VALE INVITES M A L H E U * COUNTY N YSSA, OREGON GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXVI. NO. 44. NYSSA SCHOOL OPEN SEPT. 5, LET PIONEERS TO ANNUAL PIONEER PICNIC A U OUST Iddi NYSSA, OREGON BUSIEST AND FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN OREGON INVESTIGATE ~ LOCATE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 18, 1982- MALHEUR PIONEERS WILL HOLD REUNION IN VALE AUGUST 19 NYSSA-PARMA WINS ONTARIO GROCERY MATCH Robert M. Duncan, of Burns, Re­ publican nominee for the state senate, Hugh Biggs and E. Otis Smith, can­ didates for district attorney, have been Invited to speak at the annual Malheur county pioneer picnic in Vale Friday, August 19. HOWARD HATCH IS LOW BIDDER The meeting opens in the morning j LOCAL GOLFERS TAKE TOURNA- FOR BIG BEND ROUTE; S. JOR­ with election of officers. J. D. Billings­ MENT CUP WITH 20-POINT MAR­ ley, president, will be chairman. At DAN FOR OWYHEE ROUTE. GIN OVER PAYETTE; BALDRIDGE noon lunch will be served by Vale Turtle Makes Round Trip In Summer’s Time PRICE IS CUT FOR FAIR ONTARIO 25-27 $1.50 PER YEAR NYSSA MISS IS RECENT BRIDE; SECRET IS TOLD MAYER DROPS DEAD AFTER HEART ATTACK Mr. and Mrs. Jess E. Thompson of Nyssa announce the marriage A turtle may be slow but he goes of their only daughter, Miss Geor­ places and gets back—In time. And who gia L. Thompson, to Delbert E. knows but what a turtle enjoys a sum­ Taylor of Weiser, an event of Aug­ mer trip as much as any tourist. ust 4, which was kept secret until At any rate here’s a tip for Ripley. A this week. The ceremony took pet turtle that makes his home in a lily MORE FUN FOR LESS MONEY IS place in Enterprise. NYSSA CONTRACTOR SUCCUMBS pond in the George Anderson yard at The bride grew to young woman­ SLOGAN OF LEGION COMMIT WHILE WORKING A T K O Z Y New Pymouth “turtled” all the way hood in this community, graduat­ from New Plymouth, Ida., to Big Bend, TEE; GRANGES WILL EXHIBIT. CAFE THIS MORNING; NEPHEW ing from the Nyssa high school Or., crossing Snake river on his journey with the class of 1929. She spent a ladies with a special table for the old LIVES IN BIG BEND. SPONSORS CLUB EVENT. of thirty or forty miles. It took him all few months in Baker and two years pioneers. A bonfire and old time dance summer to make the roand trip with a . ... „ .. Plans are shaping for the opening are planned for the usual evening div­ ago returned to this community week’s stop at the Ray Cartwright Ad" ’ 1^ '° n t0 ^ Malheur County of the 1932-33 school term In Nyssa ersion. where she has since served as TOURNAMENT STANDING While working on the repair of the ranch in Big Bend He returned to the ?,ai.r has rf u,‘;ed’ , Patro"f, at th" Monday, September 5. clerk in the C. C. Anderson comp- R. D. Lytle, chairman of the enter­ Team Anderson lily pond this week. ,23rd annual agricultural exposition will Sunday Total Score Kozy Cafe this morning, Joe Mayer, pany store. Mr. Taylor operates a Contracts have been awarded to the tainment committee, and I. W. Hope, aged 52, Nyssa contractor and resident Nyssa-Parma ..............16..................... 114 The Andersens missed the turtle i n !8** ,he falr for less money ^ 8 ^ 25' service station in Weiser. For the low bidders for the three bus routes chairman of the executive committee, for over thirty years, suffered a heart Payette ........................ 43....................... 94 June. Believing some animal had taken :6, 27 in Ontario. Single admission is 75 present, Mrs. Taylor will continue which bring grade and high school are arranging an interesting program cents and a season ticket may be pur­ Ontario ....................... 16....................... 