The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, October 27, 1932, Image 6

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pe: *
Wed., Thurs., Fri., Saturday, October 26, 27, 28, 29
Vote For E. CONOMY And Save Money
Ladies Rayon Undies, Boomers, Slips,
Panties, Step-ins and V ests..............29c
Ladies Fancy Handkerchiefs, 6 f o r ....... 25c
Ladies Cotton Hose, all sizes and shades
2 pair f o r .............................................25c
Ladies Full Fashioned Silk Hose, pair....89c
Girl’s Winter Weight Cotton Underwear,
Ages 2 to 1 2 .......................................50c
Ladies Rayon Hose, all shades, p a ir....... 25c
Ladies Washable Gloves, wonderful assort­
ment, salesman samples, p a ir ......... 49c
Ladies 100 per cent wool Coat Sweater
......................................................... $1.98
27 in. White Outing Flannel, y a r d ......... 10c
Silk Crepe, all colors, y a r d ...................... 89c
Unbleached Sheeting .............................. 8c
36 in. Fancy Outing Flannel, y a r d ......... 15c
Short Ends Crash Toweling, y a r d ............8c
All Remnants................................ Half Price
Wash Cloths, all colors ...............................5c
Quilt Patches, fast colors, package....... 25c
Rayon Bed Spreads...............................$1.98
Extra Large Cannon T ow els.................... 25c
Large Bath M a ts.......................................89c
Fast Color Crepes, yard.............................10c
70x80 Cotton Singles.................................59c
you money. His pledges are the bargains clearly set
70x80 Cotton D oubles...............................97c E. Conomy is the only candidate that will really save our Big Harvest Sale, Wednesday to Saturday.
66x80 Part Wool D oubles.................... $1.57 forth in this advertisement. Elect him by patronizing
Men’s Double Sole Trench Shoe, all sizes
70x80 Extra Heavy Cotton Double..... $1.29
Another New Assortment Silk Dresses $5.90
..... ....................................................$2.45
70x80 Dark Camp Blanket, part wool
Large Selection Ladies Winter Coats ..$9.90
double .............-................................ $1.69
Children’s Oxfords, sizes
to 13, at only
One Lot Children’s C oats.......................$1.39
70x80 Extra Heavy Part Wool Double $1.97
Ladies Quilted Robes, all co lo r s ......... $2.98
72x84 50 per cent W ool Beacon Double, all
One Lot Boy’s Hi-Top Boots, sizes 8 l/v> to 11,
Ladies Fast Color House Dresses............79c
c o lo r s ...... 1..................................... $2.98
Large Selection Ladies Winter H a ts..... 98c
72x80 75 per cent W ool Beacon Double
Girl’s Leatherette Jackets, co lo r s ....... $1.39
Large Assortment Men’s, all leather work^
......................................................... $3.98
New Lot Children’s Winter C oats....... $2.98
shoes, exceptional value .............. $2.85
100 per cent Wool Double Blankets, extra
Men’s Black Dress Oxfords, all sizes ....$1.98
h e a v y ............................................... $5.00
Wonderful Assortment Men’s Dress Ox-
Men’s Leather Work Shoes, all sizes ....$1.39
Assortment Glassware, no limit, piece..... 5c
fords, black or t a n ....... .................$2.85
Old Dutch Cleanser, while it lasts, 3 for 19c
Boy’s Heavy School Shoe, p a ir ............$1.59
rubber soles..................................... $1.98
Hard Water Soap, large bars.................... 8c
Boy’s Hi-Top Boots, 8i/2 to 1 1 .............. $1.89
Men’s 16 in Hi-Top Boots, big value ....$2.98
Ladies Fast Color House Dresses, all sizes
3 f o r ................................................. $1.00
Children’s Wool Knit Dresses, all sizes 69c
Children’s Fast Color School Dresses,
......................................... ......3 for $1.00
C. C. Anderson . Company
Large Assortment Ladies Silk Dresses $1.98 N YSSA
Miss Leona Strong of Roswell was a
Mr. and Mrs. Barr Doolittle were in
guest of Miss Mabel Posey over Sunday. Vale Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Flegel of On­
Miss Dorothy Gilmore was home
tario were guests Saturday night of Mr from the College of Idaho last week
and Mrs. C. L. McCoy.
