GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, Otte. 1 19:32. , fc r- i t ■ ■M M M M — W success, a. irding to Coach Young. Ap- : proximatelyTO students tried out. The classes leading in the boys tournament were as follows: Freshman 60 points, — News of Nyssa School— Seniors 58, Juniors 58, 8ophomores 54. EDITORIAL STAFF why some of these students receive low The girls tournament follows: Fresh grades. man 24 points. Sophomores 23, Seniors Editor .................. .......... SUE KEIZER In class, instead of listening to the ] 20, Juniors 13. Assistant Editor . CARLOTTA IRWIN recitations being given, they are talk Society Editor ..............EVALYN EARP ing studying something else, 6r think Sports Editor ... DWIGHT JOHNSTON SCHOOL BREVITIES ing of something far removed from tut Reporters, Ethel Graham and Dorothy subject at hand. Then, when the in Six weeks report slips were given to Boden; Senior class reporter, Charlena structor is giving additional informa the student': Wednesday. Scowls are re Crawford; Junior reporter, Minnie Wil tion or remarks, the words fall unheed placing smiles this week end. son; Sophomore reporter Lila Hite; ed upon the student's heads and later Vacation time is over and it is time Freshman reporter, Vera McConnell. a lack of this knowledge causes grades for everyone to study again. Most of Special assignments may be made. to take a bounce toward a lower plane. the students seemed to think Monday Although lack of attention is only a was part of the treat as few of them habit, if not abolished, it can cause you had their lessons. Maybe, they ate too EDITORIAL many moments of regret. Wouldn’t it much turkey. be better to never get into the habit? Margaret Hunt, to finish her corres Inattention seems to be one of the pondence course, has enlisted in the commonest faults among the students FROSH WIN CONTEST tanks of Nyssa high and is taking these days and is probably the reason The foul shooting contest was a great shorthand and typing. “Business Picks Up,” the Sophomore play is coming along very rapidly. The play will be given Wednesday, Decem ber 7 at the Liberty theatre. Miss Fish- burn is coaching the play. Miss Inez Johnson has been ill of flu since last Wednesday. Mrs. M. Creel ing, Jr., has been substituting for her. Three ambitious Junior girls washed the dshes left from the party last Wed nesday evening. Minnie Wilson, Doris Smith and Annie Holmes were the unlucky three. One class period in Health Education was given up to let the pupils draw human skeletons. Mr. Young said that some were a little out of porportion but were still skeletons. Typing semester tests is the new duty of the second year typing class. Two I f accident loom s suddenly, days were spent in typing these tests can y o u atop? Y ou r brakes w ill for the grade school. One copy will be bold, but can your tires respond? sent to Mrs. Crail for her approval. The last day of sleep and rest in W o rn tires are dangerous I Because Senior English class ended Tuesday of scientific tread design and long- morning. The last report on Shake- wearing compound, the n on-skid speares plays was given. Nyssa High Periscope A r e y o u r tires SAFE? element remains on Kelly Lotta Miles Tires longer than on other tires any where near their price. Let us show you the Kelly Safety- graphs,the printed proof that Kellys are good for thousands and thou sands of S a fe M iles. PowelPs Service Station Nyssa, Oregon EAGLES’ — ■— man who hid behind a woman's skirts? i Frank Callaway Sinscl and Dwight—A magician. I Hallie Neal. 11, 21, 32. -------- i diaries Don Bridgem&n and Ilelma She (to football player)—And in what Armstrong. U, 21. 