GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DEC. , 193*2. Nyssa High Periscope BURN HAY 1 j-'ale, i#n, i£° i ,0ll,er r«', ir/T Delira Ward; 2nd—Keith Oil- 1 | t r u c k b u r n s a t ¡more, Dlck .0 Tensen, Herman Pompeii, j ; IRONSIDE JORDAN VALLEY Jimmy Cook, Conley Ward, Shirley | —News of Nyssa School— . . . . .. . . . Barker, Grace Austad, Lois Patton; books back on time. In this way we can ! lst_ Neree olasco. Joan Klug, Teddy EDITORIAL STAFF Ironside—Thir ■ n "-tacks of hay con- Jordan Valley—James Rementeria. help the librarians keep the other stud- Howell_ 8hl, ley Langton, Junior Lowe. Jordan Valley garage owner, lost a Ri< taining betweer 200 and 300 tons and Editor ..........................— SUE KEIZER ents supplied with books. We can help Ailene Hendllckf R o^ rt n eu u . owned by Rouse Brothers, burned to the truck by fire a few day ago. • • ‘ ----- ****** *------------- *------ 1—* ■* by ** obeying library, _____ Assistant Editor ... ----------------— CARLOTTA IRWIN to a greater extent A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. ground Saturday night. The owners he­ Society Editor ..............EVALYN EARP rules. NEWSY BRIEFS lieve the blaze si arted from an incendi­ Kirt Skinner November 22. Sports Editor ... DWIGHT JOHNSTON | The library is a big asset to the Many stud-nts have been absent from Mrs. Joyce Palmer and daughters ary origin Because tire stacks were sorno Reporters, Ethel Graham and Dorothy school, operating for you and I. Let’s Boden; Senior class reporter, Charlena| not forget our responsibilities.—D. A. school on accountof severe colds or ill­ have moved to Jordan Valley for the d! once apart and in four different lack ear--'-:. The loss is estimated at winter. ness in their families. Crawford; Junior reporter, Minnie Wil­ A number of people have been ill of around $1000. HONOR IIOLL Rex Ashcraft underwent an appendi- son; Sophomore reporter Lila Hite; Freshman reporter, Vera McConnell. i'".'.ph Foam and family of Unity The following grade and high school cilis operation Friday morning at the flu. Miss Erelyn Noble, Torn Skinner. Donald Crosby, Roberta Swisher, Mr so- nt Sunday at the W. J Beam ranch Special assignments may be made. students made the honor roll for the Nampa hospital Lem Wilson is a new member of the Basil Deary, Jesse and Joe Caruvaunte home. past six weeks period: ¡among them. | Several car leads of cattle were ship-I High school: Freshmen, Ross John­ sophomore class. Vera Garrison has been absent from Axel Lindgrtn has gene to William',i , 1 t ; .o Pori land market fiom Hunt OUR LIBRARY ___ ston, _________ Leonard _________ Nichols, Helen Pond, in; Friday They belong d to A. R. V an1 At the beginning oi this semester' Ruby Wells; sophomores, Ezra Brum- school due to rheumatism in her hip. j Creek for the winter, Mr. and Mrs. Hall Parks celebrated Buren, Ha dv Murray. Fred Laurancc \ eighteen new fiction books were pur- bach, Harriet Sarazin, Tiena Tensen; The different rooms in the grades are chased for the school library. Since then Juniors, Minnie Wilson; Seniors, Dor- beginning to take on the semblance of their silver wedding anniversary at a and Henrv Cape. Mr. Van Buren accom­ the librarians with Mary Munsterman, ;othy Boden. Carlotta Irwin, Christmas with colored paper and other party December 3. Among those present panied the shipment to Portland. rwin, Evalyn C~ Junsterman. , it! _ _ pleasing to the eye. Miss Iva Cap v who is employed at the chief, have struggled bravely to please Earp, Sue Keizer, Mary Munsterman. trimmings I were the George Parks. Ross, Holm Mrs. Ada Haworth drove to Parma Gasman and Robinson families, Mrs Woodward ranch at Westfall spent-the j everyone. Now the question is, have the Grade school: 8th grade—Waneta students cooperated? There are about Graves, Lloyd Wilson, Nellie Jean Peh- after school last week to care for her • j Violet Skinner and Mrs. Hemp.’ Hemp; Scott Scot' week end here. I ¡The evening was spent in games and a Mis. Cl.ira Tureman of Vale was visit - 1 ten students for each new book, to say weizer; 7th—Marzene Hollenberg; 6th— mother who was ill. ing here Saturday. nothing of the old volumes so we can Houston Wilson: ftfh—June Marie Wil- physics class is starting labors •: delicious luncheon followed. alTsee° that our ilbrary staff has a lot ¡son, Ethel Munsterman. Evelyn Larkin; tory work which will continue through- | A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don- Ben Thomas and family of Fruitland to do. ! 