Ted Newell of the Nyssa Orain com­
Hugh L. Biggs democratic candidate
pany. purchased seed in the Payette for district attorney, was campaigning
section Tuesday.
here Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Harris and child­
Mrs. Ed. Kemp went to La Grande
ren spent the week end with the Mc- last week to spend several days with
Lees family at Parma.
Herbert Dower of Portland returned
Mrs. H. B. Slippy cut her hand sev­
to his home last Wednesday after a erely on a broken fruit Jar last week,
visit with Bert and Kermit Llenkaemp- : The wound was dressed by Dr. J. J.
I Sarazln and is healing nicely.
Attorney C. T. Godwin of Baker was
Mr. and Mrs. Max Landon of Clark­
here on business Saturday. He called on son. Wash., were guests at the parental
E. M. Blodgett, district attorney, while E. M. Blodgett home from Thursday
in the city.
1 until Sunday.
“ Dad" Fred Powell and his son Eddie [ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blodgett re­
enjoyed their annual deer hunt last turned Saturday night from Summit
week end. They were hunting on the Prairie after a few days- deer hunting.
Little Malheur.
They report deer in hiding.
Mrs. Francis Burger of 8hea camp
L. J. Smith of Mountain Home has
was an overnight guest Saturday at the been substituting for Robert Martin at
home of Mrs. Millous Lawrence in Vale. the Western Union office while the lat­
A baby son was bom to Mrs. Lawrence ter is on vacation. Smith replaced G. A.
October 19. Mrs. Burger was shopping Dixson who returned to his hothe in
here today.
Nampa on acocunt of illness.
E. McCreight of Parma was a visitor
Miss Edna Burt linotype operator in
here Monday and Tuesday, substituting The Journal office, spent the week end
for Wesley J. Browne in Baldridge Im­ with her sister at Nampa Her brothers
plement company while the latter was Sam Burt of Harper and Edwin of Vale
deer hunting.
accompanied her.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbtdge took his
R. C. Sheldon, postal Inspector of the
aunt Mrs Annie Caldwell of Boise to
Boise division, drove to Nyssa Saturday
Vale Sunday where she is spending this
to get his pheasant limit. While he and
week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill.
Postmaster Dean Smith were hunting.
She was a guest at the Burbtdge home
Mrs. Sheldon was a guest of Mrs.
last week
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Morgan re­
J A. Blewett of Los Angeles was here
turned home last Thursday from Port­
land. Mrs. Morgan is Improved from an on business Monday. Last week he
extended illness and the family believe visited Jordan Valley and Rome. He has
she la now definitely on the road to re­ returned to California where he and
Friends welcome her return several associates plan to complete de­
tails for the purchase of a tract of Mal­
after many months absence.
Mr. and Mrs Merrit M. Greeting. Jr heur county land.
D. K. Mendenhall and family left
Miss Margaret Hunt. Mr. and Mrs.
R L. Haworth of Big Bend left early Tuesday for Portland where they will
Friday morning for Moscow, Idaho, spend the winter. They will return in
where they attended the festivities at the spring to farm the 40-acre tract
University of Idaho homecoming Mr. which Mendenhall recently purchased
Oreeling and Mrs. Haworth are gradua­ from the 8hoestrtng Ditch company
te« of the Idaho college. The party
The tract adjoins the R. A. Vest farm
<on the
turned Sunday.
Mr. and Mr s Harlen A. Diven and
children of Caldwell spent Sunday with
Mrs. Diven’s mother Mrs. Daisy Ray.
