NYSSA, OREGON GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXVII. THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NO. 10, OLD YEAR PASSES, NEW YEAR BRINGS BRIGHTER OUTLOOK NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1932 BIG BEND BRIDE IS HONORED AT CHRISTMAS EVENT Miss Irene Baker, teacher at Wade school in the Big Bend com­ munity, became the bride of Birchel H. Nelsen of Caldwell at a quiet wedding solemnized in Caldwell last Friday evening at the home of the Rev. E. A. Lawrence, Presbyter­ ian pastor. They were unattended and the wedding was a surprise to relatives and friends. Compliment­ ing them, the bride's sister Mrs. Wesley J. Browne of Nyssa gave a Christmas dinner here Sunday. Other guests were Mrs. Browne's mother and grandmother, Mrs. Lorena Baker and Mrs. Nettie Strain of Parma. The bride will continue with the year's teaching at Wade school and in the spring will join her husband at his farm home near Caldwell. He is a nephew of Walter Mitchell of Parma. NEW YEAR HOLDS B'° d8*“ BRIGHTER PROMISE; FOR DAIRY FARMS Succeed 1 ensen As City M a y o r DEATH SUMMONS AGED RANCHERS DURING THE WEEK NYSSA, OREGON BUSIEST AND FA8TE8T OROWINO TOWN IN OREOON INVESTIGATE - LOCATE $1.50 PER YEAR CHRISTMAS CAROLS WAKE COUNTRYSIDE, MUCH JOY PREVAILS At 2 a. m., about the time Mr. Santa Claus was leaving on return for the North Pole after disposing of Christmas Eve business, Mrs. J. B. Smith's Sunday School class of Ore­ gon Trail began on early morning caroling trip with sleigh and jingle belts. They sang old songs at almost every farm home in the Trail com­ munity and then enjoyed a waffle breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lathen. Christmas programs at the Nyssa Community church. 8t. Paul's Epis­ copal church, Oregon Trail, King- man Kolony, Owyhee and Arcadia schools provided entertainment and treats for everyone in the Nyssa region. The Eagles lodge provided the treats at the community tree here. Because Christmas came on Sun­ day, Monday was a holiday and festivities continued over an extra day. Homes were merry with bount­ eous tables and gay trees. FIVE NEW FACES GO OFFICES Attorney E. M. Blodgett will succeed Dick Tensen as mayor of Nyssa while J. R. Hunter replaces A. R. Millar as city I _____ recorder when city offleals take office BACKWARD G L A N CE SHOWS ATTORNEY GENERAL RULES THAT PATRONS OF FARMERS’ COOPERA­ the 3rd. The new council includes Ed- HAM BROWN SUCCUMBS TO FATAL die Powell. Howard J. Larsen. Dr. E D. GREAT PROGRESS IN MALHEUR NEW OFFICIALS MAY BE SWORN TIVE CREAMERY WELCOME $60,- STROKE; M. A. PATTISON DIES Norcott and Ted Newell. Retiring coun- IRRIGATION AND ROAD SYSTEM IN MONDAY OR ANY PREFER­ 000 DIVIDEND AND LOOK FOR cilmen are Dean Smith, AI Thompson OF HEART ATTACK W H I L E IN 1932; CONFIDENCE GROWS. and Dr. C. A. Abbott. The old council is ABLE SUCCEEDING DAY. BETTER YEAR AHEAD. ASLEEP. given much credit for economical ad­ ministration of city affairs, Nyssa being one of the few cities in the state that "Ring in the New." The New Year, officially beginning “The friendship and loyalty to the Sudden death claimed two of the is in excellent financial condition. Firm in the belief that 1933 will bring Tuesday for Malheur county, will principle of cooperative marketing has Due to changes in tho city council, older residents of the Nyssa community improved returns for those who engage launch five new officials into office, all made possible the continued success of the retiring officers postponed action on during the holidays. in agricultural pursuits, greater progress of them succeeding offleals who have the Farmers’ Cooperative creamery in Ham Brown, 72. rancher of Nyssa for the purchase of fire equipment made on the Owyhee and Vale irrigation pro­ served the county many years. Similar spite of the period of adversity through sixteen years, suffered a stroke of par­ , . .. . „ __ , J . 