59 him, their pet was soon frogotten. His attack and dropped dead. He had with her work here. pupils to Nyssa from the adjacent rural and it is expected that pioneers from chased for $2. Children, under 14, ac- climbed from a pit he was excavating Vale ..............................0.................. .....35 arrival at the Cartwright ranch was _ . . . . . . , . She is a charming girl and has communities. Howard E. Hatch was all parts of Malheur county will attend. and was standing by his car when sud­ ... ............................................... _ reported in Nyssa in ear.y July, also his 1 ™ * * * the‘r ParentS WU1 * &d' the good wishes of a host of friends. awarded the contract for the Big Bend With twenty points to the good, departure a week later. It’s taken him mitted free. den death overcame him. route, which transports about forty This is the Legion committee's answer Nyssa-Parma Golf club won the title about six weeks to get back home but Robert Bums, employed by Mayer, high school pupils to town. S. Jordan in the Ontario Grocery company tour- he’s there and in time for the fall visit to its slogan, "the best show at the low- rushed to his side and called for help. was low bidder for the Owyhee route, nament which came to a close with of the New Plymouth Floral club at the €sL cost " Dr. J. J. Sarazin was summoned but Mrs. Ethel Crawford for the local route. Then, the committee has Increased final play on the Ontario course last Anderson Iw found that Mayer had succumbed and the attractions—Just to make the slo­ Sunday. Payette scored the most coun­ The teaching staff In Nyssa remains was beyond help. gan better. It has engaged the Harry ters but not enough to offset the heavy the same, the following members of the A native of Austria, Mayer grew to Talbott and his starting chute to send lead which Nyssa-Parma has maintain­ faculty having been re-elected to serve young manhood there. Objecting to the ponies off for the races. The ed since the opener four weeks ago. in this community for the ensuing compulsory training, he left Austria at method Is popular on eastern race term: Mrs. Elta M. Benson of Payette, OWYHEE GIRL IS BRIDE OF BOISE Nate Young of Nyssa was low man RATTLESNAKE IS SUICIDE AFTER the age of 18 years and came to the tracks ar.d is being placed in use for the first grade; Miss Hetty Medesker of with 85 for eighteen holes. Total strokes MAN; COUPLE LEAVE FOR COAST United States. He later located in Nys­ first time here. SIX WEEKS CAPTIVITY; SCOR­ Portland, second; Miss Eva Boydell of for the four Sundays of the tournament TRIP. sa and applied himself very thoroughly Two big attractions will be Cy and follow: Payette 3460, Ontario 3639, Vale Nyssa, third; Miss Margaret Hunt of PION HATCHES NINE. to contract work. A few years ago he --------- 1 | Sunshine, whose clowning act, per- Madras, fourth; Miss Inez Johnson of 3796, Nyssa-Parma 3558. Total strokes was Instrumental in bringing his favor­ . . . . . . . . . forming dogs and goats have played the Sunday for each 10-man team were North Powder, fifth; Miss Harriet ite nephew, George Bchlemer to this Miss Ruby Bradley and Olle Solomon Nyssa-Parma 926, Vale 1017, Ontario PARAM MATRON G \ ES LIFE IN Oregon state fair in Salem four years Ahearn of Milton, sixth; Mrs. Nettie The little rattler that has made his country. Schemer is now a rancher in ATTEMPT TO SAVE GIRL; MEN and performed at ail the big time fairs Medesker of Portland, seventh; Owen of Boise were the principals at a pretty 936, Payette 958. wedding solemnized on the lawn at the WITNESS TRAGEDY. of the west. Race horse barns are fill­ home in a glass Jar in the window of Big Bend. He is Mayer’s only relative in Nyssa players Sunday were C. L. Me Price of La Grande, eighth. the Nyssa Realty company for more this country. ing. Exhibit space in the agricultural The high school faculty includes: home of the bride's parents Mr. and Coy, Klaas Tensen, Dr. E. D. Uorcott, tlian a month, sank his fangs into his Mayer was a member of the I. O. O. Mrs. Charles Bradley of the Nyssa rural building is going fast. Granges of the Nate Young and Ed. Wilson. Miss Stella Fishbum of Portland, Miss own