m ONTARIO HIGH v.. NYSSA IN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME FRIDAY AT NYSSA GYM— LET'S GO! NYSSA. OREGON G A T E W A Y T O THE O W Y H E E AND BLA CK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXVVII. NO. 15. NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1933. Congressman Urges riillions for Vale-Owyhee ONTARIO FIVE IS DUE RERE FRIDAY FOR HOOP CLASH OLD RIVALS F IR ST W IL L B A SK E T SEASON; MEET FOR BALL G A M E NYSSA TOWN OF TEAM SW AM PS PAYETTE. In a basket ball game which will ef fect the championship of the south eastern Oregon district, Ontario and Nyssa high will clash tomorrow (Fri day) night at the Nyssa gym. It will be the first clash between these old rivals this season. Money is about even as both teams have some good games to their credit. Second strings will play the opener. Admission is 10 and 25 cents. Nyssa 21, Fruitland 15 The Bulldogs more than evened scores with Fruitland when they gave the prune pickers their second defeat this season, 21 to 15, last Saturday night. Birdsall was high point man for Fruit land. Nyssa line-up included: Schweiz- er 6, Lakey 4, Forbes 4, Hatch 6, Bela Sager 2, Earl Sager and Selts. Nyssa second string gave Fruitland a 29 to 5 drubbing, Wilson taking local honors with nine. Williams made 8, Chapman 2, Boren 5, Montgomery 1, Ross Johnston 2, Cook 2, Anderson none. Weiscr 25, Nyssa 22 In a hard fought game with Weiser high Friday night, Weiser took the long end of a 25 to 22 score. Nyssa made a fine showing in the second half after Weiser's lead stood 20 to 8 at the close of the first. Weiser second string nosed Nyssa out, 19 to 11, Wilson and Williams shar ing scoring laurels with 3 counters each. Town Team Swamps Payette Fans who looked for a close game be tween the Nyssa town team ramblers and Payette on Tuesday night were surprised when Nyssa staged a walk away, swamping the visitors 68 to 24. John Young made around 30 counters and Arthur Norcott was a close second. McDonald, Dick Young and George Johnston rounded out the starting line up. Boor, Young, Rambaud and Price played at intervals. A game with the College of Idaho will be scheduled soon, according to Man ager Owen Price. KINGMAN KOLONY PARENT-TEACHER WILL GIVE PLAY Kingman Kolony P.-T. A. will give the three-act play, “The Ro mance Hunters," at the Kolony schoolhouse Friday evening, Feb ruary 10. Arrangements have been made to sell tickets for the event at 10 and 25 cents. The cast includes: Mrs. Bruce Hare, Amanda Armen; Geraldine Nickens, Margaret; Jeanette Mar tin, Susan; Dorothy Kaylor, Nancy; Mrs. Mary Nichols, Liza Steubbia; Mrs. Victoria Schweizer, Cindy Brown; Clarence E. Winters, Enock Westervelt; Paul Nickens, Jim; Lee Baldwin, Howard Vanter; Leslie Young, as Hen Bush; Leonard Smith, as Clem Wicks; and Oscar Shafer, as Mr. Rufus Green. Mrs. Maurice Judd is director. According to a report from the Kolony, the cast has been working very hard in order to give a good presentation. T PLEA FOR Sills Receives Good Assay O f Gold Mine Ore BILL PROVIDES $20 BOUNTY ON GIRLS HIKE EIGHT MILES THRU STORM TO ATTEND SCHOOL (By Evalyn Earp) The reason why some girls walk home was illustrated Tuesday morning when six girls hiked eight miles through a snowstorm in order to attend school In Nyssa. They chose walking after a puncture de layed the Hatch school bus at the W m . McEwen ranch. Near the C. C. Hunt ranch they caught the John Kakebeeke hayrack and rode to town, arriving at school at 10:50. In the party were Helen Winters, Ingrid Aho, Faye Betts, Lois Enos, Jean LaRue and Bertha Williams. Bonita Ganlola and Vera McCon nell hiked to the H. Q. Johnston ranch where the bus overtook them but trouble still trailed the Hatch bus. At Garrisons' corner another tire went flat and the students were again marooned. Tom Cowards bus was called and the students reach ed school at 11:15. PIERCE VISIONS NEW FARM HOMES FOR UNEMPLOYED Farnham Sills, lessee of the Bacon Rind mine near John Day, has received a satisfactory report