1 NYSSA, OREGON G A T E W A Y T O TH E O W Y H E E AND B LA CK CAN YO N IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXVII. OVER W IL L FR UITLAN D CINCH P EN N A N T; F R ID A Y GAM E W IT H ON TAR IO T U E S D A Y ENDS 4 TO 3. T O W N IN OREGON INVESTIGATE “BUTCH” BURBIDGE CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY HERE Not his wedding, nor birthday but an anniversary Just as import­ ant arrived Wednesday for “ Butch” Sidney Burbidge who yesterday celebrated twenty years In the meat shop business in Nyssa. In May, 1913, Biitch came from Bos­ ton, Lincolnshire, England, to join his brother the late Horace Bur­ bidge In the shop in the "old tin shack” on main street. In 1918 Butch became a citizen of this country and served during the „ World War. Upon his return, he resumed cutting chops and steaks. Today, Butch and his partner Dewey Ray have one of the most up-to-date and attractive packing plants in Malheur county. In fact, it is frequently called the best. Not­ ed for its cleanliness and good meats, it enjoys a wide patronage from Nyssa and vicinity. Flood Waters Gush Through Low er Gate in Owyhee Dam; Reservoir Claims Old Farms BILL CON NOLLY COM PLETE CON TROL SAYS HE W IL L IN ST AL L A T IO N O ATES IN OF E AR L Y ONTARIO BANK PAYS $86,000 INSTALLMENT JUNE. E WILL SPEAK Oil MOTHER’S DAY EAGLES LODGE IS SPONSORING C O M M U N IT Y SERVICE A T M E T H ­ Depositors of the O D IS T CHURCH SUNDAY N IO H T ; bank, member of toe M OTHERS W IL L RECEIVE F L O W ­ Ontario National First National Bank of Idaho group, will receive the 25 per cent payment on Installments, due July 1, at once. Payment will be made in all banks of to? chain, In all releasing $800,000 In purchasing power In the Snake river valley. Boise City National bank also paid a 16 2-3 per cent dividend yesterday. CROWD PRAISES SCHOOL COMEDY CITY FIREMEN SWAMP EAGLES NYSSA STUDENTS EXHIBIT FRIDAY Counties Seek To Pro Rate Payment Of State Tax On Collection Basis An astonishing delinquency in tax payments by property owners throughout the state Is responsible for i toe serious condition that confronts j the counties. This may be relieved if delinquent taxes are paid up this year under the Inducement offered by the last legislature act which waived pen- alty and interest for prompt payment. In addition to toe $3,000.00 which the counties must pay Into the state treas­ ury, they must set aside In their own treasuries more than $2.000,000 for the elementary school fund. home. Miss Ethel Baltzor is visiting at the j J. W . Baltzor home at Arock. I Fred Haylett has been driving the j county road truck during toe absence I of John Hardwick. 1 Mrs. Ray Morden and son Jim and | Mrs. Alfred Dltton visited at the Her­ bert E. Baltzor home Sunday. The rain greatly Improved the range. H. E. Baltzor Is In Caldwell. Maxine and Fred Haylett were In Boise and visited friends In toe Maple Orore community last week. toe writing for grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8„ Miss Eva Boydell the art work for gradca 3, 4, 5 and 8. Other teachers will have special exhibits of class work. Teachers say the exhibits result In much encouragement for Improved student endeavor. Mr. and M r s Robert Martin left for Opal, W y o , toe last o f the week where Mr. Martin will bt agent at the depot Miss Ella and her grandmother Mrs. Ella Kirk will join them after toe close o f school. LOCATE $1.50 PER YEAR Working hand In hand with toe en­ ERS. gineers on the Owyhee Irrigation pro­ ject Is old Mother Nature. She has sent When Young’s youthful batsmen spring rains and melting snows to fill nosed out Ontario 4 to 3 Tuesday In Nyssa Aerie of the Eagles Lodge is the winding, twisting reservoir with Ontario, they stepped into first place sponsoring a union service In honor of flood waters which are now rising In the Idaho-Oregon high school Mother’s Day at the Methodist Com- along the face of the dam to a depth league. Their standing Is five victories mnuity Church Sunday evening, May of about 165 feet above the former river with one defeat. 