6 „ mandatory by the Oregon rating bureau jects and continued material blessings changes will take place In city govern­ which all of our people are passing, 1 alysis early Tuesday morning which If Nyssa property owners are to receive for the people of this favored region, said W. B. Wagner, manager, in his an­ ment here. proved fatal within a few moments. lower premium rates. Nysaa and Malheur county cheerfully E. H. Brumbach. veteran farmer of nual Yuletide greeting to all patrons. a B r i d g e , city fire chief, plans t o l Puneral sfirvicc1s ,were r" orn‘ await the arrival of the New Year. Sur­ Big Bend, will suceeed J. D. Falrman as “By standing shoulder to shoulder, the 'lng at 10 o clock from the family home call a meeting of reorganization of prises it may bring, but they are confi­ county commissioner to serve on the wonderful records made during the past the volunteer department after the with Rev. Floyd E. White In charge. dent that this region will progress. They county court with Judge David F| Ora- will be duplicated in the New Year." Mr. Brown was a member of the Burns holidays. believe the bottom in depression has ham and Commissioner Ora E. Clark The creamery’s annual dividend, paid Masonic lodge, so Nyssa Masons assist­ been reached and that 1B33 will mark of Boulevard. Mr. Falrman will retire last week to 5500 farmers in eastern ed with the burial rites at the Ontario the sunrise of the uphill climb. to his new farm home near Ontario. For Oregon and western Idaho, represents cemetery. Ooshert and Nordale had In ringing out the old year, the bells years he lived at Harper and has been ! the premium paid above the cash mar- charge of funeral arrangements. ¿f 193 tolled many good tidings and very active in irrigation development. jket price of butterfat, making an addi­ Richard Hamilton Brown was bom events of general Interest which are set Murray Morton of Ontario will suc­ tional profit of 1 1-2 cents per pound in Morning Sun. Iowa, in 1860 and In forth in The Journal’s chronology of ceed Andrew M. Oraham, who has com­ [ for every pound of butterfat delivered 1880 came west, locating in Pendleton. 1932: pleted three terms as county assessor. Five years later he moved to Harney MALHEUR SOLON WILL LEAVE FOR during the past year. (From Our Files) Mr. Morton was formerly deputy oounty Reviewing the year’s operation, Mr. county where he married Miss Sarah SALEM TO ATTEND SPECIAL SES­ Wagner made the following statement Smith. Sixteen years ago Mr. and Mrs. LOCALS WILL OPEN SEASON WITH assessor. Jan. 7, 1932—Highway commission ac­ Mrs. Kathryn Claypool will succeed “Due to the low price for butterfat J. A. RINGER OF EMMETT LEAVES Brown moved to Nyssa. Surviving are THREE GAMES FRIDAY; PRICES SION OPENING JAN. 3rd. cepts bids on bridges on Central Oregon CLOTHES AND GIFT BIBLE ON his widow, a sister Mrs. C. Middleton of Mrs. E. M. Crail, who has served as during most of the year, many dairy­ highway in Juntura vicinity and Peach ARE REDUCED. county superintendent of schools for RIVER BRIDGE. men who had cows of low production Iowa, a brother Elza Brown of Harney grading contract. three terms. Mrs. Claypool has lived in county, two nephews Harry S. and Jan. 7—58.000 pounds of Grimm alf­ When Representative-elect V. B. c‘;aEPd t0 ,mllk them and a number ®°ld the county many years, teaching before Glenn Brown of Diamond and two alfa seed shipped from Nyssa. Staples answers roll call at the special ihe!r herds' 50 that the voIume of *>ut- Nyssa high opens a belated basket Leaving his clothing and a bible nieces Miss Opal Brown and Mrs. J. C. ball season with the opening game Fri­ her marriage and after her husband's Jan. 7—Thos. Welsh elected chairman session of the Oregon legislature which I terf:‘ t was ®“ shtly reduced, the total be- of Big Bend Park association. convenes January 3, in Salem, he will j Pounds. This is the sec- bearing the inscription that It had been Bartlett of Ontario. All of the relatives day night at the Nyssa gym with Parma death some years ago. Hugh L. Biggs, young attorney of On­ Jan. 14—Two state police officers take with him the knowledge that more i time In the history of the institu- presented to J. A. Ringer by Louis except the sister came to Nyssa for the high. Since his return from Madras tario, will succeed E. M. Blodgett of located In