Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1933)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933. -r—r a LITTLE NEWS OF NYSSA E agles Present Grand Awards, Close of Parties SLEDS CARRY MAIL TO JORDAN VALLEY Agent Tells What To Plant On New P roject Lands TWO caw TENT 18 PROMISED 1 7 1933 per ^ cent, and M the 1033 rate wiU from ^ January TWO * r POSTAGE us June #H pfr 1 M 1.1 II! i l IJ IJ.L11JJUI.I.U I.1UJ. cent. Congressman Mead of New York, head of a special sub-committee of the Read The Journal Ads house committee on post offices and Mr. and Mrs. Felton Duncan were St. Paul’s Ouild met with Mrs. J. J. SheavUle—T h e weather station show post roads, which investigated the Saratln yesterday. visitors in Nampa last week. ed 22 below zero here Monday night workings of the postal system during untiti 11 nu ■ hi i cui h h h 11 h nttnuimrja while Jordan Valley reported 30 below. Rev. M. J. McMahan ot Ontario spent Mr. and Mrs. Orin Boyer were over the past summer has introduced a bill Farmer . . . This area is almost snowbound as the Tuesday with friends here. (By H. P. Carter) restoring 2-cent postage on flrst-classj from Ontario yesterday. An unusually large crowd attended result of recent storms. Teams have matter. It Is significant that this reduc the time to have your— § What to raise on new lands of the tr Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frizzell moved Mrs. J. Boydell is somewhat improved the third benefit card party given by been pulling cars over the Pureer hill ine uuru Dcnem earn pany uy puun* v«i» uvn tuc r,B_tlon Droiects of Malheur county tion in rates is Intended to bring about! from the H. T. FrancU dwelling to the I aft^~an extenÌM~Ulneas the Eagles lodge last Thursday evening, between here and Jordan. Sleighs have | * * i C q A t R a Lar. an increase in postage revenues. Irrigation Pumps Tom Newby residence Saturday. Ouests made up twenty-three tables of been bringing the mail. I selected for a meeting with new A Banks was a visitor at bridge and P pinochle and many more ----- Mrs. ------- J. A. ------------------- Ditton and Mr. ,ers .... on the East Bench of the Vale Estes L. Morton arrived from Wasco Engineer P. ................ . ■ and ■ _ Mrs. I p repaired and put in good shape Interest Rate Is Lowered on Monday to spend the week in Nyssa the Nyii>a oflle* ot the Owyhee project came for the dancing which followed. Rav Morden went to Nampa Friday to tv,p for next season. ... . . ... ' Saturday u . . Chas. L. i Thompson and „„a Arthur «-.v,,,,-____ ■ the _____ ___________ _____ project ai uie Dave Stoner home last Information has been sent out I Saturday , Mrs. spend week visiting relatives on bank business. § Welding, Repairing, Machine week. Cook won first prizes at bridge. Mrs. Chas. Chevalley returned Friday from FERTILIZER: On new land phos- the Regional Agricultural Credit co r-. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith and Ethel Mary Boydell and Tiena Ten- Newell and Bert Lienkaemper at a trip to Seattle with his brother John, „hates are not needed as much as or- porations that the rate of tautest. e S Work—Charges Reasonable children were guests Sunday of Mr. and sen were guests of Betty Schlapkohl at pinochle. The grand prizes which will Miss Ethel Baltzor of Seattle is visit- ganlc matter which can be supplied by lr,om danualry 1 10 une ’ nex ’ | 1 LOUIS GARRISON Mrs. J. B. Smith. her home in Ontario last week end. be presented for highest scores at the relatives here for the balance of the manure or green crops turned under. (wlJJL , 6 ; hut on a ^ close of the series were displayed and ing Phone 75F14, Nyssa Mr. Larsen advised that field peas is This i | Robt. N. Stanfield, former U. S. sen -! Mr. and Mrs.Isaac Whitely of Payette proved to be a bridge lamp, for the winter. Chas. Garrison Ranch. ator. spent several days of last week In were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. champion in bridge, and a velvet