14. Eagles will present flowers to all level. No great amount of water will be Nyssa made the first counter in the mothers attending and they will be toe stored this year but already the new second frame when Earl Sager clouted honored ones throughout the evening. reservoir Is changing the topography of a two-bagger and scored on a double by Judge T. B. Chapman of Boise sent the canyon. McEwen. Some airtight pitching fol­ word yesterday that he would deliver A homesteader’s shack, which was lowed which prevented further scoring the Mother’s Day sermon. Mrs. Howard once tucked In a tiny valley In the until the sixth. Johnston made first on J. Larsen, Mrs. C. L. McCoy, Mrs. Ray river bottom, has been washed from its a single. He was forced out at second Kendler, Miss Ella Martin and Robert moorings and carried down the can­ by Forbes, who advanced to third when Stringfellow will sing appropriate sel­ yon. It is floating with driftwood In McEwen received a free trip to first. ections. Readings will be given by Mrs. the great, green pool in front of the Forbes scored on Bela Sager's single. Wesley J. Browne, M i s s Harriet dam. This is the first of many; homes Sager and Walters scored after the lat­ Ahearn,, Carlotta Irwin, Rose Worley LARGE C R O W D A TTEND S S T U D ­ which will be removed when the water ter clouted a high Texas leaguer which A R T N O R CO T T KN O CK S HOMER and Lester Keizer. Don Graham will ENT B O D Y P LAY DIRECTED B Y j covers the site purchased by the gov­ puzzled the Ontario lads. FOR T H R IL L OF T W IL IG H T K I T ­ make a brief welcome talk. Ontario came back in the sixth to M ISS JO H NSON; RUTII W OLFE j ernment. The service will open at 8 p. m. TEN BALL. Unlike other storage reservoirs, Owy­ score her first two runs on two hits and "Come, and bring your mother,” the HAS LEAD. | hee dam will impound no round, lake­ one error. Another in the eighth Eagles invite. like body of water. Instead the reser- brought hopes higher. Johnston saved For Sunday Morning ovir follows the winding course of Business men with red corpuscles the day for Nyssa when he struck out Rev. Floyd White announaes that An unusually clever and swift moving Owyhee river, tnrough colorful can­ braved the Tuesday night'chill to play a hard hitter to end the ninth with a plot, combined with good talent, made ons, rimrocks and hills for a distance the second game of the Inter-city kit­ awards will be made to the winning man on third. Johnston allowed On­ "Peg ’O My Heart,” presented last of 52 miles. It will not exceed three ten ball series. Minus their captain classes in the recent Sunday School tario 5 hits and made 16 strikeouts. Sunday morning. Thursday night at the Liberty theatre quarters of a mile across at any point. “Butch” Burbidge who had gone to the , membership drive Bruner fanned ten while Nyssa garner­ Miss Eleanor Foster’s primary class of by the high school one of the best play* Water is now being released through Legion meeting, the fire fighters ate ed 7 hits. of the year. Miss Clarice Johnson was a lower gate in Owyhee dam for the up the dirt and defeated the screaming 124 youngsters will each receive a Test­ The locals play Fruitland Friday ament. The classes of Mrs. C. A. Ab­ Owyhee Ditch company. It pours into Eagles 14 to 6. Art Norcott made a bott and Gilbert Klinkenberg will also with the assurance that a win will director. The stage setting was attractive, rep­ the river channel at terrific speed, homer in the first frame and knocked receive gifts. c .nch the 1933 pennant. Next Tuesday Nyssa plays New Plymouth, closing a resenting the living room in Regal washing spray high Into toe air. Lower in three scores. Rev. Dr. H. W. Parker of Twin Falls Villa. Carlotta Irwin was the haughty down, the water is diverted into the Pogue acted as captain of toe fire­ will deliver the morning sermon. Spec­ successful season. matron Mrs. Chichester, Pauline Brush, ditch company’s old canal system. AB H R men while Tom Burton lined up the ial Mothers Day music will include a Nyssa box score— Ethel, her daughter. The red-haired | If Mother Nature had been extreme­ Eagles. The box score, follows: Seits, ss ........................ ..............5 0 0 solo, "Mother Machree,” by Kermlt heroine proved to be Ruth Wolfe, who ly generous with flood waters this Firemen— .. . . ..4 1 0 AB H R E Lienkaemper. WiU’.amis^ c ................. had a deplorable time In the rich and I spring, Owyhee reservoir would not 0 • .............. 5 0 ¡Johnston, 2b .......................... 2 1 1 Schweizer, 2b .............. strange home. She finally found hap- have been filled to capacity for two ¡Keizer, c .................... 6 0 E. Säger, 3b .................. .............. 5 2 I ’ piness with Jerry, her only friend, who reasohs. First, Connolly Company has 1 CITY DADS DISCUSS Hoxie, lb .................................. 5 D. Johnston, p ............. .............. 4 1 0 is better known as Dwight Johnston. not completed the installation of con­ 1 A. Norcott, p ...........................S Forbes, lb .................. .............. 3 0 1 Keith Parkinson w a s A 1 a r i c, Mrs. | SEWER, OLD BONDS trol works at the opening of Tunnel No. 0 McClure, 3b ....... 1................. 5 McEwen, lf .................... .............. 2 1 1 Chichester’s mild-mannered young; 1, through which the waters from Owy­ Reberger, ss .............:........... ...2 1 B. Säger, cf .................. ................ 4 3 1 son; Ray Ashcraft, the footman; Rob­ hee reservoir will be diverted for use Fred H. Paulus, deputy state treas­ 0 Ray, If ............................... 5 Watlers, rf .................. ...............3 I • ert Johannesen, the solicitor; Arthur on the greater area of the project. 0 urer, met with city officials Monday N Y S S A 14, PAYE TTE 0 Pogue, cf ..........................,.......5 Chapman, Christian Brent; and Mary Second, the concrete within the huge Between showers, the locals swamped Browne, rf 0 and outlined toe procedure for securing Munsterman, the maid. The leads were dam is still being cooled. Grouting In L?uck, c f 0 the federal loan for construction of toe Payette high Friday 14 to 0. Johnston excellent and very promising were the cracks will continue this summer. held the visitors to three hits and fan­ Pounds, ss 0 proposed sewer system in Nyssa. Ap­ several younger members of the cast. About fifty feet above the present McLlng, rf 0 plication will be made by Attorney E. ned 12 while Nyssa gathered 12 hits off During the Interlude, Ella Martin water level Is the Connolly camp. Great Payette. The feature of the game was 46 17 14 3 M. Blodgett. Mr. Paulus also discussed sang the theme song and Max Parkin­ steel gates In the tunnel opening will Schwelzer’s triple with three men on Eagles— AB H R E the proposed refunding af the $19,000 son gave the reading, "At the Ball be operated from a point on the hill­ bond issue of 1913 which was Incurred Ramboud. lb .................... bases. .5 0 1 by the construction of the city water side high above, a shaft shooting down­ B. Lienkaemper, cf, p. 2b Nyssa box score— AB H R Game.” 5 3 2 system. ward into the tunnel, Near the works Gehr, 3b ...................... ..... Belts, rf, c, s s ................................4 1 .5 At the council meeting Monday are the Connolly “ penthouse” struc­ TERTELING GETS Schwelzer, 2b ..................... 5 2 Burton, p, 2b, sa ............... .5 night, Fred McConnell presented a on stilts, where the office, cook­ J. Keizer, c .............................. 5 1 Forbes, lb ..................................... 5 2 IDAHO CITY JOB i tures cost estimate of the sewer project. house and lodging quarters are housed. Marshall, 2b, cf ..................... 5 0 E. Sager, 3b ........................... - ....4 1 Mayor Howard J. Larsen presided. D. Johnston, p ....- ..............5 1 J. A. Terteling, Boise contractor who A locomotive, operating on a steep In­ Ernest, ss, p. If .......................4 0 During the week, work has progress­ McEwen, If .................... 