PATE CITŸ J6URNAT,» THURS., OCTOBER 6, I9â2 - Mr. Motorist: Buy— Veltex Oils Eastern Paraffin Base “They Stand Up Longer” C. B. SHORT, Agent Phone 79, Nyssa MISS LUCILE BIGGS Teacher of Piano and Harmony Private and Class Instructions Accredited Teacher In Nyssa Tuesday Phone 49 in Nyssa for Appointment es and P A IN S When you take Bayer Aspirin you are sure of two things. It’s sure relief, and it’s harmless. Those tablets with the Bayer cross do not hurt the heart. Take them when­ ever you suffer from: Headaches Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Neuritis Toothache When your head aches—from any cause—when a cold has settled in your joints, or you feel those deep-down pains of rheumatism, sciatica, or lumbago, take Bayer Aspirin and get real relief. If the package says Bayer, it’s genuine. And genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoacetio- acidester of salicylicacid. r relay in Baker. They were accompan­ APPLE VALLEY turned to their home in Gold Beach Mrs. Levi Stephens was in Caldwell ied by Miss Mary Mattingly and Wm. after two weeks visit at the R. 8. Me-1 Friday visiting ner daughter Mrs. Chris Boor. The bride is the only daughter of PACKING HOUSE Intyre home. | Meldveldt and new granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. George McKee, who reside OPENS SEASON at the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation com- pahy pumping plant near town. The iim.iri m Mti 11 mi ri un ri m i ititi mu in nu ti n i:i ti nmiatmuM»r¿ groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schwelzer, well known res­ Apple Valley—Picking and packing of idents of Nyssa. Both young people a big apple crop is well under way in a host of friends who wish them the orchards of this communty. A crew I = Surprising relatives and friends in have Friends gave them a char­ is employed at the packing house for — the community Miss Delmer McKee happiness. ivari at the Schwelzer home on Monday the operation of one table. and Max Schweizer were married Sat* night. of Creswell, Or., is improv­ Schweizer is a senior in Nyssa high ing Mr. his Lane ranch property where W. J. Cox school and plans to complete the year's WANT ADS resides. He is having an addition built work. onto the house. SWEET CIDER FOR SALE at H. R. Supt. and Mrs. Merrill of Jerome Sherwood ranch near Nyssa. Oct. 6* AUXILIARY CARD PARTY visited the Levi Stephens family last At a Joint meeting of the Nyssa Po6t I week. BLACK GIANT FRYERS—50c and up. of the American Legion and Auxiliary John Kakebeeke, Nyssa. at the Eagles’ lodge hall Monday night, Miss Grace Schwasinger visited Miss a program of activities for the coming Lennie Sponsler at Roswell last week year discussed. The Auxiliary also end. WILL TRADE 320 acres of range land. made was plans a benefit card party of Clendenings Sunday were part good hay land, near Beulah for whch will be for held Friday night. October i Mr. Guests and Mrs. and children, Mrs. house and lot with clear title in Nyssa. 21. The following committees were ap­ John Redman Knott of Homedale, Mrs. Dor­ Ontario or Vale. Inquire Gate City pointed by Mrs. Howard J. Larsen, Rassmuson of Arizona. Mr. and Journal or write H. B. Earp, Route 2, president: tables, Mrs. C. L. McCoy, othy Mrs. Ralph Evans and daughter Jose­ New Plymouth, Idaho. decorations, Mrs. A. V. Cook; refresh­ phine Mrs. Ralph Jones and ments, Mrs. Leo D. Hollenberg; table , children of of Parma. Nyssa, Nyssa. FOR SALE or will trade for small farm decorations, Mrs. Eddie Powell. A ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Allspaugh were in this valley, home in Baker. 4 lots charge of 50 cents per couple will be of M. Allspaugh in Payette Sun­ 50 by 200, 3-room house, woodshed, made, with proceeds for Auxiliary guest day. chicken house, all good buildings. 11 activities. • • • » » apple trees, 4 cherry trees., rest In ber­ Mrs. Geo. Neiunanhs of Parma was a ries and garden spot. Plenty of water, guest of the Ellerbrooks Sunday. STAR BRIDAL SHOWER title clear. Address Box 55, Nyssa Ore. Eastern Star lodge gave a delight­ Miss Helen Gardner of Roswell was a ful party Wednesday night honoring Sunday viistor at the Fred Fisher home. SWAN'S 8-Cent Bread Fresh Dally at Miss Marie Hunter, whose marriage to Earl Boston helped W. Robinson I Nyssa Stores. Ask for our prize loaf, Eldon Jensen will be an event of late hay Monday. fall or winter. Miss Stella Fishburn Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson have sang two beautiful selections and play­ 'moved to the small residence on the WILL TRADE JERSEY COW for good ed own accompaniment. Two skits, Crosswhite place. shotgun—a real bargain. Inquire The "The her Bride,” and "Big Business,” pro­ Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gauntlett and ^kiuuiiiiiíiiiii i i M mil m m h m m i t m m m m m m i;i in m 11 m mimimi ri m m mm unititi m rimi min mun i r Journal, City. Oct. 6 Pd. vided much merriment. Miss Eva Boy- baby and Mrs. Gauntlett, Sr„ have re- dell. Miss Hettie Medesker and Mrs. FO R SAL E—Camp and supplies, Merrt Greeling took part in the first; shacks, beds, stoves, mattresses, blan­ Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, Miss Harriet Aheam, kets machinery. Some good buys in Miss Clarice