county with headquarters in economy in state government is prefer­ tion there was a decrease n the volume | ohurch of Nyssa, Mr. Ringer ended his funeral services. Monday, Coach John Young has been Nyssa as district attorney. Mr. Blodgett Ontario. able to a sales tax to the majority of under the preceding year. Despite the life by jumping from the Ontario htgh- putting the boys through their paces has completed the unexpired term of decreased volum, however, due to reduc­ way bridge Monday evening. The man M. A. PATTISON Jan. 14—Vale becomes marrying Malheur county people. and believes they will be in fairly good metropolis with 435 licenses issued in M. A. Pattison, 80, father of Mrs. shape Friday in spite of prolonged holi­ the late Bruce R. Kester and was not a According to Frank Morgan and At­ tions in wages and other items entering had been associated with the Pentecos­ candidate In the recent election. He 1931 as compared to 106 In 1930. torney E. M. Blodegtt of Nyssa, who at­ into manufacturing cost, the expense tal faith and had been a frequent visit­ Lillian D. Bach of Kingman Kolony, days. formrly served one term as district at­ Jan. 14.—Nyssa organizes Legion Post tended a special meeting of the Ontario of making butter. Ice cream, cheese, or here and in Ontario. died in his sleep last Friday night at Admission to all basket ball games with C. L. McCoy, first commander, and Commercial club Tuesday night, most casin and dried milk did not Increase, Mrs. Ringer and her two children the home of his granddaughter Mrs. has been reduced to 25 cents and 10 torney. Mrs. Ora Hope of Vale succeeds C. C. 24 charter members. Auxiliary organized 0f those present did not favor the sales Wagner said. came from their home in Emmett Tues- j Jas. I.ane. He was born in Bunker Hill, cents for grade students. Fans will see “On the other hand, marketing costs day to Identify the clothing and bible Mo., and came west when a young m an.1 threc gam“ s pr^ ay night, clashes hav- Mueller, county treasurer for many with Mrs. Howard Larsen, president. I tax. H. C. Boyer and Otto Leuhrs of second and years. Mr. Mueller was not a candidate Jan. 14—Shea holes thru outlet half ; Ontario prsented the strongest negative were reduced and the average price paid Officers told her It would be futile to For many years he farmed In the vlcin- | ,ng been arranged ¡or tunnel No. 1 on Owyhee project. Sets arguments, urging that at present the dairymen for butterfat during the en- drag the river for the body. She gave ity of Emmett. Surviving arc his daugh third strings. Third strings play at 7:15 for reelection and will retire to private world record in tunnel run on Owyhee. I people pay all the taxes they can afford jtlre year was 19 1-2 cents per pound. her husband’s age as 35 but stated she ters Mrs. Bach and Mrs. Geo. Pollard p. m. and the second strings will follow, business In Vale. Re-elected county officials, who will Jan. 21—T. E. Conolly holes thru Inlet \ to pay. W. J. Pinney presided. Judge IAslde from the dairy products handled could give no reason for suicide as he of Portland, his grandson Rev. Walter the early start giving ample time for all embark upon new terms next Tuesday, Graham read the resolutions adopted by the cooperative, turkeys, poultry and was in good health and was not given D. Bach of North Powder and grand- three games. half Tunnel No. 1, joins Shea sector. are Roy Daley, county clerk; J. Edwin eg8s were marketed for members. Jan. 21—Ted Newell and Steve Regan by the county judges convention. to worrying. He is a brother of Mrs. E. daughters Mrs. Lane and Mrs. C. Stall­ Nyssa’s hoop season was advanced on Johnson, engineer; and Sheriff C. W. ings of Ogden, Utah. E. Silkett of Ontario. purchase Nyssa Grain Co. The meeting also favored a reduction account of the cold weather vacation, so Glenn, who la beginning his third suc­ COURT CHANGE PROPOSED Nyssa Funeral home had charge of games will come close together during Ringer left Emmett ChiA-mas night Jan. 21—Spring lambing begins. to $5 for 1933 auto license fee. cessive term. Jan. 21—Nyssa station shipments In­ Judge W. W. Wood has proposed two and was last seen in New Plymouth the services which were held Tuesday at January and February. Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle the Baptist church in Emmett. Mr. Pat­ Monday morning. Ontario boys return­ creased to 439 In 1931, gain 137. terms of the district court per annum, GRANGE BROADCASTS held In an opinion Friday that officers Jan. 21—Mrs. Karl Norvall, Pomona in the Interest of economy, and Is now ing from a hike found his clothes and tison was laid to rest in Riverside cem­ may legally take over their new duties CHRISTMAS PROGRAM presenting the proposal to the attorneys bible on the bridge and notified o f­ etery in Emmett by the side of his wife BETTY TENSEN AND grange lecturer of Vale, receives first Monday, a general holiday, but If they who passed away about a year ago. prize in national grange essay contest. of the county in order to get their re­ ficers. KATHERINE LEUCK prefer they may assume such duties on Radio Station B G (Boulevard action. He says that Harney and Grant The bereaved families have the sym­ Jan. 28—$1,000,000 appropriated for WIN HIGH AWARDS the next or any following day. Grange) broadcasted a Christmas pro­ counties have for years succeeded In pathy of friends in this community. Owyhee, $20,000 for Vale. WHO HOLDS NUMBERS Jan. 28—County holds first land sale gram last Thursday night for the caring for their legal business with but The highest award a girl scout can grange and Cairo school. Pupils gave two terms each year. FOR WILSON RADIO? BONDHOLDERS WANT and sells 73 tracts. BURGLARS TAKE . n r i — receive, a golden eaglet pin, was pre- Jan. 28—General and Terteling com­ m iijt readings, plays and music. Then OTHERS WIN GIFTS DRAINAGE AREA LEVY sented Scouts Betty Tensen and Kath- CASH FROM EDER S pany get North canal contracts on announcer Maurice Frakes called for SUNSHINE DAIRY PASSES TEST sermon by --------- !rtne Leuck of Nyssa at an impressive Feb. 2— Groundhog sees shadow— the following numbers: H. C. McCoy, Idaho veterinarian, Number 0847 will win the Baby Grand Alleging that supervisors of the M a i-1 ceremony at the Parish Hall Tuesday Frank Sherwood, the colored parson; Burglars entered the Eder Hardware Owyhee, . . , .. . ... — . . , made the regular tuberculin test of the physical culture drill Steve Cox, bed- Sunshlne Dalry herd ,ast wpelc and | Philco radio at Wilson Drygoods, if the | heur Drainage district have neglected night, attended by the large local troop. store some time during the Christmas more winter. owner of a ticket bearing that number to make the necessary levy to pay inter- The processional was lead by the color week end and Monday a money sack time story. Neil Hoffman. Time cam ejfound nQ reactors Feb. 4—Shea completes lining in inlet F. uluuc W. Osterkamp, _ ____ ______ from the Ingersoll Watch cornpany ; owner_ ^ the M calls for the radio within ten days from est on the bonds of the district due ______________ guard followed by Miss Tensen, Miss l containing about $32 was reported miss­ half Tunnel No. 5. test made every six December 24. If not. the radio goes to next June Attorney W. E. Lees and J. D .1 Leuck and Miss Margaret Hunt, first ing. Investigation revealed a search lor d aJ1 patrons of the Feb. 11—Big Bend grange entertains jokes on community folk aere told and months tQ saf Number 0469, the second ticket drawn Billingsley of Ontario have filed a pet- [ Nyssa girl to receive the eaglet award, progress of Santa’s trip from the North dalry money but It U believed no merchandise Nyssa Commercial club. for the radio, or Number 0748, the third, ition with the county court requesting The pins werc presented by Mrs. Dick was taken. This la the second theft in Feb. 25—Don Oraham receives war Pole was announced. Santa finally ar number drawn that body to make the levy and place Tensen, chairman of the troop commit­ this setton within a week, the Floyd rived and brought treats. award from state Legion. m b s . M c D o n a l d i l l Edith Baird won the second prize of it on the tax rolls for 1932. Judge David The grange will present tre play “The Kreitz and