from 100 pounds fo ore which he sent iO a refinery in M ORGAN S A Y S 1933 PROGRAM Salt Lake. As a result he is adding new HOUSE PASSES BILL FOR M A IN ON TA R IO AND VALE DELEGATIONS equipment, such as pumps, sluice boxes TENANCE OF B U R N S-L A K E V IE W SHOULD BRING O W YH EE W ATER JOIN W IT H N Y S S A IN P A Y IN G and shovel, to the mine and when the TO O N T A R IO -N Y SS A C A N A L ; weather breaks he will begin operations ROAD; BRANCH BA N K IN G IS HONOR TO REPRESETATIVE AT PROPOSED. VALE BOARD W AN TS NEW DAM In earnest. BANQU ET HERE FR ID AY. His father Ben Sills of Burley and his BUILT. brother Leslie have joined him, also three of the lessors Tom Butler, Bud “At the Legislature” "T w o million for Owyhee, a million Lackey and Osa Storts, all of Nyssa. for Vale. Complete the projects so they Sills Is a former dragline operator for j “If you pass this bill, you'll keep the 1. An appropriation of $1,900,000 will will provide a haven for the thousands bring gravity water to the Ontario- the General Construction company on wolf from the door," shouted Represen- the Owyhee works near Nyssa. After tativp Nichols of Douglas county Thurs- of unemployed men, once farmers, who Nyssa canal on the Owyhee project. must return from the city to the land.” 2. An appropriation of a whole or completion of the workk here he be- day when , he . , appealed to the house for 3aid Congressman-elect Walter M. half million will build the North Forklcame interested In the mine and moved Passage of his measure providing pay- ment of bounties on cougars and wolves. Pierce at the banquet In his honor in reservoir for the Irrigation of one-half a small shovel iron, the Owyhee to John The state game commission would be Nyssa Friday evening. Mr. Pierce vis Day. the entire area of the Vale project. authorized to pay $20 on each cougar ioned the reclamation of 150,000 acres Last Friday afternoon, Congressman- and $30 on a wolf. The house passed the of productive land In this area of long elect Pierce of La Grande met with bill. growing season a« the greatest under directors of the Owyhee and Vale irri taking in his district. He recalled that The house passed the Snider bill des gation projects at sessions in the Owy during his term as governor of Oregon, ignating the Burns-Lakeview section hee building In Nyssa. Mr. Pierce learn legislaton was passed enabling the start of the Yellowstone Cut-off as a state ed of the funds needed for the contin of construction. "W h a t a privilege to highway which means the state must uance of construction during the com- help complete the work,” he said. maintain it. ing year. He learned of the accomplish- He believes such projects offer the Both the senate and house have pass PNEUMONIA C L A I M S COUNTY ments to date and of the dangers which only solution to the unemployment JAKE GREEN W IN S DECISION IN ed a bill prohibiting livestock from SENATE CO M M ITTE E APPROVES SEAT DRUGGIST; WAS FATHER beset the federal reclamation policy problem. "Machinery has replaced m e* GO OD F IG H T W IT H EM M ETT running at largo on highways of Lane _ ______.... .... , 'through the opposition of the east and $5,000,000 LOAN F O R PROJECT In the citiess. There Is no work for idle OF M RS. STACEY OF N YSSA. ¡south SLUGGER, M A G IL L S C O RES county. ALLEN WILCOX DIES IN VALE ---------- FIGHT FANS SEE GOOD CARD HERE | RECLAMATION LOAN FAVORED Wooden Bridges Urged Relief for Owyhee W O R K . MEIER FAVORS BILL. hands to do. How can we divide the equity in reward for human toil?" he Construction of wooden bridges by Acquaintance thrtn«hout Malheur I ‘Dr. Mead's estimate of $1,900,000 for Fight fans with plenty of red corpus asked. "A million families must return county and the Boise valley were J Owyhee will bring gravity water to the cles braved the most severe snowstorm the state Is urged in a resolution by to the land. A favorable report on the Thomas shocked by the death of Allen Wilcox,i Ontario-Nyssa canal, thus affording the of the winter last Thursday