Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1933)
The Gate Citr Journal Thursdav, Julv 27,1933 LOUIS F BR Owyhee—/ ed at the hi Monday to Louis Penn ette July 13 Adeline Wei entertained music. Owyhee S nual picnic over 50 prei were Mr. an Caldwell an< Ontario, whe in the alter Mr. and lamily retu outing at M the Friends I M BROS. CO. I ira a m a « I — Continues---------- — A Sale with but a Single Thought! A Sale to Save You M oney! Our Melody Frocks are the talk of the town. Did you get yours ? We still have all sizes from 14 to 46, but not all sizes in each pat tern. but many pretty ones and only . . $1.39 ONE THIRD OFF Right now when you need a Travel Tweed Coat for that vacation or pleasure trip. Our Big Line of fine Coats is priced at— JULY CLEARANCE 1-3 off Offers many bargains in odd lots and broken MEN:— we can save assortments— you money on Shirts, 3-$2.39 White Wool Ties. Underwear and S k ir t s ............ $1.69 Shoes. 2- $l.(X) Silk Blouses Red and Blue . 77c 12$1.19 Slipover Clearance Silks . 79c S w eaters........68c 6-$1.00 Pongee Iligligrade Georgette, B louses............. 59c flat crepe, silk voile, 5-$1.25 Women’s printed crepes speciaL Pongee Pajamas 99c 3- $1.95 Dimity Dinner the y a r d ..............79o D resses.......... $1.37 Clearance Rayons 47c 2-$6.95 Organdie Shantungs, Rayon Dresses .. . . . $3.94 Twills and Printed 4- $4.95 Organdie D resses........$2.46 C re p e s ............... 47c We still have many small Styles in White Oxfords—Ties and Pumps Discontinued styles in lE n n a Jettick Shoes $2.95 and $3.451 Men, Here Is Your Opportunity ] To Save on Shoes During this ] NOTICE I of Malheur < trict will be o’clock In th set out with trict tax. 1 Balance oi June) fo 2. From coul 3 From stati 4 From elen 7. From non a. Tuitlo- b. Trnnsi a Interest or 9 Receipts ft 1. O. and 2. Other Florsheim Sale Leather prices have advanced nearly 40 per cent yet we are offering from our new Flor sheim stock—the very latest in stvlc, $8.00 and $10.00 values at $6.85 Here A re Some Astonishing Values— (Items marki class) We have just 3(5 Pairs left and only a few sizes of the various styles—but they are real bag- gains to close them out-Y ou mav have them at in Stipe •2. Clerk •4. Compt 3. Election i •4. Legal se etc.) 6. Total Ex III. INSTRIÎ 1. Personal •(1) Teacl (21 '2. Supplies 6. Total El IV. OPERAT I. Persona •<1) Janit * 2 . Janitors' S. Fuel ...... 4. Light an 5. Water 6. Teleph *. Total Ex V. MAINTE!) •1. Repxdr a equlpmei 2. Repair a ( 1 ) 4. Total Bx $ 3.85 - $ 4.85 $ 5.85 This is the lowest price Florsheim Shoes have ever been offered to you Buy Now and Save Toggery Bill Good Clothes for Men ONTARIO Newspapers Pray Part ü i V« rteai ifcujustnr&irt b ir d fibeep H e rd cr R » s k i» 4 »# 4 W *r The vaLainik. a «pedes of eran*, i In sil ihe hlstory of man. dallo* la a sed hy the na (i ves of Ven» back 8.421 yeara, tbere have bee xuela, South America, In the place i only IMS yeara of peace agaín«' By HOWE EVANS of wur. wur. while 8.0m' Local newspape»» throughout of shepherd dog». for guardlng and 8.153 yeara of By DOROTHY DOUGLAS lav wuiut ocii lu w .tgoa auu ci»e- herding flocks of sheep. However peace trestle« have been concluded •***•*#**■***•***■»#*•»**■*•*##* » ♦ if* # # * * * * # * -» * # * # * * * * * * # .. aero uiu being loout-u to ip oiay | far the yakauiik may wander with In that time, according to the Sc ROM bet »eat ID the breakfast .» \ A Y DEAR," advised Enid’s ah tU iyolLul pin t in Hie Uppuca- the floeka, it oever falls to find Its ctety of International I.a» la Lun nook pretty little Madge Himno * v l mother, "you would be a t.oii auu auiuihlatiatiou oi the' wav home at night, driving before don very foolish girl not to accept your looked uhoul her churn's lumiaeu v.uvui uujjueuineni piau, accord-! It all the creature* en'vasted to IU late kitchen and watched wls'fnllv ancle's generosity. He has to take to Mo.e received bf the Uie- care. New Z ea lan d ers PrsisrJ the trip to London and wants you her preparations for lunlor s lunch gou joikieiiaiou service. Lad of m e, “ I ought