THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2 , im . the way, The House passed the farm ,1. make up the nation? They are “ ¡AROUND THE COUNTRY ; ^ X ‘Æ « S i î " - «- Dr. E. D. Norcott • allotment” or "parity'' bill, by a vote trouble. Thirty million small human celved here last week. Carl C. Donaugh, With The Journal of 203 to 151. The bill will have to run units may not be as important as 30 DENTIST party state chairman, is president of another gauntlet in the Senate. The g eat corporations, but they are of some Nyssa, ?re8on the sponsoring company, and Frank n c p i t a E i i u i i i u n r i o i u c i i i i u u - I . e d i t o r terms may be changed, but it is going importance."—The Pathfinder, Office Phone 35F2 die of the state senate of a gavel made * through, sooner or later. Residence Phone 35F3 SIDELIGHTS from Oregon walnut by students of the W. P. AND ALMA McLINQ, Publisher» The law will in effect give a bounty We have seen no suggestion for a 30- school for the deaf was the occasion for X RAY EXAMINATIONS to the producers of certain staple pm ROßT. D. LYTLE merriment when a senator remarked: ducts who agree to reduce production, hour week for mother. »1.50 Subscription, Year The seven products included in the I As we understand it, Mr. Scott is the “Is there any particular significance," __78c Subscrpition, 6 Montila House bill are wheat, cotton, tobacco, | fellow who put the knock in Techno he wanted to know, "in the fact that the only people who seem to appreciate the | Attorney and Counselor at Law Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa. Oregon, as Second Class Mattar hogs, dairy products rice and peanuts, cracy. Efforts to load the bill up with other Rivals for the affections of a modem ' work of the legislature are those who First National Bank Building Dr. C. A. Abbott, D. C. products were voted down. I t is felt girl also trequentiy race neck and neck, are deaf?" FARM ALLOTMENT PLAN | something “should" be done to aid the that if real pressure is put behind a few An “electrical transcription" is onlyr Phone 66 * • • Chiropractic A wholly new attitude is being taken' farmers, what is now heard is that key products these will carry other farm a phonograph record with a college ] Following the approval of the lame Oregon Vale at Washington. Instead of saying something "must" be done. Relief is on products along with them. education. I duck amendment by 36 states, a Phone 29— Res. 25 The actual operation of the measure A writer says marriage depends on thoughtful reporter notes that January Is still hazy. The effect however will be the fusion of two lives. But it often ends 20, 1937, will be presidential inaugration NYSSA, OREGON NYSSA LIBRARY HOI RS day at Washington. to lift the price of wheat and rice at in confusion. Another paradox is that while a ; « » . once to 75 cents a bushel, cotton to Town patrons, 2:30 to 5:30. if tentative assignments of rooms at nine cents a pound, hogs to five cents, woman cannot run as fast as a man, she butter fat to 26 cents and peanuts to usually catches him somehow. the national capitol are finally allowed, Out of town patrons. 2:30 to 7:30. RADIOS Serviced $1.00 per call plus Representatives Martin, Pierce and three cents. Later, by a sliding scale, ----------------------- Mott of Oregon will have offices near the prices would be raised to the pre- i Replaced Parts Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. one another. war average level. • * * Nyssa Aerie The law will be administered by the | Electric Household Appliances and Perishable agricultural products from Secretary of Agriculture, and it will be j Electrical Equipment Repaired F. O. E. No. 2134 the international states will have a in force for just one crop year, but c a n ! STAFF great outlet through Portland to the then be extended by the president if i Gas — Oils — Greasing — Cleaning Solvent found satisfactory. The bounties will be Editor—Carlotta Irwin, Orient is the belief of George H. Dem Tires — Kerosene — Accessories of Utah, who was in the Rose City last Meets Wed. Night at Eagles paid by the Treasury, in the form of Society Editor—Evalyn Earp. Osteopathy and Electrotherapy Hall—Visiting Eagles week to christen a new ship. certificates equivalent to money. The Sports Editor—Dwight Johnston. PHONE 201 money Is to be provided by special taxes Special Writers—Dorothy Boden, Ethyl Welcome The U. S. supreme court has ruled levied on the first “processing” of the Graham. article benefited. The rates will be ad Class News—Vera McConnell Lila Hite, that British or Canadian rum carrying Lloyd Marshall, Pres. OREGON NYSSA Vale, Oregon. vessels cannot be searched when more justed from time to time, based on pre Minnie Wilson, Charles Crawford. W. R. Keizer, Sec. than one hour’s sailing