I Eagle Ladies Begin D rive For Auxiliary GATtí C ltV JOURNAL, THt/RS„ OCTOBER 20,1930. w U.... ---------j J—gj-1"..—"" _?.J—¿ at the Nyss.: Reilty office, where she will explain the purpose and require­ ments of- tb organization. She stated that if all vu uen who are eligible Join such an aux. try It would consist of around one ..ut.lred members. NYSSA I M 0 \ H WINS IN STATE « !__________ and Mrs. C. W. Wood of Nyssa, Mrs. P. A. Banks, Mrs. P. O. Bohlson, Mrs. R B. Smith, Mrs. C. A. Betts, Mrs. John­ son and Mrs. Joe Cooper of Ontario Sixteen were in attendance. __________ FEDERAL RESERVE FAVORS HALT IN FORECLOSURES i ___________ __________ _ MR. AND MRS. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Prank D. Hall were Steps have been taken by the banking hosts for the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge club W. C. T. U. FIRST IN LOCAL EFFIC­ and industrial committees of the twelve Mrs. P. B. Schlapkohl gave a charm- IENCY; JAPANESE GIRL OF VALE at their home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Federal Reserve Districts of the country Mrs. Donald M. Graham has been j 1 ing luncheon for Monday bridge club Mrs. Ed. Wilson substituted for ab­ WRITES PRIZE ESSAY. to ameliorate conditions concerning appointed organizer of the proposed tpis week, inviting members and guests sentees. Mrs. C. L. McCoy won first mortgage foreclosures and sales of ladies' auxiliary of the Eagles lodge, for two extra tables of cards. Mrs. C. W. prize. Mr Wilson, second. A dainty farm land. i Wood won first prize, Mrs. Max John- lunch was served at the close, with cov­ The Women’s Christian Temperance The following statements were made She wishes eligible women who desire SQn lQW Guests lncluded Mrs. J. Boy- ers for twelve guests. union of Nyssa won statewide recogni­ by representatives of the various organ­ to organize such an auxiliary to call dell, Mrs. E. D. Norcott, Mrs. C. S. Hale, tion when it received first prize in the izations cooperating: BRIDGE-LUNCHEON local effclency program at the state WILSON MCCARTHY AND GARD- Sixteen guests enjoyed a delightful convention in Portland Thursday. Sec­ j NER COWI.ES, directors of the Recon- bridge luncheon on Tuesday at the the ond prize went to Hermiston and third ¡struction Finance Corporation: home of Mrs. William Schlreman. At to Tillamook. The Nyssa union scored j “We as representatives of the R. F. C. I one-thirty o’clock a three-course lunch­ highest with its well rounded program ; personally favor and will recommend to eon was served by the hostess with Mrs. which emphasized scientific temperance our board the rendering of liberal help I Merrit M. Greeling, Jr. assisting. Prizes instruction among the young people. to any quaifted agency Including Banks. ¡ at cards fell to Mrs. W. F.McLing, Mrs. Mrs. Ieon Hlgbv was president last Insurance Companies, Building and J. J. Sarazin and Mrs. O. G. Boden. year while Mrs. John Long is embark­ Loan Assocatlons. Mortgage Loan Com­ ing upon the ensuing year’s work. panies, which will make new loans on SCOUTS COOK OLD WAY Another honor came the way of Mal­ farms on a sound basis at this time: Like their great grandmothers cooked heur county when it was announced and we believe the board will act in ac­ over the open fire, Girl Scouts prepared Teruka Wada, Japanese student of cordance with our recommendations.” supper Saturday on the hillside to earn Vale, won first prize in the abstinence PAUL BESTOR, farm loan commis­ their pioneer badge. Their leader sup­ essay contest for the sixth grade. Miss sioner the Federal Farm Loan Board: ervising roasting potatoes in the coals Wada was first in the county and is “The Federal Land Banks state to the and frying other foods on sticks. The now first in the state in her division. Farm Loan Board that if a farmer has girls found pioneering great fun. The state W. C. T. U. elected officers. made an honest effort to meet his pay­ Mrs. Ada Jolley of Portland Is president ments and is unable to do so, but de­ BIRTHDAY FOOTBALL for the sixth year; Mrs. Rachel Ellis of sires to remain on the farm, is willing ¡ Football was the mam sport of the Madras, vice-president; Mrs. Prances to cooperate wth the bank in working out his problem and, in the opinion of 1 twelve guests who gathered at the Swope, secretary. the bank, has a reasonable chance of home of Buddy Short last Thursday to succeeding if given the opportunity, the celebrate his 10th birthday it being a bank will, with the approval of the local boys’ party. Buddy received a fine lot NYSSA COMMMUNITY CHURCH National Farm Loan Association, give of gifts. At the close a Halloween lunch