body Monday and ended his life. F. lodge. Members of the chapter will community at 9:30 o’clock last Saturday Edith Wilkie, 14, and Mrs. Emma county will make displays; also new set­ Next Sunday, August 21, five clubs, Clarice Johnson, of Dayton, Wash., He had some difficulty in extracting his’ “wist Mr. Bchlemer in making funeral Grey, 32, both of Parma, were drowned tlers on the Vale project. Mrs. Ada Haworth of Big Bend; John morning, with the Rev. Hovda of the Payette, Vale, Ontario; Parma-Nyssa First Baptist Church of Ontario offi­ Nyssa women arc planning flower cx- fangs but finally succeeded and died ¡arrangement». and a new entry Weiser begin play on Sunday in the Boise river, three miles Young of Madras and Supt. Leo D. Hol- an hour later. Observers, which were ciating. The bride wore a lovely dress the Apple Valley course for a trophy south of Parma while the husband of hibits. lenberg. legion, believe the snake had wearied of N A T I O N A I P D A IM of white silk organdie of ankle length offered by the Weiser Milling company. the elder woman and a friend with | captivity. He even refused to dine on A 1 U K A IJ N o o e r n w C G 1IM T D V with P‘ cture hat t0 match end carried It is a five-game match with the final whom they had been fishing, looked on NYSSA, VALE flies for several days. CHIEF WILL VISIT O K C ala U IN L U U iN I K I a bouquet of rosebuds, gladiolas and helplessly. lap on the Weiser course. The live snake was brought to Nyssa The girl slipped Into deep water from AND ONTARIO LOOKS RICH TO jbaby breath. After the ceremony, the Baldridge Implement company is by Joe Harris. He measured over a Ted Newell, of the Nyssa Grain com­ II I I w n i Q v m T T U C brides mother served a wedding break- sponsoring the annual handicap tour­ the bank. Mrs. Grey, said to be a good FORM RED CROSS foot in length and had a button, so pany, i L L H N U l j I LIU 1 H d jfast. covers were arranged for the swimmer, leaped in after her but the has received word that J. W. nament for all members of the Nyssa- was believed to be about one year old. Huff, president of the National Grain -------- I bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ald- Parma club. Players are requested to swift current caught them both. Grey One trophy Is left In the office Growers association, will stop In Nyssa At a meeting of the Red Cross In On­ Wlth 15 cents and two postcards, j ridge and Mrs. A. C. Bradley, grand turn in their scores. Charles Albertson could not swim and Guy Douglas, the Billy Keel left his home in Gillespie, j parents of the bride, Miss Wilda Obar- of Parma ho!df; ^ whlch must ^ fourth member of the party, could not tario, plans were made for the consoli­ window. It is a huge scorpion, over four when on a tour of this section within • • ’ here meyer of Emmett, Rev. Hovda and im- three ytlars in successlon before reach the drowning women in time to dation of the Ontario, Nyssa and Vale inches long, brought in Friday by War­ the next few days. Mr. Huff is check­ 111., two weeks ago and arrived ren Blodgett, Owyhee project surveyor. ing up on conditions in the grain states. save them. Friday for a visit with his uncle F. W. mediate relatives of the bride. I permanent possession is awarded. units of the Red Cross into the Mal­ One day after the scorpion was placed Mr Newell reports that grain is com- J. Stockton, Ed. Russel) and Tom For the past several years, the bride Ostercamp. With men. women and even Clendenning of Apple Valley were sum­ heur county chapter, which would dir­ in a glass Jar. she became the parent lng into the association warehouse for children, he traveled via the side-door lias been employed In the Boise office j a C c r c c n D Q FT A 1 / n D moned and recovered the bodies 45 ect relief work throughout the county of nine babies. They are apparently do­ storage, about 5000 bushels having been rA V U K Pullman. He stated that conditions here of the Idaho Power company. She is the minutes after the drowning. Attempts during the coming winter. Judge David ing nicely. received here to date. are far more favorable than In Illinois. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brad­ INSTALLMENT PLAN at resuscitation failed. F. Graham, of the county court, was in­ In Gillespie, coal miners have been ley and spent most of her girlhood here. OF PAYING TAXES Mrs. Grey is survived by her husband, on a strike for six months. Throughout Mr. Solomon is with the Mountain vited to cooperate with the work and RUTHERFORD GETS BARBER SUFFERS a mechanic in Parma. The girl is sur- I the state, men have worked for their States Telephone company. j headquarters of the chapter would be 3 YEARS IN PEN Assessors of Oregon counties, in an­ vived by her father Pete Wilkie, two The couple left Saturday for Port­ FRACTURED ARM board during harvest. nual session at Coquille last week, en- brothers in Parma and a brother in placed in Vale. Final plans will be made FOR CATTLE THEFT Keel received a copy of the Owyhee land. Seattle and other coast points at a meeting in Vale Monday night. Dam Edition of the Gate City Journal j where they will spend two weeks 1 dors« l the plan adopted in severed California. She had been living with Don Todd won't be barbering for a The Red Cross is sending Miss Maria 'counties of permitting taxpayers to Mr. and Mrs. Grey. and stated that many articles were re- | honeymoon. They will make their home After pleading guilty to a charge of few weeks, unless he barbers by the Wilson to this county for a period of make monthly payments on their real printed in the Gillespie, 111., News. ,1« Boise. larceny of cattle at Ironside, Fred lone left hand method, for the reason two months, or longer. estate levies and on delinquent person­ Keel’s friend John Hunter of Bellville, I --------------------------- DR. MEAD WILL M Mrs’ D' f Tensen, chairman of the Rutherford, 22, of Ontario, was sent­ that he fractured his right arm Just al property tax. Mo., arrived here Sunday. Both youths a i i i at rs w i c t c t n r p Nyssa unit, Mrs. J. Boydell and Mrs. enced to serve three years In the Ore­ above the elbow this morning. He and Martha E. Mulkey, Coos county are enjoying their first visit in Oregon. VVIINL» L I T I D I K L L ATTEND CONGRESS Betty LaFrenz were present at the On- gon penitentiary at his hearing before Omer Adklnson were testing muscles school superintendent, urged a gener­ They find it a wonderful region. Judge W. W. Wood In Vale yesterday. in various strong arm performances _ _ _ jtario session. AND SWIPES ROOF al school unit of the whole state for This was Rutherford’s second offense. when the accident occured. Dr. Sarazin taxation purposes. This proposal also Dr. Elwood Mead, commissioner of _ The charge against Bill Brunner, 17, set Todd’s arm today. IDAHO IS OILING A twister swept over this region Sun­ found favor. reclamation, plans to visit Idaho and SW ALLOW SURPLUS who claimed to be employed by Ruther­ The session closed Saturday with the day afternoon, playing pranks but do­ ROAD TO NYSSA Oregon Irrigation projects in October, DAIRY CAMPAIGN ford, was dismissed. ing no serious damage. A tree was up­ announcement that the 1933 meeting DRIVER’S LICENSE when he will also attend the annual GAINS HEADW AY Rutherford admitted the theft of two rooted in front of the Emil Johnson would be held in McMinnville. Now that the Idaho state highway steers and a heifer from Ernest Locey, convention of the Oregon Irrigation GIVEN HERE TUESDAY Andrew M. Graham attended from home at the edge of town. The light department is oiling the highway from Ironside rancher. He trucked the ani­ roof from the grandstand at the base­ Malheur county. Mrs. Graham accom­ congress in Bend October 10 and 11. Dr. J. Carl Baldridge, division manager the Caldwell junction to Parma, Nys­ mals to Payette where they were sold to Henry