Wm. Zahora homes at Feb. 25—E. M. Blodgett appointed , While preparing Christmas dinner, fered at w llson.s Christmas sale. $5 in F. Graham advised Thursday that the tee. The three golden eaglet scouts com­ Adrian having been robbed of around Troubles of Grandpa," in February. (Continued on page 2) Mrs. Alex McDonald was afflicted by merchandise: while Mrs. Wm. Hipp of court had returned the petition lor ad­ pleted their work together but Miss $250 Tuesday week. illness Sunday and suffered a slight Arcadia took the third, $2.50 in mer­ ditional data. The law provides that the Hunt was the first to enter a complete stroke of paralysis. Dr. J. J. Sarazin was chandise. Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Fred court must make the levy he declared. application for the award. Require­ called. Mrs. McDonald seems lo be im­ Powell and H. E. Noah won the turkeys ments call for at least three years of PUMPHOUSE BURNS proving. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last scout work, high moral character and ICE HOOK SLASHES AT COMPANY FARM week. completion of work for 21 merit badges MRS. HOLLY PLANS APPLE VALLEY MAN ¡of which fourteen must be: athlete, Mrs. Olen Frizzell, leather purse from Fire believed to have started from the A successful Christmas shopping sea­ -------- : child nursa, citizenship, cook, dress- TRIP TO CALIFORNIA RURAL MAIL MAN exhaust of a gasoline engine destroyed son came to a close here Saturday after­ Nyssa Pharmacy. i 0 n ^ inJ?. ^ e . ^ r_t _e. a ^ !.. !f-g0 maker, first aid, health winner, home Mrs. Ed. Warren, box of candy from HITS FISHER CAR Fruit and Produce company Tuesday, nurse, hostess, laundress, pioneer, ram­ the pumphouse, water tank and two noon with an immense crowd in town Adrian—Mrs. Lizzie Holly will leave Lee Bruno of Apple Valley was seriously bler and swimmer. engines at the Eastern Oregon Land for the drawing at the Nyssa Gift Ex­ Nyssa Pharmacy. today to spend the remainder of the Mrs. Chas. Paradis, fruit cake from winter with her daughter in California. company ranch No. 3 last Tuesday Mr. Chapman, Ontario mail carrier injured. The Ice hook caught in the change sponsored by local merchants. night. R. L. Patton, ranch foreman, dis­ The crowd assembled early and by 3 Swan Bakery. CHRISTMAS BABIES ARRIVE A very enjoyable Yuletide program who covers the route Just north of Nys- muscle of his leg and inflicted a severe Christy Minton, electric frost shield was given by the students of the King- sa. drove Into a car driven by Oeorge i cut. He is In a serious condition. This Is o'cloak, the street In front of the Swan Santa arrived early in the Klaas Hart covered the blaze soon after It started Fisher of Big Bend late Christmas even- the first mishap which has occured home near Nyssa and Friday left a but It had gained too much headway for building was blocked. Over 10.000 from Powell Service Station. man Kolony school Friday evening. Ira B. Ward, pail of honey given by coupons had been collected by the var­ The Wm. Gibson, Lora Pillsbury, and ing. Both cars were wrecked, the mis- since since the storage of river ice be- baby boy for two delighted young par­ control. The loss was oovered by ln- ious shoppers about town, each and "Honey" Foster. ents. Christmas morning he left twin sura nee. Frank Miller families of Big Bend. Mrs. hap occurlng near the Frank Morgan gan several weeks ago. Frank Rambaud, $2 in credit at Lib­ Lizzie Holly and the J. E. Holly family farm. The highway was covered with every one good for a chance on the baby girls at the Jess Pullen home in tokens of good will given by merchants erty theatre. Leslie McClure and his brother of the Apple Valley. A bit late for Christmas PARMA-NYSSA GOLF enjoyed a Christmas party at the D. T. ice which made driving difficult. Oeorge Ray. Chenille rug from Nor of the city. Holly home Saturday night. The Mil­ / - i i i d \A/II I F I F C T ¡but on Tuesday he left a boy at the C. Nyssa bakery have been U1 this week. C L U B W I L L L L L L I >8 Hftle hQme Npedlesg ^ say the Hales Relatives from CaldweU have been as- Opening the drawing with a few dale