4 recently 1 completed the Owyhee canal cline, carries supplies to and from the E. Norcott, If, p ..................... 4 2 ed on the low pressure well. The crew B. Sager, c f ................................3 1 Job, will begin work soon on a road lower road to the point where the Frost, rf ..................................4 2 struck water at 12 feet but excavation Williams, c ................................... 3 1 42 11 contract at Idaho City. John Klug, who gates will be operated. Connolly says will continue until the flow Is sufficient his job will be finished by the middle R. Johnston, ss ............................ 3 0 sub-contracted the concrete work here, for city needs. Is planning to join the Terteling crew of June. 150 SEED LOANS MADE A year has greatly changed Owyhee Seed loans aggregating about $25,000 PAUL JOHNSTON WINS at Idaho City. He spent several days at village. Numerous little cabins have Idaho City looking over the work there have been made in Malheur county disappeared, only the dwellings of the this spring, according to County Agent BROTHER’S DEATH IN SPELLING FINALS this week. families and Connolly R. G. Larson. He stated that 150 appli­ The Terteling and Klug crews will be government ENDS LONG QUEST Only one speller from the Nyssa zone moving to their new location soon, they workmen remaining. The government cations have been granted in all parts camp is a pretty spot with well built, of the county. Paul Johnston of Oregon Trail placed | report. Not until the death of a brother modem homes, beautiful trees, lawns at the finals In Vale Thursday. He won Lewis W. Fletcher, did Mrs. H. R. Mor­ and gardens. Soil is very productive, It third place in the eighth grade division. ris, formerly of Nyssa, learn of his BOISE M A Y O R HERE Is sheltered by canyon walls and toe Other winners in the order of winning, DAVIS SAYS HUNTING since the last time she WILD TURKS IS ART camp has a modem water system. Mayor and Mrs. McCue of Boise, Mrs. whereabouts were 5th—Billie Laxon, Wanda Keith, saw him at Walla Walla 22 years ago. There Is every opportunity for garden­ Maude L. Cosho, Idaho legislator, and Ontario; 6th Jack Hoffman, Vale; Allen Forbes, also of Boise, Inspected For 14 years they had lived within 25 Marla Boyer, Ontario; 7th—Barbara If there’s one thing better to eat ing, so that is recreation at Owyhee. miles of each other, he at Camas and Thirty-one miles from Nyssa, a trip the Forbes turkey farm near town Byrne, Vale; Alice Rogers, Lincoln, 8th than Malheur county turkey, It’s Ten­ she at Battle Ground, Wash., and —Helen Enebeck, Harper; Violet Fore­ nessee wild turkey, sayys R. J. Davis to the dam offers a pleasant drive. Monday when on return from the May many times he had passed only a block man, Vale; Paul Johnston, Oregon who hunted the big birds In his young­ Orchards, green fields and pretty farm | festival at Payette. They were impress- from her home. good highway from led with the poultry operations and Trail. er days. The largest one he ever shot homes line the The brother had searched for his tow nto the junction beyond Dunaway. crops in general which are making a Vale lead in honors with two firsts weighed 19 pounds. good growth in spite of the cold spring. sister and once went to Battle Oround More miles through a brush covered and one second. Mrs. Kathryn Clay- "Keen o 9 sight and hearing, the wild j but was told she had gone to Califor­ pool, county school superintendent, turkey is not easy to hunt. Some at­ pleatcau give one his first idead of the Mrs. Cosho formerly lived in Nyssa. nia. At that time Mrs. Morris hap­ gave cash prizes of $5 for first places, tempt to slip up on them and others Immensity of the Owyhee which covers pened to be on a trip in the southern H ARD ON COYO TE CROP $2.50 for second. learn1 to Imitate the turkey call. A leaf 135,000 acres. Robert E. Long, government hunter, state. may be used between the lips, a piece S. Morris, son of Mrs. Morris, at Col­ headed the list In the state last month. of slate or a nail. Still others make a