night to at Senator Hazlett, who argued the pro bill for a treasury loan of $5.000,000 to “The money question is next In Im lumber 45 Vale druggist the past 12 years, who first substantial relief to the settlers tend the boxing card presented by the gram . . . would , stimulate , . . Oregon’s . the reclamation bureau was authorized portance. If all the gold In the world died early Saturday morning of bron- ! under the pumping districts of the Nyssa Aerie of the Eagles lodge. Fans lndlflstry and reduce brld« e cost 50 >** Monday by the senate irrigation com was sunk In the ocean, would we lose chial pneumonia and asthma. Funeral Owyhee,” explained Frank T. Morgan, from Owyhee Dam, Ontario, Nyssa and cent. our homes our food, our sunshine? Gold The house passed a bill Monday mittee In Washington. Presentation to has become too Important, but the services were held from the fam ily, secretary of the board. “With gravity Emmett made up a surprisingly good the senate wlU be delayed, however, un which would authorize towns to go in- home on Monday and interment was In water in the Ontario-Nyssa canal, far- crowd considering the weather. . . . . . . . . . til a report by Secretary Wilbur Is pre silver route may afford a way out. Then Displaying no little science, Smiling1^ the telephone business if they desir- pared to accompany the measure. Morris Hill cemetery at Boise. ! mers in the Ontario-Nyssa district will we must restore confidence through a Mr Wilcox had practiced pharmacy | be relieved of pumping charges. Gov- Pat Rafferty of Wilder found his match e _ , , . . . . . . Dr. Mead explained that the loan guarantee of safety on bank deposits.” in Boise Star and Meridian. Several eminent power from Black Canyon can in well trained Steve Magill of Meridian ! _ Establishment of branch banks In was necessary to take the place of Mr. Pierce voiced strong opposition years ago he was an officer of the Mai- : be diverted to the other pumping dis- with whom he fought a 6-round draw ? \ e g ™ w" ldd be au‘ hoJ‘ “ d under 8 biU funds which the bureau will lose under to the proposed sales tax, state and heur County Republican Central com- tricts under the Owyhee, in the main event. The boys were even introduced by Senator Williamson federal, the "effect of which is to pile Senator Burke introduced bills pro a pending bill for a moratorium to set more of the tax burden upon the mass mittee. | “ The full $1,900,000 will carry the ly matched and staged a thrilling bout. tlers on other districts. viding for reduction in the salaries of Surviving are his widow, Louise Mor- canal to Owyhee river, build the siphon Magill’s younger brother scored the In a message to the Oregon legisla regardless of ability to pay." rison Wilcox, a daughter of the la te : and carry the canal to the Ontario- only knockout of the evening when supreme court justices and circuit ture Tuesday, Governor Meier urged a Declining to eulogize her husband, judges. John T. Morrison, former governor of : Nyssa ditch. While the house has passed his hard Jabs ended a combat with Kid memorial to congress, favoring the loan Mrs. Pierce gave a refreshing little ac- Irrigation BiU Idaho: and three daughters, Mrs. Geo- an appropriation of $1,577,000 for Owy- Pierson of Payette in the second round. bill. He declared “delay in the projects |coun^ °* the campaign of last fall. She The senate passed S. B. 8, permitting will Increase unemployment and result exPressed a hearty Interest In irrigation rge Stacey of Nyssa, Linden and Ida ; hee, Dr. Mead is endeavoring to have Jake Green of Nyssa won the decision after six rounds of hard fighting with Payment irrigation charges with war- In a depreciation of the investments s o !