The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, December 08, 1932, Image 5

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'1 S T ON
A r e y o u r tir e s
Powell’s Service Station
state Indus. Ac«. Comm, workmen’« i Harper Merc, Co., groceries for Wm I O N Garage, supplies R D No. 7,
compensation, $12.15.
| Westfall, $5.00.
Mrs Oeo. McTavtsh, appr. Indigent. ;W. W. Rudd, two T. B. Cows, $20.00
¡care of Bob Rutherford, $20.00.
'C. C. Anderson Co, supplies for various
House Turns Down Repeal
Arlington Hotel, oare J. D. Rogers $20
indigents, $40.05.
Requests for Information regarding By a margin so narrow that the Mrs. J. Maddux, indigent, care of Sarah The Leather Shop, shoe repairs. lndi-
__ ________
gents, $1.00.
the land opportunities under the Owy­ change
of six votes would have shift- _ Jones, $20.00.
hee and Vale irrigation projects have ed the result! th ^ h o u s i^ f represTnm- Mrs’ Laura Lathrop' indl**n t- care oi Ontario Coal Co., coal, indigent, John
been pouring into the offce of Harold tives Monday defeated the Oamer pro- Uoyd RoberU- *15 00'
, „
Brockman, $6.00.
B. Say, manager of the state develop­ hibltlon repeal resolution A two-thirds Mrs' Conley Davis, indigent, care of Jim Vale Drug Store, drugs and supplies
ment department of the Portland vote was needed to approve it, since it Townsend. $10.00.
I for lndigents, $22.75.
Chamber of Commerce. Since the epen- was for amendment of the constitution.,Mrs- 'rmie Pierce, indigent, care of Bill Vale Sanitarium Company, care of indl-
gents, Mrs. Anna W. Wheeler, $60.00.
lng of the fall advertising campaign In Here’s how the parties lined up-
I Bowden, $20.00.
farm Journals, 238 Inquiries have been For repeal: Democrats 168, Republi- C. E. Thomas and wife, indigent, $20.00. The Ontario Argus, paper for old men's
home, $2.00.
¡John Morgan, indigent, $10.00.
recelved representing almost every state cans 103, Farmer-labor 1, total 272
Dr. Anna B. Pritchett, care of lndigents,
in the union.
Against repeal: Democrats 44, Repub- H- Cole' indl8ent' $100°
llcans 100, total 144.
Mrs. Jane Davis, indigent, $15.00.
Henry Lumpee, services as asst, water-
c. Cantwell, indigent, $10.00.
master, $10.50.
ie . H. Doty and wife, indigent, $15.00.
Don't say President "Roose-velt” un- 0rson
and wife, indigent, $10.00. Chas. B. Orai, sealer of weights and
| less you wish to pronounce the name Abe Leweiien and wife, indigent, $15.00. measures, $19.82.
Town patrons, 2:30 to 5:30.
wrong. If you wish to say it as the steve Wukentz. indigent, $7.50.
Chas. B. Oral, sealer of weights and
Out of town patrons, 2:30 to 7:30.
Roosevelts themselves do, you should Rodent control Fund (per R. O. Larson, measures, $19.81
make it "Roze” and not ’’Roose.”
j county agent), money advanced for Oregon State Library, books delivered to
Democrats Have Majority
work under county agent, $500.00.
Malheur county, $353.21.
I Final returns of the election show 1 Ontario Argus, notice of Eq. and Qen. Malheur Enterprise, notice to voters,
that the Democrats will rule the new ] election ballots, $283.25.
(73rd) congress by a stupendous major- Joe Reed, board Dan Caroline .indigent, Gate City Journal, election expense, $89
Roy Daley, clerk office and election
Attorney and Counselor at Law
ity. In the Senate they will have a maj- j $20.00.
supplies, $12.52.
ority of 22 votes, while n the House they Ora E. Clark, county court, $20.00.