Lzlcar, of the operators’ div­ ball park was lifted in the air and de­ panied him and after a few days va­ W. L. Powers, secretary of the congress, Qf thfi Idaho Power' company, and w . sa is assured a few more tourists, A. L. J. L. Wells, cattle buyer who shipped ision of the state highway department, posited on a hay stack at Bud Ander­ cation on the coast, they will return has received an acceptance from Dr. B Wagner manager of the Farmer8' them to Seattle Saturday. Barker believes. He came over the road will give motorists the required driver’s home. M3ad . _ „ , „ , Cooperative creamery, are sponsoring son's home. on return from a trip to Boise Friday Ranchers saw Rutherford near the examination Tuesday in the office of Frank T. Morgan of Nyssa is chair- rhp dalryman.s nationwide "Swallow Days continue warm but cool nights nn of ttiA AotMwitttoA am fndnrnl r\V A and found that oiling on about fifteen corrals from which they loaded the man of the committee on federal pro- I ¡the Surplus” campaign. The movement Recorder R. A. Millar at the City Hall. tell us that fall is not far distant. BELGIUM DUTCH miles had been completed. When tour­ Jects under construction. He also plans depends upon the agricultural regions animals and called officers. At Weiser The examinations will be held from 9 ists reach the Junction In the future, they arrested Rutherford. He had been a. m. until 5 p. m. Driver's instruction ON TOUR HERE ! to attend the congress. for its success. under suspicion for some time by Iron­ booklets may be secured at the Journal they will find the desert road and also 4-H CLUBS HOLD Mr. Baldridge, a visitor here Monday, side stockmen who have reported num­ office. the Notus-Parma road with good sur­ "It’s great to have your boss remem- ! MICJC 11/ A PDCIV 10 declared that 54 million rural residents, erous losses of cattle. ANNUAL PICNIC ber you for 32 years,,’’ said Dick Groot I l H i J i J facing. Barker believes that at least /lllllljil lij including the people in 2500 small District Attorney E. M. Blodgett pre­ fifty per cent of the tourists will come yesterday, who enjoyed the visit of towns depend upon agriculture for sented the state’s case in Vale yester­ PHIN WARREN’S (By Katherine Gilmore) this way. ¡Jan Blokker and family of Belgium. their livelihood. Two tablespoons of day. Seventy-five members and friends of They also visited Cornelius Blokker, GARDEN THRIVES milk each day consumed by this group 4-H club work gathered at Butler’s nephew of the former. Thirty-two years HORSE IS SAVED would effectively erase any surplus of COOKS ATTEND REUNION Like Jack’s giant bean stalk. Phln Observing a horse that eyed a ditch Grove in Arcadia Saturday for the an­ ago, Groot worked in th<* meat shop of dairy products. bank hour after hour yesterday fore­ nual club picnic. From Corvallis came Blokker in Holland. Since that time Warren’s garden grows. One big red Mr. Baldridge urged that people who Marshal and Mrs. A. V. Cook and beet looks like a squash. It weighs seven noon, Mrs. Pieter Tensen called him to L. J. Allen, assistant state club leader. taxes have Increased in Holland and DR. W. J. WEF.SE PRESENTS DIP­ can afford to should use butter in cook- daughters Dorothy and Thelma and pounds and is 22 Inches In diameter. A the attention of men on the farm. Up- Mr. Allen and Russell McKennon, the Blokkers have moved across the LOMAS AT COMMENCEMENT AT ; mg and in that way help the dairyman. son Jimmy went to Baker Tuesday to on investigation they found that the county club leader, were speakers. Mrs. border to Belgium where they found HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL. Farmers are urged to get rid of the attend a family reunion at the home of cucumber la ten Inches long, 8 Inches In horse’s working mate had sunk to his j H. R. Sherwood and Mrs. Dick Tensen living costs less. diameter and weighs close to four “boarder” cows that helped create