distance from vailing prices and other factors. CONGRESSMAN SPEAKS the shore. For Instance the “processing" tax for wheat would be levied on the millers. After hearing ex-Govemor Pierce’s The amount raised would be distri speech to the students the other day, a The removal from Salem to Corvallis A. L. FLETCHER of the central business office of higher buted to the farmers who join in the person rather wonders what plan, on the basis of their production. where he himself will be when he has educational units of the state has been I. O. O. F. Building They would be paid the difference be- attained the age of the congressman- ordered at an estimated saving of $22, MALHEUR TITLE & tween the prevailing price and the elect. Probably very few, if any, of us 000 per year. Attomey-at-Law GASOLINE and MOTOR OILS "parity” price. The packers would have wlu eVer gain the position which Mr. The first copy of The Oregon Demo- I to pay the tax on hogs, while the cotton Pierce holds, but it might pay us to re Vale, Oregon ABSTRACT CO. VELTEX GASOLINE— A Superior Product fund would be raised by a special tax on member a few of the points he set Vale, Oregon 1 rayon and silk and a duty on Imported —Quick Starting— Powerful. WANT ADS forth. For instance, “It's not what you ¡cotton. Special rules will be made for say but the way you say it.” Or the VELTEX MOTOR OILS— Paraffine Base ! dealing with tobacco and dairy pro statement he made regarding a college Mr. Farmer—Have your Irrigation E. M. Blodgett ducts. education, "keep trying" and studying I pumps repaired now at low cost. Louis —A Leader Among High Grade Oils. i As might be imagined, there is tre- for it, even though you can’t go now. | Garrison, Phone 75F14, Nyssa. Attorney and Counselor at Law C. B. SHORT, Agent Phone 79, Nyssa I mendous opposition to the relief plan. Space does not permit further enumer- Reliable Abstracts of Title Wall Street Is plain mad. It is reported ation, but all those who heard him FOR TRADE—Beautiful vanity model Practice in all Courts electric sewing machine for used elec- to be greatly “disappointed" over the would do well to stop and consider if tric refrigerator. MRS. BRUCE HARE developments at Washington. This Is what he said isn’t true.—Dorothy Boden Rt j Nyssa NYSSA, OREGON Feb 9 Pd certainly too bad! The packers and millers are also up in arms. All of a sud CONGRESSMAN VISITS SCHOOL MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. Inquire den, they are deeply concerned about Nyssa teachers were hosts at a lunch at Wilson Brothers Store, City. the prices the "consumers" may have to eon last Friday noon at Schweizer’s WANTED—To take one or two passen S K E A v M pay. Guarantee Work Cafe for Congressman-elect Walter M. OUR. L U B R I C A T I N G Practically half the country—namely Pierce and Mrs. Pierce both of whom gers to California about February 20, 6 .W A 3M IN the farmers and the communities addressed s.tudents of the school dur who would share cost of trip. See Ira WYCKOFF which depend on the farming industry ing the forenoon. Mrs. Pierce member Storey, Box 24, Adrian, Oregon. JEWELRY STORE —is below the general level In buying of the Oregon board of higher educa- BABY CHICKS — White Plymouth TRUCKING power. Business cannot be resumed un Official Time Inspector for tion, spoke on the topic, “The Value of j Rocks, $8 per hundred. MRS. H. H. ana til these people are able to buy again. Union Pacific Higher Education." Hosts at the dinner | WEIDEMAN, Nyssa. Feb. 23Pd. Public money has been poured out were Supt. Leo D. Hollenberg, M issses--------- ------------------------------------------ Ontario Oregon TRANSFERRING like water to aid the banks, railroads [ Clarice Johnson, Stella Fishbum and , FOR' SALE Good, laying Rhode Island I and other big business interests. In j Inez Johnson, Coach John Young and ' pullets 50c each. MRS. CHAS Watching Us Lubricate Your Car . . . Phone 15 and Phone 28 short this has become so common that Owen Price. SPLAWN, mile west of K. S. and D. I it arouses great surprise when it is sug- ranch. Jan. 5-26. We Lubricate it Better and Quicker and with no C. KUNKENBERG j gested that our basic industry farming HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL WILL TRADE Restaurant and filling —should receive a helping hand. inconvenience to you. High school for semester: Wm. McBRATNEY station (clear title to property with Arthur Brisbane voices the situation Seniors: Dorothy Boden Evalyn | land leased) for acreage for poultry We Use Curtis Rotating Auto Lift At— when he says, in the Hearst papers: "What about the small Individuals that Earp, Sue Keizer, Mary Munsterman; ¡farm here; Pontiac coach for good Licensed Funeral Director : Juniors — none; Sophomores — Ezra |coupe. C. H. Shirk, Box 73, Ontario, Or. and Embalmer