NYSSA. OftBGON GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON [RRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXVII. THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NO. 42. nr GROWERS C l SPEED NEW ALLOTMENT PLAN ™ EAEÄ S WITHIN 2 WEEKS JORDAN VALLEY Ï0 VOIE ON GRAZING ON SEPTEMBER 8TH Un i 3nLLLI ,U Ny s s a Station » BUSIEST AND FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN OREGON INVESTIGATE LOCATE $1.50 PER YEAR NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1933 Railroad Gives NY o û a , LIVE WIRE BLOWS DOWN AT DESERET; WILSON JUMPS IT ASSEMBLY RATIFIES REPEAL B Ï 11010 FUE SPUD SHIPMENTS REACH 24 CARS WORTH $14,400 The past two weeks was an A high tension power line, carry eventful period for Mr. and Mrs. ing 11,000 volts of electricity, was Lem Wilson of Nyssa whose three torn down by the windstorm Tues daughters were married during day near the Deseret sheep ranch that time. when the storm reached almot 1 New service inaugurated at the Nys- It happened this way. Miss Min cyclonic proportions around 5:30 jsa depot during the week will be wel nie Wilson, their youngest daugh o’clock. Panels of wood were blown comed by the people of Nyssa and the j ter, decided to slip one over on her about like bits of paper. When one Owyhee project. EACH FARMER IS REQUESTED TO sister Gladys whose wedding was C. VAN ZELF REPORTS BIG YIELD STOCKMEN OF INTERIOR PRO Raymond A. Richardson of Nampa jC. L. McCOY AND J. R. BLACK.ABY | of them struck the power line the set for Sunday. On Saturday, Miss DETERMINE AVERAGE PRODUC wire came down and started several has been transferred to this station to * CAST REPEAL BALLOTS FOR ON TWO ACRES; ALFALFA SEED CEED WITH ORGANIZATION UN serve as telegrapher-clerk. He will as- j Minnie became the bride of Clar small fires in an open field. A TION; TEMPORARY COMMITTEE CROPS ARE EXCELLENT. ence Mull, son of Mr. and Mrs. MALHEUR COUNTY ; M A Y O R fence nearby was electrified and sist Agent W. T. Posey whose hours DER NEW GRAZING LAW. IS NAMED. John Mull of Arcadia. Unknown to flames were shooting everywhere. have been reduced from 8 a. m. to 4 p .' BAKER IN ACTION. friends and relatives, they were Vern Wilson, one of the first men n. daily. Richardson will serve from 4 ! quietly wedded at the Baptist par Harvest of the early potato crop to run toward the flames, narrow p. m. until midnight. Sunday hours are [ Friday, September 8, voters within sonage in Payette. On Sunday the ly escaped the live wire which was reached its peak in Nyssa this week Wheat growers of Malheur county 8 a. m. to 10 a. m. and from 4:30 p. m. f The Oregon constitutional convent the proposed Jordan Valley grazing wedding of Miss Gladys Wilson and on the ground. He Jumped over it, with the loading of eight more cars. caii hasten the wheat adjustment pro- until 6:30 p. m. ion. by a vote of 110 to 5, late Monday district, now In the process of organ Robert Morfitt of the Owyh«*» was coming too near for comfort. The This brings shipments for the season fciam and expedite their own cash ben Effective today, Nyssa will have daily in Salem adopted a resolution favoring ization, will hold a special election ¿ £ ' 0 * V s'tT nd Vest solemnized in Caldwel'. T h e y power was turned off before any ! to 24 cars, valued at approximately efits by preparing their own records of repeal of the 13ih amendment. All del will reside on the Wise runch. great damage was done. ¡$14,400. This year the grower is re wheat production for the past three egates followed the instructions of the Two weeks ago Miss Inez Wilson A threshing crew had Just fin ceiving around $600 for a. carload, con years, five years if possible. County The petition ^ organization 1 having ^ intermediate pofnts hi,s >>ajor.t.v vote of their respective n u n - was married to Henry W. Sherrill taining around 320 sacks per car, while ished the day’s work when the Agent R. G. Larson informed The Jour been duly approved by the Malheur ... , __* ~ .f .ties. C. L. McCoy of Nyssa and J. R. of Nyssa. formerly of Donnelly, ¡last season he received a pittance of storm struck the Deseret. , nal Tuesday. Idaho. • county grazing board, without a dis- ^ " / t r a f n . No. 20 leaves Portland' ^ I Blaekaby. of Ontario, elected on the re- $60 per car. A preliminary committee, working peal platform, cast their votes accord As a result, the Wilsons have j Eight carloads of wheat were receiv with Mr. Larson, has divided the coun prcposLjV°clistrict k « “ - “ J thE f01- ingly. gained three sons. ed by the Nyssa Elevator during the ty into eight communities as required public by publication, the final step I ‘owing morning at l : i 3 a. m. Mi'S. David T. Hoireyman of Portland j week from the Homedale section. Three under the organization set-up. Assist is the forthcoming special election. The was elected president of the conven ¡carloads of wheat were shipped from ing this preliminary committee are Joe said district is being oiganized under a tion, her name having beep presented Adrian. Brumbach, Big Bend; Maurice L. Judd. new grazing law passed by the last ses by fix-Mayor George L. Baker of that | Golden are the stories of potato crops Kingman Kolony and Owyhee; Frank sion of the Oregon legislature, a for- city, who paid tribute .tv her work. which brought the first good income in Morgan, Nyssa; H. E. Noah. Ontario; H ; mer law adopted in 1923 having been ("Mrs. Honeyman has lafcvet.d to bring several years to lucky farmers of this Clifton Blacksley, Oregon Slope and found unconstitutional by the supreme 1 about a better understanding of the IIEWES SUGGESTS THAT IDAHO ;area. C. Van Zelf cropped over 200 Weiser; J. E. Russel, Vale; Earl Flock. court over a year ago. repeal campaign with the tttouaht that sacks to the acre which brought him Harper and Westfall. The other unit SHARE C O S T OF BUILDING I T h e new law provides that only those the country has drifted into a f-W-te of $800 for a 2-acre patch. R. H. Young is Jamieson and Brogan. {receiving permits to graze within the chaos and there is defiance of Jaw »md ROAD FROM HOMEDALE TO JOR of Parma is said to have cropped 315 Growers .Asked to Help CONGRESSMAN WILL SPEAK AT .district shall be permitted use of such LOCALS DEFEAT PARMA BUSINESS order." said Baiter. "We are through sacks to the acre, Joe Watanabe of DAN VALLEY. By use of threshing machine records, with hypocricy and want a return ol ANNUAL TRI-COUNTY GRANGE grazing lands. Permits shall be granted Cairo 225 sacks to the acre from a 10- warehouse receipts or other informa MEN G TO 2 IN TWILIGHT GAME by the county grazing board wliich temperance and respect for Jaw.” --------- ocre field. tion, each grower is to figure out not I PICNIC ON CAMP CREEK SUM- consists o f the three members of the When someone suggested from the I LAST THURSDAY. Alfalfa Certified only his acreagd but his production f o r ! DAY. gallery that Mayor Baker greet Mrs. ! WwjV.inglon-After a conference yes- county ouurt and the county veterin Felton Duncan lias a prize field of the past three years at least, and pref- \ , Honeyman as he did the famous actress iterday th Doctor Hewes, ^ we®«*™ Ladak alalfa which has been inspected arian. trably for five years. That means first I 1 The proyeied Jordan Valley district ! Mary Garden, he stooped sligVtly and ! head of tla bureau of public roads, by County Agent Larson for certifica In a return kitten ball game with j Senator Pope of Idaho expressed a of all for thfl crop 1931 and , I Sunday, August 13, grangers, their loom prists a -large body of desert land - - years 1930, ------------ men here Thursday kissed her on the cheek. Uiat the I. a ). N. road which would tion. Larson believes the 7-acre tract 1032, and if possible for the years 19291 families and friends from Malheur, i.in eastern and southern Malheur coun- Parma . . . . . business , Mrs. C. S. Jackson of Portland 'pro view make some splendid seed. Mr. Lar- end 