A l Osterkamp and Marjorie Howell and Mrs. Santas Give Gayle and Robert McCoy, Charles and readings by Charles and Claudine Para- Norman Leavitt, Buddy and Betty Yule Party For 1 : dia. Schweizer, Leo Kollenberg, Albert Abbl, I Florence nd Eloise Russell. Mrs. C. L. Legion Children | McCoy was the announcer. The children HJ Alt! CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, D&J. home last week when enroute to Swan APPLE VALEY MEN Falls from a vacation trip to Spokane. Carl Pielstick served on the jury in I BEGIN ICE HARVEST Caldwell last week. Cedriv and Loyd Caldwell picked com Apple Valley—The San Diego Fruit for Cy Birk last week. and Produce company have started a Ivan Brown narrowly escaped serious large crew to- put up ice on the Boise injury last Thursday when a river. They average about 250 tons per fresno. The team bolted and operating the lines day. caught around Ivan's waist. He was Mrs. Minton spent the afternoon with dragged quite a distance but suffered Mrs. M. A. McDonald Wednesday re­ only minor bruises. newing old acquaintances. Mrs. Rollo Rucker honored her daughter Mamie by entertaining at din­ NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH ner for Betty Correll, Madelyn and Olive Marie Bailey, Norma Nichols, Star Rob­ School 10 o’clock. Mrs. Wesley inson and the little Olenn girl last week. J. Sunday Browne, superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McIntyre visited Morning worship 11:18. Christmas Glenn Merriam's at Parma Sunday. Christmas music led by Mrs. Mrs. M. Clendening and son Thomas sermon. Howard J. Larson. went to Boise Monday. Owl Patrol of the Boy 8couts met There will be no Sunday evening ser­ Thursday night at Billy Danforth's vices. home. Scouts served their own refresh­ Community Christmas tree and pro­ gram Friday eevnlng 8 o'clock. The pro­ ments. Jack Reed and Ralph Stephens left gram has been arranged by Mrs. Browne recently for Enid, Okla., where they and Mrs. Larson with the L. D. S. plan an indefinite visit. They were Church furnishing two numbers. The “hitch-hiking" and cards sent home in­ fraternity of the Eagles is arranging for dicated they were making good pro­ the treats for the children. We are told that Santa Clause will be present. gress. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Boston of A Merry Christmas to every one. Swan Falls called at the J. I. Boston FLOYD E. WHITE, Pastor. marched around the tree and each re­ ceived a treat. Coffee and cookies were grown-ups at a later hour. Over fifty children of ex-service men 'served the Howell played the accordion for made merry at a Christmas party Mon­ Archie which closed a pleasant day night at the Eagles' lodge hall several dances for both the Clauses and the when ladles of the Nyssa Auxiliary evening played Mrs. Santa Claus. Clilldren gave kiddies. the program with Christmas songs by COMPLIMENTING BRIDE Jimmy Cook. Joe and Carol Robertson, Donald Toombs, Donna Hoxie, Elizabeth Mrs. Howard J. Larsen and Mrs. Artie Robertson gave a delightful afternoon party Saturday in honor of Miss Edna WANT ADS Dennis, whose marriage to Ray Kendler Nyssa was an event the following FOR RENT—Furnished modem house. !of Nearly thirty guests were invited to Four rooms and bath. Mrs. Eulah day. the shower and those who could not at­ Kelley, Phone 71. Jan. 8 Pd. tend sent their gifts. They were numer­ ous and delightful. In guessing games Welding, machine work, general repair, favors were awarded to Mrs. S. D. Louis Garrison, Phone 75F14. Will call Goshert, Miss Eva Boydell, Mrs. W. F. for work. Dec. 22 Pd. McLing and Mrs. Marion Klinkenberg. At the close of the afternoon, the host­ LEARN ARTISTIC VIOLIN PLAYING esses served light refreshments. The in Wilson Violin School. Chas. L. honoree received the good wishes of all Wilson, Phone Howard J. Larsen resi­ i present. * • • • * dence in Nyssa for appointment. Deci* TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE ..... ----------------------------------- NEARLY NEW PHILCO RAttIO for Mrs. Leo D. Hollenberg entertained sale cheap at Nordale Furniture to . the Tuesday evening bridge club with a delightful Christmas party. Santa had 8ee it today. A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE CAR left gifts on the tree for each club mem­ ber. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin won first prize, FOR SALE—40-acres, good 5 room Mrs. Ethel Crawford, second. Mrs. Frank house. Immediate possession. $500 down, T. Morgan was present for the first time balance long term. P. O. Box 45, Adrian, since she became many months ago. Oregon. Dec. 1* A delicious lunch ill was served at the Makes it Safe and a Pleasure to Drive FOR RENT—5-room modern brick res­ evening’s close. idence. F. D. Hall, Phone 12, Nyssa. in Winter Weather BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR RENT at reasonable rates—one or Celebrating her ninth birthday an­ two room apartment for light house­ niversary, Marjorie Groot invited six keeping with bath in connetcion. Close young friends to a party Tuesday. It was a jolly affair at her home in the in. Nordale Rooms. City. icountry. Christmas ideas were carried out. After numerous games, Mrs. Dick Groot served a delicious birthday lunch. Mr. Groot called for the guests who Get Free Gift Coupons Here lived in town and took them home. NYSSA OREGON FOR STUDENT For a good shave, hair cot or In honor of Miss Donna Cook, who is shower bath come to— home from La Grande Normal for the holidays, Miss Evalyn Earp