pillow. Harold Masonholder who has been about the only crop which can be m ^ ^ dft[^ on which' the loan j g ate on wnicn me u*ui _ — LIUUlipiUU ill UI hi 1U A i l i t Cl piiiUW v _ ■ • . i _ «ririnir f/Y F Nyssa. WIU Beam. for the champion pinochle player. The visitin* with home folks for a short time grown early enough In the spring fo was made up to January 1 1933 will be ; «MI U til UU Cl Cl 11M11M 11 11 i 111 il 11M i I Mi II 111M il next party will be given Thursday returned to the 71 ranch where he is P ^ ^ n g jjn d e r^ to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peck of Owyhee Mrs. Warren Fenn is seriously 111. She second crop. He suggested the irrigation sheep. Dam are spending two weeks vacation la at the home of her daughter Mrs. night, February 16. with Mrs. Dewey herding _ the Mclver , „ . „ : of a field before sowing alfalfa seed. He Ray. chairman. I h . E with relatives of Mrs. Peck in Califor Robt. Stringfellow. Baltzor family and Don Stults ^ Grlmm „ preferable In Mrs. E. D. Norcott, chairman last were even’ng guests at the Haylett nia. this area. Mr and Mrs. Leslie McClure made a Thursday, was assisted by the following home Thursday. Have You Tried Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smiley of Apple I thelr aUn t Mrs. Alva Crosier refreshments committee: Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. D H. Haylett were In CROPS: Red clover was listed as the , best green crop for ploughing under be- j Valley spent Sunday with the Wm. De- at Marble Front last Friday. Marshall. Mrs. Dave Dugger Mrs. War- Caldwell during the week and visited OUR FRENCH FRIED POTATOES fore planting com. White clover Is best Groft family at the Eastern Oregon ren Blodgett, Mrs. Ed. Warren, Mrs. their son Daniel at Homedaie. for a seed crop on clean new ground Land company ranch. Mrs. R. J. Davis gave a birthday din- Frank Phillips. Mrs. R. L. Patton. Mrs. H. E. Baltzor went to Caldwell Friday You’ll like them with lunch, or meal, day or while Ladino clover is best for pasture. a I tvB n rri has tven d iffe rin g nf a ner Prlday in honor o i her sist€r M rs Felton Duncan. Mrs. Tom Burton, Mrs. on business, returning Monday, night, at— Mr. Larsen will seed several experimen painful Infection in his foot He is at ™ 'd° ^ *nd ° B‘‘*m at* Bernard Frost, Mrs. Claud Wilson, Jake Omer Stanford and Chas. McIntyre tal clover plots on the new project this Where Prices And Food Will Please spent Sunday and Monday in Jordan the home of his daughter Mrs. Geo Pisher and Kermit Lienkaemper. Valley. . year. Baby Lima beans was listed as a Benton. I A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. j — 1 ■ Miss Janet Ditton is now able to be I1 :“ Og 0rn- wheat. barley and Audy Mahan of Arcadia last Monday,' cstrt s o r g a n t 7 p tir out doors after three months' illness A baby girl was bom to Mr and Mrs Dr , , atu,ndina The babv 1 ORGANIZE CLUB oats were endorsed as good grain crops. Robt. McConnell. Jr., of Rockville Hugh L. Biggs In Ontario Saturday. has Virginia Kathleen * 1 GlrIa oi **“ younger set organized a the district attorney told Nyssa friends jbndge club oi four tables with the first visited with his parents at Sheaville Of many varieties of wheat. Mr. Larsen OREGON stated that Federation and Lidlow are NYSSA while here on business Monday. j Rev. Stanley Moore will conduct ser- meeting Monday evening at the home of last week. vices at the Episcopal church Sunday Margaret Hunt. Miss Margaret Horse buyers have been quite num- best suited to this area, also Trebi bar Fred Johnston Charles Boehrlnger mght at 7:30 p. m. Pinkerton was joint hostess. The club erous In the valley during the past ley. Victory and Idamine in oats. Possi- and Charles Albertson were over from will meet on Monday evening twice each month, but prices offered have been bllitles for weed-clean seed crops are Parma last Wednesday night for a dir- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ~ — ' ” and —J ~ stm