was a while ago. i & «■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ J When in the Market for On the Old Job “ * W O O D AND TIMBER Fence Posts, Corral Poles, Derrick Poles Write— H. D. Holmes 3 n A U D Y BAZE T R A N S FE R AN D B AG G AG E All Kinds of Hauling In City Limits * ■ W E H A U L CHEAP £ a Box 85, Vale, Oregon M S n w n m i n u f PHONE 5 NYSSA, OR. Nyssa Fonerai Home time investment that more than out in absolute security; ^ iys ou can have the utmost confi­ NO VIRTUE IN TA X PENALTIES Phone 76F3 dence in this product. I t la gu aran teed by the m anufac­ turer and endorsed by many prominent users. Drive in today and let na flush out all old scale and rust from the cooling system, tighten up connections and give your fa r trouble-free protection. Clint Haight, publisher at Canyon City, a writer who has a habit of hitting the nail on the head, advances his ideas about the tax delimma. Clint says: To escape the tax debacle there seems to exist a mass mouthing for increased penalities for tax delinquencies and some have carried it to the extreme o f 10 per cent in­ terest; an immoral, illegal, vicious rate for individuals, but | justified, in the helpless confusion of things, for the state. We tried that and it failed and the penalties were rescind- j ed. W e have tried al kinds of interest rates and penalties j and they failed and now let’s go to the other route and ! ir ta n .a a ii n i l have the legislature abolish all interest and penalties for »o • r t i s A i A t i o N or IHI delinquent taxes. By mandatory provision require publication o f delin- PERFECT A N T I-F R E E Z E , quencies each year, followed by the mandatory tax fore- — AT— j closure at the end o f the three-year period and permitting ! taxes to be paid quarterly. Thati is all of the tax laws that 1 we need. No interest, no penalty, publication each year of delinquencies and tax foreclosure each year. Make this all required by law and no discretion left to court, officer One-Stop Service or person. No one who can help it will allow his taxes to go N YSSA OREGON thred years. W e have laws now, but no one pays any at­ tention to a penalty o f 10 or 12 per cent, and there will be no incentive to own real estate. j — ■■ Ten per cent is immoral, and there should be no interest and no penalty, but a certain fixed, definite date for a Keeping Up . . . county blanket foreclosure o f tax delinquencies, with pub­ licity o f the delinquents. Appearances This will solve the tax problem as far as it is humanly is keeping fit possible. Heavy penalty and high interest will only con­ found it. Do you agree with Clint? \ EVE READY PRESTONE Ambulance Service The overall we guarantee Y o u can’ t g o w rong on this overall. W e ’ re back o f it and the factory it back o f us. Y o u don ’ t save money buying a cheap o ver- all. Jtgoesw ron gandyouh aven ocom eback. W h y m onkey with cheap stu ff when this overall is guaranteed to g iv e you lots o f wc* c o m f o r t and satisfaction? Just try on a pair. Y o u ’ ll like it so w ell you w on ’ t want to take it off. A ll sizes in stock. com TAILOR GARAGE W o rk G o t h e s EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY CLARK W O O D Scientists say a milion flu germs can sit on the head of a pin. Yet one could wish that, when in convention assem­ bled, they’d stick to the point. A biologist finds that “ human beings are taller in the morning than at night.” Yeah! But what about us who are short all the time. R elief will be greatest when it ceases to be a major prob­ lem. Chancellor Kerr no doubt considers that if he resigns in order to placate his enemies he will disappoint his friends. The problem is, as we understand it, to make the price I o f whiskey low enough to put the bootlegger out o f busi­ ness, and high enough to keep Uncle Sam in business. Beauty experts at the Owyhee shop know how to bring fresh loveliness to your hair. W e are glad to serve you any­ time. Owyhee Beauty Shop Nyssa Oregon NYSSA . OREGON