GATE CITY iüURNAL, THURSbAV, -TUNÉ 15, 1933 Sunday evening at the country home of Mrs. Robert Vest and Mrs. Grover Vest, aunts of the bride. The ring ceremony was used with the Rev. Floyd E. White, Nyssa pastor, officiating. The cere­ mony was performed under the locust trees In full bloom. Mis. Robert Vest and Dr. W W. Jones, of Jordan Valley, father of the groom . were attendants. Immediately after the ceremony, a Miss Peggy Vest, ot Eugene, became wedding supper was served. Among the the bride of Curtis C. Jones of Jordan guests was Mrs. Louis Aczuenaga of Valley at a pretty wedding solemnized Boise, sister of the groom. After a visit in Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Jones will return to Eugene where they will make theii home. Both are grad­ uates of the University of Oregon. • • • • Nyssa Aerie CIVIC CLUB Jordan Valley Youth Is W ed A t Vest Home F. O. E. No. 2134 Meets Wed. Night at Eagles Hall Visiting Eagles Welcome R. C. Shelton, President Don M. Graham, Secretary Children will give a pageant, dir­ ected by Mrs. Dick Tensen, at the June j meeting of the civic club next Wed­ nesday, when Mrs. Dewey Ray’s div- ision will be hostesses. Tea will be ser­ ved at the close. j Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dugger are camp­ ing at Sturgill Bar near Huntington where Dugger has Joined a party of prospectors. McDERMITT LADIES ENJOY 500 PARTY McDermitt—Mrs. Archie Meyers held open house last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. L .M. Simpson. Guests were Mes­ dames C. Reeves, Geo. and Chester Wilkinson. Joe Ugarrlza. Clara Baber, Addle Sullivan, Paul Thompson, Wm. Minor, Joe Larribeau, Joe Lyon, A. C. Paynton, Pete Arano, Jim Olavarria, Jim Baber, J. Bankofler, Emila Bout- yette, Mary Lasa, Misses Freda Wilkin­ son and Julia Lauclrica. Four tables of 500 were enjoyed and a luncheon at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harper were In from their ranch last week. The Bankofiers were In town Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baber returned to Sparks, Nev., after several days here. Misses Carmen Urlezaga and Eloise Lyon visited Margaret Bengoa on Jack- son creek: Wednesday. Mrs. Kenneth Cogbum and Mrs. C. McCormick were in Winnemucca last week. OREGON TRAIL GETS JUNE 10, 1933 TO THE LAND OWNERS OF KINGMAN COLONY DRAINAGE DISTRICT Ray Garrison Is ‘33 HOOP PENNANT CORN GROWERS FROM COLLEGE SPEND THURSDAY NIGHT AT GARRISON FARM NEAR NYSSA — ■**-“ $ OREGON COLLEGE STUDENTS MAKE W ORLD’S FAIR T R IP Fair Bound With College Farmers I j J q W Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison en­ tertained nineteen students and two professors from Oregon State college at dinner Thursday night and break­ fast the following morning. Their guests had earned sufficient money from a corn-raising project at the col­ lege to finance a trip to the world’s fair and they were Chicago bound. Ray Garrison, son of the hosts, was a mem­ ber of the corn club and from Nyssa accompanied the party when they left for the east Friday morning. j The com growers are traveling by bus and will visit a number of eastern colleges en route. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McKennon of Ontario and Kenneth McNall were also guests at the dinner. n V I W ANT ADS C. BLOKKER Please call at Journal office for two complimentary tickets to “Strangers in Love" Saturday night attraction at Nyssa Liberty Theatre. PRIVATE VIOLIN INSTRUCTION— The undersigned Supervisors of the Kingman Colony Drainage District, act­ Miss Bernice Vorhies, accredited ing as an Auditing Committee, have made an audit of the Treasurer’s books Oregon Trail school received the covering the past fiscal year, as provided by law, submit their report as follows: county grade school basket ball pen­ teacher, Nyssa, Ore. June 15* nant Thursday from Mrs. Kathryn TRI AL BALANCE FOR SALE—Forty acre farm, 6-room Claypool, school superintendent. This house, large bam, berries, 10-acre Close of Business June 6, 1933 is the third consecutive pennant for orchard, rest In hay and grain. Clear Dr. Cr. the Trail as she won the title in 1931, title, $4500. NICK LIMMER, Emmett, 1932 and 1933. Advertising .....................................- ...................... - ..... $ 1127*10 or see H. B. Earp hear Emmett, Ida. Boys who composed the line-up were Bonds outstanding ..................................................... _ $ 34,000.00 John and Nicholas Van Zelf, Paul LADIES—We wish to announce that Bond Fund ...................................................................... _ 123 Bond Coupon paid ........................- .........................— 32,850.00 Johnston, Barclay and Billie Wilson, we have DeWans Permanent HAIR County of Malheur ............................................. - ...... 30,008.94 Gilbert Holmes, Wilson Keck and Leo REMOVER for sale at $2 per package. Drainage Tax Record ................................................ 