First National Bank Building
Dr. W. W. Jones, vital statistics, $1.25.
will outnumber the Republicans and i D. M. Prichard, C. C. bailiff, $20.00.
Dr. J. J. Sarazin, vital statistics, $3.50.
Farmer-Labor block of five by 193.
.H. G. Kennard, water master, $175.00
Phone 66
Veteran Gets Award
| Bancroft-Whitney, supplies for circuit Allen Wilcox, vital statistics, $5.00.
Dr. R. O. Payne, vital statistics, $10.50.
The award of the purple heart has icour^'
E. O. Walters, weed control, $37.60.
I j. d . Fairman, county court, $20.00.
'just been received by Samuel J. Har C. W. Glenn, traveling expense, $57.76. Mrs. M. D. Clough, registering voters,
¡bison, who now lives near Beulah and C. W. Glenn, traveling expense, $12.40.
'Mill1.I.Witli:lllllllltl1ll:lll l:l M l.ltl ll I I lil l 1! 1,111111:1 f Agency
ig c iiL j
V a . 1 1 C , who
W I I D saw
o c t W service
S C rV IC C a abroad
D iO iK l j
o v n n n ce 1
<t 1
W. E. Bonnifield, registering voters, .70.
and received citations for bravery. M r.lC- W'J ? enn'JL H f t
«168 75 Mrs. Marie Johannesen, registering vot­
Harbison. who is a member of Ontario C' W' ° enn' boa^ . °f
o H i^ M
ers, $1.00.
post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, c W. Glenn. supplies
E. Holly, registering voters, $7.00.
received his award for bravery under c - Yf. ^31en” ' s pp
Mrs. Ben Jones, registering voters, $1.70.
fire on July 15, 1918, at Chateau Thier- I sherlff s °™ fe' $2" J '
ry in the second battle of the Marne. West Coast Prtg and Bndg C o'.suppUeS Chas. J. Bush, registering voters, $2.70.
and expense court house, $93.50.
H. C. Elms, registering voters, .80.
Harbison was wounded. He was a mem­ Idaho
Typewriter Exchange, supplies J. L. Pope, registering voters, .40.
Repairs and Sells Furnaces Com­
county clerk, $1.00.
Geo. L. Parks, registering voters $1.60.
third division.
Malheur Enterprise, supplies clerk’s of­ Henry Welcome, registering voters,
peting with even the mail order
fice; sheriff’s office, $7.65.
West Coast Prtg and Bndg. Co,, supplies Mrs. D. H. Haylett, registering voters,
houses. If you need him in a
Legal Advertisement
Co. clerk, J. P. Court, assessor, elec­
hurry for plumbing or furnace
tion. $102.75.
Mrs. Horton Worsham, registering vot­
Northern School Supply Co. supplies for ers, .60.
repair, phone
county school superintendent, $4.97. Alice D. Bankofier, registering voters,
is hereby given that the following
Effie M. Crail. supplies, expenses, trav.
Parma 109J2 Collect
claims against Malheur County for the j expense, $27.63.
Don Graham, registering voters $14.30.
Month of October, 1932, were considered E. M. Blodgett, district attorney exp­ E. H. Test, registering voters, $20.30.
and ordered paid as follows:
enses, $29.45.
E. L. Armstrong, registering voters, .50.
Furnaces and Plumbing
Irma 8. Sheridan, registering voters, .60.
November 2, 1932
E. J. Burrough, coroner’s juror, $1.20.
Mrs. Dora Matthews, registering votes,
A. R. Miller, coroner’s Juror, $1.20.
UM |i| tin:i l i l t HU i:i t'l l l l lil i:i l:l i:tl l i:i:i I l:l l.l i:i.U.l l:i i
. 10 .
John O. Young, coroner’s juror, $1.20
R. E. Scrvoss coroner’s Juror, $1.20.
C. H. Spicer, registering voters, $3.70.
; Arthur Heer, deputy sheriff, $124,69
Mrs. L. E. Palmer, registering voters .20.
j Chas. S. Leavitt, deputy sheriff, $124.69. E. J. Powell, coroner’s juror, $1.20.
