- GATE C ity JOURNAL, T h ü r s ., OC'l’òuCn ¿ 0 ,1932 Nyssa High Periscope SH ERW O OD SERVES AS D AIR Y JUDGE — New» of Nyssa School— FOR OREGON STATE LESS NOISE—MORE STUDY and Juniors received the bad news of defeat like the good sports they are. As the prize for the winners the Freshmen and Juniors will give the Sophomores and Seniors a party. The date is not yet definitely decided but the party will be given In the near future. This contest stirred up more enthusiasm in sale of tickets than has been exhibited in prev- ous years.—E. E. (By Carlotta Irwin) Upon entering school again alter a light absence I cannot help but re­ mark at the decided difference in the attitude of high school students In study halls. You might ask whether this change Is for better or worse upon which I can say It Is decidedly for the best. Gone are the queer (¿sturbing noises and loud whisperings (I should SCHOOL BREVITIES say talking) that used to annoy and yet amuse so many students. In place of The girls' glee club, met again last noise there is a studious atmosphere Wednesday after school for a half hour which cannot help but benefit many of vocal training. This Wednesday the students and give the teachers a little boys will practice. more peace. Carlotta Irwin returned to school Monday after six weeks absence. She ¡had a mild attack of typhoid fever. SOPHOMORES WIN CONTEST | Martin Montgomery was able to re­ Victorious Sophomores ran up and turn to school Monday. He fractured his down the halls Tuesday, shouting their collar bone in the football game Friday. The six weeks report cards will be pride to the other classmen after re­ ceiving the report that they were the j given out this week. Burning of the winners of the athletic ticket drive. The midnight oil will again be over. Such a large percentage of the high Seniors ranked next high in the per­ centage of tickets sold. The Freshman school students attended the football game in Parma last Friday afternoon that Superintendent Hollenberg took ¿TM «B B ii»rram iiiaitiiim tiii'iu :iiriii!M m.m .nriiniCM iiBiRr5 pity on the remaining students and dis­ missed the whole school at three o’clock. For Real Estate The Hatch school bus took a load of Insurance, students to the game at Parma Friday. Mr. Autrey of the Balfour company Notary Public = — ¡called at the school Monday to shpw a j senior committee a large assortment of — SEE— class rings. He will return Friday. OW YHEE R EALTY 1 CO. Have You Sent in Your R. J. Davis, Manager Nyssa, Oregon g Q iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiininiiiniiiiiiw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM 'iiiiniiiiiiiM Renewal to The Journal? One Y e a r ....................$1.50 Oregon State College Corvallis,— 'Special)—Donald Sherwood, of Nyssa, senior in agriculture at Oregon State ¡college, has been chosen by Dr. O. H. Wilster, professor of dairy manufactur­ ing, and Dr. I. R. Jones, associate pro­ fessor of dairy husbandry to take part The north half of the northwest in the Judging contests at the Pacific County of Malheur, on the 4th day of quarter of the northeast quarter of International Livestock exposition in October, 1932, pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court on the 3rd day Section twenty-five, Township Portland, October 15 to 22. nineteen, south of Range forty-six. Sherwood has also been elected to of October. 