LANGTON IMPROVES He turned In the scalps of 112 coyote lege Place saw the obituary of his ARCADIA WINS AGAIN contraption which emits a curious pups and six adults. During the fore­ uncle In a paper and sent it to Mrs. FROM NYSSA JUNIORS noise. One must practice at the art of NEW LUNCH ROOM part of April, Fred R. Sankey, assist­ Morris. It reached her one day after The Arcadian rural school pennant turkey calling as the wild birds are not ant leader, accompanied Long on coy­ toe funeral. He was 68. She is 64. winners trimmed Nyssa Juniors yes­ easy to deceive. With stipled walls and attractively ote den hunting! “You can hear the gobble of a turkey painted fixtures, the new lunch room terday 10 to 8. In a ninth frame thril­ ler, John Van Zelf, Arcadia pitcher, a mile away and he can hear you at a at the Kozy Cafe presents a neat ap­ Nick Smit was in town today from Panic Incident Found clquted a home run with bases loaded. great distance if you call. Fall is hunt­ pearance. An archway connects it with Arcadia. He is the new member of the For Use in “Sweepings” ing time as the young birds are at their Frank Pierson and Alvin Root hit the resturant. The owner, James Lang- school board succeeding Thos Sager. homers for Nyssa. Batteries: Arcadia best and are more easily separated ton, Is among Nyssa beer retailers who Some of the odd things people do —Van Zelf and Long; Nyssa—Graham from the flock and shot than the more will be glad to see the weather warm under stress of excitement have re­ artful elders.” and Parkinson. up, although he says business has been cently been unearthed, filed and In­ very satisfactory. dexed by the RKO-Radlo Pictures’ re­ search department. SHEAVILLE SCHOOL i During the great Chicago fire In 1871 I the following Incident occured. A man HAS ANNUAL PICNIC | came running out of a hotel attired In Posters, paintings, samples of writing [ a nightshirt. In one hand he carried Sheavllle— The school picnic for up­ and art,, in fact, the best of school ex­ I valuable papers. In the other he held a Collection by the state government able to pay the state on a pro rata of Oregon of nearly $3,000,000 In state basis. “To make other funds suffer to per Cow creek district was held at the hibits will be displayed Friday after­ j little red pin cushion. Despite Ids need- property taxes from the 36 counties pay the stole In full Is unfair and un­ E. Baltzor home April 28. In the even­ noon at the annual grade school ex­ | for clothing he took articles which fur­ this year will probably force at least just,” said a la n e county commission­ ing the Baltzore entertained a number hibit in the gymnasium. Last year toe nished small protection against toe two-thirds of them on a warrant basis, er. He added that Lane county would of their friends in honor of toe teach­ exhibits covered all walls and numer­ I elements. The evening ous tables and this spring It will be owing to delinquencies, said a report be forced on a warrant basis if the pay­ er, Miss Eleanor Fifer. Incidents like this have been used as equally as large and as Interesting, the atmospheric background for Monday from the tax commission, after ment is made in full unless taxes are was spent In dancing. Cohen's Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elguren spent teachers say. The public Is Invited. an inquiry as to the ability of toe ¡paid on a larger scale than they were I epic novel, "Sweepings.” showing Tues­ Thursday evening at the D. H, Haylett Mrs. Nettie Medssker will exhibit day, Wednesday and Thursday at toe counties to pay toe first half of state last year. taxes due June 1. The report Indicated that Malheur county would probably be In a posi­ tion to pay but that the county court Is contemplating the Idea of remitting to toe state only Its pro rata share of toe taxes collected. Thus, If 80 per cent of the taxes are collected In Malheur county, the state will get 80 per cent of Us levy. If 50 per cent are collected, the state would get half. However, state officials say the state can collect toe full