to go home and wash my Of all Ihe wonders »»f empire mu with him It will give you ■ chance i/. ea» »or puoircuuou or past pi o- 1 esse' Gres! River of this world. I think the way the to meet many men on board ship dishes, hut s» ong as I’ve mken -ucuo»» records or growers auu your ad) h-e amt given up my post The Iti» Grande whlch turni» the New Zealander^ have tnl-eii n seta, and I have no doubt you will come ».»e rarer allotment iigurcs is ox- tlon I hope von won’t mind If I iulernatlniial botindary beiween the birds, and fishes from one side of hack quite ready to marry George stiffen my spine a Utile by detail | . -in . iu oriupiuy rgeaiiy me a r - ' United Unite« and Mevlcc frinii the the earth to the other and «linked Danbury." »»tin at »air prouuctlon quotas tor ' Ing the reasons." heir land and rivers to supply Ur G olf nf Mexico te thè southern “ I know 1 ought to love him, "Shoot; I'm going to make you * eacu individual. cltk food and themselves with iMiundary of New Mexico is thè long mother, und his money could, per cup of coffee before you go." l i ' uhcis are being asked by est river vvhnil.v or pnnly wlthln the (port is the most wonderful of »11 haps, do a lot for Edward—but I “Thanks. I need it. I feel aw r n o s e 1 U cuarge of putting the state of Texas The boundar.v of They found an euiply tm.u « h i Just can't make up my mind." fully shaky. I—I was counting up »ileal, pmn into effect to prepare j l’exa«, alone thè Rio Grande. I» ap- tiled It with gome, fi«h and dome» “ It is difficult, my daughter," last night. i» u important items of iulorniu- In the four years Jim tic animals, s h v s a writer In the «greed Mr». Walker, "but after all and I have been married, he has nuu to have ieauy in advance of . vroxlmatelv 1.321 utile« London Mall. George Is a thoroughly good man." rueir upucaiion to poiu the wueat heid an even dozen different posl So Enid went on the ocean trip thins.” benefit pluu. The information L on g B ord er L ío s with Uncle Henry. George Dan N eed N ot M int Silver “ You hie; in quit that many?' v.unled is nrst, the uumoer of bu- bury sent her great sheafs of flow In both Fuñada and the United The office of the director of the Vera’s energetic vout g voice sound sueis or wheat frown each year ers and baskets of fruit on the day ed explosive. She hud none of Horn 1329 to 1932, and sra-oud, States there are frequent r e fe r - j mint says the law provide« that all of departure and Enid felt reason Madge’s yielding softness of voice , ne number of acres planted iu slices to "the 4,0.10 miles of unde- j ver is purchased only a« needed ably sure that upon her return she or manner. “That’s rtie limit, hon each oi these years. fended boundary" between the two j for coinage. Th* ad provides that would give hint the promise he est It Is. Yon have had the same t>y using elevator, freight, countries. Actually, the border line miv owner of sliver may Hike It to wanted. But deep In her heart she Job all that time and supported Jim tnicshing or bank deposit rec Is 5,501) mile« long, of which 3.100 * mint and receive In return so knew that the great big thing called In between Ida." oins, administration officials be miles Is of land boundary and 2,400 equivalent In silver bars. The x!l love was not In her life and that Madge shook her blond head lieve that accurate estimates can miles Is water boundury. The land ver does nof have to tie purchased lack of money and her little broth thoughtfully. be niaue. These figures turned houndary Is marked hy 5.4N3 mou- -Washington Ktsr er’s crippled state were the reason in by each farmer are to be pub umema and the water boundary la “That’s hardly fair, Vera. He’» ■ 'entitled hr 2.530 reference uMirks. for decision. lished in the local press. This is ■ never been luzy or idle very mug K s s o C s w p s t it is s She met many men on board ship ami when he has been out of work »mended to encourage any care A chain grocery store la WURta, F o r " R ip e O ld A g e ” and found herself studying them he has done every thing around the i lessly inclined to be more ac Calif., huug