a Carl Cook, brother of the former. Mr. pounds. _______ _____ should bring shoulders In a marshy place and that took their cooking clubs from Nyssa. ................. ............. . last Such vegetables When they sailed ....................... from Europe surplus but not money for their own- the other horse was seemingly on guard. | Tom Coward drove the j;chool b i« for montdl they brought their Studebaker er. Many of them cost more than their and Mrs Roy Cook and children were home the bacon at the county fair Miss Mary Warren of Nyssa and Miss fepd bllj there from Clarkston, Wash., the Jesse It required four men to remove the j seventeen passengers from here. A ' * jolly ' eight across the Atlantic. They have „. , , . . . , . and Walter Cooks from Keating, also Miss Jean Gilmore of Emmett has animal. He belonged to Elmer Stradley. ;day was enjoyed. been touring America and will return Helen Hunter of Fruitland received The campaign Is expected to last 90 i _ _ * * “ their diplomas after successful comple­ .vc The T h . slogan c iJ L „ Is i. “An ounce ----------- of milk and Mrs Tom Cook, parents of the been visiting In the James L. Ollmore to Belgium September 15. days. four sons attending. tion of three years nurses’ training, at home. a day will keep the surplus away.' graduation exercises at the Holy Rosary WELFARE GROUP hospital in Ontario last Thursday night. CLOSES WORK HERE Friends and relatives of the graduates STATE MASTER IS from Vale, Nyssa, Ontario and Frult- COMING TO BIG The city welfare committee met with Present. Flower girls escorted GRANGE PICNIC Rev. Josie J. Bach Tuesday night and , ^ « / « d u a t e s their places. Miss Warren gave the welcoming ad­ Twinkling blossoms around moss- R. D. Lytle and Mrs. R. H. DeArmond closed its program, ararngements hav­ Malheur county grangers are Invited of Vale and Mrs. E. C. Van Petten of ing been made to merge the work with dress. Then followed beautiful vocal sel­ fringed pools, rippling waterfalls, flow­ Intervening on behalf of the I. O. N. :a personal survey within the next few Ontario were appointed Judges. Mrs C. the Malheur county chapter of Red ections bv Mrs. C. L. McCoy of Nyssa, to the trl-county grange picnic at Camp ers and shrubs looking out from rocks C. Hunt, hostess for the day, and her the MMheur county chapter of Red ^ Mrs Frederick dem o! creek near Ironside Sunday, August 28., highway from Adrian to McDermitt, a days. f * « 1 solos by M i s s K i t c h e n e r Ray Gill, master of the Oregon state delegation representing the CaldweU of every shape and color—they smile up dlvilson served iced tea and wafers. Leslie M. Scott, chairman of the state lowing foods were distributed this sum- Of the hospital; a reading by Louise «range, will speak. The event will be Chamber of Commerce, discussed pros Most of the afternoon was spent in highway commission, has indicated that at you and talk to you. They are the and 1>lano bV Betty well worth attending. J. Edwin Johnson pects for the Improvement of the road the commission is considering the allo­ flower friends of Mrs. C. W. BarTett, wandering about the large Karden T h u - s h e l T h ^ 6 burials c ^ n b e r a . • -------- » “ . ““ “ “ i-uvuiuMc ---------- a ,------------ told told The The Journal yesterday, terraces. --------_ trm Lou „ Hager of Ontario. «»— Mrs. Clemo was vale of Vale Journal yesterday, with Judge David F. Graham and Com­ cation of a portion of this year's Oddie- whose vision and untiring efforts have j which spreads across uuancia three ™ i and will bring visitors from — Malheur, missioners Ora E Clark and J. D. Fair- Colton federal aid funds to the 1. O. N. rockery ---- -----------— made her garden home near Nyssa the Each terrace has its jo d u . , f back- i v e quilts and distributed 14 1 *1 « of cha.rm.n man Friday night at a special meeting The county court has expressed favor In the commencement address. D r .. Grant and