Nyssa High Periscope — News of Nyssa School— EDITORIAL STAFF ents from the country town. GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SETT. 22,1952 M ATRON LEGION DEMANDS DETROIT VISITS IRONSIDE CASH AND REPEAL | )n Caldwell this year. He was master oi cei emonies at the Freshman reception ! on'the campus last Friday evening. Ironside—Mrs. Mattie Mackey of De­ troit, Michigan, ’ has been the hou e guest of her niece Mrs. S. A. Lofton for the past two weeks. She will also visit other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam motored to Prairie City Friday and visited their daughter Mrs. Walter Laurance and Mrs. H. Van Cleave. Mrs. S. A. and Mrs. Earl Lofton. Mrs. A. R. Van Buren and their aunt Mrs. Mattie Mackey visited Mrs. Prank Elm. at Unity Friday. Herbert Van Cleave returned Thurs­ day from Westfall where he has been employed for the past six months by Laurence Lamberson. Coy Wise made a trip to the lower country last Wednesday after a load of fruit and vegetables. Chas. Seaton went to Jamieson Tues­ day to attend the funeral of his sister- in-law Mrs. Barbara Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boor of Beech Creek, Grant county, have been here the past week. Sylvester Rose and family spent the week end at Unity with the Q. H. Law­ rence family. and five from | Editor ................................SUE KEIZER NATIONAL CONVENTION STRONG STUDENT BODY MEETS FOR NEW MAJOR P L A N K S ; Assistant Editor CARLOTTA IRWIN The student body held the first meet­ HOST Society Editor .......... EVALYN EARP ing of the new school year Friday with | PORTLAND WAS GREAT CITY. Sports Editor DWIGHT JOHNSTON I Dwight Johnston, president, in the j Reporters, Ethel Graham and Dorothy j chair. Other officers for this year are j Boden; Senior class reporter, Charlena Keith Parkinson, vice president; and Full and immediate payment of the ___ Crawford; Junior reporter, Minnie Wil­ Lois Schweizer, secretary. Student voted son; Sophomore reporter, Lila Hite; to reduce the price of athletic tickets » ° nus' ad°Pted bV voM\of 1166 * .J09; for the season from *2.50 to $2. The Outright repeal of federal prohibition, Freshman reporter, Vera McConnell. adopted by vote of 1144 to 13 Editor’s Note: The Journal will carry sale campaign will be made soon. j The voice of the American Legion news of Nyssa High School this year in MORE MUSIC PLANNED left no doubt as to its attitude on the the school’s Periscope column. The If present plans materalize, there will above major platforms voted upon at editorial staff has Just been elected and be more music in the school this term the closing session of the 14th annual will act under the direction of Miss Stella Flshburn, instructor in English. Claud Wilson, violin teacher, plans to convention in Portland Thursday. Louis organize a school orchestra. Miss Lucile A. Johnson of West Virginia was elect- Next week’s Periscope will be the first ed national commander and Chicago Biggs will teach piano lessons. edited by the staff. was selected as the 1933 convention city. VALE GAME FRIDAY According to the large delegation at­ CLASSES ELECT OFFICERS Coach John Young’s gridiron hopes tending from Nyssa it was a great con­ Nyssa hgh school classes have elected will go into battle for the first time this vention and Portland proved a great officers for the year, as follows; season when they meet the Vale boys S e n i o r class—Kenneth Williams, on the Vale field Friday in a non-con- | Oregon made a splendid showing in president; Max Schweizer, vice presi­ ference game. The boys have been nati0nal drum and bugle corps dent; Charlena Crawford, secretary. training hard since the opening of (¡Q ^ st ^ t h Salem winner of the nat- Junior class—Sidney Boren, president; school. j lonai contest, and Corvallis, La Grande Wanda Cantrall, vice president; Minnie FRESHMAN RECEPTION and Bend competing in the finals. Wilson, secretary; Sophomore class— Freshman will be honored at the an- Boise’s entry was also one of the final HILTON CLARK IS Fred Spencer, president; Tiena Tensen, STUDENT vice president; Lila Hite, secretary. nual reception to be given by the twelve. Salem won a *1000 cash prize Freshman class—Ross Johnston presi­ balance of the high school at the gymn- and other awards. Charles A. Whitte- Hilton Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ora major of Salem, was dent; Arnold Slippy, vice president; asium Friday evening. Surprise stunts more' drum and numerous games have been plan- awarded the national championship of E. Clark. Is vice president of the student Vera McConnell, secretary. drum majors and received a beautiful body association at the College of Idaho Of the twelve officers, seven are stud- ned. 