out signs renifrngt and comparing them with George house, cooked and cleaned and— ! curate, as any boosing of produc Whereas our ancestors often he "Free milk with every 2A< ent pur» Danbury as a possible future mate. well, 1 love him more than I ever tions reports so as to get a higher tan te be old at forty, Doctor Ar chase.” Half an hour later a com They reached London safely and did. hut us you say, I’ve been spoil allotment lends to damage the sold says that modern nuti Is just peting store came out with " M ilk Uncle Henry was obliged to tend log him." neighuois rather than the govern in his prime at sixty; old uge often given away free to anybody and 1 business much of the time. Conse "His mother did that before you : ment, as the couuty allotment is toes not begin to set In uutil seven cent for carrying *4 away." quently Enid was left to wander ever met him!" ;y Is well past. Since men can uxed iu advance. about by herself. The Idea of go .■boose their owti diet «ud control beaeving that farmers will be Madge smiled wearily. "You lust ' 'ng back to Net, York and marry Oas Test Bsrrsf can't blutne him; he Is such an ador anxious to avail ihemslveg of the their own lelsute they often have ing George troubled her night and The proprietors of a cinema la » able lamb when he has his own way benefits under the new wheal In their own hands the direction of day. She felt that Edward might Danish town announce that they plan, unauthorized promoters are the means o f procnrlhg those "en about everything." he cured If they could pay for the « 111 iaxe eggs In payment for seats "Yes. and a stubborn mule whet already appearing and trying to Joyimvnts of ripe old age” which services of » great specialist. It has been decided that doubtful "chisel iu" on the farmers' ex Doctor Arnold holds to lie rmllra anybody tries to boss him." Enid found herself frequently currency must not tie tested hy "Fortunately they seem to real no pected returns, the government ;fed.— Exchange. visiting the wonderful old churches banging It on the box-office counter that where he Is now and give hltn officials report. —London Humorist. —St. Paul’s. Westminster. St. his head. He seems better satisfied E x -P resid en ts in C on g ress lu one slate at least, and per James—and finding In the shad than lie has ever been before am! haps iu others, farmers are being President John (Julncy Adams owed, silent walls a great amount Island M o a o t s ls he’s been promised more money nex approached with the otter of help was lu the lionse of representatives of spiritual help. Sunday Island, In Ihe I’acltle. la week." Sipping her coffee Madgt in making application to receive and President And.ew Johnson And then her feet led her Into was gazing with dreamy satisfac cash benefits unde r the wheat was elected a United States sen* really the tallest mountain In th# the door of old St. Martin’s In the It rises 2,000 feet out •»! tion at the little bungalow next door plan— for 10 per cent of phe pro tor from Tennessee after his ro- world. Field—that church whose doors are Suddenly she leaned forward, a ceeds. .No grower ueed spend a virement, hut died before he took flv# miles of water, snd la thuaueor- never shut, night or day. to the Iv 30,000 feet from h«»e to «urnmlt quick gasp in her voice. cent for any such purpose, as the office. worn and weary. Human drift "Ob, dear, I spoke too soon! couuty agent and other extension wood, asleep on the cushions, found safety, rest and help through the There’s Jim coming now and I can representatives will give any such tell by the way he walks that he’i assistance free of charge and will dark night. hei pset up local organizations Enid slipped In softly and found mud and has quit another jo b !” Vera followed her to the door through which growers will large s seat In a darkened corner. A great surge of emotion swept over catching one slim arm and prese ly handle their own affairs, offi ing It firmly. cials state. her and mnde her conscious of a “ Don’t weaken now t If you do— tremendous and wonderful power working within the walls