GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., NOVEMBER 9, 1983 Fischer Weds Wilder Miss In Idaho City * COUPLE RETURN SUNDAY Surprising friends here, the Boise Statesman Sunday announced the mai - riage of Jacob Gerrit Fischer of Nyssa and Miss Nona Faye Maxwell of Wild­ er. Fischer is a well known farmer of this community and on Sunday return­ ed with his bride. They were charlvar- led that evening by a large crowd of friends, a number of them from the Eagles lodge of which Fischer is an officer. The couple is at home at the Fischer farm near town. • * * • BRIDGE-LUNCHEONS Two delightful social events of last Visit VALE HOT SPRINGS The House by the Side of the Road Sparkling Nourishing Beer, Dance and Dine. The only resort of its kind between Portland and Denver. Day and Night No Minors. Service i n n linn i ni 'i i in iT'tnfflmiiMittM«iiMMiiiiiit> week end were bridge-luncheons given ! Holden Clement who live a few miles MISS BEAUMONT HOST IDAHO UTILITY PLAYS revenue. Call on Friday and Saturday by Mrs. Wes­ out of Nyssa on Snake river, was mar­ To manufacture and distribute tills ley J. Browne and Mrs. Ray Emmott at ried to Miss Irene Durbin of Ontario Lee Merl Beauty Shop FOR KOLONY P-T-A TAX GATHERER ROLE amount of electricity the company the Emmott home. Guests were Invited last Saturday, Rev. Hovda olflcaling. pent $2,110.501.65. Bookkeepers call for five tables each day. Chrysanthe­ Harry Smit and Miss Melba Gorham of ! tills operating expense. The balance of mums decorated the rooms. On Friday Frultland were attendants. Young Boise—(Special,)—The extent to ¡$1.563.522.44 is known as net opeiating Kingman Kolony—Miss May Beau­ for all kinds of beauty work, per­ Mrs. Leo Hollenberg won first prize, Clement is buying a ranch on which mont, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Toombs which public utilities have become tax­ revenue. manent waves, finger waves, sham­ Mrs. Jess Thompson, second; and Mrs. the couple will make their home. On tilts volume of business the com­ and Mrs. H. R. Otis, entertained the gathering agencies is vivdly illlustrated poos. hair dyes and faciabi. Don Graham, low. Saturday favors fell Kolony P.-T A. at a well attended in a recent study made on the basis of pany paid $630,771.26 in taxes to the to Mrs. W. McLing, Mrs. Dean Smith meeting last Friday. Mrs. C. C. Cotton 11932 reports of the various utilities to state of Idho and its subdisions. (In- and Mrs A. V. Cook, low Miss Adalee Jasmer ENGLISH FRIENDS presided at the business session during ' the public utilities commission. eluding taxes paid the federal govem- • ♦ • « which Miss Meda Dearborn was ap­ To put it in a nutshell, the largest i ment, the total tax bill was $691,068.591 Operator TUESDAY BRIDGE SEE SEA SERPENT pointed to direct the Kolony’s end of Idaho operator—on the basis of whose | on business within Idaho. Tuesday bridge club met with Mrs. the county thrift sale on November 25. reports this study was made—pay to Dewey Ray this week with all members Mrs. Bruce Hare, program chairman, the state 17.2 cents out oi every dollar Clifford Lathen was enrolled Friday attending. At the close of the evening, English friends of Mrs. Margaret presented three little girls, Domra Ash­ • its customer pay Into it, or 29.89 cents Mrs. Leo Hollenberg held high score, Pashley call a sea serpent observed off craft, Rose McGinnis and Emily Otis, for every dollar operating expense, or in tlie C. C. C. but as yet his parents Mrs. Frank D. Hall, second. Dainty re­ the British coast, Cadborosaurus, or who gave book reviews. Mrs. Maurice j 40.34 cents out of every dollar of net ¡do not know where he will be stationed Keeping Up . . freshments were served. "Caddy” for short. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. I Judd, Mrs. Victoria Schweizer and Mrs. ■ revenue. This is purely for state, count- for the winter. * * * * Bryden reported th at they saw the Hare read reports on school topis. Mrs. ty and other similar taxes and does not Appearances monster while fishing off Gonzales | m . M. Greeling, study chairman, will take into account the sixty-odd thous­ SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY Last Monday, the Junior department Point near Trial island. ¡provide material for the 15-minute and dollars of federal taxes paid. is keeping fit "He was a dirty green color with a I talks on "Nutrition,” which will be of the Methodist Sunday School had a Or, figuring another way, every serrated bock resembling a fan as he Halloween party at the church. About ¡given a t each meeting The next meet­ kilowatt hour of electricity sold in the 45 children attended. Mrs. C. A. Abbott undulated in the water. He was spout­ ing will be devoted to a program in ! state carries slightly more than a half and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper assisted ing water with a gushing sound. Wo 'connection with the sale oi health cent of taxes. Geo. J. Kinzer Mrs. Wesley Browne with games and have been fishing here for years and 'seals. Mrs. R. R. Overstreet is chair­ The company in 1932 had an operat- have seen numerous seals and porpoises man for this end of the county. lunch. ig revenue of $3,673,757.09 from its Ida- * * * * but nothing th at resembled the ser­ John Moses, brother of Archie Moses, I ho properties; in other words, sold Plumbing and Heating pent-like monster. ST. PAUL'S GUILD was visiting in the Kolony this week. juice representing that sum to custom­ "He compared with the description St. Paul' Guild met yesterday with M. L. Judd and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet ers in the state of Idaho. This repre- Mrs. A. V. Cook. Rev. Tennyson and of the sea serpent reported seen by F. were in Vale on business Friday. | sented a total of 118,552,472 kilowatt —Agent for— W. Kemp in 1932,” the Brydens said. Rev. Stanley Moore were present to A surprise party was given for Mrs. hours. This income is called gross op- Much interest in sea serpents has Bruce Hare at her home Thursday in discuss church plans. Beauty experts at the • « • • been aroused since one of the unusual honor of her birthday. creatures was reported near Seattle. A number of the Kolony farmers are Owyhee shop know how MONDAY BRIDGE CLUB McCOY FURNACE Mrs. Eddie Powell entertained Mon­ They seems to be very rare, so rare in hauling their winter’s supply of sage to bring fresh loveliness day bridge club and a few extra guests fact that some people insist that sea brush. to your hair. W e are at a dellgthful party Monday evening. serpents are halllcinations. STOKERS A business meeting of the Girl Scouts glad to serve you any­ Dessert tables were decorated with was held at the home of Lois Enos autumn leaves. Mrs. Ted Newell won Tuesday evening. time. NEWS OF OWYHEE first prize, Mrs. Ed. Wilson, consola­ Kenneth Williamrl( who has been tion. Guests included Mrs. Earl Har­ — Demand and Get 1 * Saves Fuel employed at Twin Falls, has returned Owyhee—Mr. and Mrs. Doc Pullen home. man, Mrs. Malcolm Crawford, Mrs. Francis Burger, Mrs. C. L. McCoy, Mrs. returned from Utah Saturday, accom­ Provides Automatic Leo Hollenberg and Mrs. Agnes Wilson. panied by Mrs. Ovelton, mother of * * * * Mrs. Pullen, who will spend the winter OREGON TRAIL Heat here. FOR MRS. DOOLITTLE TRIMS KOLONY FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fetter left Mon­ .Complimenting Mrs. Barr Doolittle, Mrs. George Stacey entertained a large day on a trip to California. Clarence Phone 134J2 Parma number of guests at a shower yesterday Pullen accompanied them. Oregon Trail—Oregon Trail basket Oregon Nyssa Miss Lila Hite and Orville Me Ewe n ball team won its seventh straight afternoon. A social time was enjoyed while guests made blocks for a Sun- took advantage of good weather Sun­ game by defeating Kingman Kolony bonnet quilt lor the honoree. Then her day and motorcycled to Harper. Friday 32 to 14. Gilbert Holmes, reg­ Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hite made a trip ular guard, was replaced by Billie gifts were brought in and admired by ECAUSE of a unique process all present. A plate luncheon was serv­ to Nampa Saturday. Wilson. V/ilson Keck was high point | in manufacture, Genuine Bayer Boys took the most prizes at the re­ man with 16 counters ed at the close. Aspirin Tablets are made to dis­ * * * • cent Halloween party. Francis Douglas Miss Edna Flanagan, health nurse, dissolve— INSTANT­ won first prize on his flapper