GATE GÎT Y JOURNAL, THUR&, ÉEHRIJAKY 2«, i m League meeting in Boise varioua Tuesday means' when LINCOLN SCHOOL A A p r p r i L r t v V a AI L L I L F Y I L I F L A A G U IJ U F L ,0ovin()r Ross dlscussd improving farm conditions. Have You Tried WILL PRESENT PLAY ¡of Miss GETS NEW BUS Rachel Wilkerson spent Monday —New» of Ny»«a School— OUR FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Clendenlngs. ARE WE PATRIOTIC? Wi*. flag salute. Lrnclin—Charlie Willis has started a j Apple Valley—The Epworth league is Will Ketchum of Fmltland has been You’ll like them with lunch, or meal, day or The past two weeks we have, or were Rbwer grades gathered in Miss Inez new visiting Ed. Copeland. school bus route to serve the child- rehearsing for a play, ’ Business Picks night, at— supposed to have observed the birthdays Johnson's room for a program attended ren along the lower roads. Miss Lennie Sponsler was over from J which will be given soon. Rehear- Roswell of Lincoln and Washington. It is doubt-; hy a number of mothers. Miss John- Herbert and La Rose Rogers, Kath- ! Up,” last week end to visit Miss ^ ,are held at the Ed Slmmerman Grace Schwalnger at the M. A. Mc­ ful whether any of us observed these son s class gave the play. "An Afternoon erlne Nichols, Ruth and Marjorie Nlel- , days as we should. This is obvious when with Washington; the 3rd grade, a son and Opal Redsull are on the sick Mr- and Mrs Levi Stephens visited Donald home. I we glance at the statue of Lincoln'splendid flag drill; and the 4th songs their son and family in Boise last week. reposing in the corner of our study hall (ai*i recitations. , Where Prices And Food Will Please — ,. _ , , , . Fred Fisher has been shelling com Ray Faust and wife have been visit­ and find it adorned with a cap over j ------- ing at the Jas. Shanklin home at Unity, „ ” ar^ dfTr!nk/ ,h T for the Ellerbrooks. NYSSA _________ OREGON one ear. Although this prank may cause; -j^e senior class wishes more enthus- finished their 4-H handicraft projects. , „ . Members of the Tews family have re- while Mr. Faust has been doing some amusement and do no harm, it is not a jasm and interest in the student body Mrs. W, A. Redsull is slowly improv- [ ! covered freighting. from the flu. sign of patriotism. If some important meetings so has planned a series of ! Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Yeackel and son personage should happen to enter the debates and discussions on topics of ing after a sle8e of flu room, it would not create a favorable SChool Interest. Mr. Young's civic class Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols and two Lester spent one day at the Joe Stone A. L. FLETCHER Impression. It behooves us as young made several suggestions which indl- children were visitors at the W. S. home last week. people, the future America, to seriously ^ato bigger and better student body Rogers home Sunday. Miss wilkersip spent Monday I. O. O. F. Building consider what patriotism really is.— meetings. PERHAPS MR. GROUNDHOG SAW Harold Cannon of Emmett is ill at and Tuesday with her brother Grant Attomey-at-Law and family at Notus. D- B- I English classes are preparing for the the Rogers home. HIS SHADOW . . . Vale, Oregon ------- St. Patrick’s issue of The Periscope Delbert and Raymond Steinhaus and Several fanner attended the Farmers STUDENTS WELCOME BAKER j which will be issued in March. Ward Nielson went to Lincoln Slide At any rate we’re still having Winter with zero Students are looking forward to the After spending a month in the coun­ Sunday. last big home game of the season with hY the McGinnis home, Wanda Can- Mr. Bennett and Mr. Swift of Boise SjlH III III WIIUrillillllinUfMHIIIIIlIH I I III III III III III lll.lii ill Hi J M kill ¡«1 III HI HI HI HI 11 HI III.U.BI.W HI HIM «i:lll,lli:ili;ill| weather and plenty of snow. Baker here on Saturday night. The t™11 aKain llvln« in town with the visited Fred Trenkel recently. Nyssa bulldogs were defeated at Bak- McGinnis family. i If you enjoy a good home talent play, for a small There was a dance at the Grange hall 5 er but they will probably do much bet- I Warmer weather is welcomed and at- Friday night. ter on their home floor. The school is tendance has improved the past week, Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, school super­ fee don’t fail to see— proud of the splendid record which our Students have been observed casting intendent, and Mrs. Elizabeth Stacey drowsy eyes out of windows. Can it be team has made. were visitors at Lincoln school Tuesday. The that they have