J. D. Fairman, sale county land, $35.08.
; Valeda Thayer, clerk sheriff’s office J E. Lawrence, coroner’s Juror, $1.20.
J. J. Sarazir., coroners’ witness $1.70.
Malheur Title and Abstract Co., check­
j $99.69.
Susannah Profitt, coroner’s witness, ing Calif, and Ore. Land Co., for pat­
jo. E. Howell, deputy clerk, $125.00.
ents, $7.00.
¡Betty L. Kaylor, clerk's stenographer
Charlie Smith, coroner’s witness, $1.70. Wm. Scott, county weed control, gas
and oil, $2.40.
Margaret L. George, clerk's stenogra-1 Dave Dugger, coroner’s witness, $1.70.
pher, $90.00.
I Bernard Frost, coroner’s witness, $1.70. Harry Stacey, witness state vs. Holling-
shed. $4.00.
Jean Burrelle, deputy assessor, $125.00. R- O. Payne, coroner’s fee, $10.00.
Mildred Bennett, cleik assessor's office, Fay Swan coroner’s Ct. stenographer. C. W. Nelson, bee inspection, $91.85.
Rodent Control Fund, gopher control,
I $100.00.
Dr. R. O. Payne, coroner’s fee, inquest,1 $350.03.
¡John Hart, janitor, $79.69.
! $10.00.
I F. C. Mueller, repairs on furnace for
Will J. Roberts, justice of peace, $26.95. court house, $37.70.
Frank Smith, justice court witness $5.10. Vale Meat Company, court house indi­
C. Leavitt, justice court witness, $4.70.
gents, road dist. No. 4. $35.03.
Mrs. C. Bruner, justice court witness, Mrs. Albert E. Glassock, dependent
I $1.50.
I mother, $15.00.
B eca u se
Mrs. J. Howery justice court witness |Mrs i c smith, indigent. $22.50
, $1.50.
Clara H. Young, indigent, $15.00.
The Bayer cross is not merely •
Ralph Dorcy, justice court witness, $1.50 Vale Meat Co., old men's home, $43.35.
S. A. Regan, justice court juror, $1.00. | J, and E. Kilpatrick, lndigents, old
trade-mark, but a symbol of safety.
S. D. Dorman, justice court juror, $1.00. i men's home, $75.00.
M. M. Owens Justice court Juror. $1.00. |Frod Berling, c.c. witness $2.20.
The name Bayer tells you that it
A. R. Hester, Justice court juror, $1.00. R. A. Tacke, prof, services rendered Mrs.
cannot depress the heart.
Joe Reed, $7.00.
W. C. Cohick, justice court juror, $1.00.
Amos Johnson, justice court Juror, $1.00. C. W. Glenn, sheriff, account and sales,
The tablet that’s stamped Bayer
$ 200 . 00 .
Percy Purvis, justice court costs, $9.35.
dissolves so quickly you get instant
W. L. Hutton, work on plumbingat court Lew’s Service Station, gas indi., $2,85.
relief from the pain.
Chester Keown, asst, watermaster,
house $1.50.
Crescent Chemical Co. supplies court $53.27.
0. E. Carman, milk for old men’s home
house, $2.48.
City of Vale, water for court house and
lawn, $12.65.
Idaho Power Co., lights court house, jail
Ask About Our
There’s no unpleasant taste or odan
Ontario Concrete Pipe Co., culverts, R D
mdse. $38.67.
to tablets of Bayer manufacture;
No. 13, $24.73.
Vale Transfer Co. cartage, $47.20.
Oil Permanent Wave
Malheur Home Tel. Co., telephone ser- Ontario Concrete Pipe Co., culverts R D
no injurious ingredients to upset
NO. 18, $48.73.
j vice, $2.20.