1928 as well. ¡Gfi'ant and Baker counties will motor to ;ty, running to th e Idaho line. Stockmen n if,^t’,.Ny*S1' '’luggers c i ™ out on top posed that the convention favor out give southwest Idaho a direct outlet to the firal score 6 to 2. McClure califom ia. is near* Konsumation than also nspocted around 500 acres Once the individual grower's part, the pines along Camp Creek for the (who have taktm an active part in peti- wlth lawing the saloon in Oregon, wYwx- before jof Grlnim alfa,fa which is being raised average production is determined and annual tri-ccunty grange picnic. Con fionjng for the district are Lee Strode, again took the hitting honors with two upon it was moved to adjourn. The C'Doctor Hewe* is o .. B is c a y west, and ,of J he lRrgf t * * accepted, allotment will be simple as it j grutsman Walter M. Pierce and Mrs. Wm. Melier, Holmts Glover, LaVerne bingles out of four trips to bat. AB R H E motion onrried. A number at deleg M «. ,111 confer with Dlstrwi Engineer *• Ut atof Haga and Sli tael at Nyssa box score— is fixed at 5 per cent of the average I Pierce, former state librarian, will A n a w e l t , A n d r e w Cunningham. stated that a liquor control commission ........ 4 0 0 0 n a c h at Ogden, and later with the |Danner. Trent Johnson of Vale has annual production—unless crop failure speak. There will be music by the Vale Tltomas CowgiH, Marion Wroten and Doolittle ....... 4 0 0 0 had been ap|>ointed by Governor M fV r highway commissions of Origan and j another good crop. Graham ..... or other special circumstances during band Ac.drew Greeley. ...... 4 2 2 0 and that it was not within the scope of Idaco, in an attempt to bring abqut a n ' McClure ...... the base iteriod make some adjustment B.’ach party is requested to bring a Stockjmen in all part* of Malheur ....... 3 1 1 0 the convention to consider matters agreement on a compromise plan /o r CIVIC CLUB WILL necessary. picnic Basket for the community dinner county are watching the organization D. Young .... 3 1 I 0 other than repeal.. Andrews computing the missing link in this Malheur Stake Large which will be spread at noon. Coffee with much interest and will probably HOLD GARDEN FETE ....... 3 1 1 1 At luncheon, the Salem Hop Growans’ highway, between Homedale and Jor Malheur county, with a total average will be furnished by the grange. Mrs. take similar steps to limit grazing in association entertained the delegates! ai 3 1 1 0 dan Vafey- annual production of 330,666 bushels, Frank McCarty, of Boulevard, chair their districts if the organization is Mrs. C. C. Hunt’s division of Nyssa 2 0 0 0 the Hotel Marian. Inasmuch as this road is said to be Civic club will hold the annual social lias a real ’ stake" in the success of the man o f the Home Economics commit made effective. Jordan stockmen are ....... 3 0 0 0 A. Norcott ... of primary benefit to Idaho, but must wheat plan, first results of which will tee. will have charge of the feast. also the first in the state to organize meeting Wednesday, August 16, at the Ed. Norcott .. ....... i 0 0 1 largely run .through a sparsely set- Barrett garden in Arcadia. Cars will be cosh payment beginning this fall. JORDAN MATRON’S J. Edwin Johnson of Vale is lining up under the new law. AB R H E Parma box score— | tied section of Oregon, Doctor Hewes The county has been given an allot- the program for Malheur county while DAUGHTER DIES |}\ .\s suggested *. change of route run- leave from the Eagles hall at 2 o'clock ....... 3 0 0 0 Platt men* of 195,301 bushels which.means j Mrs! B. Axe will have charge for Grant. with a committee In charge of trans ....... 3 0 1 0 H. JuiTles .... i I m V south in lowiio about half the dis that this amount times 20 cents or county. With other numbers by Baker HAN Elf HEADS STATE Jordan Valley—Word lias been re tance, then cross]** into Oregon, but portation. Visitors from Ontario. Par . 3 0 0 0 $39,062.20 is the amount of cash avail county (grangers, a well filled day is ...... 