GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., N O V E M B E R 10,1032 A R C A D IA HAS P .-T A. cards inbox. 75c or $1. Customersprem- appreciate customers more than profit and county, even city, elections were Arcadia school patrons have organ­ ium this month, fountain D e n or H AZEL D. GILDEA, South of Hott taken the forepart of the week. Roose­ ized the newest Parent-Teacher asso­ velt came out the winner with Presi­ boudoir slippers. Please call on me. I Western. ciation in the county with Mrs. Otis dent Hoover second in all of the votes. —-Newä of Nyssa School— Bullard, president; Mrs. Solon Minor, The civic class discussed the thirteen vice president; Elsie Doman, secretary brush bonfire on the gridiron tonight measures on the ballot. E D IT O R IA L STAFF and Dixie Minor, treasurer. Fifteen ■ The Freshmen in Mr. Young’s science and stage a pep rally to herald the Qn- ! ra n a ujuuiju mu n a n kuhwkm hi imi hi hi hi hi hi on an hi mnrKHHiuanimuuutB Edited" ............................SUE K E IZ E R tarlo-Nyssa football game Friday. All of class gave political speeches three days. members have Joined, Mrs. C. A. Abbott, Assistant Editor . C A R L O T T A IR W IN the high school is expected to take part, From all reports the Freshmen are Arcadia teacher reported Tuesday. A \ 3 Society Editor ............ E V A LY N E AR P except the members of the team. The finding out how much they “ don't meeting was held last Friday night. Next Wednesday, November 16, Mrs. • • • * • Sports Editor . D W IG H T JOHNSTON students will serpentine through the know" about politics, said Vera McCon- C. C. Hunt’s division of the Nyssa Civic Reporters, Ethel Graham and Dorothy streets, lead by their yell leaders. I nell, Freshman reporter. E LECTIO N EVENT SUCCESS club will give a sliver tea for the pur­ Boden; Senior class reporter, Charlena Tuesday the Freshmen held a class -------- Mrs. J. Boydell, of St. Paul’s Eplsco- ' pose of adding to the library fund. Mrs. Crawford: Junior reporter, Minnie W l- meeting for the purpose of making I A m ajority of the football squad, w ith ! G arrit Stain, who recently returned pal Guild, reports a successful election j = son; Sophomore reporter Lila Hite; plans for the bonfire.—V. M. their coaches John Young and Owen from a visit at her old home in Holland, night party which netted the Guild a ! s Freshman reporter, Vera McConnell. Price, attended the Community Church will make a report of interesting side­ ! nice sum for church activities. She | s Special assignments may be made. Students rejoiced when it was an­ services Sunday at the Invitation of lights she observed. A playlet and mus- ! wshes to thank patrons and the com- : nounced that they would have no school , Rev. Floyd White. The sermon centered cal numbers will complete the program. 1 mittee In charge which consisted of on Armistice Day, a legal holiday. ! around football. Refreshments will be served at the Mrs. A. H. Boydell, chairman, Mrs. A. B O NFIRE PE P R A L L Y Exams will be given a week early close, under the supervision of Mrs. V. Cook. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, Mrs. Dick As is the custom every year, the S T R A W VOTE IS T A K E N this period because of Thanksgiving va­ Betty LaFrenz, hostess chairman. Mrs. Tensen, Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mrs. Freshmen plan to build a huge sage­ Straw votes on the presidential, state cation. Hunt will appreciate good attendance. I Ray Emmott. Mrs. Emmott held the When you bring your ear to us for a grease and . . . . . A number of high school students ! number which won the afghan given took part In the operetta given at the by the Guild. Mrs. Boydell expressed P A R M A COUPLE WED check-up job, we regard the work of much im­ Community church last Friday night. her appreciation of the use of the Wil- Miss Mildred Warntjes and Kenneth : son building for the evening- Those who attended report It very suc­ portance and will do our best to turn out a per­ William Robins of Parma were married cessful. Mrs. R. L. Haworth’s biology class at the parsonage heme of Rev. Floyd BOISE COUPLE W ED fect job. read their essays on local birds, telling White in Nyssa Sunday evening, several Saturday afternoon, Miss Evalyn C A L L 76F3 friends of the couple attending. The - about their habits, nesting, plummaga, Esther Werny and Frank George Boor etc. Mrs. Haworth found the essays very ring ceremony was used. Mr. and Mrs. of Boise were t h e principals Auto Service of A ll Kinds Careful and intelligent thought is given to every Robins will live In Parma. good. of a wedding solemnized at the parson­ • • • • • situation. W e tenderly honor the opportunity to age. Miss Verna Fee of Boise and Miss TH E B IG GAM E APR O N P A R T Y CO M ING serve you at a time when service means so much. Werney, sister of the bride, from Hailey Friday not only brings the football A t the regular meeting of the Aux­ were attendants. Kerm it Lienkaemper W e Attend to Every Detail season to a close but brings the most iliary Monday night at the home of sang “ I love You Truly,” accompanied important game of the season, the an­ Mrs. C. L. McCoy, members planned an by Miss Joyce Bailey. nual battle with Ontario high. Although apron and overall party for the Legion Ambulance Service Nyssa, Ore. attendance in the past has been good. and Auxiliary. I t will be held November SPECIALS T H IS M ONTH |3 It could be better. As a rule, more 21, at the Eagles lodge hall, with Mrs. 4 ounce bottle vanilla. 29c; New Creme townspeople attend than students Victoria Schwelzer and Mrs. Ata Sch- which should not be the case. This weizer, hostesses. Mrs. Eddie Powell as­ Rouge, 50c; Stainless Steel double duty knife, 75c; Frocks, Supreme Workman­ Friday, let’s turn out 100 per cent and sisted Mrs. McCoy. ship. 79c; Rodger Silver Meat Forks, show the public there is a lively student imaaoRnwg 49c; 1 Tan leather French purse, 75c; qtfiM naanu in nanuma hi miri in mm i r a in in min hi w inni mirrai ¡ i w body at Nyssa high Whether we win or K IN G M A N K O L O N Y P.- T A. $1 Super needle case ,75c; $2.50 forged lose, it will be a good game and we will Kingman Kolony P.-T. A met Friday steel scissors. 69c; Mens Shaving G ift get our money’s worth.— D.B. at the home of Mrs. C. C. Cotton with set $1.00. Toilet articles at reduced Mrs. H. R. Otis and Mrs. Maurice Judd prices. Beautiful assortment of 21 Xmas L'liMIMilMWIMIMM U B IM I III NWKIMM IIHIll IMtltHMUl MMCIMI HI H n U M H M W H m n g JOKES assisting. Mrs. Chester Stallings of Log­ Mrs. Haworth—Ezra can you tell me an, Utah, was an out of town guest. one of the uses of cowhide? Tentative plans were made for an HERE’S W H E R E I E A T ! Ezra B.—Er, yes mom. I t keeps the achievement day program for the 4-H cow together.—L. Hite. club members and plans were complet­ ed for the county council luncheon Mr. Young—Why are the days longer Saturday, he next meeting is with Mrs. In summer? Kobt. R. Overstreet December 2. A vote n Earl F.— Because the heat expands of thanks was extended those who — them. made the Halloween party a successful a event. Mrs. John Holly was chairman of decorating and games and Mrs. Lillian ip IR O N SID E GETS Bach had charge of refreshments. § » • • • • C iv ic Club Will G ive B ook T ea Next Wednesday Nyssa High Periscope Greasing The Dependable Way NYSSA FUNERAL HOME H O X IE G A R A G E Nyssa, Oregon á LUiKC X W K X E H t t L O V S N O W A N D R A IN I t m a k e s lu y h o m e s o ( liK K H R iL A Housewives everywhere are saying this after having the beautiful Fuller- glo satin-like enamel finish applied to walls and woodwork of their homes. The soft pastel colors are truly de­ lightful in any room. And the Fullerglo finish is smooth and non-porous so that it is easily cleaned with the whisk o f a damp cloth. Ask to see our Fullerglo color scheme suggestions and charts. / A F U L L E R P A IN T P ro d u ct - : V Baldridge Imp. Co. Full Line Household Hardware PH O NE 113 4 - W I \ * Nyssa, Oregon ay Protection W IT H G L Y C E R IN E ift Y O U R R A D IA T O R 1— W on’t Evaporate 2— Leaks Less Than W ater 3— Stops Rust and Corrosion 4— W ill Not Clog or Gum Plus Lower Price $ 2 . 5 0 GALLON (i N EW SH O O TING G A LLE R Y Jack Reed opened a new shooting gallery In the Swan Building Saturday. At the close of a well patronized tourn­ ament, Marshal Art Cook came out the winner with a Thanksgiving turkey to his credit. Poultry and cash prizes will be offered each week. B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Mrs. Henry Fields and her daughter Mrs. Lawrence Blodgett gave a jolly birthday party Tuesday for nine child­ ren In honor of the sixth birthday an- nversary of young Robert Fields. On ac­ count of the rain, indoor games fur­ nished amusement. Robert was pleased with many presents and at the close, thé highlight was a huge birthday luncheon. Court House Filings — just set one of our THM E CO U N TS when y o u ’re in P A I N l Insist on genuine Bayer Aspirin; not only for its safety, but its speed. Take a tablet of Bayer Aspirin and some other tablet, and drop them in water. Then watch the Bayer tablet dissolve— rapidly and completely. See how long it takes to melt down the other. That’s an easy w ay to test the value of “ bargain” preparations. It's a far better way than testing them in your stomach 1 Bayer Aspirin oders safe and speedy relief of headaches, colds, a sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, lumbago, rheumatism, or periodic pain. It contains no coarse, irritating particles or impurities. On the Old Job Real Estate Transfers Recorded Harvey Goodall to George Goodall. SE1-4SW1-4, Sec. 19-15-43. Except a strip 16 1-2 ft. wide around outside boundarys. 