At $2.95
the system.
! Vale Trading Company, court house ex­ Homer King, labor, R D No. 1, $115.08.
Wylie Frakes, labor, R D No. 1, $60.62.
pense, Jail, $4.04.
You'll Always Get Ycur Money's
Tablets bearing the familiar Bayer
W. L. Hutton repairing plumbing in Ora E. Clark viewing roads to McDer-
cross have no coarse particles to
Worth At
court house, sharpening lawn mower, mitt, gen road, $15.00.
Audy Baze, hauling lumber, Camp creek
irritate throat or stomach.
( $2.50.
¡Malheur Home Telephone Co. phones to J. V. gen. rd., $35.00.
Owyhee Beauty Shop
State Indus. Acc. Comm. Insurance, gen
J and tolls, $55.35.
J. and E. Kilpatrick, lndigents, old road, $29.26.
Phone 55F3
Home Lumber and Coal Co., supplies,
men’s home, $75.00.
¡Idaho Power Co., lights for old men’s general road, $49.45.
1. O. N. Garage supplies, gen rd. $30.75.
home, $3.30.
Lydia Horton, laundry for indigents, Dan Haylett, hauling, gen rd. $10.00.
Van Petten Lumber Co., lumber and
City of Vale, water for old men’s home, nails, gen road, $24.08.
Ashcraft Service Station, auto supplies,
gen road. .40.
Boise Payette Lumber Co., coal for Mrs.
Wulf Hardware and Imp. Co., machin­
Ivers, $6.00.
Juntura Mercantile Co. groceries for A1 ery repairs, gen road, $10.01.
Feenaughty Machinery Co., repairs for
Hardwick, $9.65.
grader, gen road, $8.85.
Mrs. F. E. Brittingham. care of indigent,
J. D. Adams Co., mach. repairs, gen road
$ 20 . 00 .
Mrs. F. O. Cleveland, milk for old men's $3902.
J. Edwin Johnson, salary and expense,
home, $7.75.
gen road, $181.15.
Ontario Laundry, laundry for lndi­
Sam Lloma, labor, gen rd, $24.00.
gents, $13.35.
Rose, Grocery, supplies for Henry Raat, Ben Jones, labor, gen rd, $11.25.
Virgil E. Johnson road construction, gen
Vale Trading Co., supplies for old men’s road, $119.00.
Bnrt Kcplln, road construction, $115.00.
home. $2.59.
Eder Hardware Co., supplies for lndi­ W. B. Packard, road construction, gen.
road, $63.00.
gents, C. T. Ferrel and wife, $15.00.
If accident looms suddenly,
Boyer Bros, and Co., supplies for indi­ B. F. Packard, road construction, $63.00.
can y o u atop? Your brakes will
Troxeil Implement Co., supplies R D No
gents. $62.52.
but can your tires respond?
1, $1.15.
Home Lumber and Coal Co. coal tor old
men’s home. Herbert Cole, sup. for Ontario Concrete Pipe Co., culverts, R
W orn tires are dangerous! Because
D No I, $2 85
court house, $27.65.
tread design and long-
Beall Pipe and Tank Corp., culverts, R
wearing compound, the non-skid
men’s home, $1.49.
j D No. 1, $29.51
element remains on Kelly Lotta Miles
Wilson Brothers, supplies for lndigents, F. L. Edwards, blacksmithing, R D No
Tires longer than on other tires any­
2, $19 25.
where near their price.
Vale Trading Co., supplies, indigents, A W Howell, labor, R D No. 2. $62.40.
B. B Kelley, labor, R D No. 2, $20.25.
j $5.53.
Let u# show you the Kelly Safety*
Pruitts Barber Shopp, services to lndi­ Arthor Hieter, labor. R D No. 2, $80 00.
graphs, the printed proof that Kellys
E. P. Hendrix, labor R. D. No. 3, $3.50.
gents. $11.25.
are good for thousands and thou­
Paul V. Maris, exec. sec. (state wide re­ Tom Craig, labor. R. D No 3, $3.50.
sands of Safe M ile*.