Furniture compay and $1 In theatre lers and Hollys had Christmas dinner JORDAN VALLEY SEEKS CHANGE Jordan Valley and Adrian people have words of appreciation of the Christmas tickets, were also delighted with their first boy. ¡slstlng Mrs. McClure In the bakery. at the J. E. Holly home. Parma-Nyssa Oolf club will hold the Mae Keizer, silk hose from Caldwell’s business received here, Frank T. Mor­ Mr. and Mrs. Rose of Payette were presented petitions to the county court annual meeting for the purpose of elect- gan, secretary of the commercial club. store. holiday guests In the R. C. Enos home. requesting the return of George K aylor, Les Ernest, set of safety frost shields to local supervision of the improvement j *n8 a new board of directors Friday had charge. Women won delightful of the Nyssa-Jordan Valley market night, January 13. at the Idaho Power gifts, a man won his Christmas turkey, from Norcott Service station. MUCH SNO) ¡ FALLS _ _ , .road. They allege that maintenance has company office In Parma. Fred M. Stanley Ray, auto cigar lighter from another the down payment on a per­ IN IRONSIDE AREA not been as satisfactory the past year Johnston, club secretary, was over Sat- manent wave, one boy a Christmas gift Hoxle Oarage. as under Mr. Kaylor’s supervision. The urday to invite Nyssa members to at­ Dick Young, polish kit from Law- for his dad. Choice of the gifts was While William Elnzlg secretary to the work no hardship on any of the coun­ Ironside—About a foot of snow cov- | Journal was advised today that a slm- tend. He called at The Journal office. given each lucky person. Winners, In the j rence Service Station, state board of control. Is preparing to ties. Experience of the past year, how­ order of winning, follow. I W. E. Walters. $2 credit on "our best ered the Ironside region the forepart of liar request will be made to the state Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost spent ask the legislature to fasten greater res­ ever, has proven the bills to be highly Mrs Ed. Warren, percolating urn |$5 permanent wave at Owyhee Beauty the week. With much wind, it has drift- highway commission Christmas with Supt. and Mrs. Wm. ponsibility onto the several counties In Ineffectual as revenue producers from ed and made some of the side roads shop. from Idaho Power company. Fraser in Payette. the matter of coUectlng from Indlvld- private sources although they have suc­ Warren McHargue. $2 credit at Dr. E. hazardous for motor travel. RITCHEYS IN WRECK Carl Seaburn, electric toaster from Miss Ruth Miller's pupils gave a fine Miss Eulalia Shaffer arrived from uala under the ward" bills enacted by ceeded In relieving the state of a con­ D. Norcott’s dental shop. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchey and Mrs. Rita Baldridge Implement company. W. S. Adams, 2-year subscription to Christmas program Thursday night. Cunningham escaped serious injury Pocatello Friday and her brother I «she the 1931 session, county official* on the siderable burden of expense by passing Dick Young, $2 in credit at Liberty Saturday Miss Miller left for her home when their car skidded off the Icy came from Myrtle. Ida., to spend the other hand have served notice of their it back onto the counties. The Gate City Journal. theatre. Malheur county alone has paid the 1 highway near Arcadia Saturday and holidays at the parental Wm. Schaffer Intention to seek repeal of the bill*, or Artie Robertson, $2 credit at Nyssa In Big Bend. W. C Richardson, turkey from Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hinton and turned turtle. Mrs. Ritchey suffered home In the Kolony. at least that portion which Imposes a state $2500, $3.06835 Is still owing and Oraln Company. Packing company. R. H. Martin, spark starter for Model daughters came from Orandvlew. Ida., minor bruises and was attended by Dr. c e d i Caldwell arrived Tuesday from charge on the counties for the non- the small sum of only $68 has been paid Christy Minton, child * wagon from to spend the holidays at the parental H. A Ford, from Hoxle Oarage J J. Farazln. The Ritcheys Uve on the Wilmington, Cal., for a visit