GATÊ CITY jrOttRNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933 BUY NOW AND S A V E ! Even though the wholesale prices have already advanced and may go sky high THERE WILL BE NO ADVANCE THIS SEASON A T. ALEXANDER’ S We prepared for just this very emergency. When things looked the worst last February and March we were in the market buying and stock­ ing up merchandise When There Was No Cash. W e still had Government Bonds and bought more merchandise. IN OUR SUIT DEPARTMENT W e have all smooth finished pure all wool $10 $1250 *15 worsted, hand tailored Suits, and plenty of them At IN OUR SHIRT DEPARTMENT The finest of high-grade makes in this season’s patterns, in Broadcloths, Madras and Rayon 75c - $1 - $1 mixtures. Fast colors and all pre-shrunk. 25 IN OUR H AT DEPARTMENT 1 _ $2 $ 250 New Spring Felt*, snap brim and bound edge. New shades o f Grey, Tan and Nile. $ IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Neat oxfords and nobby sport styles, a solid leather shoe, black or brown, at the lowest price in history— $ 2 59 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED JORDAN LODGE Corvallis— (Special to the Journal)— ENJOYS PROGRAM The engagement of Helen Groves of Salem and Harold Wood, *34 In science Jordan Valley—The Odd Fellows and j was announced at the Prokyon club Rcbekahs lodges celebrated the U4th i Sunday. Miss Groves formerly attended anniversary of the founding of the j Willamette university and Wood Is a lodge Saturday night. Numbers befit- j member of Prokyon club here. Mr. ting the occasion were given by Mrs. Wood was formerly a member of En­ Ethel Parks. Charles Burns, George The second pair to get their license gineer O. G. Boden's servey crew at Parks and Merton Borden. After the In Caldwell Monday, when repeal of Nyssa. program games were played and a de­ the Idaho "gin marriage" law went in­ licious luncheon was served. Among to effect, Miss Mary Lewellen and the Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Relyea of New Plymouth were KOLONY LADY GIVES Boyd Blakely, Dr. W. W. Jones, Violet | married In Caldwell at the Presbyterian Skinner, John Warne, Harold Skinner, parsonage The bride wore a dress of PLEASANT LUNCHEON Frank Steams, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd peach lace and carried a bouquet of Parks and Mrs. Salmon. pink snapdragons and white carna­ Margaret O’Brian from Bakersfield. tions. She was attended by her niece Kingman Kolony—Mrs. M. M. Creel­ Cal., is viisting her sister at the Owy­ Miss Rose Worley of Nyssa who wore ing, Sr., entertained at a delightful one hee Springs. ! a dress of harmonizing green and car- o ’clock luncheon Saturday honoring Tom O'Keefe, who has been in Cal­ l ried pink carnations. James Lewellen of Mrs. C. E. Schweizer, principal of the ifornia for several months on account Nyssa, brother of the bride, was best Kolony school and her mother Mrs. of his health, is returning to Jordan | man. Others attending the ceremony Carlyle. Guests were Mrs. T .M. Lowe to make his home with Pat O’Keefe. were Mr. and Mrs. C. Klinkenberg and jo f Owyhee, Mrs. R. R. Overstreet, Mrs. Mrs. Regina Lee and son are visiting Mrs. Marlon Klinkenberg. Mr. and C. C. Cotton, Mrs. Bruce Hare, Mrs. the Lee family. Mrs. Relyea will make their home on Harvey Otis of Kingman, Mrsj A. H. Mr. Lambert of Bogus Creek died at the Relyea farm near New Plymouth. Yates of Roswell, Mrs. C. R. Roberts, the Jordan Valley Hotel April 23, of The bride formerly lived In Bonita and Mrs. Jess Baker, and Miss Copley of pneumonia. He leaves a son and Vale. Parma. The party was a Kensington daughter. • * * * and over their needlework, the ladies Mr. and Mrs. Lucia Uria came In JOLLY JANES PLAY discussed the many interesting prob­ to pack their household good which Miss Evalyn Earp, Miss Margaret lems of the day. they are moving to Gooding. Mr. Uria Hunt and Miss Annie Stam gave a May Mrs. Ashcraft’s handiwork club met has employment in a store there. Day bridge party for the Jolly Janes David Somerville came in from his Thursday. A