GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 1. 1933 Children, grand and great, today. poems were written: pointed by the County Court of Mai- since the date said lands were ac- ! NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT heur County, Oregon, administrator of quired by the County. All lands within the estate of Patrick Gallagher, de- the boundaries of the Warmsprings IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of SEAMAN8 GLASS, Deceased. ceased, and having qualified, notice is Irrigation District and which have hereby given to the creditors of. and been classified as in Classes 5 and 6, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That all persons having claims against the and as to which said County has here- On . a tour . to . enlist members of his estate of the said deceased, to present tofore, by Resolution dated September Fred J. Palmer the Administrator of ____ .. . . , Then, at last in God’s dear presence, rganizatlon i and the public at large in them, duly verified as required by law, 3. 1930, authorized a transfer to said the estate of Seamans Glass, deceased, organization May your family reunited be the Your children gather in reverence. t « cause of “ honest m governmental Wjthin six months after the first pub- District of the water rights appurten- has rendered and presented for final Where you’ll praise him with measure economy, Louis Johnson, national com­ Ucation of this notice, to said admin- ant) to said lands shall be sold without settlement his final account of the ad­ Their hearty respects to pay Throughtuot a blest eternity. Afternoon and evening, a host of To a loving father and mother, ministration of said estate. mander of the American Legion is istrator, at his office in Nyssa, Oregon, water right. —By Mrs. P. B. Anderson, Big Bend visiting cities of the west. friends and relatives gathered at the Married fifty years today. That Saturday, June 3, 1933. at I e aid place being hereby designated as j Sald lands nulnbered ^ to tracts and home of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ash­ Johnson, in a letter to C. L. McCoy, the place where said administrator will with the mlnimum prlces set opposlte hour of 10:00 o’clock in the foreru n craft in Big Bend last Wednedsay, the This day brings fond recollections, commander of the Nyssa Legion Post, at the County Court House at Vale, each tract are es follows, to-wit: OLD LICENSE PLATES occasion being their golden wedding To a couple aged and gray, called for a war on “corruption, fraud leceive such claims. Malheur County, Oregon, lias been ■ - day. The event had been planned by They pledged their vows of sincere DON M. GRAHAM j Tr. 583—WKSW N E'iSW tt, ported as the time and place for the EXPIRE LAST OF JUNE *herever 1 their seven children, all of whom live love. NWH, Sec. 2, Tp. 17, Rug. 43 E. Administrator of the Estate of hearing of objections to the final ac­ in this locality with their respective Just fifty years today. W. M., $250.00. count of Fred J. Palmer, administra» r He asserted th at half the wealth of Patrick Gallagher, Deceased. families. Lunch was served throughout I of the estate of Seamans Glass. De­ the nation is invested in tax-exempl Date of First Publication, May 13, 1933 Tr. 564—SEUNWV», NEtiSW ti. the day while Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft i Passin8 thru trials and sorrow, As the time approaches for new auto scurities. “If we are going to have Date of Last Publication, June io, ISJJ ceased. NV4SE14, Sec. 3, Tp. 18, Rng. 40 E. rejoiced in their friends and the gifts 1 Always ,ife’s brl*ht side ta vlew; licenses, Secretary of State Hal E. Hoss honest economy,” he added, “then, lei W. M„ $80.00. All persons having objections th'-re- they brought. From their children they With a kindly word and helping hand, has sent to car owners instructions for our government call in