'baton. Norris B. Green of Birmingham, ¡Ala, placed second. The Ontario and Nyssa units of the auxiliary won awards from Mrs. Flor­ ence Harvey for having representative memberships who completed their quota of hospital and child welfare work during the year. OFFICER Court House Filings Real Estate Transfers Recorded Lataio Urquiaga to Josela Urquiaga. All north and east of Jordan Creek In NE1-4, F "C . 1-31-42. W1-2NW1-4, Sec. 6-31 43. Also Lots 1, 6 7 8 9 and 10 Sub­ division H, Block 5, Pioneer Add. Jor­ dan Valley. 8, 23. 32 $1. C. C Wareham to Max M. Wareham. E1-2NE1-4 and SE1-4, Sec. 15, W l-2 NE1-4. Sec. 22-23 38. 4, 6 32. *1. Amos Aramburu to Bank of Califor­ nia. W1-2SW1-4, Sec. 20, W1-2NW1-4, Sec. 29-36 40. 6, 15 35. *1. Marriage Licenses Issued Marshall Charles Edson and Mildred Margaret Carter. 8, 22,32. Earl Joe Tipton and Beulah Marie Slyter. 8, 22, 32. Melvin T Richards and Florence Josephine Brown. 8, 23, 32. Jake James Borg* and Thelma Al- dene Leach. 8, 24, 32. L. T. Androkle Clifford and Phyllis Mason. 8, 24, 32. Robert Jolley Powers and Bernice Mildred Hamm. 8 24, 32. Leroy C. Fowler and Evelyn Doris Malone. 8. 26, 32. Walter Henry Parson and Beulah l May Freeman. 8. 27, 32. I Earl Leroy Adams and Bernice Len- ore Brown. 8. 27. 32. The Nyssa Cafe Joe Ayre, Proprietor — Specializes in— PERFECT FOOD AND PERFECT SERVICE Whether or not you are a regular customer, you will find that you receive quality food and service at Joe’s. Give Us A Trial Open Day and Night GOING HUNTING? —We will be glad to tell you all that we know about the best locations. —We will be glad to fill up the tank and start you on your way with ser­ vice and a smile. NYSSA POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night OREG. U Have You Seen Th« EVERYONE BOOSTS Sm all BIG BEND GRANGE R anges NEXT TUES. NIGHT Everijlw© Minutes ANOTHER HOME BURNS / F you are underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. Y ou owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. H ow could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? L et us help you obtain an ap­ praisal, make suggestions, and furnish adequate insurance. Don M . Graham THE INSURANCE MAN Big Bend—An open booster meeting will be held by Big Bend grange Tues­ day evening, October 4. These meetings are sponsored by national and state granges and prizes are offered to the granges which send 1 n the b e s t programs. Master C. E. Peck and H. R. Hatch with the lecturer Mrs. Joe King are the committee in charge of the pro­ gram. A white elephant sale is also a feature of the entertainment. All mem­ bers are requested to boost and make this meeting a success. John Nelson of Caldwell spent Wed­ nesday here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case spent last Wed­ nesday in Vale on business. Big Bend exhibitors won many prizes at the Parma Festival Friday and Sat­ urday. A miscellaneous shower In honor of Mrs. Otis Swigert, a recent bride, was | held at the Welsh home Tuesday with 1 Mrs. Thos. Welsh and Mrs. Frank Johns j hostesses. Many beautiful gifts were presented to Mrs. Swigert. A dainty lunch W'as served. Mrs. Emma Brumbach of Silver City, Mrs. Minnie Weston of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Paulding of Caldwell were guests in the E. H. Brum­ bach home Sunday. Joe King left Monday for Unity on a deer hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sloan and family of Caldwell were guests in the Thos. Welsh home Sunday. Farmers in the Bend are busy with the third cutting of hay. STRANGE B U T TRUE little giri, just bursting H APPY with pep. and she has never tasted a "tonic t” Every child’s stomach, liver, and bowels need stimulating at times, but give children something you know all about. Follow the advice of that famous family physician who gave the world Syrup Pepsin. Stimulate the body's vital organs. Dr. Caldwell’s prescription of pure pepsin, active senna, and fresh herbs