3 1 0 ceived cf the- death of Mr- N. L. 151«- with .'«he understanding that Idaho ma and Vale, who were guests at tho able this fall if all wheat growers in in store. 3 1 0 2 son of Altus. Okia., who was lo ix n irly shall esn tribute a major part of the meeting at the Barrett home a year F. Jurrics ... the county Joined the plan. In addition, Local grange oil leers are planning to will be Invited to attend next ....... 3 0 0 0 Miss Fern L. Harris. She was the only cost out o f its federal aid highway I ago. Doman ....... Wednesday Nyssa and Kolony ladies from $15624.08 to $19,530.00 will be set up «camp Saturday night. Others ....... 3 0 0 0 daughter of Mrs. R, L. Munger of Jor fund. Hewes assured Senator Pope tills forthcoming next spring. who are coming to the picnic are invit usually attend en masse so a large . ...... 3 0 0 0 dan Valley-. of the advisory board for Oregon un arrangement can be made under the crowd is expected. No program is plan Is Local Problem ed to sLart early as sports are planned 0 ...... 2 U 0 Stringfield ... der the federal public works adminis highway Act, end he has unofficial ad ned as all guests enjoy the opportunity Appointment of the temporary cam- i for the. morning hours. tration in Portland Friday. C. C. Hock vices, that such a plan would be favor to Inspect Mrs. Barrett's large variety pa’.gn committee emphasizes the idea I --------------------------- ROBERT LONG GOES ley and R. N. Stanfield, ttie other mem ably received by the states moi*. con that local farmers will themselves be _ _ _ and garden plants. CITY REFUNDS BONDS bers .attended, as did Marshall N Dana, AFTER KILLER HEAR cerned. If ttte states agree, Hewes sees of rockery _________________ in charge of the administration of the RED CROSS NEEDS tio reason why the project should not , j- p r i N T D A P T G D plan. The final permanent association At an adjourned meeting of the city CHILDREN’S CLOTHES] Portland was •^commanded as Ore- council piaced under construction in the ** r Y lic . L U i l 1 R A U 1 U K Aimed with a bear trap, Robert will consist of three members from last night, a sealed bid for the 1 gon heat’qunrters for the public works ‘Pud’’ Long returned to his cam p above T»t distant future. GETS OWYHEE JOB each of the eight districts of this refunding water bonds of the city of ¡Ironside Monday. He is aft«* a bear Sclgoal clothes for boys and girls are (Administration county. These community units will Nyssa, in the amount of $19,000. was The question o f the priority of pro (which has killed a number of sheep on, R. F. Nlchol, Vale contractor, has also elect their own members of the needed by the Nyssa Red Cross, reports received from the state treasurer. Re bid in the concrete structure work on Mr. Lillian Newby. All contributions jects as filed with the governor’s re funding bonds were duly exchanged for the Joyce Brothers range. Mrs. Long ; LEGION AIRES A I I fc.NL) county board. construction board or to be received This association will check farm pro will be appreciated and they may be the old bonds which were due in May. and daughter Evalyn accompanied him I KLAMATH CONNVETION the Owyhee canal contract now under direct by the federal advisory board ! to the mountains. f ^ _____ construction by J. A. Terteling com duction statements, determine indi left at the city hall. Mis. Newby also The new bonds will be retired at the _________ was disposed: o f in the terse expression ! Don M. Graham, state committee pany. Nichol in turn will let a contract vidual allotments, publish the list of j wishes to thank the people who gave rate of $1000 per year, the first to be | that priority would be “ established in mernber of the American L/sgjon, and for hauling sand from the Lsokey pit p.!lotment applications, and see that re donation last year. Over 1000 articles accordance with the judgment of the paid in 1935. City Recorder J. R. JOHN DAY HIGHWAY quired acreage reductions are made, of