those tax- E. M. BLODGETT, Attorney for ad­ to should appear at that time a 1 Tr. 565—SW*4 SW14, Sec. 36, Twp. Striving to be honest and true. received two mohair chairs. proceedings under the laws as chang­ exempt securities so th at the dollars of ministrator. place and show cause, If any exb , 20, Rng. 46, E. W. M.. $20.00. ed by the recent legislature. This has the rich man shall be taxed pro rata Tr. 566—NtiNE14, Sec. 24. Twp. 17, why said final account should net be The Ascrafts were married fifty Through fifty years you've been faitih- been summarized under four heads. with the dollars of the poor man.” ful, allowed and approved by the Court. Rng. 46. E. W. M„ $80.00. years ago in Clifty, Indiana. They First—Use your registration card for The Legion’s national commander NOTICE Tr. 567—NWKNW14. Sec. 13, Twp. came west in 1896 first locating in With patieince and undying love, FRED J. PALMER, aA application blank as usual, filling asserted “critics of the veteran,” who E. W. M.. $200.00. Utah and later in Idaho .For eighteen Your children will cherish your mem­ out the information on the back. ory he declared were reponsible for the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 30. Rng. 42 E. W. M„ $80.00. Administrator of the Estate years they have resided at their pres­ Second—The rate on private passen­ compensation reductions for ex-service STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ent farm home in Big Bend. Mr. Ash­ When your names a*! written above. Tr. 568—NEK, 8E14. SW14. E14- of Seamans Glass. Deceased. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. ger cars is $5 flat, regardless of weight men, “have run to cover because they —Mrs. Enoch Ashcraft, Wilder. craft is 69, his bride 68. In the Matter of the Estate of Donald NWti, Sec. 31. Twp. 17, Rng. 45. for the period from July 1 to Decem­ have reached the objective." First Publication May 4, 1933. Tr. 56»—All, Sec. 1. Twp. 15, Rng. ber 31, making this a six months’ lic­ Their five sons are C. J. Ashcraft of He called upon “every loyal son of Johnson, Deceased. Last Publication June 1, 1933. 42, E. W. M. $200.00 or $50.00. per ense. DEDICATED TO MR. AND MRS. Nyssa, W. E. and L. T. of Adrian, America” to pick up “the flag of ec­ Notice is hereby given th at Elmer L. quarter section Johnson, administrator of the Estate Third—In January you will be li­ onomy” and “carry on." Odice L. of the Kolony, Dale V. of Big WM. T. ASHCRAFT of Donald Johnson, deceased, has Tr. 570—N14, SE‘4, Sec. 13, Twp. censed again at the $5 rate, which will Bend; their daughters Mrs. J. A. Nel­ rendered and presented for final settle­ 15, Rng. 42 E. W. M„ All of Sec. 7. give you a license good for the full year son of Nampa and Mrs. C. M. Zink of Dear friends, we come to greet you ROBT. D. LYTLE ment and filed in said court his final Twp. 15. Rng. 43 E. W. M„ $350.00 of 1934. Nyssa. Upon this gladsome day, Court House Filings or $50.00 per quarter section. account of his administration of said Fourth—Trucks will pay as usual on In honor of the event, the following Rejoicing that God has spared you, Tr. 571—NtiNWK, Sec. 21, Twp. estate together with his petition and a weight basis: see instruction sheet Thus far upon your way. 18, Rng. 46 E. W .M.. $80.00. Attorney and Counselor at Law for schedule of fees. report and a petition for final dlstrl- Real Estate Transfers Recorded bution; and that Friday, the 9th day Tr. 572—St4SE*4SE!4, Sec. 30, For just fifty years today, First National Bank Building You have journeyed on together, Lewis Jacobson et al to Esther J. of June, 1933, at the hour of 1:30 in TWP- 15. Rng. 47 E. W. M„ $20.00. Phone 68 DELINQUENT TAXES Happy in each other’s love. Lawton et al. NEtiSEV. E'iN W ii, the afternoon of said day, at the Tr. 573—SE NE14, Sec. 3, Twp. 30, Rng. 45 E. W. M„ $20.00. Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 31; SHNEti, SEM- courtroom of said court at the court­ Through sunshine oi; cloudy weather. Vale Oregon ARE MINUS PENALTY NWV., S14, Sec. 32-14-45; Lots 1, 2, 3, house in said county has been fixed Tr. 574—E tsS E ^S E ti, Sec. 36. Although there have been trials, Twp. 20, Rng. 46 E. W. M. $20.00. and appointed as the time and place 4 , and SWViSWYi, Sec. 4, Lots 1 , 2, 3, There have been pleasures too, Tr. 575—NW‘4NWU. Sec. 24, Twp. 4 , and SWViSW'i, Sec. 4 , Lots 1 . 2. any person interested in said estate As you've traveled down the valley, 16, Rng. 47 E. W. M„ $40.00. From the office of the sheriff, tax and 3, and SrNE1,, B E iiN W l, SE1-4, may appear and file his exceptions in Just as all the world must do. collector for Malheur county, comes the EtiSW li, Sec. 5, NgNEti, SE1-4NE1-4 writing to said account and contest Tr. 576—A. T. No. 14. Sec. 4, Twp. Guarantee Work 18, Rng 47 E. W. M.. $5.00. report that delinquent taxes for 1930 Sec. 8, Lots 1 and 2, and WteNW'i, the same. For this life is not all sorrow, Notice is further given that said ac­ Tr. 577—That portion of the NE!4 WYCKOFF and prior years can be paid without SEliNW 1-*, Sec. P-15-45. 5-6-33. $10. Neither is it all delight, penalty or interest if paid before July Lewis Jacobson rt al to Anna Jacob­ count is for final settlement and that of Sec. 1, Twp. 18, Rng. 44, E. W. But it’d just what we make it, JEWELRY STORE 1st. After July 1, the taxes for such son,E'iSWU, SWtiSW!4, Sec. 16, SEti said estate is ready for distribution, M., lying east of railroad and high­ This being economy If we do the thing th at’s right. way and west of drain ditch, and on confirmation of said final ac­ Official Time Inspector for may be paid in ten semi-annual SSE!4 ( Sec. 17, E‘4EH, NW1-4NW1-4, year, let us brighten up So thought Amanda as she pondered years Union Pacific installments which will bear interest NEViNWii, N W LN E'i, Sec. 20, WMi- count, final distribution of said estate $1.00 per acre. Tr. 578—All of Sec. 16. Twp. 34, that hat, refresh that O’er a question old. yet new and a penalty of 2 per cent. NWVi, NE1-4NW1-4, Sec. 21-15-45; also will be immediately had. Ontario Oregon Dated and first published May 11, Rng. 41, E. W. M., $125.00. tools, machinery and equipment. 5-6- suit, dress or coat. You Which had been submitted to her, Tr. 579— 8V4SE>4, Sec. 8; SWK- 1933. Date of last publication, June 8, Ending with “Say yes, Oh do!" 33. $10.00. will like our work. SW 4, Sec. 9; NEVi. Sec. 17; FIRE AT VALE David F. Graham, County Judge to 1933. William was an ardent lover. SEt4NW>4, SW!4SW)4, Sec. 17; ELMER L. JOHNSON, H. G. Huckstep, NWV.SWi, Sec. 33- Not one of the faithless kind. S tiS E ti, SE!4SW)4, Sec. 18, Twp. Administrator of the Estate 32-40. 5-3-33. $1.00. Fhe destroyed the garage at the resi­ But an honest, upright fanner 16, Rng. 43 E. W. M., $240.00. of Donald Johnson, Deceased W. E. Beers et ux to H. A. Parks dence of J. Edwin Johnson county en­ Seeking a maid to suit his mind. Tr. 580—SE14SE14, Sec. 33; 8H - Finger Wave« and ROBT. D. LYTLE, Vale, Undivided 1-5 int in Sec. 15; SEti- gineer, in Vale Sunday afternoon. The Boise Oregon, Attorney for Ad­ S 4 , NE'4SE>4, Sec. 34; Wt4SW!4, Thus, bethrothed, they sought a parson blaze was extinguished before it could NW14. SW VINE 14, SVi, all Sec. 16 less Sec. 35, Twp. 24, Rng. 40 E. W. M., Marcel* ministrator. Who could forge the bans you know spread to the house nearby so little 30 A. in Ruby Townsite; NViSEVi, $160.00. SE14SE14, NEtiSW ‘ 4, N ‘i , Sec. 22-30- Then hitched up in double harness, damage was done. Quality Cleaners and Tr. 581—SW^SWVi. Sec. 14. Twp. Are a Specialty At— 44. 