Court House Filings
Real Estate Transfers Recorded
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Stacey of Vale
are guests at the home of their son
Herbert W. Thomas et ux to William
George this week.
R. Shockley et ux. Lot 14. (1 acre tract)
Mrs. Ed. Wilson and Mrs. Famham also Lots 13. 14, 15 and 16 in Block 6.
Sills drove to Boise Sunday to meet Lots 13, 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 and
Mrs. Herbert Snyder of Burley, sister of 24. Block 5, in Townslte of Annex. 10 11,
Mrs. Sills, who is spending the week 32. $10.
C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to C. E. Fisher.
Tract No. 193; SW1-4, Sec 9-18-46. 10,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKee and son
18. 32. $201.
Jack returned Monday from a lucky
C. E. Fisher et ux to Cecil Spencer
deer hunt. McKee bagged his buck
near Prairie City. Mrs. McKee was a W1-2SW1-4, sec. 9-18-46. 10, 18, 32.
* 100 .
guest of Mrs. Brice Parsons.
Hattie Florence Leavitt et vlr to Bert
Are you reading the Nyssa school
Turner. SE1-4NW1-4 Sec. 22-19-44. 10,
news published every week in The Jour­
18. 13. 32. $400.
nal? Parents as well as students, will
! Don M. Graham et ux to James W.
find the school column of much inter­
Mott. Corporation Commissioner. South
I four feet of N. 86 feet of Lots 1. 2, 3, 4,
Don Campbell, superintendent of the 15 Block 60 Green’s Add. to Nyssa. 7 II,
Mutual Life Insurance company, was 32. $10.
here from Portland last week. He made
Mary Richardson to Asal Richardson
the Star hotel headquarters. While here All of Lots 16, 17, 18. 19 and 20. Block
he also enjoyed good hunting facilities. 43 Original Townsite of Ontario. 8, 16.
<32. $1.
Asal Richardson et vlr to Richardson
! Funeral Home. Lots 16, 17, 18, 19. and
20 Block 43 Original Townsite of On-
Sunday School 10 o’clock. Classes for I I arm. 9. 24. 32. $1.
Effle Merrill to H. A. Haines. Lot 3,
all ages. The Junior Bible class meets at
the parsonage.
Section 17 Twp. 15 Range 46 except
Morning Worship 11:15. This is World metes anr bounds in Lot 3 containing
Temperance Sunday and Harry S.
Kessler of Boise will bring the message.
Mr. Kessler is a very able speaker and
well versed on this particular subject.
We are cooperating with the W. C.T.
U. in this service.
Epworth League at 7 p. m. Chester
Sager, president.
Evening Worship at 8 o’clock.
W. C. T. U. meets with Mrs. C Klin-
kenberg Tuesday.
October 30—Evening Prayer and Ser­
mon at 8:00 p m.
Robt. Gilchrist. Supt.
Sunday School at 10 a. m every Sun­
day. Everyone welcome
8 acres. Also SW1-4SE1-4, Sec. 17 and
N1-2NE1-4, Sec. 20-15-46. 1, 28, 31. $1.
Marriage Licenses Issued
Peter Lynch and Harriett Mulhol-
land. 10 17| 32.
Ira E. Bruce and Juanita Patricia
Sullivan. 10| 171 32.
Alvin Harold Barnard and Ruby
Dean Blankenship. 10| 181 32.
Milton Ellsworth Fitzgerald and Vir­
ginia Beavers. 101 18! 32-
Earl H. AnSerson and Bonnie Gae
Green. 10| 181 32
Frank Hugh Nichols and Blanche
Alta Robson. 10 19 32.
Morrill Mon Doramus and Edna Mar­
garet McKague. 10) 19! 32.
Ezra Earl Hopper and Reva Nerene
Bratcher. 10| 20 32.
Carlyle Rasmussen and Vivian Gros-
venor. 10| 20 32.
Royal E. Jeppson and Carolyn Am­
elia Russell. 10| 20 32.