95,554.15 Land. Their coach and teacher i s ' You can pleasant ;y and safely remove Drainage System ....................................................... 55,554.33 Albert Hopkins, Eastern Oregon Nor- j that objectionble growth of hair upon Emergency Fund ......................................................... 2.55 mal letterman. The boys are looking the lip or cheek. OWYHEE BEAUTY Emergency ....... ............................................ - .............. 18103 Expense ......................................- ............................... 2,485.58 forward to a successful season next SHOP, Nyssa. Interest and Discount .................................................. 1,198.74 year. Interest paid on warrants ........................................... 1,752.44 FOR SALE—Span of horses and har­ Maintenance Fund ....................................................... 103.81 ness, 1400 and 1500 pound. $50. W. B. Maintenance .................................................................. 2,754.22 CAPTURES BIG SNAKE Material .................................... .................................... 340,>57 With his hands, Don Graham caught Larkin, 1S4 miles south of Nyssa on Malheur County Bank (Claim) ................................. 137.25 a vicious looking snake at the river Bridge Island. Pd. 1 time June 8. Profit and Loss .............................................................. 160.49 Saturday. It is a large reptile, five feet Salary and Office Expense .................................... 3,753.36 Salary and Office Expense Fund ................................ 2.51 long, green in color with yellow trim.! FOR RENT—Modem, 4-room house; semi-modern 4-room house. See Wil­ Warrants outstanding .............................................. 2,046.00 He says it looks vicious but is not dangerous and Is probably a member son Bros., City. $131,400.15 $131,400.15 I of the water snake family. It may be FOR SALE—Weaner pigs; wanted cat­ [seen at the Nyssa Realty company. tle for pasture. Felton Duncan, Nyssa. June 22 Pd. RECEIPTS FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 6, 1933 Court House Filings $ 6671 FOR SALE—Nearly new No. 4 stock June 7, 1932, Cash in bank ................................................................. 817.44 County Treasurer (Taxes paid in) ..................................................... watering tank. Call at Payette 19.61 Malheur County Bank Dividend No. 2 .......................................... Creamery. June 14P. 750.00 Discount on bonds ...............................................- .............................. Heal Estate Transfers Recorded $ 1,653.76 Total receipts ........................................................................ FOR SALE—Hay, $3 In the shock. United States to Samuel J. Harbison, Owyhee Realty Co., R. J. Davis, man­ EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 6, 1933 Lot 5, Sec. 33. Lot 22, Sec. 34-17-47, ager. Advertising ............................................................ $ 10,80 cont. 32.28 acres. 5-23-33. Bonds paid .................................................................... William MacMaster to Kamail In­ FOR RENT—One of best houses in Interest paid ..... ......................... - ............................... 76 88 vestment Co. Metes and bodnds in the town. 7 rooms, lawn, shad#, etc. Owy­ Material .......................................................................... H 5 NWViNWV. Sec. 8-18-47. 5-12-31. $10. hee Realty Co. Emergency ................................................. .-................. 22.56 Maintenance ................................................................ 89.35 C. W. Glenn, Sheriff) to M. E. War­ Salary and Office Expense .......................................... 330.92 ren, Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18, Blk. 2, Villa FOR RENT—1 four-room house with fine garden spot. See Jack Lynch, Park Add. Ontario. 6-6-33. $63.11. Total expenditures ........................................$1,537.66 June 1* A. E. Nichols et al to W. D. Stewart Nyssa. Cash in bank June 6, 1933 .......................................... 116.10 Lots 4 and 5, Blk 20, Ontario, 5-15-33. FOR SALE—Feed wheat 80 cents per Total expenditures and cash ...........................................................................$1,653.76 $1500. hundred 1S4 miles east of Owyhee C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Malheur bridge, A. D. Moses. June 20 Pd. Respectfully submitted, County, Balance unsold lands in 1927 FRANK T. MORGAN tax foreclosure. 