“ 1“ ftt the close of her short talk re- Margaret Wilcox of Vale, his parents it increased to the original estimate." , ¡rants of districts; also S. B. 29, permit- far made on the Owyhee and Vale irri- ] c ^ vcd an ovation. She Is former state In Forest Grove, Or. and other rela- | Morgan read a letter from Marshall Les Berry of Emmett. A bit frozen from the cold drive from tin& scht>o1 districts to borrow money on gatlon projects.' tlves. The bereaved family has the sym- ; N. Dana, president of the national rec librarian of Oregon and at present a lamation association, In which he told Emmett, Jack Rosenberry nevertheless : Pending revenues, member of the board of higher educa pa thy of many friends here. tion. of the fight being waged to combat the put up a good fight with scrappy Nor-1 The house approved a measure Tues- propaganda of the east. “The east for man Leavitt of Nyssa. Their two da^ creating a statewide unemployment Other speakers were Judge David F. MAN CONTENT ON ! committee and county committees to gets that the reclamation fund is der rounds ended in a draw. Graham of Vale, Robert D. Lytle, Vale PROJECT TRACT; Max Parkinson took the honors in handle relief funds. ived from the sale of public lands, oil member of the Vale-Owyhee Land SEED CROP RICH royalties and repayments from settlers the opening battle royal with four other The ways and means committee Mon Settlement association; H. C. Boyer, in the west," said Morgan. lads, the Pompeii, Mullens and Profit day approYed the budget director’s rec Ontario member; Dr. E. D. Norcott. ommendation that state aid for county Governor Pierce asked about the youngsters. president of the Nyssa Commercial “Even though conditions are not what fairs be stricken from the budget. club; and Ex-O ovem or H C. Baldridge I had hoped they would be so far as the classification of lands under the pro Property owners of Malheur county of Idaho. price of farm products is concerned, I jects. “Will part of the acreage be OWYHEE DAM FOLK Following in the footsteps of farmers oppose a house bill which would dis- Engineer F. A. Banks made an Inter am better off here on the farm than I \ thrown out after the investment Is throughout the country, Malheur Coun- CHARIVARI FISHERS ! continue the publication of bills allow- ! esting resume of construction on the would be out of work in the city. I am made? he asked. Mr. Morgan then ex j ed by the county court, on the ground j ty Pomona grangers adopted a résolu- Owyhee project which is now two- building a home, planting trees where Plained the new policy of the bureau _ . _ j that the proceedings are a matter of tlon urging a moratorium on farm thirds completed at a cost of over $10,- I want them, and making the kind of ¡under which only irrigable lands were Owyhee D am -Last Friday evening bUc conoern and lhe pubilcallon cost mortgages at the January meeting in place that will some day be worth to me ! included In the Owyhee district com- the community _ charivaned ___ ___ ¡s ]ltt]e Mr. and Oregon Slope Saturday. Such a bill has 000,000. Mayor E. M. Blodgett of Nyssa ably presided. Nearly one-half of the property taxes aj; j have put in It.” This is the obser- pris.ng 123 000 acres. Every foot has \frs. David Fisher who were recently been Introduced at the legislature. Vocal selections were rendered by paid in Malheur county in 1932 were jvation of one of the new settlers on the ,been classified and appraised at $5 to married in Caldwell. A dance closed a Other resolutions favored the pro Mrs. Howard J. Larsen with violin ac paid by railroads and public utilities, It ¡vale project. jtl® Pf’r acre dry land value for unim- jolly evening. Charles Dooley furnished OREGON TRAIL FIVE posed change in assessment date from companiment by her son Howard, Jun is revealed In a study just completed j Here an(j tilere a farmer made good proved tracts at which they must be radio music for the dancing. The bride 1 to January 1; advancement of TRIM ROSWELL 24-5 March ior, by Kermlt Lienkaemper and Mrs. by Geo. L. Myers, of the Pacific Power i money even in the year 1932. J. H. Can- sold to the settlers, Is the second daughter of Mrs. W. C. the pheasant season from October to C. L. McCoy. Mrs. Dick Tensen was and Light company of Portland. In ; dl.ey o{ -wilder reports a return of $3000 ! Among