52. position did you play? William C. Rodenspiel and Edna May He Bent over._____ strode. „ 22 32 AMATEUR ECEMBER NYSSA, OREGON 6 ROUNDS Slow Motion Baker GARDEN SLUGGER, 165 lbs., VS. GARDEN VALLEY FLASH, 150 Ib$., VS. Frank Clark BULL COOK, BURNS, ORE., 150 lb». J. L. Sullivan WIDOW MAKER FROM CALDWELL, IDA., 165 lbs. 4 Rounds 4 Rounds 2 Rounds JA K E GREEN RAZZ BRUMFIELD Marion Osborn PRIDE OF NYSSA, 155 lbs., VS. APPLE VALLEY KID, 136 lbs. vs. TIGER-EYE KID, Garden Valley, 60 lbs., VS. CAL SMITH FROM ONTARIO, 155 lbs. Earl M AR SH ALL Norman Levitt NYSSA SPEED BOY, 134 lbs. GORILLA KID, Nyssa, 60 lbs. ADMISSION $1.00 The W1-2SW1-4 and the SW1-4 SEl-4 of Section 22; the Nl-2 NW1..4 and the W1-2NE1-4, and the NW1-4SE1-4 of Section 27, in Township 1G S., of Range 40 E. W. M„ and the 8W1-4NE1-4 of Section 26, in Township 16, south of Range 40 east, E. W. M„ to satisfy a judgment against the above named defendants, Mary E, Dorsett and C. M. Dorsett, in the sum of $900.00, with interest thereon from said 3rd day of August, 1932, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $17.85, with interest from June 6, 1928, at 7 per cent per annum, and the fur ther sum of $52.75 costs, and the further sum of $100.00, attorney’s fees, and for such additional costs as may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 9th day of November 1932. C. W. GLENN, Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. Date of first publication, November 10, 1932. Date of last publication, December 8, 1932. Date of sale, December 10, at 10:30 A. M. Robt. D. Lytle, attorney for plaintiff Vale, Oregon. V E C *>(tX GASOLINE and MOTOR OILS VELTEX GASOLINE—A Superior Product —Quick Starting— Powerful. VELTEX MOTOR OILS— Pnraffine Base —A Leader Among High Grade Oils. C. B. SHORT, Agent Phone 79, Nyssa LET US CONDITION YO U R CAR For The New Season Your car needs tuning up and servicing for cool er weather driving. Spark plugs, carburetor, breaker points, battery and coil must all be in perfect condition for good performance. LOWEST COST — BEST SERVICE We are ready to give you the very best service in our completely equipped shop. Our new low labor rates are most economical. Special FREE Service— Just phone and we will call and get your car and return it without additional cost. Larsen Motor Company NYSSA OREGON BUSINESS DIRECTORY The following firm s of O ntario win serve yem with honest vsloes: Come in and See Our Complete Line NEW FALL EXHIBITIONS START AT 8:30 P. M. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN THOMAS RAY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That Nora Daisy Ray, the duly appointed qualified and acting executrix of the estate of John Thomas Ray, deceased, has rendered and presented her final accounting of her administration of said estate, and a petition for an order of distribution and discharge from such administration as such executrix, and that Monday, the 12th day of Decem ber, 1932, at the hour of 1 o’clock In the afternoon of that day In the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Vale, Malheur County, Ore gon, has been appointed and fixed by the Judge of said County Court In an order made and entered by said Judge on the 9th day of November, 1932, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said accounting, the settlement thereof and for hearing on said petition, at which time and place any and all pei sons Interested in said estate may appear and object to said accounting and contest the same; and all persons concerned therein are further notified to be present and show cause, If any there be, why said accounting and re port should not be approved and allow ed. said estate settled, distribution made, and the undersigned discharged as executrix. NORA DAISY RAY, Executrix of the Estate of John Thomas Ray, Deceas ed. Date of First Publication November 10, 1932. Date of Last Publication, December a, 1932. ___ MERCHANDISE complete selection o f neckwear in all the newest fall shades. Earrings, braclets, etc» to match your costume. Illinois and Elgin Watches at half price. Beau tiful Models. Large selection o f silverware, leather goods, fountain pens and gifts. HAROLD E. GINZEL Jeweler and Watchmaker Ontario, Ore. Guaranteed watch repairing at lowest prices . HEATER’S STUDIO Portraits of Quality K odak Finishing Ontario, Oregon The MOORE HOTEL COFFEE SHOP Continuée Service NOTICE FEATURING 6 ROUNDS Martin Osborn Louise Oca B.—I almost caught a 50-pound A Sander Rau “ ld Hannah Virginia fish the other day. Walker. 11, 23, 32. Arthur C.—How did you know i t ' George W. Mayse, Jr., a fid Josephine weighed 50 pounds? ; Ida Cypert. 11, 23, 32. O c a -B y the scales on his back. j Lorn Vern Gilbert and Freda Pauline -------------------------- | Harrell. 