new and old clothing were distribut Hunter sent copies of The Journal, in DCM IXL-TV M V C C A u / A V C L ’ McCoy, commander or Hi« Nysaa near Ontario or from Dunaway to the advisory bo Bid." ROU I fcD N Y j j A W A i 1 Post, are local dfSt'gates at the aynual Job. Nichol plans to have about eight which the ordinance and notice per certifying facts to the national admin ed to needy families. The Red Cross At the same time full consideration gave 200 yards of outing flannel, 100 • 1 state- convention o f the Legloa in men on the job in the very near future, taining to the refunding were publish istration. is to be given projects previously filed The new road maps, issued loy the Kiamiath Falls this week. Mrs. Gratia*« he told The Journal when in Nyssa e d , to all bondholders. In this way the cost of local adminis yards o f print, 80 yards of shirting, 80 John Day highway association, route and Mrs. McCoy will represent the Monday. His crew will stay at the tration will be kept to a minimum and 1 yanis o f gingham. 75 yards of birdseye with the governor's board. A statement isrtued after an executive the road by way of Nyssa and 2F*arma \ n yssa Auxiliary. Tuesday the Grahams Terteling camp. what expense is incurred will go large- I cloth, 100 yards of sheeting, 650 sacks session indicates that full speed ahead BROGAN SURVEY ORDERED Mrs. Nichol accompanied her hus- to Boise. The desert road to Caldwell is ieft for Klamath, accompanied by R. ly to local people. Furthermore, the of flour aijd 100 pounds of beans. on Oregon projects is anticipated with not pictured on the map. The John G. L a r s * , commander aiiti delegate of bqi^j to Nyssa Monday. It is doubtful if much help will be division of allotments will be made announcemtsit from Washington of the Salem----- The federal reclamation Day is called • the shortest and anost the Ontario Post. Mr. and Mrs McCoy within a county by those who know received from the national Red Cross engineer assigned to the Oregon board. commission has signed a contract for scenic road to the coast. Maps are went on to Klamath Falls from Salem DRIVER’S EXAMS local conditions, the government end this year. Mis. Newby stated. survey of the Brogan and Baker irri given out at Nyssa service stations. where they attended the repeal «canven- ing its work with the assigning of total 1 gation projects, according to informa- HERE AUGUST 17th I tion on Monday. county allotments. GROCERS ATTEND MEETING Emil Johnson and family recently, ti0n received by State Engineer Char- C. M. Bentley, examiner from Salem, returned fiTim ¡i pleasant trip to Can- , ies Stricklin. L. J. Foster, former sup- DANCE WITH FLETCH1ER j LANGTON BUILDS will give drivers’ examinations at the IN O. S. C. PLAY Merchants from Nyssa and Adrian ¡yon City, Colo., and Utah cities. They {erintendeni of the Uncomphage pro- BAND HERE TONIGHT? NEW ROADHOUSE city hall In Nyssa next Thursday after Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins re attended a session o f the Idaho associa- formerly resided in Canyon City so had ject in Nevada, has been assigned to noon. August 17. All drivers’ licenses t imed Tuesday night from Corvallis j tion of retail food distributors in On- an enjoyable visit there with old j supervise the survey. The last legisla- The famous Fletcher ROtmri-up James Langton, owner of the Kozy must be renewed before September 1. v ,iere they attended the summer ses- tarlo Monday night when the grocers' friends. Mr. Johnson’s mofher Mrs. 1 ture appropriated $6000 for survey of Band from Pendleton will stop ill Nys • .on at Oregon State college the pastjN. R. A. code was discussed. Albert Andy Johnson and and son Earl .ac-|the two projects. This amount is aug- sa tonight (Thursday) to play lor the Cix/e. is building a roadhowv at the ID application is made to Mr. Bentley, mented by $2500 In subscriptions. The Eagles dance at the gymnasium. The juvaction of the Nyssa-Adrlan highway it is effective