those present were Mrs. Postlethwaite of Caldwell. Mr. Fisher Is November; larger inheritance and In Oregon Trail basketeers added an come taxes; Interest on delinquent taxes pianist. Malheur, the railroads and public utlli- from an investment of $.'f>0 in onions. Pierce, Dr. J. J. .Sarazin, chairman of an employe of T. E. Connolly company Over a hundred guests were served at ties paid 41.77 per cent while all other He grew 8t4 acres of Red Wethersfield ' he board, 8. D. Goshert and C. C which has the contract for the installa other scalp to their belt Tuesday night for the various taxing units Instead of taxpayers owed 58.23 per cent. Only onions, harvesting 6100 pounds of fir s t; Hunt, first president of the Owyhee tion of control gates at the inlet of when they trounced the Roswell grade the general fund of the county; the pro the banquet at the Eagles lodge hall. school huskies, 24 to 5. It was their 12th hibition of deficlenqy Judgments on Mrs. H. R. Sherwood, chairman, Mrs. five counties In Oregon exceeded Mal class seed which he contracted to a district Tunnel No. 1, near Owyhee Dam. heur’s percentage paid by the utilities. Detroit company for nearly 50 cents a Vale Seeks Completion Allen Johannesen went to Nyssa Fri straight win this season, which follow foreclosures further supervision of pub Dick Tensen, Mrs. C. W . Reberger, Sirs. Myers declared the percentage of de pound. An appropriation for the Vale project day to bring his son Robert to Owyhee ed a 1931-32 season of other victories. lic utilities; the bill removing the mini Al Thompson Mrs. Ray Emmott, Mrs. linquent taxes were greatest in those This week The Journal mailed copies this year should mean its completion for the week end. While attending, Coach Albert Hopkins’ starting Unc- mum of $75 for teachers' salaries and Frank T. Morgan and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin counties where there Is the least devel to 23 prospective settlers In 12 states for through the building of the North Fork school In town. Robert makes his home | UP consisted of Paul Johnston and Wil- the one providing that teachers shall be had charge of the various committees opment of railroads and public utilities. the Vale-Owyhee Land Settlement reservoir and laterals for the Ye,000 with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hale son Keck’ forwards; John Van Zelf, employed after the annual school meet for the Nyssa Civic club.. A number of Taxes were 78.8 per cent delinquent In association, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruning and son|center: Nicholas Van Zelf and Leo ing. A resolution reducing county sal girls assisted with the serving. Pro acres of the Jamieson unit, Vale dlrect- ceeds will go to the city library fund. Curry county where the utilities pay but "We have Billy Joe of Big Bend were guests last Land. guards. Jack McKee, Barclay and aries was tabled. C. J. Gibson, Scranton, Iowa; D. C. ors told Governor Pierce. Visitors from Vale Included: F. G. 5.42 per cent of the total taxes. Bllly wilson were substitutes. Buxton, Driggs, Ida.; John Wiensz, Dal- paid 75 percent of the cost of the reser- iWednesday of the Robert Pecks. Governor and Mrs. Pierce addressed _____ . .. , . Oregon Trail community and school the grangers, Mrs. Pierce assailing the ^ If the property of the utilities had ^ ore.; Joseph Canson, Los Angeles, voir site near Beulah. Difficult work Mrs. Johannesen entertained guests a„. d ' ^ r“ ldant the ^ ale Com' not paid taxes, the average of delin- Cal . q a . Neville. Plainview Neb.; Joe ¡such as the diversion dam and tunnel for two tables at dessert bridge last teams will play Roswell Freshman and lugh fees charged students at Oregon HM D* ^ r™ond. * “ te“ or community teams Friday night. Murray Morton, Mr. Lytle and Judge quencies among all counties of Oregon Pattison, Gerlng Neb.; C. A. Laning- has been built at too great a cost for Wednesday. tax-supported colleges. D. C. Deming, Oraham ; from Ontario, W . J. Pinney, would have been 