Boydell Dr. month. Misses Mae Keizer and Annie lower than the ranchers are asking for bright on the new ProJect's- Pasture ectors* meeting of the Panna-Nyssa and Mrs. E. D Norcott were Boise visit- stam won prizes for first and second good young horses so no sales have been grains recommended were Itallan r>'e golf club. ‘ ors yesterday. Mrs. Marie King accom- high scores. The Valentine motif was made. grass, crested wheat and Sudan grass. ,, _ „ T . . . . panted them to make a visit with her cleverly carried out. Miss Thelma Cook Mrs. J. B. Cain was a passenger on All are good for permanent pasture. FLAX: Mr. Larsen advised that he Monday's stage en route to Portland will plant experimental plots of flax s t s e dau*ht" Mrs “ ^ s i r “ to visit her sons. after disposing of their turkeys. They Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin have 1 th xt meeUn* Feburary 20. this year as he believes this climate is raised turkeys on the Wm. Glenn ranch moved to the Barney Wilson residence ------- j adapted to its production, last season. from their ranch home in Apple Val-1 f o r MISS VAN ZELP j FRUIT: New lands are suitable for ANOTHER BLIZZARD ley. which they have rented to Mr. and rn m n im » « .™ U i„ fruit, particularly apple production, Mr. Mr. and Mrs Tom Newby left for Mrs waiter Johnson. Complimentary to Miss Elizabeth Van RAGES AT IRONSIDE Larsen said. He said it took no more Washington the forepart of the week Zelf. secretary of the Oregon Trail time to take care of several acres of Attorney E. M. Blodgett and Frank Parent-Teacher association, members where Mr Newby will resume highway -------- ; orchard than one as it must be kept construction work with Morrison- T. Morgan returned early this morning *lv e a Patty Friday for she and h e r ! __________________________ _______ in slst*r Miss Grace at the home of Mrs. Ironside—The snow is about 2 feet on free °f infection or endanger orchards i from Salem. Mrs. Morgan remained Knudson company. the valley to make a brief visit with her " m* D ^ ro ft. Miss Elizabeth received the level and drifted badly in many oi a community. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Laurance and parents at Eugene. (handkerchiefs in appreciation of her places. Monday another blizzard raged TREES. Mr. Larsen urged the plant- daughter June of Vale. Bob Platt of work in the P.-T. A. The Van Zelfs making the third one within a week lng of hardy lrees for farm beautiflca- Parma and the James Armstrong fam Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hale and family | hare moved from the Deseret ranch to joe Van Cleave of Hereford spent tion and shade He recommended black From Fat, Famous Malheur County Beef, the locust, elm alder and Mulberry trees. ily of Wilder were guests Sunday of 1 left Tuesday for Boulder City. Nev., I the K. S. and D. ranch near Arcadia. several days at the E. J. Beam ranch. PESTS: In speaking of pests, Mr. best you can buy. Mr and Mrs. Geo. McKee. planning a visit with relatives in S a lt; _____ Mrs. Fay Tague. who has been staying Lake City en route. Mr. Hale has been' at the Wise home, left for Hereford Frl- Larsen stated ,hat B°Pbers would not C. W. Short, engineer for the Idaho transferred to work at Hoover Dam. CELEBRATE THREE BIRTHDAYS likely become a serious pest if taken in Special prices on chunk meat for construction highway department with headquarters In honor of the birthday anniversar- d , » 1 , Will . . . time by drowning, traps or poison. Rab- camps, etc. In Idaho Falls, was here Monday to visit | Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Zelf and family ,_____________________ (€s of Mrs w w Fostir . ____________ Ml^ rw m lted at hits present a more serious problem. Ant C B. Short and family. He Is spending moied from the Deseret Sheep ranch and c Klinkenberg. the three families °yer, the end' Mr' and Mrs- ° mar colonics, numerous on new lands, can his vacation with his parents Mr and Monday to one of