Sunday School 10 o’clock. Mrs. Wes­ him this opportunty, unless, some fac­ was served. ley J. Brown, Superintendent. Mrs. J. E. tor enters which compels the bank to • • • • • Long, superintendent primary depart­ act for its own protection. W. C. T. U. ment. Senior Bible Class. O. F. Bacon, i W. C. T. U. met Tuesday with Mrs. leader. Junior Bible Class, Dr. J. E. Hazel D. Gildea and Mrs. C. W. Reber- Long, leader. ger lead devotionals. The Flower Mis­ We extend a hearty Invitation to all sion and relief committee reported sev­ who do not attend some other Sunday eral good deeds. Among coming events School to worship with us. A spiritual is Temperance Day sermon at the Com­ awakening will help you to meet the munity Church Sunday morning, Oct­ problems of life in the best way. Westfall—When Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ober 30 with all members invited to at­ Morning worship, 11:15. Solo by Ker- Sandy went to the Chas. Johnson ranch tend. Mrs. C. Klinkenberg is the hostess mlt Lienkaemper. Subject: “A Mother, last Saturday for the purpose of buying at the next meeting. who started the greatest Religious hay, their visit was marred by an un­ Awakening in all History.” The Pastor usual accident. Mrs. Sandy was sent to ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH urges every woman in the community the cellar on an errand when she trip­ to hear this se.rmon if possible, and ped on the steps and fell. She sustain­ ed painful bruises but was able to re­ October 23—Holy Communion at 9:00 bring your husband or friend with you. sume teaching Monday at the Bonita Epworth League at 7:00 p. m. Contin­ 1 a. m. school. October 30—Evening Prayer and Ser­ uing the study of John Wesley, Jr. Mr. Sandy has moved his cattle from Evening Worship 8:00 o'clock. mon at 8:00 p. m. On Thursday afternoon at 2:30 the Westfall to his Sunnyside ranch at I STANLEY MOORE, Pastor Ladles Aid will entertain at a Hallow­ Bonita. N. E. Jenkins has closed a deal for een silver tea at the home of Mrs. J. T. the purchase of the Lex Anderson Long. What is the good of a good thing if REV. FLOYD WHITE, Pastor. no one knows about it? Let The Jour­ nal tell your story. CHRISTMAS CARDS $1.50 and $2 for MORMON CHURCH NYSSA OREGON box of 25 cards imprinted with your Sunday School at 10 a. m. every Sun­ CARD OF THANKS name. Cash price. The Journal office, day. Everyone welcome. Nyssa. We wish to thank our many friends Robt. Gilchrist, Supt. for their kindnesses and sympathy dur­ ing our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Archie W. Howell and WiililililillWiiBlilliWillHWW'H'lim'liiliRMiRiiiiiaMnwiMMimiiiiiiriiriiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.iiiiiiiiwiwiiiE family. BRIDGE LUNCHËOÏÏ" Old Man W IN T E R Is Sure To Come! Fill Your Fuel Bin ranch. For two years he has farmed the Ernest Hawkins were here frotn Nyssa last week end. Mrs. Toombs is working Napton place. Mrs. Geo. Toombs and children and in the fruit harvest at Nyss*. Pheasant Season Is Open UNTIL OCTOBER 31st -Are you going to get your share of the ring necks and ducks this season? -You will if you get your shells from Baldridge Implement company as we have the shells That reach out and get ’em Ammunition of All Kinds Baldridge Imp. Co. All Kinds of Household Hardware PHONE 113 Nyssa, Oregon —With- SPRING CANYON WESTFALL TEACHER INJURED IN FALL COAL y I v K e e p HOOVER im on the job as PHONE 15 Boise-Payette Lbr. Co. Fall Building Supplies w for ' ^v>v • Cjcdj^'L gifts... WANT ADS Q colors for the ^ price of X li . s DELICIOUS APPLES—15c per box ! f§ orchard run. Bring oentainers. J. A. ■ 1 PETTIT, Apple Valley. Oct. 27pd j gj WANTED—Housekeeping work by Nys- g sa matron. Write Box 675 Nyssa. ------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR SALE AT COST—Air mattress, Just the thing for the hunting trip next week or the camping trip next summer. It will last a lifetime. NOR- DALE FURNITURE CO. FREE your choice of M PINT B-H LUSTRE LAC VARNISH STAIN | Greasing The Dependable Way \ V4 PIMT SWEET CIDER FOR SALE at H. R. Sherwood ranch near Nyssa. Oct. 6* B-H LUSTRELAC 4-HOUR CHANEL •with each quart of B-H LUSTRELAC 4-HOUR ENAMEL This offer holds during October... Lustrelac Varnish Stain for floors and furniture in natural wood colors. Versatile Spar Varnish is excellent for doors, drainboards and table tops. . . . Lustrelac Enamel—14 attractive $< O fj colors—1 quart . . . . I H ere ’ s a brilliant but thrifty Christinas fot all who treasure gifts made with loving hands! W hat wonders one can do—at what small cost! Lustrelac 4-Hour Enamel is priced lower than at anytime in ten years. Its