without appearance be < weeks. Mrs. Hopkins was a mom- Mohler of Fruitland was elected presi- companied them on the trip. fore a notary, a requirement that is survey will determine possibility of 1 r of the cast of two plays present- dent of an Idaho-Oregon association i orchestra consists of eight me n and ■and the cut-off to Owyhee dt'tn He securing additional water supply for women musicians who do a ---------------- cd on the college campus during the with membership in Malheur county, lot o f enter- , «o*»11* 10 °Pen the stand soon. Beer made if the applicant writes to the Salem office for his renewal. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mardiall re- the« two districts. • immer session. The Hopkins have re Payette and Washington county, Idaho. tabling. The event is attracting much ,1‘hd .«inches will be served turned to the teacherage at Oregon Morris Sumner of -Weiser is vico- turntjd last week from a vfcit with rela interest and the Eagles are counting on Trail school but are spending this week president; Frank Van Petten of On tives in Kingnn an, Kan., and in Mis a large crowd. They plan to have a PARS VALE COURSE souri. Saturday tJiey were in town, from tario secretary. end with relatives at Hereford. dance each week. Valley View, where Mr. Marshall will A. S. Hunt, veteran golfer of Vale. teach again this fall. Thesy also made a , fi„ t trip to Snlvely camp to see their son • l » rre<4 * f‘ , . . .. , » ... _ , , ^ J ... time last week, making the circuit in WARRANTS ARE GOOD Wayne Marshall and wife ¡32 Hunt made a hole in one at the > *— 'S- . ON TAX PAYMENTS ninth hole. While 8jttere>i re but few basiness con- | More Employment Wanted 8alem—County, school district un<l tarns in Nyssa which would strictly | Hi$gh S Johnson, N. R. A. chief, stat ____________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Te.’ylor took municipal warrants are acceptable in otene undVr the N. R. A. program, now :ed today: "Operating hours of retail j Taylor’s mother from her home in Maurice FrAkes of the Boulevard j the payment of taxes and interest ac- tiring organized rey the federal govern •tores shall not be reduced below 52 Mrs. Karl Norvall of Vale, lecturer .something which will interest grangers ! Weiser Monday to the Ontario hospital.^ “ “ “ " ’j? in Vvssa Haturdav He !tne. pay" ieiu 01 taxes 8110 mieresi ac- of Malheur County Pomona grange from so many sections of the country. .She is v ejy ill and will undergo a major , th ,, , district are cru ng thereon ol such respec.lve tax- ment under £he leadership of President hours unless they had been less before Roosevelt, th rre is a general willing July. The actual Intent of the agree since its organization several years ago. We will depend upon Malheur county’s | opera hoc within a few days. Miss g ^ n crops“ e “ r has been invited to Join the Canyon best talent. ” nie Tayl/or is staying here for the pres-’ tlme off Sunday T * " ° pln,? n ‘°r. F? d ness to Join IB the plan looking to in ment is that there should be n6 short County. Ida . lecturer in planning and ■ Mr. Deal has invited two other prom- rent. ( a good many wlll_take time off Sunday n ^ y . district attorney of Wheeler dustrial recovery an ! the movement is ening o f hours but the employment of i and attend tile Pomona grange picnic county. Finsley asked particularly if being heartily sivpon n d here. additional helpers. The agreement is a presenting one evening’s program at inent grangeis of this county to assist j ¡near Ironside. j interest and penalty on taxes could also solemn covenant.” Set Chndnr Hours the national convention of the grange ' at the convention. D. C. Dcming. Pom- —------------------------- be paid by warrants. The attoraey- Larger etsnpanies are already mak- Grocers and other retailers o f Nyssa in Boise in November. The program | ona master, and R. G. Larson, county i Geor| o Gavert shipped a carload of | . ! general ruled in the affirmative. and Adrian, under