i — GATE CITY JOURNAL, THlfRS., OCTOBER 27, 1932 — Legion Women Give Halloween Benefit Party WINTER Bargains for. . . . WEA Now is the time to buy, our stock is complete, our prices are right. MEN’S O VERALLS, Headlight high and low back ...................................................... 89c MEN’S LE A TH E R E TTE COATS, black sheep- lined ...................................................$3.95 BOYS’ LE A TH E R E TTE COATS, sheep- lined ............. $2.65 CH ILD R E N ’S COATS, sheen-lined, red and green ............................................. $2.59 MEN’S SUEDE J A C K E T S ........................ $3.45 MEN’S W O O L SOCKS ................................25c LAD IES CO TTO N H O S E ............................ 10c C H ILD REN’S C O TTO N HOSE .................... 8c M EN’S W IN TE R W E IG H T U N IO N S ........ 49c MEN’S P A R T W O O L U N IO N S ...................98c M EN’S H E A V Y U N IO N S U IT S .................. 79c BO YS’ H E A V Y FLEECED U NIO N SUITS ..59c BOYS LE A T H E R T T E H E L M E T S .............. 39c C O TTO N P L A ID B LAN K E TS .................. 59c P A R T W O O L P L A ID BLANKETS, Single ..98c P A R T W O O L P L A ID B LA N K E T 3 1-2 lb. $1.95 MEN’S C O TTO N HOSE, for w o rk ................ 8c LA D IE S ’ JERSEY BLOOMERS, all sizes ....29c LA D IE S ’ R A Y O N and W O O L HOSE ....... 39c Visit our shoe department, our stock is complete and you will find what you want in Star Brand Shoes. i Do you get good radio reception? I f not, it needs some Philco tubes. Let us look it over before the big election news conmes in. Wilson Drygoods Nyssa, Oregon Phone 32 The Nyssa Cafe Joe Ayre^ Proprietor — Specializes in— PERFECT FOOD AND PERFECT SERVICE Whether or not you are a regular customer, you will find that you receive quality food and service at Joe’s. Give Us A Trial Open Day and Night VELTEX G ASO LINE and M O TO R OILS V E LTE X G ASO LINE— A Superior Product — Quick Starting— Powerful. V E LTE X M O TO R OILS— Paraffine Base — A Leader Among High Grade Oils. C. B. SHORT, Agent Phone 79, Nyssa Cornstalks, ghosts and black cats decorated the Eagles lodge hall last Thursday night for the benefit card party given by the Nyssa Auxiiary. P at­ rons attending made up eighteen tables of cards, bridge claiming the majority while a few guests played pinochle and 500. Numerous prizes were given during the evening. Mrs. E. D. Norcott and Arthur Norcott held high scores. Other prizes fell to Mrs. Leo D. Hollenberg, Mrs. A. H. Boydel, Mrs. Sid Burbldge. T L. Pashley and Harry Russell of Big Bend The committee in charge Included Mrs. Don M. Graham, chairman; Mrs. Howard J. Larsen. Mrs. A. V. Cook and Mrs. Hollenberg. Among out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs Chas. P. Flegel o f Ontario. Nyssa High Periscope —News of Nyssa School— E D IT O R IA L STAFF Editor .......... ........ ........ SUE K E IZ E R | Assistant Editor ...CARLOTTA IR W IN | Society Editor .............E V A L Y N EARP Sports Editor D W IG H T JOHNSTON ' Reporters. Ethel Graham and Dorothy Boden; Senior class reporter, Charlena Crawford; Junior reporter, Minnie W il­ son; Sophomore reporter Lila Hite; Freshman reporter. Vera McConnell. Special assignments may be made. H ALLOW EEN PR AN K S J. D. F A IR M A N . FOR C O U N TY COM M ISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy on the Democratic ticket for County Com­ missioner of Malheur County. Election day, November 8, 1932. Economy and Fairness. E. H. BRUMBACH. pictures. Katie Hendricks was a new addition to the Freshman class Monday. Nearly all the repairing in the lib­ rary is finishes, is the report of Mary Munsterman. She also says that the new books are much in demand and are all out of the library at present. The