the K. S. and D had their annuaJ blrthday dUu>er to. ^ eslf y„took herdow n 41111 went on 10 be eradicated by cynogas Mrs. P. E. Short at Payette. tracts in Arcadia James Farmer, man- gether Friday evening Mrs Dennis and Westfall to see the J. L. Lambersons. --------- Mr. Larsen urged careful purchase of Mrs. A . R. Van Buren went to ,___all Fruit- seed and Mrs 8helto_ . . . _ *«cr ot the Deseret. wUl remain at th e ;her daughter Georgia being the host- ,__ _ ___ . crops In order to keep out nox- Mr. and Mrs. Rock Shelton are re- Dcseret indefinitely. a week with ■ . Plans are under . way for . a ¡esses this year. For many years, the ^ land Wednesday to spend 1 ious weeds. jotclng over the arrival of a baby girl her son. event has been observed. T. B. test without cost to the farmers. b>m Sunday morning at the Britting- Miss Meda Dearborn, teacher in the Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wise, who have Russell ____ ________ McKennon assisted Mr. Lar- ham maternity home. The newcomer is Kolony. spent the week end with rela- been visiting their son Ray at Silver at the meeting. “Meat Makes the Meal” a fine baby and their first child. Mrs. tires in Ontario. She stopped in Nyssa AUXILIARY MEETS City the past two months, returned 8helton’s sister-in-law Mrs. Orville Sunday on return to do a little adver- PHONE 6 NYSSA, ORE. Mrs. Howard J. Larsen and Mrs Ed- Saturday. Olenn and her baby girl expect to re- Using for the Kolony play. “The Ro- ^ ' T ° “ “ 'I The H. Van Cleave family have been NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH turn to their home at Owyhee a ______. J e h h . .,v .n dle entertained the Auxiliary on dam mance Hunters." which will be given Monday evening at the Powell home,; visiting at Harper and Westfall. Rev. Floyd E. White this week end. Friday night. Mrs Chas. E. Schweizer continued an Arthur Nichols and son Orville have Sunday School 10 o'clock. Mrs. Wesley j interesting review of pending legislation a crew of men at work thru lambing J. Browne, superintendent. Classes for all ages with the following which effects the schools. Lunch was season at their home ranch News for You in Journal ads served at the close. Eugene and Lewis P ratt motored to teachers Read The Journal Ads _____ I valley towns Saturday. j O. F. Bacon. Gilbert Klinkenberg. Mrs. Don Graham, Mrs. W. J. Wolfe. | BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. Ted Newell. Bert Lienkaemper. Last Thursday. Mr and Mrs. M. M ‘WILD GIRL” WINS Kermit Lienkaemper. Miss Joyce Bailey. Creeling entertained at luncheon and Mrs Dave n Hawkins, Mrs. C. n A. . r Abbott. P I A C D D A T C D D A I C C lu ls av u u iis. a u a . V. |1 t L A D U K A 1 1 r K A I p L Gladys Campbell, Eleanor Foster bridge for Mr. and Mrs Robert R. Over- street. Mr and Mrs Clarence Roberts. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Theme: Miss Copley and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Abraham Lincoln. The Christian. Presenting such popular favorites as Epworth League 7:30. Baker of Apple Valley. Mr. Roberts and A boarding and day school for boys and young gentlemen. Charles Farrell. Joan Bennett. Ralph Mrs. Baker won prizes. Beautiful new completely modem buildings overlooking the Col Bellamy and Irving Pichel in a vivd and APPLE VALLEY CHURCH umbia river Gorge. colorful story of pioneer days In a Cal- Sunday School 11 o'clock. Mr. Mc- Careful preparation for college or business in a healthy environ MR. AND MRS. CLUB tfornia mining camp. “Wild Olrl" offers Donald, superintendent. ment under instructors of high educational attainment. Mr. and Mrs. Famham Sills were a pleasing drama at the Liberty Theatre Worship 12:15. Subject: The Great Personal study of individual—home like—supervised sports—desir hosts at a Jolly party for the Mr. and in Nyssa Sundav-Monday. Emancipator. able social activities—aviation—Junior School. Mrs. Bridge club Tuesday evening, all Both Farrell and Miss Bennett give Epworth