Beall Pipe and Tank Corp. culverts, R D
lief council sect, lndigents, $4.12.
No. 3, $20 24.
Van Petten Lumber Co., lndig, 112.75.
j j i tf - -
Ontario Pharmacy, drugs, lndig., $19.50. ¡Wm. Shunn, labor, R D No. 3. $17.50.
3 P. Hagler, care of lndigents. $107.16, Dick Williams, R D No 3. $17.50
J. R. Blackaby, rent for house, Mrs. R. H. Daniels labor, R D No. 3, $9 00.
Rose, indigent, $4.50.
Oeo. Eldredge. labor, R D No. 3, $22 22.
O. G. Leuhrs, drugs and supplies, lndi­ Oordon Shunn. labor, R D No. 3, $7.00.
gents. $9.50.
Robt. Forsman, labor, R D No. 3, $23 35.
Boise Payette Lumber Co., coal for Mrs. Waldo Forsman. labor, R D No 3 $1 69
Hazel Olldea, $12 20.
H. R. Hatch, labor, R D No. 5, $14.75.
Ironside Mercantile Co., groceries for Jordan Valley Stage Co., hauling R D
Wm. Hart. $1808.
I No 7, $5.40.
Nyssa, Oregon
Heim and Yturri, supplies, R D No. 7,
Sam Llona. labor. R D No. 10. $8.50.
Tom Monroe, R D No. 10, $7.00.
Junturk Mercantile So., supplies R D No
10, $1.50.
M. Lesh, graveling, R D No. 13, $16.20.
E. J. Stream, labor, R D No. 13, $3.38.
H S. Wayne labor. R D No 18. $5.75.
A. F. Hill, labor, R D No. 19. $23.57.
Chas. Ennis, labor. R. D. No 19 $10.07.
H. L. Buchert, labor. R D No. 20, $45,00.
O. B. Shira. labor, R D No 20. $17.50.
Ben Corbett blacksmithing, R D No. 20,
L. K. Bullock Garage, auto supplies and
repairs, gen road, $35.13.
Eullock Kiser Hardware Co., supplies
gen road, $1.25.
Ed Remsen, labor gen rd. $11.25.
Tony Accaragu, labor, gen road, $10.50.
Jack swisherT labor, gen road $15.00
Tom Skinner, labor, gen road, $17.50.
Tony Accaragu, labor, R D No. 7, $17.50.
Rich Brittingham, labor, R D No. 7, $21.
Tom Skinner, labor, R D No. 7, $52.00.
Audy Baze, drayage, gen road, $31.18.
C. C. Mueller, lumber gen road, $35.00.
Lew’s Servioe Station, gas for Ora Clark
gen road, $4.00.
Home Lumber and Coal Co. bridges,
market road, $9.15.
Rodent Control Fund, gopher control,
gopher cont. fund, $49.97.
Malheur County Library, expense, lib­
rary fund $187.22.
Chase National Bank, Interest on
bonds, motor license fund, $4,20Q 00.
By virtue of an execution in fore­
closure duly issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Malheur, on the 9th day of
November, 1932, pursuant to a Judg­
ment rendered in said Court in the 7th
day of November, 1932, In a suit
wherein Nile G. Michael and Mary E.
Michael, husband and wife, are plain­
tiffs, and Mary E. Dorsett and C. M.
Dorsett, her husband, Anna C. Dark,
John Doe Dark, Myrtle Beardsley, John
Doe Beardsley, Malheur County, a
munipal corporation A. W. Glenn, Sax­
on Humphrey, M. E. Thayer, H. R.
Dunlop, and J. E. Lawrence, are de­
fendants said writ being directed to me
and commanding me to sell the herein- |
after described real property, I will on i
Saturday, the 10th day of December, j
1932, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the i
forenoon of said day, at the north I
main entrance door of the County1
Court House at Vale, Malheur County,.