with his|vlolent lM»ne patient# In a sUte lnstl- by Individuals. So far as Malheur coun­ Oolden Rule. H. D Holmes. Christmas dinner for C. Elms home. Mrs. Elms Is much bet- Bodmer Island near town, father T. J. Caldwell who has been feel- I tutlon. Records In the office of the ty Is concerned, the law transferring the Wm. 8chireman, blanket from Wilson ter. two at Schweizer Cafe. lng poorly for several weeks. Chas. M. !board °* contr°l show that of $346,573 cost from the state to the county, has Drygoods. Nick Smlt of Arcadia, $2 credit ln ( Mrs. Ann* D. S Pratt and Mrs COUNTY GAINS MUCH LAND Caldwell also returned from Kent, collected and payable under the prov- proved a serious boomerang and It Oeorge Adams, sled from Eder Hard­ lslons of the act* to date, only $88364, should be repealed. trade at Boise-Payette Lbr. Co. Eugene Pratt left Friday for Willamette When the sheep and cattle business Wa, h Tuesrfav ware. or lees than one-fourth, has been paid comes back, Malheur county will be Pieter Tensen, shave, shampoo and vaUey. Hugh Olasgow, towel set from WUson Mrs. C. L. McCoy and children and by Individuals, wheress $261,200 has Convalescent from a major operation, hair cut at Bertsch Barber shop. | The A. R. Van Bure ns spent Christ- ready with a vast acreage of range land, Drygoods. Cora Hatfield, child’s shoes fr o m ,mas with Mrs. Joe Lingle at Frultland in fact, the largest acreage in any coun­ Mrs. McCoy’s Mother Mrs. Marie King been p«,vwd on to the counties for the Franklin Fry was able to return horns Alice Leavitt, 10-lb. pall of lard from on Christmas from the Ontario hos­ Caldwell's store. ! Mrs. Win Kiser and daughter of John ty In Oregon Malheur county has taken spent Christmas in Boise with Mr. and care of their non-vtolent Insane Wilson Grocery. over 285,996 acres of non-tillable grazing Mrg- Marshall Spell and family Mrs Sponsors of the measures before the pital. He Is reported doing nicely. 8. D. Bigelow $2 credit at Larsen Day with Mrs. Bruce Lofton. Lsobel Sarazin. box of candy from last legislature explained that the Oarage. Katherine Dickson. Norma White and land In tax freclosures Harney county Kln« remained in Boise, Rosebud Pool ha 11 Happy New Year to our reader*. Ontario Music club Is sponsoring a charge against the counties for the care Alta Campbell. $2 In credit at Pinker- Hazel Duncan are heme from Ontario has 181,000 acres, Deschutes 152.608. Fred Marshall, sack of flour from countywide music contest which will be of non-violent Insane was Included only We of The Journal family feel ton Hemstitching Shop j for vacation. Eder Grocery. blessed that we are able to continue She—We must keep our engagement held In April. AU music student* are In­ ss a determent to the dumping of Mrs Mary Fisher. Health cereal from The Raleigh Van Burens were In Bak- Mrs E Phillips. doll buggy from Kozy vited to enroll and take part. Forty-five "harmless indigente" onto the state un­ In our weekly service to each and all a secret until after Christmas, dear. Nyssa Flour Mill. ¡er Saturday. Cafe. of you. We wish you all the happi­ events are divided Into voice, piano, der the Insane committments Non­ He—But, why, sweethear’ ? W. C. Richardson, raisins from Wll-1 The Floyd Whit*. Orville Nichols, E. Mr*. Don Oraham, ham from WUson ness the holiday* can pour forth She—Because the other boys won't violin, wind, orchestra, wind ensemble violent insane, It was explained, con­ son Orocery. J Beam. Raleigh Van Buren and Her- Orocery upon you and prosperity in the New Klaas Stem. Health cereal from Nys- i bert Van Cleave families attended the give me any Christinas presents If they and vocal groups. Chas Wsddlngham Is stituted only a small portion of the In­ Mrs. John Scam. Jr.. I-lb. can of cof­ supervisor. Year. sane population and the charge would know I am engaged. (Continued an page •) dance at Unity Saturday night. fee from Eder Grocery. STAPLES HEARS LOCAL TAX TALK BIBLE IS SOLE SUICIDE CLUE NYSSA HOOPSTERS MEET PARMA HIGH in?j.f ye Merchants Play Santa To Shoppers W h o W in Forty-four Fine Gifts Here Counties Go After Ward Bill, Help State A t County Expense