1932, in a suit wherein The containing 20 acres, more or less, in serve on the midnight matinee commit- Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a cor­ ! tee for the homecoming program to be poration, is plaintiff Bind Cornelius W. .east of the Willamette Meridian, DeBoer and Harmina W. DeBoer, hus­ Malheur County, State of Oregon. I held November 4, 5, and 6. Home coming week-end is an annual band and wife; Chas. L. Thompson; Together with the tenements heredi­ event on the Oregon State campus and R. E. Ringrose, individually and as taments and appurtenances thereunto is the occasion for the return of many Trustee and Jane Doe (true name un- belonging or in anywise appertaining, alumni and former students. The big ! known) Ringrose, husband and wife; to satisfy a judgment in favor of the attraction this year is the football game W. C. Tensen; J. Edw. Wolfe and Katie above named plaintiff and against the between the University of Oregon and M. Wolfe, husband and wife; E. V. j defendants, Chas. L. Thompson and Quinley and Eva A. Quinley, husband Emma E. Thompson, husband and wife, the college. and wife; Malheur County Bank. Nys­ J. Edw. Wolfe and E. V. Quinley, for the sa, Oregon; A. A. Schramm, as Super­ folowing sums, to-wit: $39.00, with In­ N E W LYW E D S TAK E intendent of Banks of the State of Ore­ terest at the rate of 8 per cent from HOUSE IN ADRIAN gon; C. P. Overstreet and Vella Over- April 19, 1932; $1052.87, with interest at street, husband and wife; and Ontario the rate of 51-2 per cent per annum Adrian—Mr. and Mrs. Red Williams National Farm Loan Association, a cor­ from April 19 1932; $13.61, with interest poration. are defendants, said writ be­ at the rate of 8 per cent per annum have rented a house from R. C. Enos ing directed to me and commanding me from March 21, 1932; $12.00, abstract and are now living in Adrian. Mrs. Wil­ liams was formerly Miss Bertha Wimp, to sell the hereinafter described real charge, paid May 27, 1932; and the a recent bride. Williams is employed at property, I will-on Saturday the 5th day further sum of $85.00, attorney’s fee; of November, 1932, at the hour of 11:00 and the further sum of $65.80, plain­ Magoffin tunnel camp. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Roberts had ai o’clock in the forenoon of said day at | tiff’s costs, and for such additional dinner guests Sunday, Mr, and Mrs the north main entrance door of the j | "“ ‘ ate“ T v ^ Oregon. this 5th day Kneifel, Mr. and Mrs. Strong and County Court House at Vale, daughter Leona and Mr. and Mrs. County, Oregon, sell, subject to the of October. 1932. statutory right of redemption, all of the Thomas Jones. C W. GLENN, Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchey made right, title and interest of the above Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. named defendants in and to the follow­ their second unsuccessful try at deer ing described real property, to-wit: Date of first publication, Oct. 6, 1932. hunting last week. Raymond Holly of Weiser Institute spent last week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly. He is getting along fine and is "Yell King" at the In­ stitute. James McGinnis took the Big Bend bus to carry a crowd of students to the football game at Parma Friday. Kingman Kolony boys played basket­ ball against Oregon Trail Friday. The Trail won 34 to 10. Court House Filings Real Estate Transfers Recorded Everijlwo Minutes ANOTHER HOME BURNS / F you are underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day. your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Let us help you obtain an ap­ praisal, make suggestions, and furnish adequate insurance , Don M. Graham THE INSURANCE M AN A r e y o u r t ir e s SAFE? I f accident loom s suddenly, ca n yo u s to p ? Y o u r b ra k e s w ill hold, but can y o u r tires respond? W o r n tires are dangerous! Because o f scientific tread design and long- w ea rin g com p ou n d , th e n o n -s k id element rem ains on K elly Lotta Miles T ires longer than on other tires any­ w here near their price. L et u s sh o w y o u the K elly Safety- graphs,the printed p roof that K ellys are good for thousands and thou­ sands o f S a fe Miles. i 10, 15, 32. I Loan Association, a corporation, are de- Wesley Vail and Clarice Maxwele 10,' fendants. said writ being directed to m 15, 32. and commanding me to sell the herein- Carlos Edgar Moon and Martha Pul- 1 after described real property, I will on ler Garrett. 