54.4 per cent while it ham, Auburn, Neb.; Ben H. Settle.! half the project area to bear. Comple- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Danley gave a din master, presided while Mrs. Karl Nor- secretary of the Ontario Commercial was but 38.01 per cent. All taxes paid Lloydminister, Alta Can.; Mrs. H. C. tlon will spread the cost over the full ner Wednesday night for Mr. and Mrs. vall, lecturer had charge of the pro NYSSA ODDFELLOWS club; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boyer, Mr. In Oregon as of November 15, 1932, Mandell. El Paso, Texas; Geo. W. Shep- ¡32.000 acres of land and will not bring Malcolm Crawford and Charles Don- gram. E. B Conklin was chairman of and Mrs, Dave Powers, Mr. and Mrs. amounted to $26.644,460 of which the herd, Miami Fla ; R. P. Garner, Yorba. the total cost beyond the $4,500,000 dere. Others called for bridge In the ENJOY ONTARIO FETE the resolutions committee. F. A. Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F utilities paid 26.52 per cent or $7,066.877, Cal. ¡estimate,” explained Engineer C. C. evening. Mrs. Johannesen won first A delegation from the Nyssa Oddfel M A N Y ATTE N D 8L E IG H IN O P A R T Y Flegel, M r and Mrs. E B. Conklin; J. said Myers. G. T. Aascn, Finley. N. D.; T. J. Ketchum. R. D. Lytle and Leo Schmidt prize, Mr. Crawford, low. R. and Earl Blackaby, Robt. Lees and Brandt, Raymondvllle, Texas; Ted H of Vale, Earl Flock of Harper and C. H. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockham lows lodge attended Installation of the R. and Earl Blackaby, from Parma Mr. Ontario lodge last Thursday night In Rogers. Freewater. Ore.; A. H. Frahm, Oxman of Jamieson Intervened on be- were shopping in Nyssa last Thursday. ARCADIA HAS TWO So many young folks turned out for and Mrs. H. C. Baldridge. Ontario when the large Burns drill team Lyman, Neb.; C. F. Harding, Lyman, j half of the Vale work. exemplified the initiatory degree. At a the sleighing party given by the Ep NEW 4-H CLUBS Neb.; R. C. Ramesbothom, Westfield,] --------------------------- VALE TARZANS sumptious banquet, 300 guests were worth league last night, only a part of la.; J. D. Bohlender, Lasalle Cota; M A L H E U R RESIDENT REPAIR O W Y H E E BRIDGE the crowd could drive to the Thos Sag CAPTURE BOBCAT served. The Ontario lodge presented er Two new 4-H clubs have been organ- ¡Clyde L. Hawkins. Collibran. Colo.; Sam W hen Judge David F. Graham was home at Arcadia by sled. When Ous Bardwell, Burns, captain of the lzed in the Arcadia community nearIGrubt Springfield, Wis.; R. L. Wiley, SUCCUMBS MONDAY drill team, with a lodge ring and Mrs. "noses" were counted at the taffy pull in Nyssa Friday, he advised that the Nyssa with Ella Points, second place I Versailles, Ky.; Gene Smith, N. Holly- Two youthful Tarzans of Vale, Henrietta Eagleson of Bums, pianist, at Sugers, 42 were present. Snow fights state highway department will take im winner In the contest for outstanding wood, Cal.; E. L. Ashforl, Jefferson. Ore. Malheur— Friends were shocked by El wood Glenn and Kenneth Carey, mediate steps to repair the Owyhee riv with a bouquet of roses. Guests from were part of the fun. Yesterday copies were ordered sent the sudden death of Walter H. Van club girl of 1932, and her uncle Frank captured a • live bobcat last week er bridge two miles north of Adrian, Nyssa were Mr. and Mrs. N. H Pink with their bare hands. While hunt Points, the leaders. Ella has organized to J. E. Culver. Bridge. Oregon; H. F Duyn last Monday night. The body was Raymond O . Williams, highway en which has been condemned for some erton and daughter Margaret, Mrs. Jess ing rabbits on a rocky hilltop above the Dainty Stitchers' sewing club for Carl, Orland, Calif ; Mary Donahue, A l- taken to Okanogn, W ash , for burial, Lawrence, Mr and Mrs. Ike Boren, Mrs. gineer from La Orande, came to Nyssa years. Judge Oraham believes the com Several Inches more of snow has fal- younger girls. Hazel Beeman is presi hambra Cal.; D. L. Emerson, Uklah Vale, they