11, 23, 32. Frank J. Garver and Dollie E. Reed. Howard Foster and Clyde Benton were home from Gooding college last 1!, 23. 32. Ralph Millard Bonner and Reità week end. Olive Williams. 11, 23. 32. Floyd Brown and Minnie Lorena Wil son. 11, 23, 32. Court House Filings Russell Marlow and Helen Deloris Kravig. 11, 73, 32. Ennis Moore and Lucile Skidmore. 11, Real Estate Transfers Recorded 23, 32. T. J. Carico to Crystal Dist. Imp. Co. Arthur William Parkhurst and Mar SE1-4NE1-4, E1-2NE1-4NE1-4, Sec 24- garet Emma Kennedy. 11, 23, 32. 16. 47. 12, 5, 30. $1. H. Everett Neff and Jeanne Fulgham. Crystal Dist. Imp. Company to T. J. 11, 23, 32. Henry Bittick and Daisy B. Bittlck. Carico, 7 acres in SW corner of SW1-4 11, 25, 32. NE1-4, sec, 24, 16, 47. 12, 5, 30. $1. Leo F. Kimm and Della Downs. 11, 25, Fred Zeitler et ux to State of Oregon. Portion of N1-2NE1-4 Section 22-17-44, 32. James J. F. Purvis and Wylla Nadine containing .93 acres. 9, 12, 32. $23.25. Hansen. 11, 26, 32. Wm. F. Davidson et ux to O. E. Feld- Oscar Haines and Rosetta Aretha tman. SW1-4, Section 27-18-44, contain Roberson. 11, 26, 32. ing 152.2 acres .10, 19, 32. $4,182.50. John Eugene Baker and Merel Leon Guy E. Turner et al to Mabel Vader Kirk. 11, 2\ 32. Turner. SE1-4SE1-4SE1-4, Sec. 5-16-47. Merrit Grant Richards and Helen 11, 15, 32. $10.00. Waddington. 11, 26, 32. C. W Glenn, Sheriff to H. M Maronde, Metes and bounds in NE1-4NW1-4, Sec tion 25-15-42 11, 17. 32. $300. Legal Advertisement Joseph L. Turner to Lizzie Turner, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 SE1-4SE1-4 SW1-4 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE SEl-4,Sec. 18-24-38. El 2NE1 4, SE1 .4, Sec. 13-24 .37. containing 483.26 acres. 11, By virtue of an execution in fore 23, 32. $150.00 closure duly Issued out of the Circuit F. E. Macklin et ux to Afton Roberts. Court of the State of Oregon for the NW1-4, Sec. 23-36-37. 10, 18, 24. $1000. County of Malheur, on the 9th day of C. W. Fraser et i to George L. Baker November, 1932, pursuant to a Judg Lots 19 and 20, Juntura. 11, 19, 32. $85. ment rendered in said Court in the 7th William B. Wagner et ux to James H. day of November, 1932, in a suit Carico. SE1-4NW1-4, NE1-4SW1-4, Sec. wherein Nile G. Michael and Mary E JOKES 4-16-40. SI 2SE1 .4, Sec. 29; NW1-4 Michael, husband and wife, are plain Roses are red. NE1-4, E1-2NE1-4, NE1 ..4SE1..4, Sec, tiffs, and Mary E. Dorsett and C. M. Sweet Williams are blue. 32; W1-2SW1-4, W1-2NW1 4, SE1 4 Dorsett, her husband, Anna C. Dark, Kenneth’s in love, SW1-4, SW1-4SE1-4; Sec. 33 15 40; Lot John Doe Dark, Myrtle Beardsley, John And Rose is, too. 3, eSc. 4.16 40. SW1-4SE1 4, Sec 20. Doe Beardsley, Malheur County, a Charlena—What would you call a W1-2NE1-4, NW1-4SE1-4 SE1-4SW1 4, munipal corporation A. W. Glenn, Sax Sec. 29, E1-2NW1 4, SW1 4NE1 4. W1 2 on Humphrey, M. E. Thayer, IT. R. SE1 4, SE1 4SE1 4, Sec. 32-15-40. 11. 25 Dunlop, and J. E. Lawrence, are de 32. $2000.00. fendants said writ being directed to me James H. Carico et ux to Wm. B. and commanding me to sell the herein E. M. Blodgett Wagner. NW1-4SW1-4 and Lot 3 Sec. after described real property, I will on 19-16-48. 11, 25, 32. $2000. Saturday, the 10th day of December, Attorney and Counselor at Law 1932, at the hour of 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, at the north Practice in all Courts Marriage Licenses Issued main entrance door of the County Wm. H. Daniel and Linda W. Baker. Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell, subject to the statutory NYSSA, OREGON 11, 12, 32. right of redemption, all of the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following de scribed real property to-wit: BENEFIT FRIDAY, ia ift f r s=*ag waNguigMer». r.nt.; - « n s 6 a. m . to 10:30 p. m . Ontario, Oregon Say It With Flowers . . . . No more expressive gift BOYER FLORAL COMPANY W E W IL L BE O L A D T O SERVE YO U O N TA R IO , OREGON Brlttaln’a SHOE HOSPITAL Fine Shoe Repairing If you oan’t bring 'em . m all 'em . Ontario, Oregon Hager HARDWARE Stockmen’s Supplies, Paints, and OUs, M ilking M achines, Pipe and Fittings, Pumping Plants Ontario. Oregon MR. and MRS. H A R R Y PETERSON Funeral Director* Ontario, Oregon Modern Equipment and Personal Service