Oregon, sell, subject to the statutory
right of redemption, all of the right,
title and interest of the above named
defendants in and to the following de­
scribed real property to-wit:
The W1-2SW1-4 and the SW1-4
SE1-4 of Section 22; the Nl-2
NW1 4 and the W1-2NE1-4, and ,
the NW1-4SE1-4 of Section 27, in I
Township 16 S., of Range 40 E. W.
M„ and the SW1-4NE1-4 of Section
26, in Township 16, south of Range
40 east, E. W. M„
to satisfy a Judgment against the above
named defendants, Mary E. Dorsett and
C. M. Dorsett, in the sum of $900.00,
with interest thereon from said 3rd day
of August, 1932, at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum, and the further sum of
$17.85, with interest from June 6, 1928,
at 7 per cent per annum, and the fur­
ther sum of $52.75 costs, and the further
sum of $100 00. attorney's fees, and for
such additional costs as may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 9th day of
November 1932.
Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon, j
Date of first publication, November 10, j
Date of last publication, December 8,
Date of sale, December 10, at 10:30 A.
Robt. D. Lytle, attorney for plaintiff j
Vale, Oregon.
/E C . -
VELTEX GASOLINE—A Superior Product
—Quick Starting—Powerful.
—A Leader Among High Grade Oils.
C. B. SHORT, Agent
Phone 79, Nyssa
For The New Season
Your car needs tuning up and servicing for cool­
er weather driving. Spark plugs, carburetor,
breaker points, battery and coil must all be in
perfect condition for good performance.
We are ready to give you the very best service in
our completely equipped shop. Our new low
labor rates are most economical.
Special FREE Service—Just phone and we will
call and get your car and return it without
additional cost.
Larsen Motor Company
The following firms of Ontario win serve you with honest value«:
Come in and See Our Complete Line
complete selection of neckwear in all the newest
fall shades. Earrings, braclets, etc. to match
your costume.
Illinois and Elgin Watches at half price. Beau­
tiful Models.
Large selection of silverware, leather goods,
fountain pens and gifts.
Jeweler and Watchmaker
Ontario, Ore.
Guaranteed watch repairing at lowest prices .
Portrait« of Quality
Kodak Finishing
Ontario, Oregon
Continues Service
8 a. m. to 10:30 p. m.
Ontario, Oregon
In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN
THOMAS RAY, Deceased.
Nora Daisy Ray, the duly appointed
qualified and acting executrix cf the
estate of John Thomas Ray, deceased,
has rendered and presented her final
accounting of her administration of
said estate, and a petition for an order
of distribution and discharge from such
administration as such executrix, and
that Monday, the 12th day of Decem­
ber, 1932, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the
afternoon of th at day In the County
Court Room in the County Court
House, at Vale, Malheur County, Ore­
gon, has been appointed and fixed by
the Judge of said County Court in an
order made and entered by said Judge
on the 9th day of November, 1932, as
the time and place for hearing objec­
tions to said accounting, the settlement
thereof and for hearing on said petition,
at which time and place any and all
persons Interested In said estate may
appear and object to said accounting
and contest the same; and all persons
concerned therein are further notified
to be present and show cause, if any
there be, why said accounting and re­
port should not be approved and allow­
ed. said estate settled, distribution
made, and the undersigned discharged
as executrix.
Executrix of the Estate of
John Thomas Ray, Deceas­
Date of First Publication November 10,
Date of Last Publication, December 8,
Say It With Flowen . . . .
No more expressive gift
Fine Shoe Repairing
If you c a n t bring ’em.
mall 'em.
Ontario, Oregon
Stockmen's Supplies. iialnts,
and Oils, Milking Machines,
Pipe and Fittings, Pumping
Ontario, Oregon
Funeral Directora
Ontario, Oregon
Modern Equipment and Personal Service