Juniors held a class meeting on Wednesday to make plans for the party to be given as a result of the ticket M urray M orton Democratic Candidate for (Paid Political Advertisement by Murray Morton) ÍJV S IS T OJV y m u i m B ecause • • • • The Bayer Cross is not just a trade-mark, but a symbol of safety. That name tells you it cannot depress the heart. The tablet stamped Bayer dissolves so quickly you get instant relief from headaches or other pain. There is no disagreeable taste or odor to tablets of Bayer manufacture; no harmful quantities of free salicylic add to upset the stomach;' no coarse particles to irritate throat or stomach. fro taauTS sat pcnui ^ / b A Y C r ) aspirin without twscwo S How Old? drive. No definite date has been set as yet. The first laboratory work of the year was done by the biology class Friday, when they bisected a toad. Mrs. R. L. Haworth returned to school Monday after enjoying a pleas­ ant week end at Moscow, Idaho., where Mr. Haworth, herself and several friends witnessed the football game be­ tween U. of O. and Idaho. The Nyssa high g irl’s glee club met j this Wednesday. A fter practicing on a 1 few group songs, the remainder of the hour was spent in warbling popular songs. Grade slips, instead of report cards, are being used this year in the high school. Parents may retain the slips. New ones will be issued for each six- weeks period In a few days now, it will be Hallow­ een again, the time of year when young ¡people take delight in traversing the | town after dark, seeing how much dam­ age they can do without being caught. Although most high school students no longer indulge in this type of mis" chief, there are still a few who consider { it necessary to their happiness to prowl Falling Temperature about making havoc on Halloween. This Little G irl (rushing into doctor’s office) is more to be expected from children FOR MRS. POSTER Please Doctor, come at once to father. Friends gave a miscellaneous shower o f grade school age but when high Mother’s taken 'is temperature an’ It’s Saturday for Mrs. W. W. Foster at the school pupils do it, it is unexcusable. gone down. I t is all right to have your fun but re­ home of Mrs. John E. Long. About Doctor: That's all right my dear—thats member and respect rights of others. fifteen ladies attended. The hostess had splendid. This Halloween instead of damaging arranged for a little program of family Little G irl: ’Tain’t all right; It’s gone other people’s property, find some talks which was much enjoyed. Mrs. right down. ’E's swallered it. more profitable amusement. Foster received many delightful gifts. other Strict Orders You’ll be Just as happy afterward and A t the close of the afternoon, luncheon The Boss: On your way to Smith and be proud that no one’s property was in­ was served. \ Sons you will pass a football field. jured due to your playfulness.— D. B. * • • • • Office Boy (hopefully): Yes, sir. TU E SD AY EVENING BRIDGE The Boss: Well, pass it. H ONOR RO LL Mrs. Frank D. Hall entertained mem­ A Fan The following students of the Nyssa bers and guests of Tuesday evening Mr. Young: Dean, what are the sea­ bridge club this week. Prize winners Public school made the honor roll for sons? were Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and Mrs. Arthur ‘ the first 6-weeks period: Dean: You mean in the United States? Freshman— R o s s Johnston, Helen Mr. Young: Yes, of course. H. Boydell. Mrs. C. S. Hale and Mrs. sophomore— Ezra Dean: Baseball and football. Eddie Powell played with members. Pond, Ruby Wells; seniors— Dainty refreshments were served at the Brumbach, Tiena Tensen; No Cause for Worry Dorothy Boden Sue Keizer, Evalyn Mr. Hollenberg: Ezra, what Is one-fifth close. Earp. of 3-17ths? Second grade—Shirley Barker, Dickie Ezra: I dont know exactly, but it isn’t JORDAN V A L L E Y G IR L WEDS Conley Ward, Lois Patton, Jordan Valley—Miss Verna Skinner, Tensen, enough to worry about. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jimmy Cook, Herman Pompeii, Keith Washington’s Handicap Skinner of Jordan Valley, became the Gilmore; third— Marion Boden, Delma Miss Johnston (in bookkeeping class); bride of E. W. Van Matre of Ontario at Ward Don Sopher, Mildred Hale, | Students, be diligent and steadfast, and a wedding ceremony which took place Margie Howell, Leo Hollenberg; fifth — you will succeed. Take the case of in Berkeley, Cal., October 18. Mr. and June Marie Wilson; sixth— Anna John­ George Washington. Do you remember Mrs. Van Metre will make their home ston, Houston Wilson, Justin Over- my telling you of the great difficulty in Ontario where Van Matre is engaged street, Ruth Flanary; eighth— Waneta George Washington had to contend in the dairy business. Graves, Isabel Sarazin. with? Emerald Hardin: Yes, M a’am, he could O N TA R IO 7 N YSSA 0 (Paid Political Advertising) not tell a lie. Second string gridsters of Nyssa high FOR SCHOOL SU PERINTENDENT journeyed to Ontario Tuesday after­ NEW BUSINESS IN O N TA R IO noon to play the Ontario second squad. Mr and Mrs A K Richardson, pro- Being the Democratic candidate for Superior tackling featured the play for Richardson Funeral the office of superintendent of schools both teams. Ontario took the long end , prietors 0f the of Malheur county, I hereby pledge my­ of a 7 to 0 score. Home in Ontario called here yesterday The Ontario second string plays Nys- to announce the opening of their estab­ self to carry out the duties of my o f­ f ic e to the best interests of our schools sa’s second string In a return game on lishment on Saturday. Sunday they will j and the county if the voters give me the home gridiron Monday afternoon. hold dedicatory services at 2:30 p. m. The 8th and 9th grade team will play The building is a handsome stucco this privilege. I have lived in this coun­ ty 5 years and have engaged in the New Plymouth Tuesday on the home structure near the highway entrance to teaching profession. I am a normal field. No admission will be charged. Ontario. It comprises seven rooms with school graduate. Your vote November spacious chapel. The Richardsons stat­ SCHOOL B RE VITIE S 8, will be appreciated. ed that they will conduct a modem un­ Coach John Young is getting his Pd. Adv. K A T H R Y N C LAYPO O L dertaking business. squad In preparation for a good game with Weiser Institute Friday. L et’s all FOR C O U N TY COM M ISSIONER FROSTED A L F A L F A K IL L S STOCK be on the sidelines. The four high school classes posed I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for County Com- before the camera Wednesday after­ A report which may prove of interest mlssioiner of Malheur oounty. Election noon when Mr. C. Bevins a photo­ grapher from Bend, Oregon took their to Malheur county farmers came from day, November 8, 1932. ASSESSOR OF MALHEUR COUNTY Your Support Will Be Appreciated BAYER ASPIRIN —dH Haines Friday. Cal McCullough, farmer alfalfa. D. M. Cartmill lost six dalr of that community, lost 40 head of cows which were also feeding in tli sheep after they had bloated on frosted frosted field at the time. W- He doesn’ t look a day over fifty. And feels like forty. A t the age of 62. T h at’s the happy state o f health and pep a man enjoys when he gives his vital organs a little stimulant I When your system is stagnant and you feel sluggish, headachy, half-alive— don’ t waste money on “ tonics” or ‘‘regulators’’ or similar p aten t m edicines. S tim u la te the liver and bowels. Use a famous physician's prescription every drug store keeps. Just ask them