lesson In crocheting was club at the home of the former on given. ranch on Juniper mountain to receive Monday evening. May baskets were The calf club met Wednesday with medical attention for injuries suffer­ favors at candle lighted tables, arrang­ Arnold Slippy leading. The boys con­ ed in a runaway. ed for sixteen guests at desert and ducted their session like veterans. They Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson have re­ cards. Miss Mae Keizer won first prize, turned from Caldwell. made out a splendid yearly program. Miss Margaret Pinkerton, second, and The Ladies Aid met at the home of Little Jimmie Simmons is recover­ Miss Sue Keizer, low. Among guests ing from the measles. Mrs. Ethel Parks last Wednesday. A , were Miss Lois Schweizer, who was in Mrs. Agnes Ramsey stopped to say shower was given in honor of Mrs. from the Kolony and Mrs. Merrit M. hello to the M. L. Judds and R. R. Sydney Cook. A pot-luck lunch was Greeting, Jr., who was over from Boise. Overstreets while on her way to La enjoyed by a number of invited guests . . . » Grande where her mother will under­ as well as the regular members. ATTEND PARTY AT VALE “Grandpa’s Adventures” a comedy go a serious operation. Fourteen guests from Nyssa and ten Mrs. Fred Green made a trip to was given by the high school before a from Ontario attended the May Day Joseph, Ida., and expects to be gone large audience April 21. A stunt, Span­ benefit bridge of the Vale Guild on two weeks, ish play and songs were also given Monday afternoon. In spite of the, The J. G. Lane family visited Mrs. C. and a dance followed. Part of the pro- i drenching shower out-of-doors, It was j W. Barrett’s rock garden near Nyssa ceeds are to be used for the annual May Day In the Guild hall where even Sunday and found it very lovely. high school trip and Senior banquet. a Maypole had been erected for the Jake Long and Clarence Anderson Mr. Stephens arrived from Califor­ occasion. Mrs. Ida Gordon was chair­ nia this week to take charge of his are remodeling the old Fredericks cafe man of the affair. In all guests made I building for a service station and farm for the summer. up thirteen tables of cards. Mrs. Leo Mrs. J. P. McGinnis and daughter blacksmith shop. D. Hollenberg won first prize. Mrs. C. Bernard Maher is recovering from a Mrs. Don Linville and little Pat were B. Woodward gave a prize for the Fri­ overnight guests in the John Jarvis fractured shoulder suffered when his day bridge club of Vale which fell to horse fell with him. He was treated by home Wednesday. Mrs. James A. Smith while Mrs. Roy Dr. W. W. Jones. DeArmond gave a prize for the Wed­ The Wm. Haines family stopped at nesday club. Guests from Nyssa were HAROLD WOOD GETS OFFICE the Sam Ross home, last week when Mrs. Howard Larsen, Mrs. Farnham en route to the C. Ranch in the Jun­ O. S. C.—Harold Wood, formerly of Sills, Mrs. Dick Adam, Mrs. Ed. Wilson, iper mountains where they will spend Mrs. H. Snyder, Mrs. Ray Emmott, Mrs. Nyssa, sophomore in science at Oregon the summer. Glenn Frizzell, Mrs. Dick Tensen, Mrs. State College, was elected vice-presi­ Miss Edna Lee came from Boise last Dewey Ray, Mrs. Sidney Burbidge, Mrs. dent of the Rosswood association at a week for a visit with her parents Mr. recent meeting. Rosswood is an tnde- A. V .Cook, Mrs. W. F. McLing, Mrs. and Mr.s Arthur Lee. She is a nurse at dependent oganization downtown for Hollenberg and Mrs. Francis Burger. a Boise hospital. men. AUXILIARY CARD PARTY A large crowd attended the Auxiliary card party on Friday evening at the E. M. Blodgett NYSSA SHOE SHOP Parish hap. Numerous prizes, pcmf> Attorney and Counselor at Law of them awards on tickets received at Practice in aii Court* the door, added to the enjoyment of In— the evening particularly for lucky NYSSA, OREGON winners. Mrs. Ray Emmott, Mrs. Dewey Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson, Chas. Paradis, W. F. McLing and May­ A. L. FLETCHER or Howard Larson held lucky tickets. The following guests won prizes at Attomey-at-Law cards. Mrs. Sidney