10, 14, 32. $10. James W. Mott, Commissioner to Donald McDonald Graham. 81-2 50 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Block 30 Teut- sch’s Add. to Nyssa, 9, 22, 32. (Cert, of sale assigned to Donald Graham). Chas. D. Ablin to Thressa Elizabeth Ablin. N1-2N1-2SE1-4NW1-4, Sec. 4 18 47.. I I, 3, 32 $1. Hiram E. Oordan et ux to George K ing Lot 15, Block 64, Orig. Townsite of Ontario. 8, 3, 32. $50. Lola McDougall et vlr to R. L. Scott, E1-2SW1-4, Sec. 14-17-39. 11, 1, 32. $10. S te a k s — in front of him I W ill Hubby eat? W ell, there’s a picture of him above just before starting. The left-over? Noth­ ing but a bone! Serve him a choice cr*‘— tender T-BONE, lb.................................................... 15c SIRLOIN, lb................................................... 15c PORTERHOUSE, Best Cut, l b .................... 15c — AT— Nyssa Packing Co. PHONE 6 NYSSA, OREGON jNIIIIW:illlllWIIIB¡IBI#MW!lllftWIII¡W¡MiWWIIMHR1IRI| l1ltlMil'l!W®®^W®;^^®®'®®®®®®®'*®k' H. D. Holmes T R A N S FE R AND B AG G AG E AU Kinds of Hauling In City Limits NYSSA, OR. PHONE 5 I'tUI (I KOM N I'l 111111 tl 1:1 III I till 1.11.........I l l 1 People Are Shopping NOWADAYS If you are in need of good used merchandise, see us for: GEO. K IN Z E R Good pianos Plumber Marriage Licenses Issued • John Richard Owen and Erma Grace Repairs and Sells Furnaces Com­ Skow. 10, 31, 32. Nathanlal Kirkpatrick and Edith peting with even the mail order Bentley, 11, 1, 32. Arch Drann Perkins and Claire Anna houses. I f you need him In a Kid well. 11, 1, 32. hurry for plumbing or furnace George Elmo Burwell and Rosa May Burke. 11, 1, 32. repair, phone Frank M elvin Miller and Stella Rose Sesena. 11, 1. 32. Parma 109J2 Collect P. C. Pallesen and Lulu Harrington, j 11. 2. 32. Franklin George Boor and Evelyn Esther Werry. 11, 5, 32. Furnaces and Plumbing Howard Smart and Qrace Candice | Faulks. 11, 5, 32. i 111:| III IIII1111 I’l III III 11111 III III III 1111UIIIIU III Circulators Oak dressers Heating stoves Dining room tables Coal ranges Chairs Electric stoves Buffets Flamo Gas ranges Rocking chairs O ffice desks Library tables Bedroom suites Dufold davenports Dining room suites ueds and springs Day Beds We have a large assortment o f all the above articles at very low prices. The safest and cheapest anti-freeze you can buy. New Latest Monarch Coal Enamel Ranges in colors, $150 Range f o r ....$99.50 W e also carry Denatured Alcohol— 85c gallon. I } Ironside—Ironside has had several fine rains the last week. Before the rain the hills were covered with snow for several days. E. J. and Arthur Beam families went to Unity Sunday where they helped Ralph Beam dress a bunch of turkeys for the market. John Molthan, Wayne and Richard Lofton of Weiser Institute and Cecil Hill from Fruitland were home last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W hite made a trip to Ontario Friday. Gene and Lou Pratt brought 40 head of cattle in Hereford. Mrs. Omar Presley and Miss Ethel Miller were shopping in valley towns Saturday. SCOUT D INN ER iMss Margaret Hunt's 4th patrol of the Nyssa G irl Scouts gave a dinner ! dance for the troop, Mrs. Merrit Greel- ing, captain; Mrs. Dewey Ray and Mrs. Earl Ward, lieutenants, at the parental C. C. Hunt home last evening. The sports idea predominated in decorations with the color scheme yellow and pink. Covers were arranged for nineteen and a friend chicken dinner was served by the patrol consisting of Betty Cook, leader; Tiena Tensen, Ethel Mary Boy- dell, Harriet Sarazin, Ella Martin, M el­ ba Parkinson and Miss Hunt. Dancing closed the evening. Proceeds from a silver offering start a fund for an out­ ing next summer at Payette lake. • • • • • Nyssa Pharmacy The Rexall Store NYSSA OREGON The N yssa Cafe Joe Ayre, Proprietor — Specializes in— PERFECT F O O D A N D PE R FE CT SERVICE Whether or not you are a regular customer, vou will find that you receive quality food and service at Joe’s. Give Us A Trial Open Day and Night TERM S IF Y O U W IS H ESTATE H E A T R O L L A S — are they good? Ask the 20 new users that have purchased in the last thirty days or over 400 satisfied users. Peterson Furniture Co. O N TA R IO , OREGON