for Dr. Caldwell’ s syrup pepsin. , This appetizing syrup is made from fresh laxative herbs, active senna, and pure pepsin. One dose will clear up almost any case of headache, biliousness, constipation. But if you want to keep in fins shape, feel fit the year ’ round, take a spoonful of Dr. Caldwell’s syrup pepsin every few days. You’ll eat better, sleep better and feel better. You wilt neper need another laxative. Give the children a little o f this delicious syrup two or three times a week. A gentle, natural stimulant that makes them eat and keeps the bowels from clogging. And saves them from so many sick spells and colds. Have a sound stomach, active liver and strong bowel muscles that expel every bit of waste and poison every day I Just keep a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s syrup pepsin on hand; take a stimulating spoonful every now and then. See if you don’ t feel new vigor in everg wag. CURE Your —with— WRIGHT’S CONDENSED SMOKE -a liquid smoke, made by distilling wood, for smoking all kinds of meats by simply applying to meat with a brush. -It imparts to the meat the same smoke flavor that is obtained when meat is smoked over a fire in the old way. FULLY GUARANTEED WANT ADS FOR SALE— 1930 com. W ll sell or trade Jersey heifers for wheat or oats. Con­ rad Martin, Kingman Kolony. N3pd Nyssa Pharmacy FO R SALE—Big load sagebrush 13.50 delivered. R. A. Vest, Rt. 1, Ontario, or leave orders at Journal office, City, p The Rexall Store D ELIC IO U S A PPLE S— 15c per box orchard run. Bring ocntalners. J. A. P E T T IT , Apple Valley. Oct. 27pd See Our W indow Display N YSSA OREGON W ANTE D —Housekeeping work by Nys­ sa matron. Write Box 675 Nyssa. FO R SALE A T COST—Air mattress. Just the thing for the hunting trip next week or the camping trip next summer. It will last a lifetime. NO R- DALE F U R N IT U R E CO. ¿oniniiiiMinniiuiiiiiMii iiijíi iii i i i i mu 1111 n n cm m i n in ci um cm cm ci u cm in in in in iiiim n mum n r Restful. . . . and rich looking FO R SALE—820 set of new golf clubs and gray fabric and leather bag, all for f8. Used only twice. Inquire THE JOURNAL. City. I GUT YOUR FUEL BILL! By using one of our Circulating Heaters in your home this winter. Stop in and let us show you the Great Western and Griswold Circulating Heaters. They’re Fuel Savera Baldridge Imp. Co. Full Line Household Hardware PH O NE 113 Nyssa, Oregon FO R R E N T —Good 3-room house with garage, Inquire Star Hotel. City. SW EET CID ER FO R SALE at H. R. Sherwood ranch near Nyssa. Oct. 6* W IL L TR AD E 320 acres of range land, part good hay land, near Beulah for house and lot with clear title In Nyssa. Ontario or Vale. Inquire Oate City Journal or write H. B. Earp, Route 2, New Plymouth, Idaho. * FO R SALE or will trade for small farm In this valley, home in Baker, 4 lots 50 by 200. 3-room house, woodshed, chicken house, all good buildings, 11 apple trees, 4 cherry trees,, rest In ber­ ries and garden spot. Plenty of water, title clear. Address Box 55, Nyssa Ore. FOR S A L E— Camp and supplies. shacks, beds, stoves, mattresses, blan­ kets machinery. Some good buys In heatrolas 815 and 820 J F. SHEA T U N ­ NEL C AM P 8 miles from Adrian. Oct. 27 Pd. C H R ISTM AS CARDS 81.50 and 82 for box of 25 cards Imprinted with your name. Cash price. The Journal offloe. Nyssa. FO R R E N T —O n e 3-room modern apartment, furnished, bathroom In connection. 8 W A N APAR TM E N TS, City. 8.22* 5 C H A R M IN G 4-PIECE SUITES Priced as low as $60 A beautiful suggestion to consider in making your Fall re-furnishing plans. Constructed o f rich Walnut with artistic overlays o f lustrous, contrasting wood. iNordalc Furniture Co. Other New Furnishings See NORDALE First N YSSA OREGON in Mam m i ti UAU.U in wmm : m mm u m — —