Burbidge, Mrs. Ted Vale, Oregon Newell. Harry Russell of Big Bend and C. K. Keizer at pinochle; Mrs. C. L. I. O. O. F. Building McCoy, Mrs. McLing, Mr. McLing and A. H. Boydell at bridge; Mrs. Abbl of Big Bend, at five hundred. We wish to announce _ that we Poppies decorated the hall. Archie have moved to the Owyhee Real­ Howell and Mrs. Oce Schweizer play­ ty Building, next door to Hoxie ed for dancing at a late hour. It was Gaiage. a delightful party and much credit is given the committee Mrs. A. V. Cook, We welcome our old and new H. D. Holmes Mrs. Harry Russell and Mrs. Leo D. patrons . . seel us for shoe repair Hollenberg. • • • • and leather work. TRANSFER AND BAGOAGE BIRTHDAY PARTY Friday was a happy day for Peggy All Kinds of Hanllng ln Pounds, aged 5, as she celebrated her City Limit* birthday with a party for nineteen NYSSA SHOE SHOP friends. The highlight of the day was Ross Parkinson, Prop. a peanut hunt. Peggy received many NYSSA, OB. PHONE S wonderful gifts. Among her guests was Nyssa, Oregon Bobby Madden who came from Ontario with his mother Mrs. Robert Madden for the event. J NEW Location Nyssa Funeral Home Has made arrangements to conduct a complete funeral for as low as— $75.00 We make no charge for our chapel or any part of our establishment, which includes slumber room, family room, chapel and organist. W e make all plans for your convenience. PHONE 76F3 BOTTLED PEP To Balance Each Meal Balance each meal with a full glass of milk. Shelton Jersey milk is rich in Vitamin A. “ There Is No Substitute for Jersey Milk and Cream” Quality Service SHELTON’S DAIRY NYSSA OREGON Joy Riding Days Are Here at Last Is the family car tuned up to perfection? Have you had the “ wheeze” corrected, or the squeaks removed? They all get that way if not regularly overhauled, at least once a year. The family— or the lady friend— will be accord­ ed added comfort and greater enjoyment when your car sings like a humming bird. You furnish the car— W e’ll furnish the hum Satisfaction Guaranteed Larsen Motor Company Phone 43 Nyssa 0n the Old Job the pair Your Money W ill Do More Now Than Ever Alexander’s Before At “ Where Good Clothe* Cost Le»s” ONTARIO Nyssa Friends Attend Pretty May Wedding OREGON Ltoeny Theatre Friday-Saturday, May 5, 6 KARLOFF in • • « SPRING TIME, I have many varieties of beau­ tiful dahlias—23 and SO cents. Will Rogers in Rates by the dozen. Special collection— 12 blubs $1.80 Also Cartoon, Traveltalk and Curiosity Show Starts at 8 o’clock. Rakes and hoes, O' all sizes and prices. Seeds, in packet and bulk, a wide variety. FRESH N E W STOCK FLOWER TIME Sunday-Monday, May 7-8 Tue*day-Wednesday-Thursday, May 9-10-11 Nancy Carroll, John Boles in “ CHILD OF MANHATTEN” T Garden Seeds in the Bulk Bulb Time Is Here When opportunity knocked he was up a tree. Too busy to work— but not too weary to meddle Will patches things up for a couple of lovers— and decides to forgive a man he has the right to hate. Don’t miss “Too Busy to Work. Seeds TOOLS! The P l a n e makes your v much easier. \ .tachments th; enable you t care o f your as your should • FOR RECENT BRIDE Miss Margaret George and Miss Elizabeth McElroy of Vale gave a | bridal shower for Mrs. Robert Van j Home, Jr., of Payette, formerly of Nyssa at the McElroy home last Thurs- | day evening. It was a Jolly affair and the bride received a number of lovely j gifts. Miss Fay Swan attended from Nyssa. Mrs. Van Horne was Miss Betty 1 Kaylor until her recent marriage. She and her husband recently returned ’ from their wedding trip to Portland and are at home at the Van Horne or­ chard near Payette. “THE MUMMY” One o f the years biggest thrills. “TOO BUSY TO WORK” GARDEN Seed C o r n , A t Attractive Prices grown locally and produced better than 100 bu. to acre. My selection of colors and varieties. BALDRIDGE Call for particulars at Snake River Dahlia Farm 6 Miles North 3-4 mile East and 1 mile north from Nyssa MBS. W. 8. BEKS Ontario. Oregon Box 110 Rout« 1 IMPLEMENT Nyssa Grain Co. Phone 26 Nyssa, Ore. COMPANY W e like to please you Nyssa Ore.