costume, recently inspected the Oregon Trail integrate—or FOR MRS. HOLMES’ Every Day Is . . . . LY you take them. Thus they start Honoring Mrs. Rolland Holmes, re­ 1 Anna Louise Schweizer on her hobo school. She commented upon the school to work instantly. Start “taking cent bride, Mrs. George McKee. Mrs. J. get-up. Other prizes went to Norman yard. She also praised the school upon hold” of even a severe headache, B. Smith and Mrs. Franklin Fry gave ! Douglas, Russell Patton and Buddy being clean and orderly. neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatic paia a shower last Thursday at the Glen Schweizer, pirates, and to Clayton P at­ Jack McKee was editor of the Nov­ a few minutes after taking. And they provide SA F E relief— Holmes residence. Inviting many ladies ton. Miss Alta Bradley and Mrs. Carl ember issue of the Trail. A new staff for Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN does of the Oregon Trail community. Mrs. Jungquist had charge of games. will be appointed for December. not harm the heart. So if you want Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schweizer enter- Dick Holmes and Miss Lillian Austin Pupils who made the spelling honor QUICK and SAFE relief see that attended from town. The bride received j tained the Jungquists at dinner Sun­ roll were: Georgia Gavert, Harold Wil­ you get the real Bayer article. Look many nice gifts and a luncheon was day while Max and Houston Dunaway son, Junior Holmes, Vivian Gray, Floyd lor the Bayer cross on every tablet were guests at the Bigelow home. served at the close. Holady, Dewey Thomason. Ueta Frank­ as shown above and for the words * * * * Albert Rust, who has been ill the past lin, Audrey Gray, Elsie Keck, Raymond GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN oa at the every bottle or package you buy. month, is little improved. CLEMENT-BURBIN Morfltt, Bill Wilson Jack McKee, Bar- [ _________Member N. R. A. Eugene P ratt of Ironside has come to clay Wilson, Floyd Wicklander. Buel Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. live on the ranch owned by his mother GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN 1 Mrs. Anna D. S. P ratt near Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McNall were in DOES NOT HARM THE HEART Butte. Boise yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Conahey have moved to the Dunaway ranch recently vacated NYSSA, OREGON by Oscar Pinkston. The ranch is being run by Houston and Max Dunaway. Owyhee Community Club will meet with Mesdames Ida Walters and Adah We are well equipped to do your Laundry nice­ Schweizer at the Walters home Thurs­ day, November 16. ly and cheaply, whether you wish it all finished, George Huffman, Kenneth McDon­ ald and Fred Pullen are poisoning rough dry or float'ironed. gophers for the county. The Oscar Pinkston family enter­ Howdy Folk: Armistice Day. What Our Low Prices Will Please tained Mr. Pinkstons daughters Mrs. memories that brings back. Well in Marks and Mrs. Neil and their families the last fifteen years we have had Mrs. Margaret Pashley, Prop. from Homedale Friday. our minds changed about most Phone 83F2 everything except second lieuten­ OREGON GETS TRANSIENT CAMPS ants. I Double-Quick | Relief j Owyhee Beauty Shop I j S3 GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN B Here’s the NEW C oleman F a su -n n a e AU T O M ATI C ELECTRIC IRON • Light Weight, 3/4 Lbs. Full Size, IOOO Watts N o bearing down, no heavy pushing and pulling. T he extra heat does the work of extra weight. All you have to do is to guide the new Coleman Easy-Glide and it gives you beautiful work, quickly done. Heat auto­ matic and adjustable. Saves up to 40% on cur­ rent cost. STURDY, ACCURATE, l ONG- LASTING THERMOSTAT • DEPENDABLE, LONG-LIFE HEATING ELEMENT Graceful In design. Fin­ ished in super chromium plate. isnsaxi WASH DAY * • • • And Public opinion is more and more favorably fixed on Shell products. * * * SEE THEM AT— BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. In observance of Armistice Day Nyssa married couples are request­ ed to stop fighting for one minute starting at eleven o'clock. • Nyssa Oregon • • Oregon has been alloted $10,000 for winter transient camp» at Portland and