of that If you go back to work you are lost Opening Dates Are Set old church. There was tragedy, You’ll never have the nerve to tskt At Oregon State College * despair, poverty, scarred and be such a stand again." "Don’t worry." Madge’s largt smirched bodies of human beings. Corvallis, July 24. Principal Yet underneath and round about all pansy eyes glowed. “ I’ m sure I'm doing the best thing for both of os dates connected with the coming a spirit of exaltation. year at Oregon State college have She went down on her knees and I'll stick It out I” Jim was hanging up his coat a» Just been announced. Freshman found herself praying for enlight week for all beginning students enment, seeking the path which she she entered the front room. "Why Madge, darting, are youj will start Monday, September 13, should take and thereby do the most sick? You look so white—and sort - and continue to Saturday. Regis- good during her span of life. She of queer.” Hands grasping her shout Dation o i formel students will prayed, too. for those other poor take place at the college Satur ders, be stared at her anxiously. souls that were so utterly, hopeless 23, with class The tenderness In his voice, tlr day, September 1.» dejected. concern In Ids usually laughing eye» work starting the following Mon Knid found herself weeping soft wag more than Madge could stand day. The winter term starts ly. She did not know exactly why “ What's happened? Are you sick? January 2, and the spring term —hut perhaps she felt that a way .Shall I phone for the doctor? I March 26. Com plete entrance in was being opened up for her tc never saw you look like this he A clearance not for profit—we could double our formation is contained In a free follow. Perhaps she had drawn fore!” leaflet obtainable from the regis money by holding. A Clearance not for money nearer her God and he was «how Recalling Vera’s advice. Madge trar at (J-orvallls, or from the di raising— all is paid for long ago— Ing her a path. choked back her sohs She must be vision of information at Eugene. She did not start when sue felt calm. Pressing ber head against the young curate's hand drop light his shoulder she murmured shakily: Students at 0 . S. C. Cut ly. understaudlngl.v. on her shoul “You don’t ueed to tell me. I ders. hut she looked up and Into the know you have quit again, Just when Social Costs in Half most klndlv eyes she had ever seen everything seemed to be going so —sympathetic, helpful and plainly line and I had planned—" She felt Corvallis, July 23: Students at asking her for reason of her weep him stiffen at the unexpected re Oregon State college cut their Ing. proach, but she hurried on, “ Let mt social costs more than in half last She nad watched him going slow finish before yon say anything. Jim. year without sacrificing anything ly about the church, offering words I didn't tell you I was going to re essential in interesting and whole of help here and a bit of money sign my position today. I wanted tr some social life, according to the there—a man happy In the perform surprise you. Oh. Jim. Fro Just annual rpeort on such costs, made m re of tils duty Ff>r Suit« formerly1 tired of leaving my little house and by Dr. U. G. Dubach, dean of men. Members of the 57 fraternities 1 Before Enid knew It she was tell going out to work every day. selling up to $15.00 ing him shout her problems and want to stay home like my friends sororities and other living group« her crippled brother and Danbury do a really good Job of housekeep spent only a total of 45612.21, and all that her marriage to him Ing, and I hoped I could with compared with 113,251.61 the year previous for social events might mean to all members of her things going so fine for you!" For Suits formerly family. Jim Interrupted In so stern a given by their organizations. The selling up to $20.00 He listened quietly as one used voice that she sat np to look at him. average cast per member was only to the outpourings of the heart and "You mean you are tired of the 43.18 for the year, compared with all the time Enid felt herself drawn office? I