CATE CITY JOURNAl, THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1923 e a . = h ù _______ ; two blades of grass grow where one A E, FAusler, labor Oen Rd $4.50. Mrs. Jane Davis, indigents *15. Ray Parker, labor Oen Rd $4.50. Mrs. Clara H. Young, indigents $15. Legal Advertisement Albert Boles, labor, Gen Rd. *4.50. IE. H. Doty and wife, Indigents *15. Alfred Meeker, labor. Oen Rd $4 50. ! Orson Leavitt and wife, Indigents $10. NOTICE Lee Williams, labor Oen Rd. *4 50. I Abe Lewellen and wife, indigents $15. i Steve Wukelltz, lndlgents. $7 50. 18 HEREBY OIVEN That the follow­ Chas. Lowry, labor. Gen Rd $4.50. in 1932 in finding markets for the ing claims against Malheur County for Laurence) Sharp, labor Gen Rd. $4 50. J. and E Kilpatrick, Indigents. wage; Old Mens Home January $75.00. SEED GROWERS GET GOOD RE* “one blade” already being produced. the month of January, 1933, were con­ Lenard Flint labor, Gen Rd *4.50. Henry Moore, labor Gen Rd. $4.50. Angela Unamo, Rent, Old Mens Home TURNS IN MALHEUR COUNTY ON sidered and ordered paid as follows: Eleven county agents were active in January $30. James Silence, labor. Gen Rd. $4.50. CERTIFIED CROPS. ’ aiding dairy marketing by organizing H. K. Snowberger labor. Gen Rd *1.50. Kathryn Claypool, Office and travel- January 18,1933 milk producers associations, or extend- ■ng expense. Co. school supt. $27.28. Elwood Carr, labor Gen Rd. $4.50. GENERAL FUND Any idea that the chief activity of the territory and membership of Ernest Collier, labor. Gen Rd. $4.50. Clara Tureman, Meals for Circuit Court Jurors *6.75. county agricultural agents is to “mniro, cooperative creameries, Ballard’s report Robt. Copeland, Circuit Court Juror (9. Paul Sutton, labor Gen Rd. $4.50. Drexel Hotel, Meals for Circuit Court ■■ -- — shows. Fourteeen county agents assisted vale Meat Company, Supplies for indl- Gene Tilton, labor. Gen Rd. $4.50. Jurors $5.85. Cecil Viles, labor, Gen Rd. $4.50. iIIIJl.ll;ll;li!l 1,1 ||||:II:IIIIIU;ll:l;l:iJli:ill’llllll!lll:liHIJIl:im ln turkey marketing, the most outstand- 1 gents, $27.78. ing development being organizaton of a _ _ . ... . — _ ¡J. C. Crisman, labor Gen Rd. $4.50. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Phones state sales agency for the local cooper- F C’ Moore’ Wood ior lndlgenU’ W 0° W. F. Johnson labor, Gen Rd. $4.50. by circuit judge *5.60. atives. H. C. Slayton, Delivery ballot boxes, $5. Vernon Farnsworth, labor, Gen Rd $4.50 Idaho Typewriter exchange, Supplies GEO. KINZER T. C. McElroy, Circuit Court Juror, A. W. Phillips, labor. Gen Rd. *8 25. for county judge *1.00. In Malheur county 26,000 pounds of | $12.60. Ora E. Clark, County Court, $24.60. L. E. Hight, labor Gen Rd. $9.00. Plumber Grimm alfalfa seed, mostly certified e . M. Blcdgett, Exp. as Dlst. Atty. $9.60. C. M. Zink, labor Gen Rd $9.00. E. H Brumbach, Countv Court, 39.70. through the agent’s office, brought e . B. Conklin, Circuit Court Juror, $6.20. Edwin Leavitt, labor, Gen Rd. $9.00. C. W. Glenn, traveling expenses $6.50. growers at least $1000 more than if it Thos. Welch, Circuit Court Juror $36. J. Jensen, labor, eGn Rd. $9.00. (Continued next week) had not been certified. G. B. Adams, Circuit Court Juror $43. Ernest Peterson, labor Gen Rd. $9.00. Repairs and Sells Furnaces Com­ John Leweleln, Circuit Court Juror, C. W. Barrett, labor, Fen Rd. *15.00. Wallowa county saw the most cx- $57 40 peting with even the mail order • IF INTERESTED IN PURCHASE IM­ tensive work in livestock marketing A Reed, Circuit Court Juror, $35.00. Lewis DeBord, labor Gen Rd. $15.00. houses. If you need him ln a PROVED FARM, READ THIS: where the county agent is secretary of Hanna> Clrcult Court Jur0r. $27.60. John Cord, labor R D No. 3 $13.75. the association which marketed 20,000 Ackerman circuit Court Juror John Chester, labor R D No. 3 $12.50. 160 acres on Owyhee, irrigated from hurry for plumbing or furnace Roy Burt, labor, R D No. 3 $13.50. hogs, 12,078 cattle, and 9897 sheep co- , «1580 Owyhee Ditch, 6 horses and all neces­ Jas. Purvis, labor R D No. 3 $14.38. operatively during the year. Ten other pau, Van Petten, Clrcult Court Juror repair, phone Ray Hutchlnosn, labor, R D No. 3, $15. sary farm equipment and machinery in­ agents assisted in livestock marketing $6.40. cluded. Price *3.000.00. Parma 98W Collect A. C. Burt labor R D No. 3 $10.50. work. Sam F. Taylor, Circuit Court Juror, Arthur Palmer labor, R D No. 3 $18.00. Also 80 acres Joining the above. Irri­ Fruit and vegetable marketing was $15.80. gated from Owyhee Ditch. Price $2400. J. L. Reed, labor. R D No. 3 *12.50. furthered by 12 county agents an out- P- M. Boals. Circuit Court Juror, $30. E. M. Blodgett, Nyssa, Oregon. Geo. H. Lang, labor, R D No. 3 $13.75. Furnaces and Plumbing standing example being the organiza- James I. Diven, Circuit Court Juror, H B. Hardiman labor R D No 3 $15. tion of public markets in Union county $15.80. Martie Hansen, labor. R D No. 3 $13.75. J. A. Davenport Circuit Court Juror, P. Whitehead, labor, R D No. 3 *15. CITATION ..iiiiiii iii!iiii!iiii;mi:i:uiiiiiiiiiiiii;iii:i!i:iii.iiiiiiiiiiiL