amount by law. Several other counties hoped to be BUSIEST AN D FASTEST G R O W IN G NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 NO. 29. DEFEATS ONTARIO ID LEAD SERIES W IN THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON | Liberty theatre. Lionel Barrymore has toe starring role In the story, which depict« the rise of a gerat merchant dynasty from the ashes of Chicago. THANK YOU I The Journal Is happy to acknowledge new subscription and renewals from the following: E. J. Burro«’gh, A. A. Mazac, Hugh Olasgow, John Lackey, Harriet Ahearn. Ray Emmott, Nyasa; Ontario National Bank, Ontario. NAMPA COMES HERE SUNDAY FOR 1933 LEAGUE OPENER Oepnlng toe Idaho-Oregon semi- pro baseball league, Nyssa will cross bats on the home diamond Sunday with toe Nampa club, Nampa having entered the six- team circuit which also includes Boise, Baker, Ontario and Caldwell. I f Nyssa and Ontario perform Ilka the Boise club manager anticipates, home fans are assured some classy sport. The game will be called at 2:30 p. m. On M ay 21, Nyssa goes to Boise to play the Senators In their first home game. In the opener this week Boise plays at Baker, Ontario at Caldwell. The first half of toe series will close July 16. It consists of ten games. Harold Hoxie and several of the boys have been selling season tickets this week. ALMA HENDRICKS WINS AT TRACK N YSSA LAD IS H IG H POINT MAN AT MALHEUR, CO U N T Y M EET; EVELYN JONES W IN S MEDAL. Alm a Hendricks of Nyssa was high point boy at the annual county track meet In Ontario Friday, winning four first place ribbons and a gold medal. He took first in 50-yard dash, 100-yard dash, hurdles and broad jump. He en­ tered toe B class division and made 20 points. Evelyn Jones, also of Nyssa, took honors for A class girls and won a gold medal with first place In toe 50 and 100-yard dash and hurdles. Other medal winners at the meet were Arietta Small of Harper, high point girl who made 18 points; Bud­ die Walker o f Vale, A class boys; Eug­ ene Stewart and Louise Prahl of O n­ tario. W ith a total of 158 points. O n- trio took the school cup. Vale was sec­ ond with 95 and Nyssa third with 86. Harper won the intermediate school cup. Nyssa’s other winners were; Lloyd Wilson, first In high Jump; Frank Pierson, first In hurdles, 3rd In 100 and second in bread Jump; Stanley Ray, first in 50-yard dash and hurdles, second In 100; Flora Wimp, first In hurdles, 2nd in broad Jump, 3rd In baseball throw. Other point winners were Edith Burns, W aneta Graves, Josephine Brush, Houston Wilson, Claron Mitchell and June Wilson. RAILROAD COMPANY PAYS $18,130 TAX A voucher for $18,130.46 covering one half of the taxes of the Oregon Short Line Railroad in Malheur County for 1632 has been paid. Illustrating how the total 1932 taxes of the railroad are distributed throughout toe county, E. M. Sawyer, states that $18,697.98 Is for schools, $5,8000.51 for city, $6,438.07 for county, $4,307.07 for state, $1,797.19 for roads and bonds, $187.40 for drainage taxes and $52,70 for destruction of ro­ dents. These amounts do not Include the taxes paid on the Brogan Branch and toe Oregon Eastern Branch In Malheur county. SECURE THROUGH NEW LOAN DEAL FA RM RELIEF RECLAM ATION MEASURE, LOAN W IT H AM END­ M ENT, GE TS FINAL O. K . FROM CONGRESS AND GOES TO PRESI­ DENT. Portland, May 11— Happy to say loan now passed both houses. Mes-.... sare just received says bill will re­ ceive President's approval imme­ diately. Marshall N. Dana. (The foregoing tu'egram was just re­ ceived from Mr. Dana). Federal work on the Owyhee and Vale projects In 1933 was assured Sat­ urday by toe agreement of conferees on the farm and Inflation bill to auth­ orize the $5.000,000 loan by toe Recon­ struction Finance corporation toward completion of federal projects now under construction, according to a special dispatch reaching The Journal Monday. Advances are to be repaid within five years at 4 per cent. Last night the entire farm relief and inflation bill was as good as law as It had been finally approved by both