Klamath Falls. At these centers all transients will be welcomed. They will be staffed by trained social workers to aid the individuals in working out their personal problems as well as to provide them with food, shelter and clothing. Idaho will have one camp at Pocatello. * “It may be a serious thing for a girl to get married," says Lotta Gas, “but in these days of un­ employment, it is a darn sight more serious not to." EDER HARDWARE COMPANY THE UNITED LAUNDRY FREE AIR • WANT ADS Fitting our service into your needs is our constant study. To that end we Invite suggestions from you. QUILTS WILL BE MADE by the ladies aid for church benefit. We will be glad to make your quilts, or do the ¡quilting. Quilts for sale at Nyssa Realty Company. NORCOTT SERVICE FOR RENT—Apartment or large mod­ em home, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. H. R. Quinby, City. • * * Capitalized Have your Hat, Suit, Dress, C o at. . . • MAN—Will be In Nyssa / j Nyssa Oregon MATTRESS Saturday, mattresses rebuilt, made I like new, for about half the cost of a one. He will call at your home, or ¿ni mi 111111 inumili in h wNNMMnmumMNi iiiiiiiiinn n mili 11 timt min iiiiíimiiimmí new you may phone 19 for appointment. A. Liberty Theatre 2 I F Smyth, agent Economy Mattress Company, Boise. Nov. 16. Pd. SLEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT—at reasonable rates. Inquire Nyssa Shoe Shop. : FOR SALE—Last year’s com 1 cent : per pound, John Kakebeeke, Nyssa. j I Nov. 16Pd. : Friday-Saturday, November 10, 11 “TRICK FOR TRICK” ; CIDER FOR SALE, made from clean apples, gallon 25 cents. C. W. RE- : BERBER, Nyssa. With Ralph Morgan, Victor Jory, Sally Blane : WANTED—Ranch to rent, 50 or 100 acres. Write Gate City Journal, Nys- I sa. Sunday-Monday, November 12, 13 “KING OF THE JUNGLE” With The Lion Man (Buster Crabbe) and Frances Dee Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Nov. 14, 15, 16 Ann Harding and William Powell in - . “DOUBLE HARNESS” With Henry Stephenson and Lilian Bond Not Just Cleaned AMERICAN RED CROSS r p ilE 1933 poster of the American Red 4 Cross, distributed nationwide. Is an NETTED GEM POTATOES for sale appeal for an enlarged membership. | Place your order now. Jake Fisher, 1 Resources were never more vitally ! mile west of town. Oct. 12* needed than in this fourth year of eco­ nomic distress. | FOR SALE—Apple oidor 25c per gallon, j Memberships, which cost one dollar Winesap apples 25c per bushel you or more, are used to support the unem­ furnish the container. H. R. Sherwood, ployment relief work of chapters and ¡Nyssa. national organization; nationwide dis­ WANTED TO B U Y—Feeder pigs. aster relief work; health work in hun­ dreds of communities, with special ref­ FRED KLINOBACK, Nyssa. erence to preserving the health of WANTED A MAN WITH CAR to sell mothers and children; safety work McConnon’s products. See J. R. tliressb teaching first aid and life sar­ in«' welfare work through elx million Hunter. eehaeS children who are member! of FOR SALE—Netted Gem potatoes 75 the l*oJor Ked Croee; and one of the cents: Be by Lima and navy beans 4 mww haportaal taske ever to face the cents pound. A. D. Moses, Nyssa 14 Rad O eee heesie# ue the eeorale ef mite east of Owyhee bridge. Nor. 16Pri veterans of our wars, and handling their problems of compensation pay­ ments, arising from changes In govern­ mental regulations. One hundred twenty disasters en­ gaged the financial and personnel forcos of the Red Cross during the past year. More than a million dollars was spent In relief of families who lost their all In hurricanes, storms, fires, earthquake and other frightful calami­ ties. President Roosevelt has said: "I can be counted on to foster and aid In e e r y way In my power the great work year organization (The Red Cross) M a t carry on.” Can any citizen of the nation tail to do llkewlee? Join aa e member of rear a w l chap­ ter daring the rob ealL There is a difference— a try will convince you. Let the Capital Cleaners do your cleaning, mai orders promptly filled. For your convenience we have established a local agency, at Wilson Brothers Drygoods. Leave your clothing there. Our Representative In Nyssa, Vale and Parma Every Week Capital Cleaners BOISE IDAHO