10, 15, 32. Saturday, the 5th day of November _ __________________________ 1932, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the north main entrance door of the County Legal Advertisement Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell, subject to the statutory NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE right of redemption, all of the right. By virtue of an execution in fore- title and interest of the above named closure duly issued out of the Circuit defendants in and to the following de Court of the State of Oregon for the sccribed real property, to-writ: The west half of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-four, in Township nineteen south. Range forty-six east of the Willamette Meridian, containing 80 acres, Mal­ heur County, State of Oregon. To­ gether with the tenements, heredi­ taments and appurtenances there­ unto belonging or in anywise ap­ pertaining, including a water right evidenced by 80 shares of stock in the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Com­ pany, being stock certificate No. 464.' Date of last publication. Nov. 3, 1932. Date of sale, Nov. 5. 1932 at 10:30 A. M Robt. D. Lytle, Vale, Oregon, attorney for plaintiff. To satisfy a judgment in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants, Cornelius W DeBoer and Harmina W. DeBoer husband and wife. Chas. L. Thompson, J. Edw. Wolfe and E. V. Quinley. in the following sums, to-wit: $136.50, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from February 27, 1932; $3417.61, with interest at the rate of 51-2 per cent per annum from Feb­ ruary 27, 1932; $134.10, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 11, 1932; $134.10. with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 23, 1932; $268.20, with in­ terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an­ num from January 14, 1932; $152.00, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from April 9, 1932; $19.00, abstract charge, paid May 27, 1932; and the further sum of $300.00, attorney’s fee; and the further sum of $61.60 plaintiff's costs and for such additional costs as may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 5th day of October, 1932. W . W . “ Honey” Foster Wm. E. Hafelfinger et al to J. M. Smith, N1-2SE1-4NE1-4, Sec. 25-31-41. 9, 21, 31. $1. C. E. Morris et ux to N. J. Minton. Lots 2 and 3, SE1-4NW1-4, N1-2SW1-4. Sec. 1-21-49. 8, 26, 32. $10. J. D. Taylor et ux to Frank Wond- raeek E1-2SW1-4NW1-4, Sec. 24-18-46. 9. 16, 32. $1200. W. W. Myers et ux to Ray D. Scott. NE U) acres of W12NE1-4, Sec. 32-18-45. 3, 6, 31, $10. M. C. Barlow et ux to M. Ford Bar- low, E1-2SE1-4, NW1-4SE1-4, El-2- SW1..4, Sec. 9 21 46. 10, 10, 32. $1. Harriett M. Draper to Bertha M. Stapels, E1-2SE1-4SW1-4, Sec. 9, 18-47. 12. 7, 31. $3000. C. W. Glenn Sheriff to The Union i Central Life Insurance Company. W l-2 NW1-4, W1-4SW1-4, Sec. 28; E1-2NE1-4 NE14SE1-4, Sec. 29; N1-2NE1 4, E1..2- NW1-4, SW1-4NE1-4 of Sec. 32. 29 .46. 9, 2, 32. $9,719.74. Oliver O. Haga et ux to J. L. Eberle. C. W. GLENN, SW1-4SW1-4SE1-4 Sec. 16-30-44. 9, 29, Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. 32. $10. J. B. Hatfield to Patrick McIntyre. Date of first publication, Oct. 6, 1932. All of Lots 7 sind 8, Block 73, Green's Date of last publication, Nov. 3, 1932. Date of sale, Nov. 5, 1932, at 11:00 A. M. Add. to Nyssa. 10, 10, 32. $475. Robt. D. Lytle, Vale, Oregon, attorney for plaintiff. Marriage Licenses Issued Henry W. Bartlett and Gladys Pearl Johnson. 10 10, 32. Peres Lawrence Randall and Beula Maria King. 10. 10, 32. Edwin Eugene Frymer and Cora Mabel McGuire. 10, 11, 32. Frank Davis and Margaret Malmborg. 10, 11, 32. Alfred Melvin Root and Hazel Al­ berta Summers. 10, 13, 32. John Albert Anderson and Eleanor Lucille Andrews 10, 13, 32. Walter Wakerlig and Bertha May Sevey. 