James William Knowlton and Lesh
Dahle. 10. 21 32.
Philip Edwin Bockus and Lois Maus-
llng. 10, 22, 32.
Herbert Lewis Derrick and Beulah
Wirth. 10. 22 32.
Seaver E. Smith and Annabel M.
Hunt. 10 22. 32.
The Legion Auxiliary will meet Mon­
day night. November 7.
Boy’s Hi-Top Boots, sizes 9 to 2 ............ $1.98
One Lot Children’s Oxfords, all sizes, $1.39
Dress Oxfords for the Older Boys, pr...$1.89
Complete Assortment Ladies pumps, one
straps, oxfords, ties, p a ir .................. $1.98
One Lot Ladies pumps, one-straps, oxfords
and ties, regular $4.98 value, now only
Large Assortment Ladies House Slippers,
pair ..................................................... 49c
Men’s Felt Dress H ats...... ........................98c
Men’s Plain Color Dress Shirts................ 49c
Men’s Four-in-Hand T ie s ........................ 25c
Men’s Cotton Underwear, winter weight 50c
Men’s Heavy Cotton Ribbed U n ion ........79c
Extra Heavy Weight Cotton U nions..... 98c
10 per cent Wool Unions...........................98c
Wrights 50 per cent wool underwear, all
s iz e s ................................. -.............. $1.98,
Wrights 100 per cent wool unions, all colors
......__ ..... ....................
Men’s Heavy Cossack C oats................. $1.98
Men’s Leatherette Sheep-lined Coats, all
s iz e s ................................................. $3.98
Men’s Sheepskin C o a ts........................ $4.98
One Lot Men’s Cord Pants.................... $1.69
Men’s White Handkerchiefs, 6 f o r ........25c
Men’s All W ool O vercoats................ $10.50
Men’s Extra Heavy W ool Work Sox, 3 pair
f o r .....................................................$1.00
Men’s Cotton Rockford Sox, p a ir .............. 5c
Men’s Heavy Flannel Shirts.................... 79c
Men’s Rayon Dress Sox, p a ir...................10c
Men’s W ool Mixed Work Sox, p a ir........ 10c
Boy’s Leatherette Sheepskin Coats, ages 8
to 1 8 ................................................. $2.69
Boy’s Heavy Cossack C oats.................. $1.29
Boys Cord Pants, Blue or Tan, all ages ..98c
Boy’s W ool Dress Pants, p a ir .................. 76c
Boy’s Fast Color Dress Shirts.................. 49c
Boy’s Heavy Weight Cotton Unions, ages
6 to 1 6 .................................... -...........50c
Boy’s Part W ool Winter U nions.............. 69c
One Lot Boy’s Dress C aps........................ 25c
Boy’s Leatherette H elm ets...................... 49c
Boy’s Rayon Dress Sox, pair .-................... 10c
Boy’s All W ool Boot Sox, p a ir................ 25c
Boy’s Heavy Outing Pajam as.................. 95c
. - at -
Friday, Saturday, Monday, October 28-29-31
COFFEE, Break O’Morn, fresh, lb.................22c
HERSHEY COCOA, 1-2 lb. tin...................... 10c
AMAIZO GOLDEN SYRUP, 5 lb. tin............33c
MRS. STEWART’S BLUING, 10 oz. bottle ..17c
ROYAL BAKING POWDER, 12 oz. can..... 38c
PICNIC RAMS, lb............................................... 9c
CONVOY FLOUR, 49 lb. sack ...!.................. 84c
FANCY BACON, 6-8 lb....................................14c
SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUR, 2 1-2 lb. pckg.
With FREE Package Wheat Hearts.......... 19c
With FREE Pckg. Royal Vanilla Pudding
.................................................................... 23c
Seasonable Vegetables and Fruits
Eder Grocery
This is Your Dependable Store
The Busy Corner
Phone 58
Nyssa, Or.