4th—Barbara Browne, Helen Boydell, out the year on Monday and Wednes- aid Crosby last week. and Mss. Rosa Lamberson of Ontario , A very well attended dance was given visited at the Omar Presley home Sun­ Let's do our part. Let's try to get our ¡Robert McCoy; 3rd Don Sopher, M ar-, day each week. Haze! Sullivan is back in school after in Jordan November 2G. The music was day. spending several days at home on ac­ furnished by a Basque orchestra from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd While made a count of the illness of her mother. Boise. A number of other people from' fcu?in - trip to Payette Monday. E Mrs. Haworth is holding a class for Boise attended also. , lit a . R Van Buren motored to = Freshmen who find history a bit deep. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Skinner are the Fruitland Sunday to visit her son and parents of a baby daughter bom daughter. g It meets at 12.45 p. m. = Bela Sager, who was ill of flu, is back I Thanksgiving day. in school after a week's absence. | E. E. Gustin spent the week end vtsit- John Xenos, of the Pioneer Cafe, was J Edith Baird has been suffering of an ing the Carl Fretwell family at their taken to the Vale sanitarium Friday. He enlarged cord in her foot. She has re- ranch on the Owyhee. ! has been ill for several weeks and it is turned to school. | ------------------------- ¡believed the hot mineral water baths at j The seniors are wearing new rings EPISCOPAL CHURCH •the nearby anitariuni will prove help- and pins, their class jewelry having ar­ Preaching services at 4 p. m. Sunday ful. Dr. D. A. Sexton of Vale came after rived the last of the week. They bear a crest of Nyssa which makes them very afternoon. Rev. Stanley Moore, pastor, him Friday. I attractive. For the Nyssa Gift Exchange Seniors are taking a new intelligence wgMosrv» «■ g.-v w a o a » -.-,.-- 5. test by attempting to translate epigrams We’re Giving a Nice Big Gobbler for the Christ­ for Mss Stella Fishburn. mas Gift Exchange. Sign Free Coupons Given in | Vernon Parker is said to be ill of a Sen siile! Practical! mastoid infection in his ear. trade at every Nyssa store and be present at XM AS MEALS-CO.': T LESS AT JOE’b CAFE We have marked all of our prices down, so you will find that you get a real meal for less money at Joe’s Cafe. Get Free Gift Coupons Here The Nyssa Cafe OREGON NYSSA DOES IT BEST, AND FOR LESS . . . We are equipped to do your family washing the economical float iron way .. .. or all beautifully finished . . . . or rough dry. You will find that at our prices you will save money. Here your laun­ dry, costs you less. T u r k e y drawing Sat., Dec. 24, at 3 p. m. You may Win a Real Christmas Gift FREE. See Us for the Best in Meats Nyssa Packing Co. Get Free Gift Coupons Here PHONE 6 NYSSA, OREGON GIVE GOOD- JOKES 11 Byrd W.—You look sore, old egg = What's wrong? g . Grower W.—I am sore. You know I g 1 was in the mile run. Well, when I got to g I the finish line some bum leaned out of ~ the stand and yelled: "Step on it, buddy 3 they went that way.” % A m Earl Marshal—Rather striking, isn’t 'she? Her father's a very wealthy pawn­ i iii ill 11 i.i II i!i.i!i;iiiii:ii!;iii i!i:i!i!i!iii!i;i!i iiiniiiiiiiiuri iiiii linn in ill'll iii : iii : ui ; i ; i ill m niiiimiii i . i III inn mil i : i III 11 III Hi in broker. Orville McEwen—She’s certainly got redeeming features. For Winter Driving* HOXIE GARAGE Nyssa, Oregon In ini M ini mu hi hi .................... n 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii 111:111:11!: 1111111111 A GIFT to be Enjoyed Throughout the Year I'AOn YOUR MACAZIHEi W FSi lá M Each Each Frs. Tu!« in A Nearly New- S .Ç Ï l.GS 3.00 l.G S Í .09 1 .1 3 S .Î Ï i rea Mounting LAWRENCE SERVICE STATION OREGON NYSSA iiffiL w n æ :? : PNILCO Radi» 7-Tube Cabinet Model will be sold cheap if sold on or before the 15th. It is a late model and guaranteed. See it. Get Free Gift Coupons Here CHRISTMAS FURNITURE Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust, If the crooners don’t sicken you, Sopranos must. Sopranos must. F R U II CAKE TIM E Congress re-convened Monday and many members promise to clean up leg­ islature muddles, but we think there's only one man who can really mop things up—the janitor. Try our delicious holiday fruit cake 30c per pound At the Grocery Stores and Bakery SWAN’S BREAD IS ALWAYS FRESH Get Free Gift Coupons Here ^ Keith—You'd better keep your eyes open today. Arthur C —Why? Keith—You'll look like a dem lool with them closed. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TIRES — CHAINS — ANTI-FREEZE ¡■ E n H H H H B H B B H H B U B n M b . Cash Prie Sidney B— I beg your pardon, Miss, but would you care to take a ride? Lila H.—Sir! I’ll have you know I’m a lady. Sidney B.—I know that. If I wanted a man, I'd go home and get my father. YOUR BRAKES: They are mighty Important, especially when you consider safety to yourself and all others of utmost importance. Headlights should be properly adjusted. YOUR COMFORT: Easy starting engine, warm car, and one that is properly lubricated, thus easy to handle, make for comfort. YOUR PURSE: An accident costs many times more than a little precaution. Prevent them If possible. Also use Anti-Freeze. It's time now. Speedway Tires 3 ;,v . 1 1 . ; 3.73 33 e! 3 4 . 4 Í -21 ........ 3 .9 s 4 . 5 "- M ........ r i d 4 .2 < 9 4 -S 7 4 .4 7 43 5 -19 ....... I . I T 5 .1 * h.-'O-l',' ........ b* L ù 5 .4 0 Ï .53 3 .4 ) fe.i’S 4 ,6 7 5 . j j -21 ....... X OREGON J a LÎ * ; E>;-s A v—;. -air xtv ii.; O ver Mrs Sarazin—Did your mother raise any poultry this year? Harriet’s Admirer—Well, she plant­ ed some, but the chickens scratched It out. T. R. Pashley, Prop. NYSSA J for CHRISTM AS COCD, SAFE, LOW-COST Fui! j 1 /3 * THE UNITED LAUNDRY is arriving this week at Nordale’s. Why not buy Friend Wife a substantial Christmas present. We hat e some beautiful things. ro tta le furniture Store Phone 94 Nyssa, Oregon SWAN BAKERY MEN WANTED FOR ARMY PHONE 19 NYSSA, OREGON Authority has been received to enlist a limited number of high type young men for service in the United States army, according to word from the Port­ land recruiting office. For available vacancies, young men who can furnish local references and who have the equivalent .of a high school education will be taken. Write Paul Hathaway, 209 Kracmer Building. Portland. Phone tL 'V T X O B y A very if«rw special arrangement A«iakl«B O.,» A ll. t Mibscribers n k c r r lk * r i A enables us t to offer our the most sensational magazine values of all time. For just a fraction more than the price of this newspaper you can obtain one of these fine Club Offer«. a a Pathfinder (Wkly), 26 issue» Household Magazine, I yr. ^ Good Stories, I yr. pQr Illustrated Mechanics, I yr. | American Poultry Jrnl., I yr. n * * . The Farm Journal, I yr. ■ ^ ^ 4 * / * ^ T H I S NEW SPAPER. O N E YE R C.qOJL R e m e m b e r Woman’s World, I yr. Pathfinder (Wkly), I yr. All Needlecraft, 2 yrs. Good Stories, I yr. Only Successful Farming, I yr. THIS NEW SPAPER O N E YEAR Gentlamen: Please send me your «ff*r 4n!r»1> □ " J j* J |_J 3 ue th e n ex t tim e you w ish a n y p r i n t - in « .O u r e q u ip m e n t e n a b l e s ua to t u r n o u t first q u ality w ork—o u r e x p e r i ­ e n c e e n a b l e s u s to I n t e l l i g e n t l y aid you in p la n n in g your c lre u lar.letter or w hatever p r in t­ in g y ou w ish d o n e . T h e r e s u l t s y ou g e t w ill p ro v e t h a t (■ ood P r i n t - ♦ l u g l ’a v ti ♦ N e m e ....... ........* Street or R. F. D. Town and State The Gate City Journal PRINTERS SPRING CANYON "Sargon has brought health .Icould hardly stand up, and I was Strength and happiness to both my constipated all the time. I was wife and me and t would not take nervous and did not get a good Many all the money in the world for the night’s sleep for years. ood it has done us,” declared nights I would get up and sit in a homas B. Reed, well-to-do farmer chair for hours. and lumberman, residing at 919 “Sargon made a well man of me. Holmes street, Kansas City, Mo. My nerves are steady as a dir and “Five years ago when on the I sleep like a boy. My old-time train going from Ronnsana, Can­ strength has returned an i I have ada, to Calgary, I had a severe at- gained 15 pounds. I feel fine all tack of acute Indigestion and no the time.” body thought I would live to reach Sargon helped my wife, who is my destination. When I came to the mother of 13 children, the same myself I was in the hospital at way. She has actually gained 15 Calgary. pounds in weight and feels better “Since then T hnve suffered con­ and stronger than in many years.” stantly from bilious attacks and Mr. Reed was formerly a wor- splitting headaches that lasted for shipful master in the Masonic or- days at a time. Everything I ate ler and Mrs. Reed is a beloved disagreed with me. I had smother- member of the Methodist Church, ing spells that made me think Ij Sargon may be obtained at would die. I would get so dizzy I> COAL —It— f NYSSA NYSSA PHARMACY OREGON Lasts Longer! Boise-Payette Lbr. Co. Fall Building Supplies NYSSA OREGON