10 13, 32. Kenneth S. Garoin and Jeanne Cald­ well. 10, 13, 32. John R. Mitchell and Hazel M. Foster 10, 14, 32. Delmer Ellsworth Wolfe and Dorotha Winifred Bison. 10, 14, 32. Glenn Riggs and Mildred Virginia Janousek. 10, 14, 32. Carl Locont and Delilah M. Gordon. 10. 14, 32. Emmet K. Corbin and Myra Shafer. 10, 15. 32. James M. Auxier and Loretta Haley. Phone 4242— Boise CAPITAL NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an execution in fore­ closure duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, on the 4th day of October, 1932, pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court on the 3rd day of October, 1932, in a suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a cor­ poration, is plaintiff, and Chas. L. Thompsoif and Emma E. Thompson, husband and wife: R. E. Ringrose, indi­ vidually and as Trustee, and Jane Doe (true name unknown) Ringrose, hus­ band and wife; J. Edw. Wolfe and Katie M. Wolfe, husband and wife; E. V. Quinley and E v a A. Quinley, husband and wife; C. P. Overstreet and Vella Overstreet, hus­ band and wife; A. A. Schramm, as Sup­ erintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon; Malheur County Bank, Nyssa, Oregon, and Ontario National Farm P A IN HEADACHES, NEURITIS NEURALGIA, L U M B A G O . . . Whenever you have some wnffiPng ache or pain, take some tablets of Bayer Aspirin. Relief is immediate! There’s scarcely ever an ache or pain that Bayer Aspirin won’ t relieve— and never a time when you can't take it. The tablets with the Bayer cross are always safe. They CLEANERS, DYERS and TAILORS Hats Cleaned and Blocked Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of mono­ ace tic acideater of salicylicacid. New, Extracted HONEY 7c Lb. (While We Extract) Bring your own BUSINESS DIRECTORY The following firms of Ontario will serve yea with honest valaas: containers. Nyssa, Oregon Come in and See Our Complete Line NEW On th e Old Job H. D. Holmes FALL MERCHANDISE complete selection of neckwear in all the newest fall shades. Earrings, braclets, etc. to match your costume. TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE Illinois and Elgin Watches at half price. Beau­ tiful Models. All Kinds of Hanlins In City Limits Large selection o f silverware, leather goods, fountain pens and gifts. PHONE 5 NYSSA, OR. HAROLD E. GINZEL Jeweler and Watchmaker Ontario, Ore. Guaranteed watch repairing at lowest prices . OR! CLEANING HEATER ’S STUDIO Portraits of Quality Kodak Finishing Ontario, Oregon — at— Lowest Prices in Years Have your winter coats dry-cleaned and The MOORE HOTEL COFFEE SHOP Continues Service 6 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. Ontario, Oregon re-lined at— NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Roy Scott, Prop. Nyssa, Ore. Say It With Flowers . . . . No more expressive gift BOYER FLORAL COM PANY The Laundry WE WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU ONTARIO, OREOON Brittain’s SHOE HOSPITAL C L E A N E R S don't depress the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just as often as they can spare you any pain or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. Examine the package. Beware of imitations. DOES IT BEST, AND FOR LESS . . . We are equipped to do your family washing the economical float iron way .. .. or all beautifully finished . . . . or rough dry. You will find that at our prices you will save money. Here your laun­ dry costs you less. Fine Shoe Repairing If you can’t bring ’em, mall ’em. Ontario, Oregon Hager H A R D W AR E Stockmen’s Supplies, Paints, and Oils, Milking Machines, Pipe and Fittings, Pumping Plants Ontario, Oregon MR. and MRS. H AR R Y PETERSON Powell’s Service Station Nyssa, Oregon Our Work is Best Quality Work PLANT: 1509-11 No. 13th Street BRANCH OFFICE: 117 Main St. Our representative will be In Nyssa Every Week THE UNITED LAUNDRY Ontario, Oregon Modern Equipment and Personal Service T. R. Pashley, Prop. NYSSA Funeral Director» OREGON