League 8 o'clock. members being present. A H. Boydell portrayals of a brand new type. H e 1 _______________ won the first prize. Mrs. C. L. McCoy portrays a grim-faced sergeant, late Rock; Butte Send for Catalogue Portland. Oregon THANK YOU! second from the Civil War. seeking the betray- Among new subscribers and renewals _____ er of his sister. Miss Bennett, abandons to The Journal the past week were: Eastern Star lodge held a regular the soc.ety roies t° burst forth as . h o y - WendeU _________ ___________ ______ Pogue. Schweizer's Cafe, ______ Merle meeting Monday night at the Eagles de" L' h madfap “ ountam K‘rl * ? d ^ Linder. Mrs. NetUe Medesker. Owyhee hall, new meeting place of the Stars and achieve new dramatic heights with Beauty Shop. Aden Wilson, Artie Rob Masons Mrs. WIU Beam brought a treat their brilliant performances. Bellamy as ertson. Dennis Toombs. Les Ernest and a big-hearted gambler and Pichel as a R. L. Patton. Nyssa; Roy Haley. Big Saturday, February 11 and Monday, February 13 of homemade popcorn balls. disappouited rival. Bend: R. R. Pogue. Farmington. Ken- | tucky; H. T. Francis Depoe Bay. Ore.; ' BIRTHDAY SURPRISE HONEY, Foster’s, 10 lb. c a n ..... .............. News for You in Journal ads Garet Siam. Route l. Ontario Mrs C. C. Cotton gave a surprise birthday dinner for her husband last Sunday Guests were Mr and Mrs D. C. HONEY, Foster’s, 5 lb. c a n ...... ................. Duvall and Mr and Mrs. James Lane. The Nyssa Cafe Tazxz&sz T-Bone STEAKS Nyssa Packing Co. Hill Military Academy MALHEUR COUNTY PRODUCES BUTTER AT LOW EXPENSE We have a big assortment of Valentines for the kiddies and for the teacher at— lc Up Valentine candies and gift boxes for somebody’s Sweet Remember to look over our always complete stock of gifts and party prizes. Nyssa Pharmacy The Rexall Store NYSSA OREGON Irrigated sections oi Oregon showed a lower per pound coat for producing butterfat than either the Willamette valley cm the coastal region during the year ending April 1. 1933. according to a report received by County Agent R O. Larsen Several Malheur county herds con-, tribuied figures for the study, a* they have in the past but these figures are not available since they are confiden tial. However, tt is known that the Mal heur county herds made an excellent ^bowing. In all. 464 fanners in the state contri buted to the study, which covered the production of 8224 COWS whose annual total production was 2.2219*4 pounds at butterfat The average cost per po>ind for the enure state was 36 cents per pound: the average grass Income per com : and the average cost oi 100 pounds of milk tl.*0. The sverage ¡sat oi the milk for the state was 4.4 per cent oi butterfat For the irrigated region oi which Malheur county is a part, the average test was 4k per cent, the average pro duction per cow MM pounds, the total gross per cow only 888: the sverage cast per 1*0 pounds oi milk 81 48 s a l for butterfat 33 cents er 3 cents leas than the aoast region and 8 cents leas than the Willamette valley Liberty Theatre PROGRAM Friday-Saturday, February 10, 11 “GOLDIE GETS ALONG” With Lili Damita, Charles Horton, Sam Hardy Also comedy— “Fireman’* Honeymoon” And Cartoon Sunday, Monday, February 12, 13 Charles Farrel, Joan Bennett and Ralph Bellamy in “WILD GIRL’’ A Chic Sales Comedy—“A Slip At the Switch” And Cartoon If cold continues theatre will be closed February 14-16. 59c 33c COFFEE, Full Value, reg. 25c, 1 lb. pkg.... 19c LARD, 4 lbs............... ........................ 27c CHEESE, 5 lbs....... ....... .................... ...... 61c MATCHES, carton, 6 boxes..... ................ 19c BROOM, good 4 t ie ........... ......................... 29c OATS, Quaker, large pkg......... ................. 15c JELLO, pkg............ _____________ 5c BUTTER, Sunshine, lb....... .. ................... 23c BREAD, white or whole wheat, 1 lb. loave 1 3 f o r ......................................... 1U C WILSON GROCERY PHONE 21 NYSSA. ORE.