5-16-33. $1. With light hearts they onward go. 16. Rng. 47 E. W. M. $50.00. Dyers Rosa B. Love to Oscar Jacobson 1-2 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP­ Tr. No. 582—Lots 3, 4, 5 6, and 7. To the duties of the home life ERTY BID IN FOR TAXES AND int. in SHNEli, S E liN W li, NEHSWti BURRELLE DIES AT VALE Which they gladly entered in, OWNED BY MALHEUR COUNTY, Block 3, Riverside Addition, On­ SE1-4, Sec. 32-14-45, cont. 320 A . also Representative calls in Knowing little of life’s struggles tario, $35.00. OREGON. .NE14SW14, SK-SWli, Sec. 16, N!4NW% Marie’« Beauty Shop Nyssa, Parma and Vale j With the world, its strife and sin. Mr. Burrelle, old timer of Vale who SW1-4NW1-4, Sec. 21, SE1-2NE1-4, Sec. Notice is hereby given that pursuant Tr. 583—NE>4NW!4. Sec. 24. Twp. 16, Rng. 47 E. W. M., $40.00. All Beauty Work eveiy week. ' But our God has been most gracious operated a country store known as 20 , Lots 1 and 2, SWViSW'i, Lots 3 and to an order duly made by the County Tr. 584—SWKNEVi. 8W<4NW>4, Burrelle’s station for many years, died 4 Sec 4 sEViNEti, NEliNE'4, E14- Court of Malheur County, Oregon, I To each of you along your way. NHSWK, SE!4, Sec. 15; SEK- Phone 8F2 Nyssa For we’ve seen around you gathered suddenly Saturday after an attack of SEH, W14SE1-2, EV4 SW1*. SW liN E'i. bearing date of 27th day of April, 1933 SWK, SW>48EVi, Sec. 16; EV4- acute indigestion. He was well advanc- isEliNW l-4, Lots 2 and 3, Sec. 5, to me directed in the matter of the sale ed iry years. He was well known in th e : E<-iSE'i, Sec. 20. SEViSE'A, Sec. 17. of lands bid in by said County for tax­ NB%, NW14NE14. NEVINW14, Sec. 21. Twp. 14. Rng. 42 E. W. M„ Vale section. N14NE14, NEViNWl-4, Sec. 20, N> 4 - es and commanding me to sell ac­ $ 200 . 00 . NEt4, SEV4NE14, Sec. 8, WHNW1-4 cording to law the real property be­ Tr. 585—NWViSWtt. Sec. 2, Twp. 8E14NW14, Lots 1 and 2. Sec. 9-15-45, longing to said County and hereinafter 17, Rng. 43 E. W. M„ $40.00. MAKING GOOD _____ cont. 1451.35 acres. 4-8-18A $1.00 described; that I shall In compliance Tr. 586—SHNH, NV48H. Sec. 21; I Winfield S. Brown et al to Estolla with the commands of said order, and NHSWtt, Sec. 15, Twp. 16, Rng. 46 George Ovie Hopkins, older brother Campbell. Lot 7, Blk. 64, Greens Add on the 3rd day of June, 1933, at the E. W. M. $100.00. of Albert Hopkins of Nyssa is making Nyssa. 10-23-28. $3500. hour of 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon Tr. 587—Blocks 1 and 8. Hope Ad­ Jessie C. Graham et vir to C. O of said day, at the north main entrance good in the field of journalism. He re- H. D. Holme» dition, Vale, $25.00. per block. ! cently received his M. A. degree from Pierson, Tract 7, Irr. Land Coip. Sub- door of the County Court House at Tr. 588—Block 8, Original Town- the University of Oklahoma. He has div .in EV4SE14 Sec. 31-19-47. 5-16-33. Vale, Oregon, offer for sale at public site of Vale $25, subject to 5-year TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE just been named editor of the N. E. A. $1750,. auction, to the highest) bidder therefor, lease. Phone 76F3 Minnie Rogers Blaylock et vir to Bud the lands hereinafter described. Said Bulletin, official organ of the National Dated at Vale, Oregon this 2nd day Editorial association, with headquarters C. Rogers. Lots 1 2 and 3 and N W 'i- tracts of land are numbered as herein­ of May, 1933. All Kinds of Hauling in in Chicago. This is just another rea- NE14 Sec 18 Lots 6 7.... 10 11 12, Sec Ambulance Service after set forth and each tract will be City Limite C. W. GLENN, son why Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins would 12-24-39. 5-12-33. $10. offered for not less than the prices like to attend the world’s fair In John F. Reece to City of Nyssa. Lot fixed by said order for each tract as Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon 10, Blk. 14 Nyssa. 