entertained ^ iir.iíiiiiiiiiiiHiitiniimiri!iiiiiiiii:riiinimiiiiiiiiiimriiiiiiiiii.i;iTiiii:mii i!i:ri:i;riirm.iif iininirmíi!i «i m nrm n iriirm in m in.iniiiiiirg McHargue’s with a little Christmas dinner party Sunday for Misses Donna and Thelma 1 = BARBER SHOP Cook, Henry Hatch of Big Bend. Her- Merry Christinas ! Laundry Agency schel Thompson, Earl Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing. Christmas packages served as place cards and the table was centered • * • with • red • tapers. Wm. McBRATNEY WITH NAMPA FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson attended Christmas party given by Twamo Licensed Funeral Director the bridge club of Nampa last Wednesday and Embalmer eevnlng. After dinner at the Dewey hotel, they played contract at Call S. D. Goshert or Nordale Palace the home of Mrs. F. H. Wheeler. Mrs. Furniture Co., Phone 94, Wilson brought home the first prize for Nyssa business men are saying it ladles. Nyssa, Oregon Sat., Dec. 24th, 3 p. m. ALUMNI START CLUB Younger alumni students of Nyssa with free gift drawing at the Swan building. high school have organized an alumni First name called gets choice of window. club with a membership of eight couples. They were entertained last When in town, make The Nyssa Packing Com­ Tuesday evening at the first party at pany headquarters. th home of John and Annie Stain, cards providing the amusement for the even­ ing with a delightful lunch at the close. Bill Keizer won first prize and Earl Marshall, low. The plan is to have a party every two weeks with the hosts for the evening to arrange entertain­ ment. Cards, dancing and outdoor par­ ties have been suggested. -7 An Electric Frost Shield NORCOTT SERVICE STATION Where to Go - Nyssa Packing Co. SNOW CONTINUES 1 PHONE 6 IN WESTFALL AREA I R em em ber ua th e n ext tim e you wish any print- ing.O urequipm ent enables ua to turn o u t fir s t q u a lity work— ou r exp eri­ ence enables us to in t e ll ig e n t l y a id y o u in p la n n i n g your circular,letter or whatever print­ ing you wish done. The results you get w ill p r o v e t h a t Good P rin t- ♦ ing P a y s ♦ The Gate City Journal PRINTERS GIVE NYSSA, ORE. Westfall—A heavy snowfall followed I the cold spell at Westfall, with snow1 continuing at frequent intervals through the past week. Garret Smit of Vale stayed at the George Toombs ranch home while he gathered his cattle last week. He began the drive to Vale Wednesday. C. Smith and his brothr Dutch and F. Jensen gathered in the Smith and R. H. DeArmond cattle last week. Art Shaw has returned home from the Rufino Arrien ranch where he was employed several weeks. The Westfall store has a new outlook on life with numerous improvements. Repairs were made by Lloyd Edmund- son. The two little White children of On­ tario are staying at the Toombs home for the winter. Claud Derrick recently purchased some horses from Mr. Arrien. GOODYEARS f o r CHRISTMAS GOOD, SAFE, LO W -COST f f i © © D / l 'E A » Speedway Tires Full Qecrsize Each 8 3 .7 5 4 .1 5 4 -4 9 4 .5 7 5 .* 7 5 .5 5 5 .8 3 8 .8 5 Each In Prs. 8 3 .8 3 398 4 .3 9 4 .4 7 5 .1 * 5 .4 8 5 .4 9 • 87 Tub« 30x3 Cl. 8 .9 1 4.40-21 1 .0 5 4.50-29...... 1 .0 0 4.58-21........ 1 .0 5 4.75-19..... 1 .0 8 5.00-19..... 1 .1 5 5.00-20 1 . 31 5.25-21 1.33 Cash Prices—Free Mounting LAWRENCE SERVICE STATION OREGON NYSSA Get Free Gift Coupons Here Christmas Greetings - From the Tradesmen of Nyssa TO THE MANY warm friends and patrons whom we have served through the closing year, it is our wish that this Christmas may bring happiness to you and yours. All during our many years as a local institution in this community we have always taken the opportunity to wish our patrons and friends— A Very Merry Christmas Phone 43 BOISE-PAYETTE LBR. COMPANY Larsen Garage Phone 15 COUNTLESS JOYS to everyone in Nyssa and vicinity. . . is our sincere wish. If it comes true, then our Christmas, too, will be a happy one. Nyssa Grain Co. MERRIER than ever.. with laugh­ ter and Gayety ruling the day. Then, looking forward to twelve months of Better Times. That is the Christmas wish of— Open Day and Night If so, subscribe or renew your subscription to The Gate City Journal at our Special Christmas Offer FATHER TIME has almost com­ pleted another of his yearly cir­ cuits. We are sincerely grateful to the people of Nyssa and join others in wishing you all— A Merry Christmas Sunshine Dairy F. W. Osterkamp, Prop. POWELL SERVICE STATION WERE YOU LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? Sensible! Practical! á im ‘Meat Makes the Meal’ feM l\ tó l, To Our New Friends: We extend sincere Greetings of the Season. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 76F3 A FESTIVE TABLE groaning un­ der “good things to eat” .. a spark­ ling tree and gifts without number. May they all be yours. And Let Us Help You With Xmas Entertaining Swan Bakery Merry Christmas, with banquet or hoecake! Happy New Year, i n wealth o r slight thrift! May your troubles be light as the snowflake, Your happiness deep as the drift. UNITED LAUNDRY of $1 Per Year This Offer Closes January 1st Anyone May Renew or Subscribe at This Rate G a te C ity Jo u rn a l PHONE 19 THANKS—And Merry Christmas Old thirty-two was not so bad, Though not a record setter; We gave you all the best we had, But nope to do yet better! New Low Prices on Cleaning We wish you Merry Christmas And a season of good cheer, We wish you none but happy days Throughout the coming year! N y s s a T a ilo r S h o p H o x ie G a r a g e