Baker counties. show place of Malheur county. j ground with innumerable flowers and shQes of the county court. W. J. Weese declared that the nurse’s ----------------- ——— ______ of such use, now that the Vale-Burns “ I had no idea there was such a large shrubs. Perhaps the most beautiful Mrs. Bach said application has been EAGLES DANCE NEXT WEEK For the reason that continued use stretch of the Central Oregon highway and beautiful rock garden in Malheur pool, of many, will be found on the made for material with which to make life Is one of service He commended the ■ 1 ■ of the road through Jordan Valley Is has been assured. county." newest and upper terrace. Water rip- a winter coat for a little girl, for used graduates upon their tenacity and ef- | The Eagles won't scream but they will resulting in growing demands upon the ‘ We don’t see how Mrs. Barrett ac- pies over three stratas of colored rock'. books for a Freshman and 8th grade flclency in completing three years of The Nyssa Commercial club is con­ training. At the close, he presented dance and make merry at the big dance county, the court believes it would be of tinuing its efforts In behalf of the I. O. complishes so much.” Cattails grow on one strata and with a student; and for fruit jars. benefit to combine efforts for its early N . diplomas. ¡which Is planned for Thursday night, It is as wonderful as any garden you background of weeping willows the cor­ Mr. and Mrs. Phln Warren, parents August 25, at the Nyssa gymnasium. construction by the state through use ner is very beautiful. The falls form a The CaldweU delegation Included see in a city.” MAIN STREET IMPROVED of the graduate. Ed Warren and fam- They are inviting the people of Nyssa of federal funds, If such are available, Ross Madden, president of the chamber These comments and others were tiny lake with a rockery for an island. tly, Mrs. Oma Blngman and Mrs R F. and vicinity to attend. Ross Orchestra The road would also provide a needed of commerce; Chae. Laurenson. secre­ heard at the summer meeting of the a plastic stork is a sentinel Barney Bull, maintenance man of the Reberger, who is here from Vancouver,; wll play. Proceeds will go toward the outlet for farmers of the interior. tary, Dr. D. E. Baird and Fred McCon- Nvssa Clvio club at the Barrett gardens Ouests from out of town were Mrs attended the exercises. Dr and Mrs D Improvement of the Eagles lodge hall. Mr. Fairman believes the construc­ nel. Prank T. Morgan accompanied yesterday when over sixty ladies at- Lytle. Mrs. DeArmond. Mrs. O. C Coats. Et4te highwsy dep«dm it^ _ Cin* ri0 A. Sexton and Mrs. A. Thurston of V a l e , __________________ tion of tha worst stretch between Rome them from here. tended, a number of them from Vale, Mrs. O. O. Burrow and Mrs. O C. Meul- wer,he5® lng and rolling the oiled nignway j frlends 0f Miss Warren, were other I Omer Adklnson, druggist In the Nyssa and McDjrmltt would be easy and In Ontario and Big Bend. Mm. J. 3. Bar- ,ler of Vale; Mrs C. E. Peck and Mr* Mr. and Mrs. Barr Doolittle azin presided at a brief business meet- F. A. Miller of Big Bend; Mrs. Van Pet- through town. Several rough places guests Mrs McCoy and daughter Gayle Pharmacy, returned Friday from two \ expensive to build. The court has lng when plans were discussed for the ! ten, Mrs. Dalton Biggs. Mrs. H. R were removed and the street is much : and Mrs W F. McLing were there from weeks vacation spent tn Pilot Rock and already appropriated $1000 for lmprove- camping at Payette lake from Friday , Nyssa. I Pendleton with relatives. | ment of this section, and plans to make until Sunday. Nyssa Flower Show Septmber «. Mrs. udlck and Mrs. Jess Ward of Ontario. lmproved. MISS BRADLEY WEDS SATURDAY PARMA WOMEN DROWN SUNDAY CAPTIVE SNAKE POISONS SELF J --- ---------- GRADUATE NURSE Civic Club Finds New Pool With Rockery Isle at Barrett Gardens County Court Views Federal Aid for 1. O. N. W ith Favor