Brumback, Harriet Sarazin, Tiena T e n - --------------------------------------------------- sen; Freshmen—Ros» Johnson. Leonard i Bring your LIFE INSURANCE prob- Call S. D. Goshert or Nordale | Nichols, Helen Pond, Ruby Wells. !ems to J. R. Hunter, at City Hall, Mr. Poultry man, Try Our Furniture Co., Phone 94, GRADE HONOR ROLL I Nyssa. Jan. 21tf. Nyssa, Oregon First grade—Nevee Glascow Joan FOR SALE—Several Rhode Island Red Klug, Shirley Langton, Ann Durston, Cockrels for breeding stock, also tu r Teddy Howell, Junior Lowe. — at— key hens. John A. Forbes, Rt. 1, Ontario. Third—Marion Boden, Mildred Hale, January 21- Don Sopher, Delma Ward. Open Day and Night Fourth—Barbara Browne, Robert Mc FOR SALE—Feed wheat 75c per hund- Lowest Prices in Years OREGON Coy. NYSSA , red; Baby Lima and navy bean 4 ¡ai Fifth—June Marie Wilson, Ethel cenjs per pound; 15 acres of bean chaff; Have your winter coats Munsterman, Billie Louise Glascow, ; jjq tons 0f g00(j alfalfa hay; more hay Evelyn Lankin. available. A. D. Moses 11-2 miles east dry-cleaned and Evesight Specialist Sixth Houston Wilson, Ruth Flan- I of the 0wyhee Brldge. Pr. Mar ary, Anna Johnson, Justine Overstreet, _ re-lined at— Joe Robertson. LEARN ARTISTIC VIOLIN PLAYING Specializing in Wilson Violin School. Chas. L. Seventh—Mildred Rutledge. Max Par on the care of Wilson, Phone Howard J. Larsen resi kinson. Eighth—Waneta Graves. Josephine dence in Nyssa for appointment. Deci* Children’s NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Brush, Nellie Jean Schweizer, Lloyd NEARLY NEW PHILCO RADIO for Eyea Wilson. Roy Scott, Prop. sale cheap at Nordale Furniture Co. j IT’S NOT CHEAP FEED BUT CHEAP See It today. IN PRICE ONLY, TO MEET THE NEWS BRIEFS Nyssa, Ore. 0 ntario, - Oregon PRESENT DAY NEED. Many students have been forced to miss school the past week on account FOR RENT—5-room modem brick res idence. F. D. Hall, Phone 12, Nyssa. ! Wheat Bran Wheat Mlds, Ground Oats, of the bad weather. Those absent Fri Ground Corn, Ground Barley Meat day have voiced their regrets at not Scraps, Linseed Meal, Corn Germ Meal. getting to hear ex-Governor Pierce talk. FANCY WORK, closing out dozen our tasty pastries articles at half price of $1.50 for all Com Gluten Meal Alfalfa Meal, Soy After a change in the schedule of pieces. Mrs. Hazel Oildea, at Ayre’s Bean Meal Calslte, Salt. classes. Lottie Boren resigned as 7th Cafe Saturday and Monday, delight the Protein Not less than ...... 17 Per Cent period librarian, and Charlena Craw Fat, Not less than .......... 3% Per Cent j ford was appointed to fill the vacancy. Fiber, Not more than ....... 8 Per Cent family. Miss Mary Luclle Gilmore visited school last Thursday. Call Us For Coal Hazel Sullivan visited school Monday. Something New! She has been forced to quit on account to your finger of her mother’s illness. Everything Fresh! To those of you who are In ignorance as to the who, what, how, when and Every Day! where of the 20th Amendment to the constitution Just ask a student in John Young's Civic's class. SWAN BAKERY Freshmen classmen have been trying to concentrate on Julius Ceasar long NYSSA enough to be able to recite to Miss Fish- PHONE 26 NYSSA, ORE. bum. THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Radio S ervice - - - School Notes NORCOTT SERVICE STATION VELTfcX OTATING t i l l City Transfer YOU’LL ENJOY . . . Powell’s Service Station DRY CLEANING CHEAP Es* Mash Dr. J. A. McFall $ 1.40 11 ROUGH Nyssa Grain Company Ever i| Two Mi si sites ANOTHER HOME BURNS Auto Suicide! / F you arc underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Is another name for Battery Neglect, Radiator Neglect or Engine Trouble in Winter. R O U G H tit Prevent your car’s yielding t o m e l a n c h o l y impulses by driving in now . . . Larsen Motor Company Phone 43 Nyssa STOM ACH the School Child should have all the clean, wholesome milk he can drink. Plenty of milk is a body builder and makes your boy and girl better able to resist the various ailments which continually threaten the child. Drink and U»e More of Our Wholetome Milk SHELTON’S NYSSA DAIRY OREGON It’» ea*y to »ay they’re all alike— and easy to prove they are NOT. lve a genuine Bayer Aspirin tablet in water, pour it ofT, feel the fine powder that coats the glass. Do this with some other tablet; ser what coarse particles are leftt They (eel as sharp as sand, even to your finger. How must they afTeet those delicate membranes which Una your throat—your stomach? For immediate relief from head aches. colds, sore throat, neuralgia or neuritis, lumbago, rheumatism, there's nothing like Bayer Aspirin. I It cannot depreea the heart. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Let us help you obtain an ap praisal. make suggestions, and furnish adequate insurance, Don M. Graham THE INSURANCE MAN