the spring fever? Henry Hatch of Big Bend visited Miss Marguarite Kelly entertained a ISLAND CAPTIVE group of her friends at a party Friday Earl Farmer was a captive at his school Tuesday. night. island home last week as the river had Remember the grange play at the frozen over but could not be crossed Cairo hall next Tuesday night. with safety. He lives with the M. W. Lincoln—The 4-H clubs of Lincoln Sullivans. Other students absent last You’ll need it for some time yet, and when you school entertained the lower grades at 1 I f week were Margaret Pinkerton and think of COAL think of— a Valentine party Tuesday. Other Keith Parkinson who had the flu. guests were Misses Iris Hartley and SPRING CANYON, KING and Margaret Redsull, Austin Cain, Lloyd WASHINGTON PROGRAM —3 Act Comedy— Hartley and Wayne Young. After play­ The entire school celebrated Wash­ GORDON CREEK COALS. NEWS ing several games refreshments were ington’s birthday with a half holiday I Beginning 4-II this CLUB TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th week the Gate City served by the 4-H clubs. Wednesday and the grades had pro- , j eurnai wm devote this column to act- Harold Cannon of Emmett has been Each order receives our careful attention. grams in the morning. ! ivities and interests of Malheur County visiting at the W. 8. Rogers home. Delivery made promptly. Juanita Graves, president of thej4_H clubs It ls the plan for each club Junior high, was master of ceremonies to have a reporter who prepares stories E. B. Conklin was a visitor at Lincoln at the following program given by the to be sent to Russell McKennon, as- I school Thursday. 6th, 7th and 8th grades: Plantation'sistant county agent. These stories will B. Copeland is ill with the flu. Admission 25c and 10c chorus by 6th grader.^ in darkey cos- ^ grouped together by Mr. McKennon W. S. Rogers, George Markham, John tume with tap dance by Donald Wilson; forwarded on to us. We want news Nichols and T. C. Nielson butchered i E Phone 15 Nvssa Dance Following Play paper, "The Life of Washington, and any yDur activities such as reports pigs Thursday at the George Markhkam | E piano solo, Vivian Hlgby; reading, Ruth of meetlngs, plans for the future, or- farm. —Dorothy Nielson. Flanary; 7th grade play, "All Because ganjzation of new clubs and anything He Couldn’t Tell a Lie,” given by Ed- 0f interest. Remember, news is word Boydell, Betty McHargue, Clar- perishable and you must write your ence Johnson. Paul Ayre: paper, "Social Sforie3 an(j send them to Mr. McKen- Llfe of Washington,” Wilmeta Lynch; non just as quickly as possible. flag drill; 8th grade play, “Betsy Ross and the Flag,” given by Josephine , NEW CLUBS Brush, Isobel Sarazln," Frank Pierson, So far there have been 15 sewing A boarding and day school for boys and young gentlemen. Ted Mazac. Robert Gehr; piano solos, clubs, 7 cooking clubs, 1 handicraft and Katherine Gilmore; reading, Eleanor 1 camp cookery club organized. This Beautiful new completely modern buildings overlooking the Col­ Pashley; 8th grade play, “Signing of the makes a total of 24 clubs all told. As umbia river Gorge. Declaration of Independence,” Robert yet only two boys clubs have been start­ Careful preparation for college or business in a healthy environ­ and Lloyd Wilson, Warren Larsen, Alma During the next month, the boys ment under instructors of high educational attainment. Hendriks, Nellie Jean Schweizer, Kath­ ed. will begin to get their work under way. erine Gilmore, Edith Burns, Robert Begin thinking about your clubs, boys, Personal study of individual—home like—supervised sports—desir­ Gehr, Donald Boren; songs, Russell far spang is Just around the corner. able social activities—aviation—Junior School. Patton and Robert Gehr; closing num- Whenever y o u se e Portland, Oregon MISS COWGILL COMING Rocky Butte Send for Catalogue bright-eyed, active young­ _ Word has Just been received that Miss ^ III I I I I M ill III IIITl IIITl lll lillll |!| lllllf? Illllll III III |!