is a mild stimulant that keeps the system from getting sluggish. If your youngsters don’ t do well at school, don’t play as hard or eat as well as other children do, begin evening with Dr. Caldwell’s this STATE FAIR OPENS M O N D AY, SEPT. 26 TMP TERM •‘THUG* COMES FROM INDIA ~ THEY W ER E PROFESSIONAL M U R D ER ER S, W ITH A PREFERENCE FOR THE STRAN 6 LINÖ CO RD Salem—With the Pendleton Round­ up and the American Legion conven­ tion now matters of history attention turns to the State Fair which opens September 26, for a week's run. The races on Lone Oak track, long the big entertainment feature of the fair will be missing this year as also will be the night horses how, but In their place there will be a rodeo and a bull fight. Max Oehlhar, generalissimo of the big show, declares that there Is nothing brutal about the bull fight which, he explains. Is purely educational and In­ tended primarily to Instruct fanners, and others, In the gentle art of dodging the bull. Which, with a political cam­ paign In full swing, should be an ac­ complishment not to be sneezed at. i ' WHAT TO DO WITH WORN OUT ' FLAGS ? 'THEY SHOULD BE DISPOSED OF PRIVATELY. WITH FITTING DIGNITY. BURNING IS ONE METHOD OF PROPER DISPOSAL , Syrup Pepsin. This gentle stimuIaM will soon right things I The bowels will move with better regularity and thoroughness. There won’ t so many sick spell* or colds. You’ll find it just as wonderful for too, in larger spoonfuls! be adults, protect that that home if at it all Get some Syrup Pepsin; your household from those bilious days, frequent headaches, and sluggish state of half-health means the bowels need stimulating. Keep this preparation in the to use instead of harsh cathartics that cause chronic constipation taken too often. You can always get Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin any drug store; they have ready in big bottles. - 1 . H u sk y, h a n d s o m e , heavy lo n g -w e a r in g tread. 9# C en ter T r a c tio n S a fety. 3 . P a t e n t e d S u p e r t w i9 t C ord C arcass. 4 o F u ll O versize in all d i ­ m en sion s. 3 . G o o d y e a r n a m e and h o u s e -fla g o n sidew all G . G u a ra n teed fo r life by w o r l d ’ s la r g e s t r u b b e r com pany. 7 . N ew In every w ay. See the Nyssa Grain Company for details of the cooperative marketing plan. Seed*, Feeds, Grains W E BUY AND SELL FOR YO U C L E A N E R S CLEANERS. DYERS and TAILORS Hats Cleaned and Blocked Nyssa Seed & Grain Co. Ted Newell Manager Nyssa, Ore. Phone 26 Our Work Is Best Quality Work PLANT: 1509-11 No. 13th 8treet BRANCH OFFICE: 117 Main St. Our representative will be In Nyssa Every Week See NORDALE First You Can Help! If you owe bills and can pay Lifetime Guaranteed N O W , PLEASE D O SO GOOD SPE E DWAY Supertwist Cord Tires Your promptness will enable someone else to pay promptly and thus make our dollars do double duty. A s Low As PRICES Effective September 12. 1932 BALLOON CASINGS BEFORE M ARKETING YO U R SEED Nordale Furniture Co. Look at these fealuresi GOODYEAR CAPITAL -A T — c o m e 30x31* Reg. Cl Phone 4242— Boise $33 and $39 Many New Home Furnishings NYSSA OREGON b a r g a i n (BY BEN H. SMITH) i , 1 Finished in Green and Ivory Enamel, with fast­ baking oven, priced ridiculously low: . 8 85 6 65 SPEED - 28x5.25-18 9 10 WAY 29x5.25-19 925 11.00 30x5.25-20 PATHFINDER 31x5.25-21 1130 9.50 7.25 Heavy Stand Size Duty ard way 28x5 50-18 1200 980 5.70 4.40 29x5.50-19 12.10 9.95 29x4.40-21 $ 29x 4 50-20 820 6.35 4.75 30x5.50-20 1230 30x4.50-21 8.35 6 45 4.85 30x6 00-18 12.40 9.15 7 35 560 31x6.00-19 1265 28x4.75-19 ** 12.75 29x4.75-20 7.55 5.70 32x6.00-20 33x6.00-21 13 80 12.95 780 30x475-21 29x5 00-19 935 7 80 5.85 AIRWHEEL 30x5 00-20 10 10 790 595 Casings Tubes 31x5 00-21 815 6.15 Size *3.20 6.50- 16 *16.85 34x6.00-22 13.50 320 7.00- 16 1980 31x8 50-19 14.40 21.50 4.20 32x6 50-20 7.50- 15 27 20 5.75 34x7 00-20 825-15 5.75 32x5.00-22 905 9.00- 13 32.35 TUNE IN Goodyear Radio Program This month Goodyear built its 200 millionth tire Standard Pathfinders In 6.00 Cross Section are 6 Ply ••Se» an* and Truck Tire List NOTE: All Heavy Duty Balloon are 6 Ply Lawrence Service Station N Y S 3A , OREGON Prompt payment NOW will help immensely and keep money circulating for the good of all. P A Y PROM PTLY PAY NOW % IT PAYS Retail Credit Assn. Nyssa—Vale— Ontario