saw the young bobcat B. Bums, Mrs. A. V. Cook, Mr. and and Malheur county last week to In mission will replace It with a new bridge dent; Flora Newton, vice president; and Cal.; A. M. Es; on, Lynden, W n .; Horace len lately snd has drifted In the roads dart into a crevice in the rocks. spect work on the Central Oregon high within a year. Mrs. Robert Martin. Godfrey, Fayette, M o.: Arthur Johnson, so badly in places It is Impossible to Ida Beeman, secretary. Olenn grabbed his tall and Carey GRANGERS WANT MORATORIUM UTILITIES PAY HALF OF TAXES Mr. Points has organized the Arcadia Camp Cookery club for eight boys. Harold Points Is president, Billy Points, vice president; and Harold Long, sec retary. W . F. McLlng attended the January meeting of the Vale fire department In Vale Monday evening. Volley ball and eett were an the program. Lee Baldwin and Geo. Light, of the Kolony returned last Thuraday from a visit In Portland. Mr. Light went on to visit in Portland. Mr. Light had spent a few days with relatives in Seattle. Baker, Mont.; Bert W . Hayes, W ald- drive cars. port, Oregon; R. E. Herman, W alsen- j Louis W lrth went to Bridgeport last burg, Colo.; Henry Klaus. Mitchell week to work for N. N. Elliott. Neb.; F. H. Mehlberg, Reed Point, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Essenpreis made a F. Howard Milne. Cheyenne. N. Dak.; trip to Baker recently. A. P. Philips, Kallspell. M ont.; F. F. Johnnie Woodcock, who drives the Isherwood. Johnson. Kan.; C. A. Sailer. Baker-Malheur stage, has to come from El Monte, Cal.; J. W . Zuck, Pioche Nev. Bridgeport to Malheur with a sleigh -------------------------- — since the recent storm. Wesley Browne, manager of the Bald -1 Thomas Worsham has been sick, ridge Implement company of Nyssa, Mr. adn Mrs. Ed Rose were in town accompanied M. Claire Baldridge of the Thursday. They brought Mice Mary Parma store to the hardware dealers Belle Wood, who had been visiting Mrs. convention at Boise last Wednesday. Rose at their mine camp on Basin Mr. Baldridge was one of the speakers. Creek. threw his coat over the angry cat. They carried him to town and now he has Joined the menagerie at the C a r e y residence. He weighs 21 pounds. The other unusual pet at the Carey menagerie Is a young black eagle with a wing spread of about eight feet. He was found almost dead, with a shot In the leg, by Oardon Nichols. For two weeks, his young owners despaired of his life. He recovered and has become quite tame. He will eat from his owner's hand. way near Juntura. While In the county Mr. Williams made a visit with Mrs. W illiams’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Phln Sunday School 10 o’clock. Mrs. W es Warren. ley J. Browne, superintendent. Paul St. Garmln, agent for the In Worship 11 o’clock. Them e: The D yn amics of Youth. T ext: Genesis 37:19. ternational Harvester company, was a business visitor yesterday at Eder Hard Epworth League 7:30. Church Board meeting Monday even ware. Last year he flew to Nyssa In his ing February 6, at eight o'clock at the plane but he says the election cost him his plane and other bets. parsonage. Rev. Floyd E White NYSSA C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH G R O U N D H O G SEES W H A T ? APPLE VALLEY CHURCH Sunday School 11 o'clock. Worship 13:18. Subject: The Poten tial Power of Youth. A special Invita tion is given to young people. The groundhog wes billed to make his boss today. If he sees his shadow, we are to have another six weeks of winter. If the day remains gloomy, as it began, spring Is just around t h e corner. The other weather prophets of Nyssa are in clined to believe Spring Is near. If for no other reason than lota of mow and winter have quite likely run their course. Oetoaroux snow Indicated plenty o f Irrigation water for next season. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs Orville Olenn of Owyhee Dam at the Brittlngham maternity home laut Sat urday. Mrs. Olenn is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Shelton of Nyssa