|» l 111 H e le n C ow glu> a s s is ta n t s ta te c lu b le a d - sters brimming over witli health and vitality it is p er, who has charge of all girls work in ! E G , l • mr - the state will visit Malheur county on certain they are receiving 1 G W ± March 13, 14, and 15. Although her visit a plentiful supply of prop­ jS E will be short, Miss Cowgill will want to er nourishment. Milk is E meet with every leader and club while the only single food prod­ § she is here. The time of her visit to uct which contains all the S Is your suit too small or In need E each school will be arranged soon and nutritive elements neces­ E of repair? If so, bring it to the S Will be printed in this column. sary to promote health 5 Nyssa Tailor Shop and trade it In and growth. A liberal use GROVE GIRLS OROANIZfe -I on a New Spring Suit—100 pat- of it strengthens the mus­ The latest addition to the list of 4-H E terns to choose from,all wool, fit cles and vitalizes the g guaranteed. Old Suits taken in at clubs has been the True Stitch Sewing E from $2.50 to *10. depending on club organized at the Grove school near blood. There is no waste E the condition. Spring Suits *16.50 Vale, where Miss Vada Rutherford ls to it, and it is a very eco­ g less price of old suit. Will also teacher. Mrs. E. C. Allstrom has been nomical article of diet for g take in top coats on single trous- chosen leader and members are Marie the whole family. McLougiin, president, Margaret Stacey, S 2 ers. vice-president, Thora James, Altha Struthers and Edith Skinner. Three girls are taking up Handwork and three rz — I \ Division 1 sewing. It Makes the Youngsters Grow NYSSA TAILOR SHOP CLUBS FAR APART Kiddies thrive on Holstein milk because it comes from large, Malheur county propably has the Nyssa. Ore. vigorous, healthy cows and contains an abundance of nature’s must wldtlv separat J clubs in Oregon Happy Workers Sewing club com­ vitalizing and growth-producing elements. Its fat content is such This offer is for a short time only The posed of girls at the Porters Flat school Come Early as not to cause digestive disorders. It contains lime for strengthen­ is almost 250 miles by the shortest road ing the bones and teeth, its proteins build muscle and its vitamines from the sewing club at McDermltt. produces growth. am i l lira H in m ni u hi n in in unii in in i in in in 11 m in ~ Clubs organized in districts along the Snake River at Ontario Nyssa. River- Holstein milk is produced for this city under strict sanitary dale and so on are 75 miles and more inspection standards. It comes from healthy Holstein cattle and it reaches from the most westerly club at Juntura. He doesn't look a day over fifty. But if you want to keep in fine shape, feel fit the year 'round, take No other county in Oregon can boast you through dependable distributing channels. And feels like forty. a spoonful of Dr. Caldwell's syrup of such wide distribution over as large A t the age of 62. pepsin every few days. You'll eat a territory as some states. A sk Your Dealer for Holstein Milk That's the happy state of health better, sleep better and feel better. You will never need another laxative. and pep a man enjoys when he gives OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT his vital organs a little stimulant I Give the children a little cf this At Lincoln school, two clubs have delicious syrup two or three times a When your system is stagnant almost completed the 1933 projects al­ week. A gentle, natural stimulant and you feel sluggish, headachy, SUNSHINE DAIRY ready. They are led by Miss Opal Ivers, that makes them eat and keeps tha half-alive—don't waste money on bowels from clogging. And ravsa “tonics’’ or "regulators” or similar them from teacher, and both are sure to finish 100 so many sick spells and [ latent medicines. Stimulate the per cent. In October, the girls began F. W. Osterkamp, Prop. iver and bowels. Use a famous colds. E physician's a sewing club and the boys a handicraft prescription every drug Have a sound stomach, active club. These clubs are now so near com­ store keeps. Jusl ask them for Dr. liver and strong bowel muscles that plete that they have- decided to set their Nyssa, Oregorv Caldwell’s syrup pepsin. expel every bit of waste and poison day on April 14. The boys every day I Just keep a bottle of This appetizing syrup is made A S P I R I N achievement have Indicated that they want to start syrup pepsin cn from fresh laxative herbs, active Dr. Caldwell's take a stimulating spoonful a livestock club as soon as they finish senna, and pure pepsin. One dose hand; will clear up almost any case of every now and then. See if yon handicraft work. This whole school, led headache, biliousness, constipation. by their teacher, ls doing a great deal toward "making the best, better." ite Nyssa High Periscope The Nyssa Cafe How About That COAL? ADVENTURES OF GRANDPA State L eader Is Com ing To See 4-H Clubs CAIRO GRANGE HALL Hill Military Academy Holstein Milk Health fcometnine: How Old? 1 S T BAYER Beeaum e The Bayer croee ie not merely ■ liv e :« « 1 1 (1 u u n v io . v /o v « Boise - Payette Lbr. Co. * Uiqor - Uitalihj