Johnson, Miss Margaret heatrolas $15 and $20. J. F. SHEA TUN­ Young and Mrs. Bernard Frost, in the NEL CAMP 8 miles from Adrian. Oct. second. The lodge presented Miss Hunt­ Phone 4242—Boise er with an electric waffle iron. Lunch 27 Pd. was served at • the • close. • » • CHRISTMAS CARDS $1.50 and $2 for COMPLIMENTING MRS. HALE CAPITAL box of 25 cards Imprinted with your name. Cash price. The Journal office, Mrs. Allen Johannesen and Mrs. Rob­ CLEANERS Nyssa. ert Peck of Owyhee Dam gave a bridge DOES IT BEST, AND FOR LESS luncheon Saturday at the Johannesen CLEANERS, DYERS and FOR RENT—O ne 3-room modem home complimenting Mrs. C. S. Hale of We are equipped to do your family washing the TAILORS apartment, furnished, bathroom in Nyssa. Six tables were prettily appoint­ connection. S WAN APARTMENTS. ed with decorations in pink and blue. economical float iron way .. .. or all beautifully City. 8.22* Luncheon was served at one o’clock. finished . . . . or rough d»y. You will find that at Favors at bridge were awarded to Mrs. Hats Cleaned and our prices you will save money. Here your laun­ Frank D. Hall, first; Mrs. Dick Stock- FOR SALE—120 acre farm located as ham, second; and Mrs. Malcolm Craw­ dry costs you less. Blocked follows: S1-2NW1-4, NW1-4SW1-4 ford, low. Guests brought pretty gifts Section 11, Township 21, Range 46. Half for the honoree. Attending from Nyssa cash, balance on or before 3 years at 6 were Mrs. C. W. Wood, Mrs. F. P. per cent. How much am I offered. J. Greene, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Hale; from Our Work is Best Quality Work WILL BECKLEY, Roseburg. Ore.. Mrs. F. A. Banks. Mrs. F. B. PLANT: 1509-11 No. 13th Street Sept. 22-Oct. 20Pd. Ontario, Schlapkohl, Mrs. F, C. Bohlson, Mrs. C. BRANCH OFFICE: 117 Main St. A. Betts and • Mrs. • Max • • Johnson. • AMMUNITION, Hunting knives and Our representative will be in other supplies for the deer hunt. MR. AND MRS. BRIDGE CLUB BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT CO., City. T. R. Pashley, Prop. Nyssa Every Week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell were NYSSA OREGON hosts for the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge NEW SHIPMENT OF MATTRESSES club Tuesday evening. Guests made up at Nordale Furniture Co., City. three tables of cards, Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. CALLING CARDS Printed in any print Wilson substituting for absent mem­ you like at Gate City Journal. Box bers. Supt. Leo D. Hollenberg and C. L. of 100 cards $1.25, panel or plain. McCoy won first and second prizes. a » » » » HAY FOR SALE—H. R. Quinby, Nyssa. STUDY CLUB LUNCHEON July 14*. Mrs. Merrlt Greeling was hostess for the Nyssa Study club entertaining with a luncheon and afternoon program Fri­ day. Members reported on varied topics and Mrs. O. G. Boden gave an interest­ ing book report of “White Bird's Fly­ ing.” Young Couple Wed In Baker Last Saturday HOXIE GARAGE AT YOUR SERVICE Oregon The Laundry THE UNITED LAUNDRY BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ELECTION T I H E Just Around the Comer See The Journal For: —High Grade Printing MANY HUNTERS GO THROUGH IRONSIDE Ironside—Numerous hunters have passed through Ironside with their deer. It seems comparatively few have reported no luck. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Elms visited their son Frank at TJnity on Saturday. Ray Emmott of Nyssa was buying cattle in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam and Arthur Beam and wife visited at the Ralph Beam home in Unity Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Beam and Mrs. H. Van Cleave of Unity were in Ironside Fri­ day. Mrs. Raleigh Van Buren entertained the Ladies club last Wednesday with 12 members and one visitor present. Jerry Presley and Bob Browning of Brogan were deer hunting near Carlile Butte Sunday. Jim Moore and Dutch Moore of Baker were here Monday. —First Class Stock C le a n We realize our obligation to the public, and realize too, that our Sunshine milk must be as clean and pure as mod­ em science can make it. Knowing this, every precaution is taken in the selection of only tested cattle. Every care is exercised in the handling of milk in our plant. We use an electric milker and Kelvin- ator cooling system. Drive out to the Osterkamp Dairy and look it over. 22 n d A n n u al A C IFIC -Satisfactory Prices m ilk IN TER N A T IO N A L JYESTOCI Drink more milk. Good, wholesome milk is the best and cheapest food you can buy. To make sure you are getting the benefit of our effort to give you milk pure and clean, be sure it comes from— ORDER YOUR POLITICAL CARDS NOW For Anything in Printing THRILLING IN D O O R RODEO PORTLAND. OREGON OCT. 1 5 - 2 2 The GATE CITY JOURNAL Copy and Cuts Furnished PHONE 19, NYSSA. 13 SHOWS IN ONE—11 aerea under one roof. Exhibits of pure-bred Llv» •toefc. D o « , P o u ltr/ , P .« S t o c k , W ild U fa . L o a d P ro d u ct» , M an u factu rad P ro d u cta, 4-H C lu b a n d Sm ith .H u ahaa V o catio n al E du cation W o rk i an d, fo t th a brat rim a lu fh a N o rth - w m t. S P E C T A C U L A R IN D O O R R O D E O . 9 7 3 , 0 — 1 JV P H E M H M S »EDUCED F A R E S - A L L LI NES ! The Sunshine Dairy F. W. OSTERKAMP, Proprietor Milk 6c per quart Nyssa, Oregon