fair practice codes log arrangeemnts for the employment will probably follow a day’s trip to Ar- 1 agent, have been asked to serve on ttV: machio cry from Dunaway Monday to ! Mrs. Robt. Martin and . daughter are _________________ submitted, agreed at a meeting last of extra help wherever possible. It has rowrock dam, the Barber sawmill and reception committee. the ner w works of the General Oon- 1 leaving Opal. Wyo.. today for Chicago Thursday to adopt a schedule of uni been announced that the code does not the Caldwell creamery. W. W Deal. A number of grangers are planning | struct/ on company, in San Francisco. where they will be guests of Mrs. Mar- MALHEUR EXCELS IN form working hours 0 * the purpose of effect firms which do not employ more Idaho master, informed Mrs. Norvall. j to take the 7th degree, the highest He h i d a crew of men employed several tin’s brother and attend the world's better upholding the rk*ulatlPBs of the than one person. WHEAT PRODUCTION One of the most ardent grange rank in grange work which is confer- d»ys- ¡fair. national resovery act. Hoars long in Praise Oregon Towns workers in Malheur county. Mrs. Nor- red at the national convention. L ast, --------------------------- The official allotment of wheat p ro effect in other towrwi of the Snake "The attitude in Oregon towns is vail has planned many of the programs year It convened In Winston. N. C. Clias. NT Caldwell returned from Miss Irene Eubank of Homedale was duction in Oregon revealed a fact of {river valley were approved. Stores will wonderful,” said Frank Messenger, ad wliich have made the regular meetings Bob».- Tuusday. He has about com a guest of Miss Bernice Vorhies on particular Interest to Malheur county ¡open at 8 in the morning and close at ministrator for Oregon and Idaho. of Pomona and other grange sessions SCHOOL BUDGET APPROVED pleted improvements at the Overland t e n a violin student one in which the county can take S: 30 p. m. dally except on Saturday “There is some chiseling, it is true but of wide Interest. On two occasions she Hiytel In tire Idaho city which Is being1 of [ Miss Vorhies v „ rhu. several „„v„ r„ years. much pride although it was not men- when they will remntn open till # P m. not much. The only complaints are re agisted with the programs at Oregon rgjerated by Mrs. Caldwell and thetgi Honed by the allotment boartf. The Glmllar kretrs were adopted ip O n ta rio.______ _ conditions sulting ______ from the _ puzzling state grange and in more recent years Oregon table disclosed that M*|heur's avarttng fcftSrs will jotal BD% hours P»r ,J lat ar# bmrd ^ ¿cr^orm to the new Without a dissenting vote, the s<#iooi $on James. she has become quite well known In Mr. and Mrs W 7 McLing, Miss average production of goidJr. grain is *week. eight hours 4r*r the minimum regulations. I budget for the ensuing year was ap- { Idaho grange circles. But, what to plan for a national. proved no the budget meeting Mend ay I ¡^j. and Clyde Beam of Snivel/ Evalyn Earp and Shirley Barker at- the highest ip the entire V*at». Mai ’Maximum hburs per employe »rill be 48 convention?" said Mrs. Norvall when in at the schoolhouse, Chas. M P a rsd ls,a jjjjp spent Saturday evening at the tended a birthday dinner for Mrs. H. B. lieur's 5-year average Is 32.5 bushels. hotu% per emek Other rules of the re Joe Smith left, yesterday tor » mins Earp at the Earp home near Emmett Washington county comes isecpnd with tail rode are awaited and wll be observ Nyssa Monday. “The very thought clerk, reported. Some economies in |parentai . / C. gleam home near town, at Robinette. 129.1 bushels. ed, firm s say . ■> « thrills me and I do hope we can plan school operation were effected. I Jm , * ' Sunday. K PIERCE WILL ATTEND PICNIC Better Service sr I-0-N HIGHWAY WINS SUPPORT KITTENS WIN FROM PARMA I Nyssa Stores Get Ready For New Deal Malheur Grangers Will Take Part In National Convention in Boise City In Business; Adopt INew Closing Hours