colors range from the most modernly garish to the delicate appeal of pastel shades. Chinese ted—golden yellow—coral —apple green—pale blue—and many others. A nd take advantage o f the "Thrift Offer”! With each quart ofLustrelac you purchase we ll give you a V2 pi nt for nothing! Make your choice—paint gaily in two colors or try your hand at intermixing! Like all National Lead Products, these B-H Products ate made of the finest materials money cad buy. Always economical because they last longer, this year they are doubly thrifty because they cost so little. About color senemes, write National Lead Home Beautiful Deportment, 2240- 24th Street, San Francisco. Set us aboutpaintk . EDER HARDWARE CO. Nyssa, Oregon BASS<$>HUETER AGENTS FOR PAINTS • VARNISHES £r ENAMELS '¿Jur UttCe CjdY homes in the M/estr” BLACK GIANT. FRYERS—50c and up. John Kakebeeke, Nyssa. g I F O R S A L E—Camp and supplies. shacks, beds, stoves, mattresses, blan­ kets machinery. Some good buys in heatrolas $15 and $20 J. F. SHEA TUN­ NEL CAMP 8 miles from Adrian. Oct. 27 Pd. portance and will do our best to turn out a per­ CALLING CARDS Printed in any print you like a t G ate c ity Journal. Box of 100 cards >12$, panel or plain. Keep the gains agriculture has made under farm marketing act, aid to cooperatives and other Hoover legislation — all prepared with advice of Grange and Farmer’s Union leaders. ; VOTE FOR REPUBLICAN STATE AND COUNTY TICKETS Auto Service of All Kinds HOXIE GARAGE Nyssa, Oregon LIBERTY THEATRE Nyssa, Oregon Thursday-Friday-Saturday, October 20, 21, 22 Richard Dix in “ ROAR OF THE DRAGON” P aid Adr. b j R epublican fltate C entral Committee, T . 0 . E lliott, O halrm aa 0 4 0 M organ Bldg., P o rtland, Ore. H oover Curtía Club : i 41b. Meat Sale SATURDAY STEAKS, T-bone, round or loin, lb................. 20c 4 lbs...................................65c PORK CHOPS, fancy, lb.....................................20c 4 lbs...................................65c LAMB CHOPS, lb................................................ 20c 4 lbs...................................65c PORK STEAK, l b ................................................ 15c 4 lbs...................................45c VEAL STEAK, lb.................................................17c 4 lbs...................................45c Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, October 23, 24, 25 FOR SALE—120 acre farm located as follows: 81-2NW1-A, NW1-48W1-4 Section 11, Township 9 , Range 4«. Half cash, balance on or bSfore 3 years at 6 per cent. How much am I offered. J. WILL BECKLEY, Roseburg. Ore.. Sept. 22-Oct. 20Pd. Maintain the protective tariff on lumber, Ore­ gon’s greatest industry; keep on opening the mills and putting more men at work. fect job. CHRISTMAS CARD8 $1.50 and $2 for box of 25 cards imprinted with your name. Cash price. The Journal office, Nyssa. FOR RENT—O n e 3-room modem apartment, furnished, bathroom in connection. S W A N APARTMENTS, City. S22* concress C H A N C IN C LEADERS A T T H IS T IM E IS SURE TO M AKE TH IN G S A LO T W ORSE. WILL TRADE 320 acres of range land. part good hay land, near Beulah for house and lot with clear title in Nyssa, Ontario or Vale. Inquire Gate City --aiiiiiiiraiiii (tiH hiiiiiìi mi ii m min unii ih mi H M M B m i ninni ri unii.iii nummi riunii ri ri numi n i hit Journal or write H. B. Earp, Route 2, New Plymouth, Idaho. FOR SALE or will trade for small farm in this valley, home in Baker, 4 lots 50 by 200, 3-room house, woodshed, chicken house, all good buildings, 11 apple trees, 4 cherry trees,, rest In ber­ ries and garden spot. Plenty of water, title clear. Address Box 55, Nyssa Ore. sen a to r When you bring your car to us for a grease and V4 PIMT B-H V ER S A T ILE SPAR VARNISH Frederick Steiwer a n é Robert R. Rutler Conditions in the United States today are more favorable than in any other nation. . .. . j check-up job, we regard the work of much im­ FOR SALE—$20 set of new golf clubs g and gray fabric and leather bag, all I = for $8. Used only twice. Inquire THE g JOURNAL. City. ^ I — — *1 FOR RENT—Good 3-room house with g garage. Inquire Star Hotel, City. and iupport him by electing Support the CO N FIDEN CE in business recovery now being exhibited. d ; g ] £ P R E S I D E N T , Keep the gains made by labor — wages and employment sustained by the Hoover agree­ ment. J g j g - Slim Summerville and Zasu Pitts in “The Unexpected ‘THE UNEXPECTED FATHER” NO SHOW WEDNESDAY Beef B o il,.............. 10c Chickens, lb........ 15c Beef Roast, l b .........15c Pork Shoulder Roast 10c Fresh Oysters Now In WANTED AT ONCE—100 VEALS —AT— Nyssa Packing Co. PHONE 6 NYSSA, OREGON