6-7-33. FOR SALE or trade—Purebred Hol­ stein bull 18 months old, dam 400 lbs. Malheur Land Co., to Security Sav­ ROBT. R. OVERSTREET ings and Trust Co., SUNWV.SW‘4, butter per year, 11 nearest dams 1132 ■ Supervisors W H SEiiSW ti, Sec. 14, NEV1NEV1, lbs. F. O. Holmes, Nyssa. May 25 Pd. Correct Attest: Sec. 25-15-42; SWUSE1-4, Sec. 19, FRANK D. HALL, Secretary-Treasurer SWViNEti except 10 acre tract in NE CALLING CARDS, 100 In box, printed In any type you like for $1, panel corner, NilSWV,, SE’ iSWVi, W ttSEK, Sec. 30. NW tiSEl-4 and SEV4SEl-4, card $1.25 at the NYSSA JOURNAL. SW ti, Sec. 32-15-43, excepting metes and bounds in the SWVi, Sec. 32; SE'-i Seel. 4. NcSE'i, Sec. 8, Jamieson Acre­ age Tr. No. 108, Jamieson Acreage Just Installed a Tracts Nos. 109, 110, 111, 118, 119, 121, 122 to 128 inc., 136, 137, 140 to 167 Inc., NEW MACHINE for 1 Lots 12, 13, and 14, Blk. 13, Blks. 3 and 19, Lots 1 to 8 Inc. and Lots 13 to 20 inc. TREATING Blk. 7, Jamieson, N54NE14, W >4SWVI­ SEED GRAIN NE Si, NWSi, SWS4 (except N >4 NE SI - SW4) SS4SS4SE1-4SES1, Sec. 16;; Cleaning and treating at g NESi (except portion south and west of reasonable rates— give g R. R.) ' E'4SWSi, S'4SWSlSWSi, SS4- N H SWSi SW1 -4, Sec. 22, portion of us a call. NESi NWSi north and east of R. R. in W e also make Chicken | Sec. 26-16-43. 3-24-33. $18,500.00. Charles Garrison et ux to Lotta E. Scratch from your PhPillips. All that portion of the SESi own grain. of Sec. 1-20-46, lying east of right of Jiff way of Owyhee Ditch Co., ditch, cont. Flour, Feed and Cereal j= 90.35 acres. 6-3-33. $1. 4\ ■x&raäi. r Group of agricultural engineering students at Oregon State college leaving the campus on 5500 mile bus trip to the Chicago W orld’s fair and return. From left—Clyde Walker, W . J. Gilmore and R. N. Lunde, facul­ ty members: Acel Garlinghouse, Halfway; Henry Scott, Roseburg; Andrew Schmidt, Redmond; Norman Harrang, Foster; Ivan Branton, Dixonville; Ivan Weikel, Roseburg; Irwin Kreuke, Nspa, Cal.; Hazen Sand- wick, Redmond; Henry Collin, Orosi, Cal.; Francis Morganroth, Portland; Arnold Ebert, Echo; Howard Hansen, Redmond; Donald Robinson, Corvallis; Olaf Anderson, Grants Pass and Everett Davis, St. Paul, Neb. Three men not in the picture, Ray Garrison, Nyssa; Keith Chamberlain, Mosier, and Wilbur Travis, Roseburg, are also making the trip. I O REGON STATE COLLEGE, 'Corvallis, June—Earning their way in advance by means of a student farm project, a group of students in agricultural engineering from here are now enroute with two faculty members on a month-long bus trip which will take them to a national convention of agricultural engineers and to the world’s fair for engineer­ ing week late in June. j Conceiving the idea of such a trip .a year ago, the students rented a 30-acre young walnut orchard and interplanted it with field corn. They tended the corn till school was out and then hired it cultivated through the summer, returning in the fall to harvest an excellent crop on which they cleared $300. T o this was add- ed various donations mostly from farm equipment companies which totaled enough to finance the trip with only about a $10 contribution from each man making the tour. ^ Eacuity members gave Whole- Quality CLEANERS This being economy year, let us brighten up that hat, refresh that suit, dress or coat. You will like our work. hearted support to the idea because of the educational value of the trip which will take the party into the heart of the agricultural machinery, industry, provide visits to other col- leges and universities enroute, and permit attending the national con­ vention of the American Society ot Agricultural engineers—all in addi*i tion to the visit to the world’s fait, itself, i . j ^ . , ------ Are Your Mowers Ready For the Hayfield? REPAIRS! Repairs! Repairs! CAPITAL CLEANERS Boise Get your JOHN DEERE MOWER and RAKE Quality Cleaners and Dyers Repairs at— Representative calls in Nyssa, Parma and Vale every week. Baldridge Implement Co. W e Appreciate Your Trade NYSSA OREGON . s '— ' «V r FOR Milled at Home Marriage Licenses Issued Hard to fit? Try QSHKOSHg m m We IMPROVED the overall and REDUCED the price I Owen Wesley Fairchild and Vinda ¡Hill, 6-6-33. Royburn Leslie Brians and Rhoda H. I Swayne. 6,-6-33. Norman Richard Jess and Annie C. Ray. 6-7-33. Paul Myers Putman and Beverly L. Scott. 6-7-33. I NYSSA FLOUR MILL a Your Patronage Solicited P. M. Warren, Prop. - Nyssa Ore. * Processed Milk Made the Perfect Food for Babies and Invalids by our new equipment ASK US ABOUT IT — Sold Exclusively in Nyssa by g o ld en M ule C. C. Anderten NYSSA Cm. * YOU CAN LEARN THE SECRET ) SKIN! Mail the coupon below, with only 10c to cover pottage and handling coat. You will receive a Beauty Kit contain­ ing generous trial aizea of /ire o f the famous $1 Outdoor Girl Beauty Products, with complete directions for their use. We are making this offer because we want you to know you can have lovely akin; a frtafar, beautiful com­ plexion. A complexion that lUyi flash all day long! tir*-' Wa want you to know how e/ire til, the most valuable akin beautlAer experts know o ( has been combined with the fineat creams, powders and rouges to achieve these amazing aida to loveliness! Send this coupon-and you’ll wish you’d discovered. Outdoor Girl Beauty Products long ago I OUTDOOR GIRL