thought you were so sold $5.58 for the year previous and toward him. on the whole hunch down there that 47.15 two years aog. For Suits formerly “That Is a tremendous sacrlflcr you’d give me up first I" Dr. Dubach reports that stu She straightened, bracing herself dents used their ingenuity and ini von are making of yourself." the selling up to $25.00 young curate admitted "marriage expecting one of his hearllke hugs. tiative In giving excellent parties Instead he whistled, gave her one at low cost. His office encour- without love. But. on the other hand, pure lore matches are not al long, very serious look, glanced at aegd holding many events so as ways happy. So many people seek his watch and Jumped to hla feet. to provide recreation for all on Bewildered. Madge watched him the campus rather than depending personal happiness In marriage for a second, then sprang np. catch rnther tlinn looking upon It ns the on more expensive commercial stepping stone toward the fulfill ing at bla arm. amusements. ment of a greater destiny. Finest Broadcloth and Madras “I'm sorry. Jim. I didn't think There may t>e no relationship, Euld looked up with such sudden you’d mind. Where are you going. but the fact Is that students made Fast Colors—Perfect fit and make I comprehension In her big eyes that Jlnt?" this low-cost social record the “ Back to the office.” He tried to same year that their scholastic I the young curate smiled. He had not underestimated the worth of loosen her frantic hold. average mounted to a new high “ But how can you If you've point. this young girt who had sought light In St. Martin’s In the Field quit?" Somehow he seemed bigger, Ills work had made of him s keen older; sne was slmost afraid of this City el Luxemburg on e Hug? R oc» render of human possibilities. “ You new mood. The city o f Luxemburg. In the would not he here," he added “ You and I are the only ones who gently, "If you were one who could know thnt. I Just walked out when duchy of that name, la perch »d on marry for money and what It can Ihe chief started kicking on some a huge rock like a city castle nrnl give. I think yon love this ch a p - orders, but If I can catch that next has been called the Gibraltar uf the Gloves and roses «re the I love him with so big a love that train, I can walk back and tell him North. Ontario, “ Finest of Men’s Stores” Oregon you have been afraid of It—afraid I’ll shoot them through In fine style two great exports and rurrem-y !• | of French. German Hclglsn no.* that you could not give him mens snd double the company's profits." ure for measure—afraid thnt his His arms around her. he gave her »ven English wealth would stand between you a quick kiss. • ml I think thnt he la lust glvlnt “ We can’t both quit, so since yon you time to realise—all this." host me fo If—" He smiled. Ms eyes CARLOAD BUYERS AND SH IPPERS OF The young curate passed on down softening. "Honest. Msdge. Pm glad. I’ ll he the aisle of the old church and Top Cash U nder Twine Enid's e.vea followed him with an home at the usual time for dinner Market Sacks Intense glow of happiness in them You won't have fo rush so getting He had unlocked and opened the things ready, maybe you'll feel like Prices or Harvest great doors of love for her to enter s movie aftervarda.” Future Contracts Supplies Another ktsa. which left Madge and somewhere In the aoft distance ■he saw the reflected smile of Dan tingling and Jim was out of the house, running for hla train. bury's «yea. THE OPEN DOOR THE MAN TURNS I f You've Only a Very Few D aysLeft To Take Advantage of Alexander’s Semi-Annual Clearance SUITS $ 9.85 $13.85 $16.85 MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS If von can be fitted from the stock of models we are discontinuing— J. Personal + #♦ ♦ Men’s and Young Men’« 10 Total cst) I. GENERA # * -1 #-*«* * **-*•>*#•* *-M$****-JMMHHH$*#* * OREGON 65c - 95c - $1.15 Alexander’s Grain - Potatoes Seed < • kv M sC lsrs NtW apejw r S i « t ie s '# I ,W V l! S ervice) i # b i MeClere Newepeeer p n illr t te i IWVU «series! ONTARIO GRAIN COM PANY One Block East Moore Hotel