houses and lacked only routine signa­ tures. Final action saw the Norris- Slmpson cost o f production guarantee plan eliminated In the senate. The bill issued from congress just as the department of agriculture revealed that the United States faces its lowest wheat production In 29 years, marking a start on elimination of the vast sur­ pluses piled up In the last few years. The department reported the lowest winter wheat crop expectation since 1904. Secretary Wood In Indicated the broad Inflation powers given President Roosevelt might not be Invoked if economic restoration progressed satis­ factorily. BURGLARS BREAK INTO NYSSA ELEVATOR SHOP Burglars broke Into the office of the Nyssa Elevator last night by crashing through a small window. After ran­ sacking desks and shelves they found nothing of value and apparently took nothing. W hen F. J. Warns ley came over from Parma this morning he dis­ covered the attempted burglarly and notified police. HOWARD BOOR WINS AT UNION TRACK Not his best throw but a winner at the Union track meet Saturday, How­ ard Boor heaved the shot 44 feet 5 inches to win first place. Montgomery, Boren and Bela Sager failed to place. Coach John Young accompanied the four Nyssa entries. Saturday Nyssa will enter toe county track meet in On­ tario. PARMA MAN OPENS JEWELRY SHOP HERE On Saturday W m . Flier of Parma opened the Fifer Jewelry shop In the Swan building. He will carry all kinds of Jewelry, musical instruments and accessories, just as he carries In the OREGON M AY GET BIG shop at Parma which is now being SUM FOR ROAD WORK operated by his son Harold Fifer. Mr. Flier says he specializes In watch re­ The state of Oregon would receive pair. approximately $7,000,000 for highway construction this year if the bill offer­ ed by toe National Association of Highway Officials Is Incorporated In President Roosevelt’s public works pro­ A late spring frost nipped fruits and gram which probably will be Intro­ vegetables Sunday night and apparent­ duced In congress today. This Information was received from ly killed many of the budding apricots, J. N. Devers, attorney for the Oregon pears and prunes. The apples escaped. other garden state highway commission, who left Tomatoes, beans and particularly for Washington recently to assist the vegetables were Injured, The frost was Oregon delegation In congress In ob­ tomatoes and beans. serious on some farms than taining road funds for unemployment more others, a few reporting no damage. relief. FROST NIPS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Nyssa People Will Take Part In Grange Picnic On Mother’s Day All granges of the county will pay tribute to mothers, young and old, at toe annual Mother’s Day picnic and program on Sunday at Boulevard hall, between Nyssa and Ontario. It will be a countywide event and D. C. Demlng, of Vale, Pomona| master, will preaids. The following program, arranged by Mrs. Karl Norvall, Pomona lecturer, will be given; Mother’s Day address, Rev. Stanley Moore, pastor of the Episcopal churches at Ontario, Vale and Nyssa: address. "M others of M en,” Supt. Leo D. Hollenberg of Nyssa; talk, "Old-Fashioned Mothers.” Mrs. Tom Lowe of Owyhee. Mrs. Oarret Stem and Mrs. Orover Vest, both of Nyssa, have been Invited to speak on "M oth ­ er* of Other Lands.” Mrs Stem to take toe Dutch. Mr*. Vest, the Japans**. Steve Cox of Boulevard 1$ arranging special music which may Include »el­ ections by the recently organised l Boulevard grange orchestra. Patrons are invited to bring a basket dinner which will be served at l o'clock. The program will follow. Delegations are expected from Big Bend, Arock, Oregon Slope, HajJper-Westfall, Vale and Boulevard granges, said Mrs. Nor­ vall. COTTON AND NOAH ON WEED COMMITTEE County Agent R. O . Larson Is plan­ ning weed control with the county court. He has named an adlvlsory com­ mittee consisting o f H. E. Noah and C. C Cotton, of the Nyasa section; E. M. Moors, L E. PUlebury, Arden A. Reed, J. H. Russell and P. M Bools. Larsen says weed control will be getting way soon.