5-3-33 $30. Chicago. . PHONE 5 hereinafter set forth, the cost of pub­ First publication May 11 NYSSA, OR. lication to be added to each tract so Last publication June 1. sold. Marriage Licenses Issued Said lands will be offered for sale to Harold Eugene Brown and Nora the highest and best bidder for cash CT.orence Doty. 5-15-33. or for not less than 20 per cent cash Walter Lowell Brown and Doris and the remainder to be paid under Katherine Wing. 5-15-33. written agreement with the purchaser G. E. Murphey and Vinnie E. Stus- in equal installments over a period not sie. 5-17-33. exceeding ten years, all deferred pay­ ments to draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable annual­ Legal Advertisement ly, and such agreements shall be sub- jeet to all terms and conditions of Sec­ tion 69-836, as amended by Chapter By Special Arrangements with the Leading Magazines of the NOTICE GRADUATION—Once in a Lifetime 220 of the Session Laws of Oregon for Country We Bring You the Biggest Bargain of All Time . . . . IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 1931. A WATCH is the ideal gift. A good one will last All lands within the boundaries of Subscriptions To 3 Famous Magazines with A New or Renewal STATE OF OREGON FOR THE irrigation or drainage districts will be a lifetime. We have a complete stock of Elgin, COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Order for This Newspaper. sold subject to any valid assessment In the Matter of the Estate of WIN­ made or to be made by said districts Walthan, Illinois and Hamilton Watches. FIELD S. BROWN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That M AKE UP YOUR OWN CLUB! ALSO—a large selection of rings, watch attach­ Winifred Brown Thomas, administra­ ments, Fountain Pens, Leather Goods, Neck­ trix of the estate of Winfield 8. Brown, wear and Novelties. deceased, has rendered and presented If You Want to Look her final account of her administration 1 Magazine From Group “A” Buy American—Prices Lower than ever before of said estate and petition for distri­ 2 Magazines From Group “ B” Your Best, Come To bution and discharge as such admin­ istratrix; that Monday, the 19th day of And GINZEL JEWELRY STORE June, 1933 ,at the hour of 11:00 o'clock 1 WHY PAY THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Year) In the forenoon of that day, in the Opposite Moore Hotel Ontario, Ore. MORE? County Court Room In the County MAC’S Court House, In Vale, Malheur County. Oregon, has been appointed and fixed BARBER SHOP Your Choice of Any Two by the Judge of teid Court In an order Your Choice of Any One Magazines in This Group made and entered on the 11th day of Magazine in This Group May, 1933, as the time and place for HEATER’S STUDIO GROUP B GROUP A Laundry Agent hearing said petition, at which time □ Better Homei ft Gardens 1 Yr. Portraits of Quality and place all persons interested in said □ McCall’« Magazine ...... 1 Yr army □ Woman’s World..............1 Yr. estate may appear and object to said □ Woman's Home Comp. I Yr Kodak Finishing □ Household Magazine .....1 Yr. account, settlement thereof, and con­ □ Pictorial Review 1 Yr NEEDLECRAFT Ontario, Oregon □ Needlecraft ............... 1 Yr. I test the same, and all persons concern­ □ Screen Play ........ .... 1 Yr 'Ml III III 1.11 «¡1 If 1 1 illlll uni m m M M M M M r □ Good Stories..................... 1 Yr. I ed therein are notified to be present Q Hollywood Movie Mag. 1 Yr. □ Country Home ........ 2Y rs.| and show cause, if any there be, why □ Open Road (Boys) ...... 1 Yr. □ Successful Farming........ 1 Yr. said account and report should not be □ Pathfinder (Wkly.) — 1 Yr. GEO. KINZER approved and allowed, and said estate And Your Choice of Any One settled and the said administratrix dis­ And Your Choice of Any Two Plumber Maoaeine in Group A charged. Magasines in Croup B. THREE IN ALL WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS THREE IN ALL Administratrix of the Estate of Repairs and Sells Furnaces Com­ Winfield 8. Brown, Deceased. Date, of First Publication, May 18, 1933. Gentlemen :— peting with even the mail order . T H I S O f f t B I* Date of Last Publication. June 15, 1933